
The seat has been renewed and set onto a new concrete pad at Sundial Corner.
The Prebbleton School akonga embraced the opportunity to participate in the Kakaha Park restoration project, organised by Te Ara Kakariki. They found it a valuable and rewarding experience. As an Enviroschool it provided a wonderful opportunity for our akonga to take our learning from school and make connections with our local community.
As mentioned in our May Newsletter: Sundial Corner was the site of the first Swimming Pool in Prebbleton. If you wish to learn more about the history of other Prebbleton Sites then download the Township Trails Selwyn App and take the Prebbleton Heritage Walk.
To promote, preserve and protect the interests of the residents of Prebbleton District.
To support the efforts of any person, persons, association, or any other bodies, who may in the opinion of the association be working for the benefit of the Prebbleton District.
To foster social activities within the Prebbleton District if necessary.
The articles contained in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the views of the Prebbleton Community Association. No liability is accepted for these views but every effort is made to ensure information is accurate at the time of printing. Responsibility for submitted information lies with the groups and advertisers. All articles are subject to the editors’ discretion.
Graeme Gemmill (Chair)
Alastair Joyce (Treasurer)
Angela Hart (Secretary)
Graham Carpenter
Averil Carpenter
Angela Jones
Geoff Gilfedder
David Martin
Linda Martin
Natalie McLean
Jane Elms
Email contact: prebbletoncommunityassn
Nau Mai Haere Mai - Welcome to Edition 4 of Prebbleton Life.
Prebbleton is such a great township in which to live.
There is still a great sense of Community and I am sure we all enjoy being able to walk the streets and chat with the folk we meet along the way.
It is also great to see the goodwill of folk who leave fruit and produce outside their gate or at the book exchange for others to make use of. Apples and feijoas have recently been very popular and abundant..
Civil Defence and Selwyn Community Patrol are both looking for more volunteers to give more coverage in case of disaster or for increased security. Both organisations are there to make our Community safe and secure so please contact them if you can assist.
Joining the Selwyn Timebank as a Prebbleton resident is also a way to improve community wellbeing and will also allow you to make more friends in our community so please consider this option.
Participating in other group activities mentioned in this newsletter will also benefit our sense of community.
The next big event on our local calendar is the Matariki Event on Matariki Day, Friday July 14th.
If you would like to be involved in creating a unique event for Prebbleton please contact Angela and Jane by emailing
PCA meetings are held at 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Cottage. Our rules allow for a public forum to be available as part of each meeting; usually the first 15-30 minutes.
If you have any Community concerns please either bring these to one of our meetings or email the PCA Committee at or phone me on 021 295 6590. Enjoy reading this month's edition.
Ka kite, Graeme GemmillThis year there are very few Monarch Butterflies gathering in the Church Graveyard area. Possibly the result of a butterfly virus or perhaps just not enough swan plants (the host plants) around Prebbleton for the caterpillars to feed on.
May 2021 there were 200 - 300 but this year only 50 - 100.
This season the club hosts 17 teams from first kicks through to seniors. This is huge growth for us and we are thrilled to have so many new faces joining our ranks.
We have officially moved from Prebbleton Reserve to Kakaha Park on Birchs Road with two senior, three junior and two intermediate fields. We are still over- marking one senior pitch with a different colour to make up the intermediate fields but the extra room and bright lights has been welcomed by club members.
The park has some drainage issues currently but we hope they will be rectified in the short term as we have already had the ground closed a couple times this season. New changing sheds and a gear shed are currently being built and will hopefully be available in late May. The new Council grounds team have been amazing to deal with and we look forward to many seasons at our new home, Kakaha Park.
The late release of Kakaha Park meant we started the season a little behind the eight ball but parents and seniors alike stepped up to help with not only the move but the influx of new members and teams this season. A mixture of students, players and parents make up our coaching and management team and a diligent committee have got our season well underway. Results have been trending to the right side of the ledger and we look forward to seeing results continuing to be positive.
This year we have started a younger coaching group on Thursday nights; led by one of our long standing senior players. This has proven very popular and it is great to see the next generation of footballers coming through.
Sponsors have been increasing their support this season with more coming on board, adding to our principal sponsor who has been with us from the start; the Prebbleton Village Tavern.
The Club is always on the lookout for junior coaches so if you have someone in the house who loves sport and wants to get involved please get in touch. Next season is our 20th year and we are already in the planning stages for this special season. Twenty years already, it feels like only yesterday we were getting our first team on the pitch.
If you want to keep up with the happenings of the club please check out our Facebook site.
Local supporters are always welcome at our new home grounds.
Shannon GilmoreIn the May issue of Prebbleton Life we had an article about swimming pools in Prebbleton. This article links swimming and the Coronation of King Charles III.
Prebbleton has held at least two Coronations in the past, the most recent in 1937 when Linda BARR was crowned Queen of the Carnival. The new school pool was officially opened on 19th December 1936, almost debt free.
The Swimming Club committee decided to hold a Queen Carnival to raise further money for fences and dressing shed. The Queen contestants were nominated from the school, one from each of the standard classes and the infants department. These seven girls were named in October 1936 and each Queen had a committee of three to support them in their fundraising efforts. Then followed a series of parties, dances, card nights and other events all to raise funds and in support of the Queen contestants.
The Press reported the results on 6th April 1937 saying: A number of the Prebbleton school children took part in the crowning ceremony of the queen carnival held recently. The Queen, Linda Barr, was attended by her six princesses, Esma Skinner, Margaret Carpenter, Joan Bell, Bonnie (Yvonne) Dempster, Margaret Ridden and Joyce Ralston. It would appear this was the order the girls finished in the competition, probably based on funds raised. This photograph is from our collection and shows Linda after her Coronation looking very regal.
The idea for this competition may have been taken from another event held in 1924, this time raising funds for the Parish. The Reverend Frank Rutherfurd RAWLE and his wife, Alice, had recently moved into the parish when they began planning an elaborate Queen Carnival. The parish at the time covered
Templeton and Hornby with each congregation holding their own carnival, and each girl having a committee to support her and arrange the various activities.
The final event was a grand affair involving almost the whole town, with a procession of decorated cars, bikes and horses making their way from the parish room to the Recreation Ground (Domain). There were all manner of stalls and sideshows including afternoon tea stands, fruit salad, ice cream, soft drinks, sweets, cakes and produce, Hoop-la, bowling alley, shooting gallery and a “chute for the juveniles” all to “beguile coins from one’s pocket in order to place them to the credit of one or other of the seven little candidates.”
To finish there were prizes awarded for the best decorated car, bicycle, and pet, then in the evening, 300-400 people gathered at the hall awaiting the results which were posted at 10pm. Doreen Smith was declared the Rose Queen with Carmel Smith runnerup. The Press 16 sept 1924 report concludes saying “from now until November the contest assumes a different aspect, the Rose Queen of Prebbleton contesting honours with the successful candidates in Templeton and Hornby for the coveted position of Queen of the Carnival.”
The Press 2 December 1924 then describes the procession where their Majesties Queen Doreen of Prebbleton and King Lloyd of Hornby, along with their assembly of knights, courtiers, sword bearers, a jester, and other high officials, along with Princess Daphne of Hornby and Princess Joan of Templeton were presented to their subjects.
The report concludes “the whole company marched slowly off the stage and round the hall to the strains of the Russian National Anthem played by the band under the baton of Mr S Cooke.”
These photographs from our collection, are of the decorated cars at the Recreation Ground and the Queen and King, Doreen, and Lloyd, with their entourage in their costumes, possibly taken beside the Parish Hall, formerly the school. It was reported that the whole event raised £1200 for the parish funds and was largely organised by the Rev Frank Rawle and his wife Alice, probably the two adults shown in the back row.
Sandra Serra - Prebbleton Heritage
Selwyn Timebank is a network of people seeking to get to know others within their community and share their resources and skills. Rather than using money, timebank members trade using time. One hour equals one credit. Each member has an account where credits are accounted for.
Here’s a simple timebank scenario: Rob spends two hours fixing a bicycle for June. June gives Rob two credits for his work. Rob then decides to spend one of his credits on Max weeding his garden for an hour. Max then spends his credit on an hour of English tutoring. Ruth, Max’s tutor, decides to spend half a credit on some rhubarb plants that have been offered to her (credits can be separated into quarter, half and three quarters).
And so it continues. It is important to note that people can be in debt with their credits and that is okay. There are different seasons of giving and taking for those involved. Groups like schools and different community organisations can also participate - there are endless opportunities.
Timebanking was invented in the USA in the 1980’s by Edgar Cahn. From there it has spread all around the world, including many parts of New Zealand (the first being Lyttelton in 2005).
We know that Selwyn is a huge area and our timebank is growing in many parts of the district. You can search for those closer to you within different townships (Lincoln, Rolleston, Leeston, Prebbleton and more).
Some people prefer to trade goods or resources rather than time. Whichever way, Selwyn Timebank is a great way for people to get to know each other, especially when there are many new people to Selwyn.
We also have a number of socials, including regular coffee get-togethers which are very popular.
For further information contact Fiona on and visit our website (you can also find us on Facebook and Neighbourly).
PHOTOS by Angela Hart with Prebbleton School approval for publication.Only a 7-minute drive away there lies a garden which is so amazing and captivating you would wonder why you’d never been there before. It took my wife and me nearly 20 years of living in Prebbleton to unearth this gem.
We have been attending an Alpha marriage course and one of the tasks each week is to organise “a date”. When you’ve been living as a couple for many years it seems almost impossible to come up with something different yet we have been to Mona Vale a couple of times and, most recently, to Broadfield Garden.
What started as a bare block of land some 30 years ago has been lovingly transformed into 3.5 hectares of native gardens and forests. My words cannot do it justice. There is such a variety of environments which will look so different as the seasons change. How did they manage to create that lookout mound? Explore for yourselves and learn how it came in to being.
It has won several prestigious awards and is open to the public on Wednesday and Saturday from 08.00 to 16.30 and by arrangement. Special functions and events have been held there over the years. For us, it is special because it is a dog-friendly environment.
Entry is $15 per person with children free. 250 Selwyn Road.
Contact details: Phone 027 433 4099 Email:
Make a visit and let us know what you think at
If you are keen to grow your career, or expand your knowledge and skills, but are concerned about how much it will cost in money and time, then you should explore Lincoln University’s fee waiver postgraduate options. There are postgraduate certificates and diplomas, as well as taught master’s degrees in a range of areas such science, computing, business and environmental policy which have the fee-waiver until 2024, allowing you to complete the programme without paying study fees.
Start in Semester 2 to take advantage of the offer. The deadline to enrol is Monday 24 July so go to to check out all the options.
Autumn After- School programme Solving the riddle?????
Saturday 3rd June
Working Bee
Prebbleton Nature Park
8.30am - 12.30pm
Sunday 4th June
Selwyn Marathon Contact information: Tel 027 226 7769
Monday 5th June
King's Birthday Holiday
Sunday 11th June
Official Opening of Kakaha Park
cnr Leadleys & Birchs Roads 10am - 12 noon
Friday 30th June
Friday Friends 2pm All Saints’ Tosswill Lounge
Term 2 Finishes
Friday 14th July
MATARIKI DAY Event Cottage Surrounds or School Hall if wet 1pm - 4pm
66 books in 2 parts using 7 genres, telling 1 main story which is also called a drama with 6 acts.
Can we solve the riddle?
Prebbleton All Saints Church (with helpers from other churches) invite interested school-aged children to their after- school programme about understanding the bible:
• Anglican Church Lounge, across from the school
• 3 sessions: Thursdays June 8th, 15th and 22nd
• Crafts, Songs, Games and Stories
• 3.15pm until 4.15pm.
(A simple afternoon tea will be offered)
• No charge
• Please get a parent or caregiver to sign a permission slip the 1st time you attend (or pre-request one from the co-ordinator)
Bike repair stand
Pictured is the Delux Public Work Stand for Repairing Bikes and Fixing Punctures. It is found adjacent to the Electric Vehicle Charging Area in the Fresh Choice Carpark.
Prebbleton Rugby Club
The six Prebbleton Rugby Club Teams who played on a rainy CLUB DAY (May 20th) all WON their games. CONGRATULATIONS. Shame about the weather for the JUNIOR Teams. The Division 1 Team is leading their grade.
Enquiries to programme co-ordinator: Pam
To order a copy, dial 0800 803 803 and ask for a copy to be sent to your address.
Gai Tangney 027 827 2791
Prebbleton Public Hall –Mondays 10am - 11am
Jonelle Bowman 021 254 0186
Prebbleton Public Hall –
Thursdays 9am – 10am
Prebbleton Okinawa Goju Ryu
Geoff Blokland 021 206 3413
Prebbleton Public Hall –
Thursdays 6pm – 8pm
GKR Karate
Jessica Patterson 021 030 8376
Prebbleton School Hall
Mondays 6.15pm – 7.45pm and Fridays 6pm – 8pm
Prebbleton Walking Group
Every Tuesday 9:30amOutside All Saints Church
Christchurch Keyboard Club
Shirley Hamilton
Prebbleton Public Hall
4th Wednesday of each month 11am – 2pm
Prebbleton Women’s Institute
4th Tuesday of every month 1:00pm
Prebbleton Public Hall
Contact: Shirley Gardiner 322 7251
Friday Friends
Last Friday of every month 2:00pm
All Saints’ Tosswill Lounge
Prebbleton Heritage
Contact: Lindsay or Sandra ph 349 3806
Ignite Dance
Kim Glover ph 021 927 899
Prebbleton Public Hall - Mon, Tues & Wed after 3.30 pm
Sing and Sign
For 6 – 14 months old children
All Saints Tosswill Lounge
Thursdays 1pm – 2pm
Booking required singandsign.christchurch@
Prebbleton Football
Shannon Gilmore ph 027 579 8811
Prebbleton Rugby
Sarah Forster ph 021 237 7344
Prebbleton Tennis
Gill O’Connell ph 027 276 1506
Prebbleton Cricket
Tony Grimwood 021 0886 5959
Prebbleton Indoor Bowls
John Hamilton 03 344 1503
March to September 7:30pm
Prebbleton Public Hall
Newsletter thank you
PREBBLETON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC is a not-for-profit group and produces Prebbleton Life for the Prebbleton community. All its members are volunteers and devote many hours of their time to the Association’s work. As you can imagine, there is a substantial cost in producing each edition and we are most grateful to SELWYN DISTRICT COUNCIL for providing funding for our May, June and July editions.
Newsletter Deadline Items for the July edition should reach prebbletonlife@ by no later than Monday 20 June.
Prebbleton Community Cottage
Corner Blakes & Springs Roads
Bookings through Sewlyn District Council Phone 0800 266 546 or email
Prebbleton Hall
617 Springs Roads Enquiries to: Phone 022 0488451
AVAILABLE FOR: Social functions, Classes & Clubs, and Individual use.