PGCE Newsletter 6th Ed. September '17

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Core and School Direct Newsletter

Edition 6 | Sep | 2017

CELEBRATING TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS! As you may have noticed from our new header, the University of Cumbria is currently celebrating it’s tenth year. This anniversary will be marked by many events throughout the year. If you are interested in how the University is celebrating this milestone, please see our website. Despite the fact that UoC is still relatively new as a University, the Institute of Education has a very rich and long standing heritage when it comes to Teacher Education. If you are interested in the story to date please visit our web site ( to find out more. In terms of the coming year, as always, should you have any thoughts or questions please contact your University tutor or the relevant key contact listed on page IV.

The year ahead... As you know, our partnership continually strives to improve its provision and as such there were some key initiatives introduced during 2016-17 that seem to have been received well by the trainees, partnership tutors and school staff. These initiatives were conceived and developed jointly with school staff and have arguably evolved into effective and workable features of the programme. Therefore for 2017-18, in order that we build on the success of these and other developments, we will continue to have a focus upon: •

embedding our use of the weekly review sheet with its focus on pupil progress to provide trainees with focused S.M.A.R.T. targets

the use of evidence bundles at the KAP points to inform our assessments against the standards (in conjunction with the assessment matrix)

maintaining our perennial focus on standards 2, 5 & 6 where trainees, both locally and nationally, need help to develop greater confidence.

In this issue.... • • • • • •

Our Tenth Anniversary The year ahead Headline figures 2016-17 The IEP at a glance QMS and QLMS Key dates and contacts

2016-17 proved to be yet another very succcesful year for the partnership producing some excellent outcomes for our trainees. We sincerely hope that this continues as our NQTs embark on their new careers and they become the inspirational and aspirational teachers we strive to develop together.

Headline data for 2016-17...




Trainees graded ‘good’ or better



Expected rate for cohort


(including those yet to complete)

Science PfL

How well trainees teach...


When inspectors observe teaching they are also observing the children’s/pupils’/learners’ responses, including in lessons and from work in their books/folders. The key factor in judging the quality of teaching over time is the impact teaching has on the quality of learning of children/pupils/learners. (Initial Teacher Education Inspection Handbook, Sept 2015)


The representation below is designed to allow you to quickly familiarise yourself with the structure of the IEP. This will act as a refresher for those of you who have worked in partnership before and serve as an aide mémoire for partners that have recently started working with the University. This outline is meant to support but not replace initial mentor training. Please also see the mentor support videos via the link on page IV



OCTOBER 7001 Formative Deadline 9/10/17

Increasing use of weekly review sheet to inform weekly mentor meetings.

As teaching begins in earnest, please use your weekly meeting to begin to focus upon pupil progress, using the weekly review sheet as a guide for your professional learning conversation. Please also set S.M.A.R.T. targets using the assessment matrix as a guide, starting with the first column


NOVEMBER 7002 Formative Deadline 13/11/17

DECEMBER 7003 Formative Deadline 1/12/17 NOTICING BOOKLET

IEP ENDS - 14/12/17


During an inspection:

Trainees follow the holiday pattern of their placement school. This half term break serves as directed study and they should be encouraged to think about their upcoming assignment.

As teaching load increases, mentor meeting should have an increasing focus on pupil and trainee progress. It is important that the assessment matrix is referred to at least once a fortnight to enable a secure judgement to be made by the end of the placement (KAP1).

Regular use of the assessment matrix as a formative assessment tool


Please support the trainee in settling into the school and the dept. They will need to get to grips with school policies and procedures and develop an understanding of how the department approaches teaching and learning. They will need a period of observation to acclimatise themselves. This will also give them an opportunity to work on their ‘noticing booklet’. They may also need some time to work on their assignment PGSC7001(formative).

Trainees should be building towards teaching approximately 7 hours as December starts, if progress is such that this is not possible, then it is important that professional mentors and University tutors are informed so that extra support or intervention can be arranged as appropriate During this period, you should be thinking about the first grading point (KAP1). Trainees, with guidance from UoC, will need to gather evidence (as a bundle) to help inform this grading judgement. The trainees should be part of any grading discussion and encouraged to use their evidence in support. You will also need to complete the UoC assessment documentation. It is likely that your deadline as a mentor will be a week or so prior to this date


QMS/QLMS Entry Criteria Below is a brief outline of the criteria for entry into the QMS and QLMS programme...

QMS entrants must have; • Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or equivalent • Completed initial mentor training • Mentored at least 2 trainees or NQTs recently (within the last three years) across a range of experiences (i.e. Initial Experience Phase(IEP) and Sustained Enactment Phase (SEP) • The agreement of the Head Teacher or relevant member of the senior management team • The support from a member of the University of Cumbria partnership staff

In addition to the above Mentors wishing to begin the QLMS process must have; • Supported at least 2 mentors recently (within the last three years) to ensure the quality of training and support they provide for their trainees

WHAT IT IS TO BE A MENTOR...... “A mentor should understand the course structure and the requirement of trainees to meet the Teachers’ Standards. They should prioritise meetings and discussions with a trainee, monitor performance, and help develop their teaching practice and effective classroom management strategies. A mentor should also keep their subject knowledge up-to-date and have the awareness to signpost trainees to other expertise and knowledge, for example subject associations” From: National Standards for School-based Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Mentors July 2016

University of Cumbria Mentor Qualifications Purpose and aims of the qualifications; • To raise the profile of mentoring within educational settings •

To provide a framework for the professional development of current and future mentors

To create a shared understanding of what makes a good mentor

To foster a greater consistency in the practice of mentors

To encourage our mentors to be reflective practitioners, able to identify their own training needs

Intended outcomes; •

To enhance support for our trainees in school and improve their early professional development

To formalise the good practice already happening in our partner schools

To impact on whole school – leadership/CPD/career progression – contributing to a culture of coaching and mentoring in schools

To extend the number of mentor trainers in the partnership and support the growth of ITE mentor networks

To provide a possible bridge to a masters level qualification

There are two levels of qualification: 1.

Qualified Mentor Status (QMS)


Qualified Lead Mentor Status (QLMS)

• Co-delivered mentor development with an experienced colleague • Planned and delivered professional studies sessions to trainees.

The Mentor Standards... Standard 1 - Personal qualities Establish trusting relationships, modelling high standards of practice,

(Initial Teacher Education Inspection Handbook, Sept 2015)

• •

Mentor Training Mentor Updates/CPD/Continuum

Qualified Mentor Status (QMS)... • • • • •

Fulfil Criteria Enhanced training Buddy Professional Portfolio/Case Studies Lesson feedback/mentor meeting observation

and empathising with the challenges a trainee faces. Standard 2 – Teaching Support trainees to develop their teaching practice in order to set high expectations and to meet the needs of all pupils. Standard 3 – Professionalism Induct the trainee into professional norms and values, helping them to understand the importance of the role and responsibilities of teachers

Direct observation will be supplemented by a range of other evidence, including work in children’s/pupils’/learners’ books or folders, enabling inspectors to evaluate the impact that training has on trainees’ and NQTs’/former trainees’ quality of teaching over time and professional development.

UoC Mentor...

in society. Standard 4 – Self- partnership Continue to develop their own professional knowledge, skills and understanding and invest time in developing a good working relationship within relevant ITT partnerships.

Qualified Lead Mentor Status (QLMS)... • • • • •

Fulfil Criteria Further enhanced training Co-teaching of mentors Professional Portfolio Mentor Training observation

Masters Qualification... • •

Bridging - Critical reflections on Portfolio Choice of modules, e.g.”Mentoring and Coaching”

UoC Framework for Mentor Development

Useful Contacts… PGCE SECONDARY PARTNERSHIP…. David McLaughlan Principal Lecturer & Partnership Development Lead Tel:01524 384767 (Office) Tel:07921388963 (Mobile) PGCE SECONDARY SCHOOL DIRECT AND SCITT….. John Cawkwell Senior Lecturer & PGCE Programme Leader for Secondary School Direct and SCITT Tel:01524 384475 (Office)

Useful Links…. ITE Core Content: uploads/attachment_data/file/536890/Framework_ Report_11_July_2016_Final.pdf

IEP Mentor Support video link: New Mentor Framework: uploads/attachment_data/file/536891/Mentor_ standards_report_Final.pdf NASBTT Toolkit: Training-and-Assessment-Toolkit-April-2015.pdf

PGCE SECONDARY CORE….. Steve Chubb Senior Lecturer & PGCE Programme Leader for Core (Campus Based Trainees) Tel:O1524 384438 SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE ENHANCEMENT (SKE)… David McLaughlan Interim SKE contact (PLEASE SEE CONTACT DETAILS AT THE HEAD OF THIS COLUMN)

SECONDARY PGCE PARTNERSHIP… David Ellison Administration Manager, School Partnership, partnershiplancaster@cumbria. SECONDARY PGCE GENERAL ADMINISTRATION…. Nicola Wilkinson Administration Assistant | Programme Administration (PAd) | General Enquiries:

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