SECONDARY PGCE NEWS Core and School Direct Newsletter
Edition 3 | Sept | 2016
... to the new academic year and an especially warm Welcome....welcome to any new partners that are joining us ei-
ther as part of a School Direct Alliance or working with us hosting our core trainees. As usual this newsletter is aimed at providing you with an overview of our themes and priorities for the coming term along with some of the minor changes we have made. Should you have any thoughts or questions please contact your University tutor or the relevant key contact listed on page IV.
Our partnership What the partnership achieved last year.... had yet another very successful training year during 2015-16. It is a testimony to the strong collaboration between the university and you, its partners, that our exit data is so pleasing. Below are the headline outcome figures to give an indication of just what all that hard work meant. These outcomes add to a year on year improvement that will stand the Whole Cohort 2015-16 partnership in good Number % stead should we be subject to a visit by Overall Grade 1 126 67% Ofsted in the Spring term. Other imporOverall Grade 2 54 29% tant judgements Exceeding minimum 8 4% that are made by level of practice the inspectors Overall Grade 3 1 <1% will centre upon retention and emTotal 189 100% ployment. Whilst perhaps not as oustanding as in previous years, these two key indicators are still very positive for 2015-16. As you will be aware, trainees have picked up many posts since the end of the programme so a definitive employment figure has yet to be finalised. We will share this with you soon. In terms of retention, as is always the case, it is disappointing when anyone is unable to continue on the programme, however, it is vitally important that we, as a partnership, examine the reasons and look for any trends and patterns that could help us support our trainees more fully in the future, to ensure succesful completion.
How well trainees teach...
In this issue.... • • • • • •
Our successes New Developments The new ‘Core Framework’ Plea for help Key dates Key contacts
When inspectors observe teaching they are also observing the children’s/pupils’/learners’ responses, including in lessons and from work in their books/folders. The key factor in judging the quality of teaching over time is the impact teaching has on the quality of learning of children/pupils/learners. (Initial Teacher Education Inspection Handbook, Sept 2015)
A development for the coming year is the introduction of the new ‘Weekly Review Proforma’. An important step forward for the programme is a focus upon ‘pupil progress’ as a measure of a trainee’s progress towards meeting the 8 Teacher Standards. Working with school colleagues a proforma has been designed to try to help mentors and trainees try to keep pupil progress at the heart of their weekly professional learning conversation and any targets that are set. The proforma is shown below along with some pointers that we hope will help you make the most of this structured mentor meeting guide. This proforma will become part of our processes after the Autumn half term.
New: Weekly Review Proforma
In this section, there should be a brief summary of any evidence you have discussed that is centred upon pupil progress. (The tick boxes below may help focus this discussion)
In this section, there should be a brief summary of those things that the trainee did to secure any progress made by the pupils.
The Keep.....
How the proforma works…. 1.
Prior to your weekly meeting, the trainee reflects upon the progress made by the pupils in their lessons and responds, ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘not sure’ to the opening question. At the meeting, discussion begins with their response followed by a diagnostic break down of the contributing factors (where possible related to the teacher standards). Targets are set for the following week (again related to the standards) to help the trainee improve pupil progress. At the following weekly review, these targets are revisited using observation proforma 1 and used to help reach a decision as regards the level of progress of the trainee.
WHAT OFSTED SAY…. High-quality training enables trainees to: understand the causes of low achievement; challenge and motivate chidren/pupils/learners where attainment is low; and use effective strategies to support underperforming groups. (Initial Teacher Education Inspection Handbook, Sept 2015)
Continued quest for help... As mentioned previously, due to positive recruitment to our Core PGCE programme we will need to enhance the number of placement offers for 201617. This is particularly the case for the following shortage subjects: • Mathematics, • MfL & • Science (all disciplines) If you can help at all with these subjects (or any other) please make contact with the Secondary PGCE Partnership Office or David McLaughlan, see ‘Useful Contacts’ on final page
PE trainees working in small groups during PfL session....
THE NEW, ‘CORE CONTENT’ FRAMEWORK FOR ITT..... As you may be aware, in response to the recommendations made by Sir Andrew Carter in his report on the quality of ITT (published January 2015), the government have developed a framework of core content for ITT in England which was released in July 2016. In his foreword, Stephen Munday CBE states that ‘the teacher training system in England is generally performing well’ and goes on to say that the aim of the framework is ‘to improve the consistency and quality of ITT courses by supporting teacher trainers and trainees themselves to have a better understanding of the essential elements of good ITT content’.
A key recommendation within the framework is that Ofsted should use it ‘when making judgements about the quality of training and the leadership and management of an ITE partnership’. One of our priorities this term will be to audit the core PGCE content to confirm that it covers the proposals within this new framework. All providers are expected to be meeting this on their programmes in this academic year so we will also be working with our school direct partners to confirm that their programmes cover the ITT core content. We will be discussing this at the next school direct development day on October 11th 2106. The ITT core content laid down in the framework is arguably what we feel our partnership has been covering on the PGCE for a long time so we are fairly confident that both the core programme and the school direct programmes are already implementing what is required. Should you wish to look in more detail, follow this link to the the current framework document.
Geography Pedagogy for Learning Days in full swing... data/file/536890/Framework_Report_11_July_2016_Final.pdf
Useful Contacts… PGCE SECONDARY PARTNERSHIP…. David McLaughlan Principal Lecturer & Partnership Development Lead Tel:01524 384767 (Office) Tel:07921388963 (Mobile) PGCE SECONDARY SCHOOL DIRECT AND SCITT….. John Cawkwell Senior Lecturer & PGCE Programme Leader for Secondary School Direct and SCITT Tel:01524 384475 (Office)
Useful Links…. Here are some links that we hope will help…. Subject Mentors Videos: IEP Mentor Training video link: (or click here) Spring Mentor Training update video link: (or click here) Other: Channel General Awareness Module (online) NASBTT Toolkit link: wp-content/uploads/Training-and-AssessmentToolkit-April-2015.pdf
PGCE SECONDARY CORE….. Steve Chubb Senior Lecturer & PGCE Programme Leader for Core (Campus Based Trainees) Tel:O1524 384438 SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE ENHANCEMENT (SKE)… Fiona Lawton Senior Lecturer & SKE Leader Tel:O1524 384383 SECONDARY PGCE PARTNERSHIP… David Ellison Administration Manager, School Partnership, partnershiplancaster@cumbria. SECONDARY PGCE GENERAL ADMINISTRATION…. Nicola Wilkinson & Anne Robinson Administration Assistants | Programme Administration (PAd) | General Enquiries:
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