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Inflation and the Grooming Industry

Classic Reprint from 2020

Inflation and the Grooming Industr y

Who has not heard of inflation this year and even last year? For most of us we clearly feel it every time we spend money. We are spending more for the same measure of product or services we purchased not long ago. Today it is more noticeable because almost everything we buy has recently increased, and not just something like energy, food or retail products.

Mobile vehicle prices have increased, including both vans and trailers. Grooming business owners are likewise increasing their grooming fees to account for increases in wholesale


a general increase in prices, and fall in the purchasing value of money

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grooming products, and to increase personal net income to keep up with their household expenses which are rising.

We surveyed groomers asking them about their personal and business experiences with recent inflation (2021 and early 2022). Here are the results:

GROOMING BUSINESS OWNERS Tools and Equipment (11%)

Other (5%) 3. If you answered “yes,” have the increases put the operation of your business in financial jeopardy?

Yes, seriously (3%) Yes, moderately (9%) Yes, slightly (11%) No (77%)

4. What are your short term or long term plans to cope if operating expenses continue to increase? More than 1 answer OK.

Raise grooming prices (82%) Lower some expenses (43%) Do more volume (24%) Add revenue stream (2%) Nothing (17%) Other (8%)

5. If you raise prices how much would your average increase be?

1. Has inflation increased the costs

of operating your business?

Yes, definitely (43%) Yes, a little (32%) No (11%) Unsure (14%)

2. If you answered “yes,” what expenses have increased from inflation (to the best of your knowledge)? More than 1 answer OK.

Rent (3%) Utilities (12%) Insurance (2%) Fuel (mobile) (100%) Grooming Supplies (23%)

$1 (2%) $2 (10%) $3 (28%) Copyright © 2011 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved $4 (26%) 61

$5 (30%) Over $5 (4%)


1. Has inflation increased the costs of your household budget?

Yes, definitely (55%) Yes, moderately (26%) Yes, a little (10%) No (7%) Unsure (2%)

2. If you answered “yes,” what expenses have increased from inflation (to the best of your knowledge)? More than 1 answer OK. 4. If you answered “yes,” how will you keep up with the rising costs? More than 1 answer OK.

Ask for raise from employer (84%) Seek additional employment(23%) Lower my expenses (41%) Use personal savings (18%) Other (7%)

Rent (3%) Utilities (2%) Food (93%) Insurance (3%) Fuel (personal auto) (96%) Clothing (1%) Entertainment (18%) Medical (30%) Pets (44%) Education (2%) Childcare Copyright © 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved(15%) Subscribe www.egroomer.com

Transportation (not fuel) (4%)

Other (12%) 3. Do you expect inflation to continue including price increases?

Yes, definitely (23%)

Yes, moderately (35%)

Yes, a little (22%)

No (4%)

Unsure (16%) 5. Have you been affected by supply chain issues?

Yes, definitely (21%)

Yes, moderately (20%)

Yes, a little (27%)

No (32%) 6. Do you think supply chain issues are related to inflation?

Yes, definitely (34%)

Yes, moderately (26%)

My name is Gregg Docktor and I own Merryfield School of Pet Grooming located in South Florida. We are a State of Florida Licensed, Federally Accredited School and a member of the ACCSC (national accreditor). The first objective is to contact your state board of education. Most states require you to be licensed in order to teach any type of career education. The process varies entirely by state. For us it took about a year from application to approval. The second step was to run the school for 2 years with annual reviews by the state. Then you can submit an application an accrediting agency. The purpose of an accrediting agency is twofold. One is to allow your institution to participate in the Federal Student Loan program (Title V) and 2) to ensure that the education that you are providing is reviewed by intensely devoted educators that look after the best interest of your students. This process took about 5 years to accomplish. Once that was done, an application with all of your aforementioned materials is made to the US Department of Education. If and when approved, which took us an additional 9 months, you can then participate as a Federally Accredited school with all the continuous oversight and responsibilities that are required to maintain your status. So now you are governed by 3 agencies. Your state, your accreditor and the US Department of Education (DOE)! If your entire being is not in the educational world, you will have a rude awakening. You will likely need Admission staff, Registrar, Financial aid administrator, Operations Administrator. I presume you will assume the title of Director. You also need teaching staff and facility personnel and your campus. Merryfield occupies 16,000+ square feet and room is getting tight. We have 3 programs of study and a staff of 15: • Professional Pet Grooming (600 hours) • Professional Pet Grooming with Non-Anesthetic Teeth Scaling (900 hours) • Veterinary Assistant Program (900 hours) We are always looking for qualified individuals to compliment the educational excellence we are striving to achieve. Sound like something you would like to do? I am always available to talk. Gregg Docktor 954-771-4030

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