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Importance of Having Pet Groomer / Mobile Groomer Insurance

The Impor tance of Having Pet Groomer/Mobile Groomer Insurance

In many ways, a pet groomer or mobile groomer’s business is like many other small, independent businesses. But there’s one huge dif ference that can mean ever ything for the sur vival of your business should something go wrong and that’s the pets. In order to protect them and yourself, you need to make sure you have the right coverage for any scenario. Standard commercial liability insurance covers accidents, fire and human injuries, but even though you’re in the pet business, that type of coverage ignores liability related to the death or injur y of the pets themselves. You want to make sure you and your employees are covered against claims brought against your business for the rendering or failure to render your professional ser vices in the course of your operation - for example, coverage that pays for the direct loss of an animal that a client leaves in your care. That’s why you need specialized pet groomer insurance to cover what you need, not just what a typical business would need. pletely on your own and require the kind of coverage to address that fact. Yet most insurance policies, including some types of pet ser vice insurance policies, don’t address the key needs of your specific business.

Being mobile and traveling to your work location adds complexity to your insurance situation that’s beyond standard insurers. For instance, did you know that the ver y advantage of mobility, which is the main definer of your business, is precisely what also puts you in financial risk? You need to make sure you have comprehensive business coverage, as well as specific coverage for your van or trailer, including insuring your van or trailer conversion and the loss of use of your specific mobile unit.

Let’s say you’re traveling to an engagement. You get on the highway and someone changes lanes recklessly and causes the driver in front of you to swer ve. They lose control, you don’t have time to stop, and there’s a collision with plenty of damage. Thankfully no one is hur t, but Not only do brick and mor tar pet businesses your van is out of commission until it can be need specialized coverage but mobile groom- fixed, plus some of your grooming equipment ers do as well. Mobile groomers are a dif ferent has suf fered and must be replaced. With speeGroomer Journal Copyright © 2011 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved breed and have dif ferent needs. You’re com41 (Continued on page 42) PetGroomer.com Magazine www.petgroomermagazine.com Subscribe Free © 2021 Find A Groomer Inc All rights reserved

cialty mobile groomer insurance, you’d be covered.

Think about what would happen if you were to lose the ability to work until repairs could be made to your vehicle. The sad truth is, most businesses like yours would not be covered under traditional business insurance. As crazy as it seems, there is some business insurance that only applies if the loss occurs at an insured premises, not while on the road. But what about getting there and back? Road mobility is the whole basis of your business, but think about how much of your time you’re on your own, not covered, and rolling along with ever y mile, ever y turn, ever y intersection a risk to your livelihood. Having the right insurance can help take away a lot of those worries by giving you peace of mind and saving you from any unforeseen circumstance. Pet grooming and mobile grooming insurance can range in a variety of dif ferent costs based on what you and your business needs. It is impor tant to talk to a specialized agent and make sure you are covered in all the right places so you don’t end up paying for it later. ◄

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