Balanced weekly diet by Bartosz Woliński
Meals of the day each day should include 5 meals – 3 main and two other meals. • breakfast the first meal of the day. Usually around 6am-9am. Good to eat some fresh fruit. Very important because helps to start the day with plenty of energy • elevenses a snack, around 11am, usually ligth meal that helps to wait until the lunch time • lunch a meal in the middle of the day, usually around noon or 1pm, sometimes you eat lunch at school • evening snack a light afternoon meal of sandwiches, cakes etc, with a drink of tea, around 4pm • dinner the last meal of the day, eaten in the late evening, usually when people say "dinner", they mean an evening meal, around 7pm-9pm, it’s important to watch the portion sizes because it’s easy to over-eat before night time
A healthful and balanced diet includes food from different groups rather raw than cooked, avoid deep-frying Vegetables whole fruits rather than juices, avoid fruits canned in syrup
as a vital source of calcium, low-fat dairy should be consumed as often as possible Dairy
Group s protein included in lean beef and pork, chicken and turkey, fish, beans, peas should make up a quarter of a plate
grains, rather whole than refined, should make up a quarter of a daily plate protein
Day 1
breakfast scrambled eggs
3 eggs, a pinch of salt and pepper, a ham fried on the pan
lunch sorrel soup
sorrel leaves cooked in vegetable broth, eggs
dinner spaghetti
wholemeal pasta, vegetables, tomato sauce, minced meat
evening snack salad
celery top, tinned celery, cranberries, red onion, smoked chicken, natural yoghurt
day summary scrambled eggs are filling which made it possible to wait until lunch with only a light snack in the form of watermelon initial weight 63 kg
Day 2
Breakfast sausages
two sausages, two slices of white bread, cheese, tea
lunch pork chop
fried pork chop served withpumpkin fries potatoes and cucumber sliced pieces of pumpkin salad with natural baked in oven, salt yoghurt
evening snack
Carrots, celery (top), hummus (grated chickpeas)
day summary white bread should be substituted by brown, light elevenses of fruit caused light feeling of hunger but lunch was quite filling – fried meat should not be often but the portion was small, weight 62,8 kg
Day 3
breakfast porridge in milk porridge oats, milk, dried fruits, walnuts
Lunch tomato souo
canned tomatoes, chicken broth, onion, rice
dinner chicken
boiled meat from chicken thighs, buckwheat, boiled carrots
evening snack
a bunch of radishes
cocktail with parsley
parsley leaves mixed with banana, lemon juice and water
day summary the share of healthy products is increasing, more and more vegetables, vegetable cocktails, weight 62,4 kg
Day 4
breakfast omelette
3 eggs, cherry tomatoes, salt, pepper
lunch cucumber soup grated pickled cucumbers, chicken broth, carrots, rice
Dinner salad with chicken
salad mix, bean, onion, cherry tomatoes, baked chicken
evening snack cake
natural yoghurt with strawberries
raspberry jelly, chocolate, crèam, cacao cake
day summary a cake in the evening includes a lot of sugar and fat but it is the first sweet snack in 4 days. Other meals were light – balance of the diet was OK, weight 62,2 kg
Day 5
breakfast cottage cheese
cottage cheese, salmon, two slices of graham bread
lunch „ruskie” dumplings
dinner Greek style fish
ten dumplings, a bit codfish, grated carrots, of butter, a cup of borsch parsnip, celery
evening snack
gelatine dessert
gelatine, water, fruits – black currants, pieces of peach
day summary traditionally, Friday’s dishes did not contain meat, flour dishes such as dumplings should not be eaten too often, light dinner was good for healthy sleep, weight 61,9 kg
Day 6
breakfast cereals
cereal mix, milk, walnuts, fruits
lunch onion soup
onions boiled in chicken sushi broth and mixed, small cooked rice with a blend of pieces of graham bread raw fish and roasted fish, vegetables, avocado
evening snack
a bunch of grapes
fruit salad mixed pieces of
melon, pear, banana, kiwi fruit
day summary Rather light lunch made it possible to enjoy the taste of dinner even more, a lot of fruit between meals makes you not feel hungry, weight 61,7 kg
Day 7
breakfast Cottage cheese with tomatoes and chives, a slice of home-made bread
lunch chicken soup
pieces of chicken boiled pizza in water with vegetablesa few slices of pizza with carrots, celery, onion, salami and black olives parsnip, salt, pepper
evening snack nettle cocktail
nettle leaves mixed with lemon juice, banana and mineral water
day summary pizza is not very healthy but balanced diet doesn’t have to be boring. Let’s have some kind of award after a week of diet, final weight 61,5 kg
Week summary • each main meal included a glass of still water or unsweetened tea • the morning and afternoon snacks were rather small • weight measurements were taken at the same time in the morning
It turns out that the diet is not difficult to maintain at all. Balanced meals make you feel better. Reduced portions in the evening result in healthy sleep and rest at night. Quality of food also allows you to lose unnecessary kilograms.