Romance Languages and Literatures
Joanna M. Moszczyńska
Emanuela Patti
Iuliu-Marius Morariu
Silvana Segapeli (éds)
A memória da Destruição na escrita judaico-brasileira depois de 1985
Opera aperta
Virgil Gheorghiu on Communism, Capitalism and National Socialism
Vous avez dit espace commun?
Por uma literatura pós-Holocausto emergente no Brasil
Italian Electronic Literature from the 1960s to the Present
Le débat sur les biens communs se pose à travers la question des espaces de vie
This book reconstructs the history of Italian electronic literature, looking at crea-
O livro examina a literatura judaico-bra-
tive practices across literature, electronic
sileira pós-Holocausto dos anos 1986-2016,
and digital media from the early days of
definindo-a como um campo literário
computers to the social media age. Top-
emergente. O livro é uma contribuição
ics include criticism of mass media, glo-
para a história da literatura brasileira pós-
balisation, information society and late
1945 e para os estudos literários sobre a
capitalism as well as the enhancement of
Destruição, nos quais as regiões do Sul
language itself.
Nilay Ünsal Gülmez • Ali Devrim Işıkkaya (eds.)
Scales, Thresholds And Dilemmas Of Housing Transformations In Istanbul
Using Virgil Gheorghiu’s publications and
de la ville, c’est-à-dire des lieux qui se
the books, studies and articles dedicated
structurent à partir de réseaux de rela-
This book focuses on Istanbul that offers
to him, the book examines his views on
tions et de collaboration civique tissés
a laboratory-like environment to study
capitalism, National Socialism and com-
entre les habitants. La situation pandé-
facets of housing and dwelling from var-
munism and offers an overview of the
mique, amplifiant les risques, en fait au-
ious perspectives. It examines the recip-
views of the most translated Romanian
jourd’hui un sujet central.
rocal relationship between all factors that
writer from French exile.
stimulate change and evoke dilemmas in housing production and urban transformation.
Global não foram ainda suficientemente estudadas.
Berlin, 2022. 434 pp. Estudos Luso-Brasileiros: Cultura, Literatura e Mídias Audiovisuais LusoBrazilian Studies: Culture, Literature and Audiovisual Media Luso-Brasilianische Studien: Kultur, Literatur und Audiovisuelle Medien.1
Bruxelles, 2022. 460 p., 29 ill. en couleurs, 78 ill. n/b, 6 tabl.
Oxford, 2022. XX, 308 pp., 11 fig. col., 8 fig. b/w. Italian Modernities. Vol. 39
Berlin, 2022. 260 pp.
ISBN 978-1-78997-859-9
ISBN 978-3-631-86879-9
Action publique / Public Action. Vol. 20
Berlin, 2022. 274 pp., 75 fig. b/w, 10 tables.
ISBN 978-2-87574-396-1
ISBN 978-3-631-85491-4
CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.20 / € 55.60 /
CHF 66.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.60 / € 53.30 /
CHF 71.– / €D 60.95 / €A 62.70 / € 57.– /
CHF 71.– / €D 60.95 / €A 62.70 / € 57.– /
£ 45.– / US-$ 67.95
£ 44.– / US-$ 64.95
£ 47.– / US-$ 68.95
£ 47.– / US-$ 68.95
£ 59.– / US-$ 86.95
eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78997-860-5 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.20 / € 55.60 /
eBook (SUL)
ISBN 978-3-631-87186-7 CHF 66.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.60 / € 53.30 /
eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-87574-397-8 CHF 71.– / €D 60.95 / €A 62.70 / € 57.– /
eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-85492-1 CHF 71.– / €D 60.95 / €A 62.70 / € 57.– /
£ 45.– / US-$ 67.95
£ 44.– / US-$ 64.95
£ 47.– / US-$ 68.95
£ 47.– / US-$ 68.95
ISBN 978-3-631-86231-5 CHF 89.– / €D 76.95 / €A 79.10 / € 72.– /
eBook (SUL)
ISBN 978-3-631-87021-1
Peter Lang · New Publications
April 2022