Sports Betting Operator ISsue 012 Volume 06

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Arecent, 12-day tempest in a teapot showed the sports betting industry putting its best foot forward — and its worst. Speaking of feet, DraftKings proved yet again that it has two left ones.

At the start of August, DraftKings founder Jason Robins, peeved at a recent, exponential (and indefensible) tax hike in Illinois decided to take his revenge … on players. DraftKings would, he announced, levy a two percent surcharge on winning bets in four states with high taxes: Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York State and Vermont.

The optics were all kinds of terrible. The move added to the perception that OSB providers are trying to chisel punters who have the audacity to win. It punished the average player and not the states at which it was ostensibly targeted. And nobody believed DraftKings wouldn’t impose the impost nationwide, eventually. It was, in short, a money grab.

Reaction from consumers was overwhelmingly strong — and wrathful. DraftKings’ stock price dove. The rest of the industry, to its great credit, did not follow Robins over the cliff. BetRivers was the first to forswear surcharges, followed by ESPN Bet, Caesars Sportsbook and BetMGM. But the domino everyone was waiting for to fall was FanDuel. On August 13, it did so and decisively.

On their second-quarter earnings call, FanDuel executives made it clear that surcharges on winning bets were off the table. Since FanDuel rivals DraftKings for market share and routinely leads the United States in OSB revenue, it was game, set and match. Sanity had prevailed.

DraftKings’ brain trust was obviously listening in on the call, because within minutes it had released a repentant statement, saying they’d heard what

customers were saying and were walking the hated surcharge back. What they didn’t say was that they’d heard from the rest of the industry and it was a resounding, “No.”

Virtually the only people displeased with this turn of events were some greed-minded Wall Street stock analysts, who thought soaking the customer a splendid idea. With visions of amplified cash flow dancing in their heads, they pressed FanDuel to back down.

One analyst practically browbeat Flutter Entertainment CEO Peter Jackson for his player-friendly stance. She interrogated Jackson at length about adding surcharges “to pass the cost along to the customer” and help set a precedent. She contended that, given FanDuel’s and DraftKings’s predominance in sports betting, they could dictate to the market and, oh by the way, deter other states from increasing their levies. To his immense credit, Jackson muttered curtly and changed the subject.

Perhaps the daffiest take was that of Jefferies analyst David Katz, who argued that it wasn’t about the money. He wrote, “Our view had evolved to consider the notion that the initiative was intended to spark debate and awareness rather than actually recoup margins.” If so, levies on winning players proved a poor cudgel for hammering out public policy.

As Jackson said, “There’s a happy medium for tax rates. Most states have a sensible approach.” Amen, Peter. Score one for the consumer.


VOLUME 006 - ISSUE 012


Publisher – Peter White

Editor in Chief – David McKee

Editor EMEA – Damien Connelly

Las Vegas Correspondent – Ryan Slattery

Associate Editor EMEA – Andrew Behan

Designer – Stewart Hyde

Tel: 44 (0) 1892 740869 W:

Editorial Policy: The views and opinions expressed in Sports Betting Operator remain principally the views of contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or publishers.

The publishers wish to avoid inaccuracies and, whilst every precaution has been taken to ensure that information contained in this publication is accurate, no liability is accepted by the editor or publishers for errors or omissions, however caused.

Unless otherwise stated, articles appearing in this publication remain the copyright of the publishers and may not be reproduced in any form without the publisher’s written consent.

Printed in the UK by Acorn Web Offset Ltd.



The industry polices itself. By David McKee


21VIRAL works to adapt to a rapidly shifting online marketplace. By Mark McGuinness


Speaking with David Archer, the man behind the success of WhichBookie. By Mark McGuinness


Paddy Casey explains how The Unit swings for the fences in iGaming and sports betting. By Andrew Behan


The story of one of the greatest players in FC Barcelona history.


What can Brazil’s emerging sports betting regulators learn from Portugal’s experience? By Khalid Ali


Global Gaming Expo evolves to keep pace with a dynamic industry. By Peter White


SBC Events Marketing Director Dennis Algren addresses the SBC Summit’s move to Lisbon. By Mark McGuinness


21VIRAL works to adapt to a rapidly shifting online marketplace. By Mark McGuinness

Today’s online sports betting scene seems to change at an ever-faster pace. Sports Betting Operator met with casino and games aggregator platform

specialist 21VIRAL’s CEO, Christoph Härtel, to discuss how sports books and casino operators can integrate content more quickly in today’s fastmoving iGaming market.

Tell us about 21VIRAL. How did the business idea come about?

21VIRAL commenced operations in 2011 and was founded by a team of industry entrepreneurs, including the former founder and director of iGaming platform provider Finnplay. We have been in the industry for a long time, and the founding team has 20-plus years of successful experience building high-tech supply chain and platform management solutions.

We are headquartered in Vienna, Austria, and have offices in Latin America. Our business specializes in resolving game-integration issues for operators, and game providers in Central and South America. Our goal

is to relieve the frustration of dealing with game-integration problems. We connect game providers and operators seamlessly, ensuring easy and faster integration of game content. Our services also include transparent reporting and reconciliation of game revenues, giving you clear insights into your commercial games’ revenue.

What are you doing that’s different from other similar services?

That is an excellent question. Over the past few years, we have been steadily building and scaling our aggregation platform and solutions, focusing on the rapidly growing Latin American market. We listen closely to customers and industry stakeholders. We are a customer-focused business, and technology should help solve challenges, and identify opportunities for growth and expansion for operators. Understanding several operator industry pain points – such as integrating game providers’ content to operator platforms (which can take months), lack of support on due diligence of the game provider and technical onboarding, and localized market access — we knew something had to change, which is the launch of our LatAm-focused GameConnector Platform.

We created the 21VIRAL GameConnector Platform aggregation solution, which reduces operational burdens for the operator on technology integration, due diligence – as we handle this for the new game providers, before we onboard to the GameConnector platform and games reporting. This makes market access to new game content for smaller, localized operators across Latin America much faster. The goal is to create a seamless experience of transparency, agility and trust, with no hidden or complicated reports, to allow LatAm-focused

iGaming teams to concentrate on developing the business without being stuck in constant impasses to find new games providers to connect with.

Part of the solution is enablement, which includes all the technical integration, heavy lifting and onboarding. One of our first clients that we onboarded, Air Dice Group to the GamesConnector Platform, is already appreciating the advantages that we provide for their LatAm business expansion.

Many smaller, boutique game providers in other territories, such as continental Europe, lack the commercial and technical distribution, and contacts/relationships to enter LatAm – we do all that from them. The operator gets access to unique game content in the supply chain that can enhance their players’ engagement and revenue opportunities. It is a win-win situation.

Let’s talk AI for a minute. Does it help?

Of course, AI is front and center for many businesses, and is a huge focus at numerous trade shows, such as the SBC Summit. Without getting too technical, AI offers a powerful set of tools for both small and large companies. If used correctly – and I can’t emphasize that enough – AI can, to a degree, level the playing field from an operational and

competitive standpoint. It is an enabler of information. However, you still must interact with the AI to improve its outcomes, as it isn’t self-aware yet!

Regarding our business, 21VIRAL, we have – as I’ve mentioned, liked to make life easier, simpler and faster for our customers. To that end, our business process has allowed us to use AI to enhance routine testing such as QA, endpoint testing, code generation and improved standard operating procedures. What does that mean in simple English? It is like a manufacturing line; we can optimize, increase efficiencies, improve operational outputs, reduce human error, improve technical standardizations and improve a host of processes – the result being that we get things done faster, like game launches into the operator’s casino. As they say, time is money, if the game isn’t published and in front of players.

What’s next for 21VIRAL?

We are attending a host of international industry shows, such as SBC Lisbon and SiGMA Europe, and LatAm-focused ones, such as G&M Media in Mexico. We are excited about the future and intend to be the fastest aggregation platform, using AI when it comes to all things game integration in LatAm. We will continue to make the lives of customers, operators and game studios/providers, easier and empower them with solutions that generate revenue growth.


Speaking with David Archer, the man behind the success of WhichBookie. By

PICTURED: Better Media Managing Director David Archer

ports Betting Operator caught up with Better Media Ltd.’s managing director, David Archer, to chat about the growing importance of affiliate publishers in providing betting content review information and creating communities.

David, you’ve been in the business for several years. How have you found the journey?

I started my journey over 18 years ago with the bookmaker Reuben Page. We took that business from six betting shops to 59 and then sold to Gala Coral. It was a great learning experience. I wanted to do it all over again, so we launched Pagebet in 2007 and expanded that business to over 50 betting shops, including telephone betting and online, for a few years.

Retail is always a tricky business, with lots of costs, and as I’ve always been interested in digital and online, I launched my first sports book affiliate publisher business with a portfolio of sites including, back in 2009.

Moving on from that, and having owned several domains, we launched Better Media Ltd in 2016, again focusing on sports betting, of which our leading brands are WhichBookie. and

Overall, the journey from landbased to online has been a natural progression for many businesses over the years. It has been challenging and rewarding simultaneously, as you meet a vast range of entrepreneurs and visionaries globally.

Why are sports-betting-affiliate publishers like yourself essential to the iGaming supply chain?

Online has created demand and accessibility to a vast variety of services, and from that consumers seek reliable, unbiased, and credible information to make informed decisions about how they may eventually wish to spend their money with that brand. With information, of course, comes too much information or decision overload. Sports bettors are no different to online shoppers in

that they seek to find the best deal that suits their needs and obtain impartial advice.

WhichBookie does what it says in the name. We provide information, comparisons, reviews and independent recommendations from our editorial team about the betting brands listed on our site. We pride ourselves on helping – as a customer-review-style destination –our community to find what’s right for them, including communicating responsible-gambling information. As a business and editorial team, we fully support all the requirements.

How have changes in technology impacted the sports-betting-affiliate business?

Technological advancements have made it easier to start a website or e-commerce business. Ten years ago, you would have required a lot of developers to manage your platforms and content-management software. Now, a lot of the tech is designed to be used by people who don’t have coding backgrounds, so everyone can be a ‘content creator.’

The sheer depth of available tools allows you to experiment and ‘fail fast’ to scale your business goal. However the downside is that, given the plethora of available tools, we

are almost in the mindset that tech is ‘disposable’ or becomes ‘obsolete’ too quickly. Tools can be great productivity additions, but you must have a clear business vision and purpose. Otherwise, tools become and are becoming a shiny distraction!

Can sports-betting-affiliate websites remain relevant to consumers?

The short answer is yes; affiliate marketing can account for up to 50 percent of new players to a betting brand’s website. Now, that’s a big number and operators, both big and small, rely on affiliates to generate full-funnel marketing for their brands. For a punter’s standpoint, as long as the publisher provides impartial information, then there is always a place for brands such as WhichBookie.

What’s on the road map for WhichBookie?

We are attending a host of

international industry shows, such as SBC Lisbon and SiGMA Europe, to meet affiliates and brands. Networking and exchanging ideas are very important to us – we are in the business of relationships.

From a product standpoint we are, of course like many digital businesses, looking at further international expansion in LatAm, and evaluating AI and how it can help our WhichBookie community find relevant information, and improve the user experience. So, there is lots to look forward to over the next few months and into next year.



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Paddy Casey talks with Andrew Behan on how The Unit swings for the fences in iGaming and sports betting

Ever wonder who’s behind the betting applications that you use? Some of the work you’re admiring is that of The Unit. A development-and-marketing services provider, The Unit specializes in online gambling of various kinds. To obtain a clearer view, we spoke with co-founder Paddy Casey, Our conversation has been lightly edited for clarity.

What was the background to the development and launch of The Unit and what prompted the creation of your bespoke sports betting apps?

The Unit’s story stems from an influential digital agency I worked for called Grand Parade. It was founded by our strategic director, Andy Clerkson, who eventually sold to William Hill. Following that sale, we had the funds to launch The Unit.

We were founded as a developmentand-marketing services provider that specializes in the betting, iGaming and sports industries. With our team possessing decades of industry experience between us, we were well positioned to offer sports-bettingapp development. This has allowed us to deliver excellent results for our partners, such as when we developed a bespoke front-end for TXOdds or when we delivered a first-of-its-kind, drag-



Paddy Casey

and-drop voting system for Low6. Our experience has been key to delivering on an eclectic range of requests from our clients, which has helped single The Unit out as the leader in nearshore product development for the sector.

When was the company founded? What are the primary product development and marketing services provided to the sports betting and iGaming communities? The Unit was founded in 2017. When it comes to product development,


we design and deliver custom applications from interactive widgets to frontends, and backends. We can provide mobile development, custom software development and dev-ops. It really comes down to what works well for our partners, so we take time to listen to them and focus on how we can provide a bespoke service that suits their needs. We offer a range of strategic marketing to budgets and planning. We specialize in tailored SEO and PPC services designed to enhance online visibility, and drive targeted traffic to a gaming platform.

What will be the main areas of collaboration with XCLSV and what will this partnership bring to the sports betting and iGaming markets?

This is an exciting partnership for us, as we will be focusing on several areas, including PPC, SEO, social media, influencer marketing and website development. XCLSV is a digital marketing agency that shares our vision and dedication to elevating clients to new levels of success, and they already have a track record of success in North America. We’re focusing on expanding our presence in that particular territory, so this is an ideal collaboration. It’s an invisible proving ground and we are very excited about the opportunities it presents.

There must have been a lot of development since inception.

Would you say is a totally different company to the one you started with?

We’ve been very pleased with the strides and developments we have made since 2017. Our list of partners now includes TXOdds, Low6, 10star, PlayStar Casino,and of course XCLSV.

One broader development, as we’ve just touched on, is how we’ve started to look at the U.S. for growth. We still see great opportunities in the U.S., which we began to utilize with our partnership with NorthStar in the New Jersey online casino market. We are still very keen to explore opportunities in North America, especially with sports betting now being regulated in a majority of states, while we also hope regulators turn their attention back to iGaming soon.

Can you go into further detail about the SEO services you provide? Our SEO services cover several verticals. We provide a targeted service that can help a website place higher on search engines and can drive targeted traffic to our partner’s platform. When it comes to iGaming SEO, we provide a range of services, including auditing, strategizing, monitoring and reporting. In sports betting, we can grow an operator’s online presence by attracting organic traffic that is relevant to their services.

Thanks to the level of experience we possess in the team, we can work out an SEO strategy that provides growth for any of our partners. Our team of experts will work to make sure sites can be optimized and stand out from the competition.

You mentioned sports betting and the U.S. That brings us neatly on to the upcoming NFL season. Do you see single-game parlays (SGPs) winning the day here for driving operator turnover and margin?

I do. Given the rich dailyfantasy-sports heritage in the U.S., this insatiable demand for bet-builder-type products, especially in the NFL but across all major sports, shows no sign of abating. Sports bettors are obsessed with individual player stats (props), which they can then combine with core markets. That behavior generates great margins for operators because bettors typically overestimate the correlation between player and team performance, perceiving the jaw-dropping odds as value when in fact they’re actually rather stingy. No one is doing SGPs better than FanDuel. In fact, it’s been lauded as one of the key drivers of Flutter brand’s market dominance in winning the early skirmishes of the still-nascent U.S. battleground.

Can you unpack the margin side more for our readers?

The power of the SGP offering is all down to those superior margins applied by its bet-building capacity compared to others in the market. After all, the challenge with an SGP is to solve for the problem of pricing related outcomes more quickly and more accurately across a wider range of content than the competition. With FanDuel’s parlay engine, almost every

single market type and market offer is fully combinable with next to no latency, priced at a level of accuracy that can enable the next generation of lower-margin, more-customer-friendly parlay products. Throw in cashout functionality with limited downtime and you’ve got the dream outcome.

U.S. sports forecasting specialist Angstrom’s own standout SGP was singled out by market commentators for similar reasons amid its landmark acquisition by that mega-merger operator, Entain, whose product strategy has been to house everything under one roof. However, that technology came with a hefty price tag. MGM CEO Bill Hornbuckle had even gone on the record to say that Angstrom would act as a catalytic force for improving BetMGM’s product deficiencies in 2024, “enabling us to expand our parlay product in particular, which lags behind FanDuel and DraftKings whose margin is up maybe 200 or 300 basis points because of their parlay product, and other things, but that is the principal reason.” No pressure for Angstrom, then! But that testimony makes our margin point for us.

And how would The Unit look to assist its partners in this regard?

When it comes to in-play, live SGPs (especially those offering actionable cash-out values) are still thin on the ground. FanDuel, DraftKings and bet365’s live SGPs make up around 10 percent of


total SGP volume, per Eilers & Krejcik’s channel checks in the first quarter of 2024. Of course, it can be practically tricky for bettors to construct multi-leg wish-lists while a game is unfolding, with the aforementioned live suspensions, invalid or related legs, not to mention other long-list menus to negotiate. Therefore, live pre-packaged templates which can subsequently be set live (for instance: X player to score next, Y team go over their quoted team total and cover the spread) could offer a simple solution to help improve this gap in the live SGP market. That’s the kind of niche productdevelopment fix on which we pride ourselves at The Unit.

What other plans and aspirations do you have for the organization?

I think I would refer back to my previous point about potential expansion in U.S. iGaming. While only seven states currently offer regulated online gaming, we are hopeful this will change and we are keeping a close eye on things there. Aside from that, we want to sign up more partners globally and continue to utilize our expertise so that we can provide the best possible service to those partners.

What trends will we see developing, especially around any work you’re doing in emerging and developing casino markets?

This ties in well with a panel which Adam Noble, our chief commercial officer, will be speaking on at SBC

Summit Lisbon in September. Adam will be offering insight on niche gaming trends in emerging and developing casino markets, so the focus will be on things like sweepstakes casinos, crash games and video bingo. Sweeps are currently the number-one trend and buzzword stateside, despite a recent tide of bad press. While elsewhere, with markets like Brazil and LatAm more generally opening up, it will be interesting to see how more niche products fit in alongside more traditional games, and these are certainly trends that we are trying to keep on top of.

Are there any exhibitions or conferences where readers can learn more about The Unit?

We will be in attendance at both SBC Summit Lisbon and then G2E in Las Vegas in October. We look forward to any opportunity to catch up with industry friends and partners, as well as potential new ones, so to anyone reading this, please feel free to get in touch and schedule a meeting. It would be great to chat about what we can do for you.


The story of one of the greatest players in FC Barcelona history

Near the Camp Nou stadium, where reconstruction is in full swing, you can see a small, metal statue. It is a monument to László Kubala — the man who contributed to Barcelona’s decision to build a new arena in the early 1950s. You might wonder why. It’s just that the Camp de Les Corts, where the Blaugranas had previously played, no longer accommodated everyone who wanted to see the magic of the great football forward. Also, the old Barcelona stadium would not have enough seats for all 1xBet Partners. After all, the 1xBetAffiliates affiliate program is one of the best in the industry and was

recognized at the last SBC Awards. The program unites over 100,000 affiliates around the world and enjoys more than three million users. Our key advantages are:

• up to 65 percent of registered users get converted into the first depositors

• a commission of up to 50 percent for every referred registered customer.

Kubala vs di Stefano

In an era when El Clasico became the key football struggle in Spain and Europe, the main question fans cannot answer to this day arose: Which team has the best leader? These debates over the past 70 years have included

Lineker and Butragueño, Ronaldinho and Raul, or Messi and Ronaldo. But it all started with the rivalry between Kubala and Madrid’s main forward, Alfredo di Stefano.

The forward is still one of the top scorers in Barcelona’s history, ranking fourth with 194 goals in all competitions. Above are only the Barça legend of the 1920s and Salvador Dali’s favorite football player, Josep Samitier, the Uruguayan Luis Suarez, with Leo Messi soaring somewhere in the sky-high heights. In 1999, in a special poll for the club’s centenary, fans named Kubala the best player in the team’s history.

Great escape

Kubala was a unique footballer for many reasons. Which other legend managed to play for three different national teams at once? Experienced fans will remember Dejan Stankovic, who performed for Yugoslavia, then for Serbia and Montenegro, and in the end just for Serbia. But Kubala’s story is even more unusual.

Kubala came to Catalonia in 1950 when he was only 23 years old. By that time, László (he became Ladislao later in Spain) was already considered one of the best players in Europe. A native of Budapest, at the age of 18 he made his debut for the local Ferencvaros. But a year later his father died and his mother decided to return to her home town, Bratislava. There Kubala became a Slovan player and started a career in the Czechoslovakian national team, only to return to Hungary a year later. Some claim that he was lured with promises of a fabulous life, others that his relatives were threatened. One way or another, in 1948 Kubala returned to his father’s homeland, managed to play for the Hungarian national team, and in January 1949,

fled to the West. The obstinate forward, who loved to defend his opinion, felt stuffy in the country of victorious socialism. There he was also faced with military service. Laszlo decided to leave Hungary and, like a great forward, played ahead of the curve.

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Barcelona’s all-round star

After a year of wandering around Europe, Kubala settled in Barcelona. The influential team reached an agreement with FIFA, which threatened the player with an indefinite disqualification. He was captivated by Barça’s invitation to coach the footballer’s father-in-law, Ferdinand Daucík. László still had a year without football. But in 1951, with a Spanish passport and a new name, Ladislao, he became an indispensable element of the Catalan grand. The 1xPartners program can be an equally important factor in your earnings.

In his first full season, 1951–52, Kubala made 26 goals in 19 matches. The footballer had a unique scoring instinct and perfectly read the game, allowing him to become a real all-rounder. In Barça, he started as a center forward, later became a playmaker and sometimes acted on the flanks of the attack. He scored a lot in any position and made assists for every taste.

Ladislao Kubala had many advantages. The same can be said about the 1xBet Affiliate Program, which guarantees:

• automatic weekly commission payouts

• rapidly updated real-time stats

• personal assistants to help resolve customer issues.

During his Barcelona career, Kubala won four La Liga titles, adding five Copa del Rey victories and two in the Fairs Cup, the predecessor to the UEFA Cup. For Ladislav’s complete collection, the only thing missing was a victory in the main European Cup — and in 1961 Barcelona came close to it. In the final, the team led the score against Benfica, where the great Eusébio’s star was just beginning to shine but lost 2-3. In that game, two other great Catalan Hungarians scored for Barça — Kocsis and Czibor.

New meeting with Di Stefano and coaching career

Kubala was a superstar of Barcelona for 11 years, but after the defeat to Benfica, he decided to leave the club. For the sake of his old friend and rival di Stefano, who finished playing in Espanyol after Madrid, Kubala resumed his career and became a player-coach. A year later he returned to train Barça, took charge of Zürich and managed to travel to Canada. However, Ladislav worked for the Spanish national team the longest. Eleven years at the

head of La Furia Roja is still a record. Although he did not achieve great success with the national squad, he was loved by Spanish fans and respected by the players.

László died in 2002 and was buried in Les Corts cemetery, on the site of that arena Barcelona abandoned, thanks to Kubala’s football genius.

FC Barcelona is proud of its heritage and strives for new victories. We are confident that super-talents Lamine Yamal and Pau Cubarsi will be able to write new golden pages in the history of one of the most titled clubs in the world. Therefore, the reliable bookmaker has extended its partnership agreement with Barcelona for five seasons until the summer of 2029.

Follow the matches of your favorite team, make predictions on the 1xBet website or app and win together with your idols!


What can Brazil’s emerging sports betting regulators learn from Portugal’s experience?

In the dynamic world of global sports betting, regulatory frameworks critically shape market dynamics, influencing everything from consumer behavior to economic outcomes and the integrity of sports.

Whilst they share a language, a tale of two diverse approaches to gambling regulation is unfolding in Brazil and Portugal. While Brazil is setting the stage for a Liberalised regime anticipated to launch in January 2025, Portugal has opted for a stringent regulatory model since opening to private operators in 2015. This article delves into the impacts of these divergent strategies and their impact on channelisation, sports integrity, and tax revenue. It outlines recent developments and draws on data to evaluate how each nation’s sports betting regulation is paving a path to protect markets, sports, and consumers from the threat of sports betting related match-fixing and fraud.

Regulation that cultivates a strong onshore-consumer channeling rate is an essential weapon in fighting match-fixing.

Assessing the impact of regulatory approaches on sports integrity initiatives requires an understanding of the mechanisms underpinning betting markets.

The findings of recent studies, including IBIA’s own The Availability

of Sports Betting Products: An Economic and Integrity Analysis, highlight that liberal regulation offering consumers access to a wide range of sports betting products and markets onshore, increases consumer channeling rates towards regulated betting operators and, as a result, market oversight.

The rationale for prohibiting markets is often on integrity grounds. However, betting product bans are often not proportionate to the level of risk and based on flawed or unproven data. Banning products onshore does not make a sporting event any less susceptible to betting corruption. In fact, international law enforcement bodies such as Interpol and Europol have stated that unregulated, offshore betting operators are the primary focus for sports-betting related match fixing and fraud.

Responsible licensed sports betting operators – like IBIA’s members – are uniquely motivated and focused on eliminating the opportunity for criminals to profit from sports bettingrelated match-fixing via regulated betting markets. In addition to their regulatory obligations, our members have a clear commercial need to work with other stakeholders to address sports betting-related match-fixing.

The principal means of protecting a sports betting market from suspicious activity linked to competition manipulation is through monitoring, and the most efficient and widely

used approach is to require licensed betting operators to Utilise their market and customer oversight to identify and report suspicious betting to the relevant authorities. Whilst that model remains effective, it is increasingly Recognised that there is clear value from operators also being part of a wider international integritymonitoring-and-alert network.

For example, IBIA’s international monitoring and alert network is unique in its ability to Analyse account-level data to identify and report suspicious betting activity and potential incidents of match-fixing with a high degree of accuracy to law enforcement, regulators, and sportsgoverning bodies.

Brazil’s emerging liberal framework

Brazil – a nation that has become increasingly conscious of the adverse impact of match-fixing – will imminently implement a regulatory framework that opens its betting market to responsible, licensed and regulated sports betting operators.

After a long legislative process, the sports betting market was finally

Liberalised at the end of 2024. Regulatory ordinances implementing the law have been issued and further regulations are expected during the year before the market begins. At the time of writing, no significant product restrictions are expected to

be enforced and current projections assume a liberal market opening in January 2025, resulting in a projected channeling rate of 94 percent in 2025.

The Ministry of Finance’s deadline for guaranteed assessment of an application to be operational in January 2025 closed on August 20, with 114 companies applying. While not all of these applications are expected to be approved, it does demonstrate the attractiveness of the market framework. Indeed, applications are expected to continue to be lodged outside of the guaranteed assessment window in the lead-up to the expected market opening in January 2025.

Enhancing market oversight appears to be a core objective of Brazil’s new regulatory framework, which includes the requirement that operators should join an independent integrity-monitoring body like IBIA. Unlike other jurisdictions that impose that approach on betting operators, the licensing requirement also covers gaming companies in Brazil that have no sports book operation, an anomaly that is highlighted in the Ministry’s Q&A for applicants.

Liberal market conditions and potential growth

Brazil’s regulatory model includes a gross gaming revenue (GGR) tax model and the issuance of an unlimited number of licences, encouraging market competition and innovation.

Although taxes overall are expected to be towards the higher end, that is set against the size and potential of the market. Fundamentally, it is a model that balances the need for state revenue with the desire to create a competitive market environment.

a robust sports betting integrity ecosystem across the marketplace. A dedicated integrity ordnance, which may have been published by the time this article is released, is expected to address the requirements of operators, sports and other stakeholders in more detail.

Projected market impact and integrity benefits

Brazil’s liberal approach to the availability of betting products is projected to significantly enhance channelisation, drawing bettors into a regulated environment that facilitates effective oversight. With expectations of achieving a high onshore channelisation rate, Brazil’s framework is set to Optimise both tax revenue and the integrity of sports betting from a high onshore-market oversight and requirements to be part of an integrity monitoring body.

The potential economic impact is substantial, with forecasts suggesting tax returns from $2.3 billion in gross win in 2025, a sports betting turnover of $34 billion and an onshore gross win of $2.8 billion by 2028, making Brazil an attractive market for international and local operators. Brazil is hoping to set a high bar on integrity but there remains a lot of work to do. Our focus must be on creating

Portugal’s restrictive sportsbetting environment

By contrast, Portugal’s approach to sports betting is characterized by high regulatory barriers, including significant restrictions on the types of bets and events operators can offer, along with a high taxation model, and limits on advertising.

Portugal regulated its sports betting market in 2015 but has a relatively low onshore channelling rate of 79 percent in 2024 as a result of its model. This restrictive environment has profound implications for the market’s growth, attractiveness –operator numbers are relatively low — onshore channelisation and integrity oversight.

An estimated $115 million of sports betting gross win alone went to offshore operators in 2022 and this consumer migration to a more attractive offer is estimated to lead to $267 million in lost tax revenue between 2024 and 2028.

Impact on Key Sports Markets:

• Football: Football is the cornerstone of sports betting in many countries. Regulated markets are forecast to generate over $500 billion in turnover (on football results, handicaps and goals) globally in 2024, with $370 billion coming from online betting and a total gross win of $46 billion.

types of bets that may be offered. Restrictions on a core product like the main football betting markets Penalise onshore operators and consumers, and serve to encourage the latter to seek prohibited betting products offshore.

This has not only resulted in substantial economic losses — estimated to be around $750

However, football betting is significantly restricted in Portugal, which has a competition catalogue listing specified football competitions on which bets may be placed. The Portuguese market only allows bets on a limited range of competitions, significantly fewer than markets like Italy, for example, which maintains a channelisation rate of 94 percent. In comparison, Portugal offers only 18-19 percent of the competitions permitted in Italy. There are also restrictions on the

million in lost taxable revenue from 2024 to 2028 — but also hindered effective regulatory oversight, which is crucial for maintaining sports integrity. There appears to be no clear rationale for these market restrictions in Portugal: IBIA reported 359 matches that were the subject of suspicious activity in the main football betting markets from around 950,000 matches offered for betting during 2017-23 across the world, suggesting a relatively low integrity risk.

• Tennis: Tennis is one of the most popular sports globally for betting, notably online. This is due to the sheer volume of matches worldwide and regular availability of competitions during the average week. The global regulated market is expected to reach $4.4 billion in GGR in 2024 and is forecast to be over $6 billion annually by 2028. Tennis betting is a particularly strong product in Europe, which accounts for around 60 percent of global tennis GGR.

Portugal’s prohibition on betting on ITF tennis matches is particularly impactful, given that these events constitute a significant portion of global tennis betting. Such restrictions have stifled the potential market growth of tennis betting in Portugal, contrasting sharply with neighboring Spain and Italy, where betting on ITF is permitted and flourishing. The absence of ITF betting in Portugal will likely result in an estimated $122 million in lost tax revenue over five years, as bettors turn to offshore markets to place their bets on these events.

While alert numbers may be higher, as a result of a significant number of additional tournaments run by the ITF — accounting for 76 percent of all tennis tours — the ITF Tour does not pose a heightened integrity risk

compared to the other tours (Grand Slams, ATP, WTA) from an alert-totournament/match ratio basis. There is clear demand for the ITF product, which accounts for 17 percent of tennis wagering globally and 43 percent of all matches offered. Failure to offer these bets results in increased market share for unregulated offshore operators and an increased sports integrity risk.

• Basketball: Basketball betting is experiencing strong growth in demand in Europe with an over 20 percent increase in GGR to $2.3 billion expected by 2028. However, Portugal has again established restrictive policies that limit the availability of competitions and types of bets. While Portugal permits betting on many major national and international basketball competitions, the relatively limited extent of the permited list makes offshore operators an attractive alternative. This has led to a lower onshore channelisation rate compared to jurisdictions with fewer restrictions, such as Great Britain and Italy. The restrictive approach in Portugal not only diminishes consumer engagement but also impacts the potential tax revenue from this market.

The Portuguese market employs a turnover tax model where taxes are levied on the total amount wagered, not on the profits generated. This relatively high turnover-based tax (eight percent) makes the return-toplayer rate unattractive compared to offshore operators.

Impact on channelisation and market attractiveness

The turnover tax significantly impacts the attractiveness of the legal betting market in Portugal. High taxation reduces the competitiveness of legal operators, leading many consumers to seek better odds and more-attractive betting options in the unregulated market. The Associação Portuguesa de Apostas e Jogos Online (APAJO) recently released annual study which revealed that 41 percent of all players use unlicensed gambling platforms. Among age groups between 18 to 34, this figure rises to 52.1 percent.

This high level of betting in unregulated markets poses severe risks, undermining regulatory oversight and, in turn, consumer and market protections, including from the threat of betting fraud perpetrated through match-fixing.

Economic and integrity challenges

The restrictive nature of Portugal’s sports betting regulations has stifled market growth and innovation. According to a report from iGaming Business, despite the growth in overall online gambling revenue in Portugal, reaching €214.2 million

in Q2 2024, the sports betting sector is underperforming, limited by the regulatory barriers that discourage operator participation and limit consumer choice. This underperformance reflects not only lost revenue opportunities but also diminished effectiveness in ensuring sports betting integrity.

Comparative analysis and


Channelisation and market viability: Portugal’s restrictive policies have led to significant challenges in channelisation and market growth, pushing bettors towards more attractive offshore options, and complicating efforts to safeguard consumers and sports integrity. By contrast, Brazil’s anticipated liberal regulations aim to create a conducive environment for both operators and bettors, with an expected onshore channelisation of 94 percent in 2025 compared to an expected 81 percent in the well-established Portuguese sports betting market.

Economic impact and integrity

outcomes: The economic implications of the regulatory approaches in Portugal and Brazil are stark. Portugal’s model has resulted in considerable economic losses and diminished tax revenues due to its unattractive legal-betting environment. Conversely, Brazil’s approach, if implemented as planned, promises robust economic growth and enhanced integrity

protections through better regulatory oversight.

Were Brazil to change course and introduce a highly restrictive sports betting market, the cost to the Brazilian government is estimated at $1.03 billion in lost tax revenue over 2025-8, although it should be noted this would just be direct gambling taxes from licensed operators. Once indirect taxes and other onshore economic activity related to gambling, and any potential player winnings tax are taken into account, the actual economic impact could be substantially higher.


As the sports betting markets in Portugal and Brazil evolve, it is clear

that the effectiveness of their regulatory regimes will be crucial in determining their success. Brazil’s proposed liberal model offers a promising path forward, potentially providing valuable lessons in balancing economic benefits with robust consumer and sporting integrity safeguards. Portugal, facing the adverse effects of its restrictive measures, may need to reconsider its approach to unlock the full potential of its sports betting market and strengthen the effectiveness of its approach to sports integrity. As these countries adjust their strategies, the global betting community will be keen to observe which regulatory practices yield the most sustainable and effective regulatory outcomes.

IBIA’s expanding Global Integrity Monitoring Network reports 90 suspicious betting incidents in Q2 2024.

The International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) and its growing membership now monitor over $300 billion per annum in betting turnover (handle) across more than 125 sports betting brands globally, making IBIA the largest betting-integrity monitor of its type for private operators in the world.

In the second quarter, IBIA reported 90 alerts of suspicious betting to the relevant authorities in the Q2 of 2024. The 90 incidents concerned eight sports across 25 countries.

Other key data for Q2 2024 includes:

• Three sports (esports, football, table tennis) accounted for 84 percent of all alerts in Q2. Esports provided around 50 percent of the Q2 total; however, the majority of those alerts concern a single linked case, which has also contributed to a revised Q1 figure of 43.

• The 19 alerts on sporting events in Europe in Q2 2024 is an increase of 15 on the four alerts in Q1, but a decrease on the 31 cases in Q2 2023.

• Poland had the highest number of country specific alerts with 6 cases. and five continents.

The Q2 2024 total is three percent less that the revised figure of 93 alerts in Q1 2024 and an increase of 80 percent when compared to the Q2 2023 total of 50 alerts.

According to Khalid Ali, IBIA CEO, “An increase in the Q2 and revised Q1 alerts compared to previous quarters is primarily related to a linked case in esports. The situation is being monitored closely and heightened vigilance advocated as we seek to work with stakeholders to investigate. While the increase in alerts may understandably draw attention, it should be noted that esports saw a significant reduction in annual alerts across IBIA’s membership in 2023. The case again highlights the importance and effectiveness of customer account monitoring in the detection of suspicious betting, and the protection of sporting events, consumers, and regulated betting markets.”

As highlighted in IBIA’s The Availability of Sports Betting Products: An Economic and Integrity Analysis, the principal means of protecting a sports betting market from suspicious activity linked to competition manipulation is through monitoring, and the most efficient and widely used approach is to require licensed betting operators to utilize their market and customer oversight to identify and report suspicious betting to the relevant authorities. Whilst that model remains effective, it is increasingly recognized that there is clear value from operators also being part of a wider international integrity monitoring and alert network like IBIA.

Some emerging sports betting markets like Ontario and Brazil have therefore made membership of an independent integrity monitoring body a regulatory requirement for licensed sports-betting operators. Enhanced monitoring of this nature and the resultant investigations and sanctions achieved through this approach have proven to be far more impactful as a deterrent to match manipulation.


Global Gaming Expo evolves to keep pace with a dynamic industry. By

It’s that time again. Every autumn, the best and brightest in the gaming industry descend upon Las Vegas for the annual Global Gaming Expo. As ever, it’s held at the Venetian Expo Center, part of the massive Venetian/Palazzo resort complex. “Massive” is also the word for G2E, which boasts a dizzying array of new products, guest speakers and informative panels. To get an inside perspective on 2024’s expo, Publisher Peter White spoke with Korbi Carrison, vice president of events for RX, a co-presenter of the extravaganza.

What do you have in store for visitors to Global Gaming Expo Las Vegas 2024?

Attendees and exhibitors alike can expect another insightful and inspiring G2E experience at The Venetian this

year from October 7 to 10. Building off momentum from last year, we expect nearly 400 exhibitors and participating companies from around the world to show off the latest gaming technologies and solutions, forecasting the future of our industry. The education programming will offer numerous insights from gaming’s top leaders and industry experts, featuring more than 95 sessions and more than 300 speakers. Our more than 110 interactive sessions will provide listeners with nuanced insight into topics like iGaming, regulation and risk, strategies to counter illegal gambling, tribal gaming, and sports betting. Every year, G2E incorporates lessons learned and recommendations to achieve new heights; this year will be no different. Across the board, G2E fosters innovation and drives growth in this global industry.


How is G2E Las Vegas Exhibition & Conference been evolving over recent years and what plans are in the works for the future of this iconic show?

Over recent years, G2E has evolved significantly to keep pace with the dynamic nature of the gaming sector. Last year, the show underwent a significant rebranding that leveled up the look and feel of the event. The brand now is fully representative of the continued evolution of the gaming industry, and we continue to be inspired by the fresh, modern look. As online gaming and sports betting become increasingly prevalent, G2E has adapted by dedicating more space and resources to these segments, like the iGaming Zone that debuted last year. We also consider exhibitor feedback when introducing new elements of the show floor, ensuring that the event remains relevant and valuable for all participants. This

feedback-driven approach allows us to tailor G2E to meet the needs of exhibitors, attendees, and the changing industry, continuously creating a more engaging and productive environment.

The iGaming sector has seen a lot of growth in recent years in North America as well as internationally. How has that growth been reflected in exhibitors in the iGaming Zone as well as in attendance at the show from the online-gaming sector?

We had so much positive feedback about the iGaming Zone last year that we are bringing it back in an even more robust way. G2E 2024 will offer an expanded iGaming Zone which will bring together iGaming suppliers and operators to chart the expansion of iGaming and the evolution of online sports betting in the Americas. Not only will it be expanded, it will also be easier to find and access on the show floor. iGaming is a great example of how G2E adapts quickly and frequently to showcase the latest and greatest of the gaming industry.

What’s new for G2E 2024?

Our goal each year is to showcase the latest in gaming and new elements will be everywhere at G2E 2024. While I don’t want to spoil any surprises, I can guarantee attendees will see new engaging content and products that will enhance their industry knowledge. Not to mention, attendees will hear and participate in consequential discussions about where gaming is headed. A returning feature of the show floor, The Lab, will once again serve as a hub on the expo floor for thought leadership and networking opportunities, and will be open to all G2E attendees. New events and activations in this space will be announced soon, so keep an eye on

our website,

Additionally, exciting innovations in the AI, sports betting, and iGaming spaces will all be featured throughout the expo floor. We know the show floor can be overwhelming in the very best way, especially for first-time attendees, so we are revamping our interactive guides this year. Topic-specific journeys about exhibitors, features and education sessions, including special tips for G2E first-timers, are available in the G2E Guides section of the website. Stay tuned for those upcoming announcements on features, offerings and event programming.

How has the conference program evolved over the years to meet the global changes in trends and technology?

Over the years, G2E has evolved to stay ahead of global trends and technological advancements. Recognizing the surge in online gaming and sports betting, we’ve dedicated specialized areas and introduced the iGaming Zone, showcasing the latest innovations in the industry. Additionally, every year we develop extensive educational sessions built around new and relevant subjects in the industry, including regulatory issues, AI applications in gaming, and DEI. Our dynamic approach ensures that the conference addresses the most pressing issues, providing a comprehensive and forward-thinking platform for industry professionals to explore the future of gaming.

Who are your key headline speakers for this year’s show?

As always, G2E’s keynote sessions will feature the biggest names in gaming addressing the biggest topics in gaming. We choose leaders who are positioned to highlight the diversity of

the gaming community as they discuss where our industry is today and where we’re headed. Last year’s keynotes prominently featured FanDuel CEO Amy Howe, and DraftKings CEO and cofounder Jason Robins, among others. Our keynote speakers will be announced in September and we can’t wait to share who they’ll be.

Is there still time to book a booth at the show?

There is still time to secure your space to exhibit, but space is limited so don’t wait too long! G2E offers something to all who attend, but for exhibitors, G2E provides a global stage for launching new solutions, gaining exposure, and connecting with your audience. You can find out more about opportunities for exhibiting on our website,

With the countdown to the show now a matter of weeks away are there still deals for visitors to be had at hotels? To those whom are yet to register, can you provide the link for those reading this online?

Las Vegas, our host city, is no stranger to conferences, so there are plenty of deals and hotel beds available for those who haven’t booked their travels yet. We can’t wait to see all the new and returning faces on October 7 through 10. We also recommend downloading the G2E mobile app to help plan your trip.

Will the role of AI in gaming feature in this year’s conference program?

The future of gaming is born at G2E and our education programming reflects that. G2E 2024’s education sessions will highlight the

transformative impact of artificial intelligence on the gaming industry. Sessions throughout the week will delve into the different ways AI is influencing all corners of the gaming industry.

• For example, in the session Enhancing Responsible Gambling with AI and Behavioral Analytics, attendees will learn how AI and behavioral analytics are enhancing responsible gambling by identifying at-risk players and offering personalized support.

• The role of women in AI-driven casino tech will be discussed in Women in AI: Pioneering the Next Generation of Casino Tech, with a focus on the integral role women play in shaping and deploying artificial intelligence in both brick-and-mortar and online gaming venues.

• Harnessing AI for Enhanced Customer Relationships and Responsible Gaming will showcase how AI is boosting customer relationships and revenue, while also advancing responsible gaming practices.

• The evolution of in-play sports betting through AI, including advanced algorithms and pricing strategies, will be the central focus of AI-Powered Evolution: Reshaping the In-Play Sports Betting Strategy.

What are the unique factors that distinguish G2E Las Vegas from other North American and major international gaming exhibitions?

Jointly organized by RX and the American Gaming Association (AGA), G2E remains at the forefront of the gaming industry by leveraging AGA’s industry expertise. AGA’s position as a leader and convener of

the gaming industry allows G2E to keep our finger on the pulse of the American and global gaming industry throughout the year. We take into account the evolving trends, realtime circumstances, and the latest and greatest industry news when planning each year’s show, ensuring we can provide the most relevant insights to G2E attendees. Besides taking place in Las Vegas, where gaming trends originate, one of the main differentiators of G2E is the networking opportunities provided, which allows attendees to meet with professionals from all areas of the gaming industry, including casino operators, regulators and game developers. Attendees are able to exchange innovative ideas, form strategic partnerships and explore collaborative projects that drive the industry forward by engaging with industry professionals they may not typically have the opportunity to connect with.

For those of our readers not familiar with all aspects of your conference program, could you explain the G2E educational agenda?

Our education content is really one of the stars of our show. We are consistently overwhelmed with positive feedback on education sessions and we respond by continuously leveling up the program. This year, we have 12 program themes that frame the education lineup. Choosing the themes is a year-long process and starts the moment G2E concludes. We look at the previous year’s lineup, how many people attended sessions within different themes, talk to people about what the next chapter of that story may look like and build from there. Having worked at gaming companies that specialized in multiple technologies

including data, gaming equipment and payments, it’s exciting to watch the evolution of those business segments. We see that growth reflected in the program themes. The themes that cross multiple segments, like future gaming trends, and DEI, are particularly exciting because they show the momentum and growth of the industry.


SBC Events Marketing Director Dennis Algren addresses the SBC Summit’s move to Lisbon. By Mark McGuinness

New is the word for this year’s SBC Summit Lisbon, at Feira Internacional de Lisboa & Meo Arena. How happy are you with your choice?

We are delighted with our choice of location in the beautiful city of Lisbon. The greatest show in gaming shall start its next chapter and will commence at the Feira Internacional de Lisboa & Meo Arena over three days. It is a fitting evolution and a legacy of last year’s SBC Summit in Barcelona, which started in 2021.

SBC Events has listened to all our stakeholders to create a delegate-andexhibitor experience that redefines, exalts, and facilitates a fully inclusive

environment for exhibiting, connecting, networking, and forging relationships built on trust and authenticity. We are setting the standards for the next generation to connect everyone in the world through gaming.

SBC Summit Lisbon covers over 100,000 square meters of exhibition space – immense in scale. We realize this may be daunting but we have focused a lot of energy and detailed orientation on the delegate and exhibitor experience. With simplified navigation, we have created themedcontent-relevant areas, allowing attendees to focus on subject matters that appeal most to their needs and industry-vertical specialisms. These areas include Casino & iGaming Zone,

Sports Betting Zone, Player Protection Zone, ESI Lisbon Esports, Gaming & Creators Zone, and other elements such as the Start-Up Sphere and Pods to explore the latest cutting-edge products and technology.

In addition to the Zones, we have two summits, the Payment Expert Summit and the Affiliate Leaders Summit, and our Media Headquarters Zone, Catering & Hospitality, which all provide special facilities for making connections and memories.

At the epicenter of this, we have created a super stage — MEO Arena. This focal point is visually amazing, and we are delighted to have a keynote session from Sir Tim BernersLee, the inventor of the Web, and other fantastic guests, such as Luis Figo, one of Portugal’s and across the world’s globally recognized football stars.

What are the options for hotels near the venue, and what are their recommendations for restaurants and bars in Lisbon?

Lisbon is a very cool city. It is easy to get around and packed with a vibrant scene for food aficionados and nightlife.

We expect up to 25,000 industry professionals across some 95-plus countries, so infrastructure and accommodation were among the factors that were high when selecting Lisbon. The city has over 270 hotels and 25,000-plus rooms — it has something for everyone. SBC Events also has exclusive rates for up to 50 percent off with our key hotel partners — but please check, as availability is running out, so don’t leave it to the last minute.

In terms of recommendations for bars and restaurants, you are spoiled for choice. Our marketing team has gone to extraordinary efforts and created several ‘guides’ to highlight,

for example, Time Out Market. With over 26 restaurants offering awesome sushi, hamburgers and steaks, eight bars, music, and performances, it has something for everyone.

If you need more inspiration, download the SBC Events app or read our guides. Our guides are always updated with the latest event information to ensure you have the best experience possible.

Networking is an essential part of attending exhibitions. What is planned for SBC Summit 2024?

At SBC Events, we are known within the industry for facilitating networking events that provide strong foundations for meeting, discussing, flourishing, and creating lifelong friendships inside and outside of the gaming environment.

There are two elements to our networking experience. Daytime, during the on-site event, we have daily networking sessions, some of which are free with the delegate pass, some of which are more exclusive, and all networking events and sessions can be found in our app and website.

We are extremely proud of our Women in Power networking event. Currently, only 20 percent of women in iGaming work in the industry, and that needs to change to ensure a diverse and inclusive balance, so that the industry can continue to progress and attract talent, and different perspectives on shaping it today and tomorrow.

In the evening, we have the following events: the Official Opening Party on Tuesday. On Wednesday we have the C-Level & Operator VIP Dinner & Networking Party; the Affiliate Leaders VIP Dinner & Networking Party; the Payments VIP Dinner & Networking Party; and the Official SBC Summit Party. On Thursday we have, which

is always popular, the SBC Poker Championship, the SBC Awards and the jewel in the crown, our Infinity Closing Party, taking place at the Super Stage MEO Arena.

The Infinity Closing Party has a capacity of 5,000, and guest sets from three superstar DJs. It is going to be a visual and creative extravaganza. Other networking events include the ultimate five-a-side tournament, which kicks off at the Estadio do Sport, Benfica’s home stadium. On Monday before the show’s opening, it is bound to be a hotly contested tournament.

Awards evenings are also popular, fun, and enjoyable for delegates, as well as for sponsors and the finalists. There are a lot of award events now at shows but why are the SBC Awards so highly regarded?

Our awards have been running for 11 years now. During that time we have refined the concept by listening to industry stakeholders to provide the optimal representation of industry

categories that serve and recognize the unfaltering talent in the industry. Integrity is a huge factor in awards events. The SBC Awards are judged by an industry panel of experts with deep knowledge, and this peer recognition and integrity have allowed our awards to be the finest representation of the industry inside and outside of it.

The awards night itself is a huge spectacle and is a significant factor in why the awards have grown in stature over the years. The prestige of entering the awards, the shortlist, and the attendance on the evening, and — if winning — the long or short walk, to take the moment of adulation and recognition — all combine to make it the biggest awards event in the industry.

We have had some fantastic locations for the awards over the years, with the beautiful Caves Codorniu in Barcelona last year. This year, and we don’t spare any expense, we shall have over 1,500 seated guests at the super stage, providing

a complete experience. We will have entertainment, fine dining, and excellent hosting as the winners are announced.

What strategies are you implementing to strengthen your global exhibition organization’s presence in international markets like North America and Brazil?

Our strategic direction is to create three flagship events that serve the needs of a dynamic and global industry, as currently there are too many events.

We launched the first SBC Summit North America back in 2019. It has grown every year and outgrown the New Jersey location. With that and SBC Summit Latinoamerica, another popular event in our portfolio, we decided to consolidate these two shows into one, SBC Summit Americas connecting three worlds, North, South and Central America through gaming. This 2025 flagship event shall occur in Broward County Convention Center,

Fort Lauderdale, May 13 through 15. We have already received tremendous response to this, and it will host 10,000-plus industry professionals, and 300-plus exhibitors and sponsors.

The SBC Summit in Rio, at the fantastic Riocentro, is Brazil’s premier sports betting and iGaming event. It highlights the growth in Brazil and the broader LatAm market. With over 50,000 square meters of exhibition space, it will be a strategic event in that region as the market expands.

As we consolidate into three flagship Summit events, which focus on providing the best user experience and setting the bar within the industry, we shall continue to offer standout regional events such as the CasinoBeats Summit in Malta and the Canadian Gaming Summit.

Could you share some of the recent milestones achieved by the company in markets such as North America, Brazil and Europe?

There have been many milestones. We

are particularly proud of SBC Summit North America, which grew from 6,000 to 14,700 to 25,000 attendees, which led to the creation of SBC Summit Americas.

In Europe, SBC Summit Lisbon, the first in Portugal, will set the gold standard, given its size and focus on industry zones, onsite facilities, onsite networking, and engagement experiences.

What is your secret to how you maintain such strong and enduring partnerships encompassing so many international gaming organisztions and associated sectors?

SBC Global and SBC Events are in the people business, first and foremost. We are passionate about what we do, and we create long-lasting relationships built on trust, authenticity, and always engaging with our delegates, exhibitors, and sponsors. Trust must be earned and maintained by ensuring that you provide the best experience possible. We always strive to improve and you

can see the evidence of how the business has evolved over the years.

For those yet to visit SBC Summit what are amongst the key reasons? Our team is very detail-oriented, and we believe that every touchpoint in your journey to Lisbon has been factored into providing the best and most positive experience we can deliver.

When you land at the arrival hall, you can collect your registration badge and details on the forthcoming show days. This means our delegates, exhibitors, and sponsors can focus on their respective industry zones, prepare to welcome existing customers to the stand or networking event, engage new customers and start building that relationship.

SBC Summit is more than a one-stop shop for the gaming ecosystem; it is where stories start, great ideas come to fruition and memories are made, and friendships born. Don’t miss out, as this is truly the greatest show in gaming.





24-26 SEPT 2024

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