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Patryk Michał Ryczkowski Das mittellateinische Epyllion

Studien zur Kleinform der epischen Dichtung im Mittelalter

Die Publikation untersucht mittellateinische Gedichte unter der Berücksichtigung der altphilologischen Gattungskategorie ‹Epyllion›. Zugleich wird dieser Gattungsbegriff an die Voraussetzungen der mittelalterlichen Epik angepasst und die Vorstellung von der literarischen Gattung im Mittelalter geklärt.

Bern, 2021. 646 S. Lateinische Sprache und Literatur des Mittelalters. Bd. 53

geb. ISBN 978-3-0343-4344-2 CHF 119.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.80 / € 96.30 / £ 79.– / US-$ 115.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-0343-4373-2 CHF 119.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.90 / € 96.30 / £ 79.– / US-$ 116.95 Gerd Bjorhovde• Janne Korkka (eds.) Exploring Canada: Exploits and Encounters

Exploring Canada: Exploits and Encounters is a collection of articles on a broad variety of Canadian topics and themes, from literature to language and linguistics, from social and political issues to art and aesthetics, philosophy, history and geography. Initiated by The Nordic Association for Canadian Studies (NACS), this volume has been put together by an international team of scholars who all work in the multidisciplinary field of Canadian Studies.

The book engages with the broad theme of exploration in both concrete and metaphorical terms. The writers recognise that Canadian society has emerged from complex processes of exploration and encounters between people and ideas.

Bruxelles, 2022. 266 pp., 2 fig. col., 2 fig. b/w, 5 tables. Études canadiennes – Canadian Studies. Vol. 36

pb. ISBN 978-2-87574-377-0 CHF 56.– / €D 47.95 / €A 49.50 / € 45.– / £ 37.– / US-$ 54.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-87574-378-7 CHF 56.– / €D 47.95 / €A 49.50 / € 45.– / £ 37.– / US-$ 54.95 Pascale Cohen-Avenel• Lucia Quaquarelli (eds.) Thinking in Common

Community in the Global Era

This interdisciplinary collection of essays examines the cultural, symbolic and political ways in which the “common” is defined in the era of globalisation. The overall aim is to understand the emergence of communities which resist pressure to conform to an externally imposed norm. María Fernández de Casadevante Mayordomo Luces y sombras en la traducción e interpretación judicial: transposición de la Directiva 2010/64/UE

Se analiza la evolución legislativa a nivel mundial, en el espacio de la UE y en España que de alguna forma aborda determinados aspectos del derecho a la interpretación o la traducción y se concluye la necesidad de aplicación de la Directiva 2010/64/UE para un servicio efectivo que a día de hoy, veremos, sigue sin ofrecerse.

Bruxelles, 2022. 138 pp., 5 fig. col., 5 fig. b/w, 1 tables. Travaux interdisciplinaires et plurilingues. Vol. 35

pb. ISBN 978-2-8076-1412-3 CHF 40.– / €D 33.95 / €A 35.20 / € 32.– / £ 27.– / US-$ 38.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-8076-1413-0 CHF 40.– / €D 33.95 / €A 35.20 / € 32.– / £ 27.– / US-$ 38.95 Bern, 2021. 194 p.

en rústica ISBN 978-3-0343-4396-1 CHF 57.– / €D 48.95 / €A 50.30 / € 45.80 / £ 38.– / US-$ 55.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-0343-4440-1 CHF 57.– / €D 48.95 / €A 50.40 / € 45.80 / £ 38.– / US-$ 55.95 Pascaline Gaborit• Donath Olomi (eds.) Learning from Resilience Strategies in Tanzania

An outlook of International Development Challenges

The book analyses Tanzania’s new challenges related to climate change, migration and COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the country’s successes through a multidisciplinary approach considering economic perspectives as well as conflict prevention, dialogue integration, climate change adaptation, forests’ protection, and social perspectives.

Bruxelles, 2022. 380 pp., 15 fig. col., 9 fig. b/w, 20 tables.

pb. ISBN 978-2-87574-432-6 CHF 56.– / €D 47.95 / €A 49.50 / € 45.– / £ 37.– / US-$ 54.95

Bruno Garnier

Euripide, Alceste et Hécube Édition bilingue

Nouvelle traduction en vers français, introduction et commentaires par Bruno Garnier

Cet ouvrage offre une traduction inédite des tragédies d’Euripide Alceste et Hécube, avec le texte grec en regard du texte français. Précédées par des études critiques sur la traduction et sur les œuvres, ces traductions, fondées sur une étude philologique du texte grec, visent à relancer le processus de la réception de ces tragédies en français. Ingemar Haag Vanishing Selves

Negotiating Selfhood in SelfRepresentational Works by Goethe, Sand, and Nietzsche

Vanishing Selves deals with autobiographical works by Goethe, Sand, and Nietzsche. A key strategy in these works is to downplay the significance of the self. They avoid an interiorizing strategy in favour of an affirmation the world. The objective of Vanishing Selves is to reveal the existential as well as ethical claims of this affirmation. Mazen Kavvas

Graduate's Guide

This concise book aims to guide young graduates to the best decision for work when coming across different choices. It presents the detailed advantages and disadvantages of each probable choice and also alerts against some common risks that may be encountered during their job hunting and work stages. Jo Murphy-Lawless• Laury Oaks The Salley Gardens

Women, Sex, and Motherhood in Ireland

The Salley Gardens presents reflections from seventy-three heterosexual young women on growing up, forming sexual relationships and some becoming mothers in the last years of the ‘Celtic Tiger’. Erhan Özdemir

Socio-Economic Disparities in the Integration Process of Immigrants in Western Europe

A Comparative Study for Six EU Countries

This book examines the disparities in labour market and access to social benefits between native population and migrants in Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom over the 2004–2016 period. The variations across countries and different migrant groups, migrants are disadvantaged in both domains.

Bruxelles, 2022. 378 p.

br. ISBN 978-2-87574-392-3 CHF 65.– / €D 55.95 / €A 57.20 / € 52.– / £ 43.– / US-$ 62.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-87574-393-0 CHF 65.– / €D 55.95 / €A 57.20 / € 52.– / £ 43.– / US-$ 62.95 Berlin, 2022. 272 pp., 1 fig. b/w. Nordeuropäische Arbeiten zur Literatur, Sprache und Kultur / Northern European Studies in Literature, Language and Culture. Vol. 14

hb. ISBN 978-3-631-85671-0 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-86583-5 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.70 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95 Berlin, 2022. 98 pp.

pb. ISBN 978-3-631-85451-8 CHF 24.– / €D 19.95 / €A 20.50 / € 18.70 / £ 16.– / US-$ 22.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-85524-9 CHF 24.– / €D 19.95 / €A 20.60 / € 18.70 / £ 16.– / US-$ 22.95 Oxford, 2022. X, 328 pp. Reimagining Ireland. Vol. 106

pb. ISBN 978-1-80079-417-7 CHF 39.– / €D 33.95 / €A 34.– / € 30.90 / £ 25.– / US-$ 37.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-80079-418-4 CHF 39.– / €D 33.95 / €A 34.– / € 30.90 / £ 25.– / US-$ 37.95 Bruxelles, 2022. 380 pp., 23 fig. b/w, 40 tables. Border Studies. Borders and European Integration / Frontières et intégration européenne / Grenzen und Europäische Integration. Vol. 4

pb. ISBN 978-2-87574-438-8 CHF 68.– / €D 58.95 / €A 60.50 / € 55.– / £ 45.– / US-$ 66.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-87574-439-5 CHF 68.– / €D 58.95 / €A 60.50 / € 55.– / £ 45.– / US-$ 66.95

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