FRONTCOVER : Thesepast few yearshasbeen full of change From going to online school to going back to in-person instruction, studentshavealot to look back reflect on ILLUSTRATION BY D LEE & L BARRACOSO, COURTESY OF YEARBOOK
BACKCOVER : TCCstaff sharesmemories, advice, and descriptionsin SIX WORDS PHOTOSBY M GUZMAN & A FOUCHER
GreetingsBulldogsandwelcometothefinal editionof our school year!
TCChasnothingbut gratitudetothosewhopick upacopyor scroll throughtheonlineeditions.Asthefinal send-off,TCCwouldliketointroducetheeditorsof thisschool year!
?I?mLorrenBarracoso,Editor-in-Chief.I design/drawthecoverswithmyfellowjournalist DonisaLeeandI writetheeditor?snote,"Barracosowrote ?I?vebeenonstaff for four semesters?
?Not many knowwhomakestheback coverssoI?mMonicaGuzman,oneof thephotoeditors I deal with picturesused in articles, takingpicturesfor sports, and gettingpicturesout of that old, well not that old, yearbook computer It just takesalongtimetodownload,?Guzman wrote ?I?vebeen onstaff for twosemesters.?
??Behind thecamera,not in front?hasbeen my motto I?m AvaFoucher,theother photoeditor,?Foucher wrote.?I deal with takingphotosat sportseventsand creatingthephotocollageon theback cover.I steal,I meanborrow,photosfromYearbook I?vebeenonstaff for twosemesters ?
?I can? t say that journalisticwritingissomethingthat I caretoomuch about.However,with beinghere,I cansaywithconfidence I didn? t wastemytime,"AlanaGerhardt wrote ?I havebeenonstaff for four semestersandI?mcurrentlytheopinioneditor,either arrangingsurveysor WGMG I?mAlanaGerhardt,I hopemy final bylinedoesn? t disappoint ?
?I?mMayaPennington,oneof theopinion editors Myjobdealswithalternatingbetween pickingthesubmissions for the WGMG or organizing the survey," Pennington wrote ?I have been on staff for three semesters?
?I?m Errin Bilson,oneof thelisticleeditors My jobdealswith applyingtrendsin popculturefor theculturepoll,aswell asthehoroscope,?Bilsonwrote ?I?vebeenonstaff for twosemesters?
?I?m Calla MacDougall, and I?m the other listicle editor I write the horoscopes and put together the culture polls with questions answered by our staff,?MacDougall wrote. ?I have been onstaff for four semesters?
Through the good and the bad, the stormsand gales,westick together,because pressure makes diamonds REMEMBER: ?Stressed?spelled backward is?Desserts?
TheTCCstaff posetogether for asilly group photo, each of them doing their own bit Thank you to our fantastic staff of journaliststhissemester, who continued to work hard through long nights, awkward interviews, and deadlinedays
Tahj Brice
Amritpreet Kaur
Yaretzi ReyesCruz
TheMBMSJournalism II-III classproduced thisopen publicforum student newspaper withintent toethicallyreport eventsaccurately,without bias Asanopen publicforum for students,all decisionsmadeoncontent aremadebystudentsunder theguidanceof the adviser, with intent to uphold students?First Amendment rights The opinions presented in articlesareprovided to represent theviewsand perspectivesof students and individualsin our diverse student population, not necessarily thewhole of the adviser,faculty,andadministrators Any material that wouldcauseadisruption tothe educational processlikelibel, invasion of privacy, or copyright infringement will not bepublished TheCanineChroniclehadadoptedtheSPJCodeof Ethics:seek truth and report it, minimize harm, act independently, and be accurate and transparent The Canine Chronicle is produced using LucidPress Photographs not taken by students havebeenutilizedthroughaCreativeCommonsandMicrosoft license School portraits arelicensedthroughDorianPhotography
[ 2 * tableofcontents * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
Peter Warring
Review 6 Eighth Grade Promotion Fashion 12 Likeit or Not & Horoscope 14
Highlights 16 Summer Music Playlist 20 BTS'Proof' 24 What GrindsMy Gears 30
2021-2022: Year in
Thisyear?syearbookswill bedistributed onJune16tothosewhopre-orderedthem at the beginning of the year and to anyone that purchased them any time thismonth
?Right now we're taking a break But once the yearbookscome in, we're going to label them for each person,? eighth-grade yearbook member Jasmin Rodriguezsaid
Yearbook signing will be held on June 21 out in the intramurals area and the entireschool will beabletoroam and get signaturesfromall gradesandstaff
The eighth-grade celebration has been said to be the event eighth-graders are most excited for and also said by Mr Brown tobetheevent that isneedingthe most work. The celebration will be holding a lot of fun things to do resemblingafieldday wheretherewill be activitiesandprizes
?I believe there is going to be a dunk tank that we are going to have staff in,? Brownsaid.
This celebration will give students a break from academics and have some school competitiontoo
The last four days of school will have end-of-year eventsfor the eighth graders such asJune23at 8am,theEighth Grade AwardsAssembly,lastingaroundan hour andahalf.
?Stool chairswill beset up on thefloor of thegymfor studentstosit in andall of
Astheendof theyear isnear,therewill alsobeseveral eventstothink about too Yearbookswill bedistributed and signed and therewill bethefourth quarter pep assembly. Therewill also be eighth grade exclusiveeventslike theeighth grade promotion,celebration,andawardsceremonytoo
the parents that come will be up in the bleachers,?Brownsaid ?Everyteacher will notify parents if their kid is getting an awardandtheycanwatchit.?
OnJune15,thelast pepassemblyfor the year will beheld virtually. It will contain similar featurestothepast pepassemblies this year, including features of this season's sports, more raffle drawings, a feature of this year's ASB members, and other activities.
?Themain thingisthat there'sgoingto be bingo and there's gonna be a lot of winners," ASB Co-president Narina Pogosian said "There'sgoingtobealot of [them],likeoneineveryclass?
When asked in the June survey on what year-end event were MBMSstudents most excited for, 54% replied with eighth-grade celebration, 159% replied eighth-grade promotion, 111% for eighth-graders visiting Auburn Riverside, and 95% replied with music field trips such astouring elementary schools, Leavenworth, etc
[ JUNE2022 * news&features * 3 ]
The past and most recent yearbooks are shown on display outside the attendance office This years is featured in themiddle Therewerenot alot of peopleon theyearbook staff thisyear, so lotsof effort wasput in "I'd say a lot, especially because we only had like, I'd say five people working on
yearbook crew member, Jasmin Rodriguez said PHOTO COURTESY OF M GUZMAN
After over 30 yearsof teaching students, eighth-grade history teacher,Ms Thorington,isretiringat theend of theschool year With the conclusion of her career in sight, Thorington described her experience teachingstudents
Thorington previously taught at a high school in Hilo, Hawaii for one year,at Chinook Elementary for nine years as a resource room and fifth-grade teacher, and lastly, at MBMSfor morethan25years
Eighth-grader Esete Aklilu shared her thoughts and experiences with Ms Thorington?slessons,andhowshe felt Thorington?s teaching had impactedher
?She?svery good at explainingwhat I?msupposedtobedoing,?Aklilusaid ?Andshe?sverystraightforward?
Beingateacher requiresasignificant amount of dedication, passion, and skill Thorington shared afewof the appealing factors of teaching that caught her attention and caused her tostayasateacher for solong
?I love interacting with kids,?
Thorington said ?I?ve taught, you know, almost every grade level in somewayor another ?
Thorington further specified why shechosetowork asahistory teacher instead of teaching other subjects Thorington valued being able to continuously gain more knowledge, evenafter havingyearsof experience
?I lovehistory,?Thorington said ?I
just lovetheidea that you can? t ever learneverything?
Thorington further elaborated on someof her favoritepartsof teaching asahistoryteacher.Shespecifiedthat although she may be a teacher, she still stronglyvaluesbeingabletohear newperspectivesfromstudents.
?I just love the things that I learn from kids every day,? Thorington said.
AlthoughThoringtonexpressedthat shewould missbeingableto interact
with students, she still remained hopeful for thefuture
?There?s going to be parts of [teaching] I'll missI think, asyou get older and have done this long enough,?Thorington said. ?... It?sjust time,to,youknow,moveon.?
Eighth-grader, Nolan Assiobo, describedoneof themost memorable partsof Thorington?sclass; her corny jokes.
?[Ms. Thorington] is the type of teacher whocan takeajokeand even
crack a few jokes herself,? Assiobo said ?Her jokesarereally cringy, but inafunnyway?
Assiobo also stated that heenjoyed beingabletocompeteinThorington?s Quizlet competitions and earning prizes
?When we?re able to play Quizlet and earn rewardsand stuff,?Assiobo said ?I thinkthat?sprettyfun?
Thorington greatly valued being abletoseestudentsinteract with each other,andshesuggestedthat students should try not to secludethemselves, especially during a time when technologyissoprevalent ?Don? t just bury yourself in isolation,?Thorington said. ?... I just think it?s really important that kids pushthemselvestotrynewthings.?
Thorington sharedafinal nugget of wisdomfor MBMSstudents.
?My advicewould beto work hard, of course, but also to have fun and enjoy yourself asa person, meet new friends, and try thingsthat arenew,? Thorington said ?You might end up with something you never thought youweregoingtodo?
Thorington sitting at adesk (center) at ahigh school in Hilo, Hawaii Thorington previously taught at the high school for 1year, but later moved back to Washington in order to stay closer to her family PHOTO COURTESY OF E CARNAHAN
"Try things that are new. You might end up with something you never thought you were going to do."
[ 4 * news&features * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
Thorington (center) takesapicturewith her fellow soical studies teachersduring PLCmeetings PHOTO COURTESY OF E CARNAHAN
Throughaseriesof applications and a rigorous election process, the new ASB contestants were chosen for the2022-2023 school year. Thestudent body iswaiting for thenewyear toarrivetocome together andmakethebest out of
it ?I want everyone'svoicestobe heardandfor everyonetobeaccepted,?oneof thenewcopresidentsKennedyChevallier said It?snot onlyChevalliewho wantstomakeMBMSaplace whereeveryoneisaccepted.
Alongsideher,another new member of thestudent bodyexplainswhyshewantsandhowshe plansontakingonher newroleas treasurer
?SomethingI want toaddis
Culturedaysothat studentscan celebratetheir culture,?Maya Amouzou-Adounsaid.
Manyof theseideasthat students sharedtalkedabout howwecan improvehereat MBMSor some newchangesthat theywouldlike toconsider movingforwardtowardsthenext fall andthroughout But consideringthis,they will facemanychallengesfrom agreeingonnewideasto being committedtogoingtomeetings andevents.
?Asseventh-gradesenator I took onalot of responsibilityandnow haveexperience,?Nevaeh Croskey,aformer seventh-grade senator andoneof thenewcomingeighth-gradesenatorssaid Asweareheadingtowardsthe end,theformer student bodyare wrappinguptheir final meetings ThosewhohavejoinedASBfor 2021-2022,havefacedmanyups anddownsthroughout thisyear of gettingbacktonormal learning andfor sometryinganewactivity.But former president Giselle Solterohassharedher ASBadventuresincesixth-grade ?Weplantogether andlike,weget tohangout AndI createstuff together withtherest of ASB,like animpasse Andnow,I findthat veryfun.Andlike,enjoyable?
Despiteit all will beanother year wherepeoplewill beabletoshare their voicesandrepresent MBMS withprideandintegrity It will be anewadventurefor thosewhoget anopportunitytobecreativeand haveavoiceinthecommunity
?Take advantage of the opportunity,you havenowbeen ableto do more things, because I never had that opportunityAnd like, just takeadvantageof theopportunity you weregiven tolikecreate a fun environment for yourself and everyoneelsein thestudent playing,?Soltero said asadvicefor incoming2022-2023ASB members
[ JUNE2022 * news&features * 5 ]
Thenew leadersof ASB is, co-preisedntsEmeradeBocanegraand Kennedy Chevallier Ben Martin isthesecrectary of MBMS, and lastly MayaAmouzou-Adoun will betaking on her roleasMBMStreasurer PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY S CEJA
TheLight attheEndoftheTunne l AYearinReviewofthe2021-2022SchoolYear
After acoupleof insanely chaoticand hectic years,the 2021-2022 school year revolved around students and staff transitioning back to MBMS ' typical routines andtraditions
Everyone started the year off by being in person, a contrast tolast year whereno one was at school until the last few monthsor stayed at homethewhole school year.
?Honestly the first day of school was probably my favorite because we were finally all back together,?
Principal GregBrownsaid
Although being back in person was exciting , not everyone had an easy transition to middle school Especially middleschool on campus.
?I thought it wasweirdjust staying online throughout sixth-grade,? seventh-grader David Natali said. "When I
finally got to go to middle school, I was in seventh-grade and I didn't knowwhat I was doing?
Thisyear MBMSreignited traditionstohelpthestudent body closer together and helpother communities.
?Getting to like do spirit weeks together with all our friends and like taking pictures, and seeing what people wore on spirit days wasenjoyable,?eighth-grade ASB Co-President Giselle Solterosaid
During spirit days, ASB would raise money to give back tothecommunity This included selling pink accessories for breast cancer awareness and bells during the holidays for children?s hospitals.
?Throughout the lunches and in the mornings we would raise money,?Soltero said
Over the whole year MBMSraised money for the Auburn Food Bank,refugees, domestic abuse, and much
more, in addition to breast cancer awareness and children?shospitals.
In addition, MBMS even had its first ASB election ever since the pandemic started, where candidates had the opportunity to campaignfor office
?For elections,[candidates] did the whole poster promotion and the speeches I remember I walkedintoschool andit was like,nice.It'ssofun,?Soltero said. ?My presidential heart felt reallyproud.?
The year 2022 enabled MBMS to celebrate its studentsthrough Honor Roll and eighth-grade celebrations
?I still remember middle school very vividly,? Brown said SoI think that themore positive memories we can create, the better memories everyonewill have.?
Honor Roll celebrates students who were able to
[ 6 * news&features * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
Yearbook club wasback on track photographing someof MBMS ' best momentsthisyear Studentsenjoyed spirit days, going on field trips, and spending timewith their friends on theMBMScampusthroughout theyear. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY J. FERNANDEZ, COURTESY OF J. FERNANDEZ & M. GUZMAN
"Honestly the first day of school was probably my favorite because we were finally all back together"
maintain a GPA of 35 or higher throughout semester one.
?There'ssomepeoplethat like to work hard, so they can get the certificate for Honor Roll,? eighth-grade
ASB Co-President Narina Pogosian said ?Theyliketo see their reward?
Additionally, this month is filled with events celebrating eighth-grade This year's eighth-grade class is particularly extraordinary,becausethey never fully experienced a typical MBMSschool year.
?Eighth-grade promotion is somethingthat everyone looksforward to,?Pogosian said ?It?slikeareward It's
thesatisfaction of knowing that somethingyou worked sohardon,paidoff ?
Although thisschool year wascertainly not perfect, it provided students with memories that they will remember forever. Moments students will look back on and regret,
and nostalgic moments students will remember fondly
The 2021-2022 school year provides hope Hope that younger students will have the opportunity to fully experience middle school. Hopethat in future years, middle school
students will have the chance to create more meaningful memories
?Everything we did this year wasgreat,?sixth-grader LucilleMartin said ?But I am hoping that next year wewill beableto do much more.?
[ JUNE2022 * news&features * 7 ] Whatisthemostimportantlessonyou
VanessaLiddicoat SIXTH-GRADE "How to do vibrato on violin." JosephVargas SEVENTH-GRADE "To be nice to everyone and slowand
KhymanieBrantley SEVENTH-GRADE "Not all friendships or relationships last. But you met themfor areason LiyinFeng EIGHTH-GRADE
'velearned th
need to find people you enjoy being around, not people you've been withall your life"
"[Eighth-grade promotion] is a reward. It's the satisfaction of knowing that something you worked so hard on paid off.?
PrideMonth isacelebration in June that aims to shed light on those that are a part of the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,Queer,etc.)community Filled with notable history andcelebrations,PrideMonthisa time for the community to feel represented.
TheStonewall Riotsof 1969,led by Marsha P Johnson among other notable leaders, were important movements in LGBTQ+ history Other human rights activists and improved opportunities have greatly increased LGBTQ+acceptanceover time
However, despite the massive progressthat hasbeen madeover recent decades, thecommunity is
still debatedtoday
?Countries still put people in prison or execute them just for being who they are or loving whomthey fell in lovewith,?ELA teacher Mr Copesaid ?Thereare statesall across our country that are passing anti- LGBTQ+ bills into law to suppress and silence queer people Theseexamplesare why Pride Month is so important ?
Pride Month helps to spread awarenessand protect individuals identifyingwiththecommunity
Along with increased representation, Pride Month brings variouseventsfor theLGBTQ+community to celebrate Oneof these events happens to be the Seattle Pride Parade, taking place this year on June 26 Seattle Pride is
currently the largest parade in Washington, with hundreds of thousands of participants regularlyattending
Pride is also celebrated by MBMS students and teachers of different gendersand sexual orientations The new OK2BME! club isan exampleof this, meeting to connect and find a safe spacetogether
?It?s very inclusive,? counselor Ms McGowan said ?Kidsareable totell their storiesandget alot of support ?
Exposure to the community varies in MBMS Out of the 67 studentsthat took part in theTCC Student Surveyquestion,about 66 percent, shared that they are a part of or know someone in the LGBTQ+community
Whether onesupportsthecommunity or not, LGBTQ+pride is an important part of many lives Juneisatimetocelebrateandreflect on thepast,present,and future of pride The world is constantlyprogressing,andthehearts and mindsof society continueto shift aswell.
?I'velearned just how kind and lovingmost peoplecanbetowards folks who are different from them,? Cope said ?The LGBTQ+ community is filled with the strongest, most resilient individuals that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and knowing in mylife.?
[ 8 * news&features * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
In the100 hallway, Ms Zaidaand theOK2BME! Club havecreated aposter spread celebrating several important peopleand eventsthat haveimpacted theLGBTQ+community It includesmany notablefiguresaswell asdifferent flagsrepresenting varioussexualitiesand genders(From left to right: pansexual, transgender, nonbinary, bisexual) PHOTO COURTESY OF L BARRACOSO
NewOK2BME!ClubCelebrates'BeingWhoYouAre '
Some students at MBMS have been promoting self-love in the form of anewclub,theOK2BME! clubisacceptingof all sexualities, races,andgenders.
The club was formed by Koda Gerard,ZenTran,GreyAcunaand Ms McGowan The club was originally going to go by the Lavender society, but the staff decided on ?OK2BME!?The club is based on the LGBTQ+ community and appreciating everyone regardless of how they identify.
?I was just talking with my friendsonedayandwaslike,?Hey, there's nothing really to do with LGBTQhereevents, that I?veseen at least, and maybe we should
start a club?and I just kind of convinced them and westarted it together,? sixth-grader Koda Gerard said.
Teachers and staff support the idea of the younger students promoting support and appreciation for themselves and each other The OK2BME! Club shows it?s inclusivity by beginning the club meeting with snacks everyone introducing themselves with their preferred name and pronouns As well as describing a rose and a thorn about their week A rose and thornsabout their week includes something good that happened andsomethingbadthat happened during their week ?Yeah knowwhat hewassaying
For that, maybe just support, support for kidsthat are LGBTQ and also just a place for them to hang out and meet new people," counselor Ms McGowan said
Although many studentsat the club are very proud to have a placeto bethemselves, not many of the older students visit the OK2BME! Club and the club is mostly sixth and seventh graders
?I also like how a lot of the members are sixth graders becauseit reallyshowshowweare growing as a school and as a society and it?s okay for younger people to show who they are as well I do hopethat moreseventh gradersandeveneighthgradersat this point join them,?
seventh-grader Tayden Sheeler said
The club takes place [either every friday or every other friday] in Ms Zaida?s room, room 211 TheOK2BME! Club iswelcoming to all new faces, regardless of sexuality,gender identity,or race
?It?s nice People have a place where they can be themselves without judgement It?s helpful that kidswho arein theLGBTQ+ community can haveaplacethey can bethemselves,?eighth-grader Atlas Moore said .
[ JUNE2022 * news&features * 9 ]
AbovearesomeSixthgradevisitorsof theOK2BME!Club
ThisphotowastakenduringFebruary2022whenthesixthgradershadaprideparade PHOTOCOURTESYOFG ACUNA
TheOriginsofJuneteenth: WhyisitCelebrated
Thenewest federal holiday was passed on June 17, 2021, which acknowledged the end of enslavement in the US and celebrated the country's "second IndependenceDay,"Juneteenth.
Though President Abraham Lincoln officially signed the Emancipation Proclamation on Janyary 1, 1863, theConfederate, or Southern, states didn? t acknowledgeit,especiallyTexas
On June 19, 1865, the Proclamation was enforced in Texas, which finally released thousandsof enslavedpeoplewho hadn? t been informed they were free
?Theideaof hownewsspreadso slowly andhowit took solongfor slavestorecognizethat they were
in fact, emancipated?" history teacher Mrs.Sherinsaid. "I think it?simportant ?
About twoandahalf yearsafter President Lincoln?s order, in 1865, Major General Gordon Granger and his troops spread information about the Proclamation across Texas These men told courthouses, all-black churches, and other populated placesso Texansknew onething: enslavedAfricanswerefree
?Juneteenth celebrates the freedomof enslavedpeoplein the United States at the end of the Civil War,? nationalgeographiccom said ?For more than 150 years, African American communities across the country haveobservedthisholiday?
Juneteenth was initially a Texas-basedcelebration,but when
the newly freed African-Americans headed towards the north, especially during the Great Migration, so did the holiday. Juneteenth was rapidly being spread throughout the United States
?I don't think [Juneteenth is] being recognized at all I don't think it's being talked about don't think very many people know,?science and social studies teacher Mr Brown said ?So,I just thinkit just needstobestartedoff by aconversation, or an announcement,andpeoplestart tolook it upandlearnabout it.?
According to polls, only 37 percent of American adultsknew very much or had some knowledge about Juneteenth 28 percent of the adults knew absolutely nothing about the
subject ?Would I share this information [about Juneteenth]? Yes,?
eighth-grader Gabriella Benson said ?I would tell friends about it.?
Many Americans claimed they never learned about Juneteenth, even though it wasavital part of black history Juneteenth is celebratedevery June19,and this year would be the 157th anniversary This year, the holidaywouldalsofall onFather?s Day.
?I think we need to make it important, not just? another reasontosell amattress? another reason to sell furniture at the furniture store," Sherin said "We needtomakeit areallybigdeal ?
[ 10 * news&features * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
Thepeopleof Austin, Texastakepart in aparadehonoring and recognizing Juneteenth in 2018 Thesepeoplemarch through thestreetsof Texas, wherethefirst celebration of Juneteenth took placein 1866 PHOTO COURTESY OF UNITEDWAYAUSTIN ORG
The holiday ?National Best Friends Day? takes place on Wednesday, June 8 This holiday wascreated to dedicate a day to our best friends, as a way to show thevaluewehold for them, to show the real ability of best friends being abletogiveyousomanythings, emotionallyandphysically
National Best Friends Day originates in the earlier days This holiday might not be madeasrecently asothers, but the holiday is still celebrated todayintheU.S.
?In 1935, Congress declared June 8, to be National Best Friends Day in the United States,?wwwbhgcomsaid
Best friends share many things such as emotions, laughter, advice, and more A
big thing best friends usually do is hanging out with each other.
Hanging out with a best friend isaway you would have funtogether
? Probably have sleepovers, video games, and sports, stuff like that,? sixth-grader Trey Mentinksaid
Everything has meaning for something,andinthismatter,a best friend has many different meanings to all sorts of different people This could always change as well, because themoreyou arewith aperson the stronger connection you get ? someone you love and care for ,? seventh-grader Citlaly Duransaid
When making decisions in life, you usually choose things or peoplethat will benefit your
lifein thelongrun.In thiscase, choosingyour best friendisone of the things that people have to debate on They have to think about whether or not they want to share a big majority of their life with this person
?They?re always there for you? Eighth-grader Alex Hagadorn said about the best part of havingabest friend
National Best FriendsDay is morethanjust havingaholiday to celebrate having a best friend. It is having a day to recognize the things our best friends do for us. This is an important thing because best friendsdo so much for us, and so they deserve a lot appreciation
?While other friends are for us in good times, best friends support each other through all
walks of life,? republicworldcomsaid Best friends are the reason ?National Best Friends Day,? was created. It was created to acknowledge the real relationship and the importance of having a best friend Best friendsareonethe most amazing relationships youcouldhave Best friendsare capable to provide a support system like no other Whether that isgivingyou advice,being there for you, or even just hanging out with you, friends beingpresent can helpyouthat muchmore.
[ JUNE2022 * news&features * 11 ] Thisisapictureof a sihlouettethat isrepresenting aclosebond in friendship
Principal Brown ispicturedwearinga whitebutton-downshirt andablueand grey patternedtie Thisisagreat outfit to wear to theeighth-gradepromotion as it is generally comfortable but is crisp and formal Thisisdefinitely an outfit you would want tobeseen in on your last dayof middleschool.
Eighth-grader Yareli Lunaispictured wearing black jeans and a white crop toppatternedwithblueflowers.Thisis agreat outfit for eighth-gradepromotion, as it is both comfy and cute Pleaseberespectful and chooseclothingthat issemi-modest Wearingyour graphicteewithapolitical jokeon it is not a good choice for promotion.
Eighth-grader Cameron Van Alstine ispicturedwearingaMardi Grasmask, jeans, and a button down. Thisisnot an appropriate outfit to wear to promotion, asit isflashy and distracting If youchoosetowear amask toeighthgrade promotion, please do your best to wear onethat matchesyour outfit
[ 12 * news&features * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
WARNING:Summer isapproachingfast.That meanseighth-gradepromotionisjust aroundthecorner.60%of MBMSeighthgraderswhorespondedtoTheCanineChroniclesurveyinMaysaidthat theywouldprobablyfigure out their outfit themorningof eighth-gradepromotion.So,herearesixhelpful tipsthat youcanusetohelpwhen gettingreadyfor thismomentousevent Remember,eighth-gradepromotionisn? t thebiggest event of your lifetime andyoudon? t needtostressabout it Aslongasyoucomewithappropriateclothesonyoushouldbegood
Eighth-grader Jenna Earnhardt is pictured wearing a monster onesie PLEASE DO NOT show up to eighthgradepromotioninpajamas
Thisoutfit isnot appropriatetowear for eighth-gradepromotion While pajamasmight becozythisisnot the outfit youwant tobeseeninonyour last day
Eighth-grader Nolan Assiobo is pictured wearing thefamously infamousbanana suit Thisoutfit is very distracting and is definitely not something you would want to wear to eighth- grade promotion Besides,do you really want to look likeagiant bananaon your last day of school?
Eighth-grader Trizah Nyanjuaispictured wearing ripped jeans and a stripedsweatshirt Thisisan goodoutfit to wear to eighth-gradepromotion, as it is comfortable, but you might want to be more dressed up for your last dayasaneighth-grader.Intheend, don? t stress over what you wear It is, after all,just adress(or suit)
[ JUNE2022 * news&features * 13 ]
Aries (March 21- April 19): With your competitive nature, the first item on yourswould beto play an outdoor sport
54% 81% 86%
On April 11, 2022, the civil defamation trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard began, being broadcast live On June 1, 2022, about fifty-one days later, the verdict was read Have you heard the final verdict of the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp court case?
The members of K-pop supergroup BTS recently met with President Biden in theOval Office,aswell asmakean appearance at a WhiteHousebriefing. They briefly discussed thedangersof the Anti-Asian hate that had risen substantially during the pandemic. Did you hear about the White House visit from the world-renowned boy band BTS (Bangtan Boys) in Washington D.C.?
Recently, streaming serviceDisney+released a miniseriestitled Obi-WanKenobi,anewaddition tothelarger StarWarsfranchise.It starsEwan McGregor asthetitlecharacter,reprisinghisrolefrom theprequel trilogy. Haveyou seen episodesof thenew Star Wars miniseriesrevolving around theJedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi?
Originiatingin Galveston,Texas,Juneteenth isafederal holiday in the United States celebrated annually on June 19 It was originally celebrated in 1865, when Gordon Granger proclaimed freedom for enslaved people in Texas. Do you know anything about Juneteenth?
With the end of the year approaching, there are countless celebrations and events in the near future, especially for eighth-graders Areyou excited for theend-of-year eventsand to moveon to thenext grade?
Taurus (April 20- May 20): Yours would be full of calming and serene places to visit.
Gemini (May 21- June 20): Due to your spontaneity, something on your Summer bucket list would beto try a new food or dish
Cancer (June 21- July 22): You usually rely on routine and stability, so yours would be to branch out of your comfort zoneand go camping in thewoods
Leo (July 23- Aug 22): With your big and extroverted personality, you would host abonfire
Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22): Your summer would be spent learning to surf, to relieveyour stressand calm your nerves.
Libra (Sept. 23- Oct. 22): Because you are so extroverted, you would spend your summer at loud concerts and meeting new people
Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21): Sometimes you can be serious, so you would spend timeat an amusement park to let loosea littleand havefun
Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21): With your adventurous traits, you would spend your Summer on aroad trip
Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19): Because of your ambitious attitude, yours would be whitewater rafting.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18): You would spend your summer hiking in strange places because you are drawn to unusual experiences
Pisces (Feb 19- March 20): Yours would be locally volunteering because you are generousand optimistic
[ 14 * mbmsbarks * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
SUMMER Horoscope
MC: Playing with buddies on a swing.
AM: Spending birthday with friends.
MF:Hangingout withfriends
RK: Going to Korea with my family
MW: Seeing friends for the last timebeforemoving
SM: Going to a trampolinepark with my friend group in 7th grade
M.C.:Computer Science.
A.M.:Hangingout withfriends.
MF:Not beingstressed
RK: Sleeping and no school and homework
SM: Just makingthemost of the summer,havingfun
AM:No(can still seefriendsover thesummer).
MF: Yes (can't hang out with
MW: Kind of (Only got to go to MBMSfor oneyear)
A.M.:Yes(beingabletomeet new people)
MF: Yes (close to being in high school)
RK:Yes(becauseof art)
Locker Lottery isaway of gatheringMBMS
students' opinionson related subjects.There are two students selected randomly from each grade. The sixth graders are Madden Carr and Azaliah Moreno. The seventh graders are Micah Fontes and Renee Kim. The eighth graders are Maddison Wilson andSawyer McIntyre.
AM: Going on vacation and
S.M.:I might gotoCanada.
AM: Meeting new people and accomplishingnewthings.
MW: Seeing friends again at Riverside
MF:Makingfriendsat track
R.K.: The Jazz Band concert and fieldtrip
M.W.:Gettingtomeet newpeople andtryingnewthings
SM: Playing 4 square at intramurals
[ JUNE2022 * mbmsbarks * 15 ]
MBMSeighth-graders sharetheirfavorite momentsoftheschoolyear
It's the end of the year once moreandeighth-graderswill soon be moving on to high school. In honor of their promotion,eighthgradershaveshared someof their favoriteMBMSclasses, clubs, and events throughout the past three years
At MBMS,therearemanyactivitiesthat studentscan participate in and enjoy throughout the school year. These activities include sports, electives, clubs, and field trips. Students can find a communitywithintheschool that sharestheir sameinterests, gaining more profound relationships withfriends,teachers,andcoaches throughtheseevents
?I enjoyedall myclasses,?eighthgrader Dequez Williams said ?I enjoyed learning,gettingto know theteachersandmorefriends?
Facing the COVID pandemic
throughout their entire middle school careers, eighth- graders have experienced classesin more waysthan other students Despite the struggles that came from transferringbetween learningenvironments, eighth-graders have expressedtheir satisfactionfor the activitiesthey?veexperienced
?Me winning my first football game [was one of my favorite memories],?Williamssaid.
With thevariousactivitiescurrent eighth- graders have had throughout the years, students have accumulated a number of favorites despite disturbances moving between online and in-person
?[Myfavoriteclassesare]art and kitchen science,? eighth- grader Rayah Giuffre said ?[Also] BuildersClub.?
Studentsalsoenjoyedsportsoffered at MBMSaswell asthedifferent positionstheyweregiven
?I play baseball, my favorite place is third base and outfield,? eighth-grader ShineHedioussaid
Participatingin different activities, students were able to bond and connect with teachers and coaches.
?My favoriteteacher, [Mr Ferrell], told me and [taught] me
Although classesand clubswere large parts of middle school, COVID affected theexperiencein other ways, adding chaos to school life Notable memories weremadeover theyears,whether in-personor online
?When masks were taken off
[ 16 * spotlight * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
"Always stay on top of your work and listen to the teacher. Find better ways to help [yourself] with certain projectsand subjects."
The400 hall isroamed by thecurrent eighth-gradersof thisyear Several memoriesweremadethroughout 2021-2022 by theseeighth graders, who soon will beattending high school PHOTO BY L BARRACOSO
and the teachers were freaking out?? Giuffre said ? but twothirds of [MBMS students] still woremasks??
Experiencesliketheseleft this year?seighth-graderswith lotsto thinkabout Makingit out of the pandemic, eighth- graders have thought up pieces of advice to givetoother students.Theyhave gonethrough extremehighsand lowsof middleschool, and have someexperiencetoshowit
?Always stay on top of your work and listen to the teacher,? Williamssaid ?Find better ways to help [yourself] with certain projectsandsubjects?
Although academic advice is very important, social aspects arealsoakey part of school and dailylife
?No person really cares about
Areyouinterestedinbuyingthe 2021-2022MBMSYearbook?
Areyou interested in buyingthe 2021-2022MBMSYearbook?
howyou dressor what you look like,?Giuffresaid ?Noonereally caresexcept for you?
Overall,eighth-gradersexperiencedalot in thelast threeyears and have lots of memories to pull from the experience This year?seighth-graderswill berememberedfor themomentsthey went through, both good and bad"
?[I?d] recommend doing wrestling It?safun sport andthe coaches are really nice,? Williamssaid ?AndI?ll probably recommend track, track and field [It?s] fun, active, [and will] get youintoshape??
Areyou interestedin buyingthe 2021-2022MBMSYearbook? 26%
[ JUNE2022 * spotlight * 17 ]
Areyouinterestedin buyingthe 2021-2022MBMSYearbook? Maybe
After ninelongmonthsof hard workanddedicatededucation,the school year for Mount Baker MiddleSchool will beendingin a matter of days In the wake of such events, the students of MBMS, especially the soon to be freshman, eighth-graders, have hadachancetoreflect upon their latest year and their years to come
?Thehighlight of my school was meeting new friends,? seventh-grader Harjot Kang said ?...last year we were all isolated and we didn't get to meet anybody new, but this year we [wereableto]meet
With the events of COVID-19, many studentsand teachersalike have felt a void left unfixed to the isolation and lack of social interaction the pandemic has brought Duetothis,manyfound that interacting post-pandemic wasa great way to rechargeafter such events, even to the point where social interaction had become the highest point of the year for several.
?Gettingtoseepeoplein person again,? sixth-grader Emma Lats said ? Online learning was difficult and boring since we didn't get toseeanyone?
There have even been a multitude of cases where those who wouldn? t normally indulge, or overly look forwardtocrowded social gatherings and meeting new people, actually found such interactions to be the most enjoyableof their year.
?Making new friends,? seventh-grader Angianelly
Ramirez-Rosassaid ?I havesocial anxiety and struggleto even talk tosomeone,sowhen I madesome new friendsI felt really proud of myself ?
Middleschool canbeatimethat a vast majority of people dread, even to the point where leaving such a place becomes the most memorable experience in their experienceat MBMS Despitethis, for many eighth-graders, the thoughts of moving on to a different school, High School, havebeenprompted.
Whilemany focuson achieving proficient grades or participating in variousextracurriculars,others look forward to a new environment or connecting with peoplesocially
?I am very excitedtoseemy old friendsfrom my previousmiddle school,? an anonymous source said ?We've really lost a lot of communication, so I'm looking forwardtoat least talkingtothem andseeinghowthey'vegrownand changed?
To reflect upon a year of triumphs and failures, reflecting upon one?s most memorable moments can add a certain enlightening to understanding certain events, such as a school year Bringing them along with you to future opportunities may also be considered an additional bonus, especially for the soon-to-befreshman
?You shouldn't baseyour whole personality off of what other people think, or need validation of your own opinionsfrom other people,? eighth-grader Fisher Ericksonsaid ?Dowhat youlike?
[ 18 * spotlight * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
A collection of variouscandid eventsand photosfrom the2021-2022 school year hereat MBMS Ranging from athletics, spirit days, extracurricular, social gatheringsand more, thestudentsof MBMShavehad memorablemoments within thesewalls PHOTO COLLAGE BY A GERHARDT, PHOTO COURTESY OF M GUZMAN
"You shouldn't base your personality on what people think...Do what you like."
"I am looking forward to joining the sport programs becausethey aremore intenseand demanding then compared to middle school."
"I'm looking forward to thenew opportunitiesand freedomsthat we'll havein high school High schools offer many moreelectives, classes, and clubs, and they all look really appealing."
"What I'm most looking forward to next year in high school isjoining sportsand joining deca. "
"Mainly just meeting new teachers, coaches, and fellow sleep deprived students. I can't wait to seewhat knowledgeany seniorshave and seeif thereareany peopleI don't know in my classes."
"I am most looking forward to meeting avariety of new people. I can makenew friendsand get to know morepeople. "
"I am looking forward to my extracurricular classesand sportsat Auburn Riversidenext year."
[ JUNE2022 * spotlight * 19 ]
"Progressing further into my lifewith learning new thingsand meeting new people."
Asthe2021-2022school year comestoanend,therehasbeenawide varietyof musicreleasedinthepast year.Thesearesomeof themost popular songsreleasedrecentlythat youmight know.
Thealternativepop song, "DriversLicense" by Olivia Rodrigo wasreleased in January of 2021, and becamethetop songlistened to on
"Billboard'sHot 100"
?Thetrack reached No 1 in 48 countrieson AppleMusic, 31 countrieson Spotify and 14 countrieson YouTube," an articlefromtheNewYorkTimessaid
At only 18-years-old, Rodrigo set newrecordsand will continueto stuntheworldwithfuturesinglesandalbumstocome
The soul, pop song, ?Easy on Me? by British singer-songwriter, Adele, was released in October of 2021, and the tune explored moreof theemotional sideof today?spopular songs
?Andthat'sevident in?EasyonMe,?asweepingcompositionthat exploresbothdespair andhealing,?anarticleonellecomsaid Withinthefirst full weekout,therewaswell over 54millionstreams, and it alsobrokeSpotify?sall-timerecord for themost streamed song inasingleday.
The indie pop song, ?Happier Than Ever?by BillieEilish wasreleased in July of 2021, and once again stunned the world
??Happier Than Ever?debuted atop the Billboard 200 asEilish?ssecond number-onealbum in theUnited States, and topping the album chartsin 27 other countries,? said
Thesonghasmultipledifferent partsto it-aslower part, and more upbeat segment which adds more emotion and is found to be more powerful for listeners
Thepop song,?22 (Taylor?sVersion)?by Taylor Swift was released in November 2021 and wasextrameaningful sinceit is the22ndyear of the21st century
?Upon release, ?22?received positive reviews from music critics, who complimented its catchy melody andpopproduction,?wikipediacomsaid
Asoneof themost anticipated songsin there-record, Taylor Swift didnot disappoint andfanswereextremelysatisfiedwithit
[ 20 * arts&entertainment * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
The contemporary pop song, ?Heat Waves?by Glass Animals was released in June2020 asasinglefrom their third studio album, Dreamland, and was nominated for Best BritishSingle.
?In addition to reaching number fiveon theUK SinglesChart and being a top-five hit in several other European countries, it reached number one in Australia, Canada, Lithuania, Switzerland, and the United States,whereit reached number oneon theBillboard Hot 100 after arecord-breaking59weeksonthechart,?wikipediacomsaid
Overall,thehit wasthegroup?sbest singletodate,andreceivedover onebillionstreamsonSpotifyfor itsmasterful composition
Thecountry rock/popsong,?All TooWell (Taylor?s Version)? by Taylor Swift was released in November of 2021 and wasare-record of theoriginal versionreleasedin2012
?Taylor Swift?s ?All Too Well?(Taylor?s Version) is officially the longest No 1hit of all time,at 10minutes,13seconds,?billboardcom said.
Swiftieswereexcited when shedropped a10-minuteversion which shehadn? t donebefore,andgot over 55millionstreamsnationwide
Thesynth-pop song,?AsIt Was?by Harry Styles was released in March of 2022, and becamethelead singlefrom histhird studio album
?Also,it charted at thetop of theBillboard Hot 100, becoming hissecond number-onesingleon thechart following ?Watermelon Sugar?in August 2020 and has so far spent four nonconsecutiveweeksat thetopof theBillboardHot 100,?wikipediacom said.
With over 106 million streams in one single day from multiple countries, thesongseemsto beupbeat but in reality seemsto havea moresomber meaning
The arena rock song, ?Hold My Hand? by Lady Gaga was released in May 2022 and makesan appearancein thenewfilm, ?TopGun:Maverick?andwasinspiredfrom 1980s?power ballads?.
?So far, thetrack hasperformed moderately on international music charts, achievingtop 40 peaksin several countries, such asAustralia, Canada,andtheNetherlands,?wikipediacomsaid
Thesongwaswritten as"aloveletter totheworldduringandafter a very hardtime"andhadmany different meaningsandcomponentsin thesong
Thepop song, ?My Universe?by Coldplay X BTSwasreleased in September of 2021,and received many positivereviews bymusiccritics
?It debuted at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, becomingBTS?sixth USchart-topper and Coldplay?ssecond after 2008?s?VivaLaVida?,?wikipediacomsaid
BTShas collaborated with a total of 25 international artists since they started, and it hasbeen a real treat for both Coldplay and BTS fans
[ JUNE2022 * arts&entertainment * 21 ]
ScanthisQR Codetolisten tothe 2021-2022 playlist on Spotify!
Thelong-awaitedfirst volumeof season four of the hit Netflix TV show "Stranger Things" premiered May 27, 2022 and has left fans speechless Theseweresomeof my thoughts while watching the new seasonfor theveryfirst time
1 This is a nice, serene setting Let?shopeit staysthat way.
2. Note to self: Never let a magic eight ball decideif you want tobe experimentedonor not.
3. We are nine minutes into the first episode of this season and thereisalreadysomuchblood.
4. Oh, ?California Dreamin??? Alreadyoff toagoodstart withthe season4soundtrackI see.
5 I don? t understand Supposedly the kids are freshmen in high school?They look likethey are20 Oh,wait theyare
6 El, I?m sorry But no, you have not made any friends and everyoneat school thinksyou are weird
7 Dustin?s ?Thinking Cap? hat might bethegreatest thingI have ever seen
8 Many people have been killed by thisdeadly creature, so why is this guy making it about himself andhisbasketball game?
9.HowdidChrissy?smomget into the school bathroom?Wait, what isupwith her feet? Yeah,thereis NOWAYthat isher mom
10 You would think that seeing and hearing an old broken grandfather clock stuck in aTREE
in themiddleof theWOODSwith SPIDERScrawling out of it would be something that you tell someoneabout But noapparently it'snobiggie
11 Okay yes,Angelaandher little posseget on mynerves But I don? t really think it was necessary for Eleven to try and use her powers on her when she knows they are gone? I feel themost second-hand embarrassment from this scene thananyother
12 I would have been so beyond upset if Ericadidn? t roll a20 or if Lucasdidn? t makehisshot
13 I?mconfused,I thought Chrissy wasat Eddie?splace,wheredidshe go?
15 Therereally should havebeen awarning or something becauseI wasnot mentallypreparedfor that scene. Since when did Stranger ThingsbecomeTheConjuring?
16 I can already sense peopleon social mediamakingfun of Will's thirdwheelingwithEl andMike
17 Is Eleven going to tell Mike that she has no friends or what? Ohno?Okaycool
18 So to recap: Eleven punched Angela in the face with a roller skate, Angela?s face bled, they claimed it wasan accident,(which it wasn?t) and El was arrested Maybeit isjust mebut it seemsa little extra to arrest a person for punching someone Especially in the1980s.
19. Does anyone else think it?s a little bizarre that the boys are hangingout with Eddie?Don? t get me wrong, Eddie?s great and all, but heseemslikehe?s30. I know that theactor isolder,but healso
said a line in the first episode stating that hehasbeen trying to graduate for years, and that his goal was to graduate in ?86 So is thishiseighth year of high school or something?
20 Uh oh Max is Vecna?s new target I think I maystopwatching theshowif Vecnakillsher
21 The scene where they are playing Max?s memories makes mewant tocry
22 Oh good, Max lived Once again,KateBushsavestheday.
23. The last silhouette of Steve, Dustin, Max, and Lucasreminded me of the ?Stand by Me? movie silhouette
24 In all honesty, I?m not completely sure which parts are supposed to be real and which partsareEleven?smemories
25 Salt Lake City?They?re going tofinally meet Suzie??Thisshould begood
26 They must havecast Yuri very intentionally because he looks exactlylikeMurry
27 I simply cannot get over how brilliant these kids are. Hacking into computers to change grades? Communicatingwith their friends in a different dimension through LIGHTS? Traveling through the dimensions using a few tied together sheets? Knowing how a compass against an electromagneticfield?Brilliant
28 Solet meget thisstraight The man from the lab is 001, who is alsoVictor Creel?sson,whoisalso Vecna,andhe?stheonethat killed hisfamily?AndnowI havetowait
22 daysto find out what happens next?Unbelievable
P H O T O C O U R T E S Y O F C M A C D O U G A L L V I A 2 1 L A P S E N T E R T A I N M E N T [ 22 * arts&entertainment * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
School'salmost over! Studentsin TCChaveshared their favorite movies, songs, and even video gamesthat you should check out duringthesummer vacation. They comein variety from pop to k-pop, booksto movies. Please remember that thesearenot real tweetsor accounts;theyhavebeencreatedusingafakeTwitter generator
[ JUNE2022 * arts&entertainment * 23 ]
Proof, BTS?new album, isset to releaseon June10, 2022, at 1:00 PM KST. The album will release in the Pacific Daylight Timezoneat 9:00 PM on June 9, 2022 Proof is the first anthologyalbumbeingreleased by BTSand includes a variety of tracksfromover theyears
CD 1 includes 14 past title tracks, the remastered version of ?Born Singer,?and the new title track ?Yet to Come (The Most Beautiful Moment)?
CD 2 features the new song ?Run BTS? and the members? choices of two songs each to include in the album The CD includes intros, outros, and sidetracks embodying the members??Proof?of growth.
CD 3 includesmultipledemo versions of popular songs, including ?Boy In Luv,? ?I NEED U,? ?DNA,? ?Young Forever,? ?Epiphany,? and ?SpringDay,?aswell asthenew song?For Youth?
Suga, otherwise known as Agust D, chose ?Trivia ? : Seesaw?and ?BTSCypher PT3: KILLER? to include in CD 2 He uses these two songs as a wide musical range to widen thespectrumof hismusic
? music that are the productsof thesethoughtsand ideasareour Proof,?Sugasaid
j-hope selected ?Her? and ?Outro:Ego?becauseof howhe relates to the lyrics. Having
worn many different masksto hide parts of himself, these lyrics resonated with him. However, he shared that his acceptancehasput hismind at peace.
?Who I am, just asI am, my egoismyProof,?j-hopesaid
RM, leader of BTS, chose to include ?Intro: Persona? and ?Stay? while pondering the question, ?Who am I??On one hand, he is Kim Namjoon, a family member and friend - on theother hand,heistheleader of BTSandamusic-maker,RM
? the members and our ARMYwho?Stay?ed by my side no matter which of the?me?sI wasaremyProof,?RMsaid
Proof embodies BTS? evolution, and through music, the membershave found their peaceof self andhappiness,and in their ninth year asa group, they continue to share their stories.
During the pandemic, we have also found hope, no matter how difficult life was BTS?Proof reminds many of their strugglesand howthey?ve copedthusfar
? even though [BTS?music] isin adifferent language,I can understand the feeling presented in the song,? eighth-grader Trizah Nyanjua said
BOTTOM: On June10, their new album Proof will bereleased, marking thefirst anthology album in their career Thealbum includesnineyears' worth of songs- avariety of old, brand new, and formerly unofficial songswill beincluded PHOTO COURTESY OF WIKIMEDIA VIA CREATIVE COMMONSLICENSE
TOP: Jimin, Suga, Jin, RM, j-hope, V, and Jungkook (left to right) posed for their fifth anniversary party photo shoot hosted by Dispatch in 2018 BTSdebuted June13, 2013 and will celebratetheir ninth anniversary this year during album promotions. PHOTO COURTESY WIKIMEDIA, PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY A HAN
[ 24 * arts&entertainment * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
Major Differences Between Book and Movie
"JurassicWorld:Dominion" hascomeout bythetimeyou?re readingthis,solet'shavean overviewof thedifferences betweentheJurassicParkbook andtheJurassicParkmovie.
Theplot of JurassicParkwas changedbyMichael Crichton, theauthor of theJurassicPark book Thefirst fewdraftsof the bookwereverydifferent from thestoryweknowtoday
?I workedonit for several yearssince,tryingtomakeit morecredible,?Micheal Crichtonsaid.?Finally,I
decidedonathemepark setting,andwroteanovel from thepoint of viewof ayoung boywhowaspresent whenthe dinosaursescaped?
Withthedifferences,let's start withtheprehistoric creaturesfeaturedineach The sevenprehistoriccreaturesin themovieareBrachiosaurus, Dilophosaurus,Gallimimus, Parasaurolophus,Triceratops, TyrannosaurusRex,and Velociraptor.
Meanwhile,thebookhas16 prehistoriccreatures Those creaturesareApatosaurus, Cearadactylus,Dilophosaurus,
Dryosaurus,Euoplocephalus, Hadrosaurus,Maiasaura, Meganeura,Microceratus, Nanosaurus, Procompsognathus, Stegosaurus,Styracosaurus, Triceratops,Tyrannosaurus Rex,andVelociraptor
Nowlet'smoveontoJohn Hammond,thecreator of JurassicParkin-universe.Inthe book,Hammondisdescribedas arrogant,flamboyant,andan idealisticdreamer.Hecared moreabout moneyandhis expensivecreaturesthanhis employees Hewassuperbly confident that hisparkwould
besuccessful evenright before hisdeathat thehandsof lotsof Procompsognathus.
Inthefilm,heisstill eccentric andvaluesmoneyandthe safetyof hisdinosaurs.Unlike thenovel?sHammond,heis kindandisconcernedabout his grandchildren's,employees? , andguests?safetywhen everythinggoeswrong.
Another differenceistheages of LexandTim Inthenovel, Timistheolder siblingandLex istheyounger one Meanwhile, inthemovie,Timisyounger andLexisolder
Duringauditionsfor Steven Spielberg'sother film,Hook, JosephMozzelo,theactor for TimMurphy,didn? t get thepart hewasauditioningfor so Spielberghadmadeapromise tohim
?SoStevencameuptome,and hesaid,?Don? t worryJoey,I?m gonnaget youinamoviethis summer,?Mozzelosaidduring acommentaryonJurassicPark madebyIGN.?Andthat movie endedupbeingJurassicPark, andheswitchedtheagesof the charactersinthebook,sothat I couldbeinthefilm?
Eventhoughtherearemany other differencesbetweenboth versions,bothstill holdupand youshouldreadandseethem for yourself
A collection of all theprehistoric creaturesin theJurassic Park novel In alphabetical order, thecreaturesare Apatosaurus, Cearadactylus, Dilophosaurus, Dryosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Hadrosaurus, Maiasaura, Meganeura, Microceratus, Nanosaurus, Procompsognathus, Stegosaurus, Styracosaurus, Triceratops, TyrannosaurusRex, and Velociraptor. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION & MICROCERATUSBY R. LEWIS, PHOTO COURTESY OF WIKIMEDIA COMMONS& PIXABAY
[ JUNE2022 * arts&entertainment * 25 ]
Following the return from the COVID lockdown, many students wantedtostart doingsportsagain
The number of participants has greatly increased as the year has continued, going along with the loosening of pandemic restrictions
Season four hasalwaysbeen the most popular sportsseason, most likely due to the warm weather and studentswantingto do more sports, since the year is ending However, another likely factor is peer pressure of friends joining sportsand kidsnot wantingtobe left out
?Alot of it hastodowithpeople and their friends joining sports and then it influences others,?
track and football player Oliver Nguyen said, ?It's like a domino effect ?
In addition, some of the later sports require less equipment, whichtranslatesintolesscleaning needed Thisiswhy football may have been less popular, while track and volleyball weresomeof themost crowdedsports.
?Theschool hastopurchasenew equipment due to both COVID andtheequipment not beingused inawhile,'' Principal Brownsaid COVID hasplayed abigrolein the increase of sports participation due to kids not being able to play sports with other kids and wanting to get back into shape The school also had to purchasemoreequipment
due to high participation in seasonfour
Another bigpart of later sports being more popular is that fact that the fall sports tend to be morephysical,likefootball,while spring sports, like track, involve lesscontact.
?We?d had football for abit and kidsdidn't get their physical and parentswerealittleworriedabout the contact in football,? Vatne said
This supports that the participationwasnot near asclose asit wasthissport season duein a largepart to the contact and the hits that football players take every day and parents do not want their childrentoget hurt
Direct instruction is hard to
find especially in middle school with teams being so big so, most would assumeit would beharder withmoreplayers
? I think I still get a equal amount of direct instruction from coaches even with more participation.? seventh-grader JaydenSmart said
All together it isgood that kids are wanting to join more school sports to be with friends and to get active with the loosening of pandemic rules also playing a factor inthis
?I'm glad sports are back I'm excited that kidsareenjoyingit,? Vatnesaid,?And whatever sports wehavefor whatever season,it'sa goodthing? .
[ 26 * sports * VOLUME
6 ]
Track athletestraining to get ready for their futuremeetsearly in thesport season You can also seehow many kidsareinvolved in thisrun which showstheparticipation increase PHOTO COURTESY OF M GUZMAN
MBMS Track and Field
BoysWinDistrictChampionship, GirlsTeamFinishesStrongatEnd
other onat themeets
The track season began with a strong win against all schools placing in the top three The boy's track and field team ended track season with a total of 413 points winning the district championship Thegirlsgot atotal of 1945 points whileplacingsecondindistrict
The team had an amazing teamwork thankstothecoachesand team captains On thefirst day, the coach paired everybody into groups of 8or fewer It forcedtheplayersto get out of their comfort zone and meet new people They were all supportiveandalwayscheeringeach
?When they practice together theybondedreallywell,?Girl?sHead coach Ms Kelly said, ?It wasfun to watch them, you know, make new friends and kind of build that camaraderie.?
They hadreallygreat runnersthis year who made the competition tough For example, Alexis Miller for sprints, JolieJamesfor distance, and then Lucy Casperson who was thefastest for the75-meter hurdles Some of the fastest on the boy?s team were Oliver Nguyen, Jordan Stubblefield, Isaac Mospanko, and DequezWilliams.Also,threeschool records (100m, 200m, and long
jump) were beaten this year by Oliver Nguyen.
?[Oliver Nguyen] found himself at the top of the list like in the whole state of Washington for the 200meter dash,hewasnumber one for the longest time,? Boys head coach Mr Larson said, ?Oliver probably individually helped score themost pointsfor usandhelpedus achieve ?
Many of the athletes had never ran track before and didn't have much experience But, that didn? t stop them from giving up or winning Many of the team membershavestated that they will most likely join track and fieldnext
year aswell
?I've never really run like actual track before but just like regular running,?eighth-grader Jolie James said
They never had much competition because there were sometimes that our runnerswould behead to head with their own teammates One team that did get close was North Tapps
?I would say North Tapps might be one of the biggest competition becausethey havea solid team but not as good as us," sixth-grader Kaleb Chevallier said
The teams finished strong with great achievements and lots of winning but, track and field is not just about running against other schools it is also about getting to knowyour track family andmaking great memories that will alwaysbe with you. They cherish these moments that make them want to participateintrackandfieldagain
?My favorite memory is in my four-by-one relay when Kaile fell down,andJoliecaught usupandwe won therace,? seventh-grader Lucy Caspersonsaid
Some runners are just grateful that they joined becausethey ended uplovingtrack andfield.They have learned that even if there is not much competition, to give it your best It?snot onlyabout winningbut also about beating your personal recordsof gettingbetter eachday.
?Compete only against yourself and don? t compare your speed to others,? eighth-grader Oliver Nguyensaid
[ JUNE2022 * sports * 27 ]
Everyday after atiring day in practiceall theathletesand coaches(on right side) gather up together and their team captain Jordan Stubblefield saystheir track chant "Bulldogson me, Bulldogsin 3, 1,2,3, BULLDOGS!!!! PHOTO COURTESY OF A LILIEQUIST
MBMS's varsity volleyball team had an amazing record of 7-1 Later this year, they will soon haveaplaqueon thegym wall to leavetheir mark in school history asdistrict champions
Thisseason, they had a variety of volleyball experiences Someof them had outside experience between 1-4 years while others hadnone.
"Themixtureof experiencehas been difficult but good to see people improve so much, so quickly," eighth-grader Clara Mathesonsaid
One of the teams favorite moments was when they had a really tough first game against Olympic. The second time they
played Olympic, they were ready and they came with a different mindset
?Thehighlight of my season so far was when we faced Olympic for thesecondtimeandbeat them sincewelost to them in our first game,?KaylaMcGraw, oneof the 13 players on varsity volleyball, said
The team was skilled at communicating with each other while on the court The players themselves,although beingoneof thebest teamsin thedistrict, are very critical of themselves They makesuretohelpand guideeach other on and off thecourt if they did doing anything wrong They make sure everyone improves so that thewholeteamwill get better andbetter eachday.
?Wehavereally improvedsofar since our first practice and our first game," said team captain KateDanielson "Wehavealot of amazing girlson our team, to be honest "
According to coach Tienda, the MVP of their season is Kayla McGraw,their startingsetter. The team all seem to haveacommon frustration with having early morning practices due to overpopulated teams Over 100 girls signed up and tried out for theMBMSvolleyball team
"One struggle was waking up really early each morning for practice," eighth-grader Grace Kimsaid
Overall, they had an outstanding season with many cherishable moments with the
help of teammates to make the experience more fun Hopefully the team will stick together forever andwill all beonthesame teamnext year.
"Mygirlsarealwaysagoodtime! It isobviousthey genuinely enjoy each other's company," Coach Tiendasaid.
[ 28 * sports * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
Thegirl'svarsity volleyball team huddlesduring gameagainst Cascade PHOTO COURTESY OF J STUBBLEFIELD
The varsity baseball team came out of the gate strong, with numerous victories against opposing schools. They worked together as a well- oiled machine, snagging victoriesat several games.
?[Our players] are all really positiveand put in hard work and want to get better and all of them areimproving,?Head Coach Vatne said ?And we never giveup,that?simportant too.?
With only four eighth-grade playerson theteam, it fell on them to try to help coach, the less experienced players, as well asthekey of good sportsmanship and the vitality of
?Our eighth- graders are tremendous leaders, and they arereally good at helping becausewe havemorethan half the team of sixth-graders and three fourths of the team has sixth and seventh graders,?
However,theplayersdid not go without struggle, with even experienced players struggling to hit theball at times. There were always moments where eventhe mightyfell
?You just haveagamewhere no matter what happens, no matter how good a hitter is, they just don't hit and so a couple of our losses, we just didn't hit,?Vatnesaid
In spite of this, the players
attemptedtomakethemost of their struggles by constantly trying to move forward and improve
?Enjoy yourself because you don't alwaysget opportunities like this,?eighth-grade player CameronBainsaid
The players on the varsity baseball team came together for a variety of reasons, but this was the one thing that they could all bond over and communicate well through It was an impactful experience for them all, without a dull moment inbetween
?I choseto play baseball becauseI havealot of experience withit,just in general,?eighthgrade player Noah Kwon said ?I couldusethisopportunityto
showkidshowtoplay baseball and just play baseball with friends.?
Overall, the varsity baseball season was full of both epic moments and losses, as the game itself is a game of failures Even through the pain and the struggles that came withtheseason,theplayersalwayshadeachother toleanon ?You haveto beableto rely on your teammates all the timein baseball,?eighth-grade player Shaun Kerney said ?It?s key to provide defense in the outfield, and to beable to get solid hits to help you guys score. You can't succeed without them"
[ JUNE2022 * sports * 29 ]
Eighth-gradeplayersCameron Bain and Shaun Kerney during agame, with Coach Vatnegiving signsin thebackground to aid theplayerson baseat thetime PHOTO COURTESY OF A FOUCHER
Youknowwhat grindsmygears!?Cheese
I personally don? t HATE cheese with every fiber of my being, but this is only because it tastesgoodonvariousother foods.However,to thoseof you that eat plain cheeseand enjoy it, thereisaspecial placeintheafterlifefor you
I donot mean todiscriminateagainst any of your likes,but please,makeit makesense
The appeal of a squishy and pungent substance is just lost on me If you?re wondering why cheese scent is so awful, oftentimesit?saspecificfamily of bacteriathat can makecheeseunbearabletosmell.Isn? t that lovely?Don? t you love consuming unicellular prokaryoteswhen you'retrying to enjoy your ham and cheese sandwich? When you eat cheese, do you just think ?wow, bacteria, my favoriteseasoning?,causeI prefer todescribeit assatan?sfurikake
Even more than just lone cheese being disgusting, mac n?cheese is nothing to brag about either Someone really said?Mm,cheese andnoodles? asthough theywerecookinglike afivestar michelin
In all honesty,I can rant for thenext hour on why cheese isRonald McDonald?s Playdough, but I?mafraidI?m gonnagagjust writingabout it
AndTHATiswhat grindsmygears!
Youknowwhat grindsmygears!?Spring
What issupposedly the?season of blossoms? andthe?most colorful timeof theyear?,seems to mainly consist of the season of allergies. Allergies, allergies, allergies, allergies
Everyone?s eyes look like they are on fire because of the seasonal sensitivity that is excruciatinglyuncomfortable
Thisisalsothetimewhen you haveabsolutely no clue about what to wear each day ?Long sleeveor t-shirt??isthequestion weall haveto ask ourselvesevery springmorning If you are super unlucky, then you will have to bring bothat-shirt ANDasweatshirt But then again it?salways,youtakeyour sweatshirt off,andit?s storming It?s either sunny and warm or pouringdownrain There?snoinbetween If you are fortunate enough, the sun will come out But it?ll probably be when you are stuck insideat school Then you areforced to stareout thewindow,longingfor abreath out under thesun
Didyouknowthat thespanfromFebruaryto Mayisconsideredthelongest stretchof timein the year with no federal holidays?Yeah me neither AndTHATiswhat grindsmygears!
You know what grinds my gears!?When your favoritedessert dripsontoyour hand
It?sthemiddleof July It?s90°outsideandthe dreadful heat tormentsyou Youremember the delicious ice cream you bought at the frozen foods section in Walmart You grab it from your freezer and unwrap it from its plastic cage
It?sdelicious, isn? t it?It?slikean oasisin the middleof thousandsof milesof desert.Finally, theicecreamprovidesan escape;abrief respite fromthecruel tortureof thesun.
Dreading the inescapable agony of the delicioustreat turningintoaliquid,you try to lick theedgesof theicecream in a desperate yet futileattempt to prevent it from escaping itscone
But it?stoolate
Theicecreamdripsontoyour hand?
You grab a napkin to wipe the room temperature dessert off your fingers, but the material getsstuckonyour hand
[ 30 * opinion-editoria l * VOLUMEXII,ISSUE6 ]
Disagree?Thesegment 'What GrindsMy Gears' is presented as opinion and does not express the views of all MBMSstudents or The Canine Chronicle If you would like to express your opinion, write us a letter, and you may be published in our next edition.
Why must icecream bethisway!?Why can? t I just enjoythismoment awayfromtheheat!?
Unfortunately,it doesn? t care
AndTHATiswhat grindsmygears!
You know what grinds my gears!? Mosquitoes.
Never in my lifehaveI encountered amore infuriatingbug I think that thereisabsolutely noneed for itsthreepairsof hair-likelegsand elongatedmouthparts
Not only that,but they happen to also carry diseases that infect humans, as well as carry parasitesthat impact dogsand horses. They?re attracted to carbon dioxide that humans and other organismsemit They also biteand suck bloodfor reproductivepurposes Vampirecore
I mean,I thought Edward Cullen of Twilight fame wasbad, but mosquitoesareon awhole other level of creepyanddisgusting
But donot fear!
There is a magical way to fend off against theseblood-suckingfiends!
Simply cover yourself in cinnamon, peppermint, cedar, citronella, lemongrass, patchouli, catnip, or lavender, and you will ward off the creatures and preserve your preciousblood Andonly wear whiteandother pale-colored clothes Aslongasyou makesure youcompletethesameamount of stepsaritual requires,you should bein theclear from these creatures.
AndTHATiswhat grindsmygears!
You know what grinds my gears!?Broken sleepschedules
I, personally, am not a stranger to horrible sleeping patterns Especially during the summer when timebecomesnonexistent andI forget what month it is,theconsistency of my circadian rhythm quickly becomestheleast of myconcerns
My troubles throughout the day and the activitiesI keep myself busy with seem tolove drainingmy energy, no matter how sedentary in nature they may be Despite this, I always find myself stayingupuntil unholy hourslate intothenight.I ammyowndownfall.
Whatever the cause of my energy deprivation, I constantly find myself up way later than an adolescent should ever be; whether the reason is because of family, friends, hobbies, or excessive staring off into space That'spretty bad already, no doubt My solution tothis,however,istojust sleepin and replenishthat lost rest!
Thisishow I find myself wakingup at 5 in the evening and wondering where and who I am in my half-asleep state That'snot even an exaggeration, sometimes I get up to have breakfast while everyone else is enjoying dinner
AndTHATiswhat grindsmygears!
Youknowwhat grindsmygears!?Bees
Theyarethesingleworst livingbeingson the entire planet Earth No one, and I mean NO ONE, can changemy mind about them being spawns of Hades himself sent to Earth for worlddomination
I mean, they?renot just hereto makehoney and pollinate flowers or anything, that?s just crazy Bees are here to take over all of humanity itself and feed off of our bones as theylaughat settingtheworldonfire.
Just look at their relatives! Wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, the freaking MURDER HORNETS! They have murder in their name people If that doesn? t convince you enough I don? t believewe?ll evenlivetoseetomorrow
And who in theworld decided to givethem stingers?I would like to have a talk with the person who created the world because they must havebeen out of their mind togivebees those weapons Let?s just pray this takeover doesn? t happentomorrow
I?m not kidding people, watch your backs around thesebeastsbecauseoneday they will takeover andI?ll betheonesaying,?I toldyou so!?
AndTHATiswhat grindsmygears!
You know what grindsmy gears!?Rain in theSummer
Yes,I knowwelivein Washington.But,that is NOT an excuse for it to be pouring down rain in themiddleof summer.Wehadenough rainfromSeptember toMay All I?maskingfor isTHREEMONTHSwith none Isthat really a lot to ask?You already ruined my Halloween, rain,pleasedon? t ruinmyFourthof July
Don? t get mewrongI loverain? when it is supposedtoberaining I don? t loveit however at theend of June.What makesmattersworse is that I buy new clothes for summer For SUMMER. Not whatever thisis. Believeme, I have plenty of clothes for the fall I know I have said this far too many times, but I am kind of sick of Washington weather If this keeps happening, I think I may get confused about what seasonit is
Sometimes,when I hear peopletalkingabout how thisistheir first time going to Seattle, I think about warningthem I wouldwant tobe warnedif I didn? t knowabout theWashington ?summers?
AndTHATiswhat grindsmygears!
[ JUNE2022 * opinion-editoria l * 31 ]
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