Belle 01/07/2010 Page: 66 Section: General News Region: National Circulation: 33049 Type: Magazines Lifestyle Size: 1146.00 sq.cms Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Covers for design lovers From coastal living to a furniture maestro, these books are sure to fire your imagination. Ham P1 has spent the past two decades
?SHOES FOR THE MOSCOW C 41C V S in tadayk mass-produced
living in Sydney, and has done pretty
wor}d, I t s nice to stop and consider
well for himself in that Lime. He's
those i!ern5 the! coula be m-ode :n a
a father-and son team who've devoted
designed 1 nteriars for pnaperties.
whoppinggreat factory outside Beijing
sturini rig locations in the world, incJuding our cur shores, it opens .ipl
!heir I+eeS Lo presenrmg has heritage at
i rwtud in g Alto na, ance Au s t rel ia's
but which, because someone chooses
Tufin'S MuSea Casa MalIino. Arongside
most expensive hau 5e 10 celelarate
otherwise, arent Leta Keens, FeLfe's
each house wIIrr Geautif uI pnotography
phitogra phs of the pieces are Mollsno's
his 20th year Down Under, t h i 5 hook
editor-at-large, soughl out Aus!ratid'S
as well as plans a id a rc hi test
mn 5ket[TleS Tfinesei we learn, wefe
unknown crattspeople:lhose who use
des(r ;i L.orls Andrew HaJI,tmages
prodUcec wit i Iwo pen; i Is. because
showcases IM IS work, giving a beautifully preser:etjg: rr pse ins, dr so me of the
Publishing, 549-gg
the designers'lege:I;I-;..; c11.3w.1g ,k -II
_n.j riIi i'S I IrSI f:f+Sr!5iL)L.5 ho maS
as brooms. cricket balls and the Shoes
allowed him tc,ure0ol l
Thomas Hamel, Hardie Grant, Sag.
of the bevk's t lle. She prerennc a s, (,p of Iife that Lr1:y rear!er napes wi:l revo,
dieout Letslfeens,Pier 9,SSg.S.5.
x2e5rCENYURY $Ei CH HOUSES A,iookihaT'Siust matte for the
S RESIDE N C E New Yorker Thomas
gTHE FURNITURE OF CARLOF MOL LINO A tascirating insight Into how this design master created his awe-I nspl ring pieces. It's crimp Ifed by
featuring homes in some of ttrC most
Australian market, focus mg on our
aAMERICAN MOOERNThomas O'Brien isa Manhattan pa5Ed designer
1 2 , .i ( 1 5 a! Uhe
same t inc" Fulrlo and i+l apOleotle Ferrarl, Phaldon, 559.95.
.tiho founded the renowned Aerf> Studios. Here he displays his various
traditional methods is makeructi items
compilation dr 5a of the best prolects
by British designers riends traditlonar
is projects in what +s a ffec tively arnaStk'rciStS in iiiLeriardesign
TRUE FO R M Aus tral ian land scaa:st PefCr Fudge lays bare the knowl edge he hat acuRUAated over the cast zo years F6( iyying on Si of his garden designs, he
afr{+rsadvice and ihSpi ratio n with tips
HomeS mClUde a New York City loft,
on aspect, microchmate and Tree and
atrad,tiar-alConrCCLC,it statea ida
plant spec:es as ti.u.I as wall ct)Irii -5.
with luvksvennirt 1rum floral and rornar,ticto quirkilypi ayfuI Got afary Saturday af'c- rncrr a hcaaatrou}Lie
h=nrn sest:rg:7nd e'1t^ir.; i5 r1 ,ii'a{
bathlwith this hark: and thank of
philharmonic Hdlt, a law dropping glass creation Sr'U-i'-' Si !2Id svarehouse
Peter Fudge, Murdoch Ranks, 569.95.
Engla P. o Michelle Gallndo, Braun, Saoo,
Philipkedidlo, Taschan, Sgo,
sty les, tmm carua! to formal. sinrage La urban, reveal) rig Lhe process behind
ra lrrrIong
Lsla-id Thomas O'Brien, Abrama, SpS-
and con!emporary, with magdtine-Style
Look beyond the Iess than-inspiring
ayouts that make Ira joy to read It
Lrtle and you'll find breathtakirg photos of the ryorla's best new buildings. They
includes homes. apartrnehIt and hbtelS.
include la iwan's s nake-Irke Worl J
Games Stadium aid Hambisrg'S Elbe
bale 66
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