Prebbleton Life Newsletter #2

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Hello fellow residents. Welcome to our 2nd edition of Prebbleton Life.

April is traditionally the last month for Outdoor Events and Activities where we can hope for some warm days before winter sets in.

Let’s hope Climate Change has not altered this as we look forward to many outdoor activities.

Daylight Saving ends on Sunday 2nd April which is the same day as our Giant Pumpkin Market combined with a Fruit and Vege Exchange. So if you arrive and find the setup still in progress then check your watch has been turned back 1 hour.

The following weekend is Easter Weekend so many residents will have planned activities with respect to Family, Friends and Church.

The school holidays follow:- and right on the heels of this is the ANZAC COMMEMORATION on Tues 25th April.

You will find details for these events and further information in this newsletter along with interesting articles about Life in Prebbleton.

Remember that if you have any Prebbleton Community concerns please do not hesitate to either email the PCA Committee at or phone me on 021 295 6590

Looking forward to meeting with you and your families for April’s activities.

Recent Working Bee at the Prebbleton Public Hall

Penny Webster cleaning and repainting the Memorial Crosses which will be used at the ANZAC DAY Commemoration.

Penny will also be playing the Bugle for the ANZAC Commemoration.

Michael Jones and John Sheaf trimming and cutting the trees back.

There are regular Working Bees at the Prebbleton Nature Reserve on the first Saturday of the month also if you wish to offer your assistance for the community.

Edition 2 April 2023

The aims of the association

To promote, preserve and protect the interests of the residents of Prebbleton District.

To support the efforts of any person, persons, association, or any other bodies, who may in the opinion of the association be working for the benefit of the Prebbleton District.

To foster social activities within the Prebbleton District if necessary.


The articles contained in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the views of the Prebbleton Community Association. No liability is accepted for these views but every effort is made to ensure information is accurate at the time of printing. Responsibility for submitted information lies with the groups and advertisers. All articles are subject to the editors’ discretion.

Association Committee Members

Graeme Gemmill (Chair)

Alastair Joyce (Treasurer)

Angela Hart (Secretary)

Graham Carpenter

Averil Carpenter

Angela Jones

Geoff Gilfedder

David Martin

Linda Martin

Natalie McLean

Jane Elms

Email contact: prebbletoncommunityassn


Community Association Inc.

The Prebbleton Community Association was formed at a public meeting called in 1975 because of concerns over proposed changes to the zoning of land in the village. The first newsletter was distributed in 1975, and the association became Incorporated in 1977.

The aim was:

“To promote, preserve and protect the interests of residents and ratepayers of the Prebbleton District.”

Over the years the PCA Inc has become involved in opposing ventures considered to be against the interests of the community: the Wool Village, Seed Cleaning, Habgoods’ Truck depot and Meadow Mushrooms factory. With this last issue a committee was formed separate from PCA to take over the Meadow Mushrooms issue which became a major undertaking.

The PCA paid for an Environmental Plan to be prepared, conducted a survey of residents opinions on the area and what they felt was important, formed the playground in William Street, arranged for the sun dial on the triangle corner, Springs and Birchs Roads, and set up the Gardening Competition, although this is no longer held.

Prebbleton Heritage, now an incorporated society in its own name, and the informal group, Friday Friends, were also initially set up by PCA committee members.

Working bees at All Saints Churchyard, planting trees along the railway land, daffodils around the Blakes/Springs Roads corner and arranging for a seat in memory of Charlie Tilson at the triangle corner were among the other community activities undertaken.

In the early years Progressive dinners, old time dances, book marts, raffles and cake stalls were held to provide the funds for the quarterly newsletter which had no advertising revenue. An annual village tea in the hall with games and competitions was another event enjoyed by residents.

For several years, before Health and Safety regulations put an end to it, at Christmas a truck travelled around the area with carol singers on the back. The committee then organized carols in the Domain, later the public hall, and more recently around the Community Cottage. Christmas decorations and lights were also put up along the street. All these events helped to create camaraderie and a village heart. A representative was provided for Civil Defence, Lincoln & Districts Neighbourhood Watch and also Lincoln & Districts Community Care.

In more recent years the PCA established a sub-committee to set up and run the Prebbleton Community Cottage and has also been responsible for running the monthly Community Market around the Cottage. Matariki Celebrations were arranged for when covid restrictions allowed, and this event will now be a part of the PCA calendar.

Justices of the Peace in Prebbleton


The “Find a JP” website will allow you to check details including availability of each JP.

Foster 027 435 0454
Edwin Boyce 027 292 7042
Geoff Cain 027 432 1153
Patrick Nicholas 027 435 9666 Barbara McLeod 027 297 7722
Vanessa Thompson 021 999 138

Expanding Selwyn Community Patrol

Selwyn Community Patrol is an established local community patrol based in Lincoln and is focused on Prebbleton, Lincoln, Tai Tapu, Springston and Leeston. We are fully affiliated with Community Patrols of New Zealand (CPNZ) and fully supported by the police. We are a completely voluntary group in need of your help. Due to the growth in our area and the increasing issues of car thefts, burglaries, ram raids etc, we are looking to expand our patrol hours in order to better act as a deterrent and to keep our communities safer.

Volunteering is a great way to help your community and to meet a great diverse group of people. The commitment that we ask for is just one patrol per month of three to four hours on the road. This can be at any time that fits in with your lifestyle as we patrol at all times of the day and night.

Our patrol car is a fabulous Mazda CX5 SUV and is equipped with GPS, emergency lights, a light bar, an extensive first aid kit and a defibrillator. It also has a dashboard camera installed for recording everything observed whilst on patrol.

Our costs are mostly met by fund-raising and the kind generosity of our sponsors. Should your business wish to become a sponsor, please get in touch with us. All donations would be most welcome.


Phone: 022 042 9420



(please like and follow us) Hashtag: #selwyncommunitypatrol

Traffic Issue

There is still ongoing roadwork and restricted access to Norris and William Streets. This will be ongoing until June this year. Please be patient and respect the road cones.

Prebbleton Pocket Park

A new ‘pocket park’ is coming soon to the small piece of land beside the Prebbleton dairy. This will be an inviting green space where we can all sit and enjoy an ice cream or fish and chips together. This area is currently uninviting, plagued by rubbish and graffiti, and hard to access as the rubbish bins and noticeboard block the entrance.

We conducted a short survey on the local Facebook page and spoke to some students at Prebbleton School who provided plenty of great ideas to improve this space.

The new park will include:

• More seating and plants

• Scooter and bike parking

• A colourful mural

• A new community pantry

• Another book swap

• An updated local noticeboard

Be part of this project

There are still plenty of opportunities to be part of this local community project:

• Funding - prebbleton-community-pocket-park

• Local artists – we are looking for local artists to help us create a fabulous mural on the wall in the park. Please contact me if you are interested or have ideas!

• Local contractor – digging out and pouring a new path and concrete pad. Can your company help?

• Local builder/DIYers – garden edging and some seating.

• Planting – We will be holding a communal planting day so keep on eye on the local Facebook page for updates.

We are aiming to complete the pocket park before summer returns so it is ready for everyone to enjoy. Please contact me on if you would like to be involved or have any questions. Thank you!


Did you know?

…that we celebrate ANZAC Day on the 25th April because that was the date in 1915 when the combined forces of Australian and New Zealand soldiers – the Anzacs –landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

ANZAC Day commemorations

On Tuesday 25th April New Zealanders will commemorate the Kiwis who were killed in the First World War and honour those service personnel who returned to New Zealand.

Among the dead during the Gallipoli campaign were 2779 New Zealanders who perished in the abortive attempt to capture the Dardanelles and open a sea route to the Bosphorus and the Black Sea.

Anzac Day was first observed in 1916 but, today, we remember all service personnel who have served in the many conflicts around the world.

Prebbleton has its own service which is staged at the War Memorial outside the Prebbleton Hall. This will commence at 9am. Over the years more and more residents have gathered on the day and it has been encouraging to witness a growing proportion of young people at the gathering.

Prebbleton Heritage

Almost a quarter of the year has gone already, and we have been busy working on a display for this year’s Anzac Day Service at the Prebbleton War Memorial. With all the ups and downs over the last 3 years, this year the service is going ahead as in the past with morning tea in the hall following the service.

Prebbleton Heritage are putting on a new display this year with the focus on the Prebbleton soldiers who fell in both wars and whose names are on the memorial. We have also included soldiers who fell with a connection with Prebbleton though not on the memorial. We have written profiles on each with their war experience and over the next few years we will progressively add profiles for those who served and returned, eventually including those names on the WW2 Memorial board.

We would welcome all residents to come along and attend the service which begins at 9am at the Community Hall in Springs Road and then come inside and see what we have on display. The display will be up until 3pm on Anzac Day.

Another long-term project we are working on is to build up our information on business enterprises which have been carried out in Prebbleton over the years including where they were located within the town. If you have any information you could add to this project, we would love to hear from you.

Hopefully we will see some of you at the Anzac Day service and display. 25 April - 9am Service – Display open until 3pm.

Regards to you all, on behalf of the committee, Lindsay & Sandra Serra


At a lunchtime concert, the owner of Operatunity which provides concerts and travel itineraries, spoke about visiting a cemetery in northern Europe where there were 10,000 white crosses. As she wandered around she noticed how many of the dead were in the age range 18 to 21. The lyrics of this song, presented as a poem, reflect these thoughts and combine with the meaning of Easter.

10,000 White Crosses

Ten thousand white crosses

In one cemetr’y

Ten thousand white crosses

Lives given for me

If only we would listen

To what history can say

There would be no warring today

Ten thousand white crosses for me

Ten thousand white crosses

Young men set free

Some of the losses

That haunt you and me

Why don’t we stop to hear

What these graves have to say

Then no more lives would have to pay

Ten thousand white crosses for me

But then I remembered

That cross on Calvary

Where they hung my (our) Saviour

Who died to set me (us) free

They put him in an empty cave

A large stone for the door

Some thought they’d hear of him

No more

They put Him in that empty cave

Forsaken and forlorn

But then they found He’d risen At dawn

Ten thousand white crosses

In one cemetr’y

Ten thousand white crosses

Lives given for me

Ten thousand white crosses

Ten thousand white crosses

One wooden cross – enough for me

Anzac biscuits

Anzac biscuits are one of New Zealand’s favourite snacks but seem to have been manufactured initially in Perth WA around 1916. Many people think that they were sent to New Zealand forces overseas but it appears that was not the case. They were often sold at church fetes and galas to raise funds for the war effort during the First World War but were not christened until the post-war era.

There are many different recipes but most seem to include the following ingredients and quantities.

1 cup plain/standard flour

1 cup rolled oats

1 cup coconut shredded

1 cup sugar

120g butter

2 tbsp golden syrup

1 tsp baking soda

2 tbsp boiling water

1. Heat the oven to 180C fan

2. Line two baking trays with baking paper

3. Mix the flour, oats, coconut and sugar in a large bowl

4. In a pan, melt the butter and syrup together

5. Put the baking soda in a cup and add the water, stir to dissolve the soda

6. Pour the soda water into the melted butter and syrup

7. Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the wet ingredients, mixing into a crumbly consistency

8. Place heaped teaspoonsful or a dessert spoonful of the mixture on to the baking trays leaving spaces of about two cm for expansion

9. Bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown then place on a wire rack to cool.




Tai Chi Classes

Mondays 10.00am - 11.00am - Prebbleton Public Hall - $8.00

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise system which integrates mind, body and breath by way of slow, gentle and effective movement. The benefits of Tai Chi can be: strengthened muscles, greater flexibility and joint mobility, improved breathing and circulation, improved balance, better posture, enhanced concentration, increased energy, reduced anxiety and increased well-being.

Feel free to come along, join us and “Give It a Go”!

Enquiries to: Gai Tangney - (027) 8272791

Prebbleton Friday Friends

After 20 years of meeting in the Prebbleton Public Hall, this informal group now meets in the Tosswill Lounge at All Saints Anglican Church in Blakes Road on the last Friday of each month. There is no subscription or membership, you can just come along when you are able to.

We have a variety of speakers or entertainers –ranging from singers, travel talks, training puppies as guide dogs, felt making or showing poultry just to name a few.

Last month we had a poetic entertainer and all enjoyed hearing the Pam Ayers poems again. This month we will have someone from Trees for Canterbury to come and speak to us.

Everyone is most welcome to join us at 2 p.m. – we finish about 3.30 with a cup of tea and a biscuit. There is no entry fee but we do run raffles to help cover expenses.

If you would like to know more, please contact Daphne McAven 349 – 8886

Prebbleton Women’s Institute

Prebbleton Indoor Bowls

The clubs opening night for the 2023 season started on Wednesday 8th March with a very good attendance with 20 club members and three invited guests from Ray White Real Estate. Several games were played in pairs using Aussie rules. A fun night was had by everyone followed by supper.

Ray White Real Estate has sponsored the club’s new uniforms which look very smart. We would like to thank Ray White Real Estate for their generous donation.

The Ellesmere interclub competition starts on the 5th April.

John Hamilton, President.


Zumba is an hour long group exercise class.

We move at our own level to a playlist of songs usually with a Latin twist . Salsa, rumba, reggaeton, mambo, merengue or just plain old fun pop songs!

We are a very non judgemental easy going group and are always looking for new faces to come and join us. We run Thursday mornings at 9-10am during the school terms at the Prebbleton Public Hall. Your first class is free so come along and give it a try, you will have fun!

Jonelle Bowman

021 254 0186

It was with some sadness that, after more than 50 years, the final flower show was held in our Prebbleton Public Hall on 8th February. But we are looking forward to new ventures as we join with the Mid-Canterbury Federation after the closure of the Canterbury East Federation. We were very pleased that our Prebbleton Institute won the Cup for the most points in our Federation which also included Oaklands, Lincoln and Ladbrooks.

Our meetings will continue as before – on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the supper room of the hall, except when we have an outing or a lunch planned. – best to check with a member before turning up!

As well as our usual competitions we are knitting items for Plunket at the moment.

If anyone would like more information, please contact the secretary/treasurer Shirley 322 – 7251 or publicity officer Daphne 349 – 8886.

We would love to welcome more members.

Shirley receiving the Cup for the most points from the Chairperson of the Federation


Prebbleton Market

Sadly, inclement weather meant that the March market had to be cancelled but we look forward to 2nd April when that month’s market will complement the Pumpkin Competition. Come along and “ooh” and “ah” at how well locals have done. It might inspire you to start thinking about planting winter vegetables - nothing like picking your own fresh produce for dinner.

Motorway Half Marathon

The Motorway Half Marathon was held on the 26th of February starting from Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub. Over 130 runners headed down beside the Motorway to Prebbleton where they turned around at the Springs Rd/Rail Trail point which marked half way. Then they headed back up the pathway to Nga Puna Wai to complete the race. The event organisers John and Carol Moore from CJM events are local to the Selwyn District and run many events in the area. The next race is on the 4th of June and you have the choice to run either 10km, 21km or 42kms on the day.

Did you go green on St Patrick’s Day?

As we approach Easter, did you celebrate Pancake Tuesday? Did you give up anything for Lent? Are you looking forward to an Easter egg or a Hot Cross Bun? Closely following on its heels we have the Anzac Day commemorations on Tuesday 25 April. Join the crowd outside the Community Hall on Springs Road.

Summerset Village Market

Summerset Village has had residents for about 6 months and work continues on developing the area. They recently held a market day which raised over $1,000 for the SPCA. That was a fantastic effort and the management were grateful that a lot of locals visited and purchased goods.

Defibrillators in Prebbleton

You can find your nearest defibrillator (AED) by using the AED App on your phone or checking here:https//

Note: Always phone 111 first to activate emergency services. In practical terms - There is an externally accessible defibrillator at the entrance of the Prebbleton Rugby Clubrooms.

• There are defibrillators at the reception areas of the Prebbleton Primary School and Lineage Logistics 482 Springs Road but these are only available during School or work hours.

• There are also listed 2 private addresses.

4 Cathcart Crescent ph 021 991 385 and 14 Coachmans Road ph 0275621673 which may be available if in residence.

• Ph 022 0429420 Selwyn Community Patrol who have a defibrillator in the car.


Saturday 1st April

Prebbleton Nature Reserve

Working Bee

8 am - 12.30 pm

Sunday 2nd April

Daylight Saving Ends

Turn clocks back 1 hour

Sunday 2nd April

Great Pumpkin Caper Market and Produce Swap

Noon - 3 pm

Prebbleton Community Cottage and surrounds

Thursday 6th April

Easter Craft and Games

3.30 pm - 4.30 pm

Prebbleton Community Cottage

$5 Book through Selwyn D C

Friday 7th April

Good Friday Service

5 pm

All Saints Church

Sunday 9th April

Easter Sunday Service

9.15 am

All Saints Church

Tuesday 25th April

ANZAC DAY Commemoration

Service 9 am at the War Memorial

Following the Service Morning Tea will be served in the Public Hall

Prebbleton Heritage Display of Memorabilia

9 am - 3 pm

Prebbleton Public Hall

Also watch out for later in the year:

Friday 14th July


Venue and time to be advised.

Wednesday 20th December

Night Market and Carols at the Cottage

4 pm - 8 pm

Cottage Surrounds





Gai Tangney 027 827 2791

Prebbleton Public Hall –

Mondays 10am - 11am


Jonelle Bowman 021 254 0186

Prebbleton Public Hall –

Thursdays 9am – 10am

Prebbleton Okinawa Goju Ryu


Geoff Blokland 021 206 3413

Prebbleton Public Hall –

Thursdays 6pm – 8pm

GKR Karate

Jessica Patterson 021 030 8376

Prebbleton School Hall

Mondays 6.15pm – 7.45pm and Fridays 6pm – 8pm

Prebbleton Walking Group

Every Tuesday 9:30amOutside All Saints Church

Christchurch Keyboard Club

Shirley Hamilton

Prebbleton Public Hall

4th Wednesday of each month 11am – 2pm

Prebbleton Women’s Institute

4th Tuesday of every month


Prebbleton Public Hall

Contact: Shirley Gardiner 322 7251

Friday Friends

Last Friday of every month


All Saints’ Tosswill Lounge

Prebbleton Community Association Market

1st Sunday of every month

12 - 3pm

Community Cottage surrounds

Contact: Geoff Gilfedder 027 455 5010

Prebbleton Heritage

Contact: Lindsay or Sandra ph 349 3806

Ignite Dance

Kim Glover ph 021 927 899

Prebbleton Public Hall - Mon, Tues & Wed after 3.30 pm

Sing and Sign

For 6 – 14 months

old children

All Saints Tosswill Lounge

Thursdays 1pm – 2pm

Booking required singandsign.christchurch@

Idyllic Prebbleton Venue for Hire

If you are looking for that special venue for:-

• Birthday celebrations

• Baby showers

• Meetings

• Engagement parties

• Family gatherings consider hiring the Prebbleton Community Cottage.

There is capacity for 30 people. The facilities include a heat pump, a kitchen, chairs and trestle tables and a whiteboard. There is wheelchair access.


Prebbleton Football

Shannon Gilmore ph 027 579 8811

Prebbleton Rugby

Sarah Forster ph 021 237 7344

Prebbleton Tennis

Gill O’Connell ph 027 276 1506

Prebbleton Cricket

Tony Grimwood 021 0886 5959

Prebbleton Indoor Bowls

John Hamilton 03 344 1503 Wednesdays

March to September 7:30pm

Prebbleton Public Hall

Last Christmas many youngsters and parents will have queued for an audience with Father Christmas and you might have purchased items from one of the pop-up shops staged there.

Bookings and enquiries can be made by telephone 03 347 1866 or by email,

Prebbleton Community Cottage, corner Blakes and Springs Roads.


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