Email from mandeville

Page 1 o rusty Fear & Loathing In The Belly of the Beast Earth Changes Bulletin November 2, 2017 MW Mandeville (Black Canyon City, Arizona) Phoenix Five Report Item: Trump Officially Declares War On The Democrat, Globalist, & Wall Street Crime Mobs See the official letter to Congress sent by Trump to declare "National Emergency" because of extensive corruption. He has ordered the U.S. government to block the assets (freeze them) of any foreigner or "interest" which his cabinet members suspect is involved in corrupting the U.S. government in any fashion. This order extends to any person or interest which is involved with such activities or interests. I cannot find the copy of the actual Executive Order. But the essence of the powers and procedures are described in great detail here: The Official List of Blocked Nationals (This is too big for me to digest) Trump's 2018 & 2020 Essential Campaign Platform Which Will Reduce The Democratic Party To A Small Minority Party: @realDonaldTrump " Retail sales are at record numbers. We've got the economy going better than anyone ever dreamt – and you haven't seen anything yet!" 12/28/2017 11:18 am P.S. I believe that "Fear & Loathing" is being transferred to the Globalists. P.S.S. Bullsh*ter Bulford is floating a raft of turds in which he claims that the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines are now proposing to undertake a new era of peace and surrender

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