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Recognizing a Pet That Has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Recognizing a Pet That Has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge: 5 Reasons Why it is the Right Thing to Do

The #1 quality of a good groomer is compassion, with an outstanding ability to communicate with the customers, the pets, and with staff coming in a close second. In addition to unending patience, understanding, and a genuine caring for animals, you must handle yourself with professionalism even when facing a challenging situation. You’re an important member of the pet client’s healthcare team. In fact, you often spot issues before the family realizes a veterinary visit is needed. sons your clients trust you with their furbabies, many since they were puppies and kittens. You primp and pamper them over their lifetime. No matter the challenge, how fussy the pet might be during their groom, each pet, over time, makes their way into your heart. Pets are never here on earth with us for as long as we would wish. When it does come time for each pet to cross the Rainbow Bridge, the simple truth is that you feel their loss too! (Continued on page 33)

Imagine the void your customer experiences when their beloved fur-family passes.

How you honor that relationship speaks volumes to the pet’s family, and ultimately to their circle within your community. When someone loses a family member it is an act of kindness to express your sympathy to the family for their loss. Pets are family members too.

Your pet/client relationship is more than a business transaction, for all the reasons we pointed out above and more. So, honor that special bond by finding a way to recognize a beloved pet.

5 Reasons for Recognizing a Customer’s Pet Loss pets.” You have been entrusted with the care of someone’s pet, often for years. The services that you provide to a pet and their owner creates a strong and lasting bond. Loyalty to our hairdressers is strong. Show them that loyalty goes both ways.

3. Disenfranchised Grief. Studies show that grief from pet loss is often more difficult than that of losing a relative. Additionally, outsiders misunderstand these feelings which can leave the pet parent to feel alone and embarrassed about their grief. Having someone reach out, offer understanding, and acknowledge their loss means so very much.

1. Pets are family too! When someone’s family member passes away you would traditionally recognize that loss. For so many pet owners their dog or cat is both considered and treated like family. For your elderly clients, the pet may be their companion when family lives far away. The loss of the pet leaves a huge daily void in their lives. 4. Children take it hardest. If your customer has children, you can assume that this may be their first experience with death, so including them in your pet loss condolence is especially important.

5. Customer Satisfaction. An old marketing adage says that a satisfied customer is a repeat customer. Honoring a beloved fur-baby speaks volumes. On top of that, the average American owns 3 to 4 pets over a lifetime increasing the likelihood that when their next dog or

cat needs to be groomed, they will call on you! They’ll also let their friends and family know of your kindness.

4 Simple Ways to Honor and Recognize a Pet that has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Assuming you know about the loss, here are some simple ways that you can let a valuable customer know that you care. Even if you don’t find out about it right away, anything that you do, even later, will be received with an open and grateful heart.

1. Send a sympathy gift. It doesn’t have to be expensive, there are many options available from trinkets to living memorial ideas such as flowers and plants. If you can customize the gift or message, it is even better. mal’s special place in your heart. The added bonus is that it gives you another reason to post to your followers.

4. Make a personal phone call. Who uses the phone anymore to make a call? With texting and SMS messaging the phone doesn’t ring often other than with pesky salespeople. Therefore, imagine how your soothing voice could help a grieving heart.

It was through our own pet loss that Pet Perennials was “born.” The grief we experienced over the loss of our fur-babies drives us in our mission to help hearts heal and to honor each pet’s special bond with its family.

We understand your busy schedule, and therefore we offer a Gift Package Service so that you can honor pet loss, sending personalized messages and gifts to your clients.

2. Send a handwritten card or note. Taking the time out of your busy day to pen a personalized message would no doubt be received with deep appreciation by the pet owner.

3. Post a tribute to the pet on your social media pages. If you have a social media presence, posting a tribute is the 34 Copyright © 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reservedmodern way to commemorate an ani- Subscribe www.egroomer.com

Want to learn more about our Direct-toConsumer gift packages? Accessing our Gift Catalog with business pricing is easy. Submit your info online, then you’ll receive a notification/email to sign into your newly created account. Membership is free so sign-up and browse today. ◄

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