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PNS DIGESTIVE WELLNESS PROGRAM A. Proper Diagnosis B. Design a Dietary Nutrition PLAN C. Supplements

At Pet Nutrition Systems we encourage a proactive holistic approach to pet health care. We believe it to be the best way to protect our pets and keep them healthy. If your dog is suffering from digestive disorder problems, we offer a comprehensive program to help identify the infection and create a Veterinary prescriptive diet plan to naturally aid your pet’s body and immune system heal. Following the guidelines in this wellness plan can give your dog the support to stop the suffering sooner.

STEP A: Proper Diagnosis Determining exactly what the illness is and its cause in your dog is not always easy and may require some patience. PNS has found that the quickest and easiest route to determining the problem is to consult with one of our board certified specialist. Once we have consulted with your or our specialist a blood tests will be recommended to determine what physiological and dietary deficiencies are present in the pet’s body. Armed with this information we will be able to design a holistic organic rotation diet plan that with correct the deficiencies, bolster the immune system and avoid any ingredients that maybe working against the body’s quest for optimum health.

STEP B: Assist With PNS Nutritional Diet Plan Once we have obtained your blood test back from the lab and receive your PNS Veterinary Prescriptive Nutrition form our animal nutritionists will select the proper recipes for your pet’s diet plan. You will receive these recipes to make for yourself or have our commercial kitchen make and ship to you. One of the hallmarks of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is an inflamed intestinal lining. This inflammation and the mucus it secretes reduce nutrient absorption. Addressing this problem is to reduce the inflammation with herbs and essential oils and make the food more easy to break down for ease of digestion. Boiled long grain rice and ground meat is preferred for sensitive digestion. Most commercial dog foods, especially the dry varieties are very difficult for the digestive tract to break down. It is important to note that ingredients like wheat, corn and soy (present in large amounts in dry dog food) tend to increase inflammation and irritation. If a raw or home-prepared diet is impractical, look for high quality commercial brands that list meat as the first ingredient, do not contain animal-by-products and do not contain artificial colorings or preservatives. Some lean ground beef, lamb, chicken or turkey (cooked or raw) added to a high quality commercial diet is a worthy compromise. In addition, try adding some finely chopped or pulverized fruits and vegetables. Spinach, broccoli and blueberries all have antiinflammatory properties to help with skin issues. Serving the fruits and vegetables raw with their nutrients and enzymes in tact is the best for skin health. For your free individual diet plan contact us at 562.295.6391

Step C: Supplements Formulated by one of the nation's top herbalists, Phytomucil offers soothing support with ingredients shown to reduce inflammation and excess mucus as well as relieve symptoms and assist in the recovery of gastritis, esophagitis IBS, IBD, colitis, enteritis, bloating and other chronic digestive disorders. To further aid in the reduction of inflammation, Wild Salmon Oil provides n-3 fatty acids known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The synergy of these two supplements combines to provide maximum benefit. Some veterinarians believe that inflammatory bowel disease occurs when the pancreas is working harder than it should to produce enzymes. Giving your dog digestive enzymes made for pets allows the pancreas to work more efficiently. Digestive enzymes (missing from our dogs' modern day commercial diet) are necessary to break down foods for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. In clinical trials probiotics have shown great promise in treating IBD. The normal acid balance in the intestines can change when the pancreas is overactive, allowing harmful bacteria to flourish. This, in turn, can cause painful inflammation. Supplementing with a high quality probiotic replenishes the balance of healthy bacteria. A probiotic is also very important if your dog has been given an antibiotic medication, which kills off both harmful and beneficial bacteria in the gut, causing an imbalance and the potential for yeast overgrowth.

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