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GroomFit: Mobility Maintenance

Mobility Maintenance

GroomFit by Vera Needham

Have you ever noticed a cranky feel- 15 minutes, it is common for the pain ing in your low back when you roll out to return, and often the pain is worse of bed? Your first inclination may be than before. to stretch. Common stretches such as Let me compare the concept of the toe touches or pulling your knees to morning back stretch to a client who your chest may feel great at the time has a matted dog. We’ve all cringed at but it is a short term fix that might the calamity of customers cleaning end up doing more harm than good tangled canines before their clip. Of by triggering a stretch reflex. It is a course as groomers we know the neurological phenomenon that pro- worst possible thing they can do is to vides the sensation of temporary pain bathe the matted pupper. It makes our 60 Copyright © 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reservedrelief. The problem is that after 10 to Subscribe www.egroomer.com(Continued on page 61) PetGroomer.com Magazine www.petgroomermagazine.com Subscribe Free © 2021 Find A Groomer Inc All rights reserved

job much more difficult. The water acts like a sponge and when the knot dries it is tighter than ever.

Consider water when talking about achy backs. Most forms of spine pain come from spinal compression. Your spine is made up of 24 small bones, known as vertebrae that are stacked on top of each other to create the spinal column. Between each vertebra is a soft, gel-like cushion called a disc that helps absorb shock and prevent bones from rubbing together. The gel inside the disc consists of 65 to 86 percent water depending on the time of day.

Think of the discs like sponges between the vertebra. During the day gravity compresses our spine, pressing down on the discs and water slowly leaks out. When we lie down at night and the spine can decompress, allowing discs to absorb water again.

The average person is about a half inch taller in the morning because of this absorption. If your back feels stiff in the morning it is often because the discs are super saturated like an overfilled water balloon. For this reason, try to avoid heavy lifting in the morning when discs are vulnerable.

Whenever possible wait for at least an hour to allow time for the discs to relax. Book heavy dogs later in the day when possible.

A better option than stretching the spine would be a gentle spinal mobilization exercise. One of your best options is the cat/cow exercise. You may have seen this exercise if you've attended a yoga or pilates class. Traditionally this movement is performed on hands and knees on a mat.


Today’s cat/cow exercise is modified so it can be performed seated at the grooming table. Hands can be placed on your knees or on the table or desk in front of you. The movement is gentle flexion and extension of the spine. Flexion is rounding the back like an angry cat and extension is arching the back which is the cow phase of the movement.

The cow movement can put a lot of strain on your lower or mid back if it

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isn’t performed correctly. Instead of focusing on arching the low back, which can be painful, try focusing on lifting the sternum and looking up towards the ceiling with your gaze. This will help engage your mid and upper back muscles, while protecting the lower back. the head, shifting the gaze towards your navel, pressing into the ribcage.

For women, think of arching or pressing into the area of your bra strap. Slowly move back and forth with a gentle tilt of the tailbone. Each cycle should take about three to four seconds. Always stay within a pain free range of motion. Repeat this exercise for eight cycles to help reduce spinal tension.

Another benefit of spinal mobilization

Ribs are heavy, they don’t move easily. For this reason we tend to over flex our vulnerable lower back and neck, while staying stiff through the ribcage. For the cat phase of the exercise start by 62 Copyright © 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reservedtilting the tailbone forward as you nod Subscribe www.egroomer.com (Continued on page 63)

exercise is to improve mental clarity by stimulating cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow. CFS is fluid that surrounds and protects our brain and spinal cord as well as being critical for the removal of toxins that accumulate in the fluid around our brain. Some practitioners compare stagnant CFS to sewer waste or sludge and CSF mobilization exercises to flushing the toilet.

Imagine our brain floating in sewer water, yuck! CSF flow has two main pumps. Nodding your head yes is one way to improve CSF flow. We improve flow through the lower part of the spine with tailbone or sacral movement. Aging is associated with a 50% reduction in CSF production so as we age this type of exercise is really important for brain health.

Pet stylists spend much of the day looking down which causes CSF flow becomes stagnant. When the head is looking down it’s like having a kink in the garden hose.

Blood flow which supplies oxygen to the brain is restricted due to compression of the carotid arteries. The carotid arteries are a pair of blood vessels located on both sides of your neck that deliver blood to your brain.


Whenever possible, stand up, stretching your arms overhead for ten second to extend and decompress the spine. Decompression is important to unload on your back and to get the kinks out. Try standing against a wall when performing this exercise to see if you can touch the wall behind with your thumbs.

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Vera Needham is a Medical Exercise Specialist, pilates trainer and has been a dog groomer for over 35 years. Vera invented the Tubee-Fit training tool for groomers. The Tubee has proven to be a wonderful addition to her older adult classes and in long term care facilities. If you have any Goomfit question or want more information about the Tubee contact Vera at groomfit@yahoo.com


Another of my favorite movements for loosening a stiff spine and increasing CSF flow is to pretend you are finger painting a huge canvas.

Let your spine sway side to side, up high and down low. This is a great way to mobilize a stiff spine after standing at your workspace for hours. Keeping the creative juices flowing has never been so much fun.

Always remember the benefit of nodding and the next time someone asks if you want ice cream. Be certain to nod 64 an enthusiastic yes! Copyright © 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved◄ Subscribe www.egroomer.com

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