Truth about Valentines day

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Valentines Day: Saint Valentines Day: Got Canceled

The Truth About Saint Valentines Day Valentines Day Got Canceled in 1969 for being an orgy of consumerism The Roman Catholic Church, which originally made this pagan feast of Lupercus: Lupercalia into a religious Saint Valentines Day holiday, also canceled it in 1969 when they realized it had gone from an intended festival of love to an orgy of consumerism. Saint Valentines Day Trivia The Greeting Card Association expects Americans to buy 190 million Valentine's Day cards in 2009. That figure shoots way up to 1 billion when cards sold in packages for schoolchildren are included.

Officially there has been no Saint Valentines Day for 40 years Officially there's no Saint Valentines Day since 1969. But since many people remain traditionally ignorant, St Valentines Day seems to continue on being on calendars in 2009, forty years after it got canceled; And in stores Valentines Day continues being an orgy of consumerism, a profitable windfall for flower shops, card makers, chocolate makers, and jewelers who windfall profit as makers and lovers of lies, since there never really was a Saint Valentine, and the origin of Valentines Day was a pagan festival of Lupercus called Lupercalia. Saint Valentines Day Trivia Over 75% of valentines for Saint Valentines Day are purchased by women.

Origin of Saint Valentines Day: The Festival of Lupercus: Lupercalia It was during the reign of Pope Gelasius, that this festival of Lupercus: Lupercalia became a Christian custom: "As far back as about 496AD, Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia from February 15 to St. Valentine's Day on February 14" (source: Customs and Holidays Around the World, Lavinia Dobler, p.172). The Emperor Constantine had made "Christianity" the official religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century. By this time, much of God's holy truth (Bible Translators wanted to be made more known) had been discarded and replaced by pagan philosophy. Constantine himself, was a sun-worshipper. The Roman Catholic church's main concern was to convert the pagans as quickly as possible. These conversions were to be made at any and all costs. This included allowing their pagan customs to continue - ONLY, "Christian" names were to be placed upon them. Hence Lupercalia became St Valentines Day.

Saint Valentines Day at Schools has improved: if anybody gets a valentine everybody gets one. At most public schools, they are finally insisting: if anybody gets a valentine everybody gets one, so nobody feels forsaken, or unloved, by others. (note: forsaken is what's in the midst of seven last utterances)

Partiality? There is no respect of persons with God. So the concept God loves some more than others is bogus. That is why reconciling the world is done in Christ, not Jesus. For Jesus, as Son of man, was divisional and vengeful to sinners; And when Bible studied reveals law imputed sin makes sinners all, so the only way for any, also all, to be rid of sin is by abolition of law.[2/14/2011 10:05:09 AM]

Valentines Day: Saint Valentines Day: Got Canceled

So it is written God hath forgiven you (all the KofG within) for Christ's sake, and Christ is the end of the law, which imputes sin, thereby the end of sin. So if people would stop adding law to grace it would stop adding death to life.

Saint Valentine? Valentines Days has no relation to Saints. Researching Saint Valentines Day in most reference works would lead to a third-century Catholic martyr named Saint Valentine. However, the Encyclopedia Britannica states in its 15th ed., vol 10, p.336: "St. Valentine's Day as a lovers' festival and the modern tradition of sending valentine cards have no relation to the saints but, rather seem to be connected either with the Roman fertility festival of Lupercus: the Lupercalia (kept on the evening of Feb.14th and the day of the 15th) or with the mating season of birds." This information is reiterated by the Encyclopedia Americana (article: "ST. Valentine's Day"): The customs of Valentine's Day "have been handed down from the Roman festival of the Lupercalia, celebrated in the month of February, when the names of young women were put into a box and drawn out by men as chance directed." This (of this/that) is the origin of valentines day - cards linking men and women together for sexual purposes.

Origin of Valentines Day: Popish Lupercalia Origin of Saint Valentines Day is steeped in legend. But Pagan scholar Grant Pontius discovered: There is no historical proof linking any of the Saint Valentine legends with the traditions we've associated with the Saint Valentines Day holiday. Instead, Saint Valentines Day is another example of Christianity assimilating a pagan holiday for the sake of conversion. But what they're converting people to is another law of 2 beasts in Revelation 13: law<--law. Legends are common, the most common legend of all being the flood (Noah's Ark). Before 2,000AD scientists did a worldwide survey to know what, if anything, was the most common to all mankind everywhere. They found it was a legend, of the Deluge.

History of Saint Valentines Day Valentine's Day began to be popular around the 17th century in Great Britain. By the middle of the 18th century, it was common for friends and lovers in all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes. By the end of the century, printed cards began to replace written letters due to improvements in printing technology. Ready-made cards were an easy way for people to express their emotions in a time when direct expression of one's feelings was discouraged. Americans probably began exchanging hand-made valentines in the early 1700s. In the 1840s, Esther A. Howland began to sell the first mass-produced valentines in America.

What the Spirit saith unto the churches about Saint Valentines Day: It's pretty much the same with law, which had an expiry date, and it expired l-o-n-g ago. It got canceled ("abolished"): Eph 2, "done away": 1Cor 13, 2Cor 3; blotted out: Col 2, for sin(law), when "it is finished", [it] brings forth death (not eternal life): James 1:15; but ignorant people still go on doing "it", even though it got canceled and it kills them. Saint Valentines Day: It's the second biggest day for cards. Besides chocolates and flowers Saint Valentines Day is big on cards, second biggest card selling day of the year (next to nearly Billion at Christmas). It's a windfall for card shops, flower shops, chocolate retailers, jewelers.[2/14/2011 10:05:09 AM]

Valentines Day: Saint Valentines Day: Got Canceled

Who Still Celebrates Saint Valentines Day? Saint Valentines Day is actively celebrated in these Six Countries: Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Mexico, France. Two called United may have also began the mother of all wars in Iraq. So perhaps what they are United in is pre-emptive law law vengeance. Funny thing is they think they do God a service; But God is "merciful". So a God they serve is an awful lawful God on high in heavens called Enmity. Paul's higher exhortation is: "mind not high things" & "be not highminded", for "highminded" is among "unholy" things to turn away from in 2Timothy 3. Don't people recovering from getting high afterward speak of a higher power? And if not, then afterward becomes latter end worse instead of latter end better? Eg: The day of the LORD is darkness and not light. Woe to you who desire it: Amos.

The valentines day custom is associated more with vain religion than perfect love. Readers are encouraged to do their own research on Valentines Day, search their own hearts, and form their own opinions, preferably based on evidence rather than on legend and tradition; and from a viewpoint that's above a servant(slave) in bondage to either law of law law loves. Heart of the matter: Let not your heart be troubled (lawed), lest your heart condemn(law), and you with your own mouth. Eg: thine own mouth condemneth thee, and not I: Job 15:6.

The law (and lie) was given by Moses (Jn 1:17) But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. He taketh away the first (Heb 10:9) that he may establish the second. Law: press Delete to take away Grace: press Save to e-stablish It's a good thing the heart be established with grace (Heb 13) and not with laws that did not profit them occupied therein. Law vs Grace are contrary things: can't co-exist in peace. The only thing both (contrary things) make is an oxymoron: "one proselyte": twofold: more the CHILD of hell (Mt 23). Bottom line: only a moron adds law (worketh wrath) to grace (is sufficient), and thereby adds curse(of the law) to blessing(grace), and even death to life. The result of such grace + law? Not suffered to continue by reason of death.[2/14/2011 10:05:09 AM]

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