4 minute read
Tai Chi Classes
Mondays 10.00am - 11.00am - Prebbleton Public Hall - $8.00
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise system which integrates mind, body and breath by way of slow, gentle and effective movement. The benefits of Tai Chi can be: strengthened muscles, greater flexibility and joint mobility, improved breathing and circulation, improved balance, better posture, enhanced concentration, increased energy, reduced anxiety and increased well-being.
Feel free to come along, join us and “Give It a Go”!
Enquiries to: Gai Tangney - (027) 8272791
Prebbleton Friday Friends
After 20 years of meeting in the Prebbleton Public Hall, this informal group now meets in the Tosswill Lounge at All Saints Anglican Church in Blakes Road on the last Friday of each month. There is no subscription or membership, you can just come along when you are able to.
We have a variety of speakers or entertainers –ranging from singers, travel talks, training puppies as guide dogs, felt making or showing poultry just to name a few.
Last month we had a poetic entertainer and all enjoyed hearing the Pam Ayers poems again. This month we will have someone from Trees for Canterbury to come and speak to us.
Everyone is most welcome to join us at 2 p.m. – we finish about 3.30 with a cup of tea and a biscuit. There is no entry fee but we do run raffles to help cover expenses.
If you would like to know more, please contact Daphne McAven 349 – 8886
Prebbleton Women’s Institute
Prebbleton Indoor Bowls
The clubs opening night for the 2023 season started on Wednesday 8th March with a very good attendance with 20 club members and three invited guests from Ray White Real Estate. Several games were played in pairs using Aussie rules. A fun night was had by everyone followed by supper.
Ray White Real Estate has sponsored the club’s new uniforms which look very smart. We would like to thank Ray White Real Estate for their generous donation.
The Ellesmere interclub competition starts on the 5th April.
John Hamilton, President.
Zumba is an hour long group exercise class.
We move at our own level to a playlist of songs usually with a Latin twist . Salsa, rumba, reggaeton, mambo, merengue or just plain old fun pop songs!
We are a very non judgemental easy going group and are always looking for new faces to come and join us. We run Thursday mornings at 9-10am during the school terms at the Prebbleton Public Hall. Your first class is free so come along and give it a try, you will have fun!
Jonelle Bowman
021 254 0186 r_jbowman@xtra.co.nz
It was with some sadness that, after more than 50 years, the final flower show was held in our Prebbleton Public Hall on 8th February. But we are looking forward to new ventures as we join with the Mid-Canterbury Federation after the closure of the Canterbury East Federation. We were very pleased that our Prebbleton Institute won the Cup for the most points in our Federation which also included Oaklands, Lincoln and Ladbrooks.

Our meetings will continue as before – on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the supper room of the hall, except when we have an outing or a lunch planned. – best to check with a member before turning up!
As well as our usual competitions we are knitting items for Plunket at the moment.
If anyone would like more information, please contact the secretary/treasurer Shirley 322 – 7251 or publicity officer Daphne 349 – 8886.
We would love to welcome more members.
Prebbleton Market
Sadly, inclement weather meant that the March market had to be cancelled but we look forward to 2nd April when that month’s market will complement the Pumpkin Competition. Come along and “ooh” and “ah” at how well locals have done. It might inspire you to start thinking about planting winter vegetables - nothing like picking your own fresh produce for dinner.
Motorway Half Marathon
The Motorway Half Marathon was held on the 26th of February starting from Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub. Over 130 runners headed down beside the Motorway to Prebbleton where they turned around at the Springs Rd/Rail Trail point which marked half way. Then they headed back up the pathway to Nga Puna Wai to complete the race. The event organisers John and Carol Moore from CJM events are local to the Selwyn District and run many events in the area. The next race is on the 4th of June and you have the choice to run either 10km, 21km or 42kms on the day.
Did you go green on St Patrick’s Day?
As we approach Easter, did you celebrate Pancake Tuesday? Did you give up anything for Lent? Are you looking forward to an Easter egg or a Hot Cross Bun? Closely following on its heels we have the Anzac Day commemorations on Tuesday 25 April. Join the crowd outside the Community Hall on Springs Road.
Summerset Village Market
Summerset Village has had residents for about 6 months and work continues on developing the area. They recently held a market day which raised over $1,000 for the SPCA. That was a fantastic effort and the management were grateful that a lot of locals visited and purchased goods.
Defibrillators in Prebbleton
You can find your nearest defibrillator (AED) by using the AED App on your phone or checking here:https//aedlocations.co.nz
Note: Always phone 111 first to activate emergency services. In practical terms - There is an externally accessible defibrillator at the entrance of the Prebbleton Rugby Clubrooms.
• There are defibrillators at the reception areas of the Prebbleton Primary School and Lineage Logistics 482 Springs Road but these are only available during School or work hours.
• There are also listed 2 private addresses.
4 Cathcart Crescent ph 021 991 385 and 14 Coachmans Road ph 0275621673 which may be available if in residence.
• Ph 022 0429420 Selwyn Community Patrol who have a defibrillator in the car.
Saturday 1st April
Prebbleton Nature Reserve
Working Bee
8 am - 12.30 pm
Sunday 2nd April
Daylight Saving Ends
Turn clocks back 1 hour

Sunday 2nd April
Great Pumpkin Caper Market and Produce Swap
Noon - 3 pm
Prebbleton Community Cottage and surrounds
Thursday 6th April
Easter Craft and Games
3.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Prebbleton Community Cottage
$5 Book through Selwyn D C
Friday 7th April
Good Friday Service
5 pm
All Saints Church
Sunday 9th April
Easter Sunday Service
9.15 am
All Saints Church

Tuesday 25th April
ANZAC DAY Commemoration
Service 9 am at the War Memorial
Following the Service Morning Tea will be served in the Public Hall
Prebbleton Heritage Display of Memorabilia
9 am - 3 pm
Prebbleton Public Hall
Also watch out for later in the year:
Friday 14th July
Venue and time to be advised.
Wednesday 20th December
Night Market and Carols at the Cottage
4 pm - 8 pm
Cottage Surrounds