The Pros and Cons of Rent Concession | Peter Bubel | Reading Real Estate
The Pros and Cons of Rent Concession by Peter Bubel | Aug 18, 2021 | Luxury Real Estate, Peter Bubel, Peter's Blog, Property Management, Real Estate
When people rent apartments or houses, they tend to go with landlords who offer them a compromise on the rent or the amenities for a time. Attracting tenants is the goal. Offering them savings is how to attract them. Landlords understand the costs of moving. They understand that a discount here or there is a relief. However, landlords should also understand the advantages and disadvantages of offering rent concessions.
Kinds Of Rent Concessions Landlords offer everything from a free month’s rent to prorating the first month’s rent: Sometimes it’s discounted rent for a year It could be a discounted security deposit peterbubelpropertymanagement.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-rent-concession/