UoC PGCE Newsletter 1st Ed. Feb 2018

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Edition 1 | February | 2016

Core and School Direct Newsletter

A Warm Welcome... ………. to our newest venture. The purpose of this newsletter is to try to help keep you, our partners, more fully informed regarding some of our key headlines as a programme and our strategic priorities for the year. It is hoped that this new channel of communication will become a regular feature and help to assist us in our quest to keep you more fully informed. We see this newsletter as a vehicle to help celebrate with you the successes we have had across our partnerships, highlighting key achievements and outcomes. We also feel it is important that you are fully aware of our programme improvement plans, highlighting how and where you may be able to help us to target what are our key areas for development. Please take time to digest the information within and should you have any ideas, thoughts or questions please contact your University tutor or the relevant key contact listed on page IV.

Outcome 1 - Attainment Did you know that last year our partnerships achieved…? Whole Cohort


Overall Grade 1


Overall Grade 2


Exceeding the minimum level


At the minimum level


Thanks for your support…..(from the trainees) “My subject mentor and professional mentor were very helpful people who supported me in every way they could…” “The subject mentor took her role seriously and ensured that I learned as much as possible from the profession of teaching during my IEP placement…” “I felt that the school was a fantastic place to obtain experience especially as an IEP school due to the school ethos and also the department I worked with….”

In This Issue... 

Congratulations to successful graduates from the Fylde Schools’ Alliance

Key outcomes for 2014-15 

Attainment ……….…..(pI)

Completion ………..(pII)

Employment …...…(pIII)

Improvement Plan …...(pII)

Mentor Conference ….(pIII)

Key dates/contacts ….(pIV)

Useful Links ………….(pIV)

1. More trainees achieve grade H at the end of the course (Currently 66% and we want to achieve at least 75% this year). No trainee finishes with an overall grade M 2. Improve students’ confidence and competence using data to support teaching. 3. Prepare trainees to teach pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds and pupils with EAL. 4. Continue to emphasise the importance of secondary ITT students’ confidence and competence in safeguarding. 5. Prepare trainees to teach pupils with SEN/D. 6. Improve completion rates further so that they move to being well above national and regional benchmark data for the last three years. 7. Continue to improve employment rates so that they are well above national benchmarks. Table 1: Improvement Plan Priority Areas

Improvement planning Although we are sure you would agree our outcomes are particularly pleasing and something to celebrate, it is vital that we strive to improve provision at all times in order that our trainees are the very best teachers they can be as they enter their NQT year. Our programme evaluations have highlighted some key areas for improvement that we seek to address this year. Table 1 gives the overview of our key priority areas. Table 2 (below), indicates some of the ways you could contribute and help with our constant strive for improvement.

1. Set very clear SMART targets against the standards. Early identification of ‘at risk’ trainees with prompt targeted intervention and please ensure UPL /UPT are fully aware. (see useful links pIV - NASBTT p15-17)

2. Ensure trainees understand and can apply the school’s assessment systems. Ensure trainees have access to all relevant data. Monitor the trainees’ use of data giving guidance on how it is used for tracking pupil progress. (see useful links pIV - NASBTT p13 paragraph 2)

Outcome 2 - Completion Did you know that last year our partnerships

3. Provide opportunities in school to observe good practice. If possible provide opportunities for trainees to teach EAL either within full classes or by carrying out intervention work 4. Identify the designated safeguarding officer in school. Make sure the trainees understand the school’s policy and protocols. Ensure trainee has completed all their online pebble-pad safety training (see useful links pIV - ‘Channel Awareness Module’)


5. Ensure trainees have identified any pupils in their classes with SEND and know strategies to support them. Arrange opportunities for trainees to meet SENCO and discuss school policies. Arrange observations of teachers who are identified as being very effective teachers of SEND pupils.

Whole Cohort




Yet to complete


(see useful links pIV - NASBTT p17)


7. 88% of last year’s cohort are currently employed in schools. Please support the trainees by encouraging them to apply for jobs, helping them with the application process and possibly offering mock interviews etc.

Did not complete

6. The completion rate for last year was 92% which is above the sector norm and we want to further improve on this. Ensure that trainees who may show signs of non-completion are suitably supported.

Table 2: How can school partners help? II

Outcome 3 - Employment Did you know that last year our partnerships achieved…?

Whole Cohort

Employed (in a school) Employed (not in a school)






Lancaster Gateway at night

Mentoring for the Future: Conference for School Direct PPLs and Professional Mentors of ‘Core Trainees’ Wednesday 24th February, 9.30 – 3.30, Old Dining Hall, Lancaster Campus, University of Cumbria. Don’t forget as a PPL or Professional Mentor, you are invited to a mentor training conference event on Wednesday 24th February at the Lancaster Campus specifically to collaborate with SD PPLs and Professional Mentors for Core trainees. There are a number of current issues we would like to explore together and we would really value your input. We also intend for it to be a source of inspiration and collaboration to support the final placements of all of our PGCE trainees whether School Direct or Core. If you can let us know if you are able to join us please send all replies to: partnershiplancaster@cumbria.ac.uk for the attention of Linda Muir (mentor training administrator). Refreshments, lunch plus a parking voucher are provided on the day. The draft agenda has been emailed to you. For those who cannot make it we will send a briefing on the outcomes of the day so that all partners are fully informed. We very much look forward to seeing you on the day. Best wishes, Dave, John and Steve David McLaughlan - Principal Lecturer – Partnership Development Lead John Cawkwell - Programme Leader – Secondary PGCE School Direct Steve Chubb - Programme Leader – Secondary PGCE Core


Dates for your diary…..

Useful Contacts…


22nd February 2016 - PGSC7002 Formative Assignment Deadline

24th February 2016 - Mentor Conference

8th March 2016 - School Direct Development Day

8th April 2016 - 2nd Grade Point Collection Date (KAP2) (Grades and reports to be submitted to UoC)

18th April 2016 - PGSC7002 Summative Assignment Deadline

29th April 2016 - PfL Day

23rd May 2016 - PGSC7003 Summative Assignment Deadline

17th June 2016 - Final Grade Point Collection Date (KAP3) (Grades and reports to be submitted to UoC)

24th June 2016 - Programme End Date

David McLaughlan Principal Lecturer & Partnership Development Lead Tel:01524 384767 (Office) Tel:07921388963 (Mobile) david.mclaughlan@cumbria.ac.uk

PGCE SECONDARY SCHOOL DIRECT AND SCITT….. John Cawkwell Senior Lecturer & PGCE Programme Leader for Secondary School Direct and SCITT Tel:01524 384475 (Office) john.cawkwell@cumbria.ac.uk

PGCE SECONDARY CORE….. Steve Chubb Senior Lecturer & PGCE Programme Leader for Core (Campus Based Trainees) Tel:O1524 384438 steven.chubb@cumbria.ac.uk

Useful Links…. Here are a number of links that we hope will help…. Improvement Plan Priorities…..

SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE ENHANCEMENT (SKE)… Fiona Lawton Senior Lecturer & SKE Leader Tel:O1524 384383 fiona.lawton@cumbria.ac.uk

1. Page 15-17 of NASBTT Toolkit (link below) 2. Page 13 of NASBTT Toolkit 6. Page 17 of NASBTT Toolkit (plus - see programme handbook for concern and action planning) 4. Channel General Awareness Module (online) http://course.ncalt.com/Channel_General_Awareness/01/index.html

SECONDARY PGCE PARTNERSHIP… David Ellison Administration Manager, School Partnership, partnershiplancaster@cumbria.ac.uk

NASBTT Toolkit link: http://www.nasbtt.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/ Training-and-Assessment-Toolkit-April-2015.pdf


Other: Subject Mentors: Spring Mentor Training update video link: http://tinyurl.com/springmentorupdate (or click here)

Nicola Wilkinson & Anne Robinson Administration Assistants | Course Information Point (CIP) | Student and Management Information Service (SaMIS) General Enquiries: CIPLancaster@cumbria.ac.uk:

© University of Cumbria (Aspire, Achieve, Inspire) | www.cumbria.ac.uk | Bowerham Rd | Lancaster | LA1 3JD |01524 590800


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