PGCE Newsletter 7th Ed. February '18

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Core and School Direct Newsletter

Edition 7 | Feb | 2018

Headline figures for IEP...

H 5%

G 48%

N 6%

M 41% PE PfL

In this issue....

Con nued focus... As you know, our PGCE is con nually developing and we are already pu ng things in place for 2018-19 based upon lessons learned already this year. That said, there remain some key areas for 2017-18 that hopefully will become fully embedded throughout the SEP: •

embedding our use of the weekly review sheet with its focus on pupil progress to provide trainees with focused S.M.A.R.T. targets

the use of evidence bundles at the KAP points to inform our assessments against the standards (in conjuncƟon with the assessment matrix)

maintaining our perennial focus on standards 2, 5 & 6 where trainees, both locally and naƟonally, need help to develop greater confidence.

• • • • •

Headline figures IEP Our con nued focus PebblePad & the SEP The SEP at a glance Key dates and contacts

The importance of PebblePad during the SEP... As the trainees embark fully on their Sustained Enactment Phase (SEP) they are likely to have less regular contact with the University. PebblePad, our online e-por olio tool, acts not only as a reflec ve record of progress but also as a conduit for communica on between tutors and trainees. Also, its importance as a data gathering tool cannot be undervalued. With that in mind, as a partnership, we need to encourage regular updates par cularly of important informa on such as school and mentor details, metables, subject tracker, employment success etc. Your help with this element is, as always, greatly appreciated. Geography PfL


The representaƟon below is designed to allow you to quickly familiarise yourself with the structure of the SEP. This will act as a refresher for those of you who have worked in partnership before and serve as an aide mémoire for partners that have recently started working with the University. This outline is meant to support but not replace developing mentor training. Should you need further support, please also see the mentor support videos via the link on page IV



JANUARY 7001 SummaƟve Deadline 15/1/18

As teaching begins, please use your weekly mee ng to focus upon pupil progress, using the weekly review sheet as a guide for your professional learning conversa on. Please also set S.M.A.R.T. targets using the assessment matrix as a guide. Please ask the trainee to share with you their shaded version of the matrix from the IEP

Use of weekly review sheet to inform weekly mentor meeƟngs from start of placement.

FEBRUARY HALF TERM By mid-February trainees should be teaching 5-7 hours per week.

Regular use of the assessment matrix as a formaƟve assessment tool including conƟnued shading as progress is made

By the end of March trainees should be teaching 7-10 hours per week. EVIDENCE BUNDLE PREP


Trainees follow the holiday pa ern of their placement school. This half term break serves as directed study and they should be encouraged to think about their upcoming AFL assignment with a view to their chosen strategy. Typically this term, trainee’s thoughts turn to employment. Please do encourage and support the trainees in their quest. Time off for interviews is allowed as part of the programme and doesn’t count against the trainee’s a endance record

ConƟnued use of weekly review sheet. (Pebble Pad upload)

Revisit iniƟal subject knowledge audit as update required at KAP2

Please support the trainee in se ling into the school and the dept. They will need a short period of observa on in order to familiarise themselves with the classes they will be working with. Please make sure they have the all the informa on they require for the classes they will teach and that they know what the expecta ons are as regards school administra on systems (SIMS/PARS etc.), staff ID badge?


Trainees should be building towards teaching approximately 7- 10 hours as March starts, if progress is such that this is not possible, then it is important that professional mentors and University tutors are informed so that extra support or interven on can be arranged as appropriate During this period, you should be thinking about the upcoming grading point (KAP2). As was the case for the IEP, trainees will need to gather evidence (as a bundle) to help inform this grading judgement. The trainees should be part of any grading discussion and encouraged to use their evidence in support. You will also need to complete the UoC assessment documenta on. It is likely that your deadline as a mentor will be a week or so prior to this date

SEP at a glance contd... UOC DEADLINES ETC.



Trainees follow the holiday pa ern of their placement school.

APRIL 7002 SummaƟve Deadline 9/4/18

A er the Easter break, trainees should be moving fairly quickly towards teaching 12-13 hours a week (but no more than 14 lessons).

ConƟnued use of weekly review sheet. (Pebble Pad upload) By the end of April trainees should be teaching 12-13 hours per week. Regular use of the assessment matrix as a formaƟve assessment tool including conƟnued shading as progress is made

Guidance should now start to focus on the teaching standards much more than perhaps it has already and trainees should be given more specific targets to accelerate progress on the matrix so that a firm judgement can be reached for KAP3


ConƟnued use of weekly review sheet. (Pebble Pad upload)

If not already complete, encourage trainees to organise a day’s of observa on at a feeder primary school in order to increase their awareness of the KS2-3 transi on

Regular use of the assessment matrix as a formaƟve assessment tool including conƟnued shading as progress is made

Trainees should be teaching approximately 12-13 hours (but no more than 14 lessons) as June starts, if progress is such that this is not possible, then it is important that professional mentors and University tutors are informed so that extra support or interven on can be arranged as appropriate

7003 SummaƟve Deadline 21/5/18


Trainees follow the holiday pa ern of their placement school.

JUNE Revisit iniƟal subject knowledge audit as update required at KAP3 EVIDENCE BUNDLE PREP PEBBLE PAD EXIT DATA COMPLETION - COMPULSORY With Wi hh help l ffrom Professional P f i l MenM tors, trainees to complete their ‘NQT Professional Development Profile’


During this period, you should be thinking about the final grading point (KAP3). Trainees are expected to discuss their evidence (as a bundle - PGSC9001) to help inform this grading judgement. The trainees should be part of any grading discussion. You will also need to complete the UoC assessment documenta on. Please also encourage their comple on of the essen al elements of Pebble Pad. NQT Professional Development Profile (old CEDP) is the trainee’s transi on document for their NQT year, please support its comple on It is likely that your deadline as a mentor will be a week or so prior to this date

Useful Links‌. ITE Core Content: h ps:// uploads/a achment_data/file/536890/Framework_ Report_11_July_2016_Final.pdf

IEP Mentor Support video link: h p:// New Mentor Framework: h ps:// uploads/a achment_data/file/536891/Mentor_ standards_report_Final.pdf NASBTT Toolkit: h p://www.nasb Training-and-Assessment-Toolkit-April-2015.pdf

Š University of Cumbria (Aspire, Achieve, Inspire) | | Bowerham Rd | Lancaster | LA1 3JD |01524 590800

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