Piotr Tomanek Portfolio 2023

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Piotr Tomanek

Intern Architect AIBC · CPHD · M.Arch · B.Fa piotr.tomanek1@gmail.com

Vancouver, BC + 1·403·681·3912



Intern Architect AIBC

August 2021 - Present

• Providing Architectural support across a variety of scales including healthcare, commercial, industrial and residential typologies

• Producing construction documents, preparing schematic diagrams and presentations

• Researching VR workflows between Rhino & Revit

Human Studio

Intern Architect AIBC

Janurary 2021 - June 2021

• Produced pre-design & construction documents for mid size multi family modular housing

• Schematic Design for small cultural projects

FNDA Architecture Inc.

Dec 2020

• Provided architectural rendering support for a fast paced, intensive competition for a hospital in Africa

Laboratory for Integrative Design Research Assistant

April 2018 - April 2020

• Utilized digital fabrication, construction techniques, assembly, interactive environments delivering projects for community based clients.


Summer Research Student

Master of Architecture

University of Calgary

2017 - 2020


Diploma of Architectural Technologies with honours

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

2015 - 2017

Open Studies

Mount Royal University

2013 - 2015

[IN]Arch Summer Session

Introduction to Architecture

University of California : Berkeley


Bachelor of Fine Arts - Drawing

Alberta University of the Arts

2007 - 2012


Digital Design and Fabrication of Gridshell

Structures in Academia: SAPL Research Pavilion

International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Architectural Design - Publication

October 2019

Destination: Station D. talks - 2018 Movement Call for Ideas Technology Category Winners

March 2019


Summer 2018

Certified Passive House Designer

Passive House Institute

January 2023



Revit, Rhino, AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite, Grasshopper, Unreal Engine, Maya, Sketch Up, V-Ray


English, Polish

Matthew Parks

DIALOG · Principal · AAA · MARC · LEED AP mparks@dialogdesign.ca

+ 1 403 803 4351


Peter Atkinson

Human Studio · Principal · Architect AIBC· LEED AP

· MRAIC pete@humanstudio.ca

+ 1·778·991·5593


Pacific Rim Estate 32 Mirror Manipulation 34 PTDZ 36 Path Fluidity 33 28 Coalesce 18 Pear Gridshell Spuzzum 16 14 ?Aq’am 35 Robotic Distancing 10 New St. Paul’s Hospital 20 Kenyan Hospital 6 Skwlax 26 Tenchisouzou 4 E One 22 Sanguine Shift 12 VR Workflow Mackimmie Block 8

E One Stantec 2023

Principal: N. Fereidooni

Architect: R. Latta

Phase: SD/DD

Role: Design Assist

E One is a mixed use manufacturing and office space designed to accommodate manufacturing equipment as well as space for office staff and research & development. The building is emblematic of performace driven design, targeting some of the most stringent energy certifications including Step 2 of the BC Energy Step Code, which requires NECB

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6700 LEVEL 0 520010700 TOWER - LEVEL 4 18700 -R&D 22700 TOWER - LEVEL2696731234 TOWER - ROOF 3523414700 Tower - T/O Mechanical 40984 TOWER - T/O PARAPET 35984 30784 BRIDGE TO PARKADE SURVEY 750 A403 45003628872 9000 87236284500 A402 6700 T/O LEVEL PARAPET 22410 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 5200 14700 T/O PARAPET10700 TOWER - LEVEL 18700 -R&D 22700 TOWER - LEVELR&D 269673123435234 20500 SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE ELEV=6,700 mm 13000 13000 16000 13000 13500 13500 19000 19000 21810 10050 W9 T4 T3 T2 T1 W7.1 WAREHOUSE GRIDS TOWER GRIDS R T V X TOWER - LEVELR&D 22700 TOWER - LEVELR&D 26967 A402 A403 V.1 S.1 W S U 315150 2902 900315150 4267 4267 1684 1:1 MAPLE MEADOWS WAY NORTH The Copyrights all designs and drawings are the Copyright Reserved Client/Project Title Notes Issued/Revision Client/Project Logo A C E PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION purposes. This document has not been completed checked and for general information or comment only. Permit/Seal Consultant Revision Project No. Scale Drawing No. As indicated 1 E-One Moli Expansion E-One Moli Energy Limited 20000 Stewart Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC <Pick location Project Information> BUILDING SECTIONS Stantec Architecture Ltd. Vancouver, BC V6B 6A3 Tel: (604) 696-8000 •www.stantec.com Designer 115822090 A402 1 200 A402 1 BUILDING SECTION -WAREHOUSE & OFFICE 1 200 A402 3 BUILDING SECTION -OFFICE 1 200 A402 2 BUILDING SECTION -WAREHOUSE -4 1ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2023.05.17 1 48 GRIDLINE GUIDE 30 A402 4 ENLARGED TYP. TOWER SECTION
Program Site Constraints N N S S E E W W Design Consideration Manufacturing Service Yard Entrance Plaza Office Parking

West 1000mm x 3350mm Infill Panel 400mm Solar Shade

South 1000mm x 3350 Infill Panel 400mm Solar Shade

North 450mm x 3350mm Infill Panel No Solar Shade

East 1500mm x 3350 Infill Panel 2300mm Curtain Wall

for the industrial facility and a Total Energy Use Intensity of 100 kWh/m2 per year for the office facility, as well as a TEDI requirement of 30 kWh/m2 per year for the office envelope. The project is also planning to achieve LEED v4 for Building Design + Construction Silver certification, as well as pursue the Canada Green Building Council’s Zero Carbon Building

certification, and is on track to become the first industrial project to achieve this certification in Canada. In the office portion of the building, a mass timber structure will help reduce the embodied carbon of the project significantly as well as providing biophilic properties for the area of the building most occupied by employees and visitors.

Selected Works | 5
Copyright Reserved Issued/Revision Use this document for any other Project No. Scale E-One Moli Expansion E-One Moli Energy Limited 20000 Stewart Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC EXPLODED AXO -A452 A452 3D -EXPLODED AXO E N W S

Render completed by: Reza Fazeli

Skwlax te Secwepemc

Stantec 2023

Principal: C. Dixon

Architect: R. Latta

Phase: SD/DD

Role: Design Assist

This project seeks to strike a balance between culture, nature and the built environment. The area of Skwlax surrounding the site contains distinct environmental qualities that help to shape and mold the architecture - wood from the forest and the color of the sky are elements that influenced the choice of materials to keep the project grounded in its

6 | Piotr Tomanek 9 Floor Plans Skwl à x te Secwepemc A-005 9' 10" 0" 11' 2" 9' 5" GFA - Typ. Wall Depth: 4 bed area: 1612.4 sq.ft. (149.8 m ) 3 bed area: 1189.4 sq.ft. (110.5 m ) BEDROOM BATHROOM KITCHEN DINING ROOM ADAPTABLE BEDROOM ADAPTABLE BATHROOM ACCESSIBLE BEDROOM LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM KITCHEN BATHROOM ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM OUTDOOR PATIO OUTDOOR PATIO PRIVACY WALL 13' 0" 5' 2" A-006 A-006 2 A-006 GFA - Passive House Wall Depth: 4 bed area: 1781.4 sq.ft. (165.5 m2 3 bed area: 1297.1 sq.ft. (120.5 m2 ENTRY SHOE RACK ENTRY 29' 9" 10' 1/2" 7' 1/2" 9' 6" 5' 4" 2' 2" 11' 10" 11' 1" 0" 6' 2" 6" 13' 2" 14' 0" 13' 5 1/2" 16' 0 1/2" 30' 1/2" 4' 4 1/2" 4' 1/2" 15' 10" PATIO BEDROOM BATHROOM BEDROOM 4 WALK-IN CLOSETCLOSET A-006 A-006 3 10' 0" 10' 5' 10 1/2" 5' 0" 33' 3" 35' 1/2" 0 ON 11X17 -THIS SHEET IS AT HALF SCALE 4m 20m 2m 10m Skwlax te Secwepemc Duplexes Floor Plans | A-003 SCALE: 1 : 50 | 02/08/23 144323015 1 50 A-003 1 1st Floor 1 50 A-003 2 2nd Floor NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION

presence. This project is targeting Passive House Certification through design and construction. Passive House projects ensure building longevity, ease of maintenance, as well as continued energy savings through out the buildings life span. The design team has followed CSA/ASC B652 standard to support accessibility needs. This document

uses evidence to outline requirements for design, construction, and renovation in accessible homes. Reducing the operational energy and optimizing longevity is a main focus of the design and construction of this project.

Selected Works | 7 Axo View Skwl à x te Secwepemc

Explorations focused around the necessity to situate wood veneer in economically sustainable methods, as well as creating a nuanced experience of the three light wells

Mackimmie Block


Principal: R. Claiborne

Team: S. Rennie

Phase: DD

Role: Design Assist

The Mackimmie Complex and Professional Faculties Building Redevelopment Project is a multi-year, multiphase project to address deferred maintenance, enhance pedagogical and administrative environments, accommodate growth, and strengthen the sense of place and community in the heart of the University of Calgary’s main campus.

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Parametric solutions for ventilation were explored with the variables of gradient type and panel orientation; adhering to surface area and location requirements

The block will be a net-zero carbon building, holistically support health and wellness, and showcase the university as a Learning Lab. At the center of the block is an opportunity for architectural expression in the form of mechanical ducts. These ducts hold latent potential to act as light wells, solar chimneys, acoustic attenuators, smoke evacuation,

allow for passive cooling, and act as landmarks. The majority of our investigations focused on the economically optimal orientation and placement of panels around the light wells, as well as required mechanical ventilation opening sizes necessary for a successful night flush of the hot air accumulated in the floor plates during the day.

Mackimmie Tower | 9
Convex wall surface Concave wall surface

New St. Paul’s Hospital

Stantec Healthcare Complex 2021

Team: D. Burns, R. Hewlitt, C. Ivory, W. Miller

Phase: CD/CA

Role: Working Drawings

The New St. Paul’s Hospital is a fast track design-build

18.4 acre

in the center of Vancouver. Set to be completed in 2026, It is being built to provide British Columbians with the highest quality, integrated, innovative and patient orientedcare. It continues the 125 year tradition of helping the most vulnerable people in our communities, designed

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project located on a plot

around improved patient experience and incorporated healing design. The 2.1 billion dollar project has a gross floor area of 120,000 sq. m, spanning 12 levels above grade and 4 below. My involvement was primarily on the below grade team, I contributed to the construction drawings, with key focus on slab plans and core & shell drawings. Important design

considerations were the adjacencies of program spaces, pedestrian, and vehicular flows - each informed by user group meetings ensuring seamless interweaving of program use. This project developed my understanding of construction drawing sets, as well as the use of VR to inform client decisions by immersing them in a digital model of the space.

Selected Works | 11

VR Workflow

Stantec 2023 IDEA Machine

Role: Innovative Research

This project aims to reintegrate the human hand into the design process. I investigated a workflow between three software, utilizing each one of its strengths through out the design process. Through the use of Meta Quest controllers, the intuitive VR software allows for lines, surfaces, volumes and primatives to be created and manipulated in 3

12 | Piotr Tomanek
Gravity Sketch Revit Rhino.Inside

dimensions at any scale. Through a quick export process, we can bring in a surface into Rhino, opening up all the design tools associated with it - in this case converting surface to mesh. At which point we can bring in these elements into a BIM ecosystem using Rhino.Inside with which we open the utility of documentation and scheduling. Revit’s adaptive

components feature allowed the creation of the structural scaffolding seen on the exterior of the building. Rhino.Inside allows for rapid iteration with touch ups being made in the modeling software with live updates, allowing for a feedback loop of results informing the design at each step along the workflow

Selected Works | 13
Exterior Structure Curtain Wall & Spandrel CLT Floor Plates Level 5 Level 19 Level 35 Level Level 17 Level 33 Level 49 Level 9 Level 25 Level 41 Level 57 Level 5 Level 37 Level 53 Level 13 Level 29 Level 45 Level 2 Level 18 Level 34 Level 50 Level 10 Level 42 Level 58 Roof Peak Level 6 Level 22 Level 38 Level 54 Level 14 Level 30 Level 46 Level 3 Level 19 Level 35 Level 51 Level 11 Level 27 Level 43 Level 7 Level 23 Level 39 Level 55 Level 15 Level 31 Level 47 Level 4 Level 20 Level 36 Level 52 Level 12 Level 28 Level 44 Level 8 Level 24 Level 40 Level 56 Level 16 Level 32 Level 48 Level 0 0 9 81 153 225 45 117 189 261 171 243 63 135 207 13.5 85.5 157.5 229.5 49.5 193.5 265.5 307 31.5 103.5 175.5 247.5 67.5 139.5 211.5 18 90 162 234 54 126 198 36 108 180 252 72 144 216 22.5 94.5 166.5 238.5 58.5 130.5 202.5 40.5 112.5 184.5 256.5 76.5 148.5 220.5

Diagram - The river and the drum

The River and the Drum

Parti Rec Centre Program

?aq’am Glulam Structural Members

Human Studio


Principal: B. Haden

Team: A. Lockhart

Phase: SD

?Aq’am, formerly known as the St. Mary’s Indian Band, is one of four reserve communities that make up the Ktunaxa Nation Council in Canada. It is located 8km north of the City of Cranbrook, BC. The importance of the communities’ collective waters is documented within the Ktunaxa Creation Story. Human beings were created from the body of water

14 | Piotr Tomanek
Human Studio ?aq’am First Nation
Complex and Community Centre
Multi Use Sports
Exploded ?aq’am Spray Park Wood Lattice Roof Glulam Structural Members Picnic Areas Program
Role: Rendering Support Roof Wood Lattice Spray Park Picnic Areas

monster yawy?nik’. This connection to the river served as a metaphorical driver, paired with stretched hides of a drum grounding the building and serving as the heartbeat of the project. This project seeks to meet the goals of ?Aq’am Community Strategic Plan of enriching lands & resources, infrastructure and recreation. This project creates opportunities for

healthy recreation including sports, outdoor recreation, cultural activities, performing arts and fine arts. These diagrams were produced as a concept package for a regional planner in order to secure funding for the project in hopes of enriching the livelihood for the ?Aq’am community as well as the city of Cranbrook.

Selected Works | 15


Human Studio


Principal: B. Haden

Team: A. Lockhart, A. Galambos

Phase: DD

Role: Working Drawings, Diagrams, Renders

Spuzzum Nation Traditional Territory is located approximately 40km north of Hope, BC. The community was seeking to expand their current administration building to include a gathering space, reception area that will double as an exhibit hall, as well as meeting rooms and updated facilities for the staff members. Adjacencies to existing structures

16 | Piotr Tomanek
UP UP D100b Human Studio| Architecture + Urban Design DAT E RE V DESCRIPTIO N #300 -68 E 2nd Avenue, Vancouver BC North Copyright. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. This drawing, as an instrument of service, is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced in any format, whether print or electronic, without the express, written permission of Human Studio Architecture and Urban Design Ltd. All drawings are in millimeters. Drawings are not to be scaled. Contractor is to verify all dimensions and report incosistencies and omissions to the consultant for clarification prior to commencement of the work. Deviations from the contract documents without prior written approval from the consultant are subject to correction at the contractor's expense. Administration Building Expansion HS0063
Proposed Main Floor Plan Spuzzum Nation

were closely considered as to complement the existing elder’s shelter structural columns made of exposed wood. The aim of the project was to create a central place for welcoming and ceremony, incorporate the identity of the community as well as the surrounding river, and to showcase the pride of the community. The building and its surrounding

landscape are made to align with the 2020 Comprehensive Community Plan, which supports the Nation’s current needs without compromising the ability of their children and grandchildren to meet their needs in the future. My role was primarily preparing design development drawings, as well as renders for a presentation package to the band.

Selected Works | 17
115 Log structure Community Meeting Hall Reception & Meeting Rooms Existing Elder Shelter Existing Health Centre Log Structure Community Meeting Hall Reception & Meeting Rooms Existing Elder Shelter Existing Health Centre

Pear Gridshell

SAPL 2019

Instructor: M. Soto Rubio

Team: EVDS 683 Class

Conference: ICETAD 2019

Academic Work

is a deployable timber


which exemplifies how digital design & computation can inform strategies for deployability and prefabrication of design-build projects. The goal of this design-build project was to employ both traditional physical form-finding techniques as well as contemporary technologies such as digital design

18 | Piotr Tomanek
2019 Gridshell Research Pavilion structure

and manufacturing to design and build a lightweight, self-supporting, rapid assembly grid-shell structure. The project was designed to make efficient use of materials and to be able to be transported and erected without the use of specialized machinery, tools, or personnel, as well as to adapt to a variety of spaces and terrains.

Finally, the project was designed to demonstrate a coherent logic, a language or system that brought together form, materiality and structural performance. I was fortunate to have my design chosen to be built out of several candidates and iterations. The entire process helped us develop a strong team work acumen where we each utilized our strengths.

Selected Works | 19

Kenyan Hospital



Principal: F. Noormohamed

Phase: SD

Role: Diagrams, Renders

This project was the result of a rapid paced design charrette competition which required rigorous design iterations involving regional vernacular materials, fabrication alternatives, local flora as well as carefully considered balance with landscape. The project’s aim is to provide a sustainable construction solution through collection of rainwater, solar shading, as well

20 | Piotr Tomanek

as utilizing stack effect for passive cooling. The use of rammed earth would allow an abundant local material to be incorporated into the structure of the building, as well as provide jobs and education to local residents. This competition required strict adherence to program guidelines and requirements, while maintaining a close connection to its surroundings. Consideration for

the landscape played a pivotal role in bringing the project to life, creating a contrast to the hard edge geometry of the buildings, as well as making use of the flora’s inherent qualities of shade and privacy. FNDA provided local support through expertise with projects of similar scale and scope, as well as preliminary plans, sections, and renderings.

Kenyan Hospital | 21

Sanguine Shift



Instructor: J. Taron

Location: Inglewood, Calgary AB

Academic Work

While digital fabrication has presented us with many new manufacturing possibilities, it has also given us the responsibility of using these new tools to reduce the impact we have on our environment. This project aims to alter conventional construction paradigms to align with consumer wants and needs of sustainable practices. The aim of this project is to show how we

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can gain agency over our impact on earth through the things that we create. How can a building catalyze the construction industry’s commitment to lower carbon emissions as well as inspire carbon transparency? Mass timber has an inherent quality of being a reminder of our environmental impact, and a perfect liaison for our stewardship over that impact.

By combining all these factors we can create a harvesting, manufacturing and assembly logic that is driven by digital tools and research. Standardization through connection homogeneity paired with novel robotic fabrication creates a streamlined assembly process, eliminating excess waste as well as reducing traffic in the construction area.

Sanguine Shift | 23
ETFE Concrete

Sanguine Shift

SAPL 2020

Instructor: J. Taron

Team: E. Odegaard, K. Sharma

Location: Inglewood, Calgary AB

Academic Work

Initial explorations investigated supply chain relationships within a western Canadian context, identifying and exploiting missing links by sifting through historical data and government policy. Based on the surplus of mass timber I was able to imagine a scenario where the tectonics were flexible in their formality, as shown by these iterations done in Maya.

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Selected Works | 25


SAPL 2019

Instructor: B. Sinclair

Team: V. Lee

Location: Denenchofu, Tokyo

Academic Work

Tokyo is a city entrenched with movement and constant flows. People, trains, cyclists and machinery are in perpetual, efficient, and coordinated movement. The choreographed dance of synchronization can be elegant and evoke a machine-like precision when observed from a distant scale. Tokyo is also a city that takes its time to

26 | Piotr Tomanek
TamaRiver Yokai Museum & Arcade Sky Garden Existing Metro Tracks Existing Metro Station Parallel Coexistence Intersection Interweaving Sento

recognize and allow its citizens moments of stillness, peace, and reflection. It is also a city of juxtapositions and things that may seem contradictory but exist together in harmony. In the bustling urban centers, there are shrines and castles, moments of leisure within the heavily emphasized working life of the city. Onsens and sentos serve as a retreat for the body

and mind amidst the high-speed lifestyle of Tokyo. The contrast between busy and calm, fast and slow, modern and traditional draw lines on the landscape. There are creatures that exist between these lines, known as yokai and yūrei. Yokai are described as strange, mysterious creatures, “a monster or fantastic being, a spirit or sprite”

Found Object | 27


SAPL 2019

Instructor: B. Sinclair

Team: M. Popel

Location: Calgary AB

Academic Work

Coalesce is a project that seeks to celebrate, express, learn from and ultimately provide a platform for Indigenous art, performance and culture. That is, the project serves as an Indigenous cultural and education centre on the University of Calgary campus. The programming celebrates underrepresented Indigenous artist and performers,

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with a strong emphasis on local Treaty Seven Works. The Blackfoot word ‘ohkanaomowoo vai’ represents the act of coming together from all over in large numbers; ‘coalesce’ is what we felt best represents this concept in English, serving as a methodical armature to generate architecture which reclaims public space. Being located on the University of

Calgary, there are iconic connections of communities merging and individuals finding their voices. The project in this sense serves to allow for art as education, and the path towards reconciliation. Research for this project aimed to garner a deeper understanding of Blackfoot culture including talks with elders, studying history and a sweat lodge ritual.

Coalesce | 29


This project suggests that art is not always something human produced, but rather a pre-existing entity that is generated from the natural environment through wind, water, sun and fire. The materiality throughout the building aims to serve as both a symbolic and literal canvas for art to be projected onto. The sun rays throughout the day project a dance of shadows

across the built environment. Rendering walls and floors as canvases, constantly being redrawn as temporal site qualities which are harnessed by the architecture. Rain spouts surrounding the grand hall are exposed and expressed, allowing for the sensory and audible connection to water.

30 | Piotr Tomanek
Structural Axo Carpeted Raised Floor Stone Veneer Assembly Zinc Roof Assembly

Pacific Rim Estate



Instructor: J. Dvorzsak

Team: S. Jmourovski, K. Simpson

Academic Work

Our group recreated this pool house of the Pacific Rim Estate designed by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson. What drew us to model this particular area of the house was the harmony of material tectonics; the concrete pads meeting the pool area serving as a base to the prominent wooden columns and beams, connected by black powder coated steel brackets.

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Path Fluidity

Laboratory for Integrative Design

2018 Investigation Lead: J. Taron

Team: S. Rennie

This project was focused on the development of an augmented reality interface that could be used with SAPL’s 6-axis ABB robotic arms. The interface would track the progression of tool paths and change color depending on whether that portion of the tool path has been completed. This tool would ensure accuracy between digital and final product.

Path Fluidity | 33
Grasshopper data Rapid code Unity

Linear Arrangement Intersect Extraction

Splitting Intersect - Loft

Extracting Planes From Surface

Restricting Plane Alignment to 1 Plane

Mirror Manipulation

SAPL 2019

Instructor: G. Gardener

Team: V. Johal, C. Muilwijk, D. Pollock

Academic Work

This project’s aim was to develop a fabrication method in which self-similar complex geometries could aggregate and multiply based on varying planar mirroring. We were able to utilize the precision of the UR-10 robot arm in order to achieve seamless connections between elements, avoiding collisions allowing the process to repeat ad infinitum.

34 | Piotr Tomanek
1. Starting Point 4. Retract 2. Approach - Align 5. Approach - Align 3. Cut 6. Cut

Robotic Distancing

SAPL 2020

Instructor: J. Johnson

Team: N. Borstmayer, D. Callan, F. Méthot

Robotic Distancing is a project that explores the interface between masonry and robotic fabrication. The nuance of the human hand, catalyzed by the programmability of the robot, is paired with the reliability and familiarity of the traditional medium of masonry. Adequate tools, various masonry units and organizing tool paths drove project development.

Selected Works | 35


Personal 2020-Present

Programs: Maya, V-Ray, Gravity Sketch, Substance, Unity, Rhino, Enscape

Beginning in April 2020 I started a personal buisness focused around digital content creation allowing me to further develop my digital wheelhouse. This endeavour allowed me to explore ideas outside the realms of a client focused agenda and brought back to my life the freedom of individual expression. Exploring workflow between various software

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exposed the strenghts of each software, creating a mutually beneficial and efficient relationship at each stage of the design process. The emergence of cryptocurrency as a way to decentralize economy sparked my interest in non-fungible tokens. The sculptures on this page began as investigations into paramteric use of sub divided geometry in rhino7,

followed by expriments in simulating physics in Maya including the use of nHair and nParticle emitters to create depth and texture in the original geometry. Mayas strength as an animation software comes to the forefront when creating environments that look like they belong in nature, simple imported curves become fluid and organic through a simple process.

Selected Works | 37


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