Pet Dog Ambassador Assessment Markers

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Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

Table of Contents PDA Level 1 Puppy Assessments Markers


Level 1 Puppy: 4 – 9 months of age ........................................................................................................... 6 Feedback – general rules observed ........................................................................................................... 7 Exercise 1 – Sit at front and side, then take collar


Exercise 2 – Give take exchange


Exercise 3 – Leave it


Exercise 4 – Loose leash walking


Exercise 5 – Social interaction


Exercise 6 – Wait to be fed


Exercise 7 – Recall


Exercise 8 – Handling


Exercise 9 – Go to place


PDA Level 2 Assessment Markers


Level 2 – Any dog over the age of 6 months............................................................................................ 18 Feedback – general rules observed ......................................................................................................... 19 Exercise 1 – Car manners


Exercise 2 – Entrance manners


Exercise 3 – Leave it

22 2

Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only Exercise 4 – Loose leash walking with social interaction


Exercise 5 – Wait to be fed


Exercise 6 – Recall


Exercise 7 – Emergency stop


Exercise 8 – Handling


Exercise 9 – Stay or settle


Exercise 10 – Being alone


PDA Level 3Assessment Markers


Level 3 – Any dog over the age of 6 months............................................................................................ 31 Feedback – general rules observed ......................................................................................................... 32 Exercise 1 – Entrance Manners


Exercise 2 – Leave it


Exercise 3 – Street walk


Exercise 4 – Wait to be fed


Exercise 5 – Recall


Exercise 6 – Emergency stop


Exercise 7 – Handling


Exercise 8 – Settle


Exercise 9 – Being alone


PDA Level 4Assessment Markers


Level 4 – Any dog over the age of 12 months.......................................................................................... 44 Feedback – General Rules Observed ....................................................................................................... 45 3

Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only Exercise 1 – Back up at entrance


Exercise 2 – Street walk


Exercise 3 – Recall


Exercise 4 – Emergency stop


Exercise 5 – End of walk pack up


Exercise 6 – Being alone


PDA Level 5 Championship Assessment Markers


Level 5 Championship – Any dog aged 12 months or more .................................................................... 54 Feedback – general rules observed ......................................................................................................... 55 Exercise 1 – Street walk


Optional exercises – select any two of the following: ............................................................................. 58 Exercise 2 – Veterinary examination


Exercise 3 – Visual/Spoken cue discrimination


Example curricula for group classes


PDA Program Level 1 Puppy .................................................................................................................... 65 PDA Program Level 2................................................................................................................................ 68 PDA Program Level 3................................................................................................................................ 71 PDA Program Level 4................................................................................................................................ 74 PDA Program Level 5 Championship........................................................................................................ 76


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Puppy Assessments Markers


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment

Level 1 Puppy: 4 – 9 months of age



Check that the Guardian has:

This assessment examines a puppy’s training and education as well as the success of the Guardian to have taught the puppy basic good manners appropriate to the home and the training class.

passed the online open book quiz paid the assessment fee provided a completed Health Care Form and copies of current vaccination status or titre levels Please note: A puppy that growls, snaps or bites will not qualify A puppy that demonstrates signs of stress, e.g. displacement behaviours will not qualify A Guardian who uses any aversive techniques in working with their puppy during the assessment will not qualify At no time must a puppy be lured to perform a behaviour

  

Assessment requirements Undertake assessments in a safe environment for the puppy and Guardian Puppy takes any reinforcer offered gently. Puppy remains on a leash at all times Guardian should not use the leash to encourage or discourage a puppy at any time Assessor may change the sequence of the exercises if necessary to suit the situation. However, all exercises must be undertaken Assessor can complete the assessment one-on-one or in a class environment.

Optional – get ready The assessor may allow five minutes for the Guardian and puppy to familiarize themselves with the assessment area.


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment 1. The puppy did not growl, snap or bite at any time.

Feedback – general rules observed Confirmed

No stress

  

2. The puppy demonstrated . . . . . . . . . .

Minor stress 3. The Guardian maintained force-free handling techniques and appropriate reinforcement at all times.

Major stress

If minor or major stress, please comment about how it happened:


4. If the puppy toileted during the assessment, the Guardian responded appropriately by having a suitable bag for collection of feces. Confirmed


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment Rules

Exercise 1 – Sit at front and side, then take collar Assessment steps

Guardian to remain within touching distance of the puppy. The puppy should not be manipulated into position with either hands or leash Puppy sits within two seconds Guardian releases the puppy after a three-second sit Where possible the exercise is to be conducted in a low distraction area Minor movements from the puppy are acceptable

Puppy sits once in front and once at the side of the Guardian when cued. The sit does not need to be in the ‘heel’ position but predominantly at the side of the guardian. Sit and collar take is carried out twice –once at front and once at side Guardian bridges and reinforces puppy after each sit and collar take Guardian can use any type of cue, visual or spoken and if used together must be synchronous No food is to be present in the cuing hand Puppy sits on the first cue and allows a collar take on each attempt When puppy is sitting, the Guardian laces their fingers on the collar by taking the collar under the chin rather than over the top of the puppy’s head Puppy remains in place for 3 seconds and is then released by the Guardian On one occasion the puppy is asked to ‘look’ or ‘watch’ and must hold eye contact for 2 seconds.


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Puppy sat on first cue and within two seconds of cue each time Puppy took reinforcer gently

Puppy sat on 2nd cue or took longer than 2 seconds. Puppy was a little rough taking reinforcer. Major movements by puppy when Guardian reached for collar Puppy broke before being released Puppy held 2 seconds of eye contact but required 2 cues during the performance of the exercise

Puppy did not respond to any cues or leash was used to manipulate puppy Puppy snatched reinforcer Puppy evaded Guardian’s hand reaching for collar Puppy unsettled and distracted Puppy could not hold 2 seconds of eye contact during the performance of the exercise

Guardian was able to take collar each time Puppy waited 3 seconds until released each time Puppy held 2 seconds of eye contact during the performance of the exercise





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment Rules

Exercise 2 – Give take exchange Assessment steps

Puppy is accepting of the give or take exchange Guardian supplies the toy or food valuable to the puppy e.g. high value food such as pig’s ear, veal tails, or bully stick Toy should be one that the Guardian knows the puppy will engage with

Guardian may use a toy or food. If food is used, it needs to be long enough so that the Guardian can hold the end to exchange for another food item of equal value Guardian: Engages the puppy with the item Requests the puppy to give up the item Takes the item and bridges and reinforces with a high value treat to end the exercise.


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Puppy engaged with item within 5 seconds

Puppy took 5 to 10 seconds to engage with item

Puppy took more than 10 seconds to engage with the item or ignored the item

Puppy exchanged item within 5 seconds

Puppy took 5 to 10 seconds to exchange the item

Puppy took more than 10 seconds to exchange the item or would not exchange

Guardian’s choice of items was appropriate

Guardian’s choice of item was doubtful

Guardian’s choice of item was inappropriate

Guardian bridged and reinforced appropriately

Guardian a little slow in bridging and reinforcing

Guardian did not bridge or reinforce





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment Rules

Exercise 3 – Leave it Assessment steps

The cue to leave the object should be given as soon as the dog becomes aware of the object. The cue to ‘leave it’ should be given once only. Cue should be given in normal voice tone.

Guardian: Presents an inanimate object by hand, close to the puppy’s nose, e.g. keys, sunglasses, pen, sock. Cues puppy to ‘leave’ the object. When the puppy leaves the object, the Guardian bridges and reinforces.


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Puppy left object on first cue

Puppy left object at second cue

Puppy did not leave object or mouthed it

Guardian cued at appropriate time

Guardian cued late but still successful with puppy

Guardian cued or bridged or reinforced too late

Guardian bridged and reinforced at the right time

Guardian slow in bridging and reinforcing

Guardian manipulated puppy with leash to leave item

Guardian’s verbal cue was appropriate

Guardian used a gruff voice to cue

Guardian used a harsh tone





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment Rules

Exercise 4 – Loose leash walking Assessment steps

Puppy does not need to be in the heel position Leash remains loose allowing a once-only tightening of the leash Exercise conducted in a low distracting environment

Puppy walks on a loose leash with Guardian for 15 metres (50 feet) towards a known person. Markers will indicate the distance Place the known person 2 metres (6 feet) away from the end marker At the end of the 15m the Guardian cues the puppy to sit, drop or stand or the puppy stops automatically, Guardian bridges and reinforces for appropriate behaviour defined as: • No pulling towards the known person • Performing a sit, drop or stand as requested or automatically


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Puppy walked on loose leash for 15 metres towards the known person with either no tightening or one tightening of the leash

Puppy walked on a loose leash with the leash tightening twice

Puppy showed very little ability to walk on loose leash or jumped on the known person

Puppy responded to first cue to sit, drop or stand or stopped automatically when the Guardian stopped

Puppy responded on second cue to sit, drop or stand

Puppy took more than two cues to sit, drop or stand, or simply refused the cue, or Guardian manipulated puppy into position

Guardian bridged and reinforced appropriately

Guardian’s timing of bridge and reinforcement was not timely

Guardian did not bridge or reinforce the puppy at all

Puppy did not pull towards the person

Puppy pulled slightly towards the known person before responding to sit, drop or stand cue

Puppy pulled towards the known person disregarding the cues





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment Rules

Exercise 5 – Social interaction Assessment steps

Guardian is not to use the leash to move the puppy on Assessor to assign puppy classmates appropriately Puppy is to display polite greeting to the other puppy Guardian is to have knowledge of how to move a puppy away on cue

Each puppy demonstrates a polite greeting between one another Greeting is to be no longer than two seconds and then the puppy moves on Each handler should wear a hat or sunglasses, or carry a shopping bag, or carry a takeaway coffee cup or similar, or an open umbrella


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Puppy greeted the other puppy politely

Puppy greeted other puppy politely but was overexcited

Puppy pulled towards the other dog or jumped on other puppy or handler

Puppy showed no fear or anxiety

Puppy seemed a little anxious at greeting

Puppy overly excited or showed signs of stress at greeting

Guardian moved the puppy on after two seconds

Puppy required more than one cue to move on

Puppy would not move on

Guardian bridged and reinforced appropriately

Guardian’s timing of bridge and reinforcement was not timely

Guardian did not bridge or reinforce the puppy at all





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment Rules

Exercise 6 – Wait to be fed Assessment steps Guardian:

Guardian may cue the puppy to sit, drop or stand or may immediately ask for a wait/stay The food in the bowl must be bland (i.e. kibble) The bowl must be placed 1 metre (3 feet) away from the puppy After the puppy is released to eat, the Guardian will drop a higher quality reinforcer into the bowl (i.e. chicken) The puppy must remain calm. He can ignore the dropped food by not lifting his head from the bowl or can look at the guardian, acknowledging the contribution and then return to eating An alternative to a bowl can be used, e.g. a Kong. Whatever is used, the Guardian must be able to pick it up.

May cue the puppy to sit, drop or stand or may immediately ask for a wait/stay Places bowl 1 metre (3 feet) away from puppy After three seconds releases the puppy to eat from the bowl While puppy is eating, Guardian drops a higher quality food into the bowl


Almost There

Puppy responded to sit or drop on first cue or did so automatically

Puppy responded to sit or drop on second cue

Puppy responded to first cue to wait/stay Puppy remained calm and relaxed until cued to eat Puppy calm as food dropped into bowl

Not Yet Able

Guardian gave 2 or 3 cues to wait before the bowl could be put in place Puppy changed alternatively from drop to sit or sit to drop while waiting for the bowl to be lowered Puppy uneasy with food being dropped into bowl



Puppy needed more than 2 cues to respond or did not respond to any cue Guardian repeated the wait cue often or had to manipulate the puppy to stop eagerness to be fed Puppy broke position with eagerness to get to the bowl before it was lowered Puppy showed resource guarding issues over food being dropped into bowl



Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment Rules

Exercise 7 – Recall Assessment steps

Puppy returns straight to the Guardian without deviation Guardian may use an incentive for the puppy to return to them, e.g. toy, food, or running away from the puppy

Use a 5 metre (16 feet) light line A known person may hold the line at the puppy’s collar or harness while the Guardian moves to the end of the line 5 metres away There is no need to give the puppy a formal stay but the puppy must not move to follow the Guardian The known person may talk to the puppy to encourage the puppy to remain in place Guardian calls the puppy and the puppy is immediately released allowing the puppy to return to the Guardian Puppy may sit in front of the Guardian Guardian reaches for puppy’s collar under the chin or at the side of the dog before reinforcing the recall


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Puppy accepted the Guardian’s departure

Puppy was minimally anxious on Guardian’s departure

Puppy did not accept Guardian’s departure and attempted to move towards Guardian

Puppy returned to Guardian without deviation

Puppy meandered back to Guardian or stopped and sniffed

Puppy didn’t return to Guardian or Guardian had to retrieve puppy

Guardian was able to take the puppy’s collar under the chin

Puppy demonstrated some anxious behaviour when Guardian took collar.

Guardian reached for collar over puppy’s head or puppy refused collar grab

Guardian reinforced the recall after reaching for collar

Guardian reinforced recall before reaching for collar

Guardian did not reinforce the puppy





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment

Exercise 8 – Handling


Assessment steps

Light touch only is acceptable Puppy shows behaviour indicating acceptance of handling Inappropriate lip licking, yawning or other stress indicators are not acceptable Growling, mouthing, biting, evading hands or trying to get away are not acceptable Exercise is conducted on leash or in a safe environment


The Guardian touches each of the following body parts for a minimum of two seconds: both ears tail four feet mouth and flews strokes along the puppy’s back

Almost There

Not Yet Able

Guardian was able to touch all areas of the puppy for a minimum of 2 seconds per body part

Guardian was unable to touch some parts of the puppy for 2 seconds or more

Guardian could only touch some areas of the body 

Puppy was relaxed while being handled

Puppy was not relaxed while being touched

Puppy stressed, or fidgeted, or evaded being touched

Puppy did not mouth, bite or evade the Guardian

Puppy mouthed Guardian’s hands

Puppy growled or attempted to move away





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 1 Assessment Rules

Exercise 9 – Go to place Assessment steps

If using a crate, the door should be open Puppy should be relaxed at all times Guardian remains within 1 metre (3 feet) of the place When using a mat or bed, the majority of the puppy’s body should be on it Timing begins when the Guardian cues the puppy to wait or stay If using a crate, the puppy should remain politely in the crate while the door is open and not leave until cued If using a mat or bed, the puppy must remain in position until cued to release

Guardian stands next to the place and cues the puppy to go to it Puppy goes to place and remains in chosen position i.e. sit, drop or stand Puppy may be cued to sit or drop or may remain standing Puppy may be reinforced for going to place Guardian may cue the puppy to stay Puppy remains in place for 10 seconds and then is released by the Guardian


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Puppy went to place on 1st cue

Puppy went to place on 2nd cue

Puppy did not respond to any cue to go to place

Puppy moved into position on 1st cue or automatically

Puppy moved into position after 2nd or 3rd cue

Puppy failed to move into position after many cues or was manipulated onto place

Puppy remained in place for 10 seconds

Puppy sat or stood before 10 second release

Puppy left place before being released

Puppy remained relaxed and/or happy

Puppy uneasy

Puppy apprehensive or worried





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Markers


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment

Level 2 – Any dog over the age of 6 months



Check that the Guardian has: passed the online open book quiz. paid the assessment fee provided a completed Health Care Form and copies of current vaccination status or titre levels If using Level 2 as entry level (i.e. if Puppy level has not been undertaken), the dog must demonstrate to the assessor a qualifying performance of the following exercises from the PDA Puppy Level before commencing the Level 2 Assessment Level 1, Exercise 1 – Sit front and side and take collar Level 1, Exercise 9 – Go to place

This assessment examines a Level 2 dog’s training and education as well as the success of the Guardian to have taught the dog good manners for the home and in the training class

  

Assessment requirements Undertake assessments in a safe environment for the dog and Guardian Dog remains on a leash at all times or exercises may be undertaken off the leash if the assessment area is deemed by the Assessor to be safe for dogs and handlers Guardian should not use the leash to encourage or discourage a dog at any time Dog takes any reinforcer offered gently. Assessor may change the sequence of the exercises if necessary to suit the situation. However, all exercises must be undertaken Assessor can complete the assessment one-on-one or in a class environment

  Please note:

Optional – get ready

A dog that growls, snaps or bites will not qualify.

The assessor may allow 5 minutes for the Guardian and dog to familiarise themselves with the assessment area.

A dog that demonstrates signs of stress, e.g. displacement behaviours will not qualify.

A Guardian who uses any aversive techniques in working their dog during the assessment will not qualify.

At no time must a dog be lured to perform a behaviour


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment

Feedback – general rules observed

1. The dog did not growl, snap or bite at any time.


2. The dog demonstrated . . . . . . . . ..

No stress

  

Minor stress Major stress 3. The Guardian maintained force-free handling techniques and appropriate reinforcement at all times.


4. If the dog toileted during the assessment, the Guardian responded appropriately by having a suitable bag for collection of feces.


If minor or major stress, please comment about how it happened:


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 1 – Car manners Assessment steps

The exercise must be undertaken in a safe off-street environment The dog must be calm in the car and on entering and exiting the car Leash must remain on the dog for safety when out of the car The dog can sit or stand once outside the car but the leash should not become tight

Before starting the exercise, the Guardian must cue and hold eye contact with the dog for 3 seconds. Guardian and dog approach the car. Guardian cues dog to sit or stand or dog stops automatically and then wait Guardian opens the door while the dog remains in position until invited into the car. If necessary, the Guardian can lift the dog into the car or the dog can use a ramp Once the dog is inside the car, the Guardian removes the leash and closes the door The dog remains calmly in the car for 10 seconds The Guardian opens the door and attaches the leash to the dog. The dog must remain in the car until invited to exit. The Guardian must not block the dog from escaping After the leash is attached to the dog, the handler must wait 5 seconds before inviting the dog to exit the car Guardian may ask the dog to sit/stand/stay close on exiting the car. The leash should not become tight on exit


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog held eye contact for 3 seconds on first cue

Dog held eye contact for three seconds but required 2 cues

Dog did not hold eye contact for three seconds

Dog sits or stands on first request or automatically Dog remains in position until invited or lifted into car

Dog sat or stood on second request Dog anticipated getting into the car by breaking position hence tightening the leash

Dog remains calmly in the car for 10 seconds

Dog showed mild anxiety when left in the car

The Guardian opens the door and the dog remains calm while the leash is attached. Dog waits calmly for 5 seconds until released from the car Dog leaves the car and the leash remains loose

Guardian had to ask the dog to sit to have leash attached Guardian had to remind the dog to remain in place for the five seconds Dog exited the car calmly but the leash became tight



Dog would not sit or stand or took three or more requests to do so Dog jumped into the car before being requested and/or leash became tight Dog jumped around the car or demonstrated signs of stress when left in the car Guardian manipulated the dog by pushing the dog back in order to attach leash Guardian body blocked the dog from leaving the car or dog left car uninvited Dog was excited and pulled towards other people, dogs or smells on getting out of car

Score 20

Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 2 – Entrance manners Assessment steps

Dog should only move through the entrance on cue Dog may sit, drop, or stand while the Guardian closes the door to the entrance Leash must remain loose at all times At no time should the Guardian body-block the dog in order to prevent the dog from going through the entrance

Dog is to wait at the entrance in either a sit, drop or stand Guardian cues the dog to stay or wait On releasing the dog to go through the entrance, the Guardian can choose one of the following options: • moving through the entrance together • asking the dog to go first and then follow the dog • moving through first and requesting the dog to follow • Dog should remain in position with leash loose whilst gate or door is closed


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog sat, dropped or stood on first request or automatically

Dog sat, dropped or stood on 2nd request

Dog took multiple requests to sit, drop or stand or did not respond at all

Dog waited until released to walk through the entrance

Guardian gave second cue to stay or wait before releasing the dog

Dog not able to stay or wait until released

Dog remained in position while Guardian closed the door to the entrance

Dog tended to barge through the entrance on release

Dog barged through the entrance or pulled to pass through the gate or door

Leash was loose at all times

Leash tightened at some point during the exercise but focus was easily returned when the Guardian requested

Guardian body blocked or physically corrected the dog for breaking position and leash was constantly tight



Score 21

Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 3 – Leave it Assessment steps

The Guardian may choose from different objects offered Part 1 by the assessor The Guardian and dog walk between 2 cones placed 5 metres (16 feet) apart. Lying on the ground at 2 metres (6 feet) to the right or left of the path walked is an obvious inanimate object (not food) set up as a distraction. One object must be an inanimate object, e.g. a toy, whilst the other will be a food item When walking past the object, the Guardian can calmly cue the dog to leave the object if required. Guardian must cue dog in a calm voice When the dog leaves the object, the Guardian bridges and reinforces the dog’s action appropriately. If a spoken cue is not needed, then it is the Guardian’s choice whether or not to reinforce at the end of the exercise See Exercise Set-Ups at the end of the Guide Part 2 Guardian presents food to the dog in a closed hand and calmly cues the dog to leave it When the dog leaves the food, the Guardian appropriately bridges and reinforces (from the other hand) the dog’s action


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Cue delivery was calm at all times

Cue delivery was slightly harsh or forceful

Cue delivery was loud and/or harsh

Dog left the inanimate object on first cue if required

Dog required 2 cues to leave object

Dog required more than 2 cues to leave the object

Dog left the food on the 1st cue if required

Dog required 2 cues to leave food

Dog required 3 or more cues to leave food or Guardian manipulated dog away from food

Guardian bridged and reinforced appropriately on each occasion

Guardian bridging and reinforcement was mistimed

Guardian did not bridge or reinforce appropriately





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 4 – Loose leash walking with social interaction Assessment steps

It is not required that the dog be at ‘heel’ but a loose leash is required Dog can walk either side of Guardian Dog must sit, drop or stand when cued or automatically Dog must keep 4 paws on the ground Guardian can give instructions to the other person as to how to approach the dog See Exercise Set-ups at the end of the Guide

Guardian walks the dog 20 metres (65 feet) on a loose leash. Guardian stops the dog within 1 metre (3 feet) of the other person and cues the dog to sit, drop or stand or the dog can do so automatically. With the dog in position, the other person asks if they may pet the dog. Guardian can answer yes or no. • If yes: the Guardian may tell the person where to pet the dog the dog should remain in position with four paws on the ground when being petted.


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog walked on a loose leash at all times

Leash tightened once

Leash tightened on more than 1 occasion

Dog took up position on first cue or automatically

Dog took up position on second cue

Dog took up position after multiple cues or did not sit at all

Dog remained in position with all 4 paws on the ground when being petted

Dog demonstrated some reluctance to being petted

Guardian had to restrain dog from jumping on person

Dog accepted being petted or Guardian denied petting

Dog required re-cueing before petting

Dog showed fear or anxiety at approach of the other person





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 5 – Wait to be fed Assessment steps

Guardian must cue the dog to sit, drop or stand or the dog can take up position automatically Guardian must ask the dog to wait or stay The food in the bowl must be bland (e.g. kibble) The bowl must be placed 1 metre (3 feet) away from the dog After the dog is released to eat, the Guardian will put their hand into the bowl to add a higher quality food (e.g. chicken) The dog must remain calm. He can ignore the hand putting food into the bowl or can look at the guardian, acknowledging the contribution and then return to eating. An alternative to a bowl can be used, e.g. a Kong. Whatever is used, the Guardian must be able to pick it up

Guardian cues the dog to sit, drop or stand or the dog can take up position automatically and then the Guardian cues the dog to wait Guardian places a food bowl 1 metre (3 feet) from the dog Guardian releases the dog after 5 seconds to eat from the bowl While the dog is eating, the Guardian places their hand into the bowl to deliver higher quality food


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog responded on first cue to take up position or does so automatically

Dog responded on second cue to take up position

Dog took more than 3 cues to take up position

Dog waited 5 seconds to be released

Guardian had to repeat request to wait more than once

Dog did not wait as cued or Guardian used physical correction to stop dog gaining access to food

Dog allows the approach of the hand to the bowl

Dog demonstrated minor concern at the approach of the hand to the bowl

Dog snapped or growled, froze, or accelerated eating speed as the hand approached the bowl





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 6 – Recall Assessment steps

Guardian uses a 10 metre (32 foot) light line or leash Guardian may use treats, toys, or welcoming body language to encourage the dog’s return Guardian may move away from the dog as the dog is called to encourage the dog’s return Dog must return directly to the Guardian Guardian must take the collar under the chin or at the side of the neck

The assistant, assessor, or instructor holds the dog’s leash as the Guardian moves away The Guardian does not have to give a formal cue to ask the dog to stay The assistant can talk to the dog When 10 metres (32 feet) away, the Guardian calls the dog and the assistant releases the dog’s leash When the dog returns to the Guardian, the Guardian may ask the dog to sit but this is not compulsory The Guardian must be able to take the dog’s collar under the chin or at the side of the head


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog responded on first cue to return to Guardian

Dog responded after 2 cues to return to Guardian

Dog took 3 or more cues to return to Guardian

Dog returned directly to the Guardian

Dog became slightly distracted on recall but recalled to Guardian

Dog deviated from recall or did not return

Dog allowed the collar to be taken under the chin or at the side of the head

Guardian reached over dog’s head to take the collar

Guardian unable to take collar





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 7 – Emergency stop Assessment steps

Leash must be loose at all times Guardian can only give 1 cue to stop Dog must stop within 2-5 seconds Dog must stay in place until recalled or the Guardian’s return Dog must allow the collar to be taken under the chin or to the side of the head

Guardian lets the dog wander on a 2 metre (6 foot) leash When asked by the assessor, the Guardian cues the dog to stop Guardian cues a recall or walks to where the dog has stopped Guardian takes the dog’s collar under the chin or to the side of the dog’s head


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog walked on a loose leash at all times

Dog pulled on leash once while wandering

Dog’s leash was tight on more than 1 occasion

Dog stopped within 2-5 seconds

Dog stopped within 5-7 seconds

Dog took longer than 7 seconds to stop

Dog returned to the Guardian on first cue or remained in place as Guardian approached

Dog took 2 cues to recall or moved slightly towards Guardian

Dog did not return to the Guardian or moved away on Guardian’s approach

Dog allowed the collar to be taken

Guardian reached over dog’s head to take collar

Guardian could not take the collar





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 8 – Handling Assessment steps

Dog remains calm and does not try to avoid handling (i.e. Guardians to handle the following body parts: growling, biting or moving away) • Both ears by lifting each pinna and running finger around the outer ear canal Dog may investigate the Guardian but must not mouth • Tail by running hand full length of the tail and lifting the tail to view the anus or otherwise object • Flews should be able to be lifted to view the teeth Guardian allowed to talk to the dog whilst dog is being • Stroke along the dog’s back and then down each leg handled • Four feet – each foot should be lifted and fingers run around the pads and between the toes Dog body parts can be handled in any order Two to three seconds must be spent on each body part


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Guardian was able to touch all areas of the dog for a minimum of 2 seconds

Guardian was able to touch all areas of the dog but for under 2 seconds

Guardian could only touch some areas of the body

Dog was relaxed while being handled

Dog fidgeted a little while being touched

Dog stressed, or fidgeted, or evaded being touched.

Dog did not mouth or attempt to move away

Dog mouthed the Guardian’s hands

Dog growled or attempted to move away





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 9 – Stay or settle Assessment steps

Dog can only be cued once to stay or settle Guardian can choose to sit or stand near the dog Guardian must not move in excess of 1 metre (3 feet) away from the dog Dog to be released at the end of 30 seconds

Guardian may choose to do a formal stay or to do a settle in place The settle must be in the down position and the dog must hold that position until released If using stay, the stay may be in the sit, drop or stand position and the dog must hold that position until released If using a settle, the dog should settle within 10 seconds of being cued from which time the 30 seconds is timed Dog may roll or shift from hip to hip but must remain settled in the down position Once settled the dog must remain in position for 30 seconds until released The dog is permitted to be given a chew or a chew toy during this settle exercise


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog responded to first cue to go into position

Dog took 2 cues to respond to position cue

Dog took 3 or more cues to move into position or did not position at all

Dog settled and stayed in position for 30 seconds

Dog took 2 cues to stay or settle

Dog took 3 or more cues to stay or settle or did not settle at all

When released dog remained in position or moved with Guardian

Dog broke the stay after 25 seconds but before 30 seconds

Dog broke stay between 0 and 25 seconds





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 2 Assessment Rules

Exercise 10 – Being alone Assessment steps

Dog is not cued to stay Guardian must return immediately should the dog show signs of undue stress (i.e. barking, pulling towards the Guardian) Guardian must stay out of sight for 15 seconds

Guardian passes the leash to the assistant Not a formal stay but words such as “back soon” or similar may be given Guardian removes themselves from the dog’s sight for 15 seconds Assistant can talk to the dog and also offer treats in the absence of the Guardian (with the Guardian’s consent) The dog can show interest in where the Guardian has gone, but not pull to go with Guardian On the Guardian’s return, the dog can show pleasure but must not jump up on the Guardian or stop the Guardian returning to the original starting point


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog remained calm in absence of Guardian

Dog showed intense interest in where the Guardian had gone but not stressed

Dog was anxious when left by Guardian

Guardian was able to stay out of sight for 15 seconds

Guardian was able to be out of sight but only for 10 to 15 seconds

Guardian could not leave the dog or could be absent for only 5 to 10 seconds

Dog did not jump on the Guardian or impede the departure or return

Dog pulled towards Guardian on Guardian’s return

Dog jumped on Guardian or impeded return





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3Assessment Markers


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment

Level 3 – Any dog over the age of 6 months



Check that the Guardian has:

To provide dog Guardians with more advanced knowledge of force-free dog training and Guardian responsibility. The foundation skills assessed in Level 2 are extended and built upon and put into real life situations

successfully completed Level 2 paid the assessment fee provided a completed Veterinary Form and copies of current vaccination status or titre levels

Please note:

A dog that growls, snaps or bites will not qualify A dog demonstrating signs of stress e.g. displacement behaviours will not qualify A Guardian who uses any aversive techniques in working their dog during the assessment will not qualify At no time must a dog be lured to perform a behaviour

Assessment requirements Undertake assessments in a safe environment for the dog and Guardian Dog takes any offered reinforcer gently. Dog remains on a leash at all times unless specifically required to undertake an exercise or if the assessment area is deemed by the Assessor to e safe for dogs and their handlers Guardian should not use the leash to encourage or discourage a dog at any time Assessor may change the sequence of the exercises if necessary to suit the situation. However, all exercises must be undertaken Assessor can complete the assessment one-on-one or in a class environment

Optional – get ready The assessor may allow five minutes for the Guardian and dog to familiarise themselves with the assessment area.


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment

Feedback – general rules observed

1. The dog did not growl, snap or bite at any time.


2. The dog demonstrated . . . . . . . . ..

No stress

  

Minor stress Major stress 3. The Guardian maintained force-free handling techniques and appropriate reinforcement at all times.


4. If the dog toileted during the assessment, the Guardian responded appropriately by having a suitable bag for collection of feces.


If minor or major stress, please comment about how it happened:


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment Rules

Exercise 1 – Entrance Manners Assessment steps

Guardian may cue dog to sit, drop or stand or dog may stop automatically as Guardian stops at the entrance Guardian may cue stay or wait Dog may sit, drop, or stand while the Guardian opens the gate or door Leash must remain loose at all times Dog must remain in position until asked to go through the entrance Dog is to remain calm in the presence of the distractions

Guardian cues the dog to sit, drop or stand at the entrance or alternatively the dog may stop automatically

The Guardian may give the dog the cue to stay or wait

Dog must stay in this position, remaining calm during the distractions and while the Guardian opens the entrance

Guardian can choose to move though the entrance by: o moving through the entrance together o asking the dog to go first and then follow the dog o moving through first and requesting the dog follow


Distractions at the entrance must comprise TWO of the following: o a person walking by within 3 metres (10 feet) of the dog and Guardian o something being dropped o someone opening an umbrella o any additional distraction at the assessor’s discretion

Almost There

Dog sat, dropped or stood on first cue or automatically Dog responded to 1st cue to stay/wait at entrance Dog ignored distractions (may look and then look away without cue)

Not Yet Able

Dog required two cues to stay/wait at entrance

Dog took multiple requests to sit, drop or stand or did not respond at all Dog not able to stay/wait at the entrance

Dog was cued once to ignore distraction

Dog was unable to ignore distractions

Dog was calm throughout exercise

Dog was slightly anxious or concerned about any aspect of the exercise

Dog was anxious or distracted during exercise

Leash was loose at all times

Leash tightened once during the exercise

Leash tightened more than once during the exercise


Dog sat, dropped or stood on second request




Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment

Exercise 2 – Leave it


Assessment steps

Leash to remain loose at all times When passing the bucket, the dog should be between the bucket and the Guardian Leave cue must be given gently and calmly Leash not to be used to discourage dog from approaching the bucket item Bucket should be appropriate to the size of the dog Dog may be reinforced for leaving the bucket item on each occasion See diagram in Exercise Set-Ups at end of Guide

• • • • • • • • •

Place two markers 10 meters (32 feet) apart Place an upturned bucket or container midway between the 2 markers, 1 meter (3 feet) to left or right of the midline. Place a toy on the upturned bucket or container Guardian walks dog between the two markers and past the upturned bucket or container with the dog closest to the bucket If necessary, the Guardian calmly cues the dog to leave the object If cued and the dog leaves the object, the Guardian bridges and reinforces the dog’s action When the Guardian reaches the far marker, the toy on the upturned bucket or container is swapped for human food, e.g. muffin, cookie, sausage, or cake Guardian walks dog between the two markers and past the upturned bucket or container If necessary, the Guardian calmly cues the dog to leave the food If cued and the dog leaves the food, the Guardian bridges and reinforces the dog’s action


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Each cue delivery was calm at all times Leash was loose at all times Dog left the object on first cue or of his own accord Dog left the food on the first cue or on his own accord Guardian bridged and reinforced at the appropriate time at each occasion

Cue delivery was slightly harsh or forceful Leash became tight once Dog left the object on second cue

Cue delivery was loud or was harsh Leash became tight on more than one occasion Dog required more than 2 cues to leave object

Dog left the food on 2nd cue

Dog took 3 or more cues to leave the food

Bridging and reinforcement was mistimed at least once

Guardian did not bridge or reinforce at all





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment

Exercise 3 – Street walk


Assessment steps

• • • • • • •

The street must be quiet and around the familiar training area Two known people are required, one with a known dog and one without The tester dog must be pre-approved by the assessor as being suitable for this task The known person is requested to initially not interact with the Guardian’s dog Guardian demonstrates appropriate dog handling at all times Guardian chooses to pass the known dog or allows a brief (one to two second) greeting of the known dog to confirm management skills Dog must remain calm and relaxed Leash must remain loose

• • • • • • • • • •

After approximately 30 meters (100 feet) the Guardian and dog approach a person who is walking along the street in the opposite direction. Guardian stops to talk to the person in the street for one minute Dog is asked to sit, stand or down (or may take up position himself) near Guardian and settle. The dog should not pester the person or the Guardian The dog should remain in position during the one minute After one minute, the person asks if they can pet the dog Guardian may choose yes or no to this request If Guardian says yes, then dog is petted and should accept petting The person then moves on After another 30 meters (100 feet) a person with a known dog approaches on the same side of the street Dogs should be able to pass by each other without incident The dogs may briefly (two seconds) greet each other and then move on to the remainder of the walk, i.e. another 40 meters (130 feet)


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Almost There

Not Yet Able

Leash was loose all the time

Dog’s leash tightened once

Dog’s leash tightened more than once or Guardian used leash to prevent dog from jumping

Dog did not pull towards or jump on first known person.

Dog pulled slightly towards first person

Dog pulled towards and jumped on first person

Dog responded appropriately to cue to position and to settle

Dog required 2 cues to position or settle

Dog required more than 2 cues to position or settle

Dog remained in place for one minute

Dog broke position once

Dog broke position on more than one occasion or would not settle at all

Dog accepted petting if agreed to by Guardian

Dog showed concern if petted

Dog avoided petting if agreed to by Guardian

Dog did not pull towards or jump on second know person and/or their dog

Dog pulled slightly towards second person and/or their dog

Dog pulled towards and jumped on second person and/or their dog

Dog successfully passed by other dog on one cue

Dog required 2 cues to move on past other dog

Dog required more than 2 cues to move on past other dog

If allowed to greet other dog, Guardian’s dog was able to move away within one to two seconds and on one cue

If allowed to greet other dog, Guardian’s dog required 2 cues to move away and/or took 3 to 5 seconds to move away

If allowed to greet other dog, Guardian’s dog required 3 or more cues to move away or 5 to 10 seconds to move away





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment Rules Guardian must cue the dog to sit, drop or stand or dog may take up position automatically The first food in the bowl must be bland (e.g. kibble) The bowl must be placed one metre (3 feet) away from the dog After the dog is released to eat, the Guardian will pick up the bowl and add a higher quality food (e.g. chicken) Dog must show no concern about the loss of the bowl or its return to the floor Dog must not impede the removal or replacement of the bowl An alternative to a bowl can be used, e.g. a Kong. Whatever is used, the Guardian must be able to pick it up.

Exercise 4 – Wait to be fed Assessment steps Guardian cues the dog to wait or stay in in position Guardian places the food bowl 1 metre (3 feet) away from the dog Guardian releases the dog after 10 seconds to eat from the bowl While the dog is eating, the Guardian removes the bowl, places some higher quality food into the bowl and returns the bowl to the dog


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog responded on first cue to wait or stay

Dog required 2 cues to wait or stay

Dog took 3 or more cues to wait or stay or did not respond to cue at all

Dog waited the 10 seconds to be released to eat the food

Dog waited less than 10 but more than 5 seconds before eating food

Dog waited less than 5 seconds before eating food

Dog showed no concern about the bowl being removed or replaced, nor did the dog impede the bowl's removal or replacement

Dog showed minor concern about the bowl being removed or replaced and/or slightly impeded the bowl's removal or replacement

Dog snapped or growled or demonstrated faster eating or freezing when bowl was removed or totally impeded the bowl's removal or replacement





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PDA Level 3 Assessment Rules • • • •

• •

Dog must leave distraction group readily with Guardian (within 1 to 2 seconds) At point of starting recall, dog’s collar may initially be held by a known person or the Guardian can choose to leave the dog in a ‘stay’ Guardian may offer spoken and/or physical (by moving) encouragement to the dog Set up a distraction group of 3 people and 3 leashed dogs to stand 15 meters (50 feet) from the start line but not in the path of the dog’s recall. The dog needs to pass by the group without distraction. Dog must return in a direct line to the Guardian Guardian must be able to attach the leash at the end of the recall

Exercise 5 – Recall Assessment steps Guardian moves away from distraction group to recall area. Guardian asks the dog to ‘stay’ or uses a known person to hold the dog’s collar (leash is not attached) The known person can talk to the dog as the Guardian moves away Guardian moves 15m (50 feet) away to the marker When the Guardian calls the dog, the known person immediately lets go of the collar if held Dog returns to the Guardian, demonstrating no interest in the distraction group and sits or stands in front of the Guardian Guardian takes the dog’s collar under the chin and attaches the leash

See exercise Set-Ups at the back of the Guide


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog left group with Guardian on first cue

Dog required 2 cues to leave group.

Dog did not go with Guardian or pulled back towards group

Dog responded on first cue to return to Guardian Dog returned directly to the Guardian Guardian was easily able to take the dog’s collar and attach the leash

Dog responded on second cue to return to Guardian. Dog deviated slightly on recall but came to Guardian on a subsequent cue Guardian was able to take the dog’s collar but unable to attach the leash

Dog took more than 3 cues to return to Guardian Dog deviated from recall or did not return Guardian was unable to take the dog’s collar or attach the leash


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment Rules

Exercise 6 – Emergency stop Assessment steps

Dog must stop within 2-5 seconds Dog must remain in position until recalled or the Guardian returns to the dog and takes the collar Collar to be taken under the chin or to the side of the head NOT over the top of the head Leash must remain loose

Dog is allowed to wander on a 5 metre (16 foot) leash When asked by the assessor, the Guardian will cue the dog to stop Guardian recalls the dog and take the dog’s collar or goes to the dog and takes the dog’s collar under the chin or to the side of the dog’s head


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog stopped on first cue

Dog took 2 cues to stop

Dog stopped within 3 steps or did not stop at all

Dog stopped within 2-5 seconds

Dog stopped within 5-7 seconds

Dog took took longer than 7 seconds to stop

Leash remained loose at all times

Leash tightened once

Leash tightened more than once or Guardian used the leash to stop the dog

Dog remained in place until recalled or until Guardian returned to the dog

Dog required 2 cues to recall or moved away slightly as the Guardian returned

Dog required 3 or more cues to recall or moved away substantially at Guardian’s approach

Guardian was able to take the dog’s collar

Guardian required a second attempt to take the dog’s collar

Dog showed anxiety or avoidance during the exercise





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment Rules

Exercise 7 – Handling Assessment steps

The dog will be handled lightly all over, except the head, The unknown person handling the dog should be able to: by an unknown person Look at (but not touch) the teeth by lifting the flews Dog may show interest in the person handling him but Turn over the pinna to look in the ear canal or for pointy-eared dogs be able to handle the full length of the pinna will remain calm and will not try to avoid handling (i.e. Pick up 2 feet, one after the other, to check pads no growling, biting or moving away) Run a hand down the back of the dog to the end of the tail Handling exercise to be stopped if dog shows signs of anxiety/fear (backing away from unknown person, whale Run a hand down 2 legs of the dog Carry out these steps in any order or in any order requested by the Guardian eye, growling and/or displacement behaviours) Guardian and/or the unknown person may talk to the dog while dog is handled Dog body parts can be handled in any order Approximate touch time 2 to 3 seconds per body part


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Unknown person successfully handled all dog parts as nominated pausing for 2 to 3 seconds on each part

Unknown person handled all dog parts but was only able to pause for 1 second per part

Unknown person could not examine any body parts or dog showed signs of stress during the examination causing examination to cease

Dog showed no concern and remained calm throughout

Dog fidgeted but allowed handling

Dog actively moved away from the person handling the dog





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment Rules

Exercise 8 – Settle Assessment steps

Guardian must ask the dog to go to place. With a crate, the door must be closed Dog to settle in a sit or down position and stay calm until released Dog can watch the Guardian but must not leave the place Dog can reposition from side to side but should remain in the sit or down position A toy or a chew may be used

Guardian cues the dog to go to place and cues the dog to settle Dog settles in place calmly. The Guardian may give the dog a toy or chew to settle Once the dog is settled, Guardian moves and sits or stands 2 metres (6 feet) away from the place. The assessor walks over to the Guardian and spends 1 minute asking the Guardian about the rules and regulations of dog laws within the local area During the 1 minute while the dog is settled in place, a known person walks past at a distance of 3 metres (10 feet) as a distraction


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog went to place on 1st cue

Dog required 2 cues to go to place

Dog required more than 2 cues to go to place or Guardian had to lead dog to place

Dog settled in place on cue or automatically

Dog required 2 cues to settle

Dog required more than 2 cues to settle or did not respond

Dog remained calmly in place for one minute

Dog appeared somewhat unsettled and shifted several times

Dog broke from position

Dog did not break when known person walked by

Dog stood when known person walked by and had to be cued to settle again

Dog left place or approached know person walking by

Guardian was familiar with local rules and regulations

Guardian was unable to answer 1 question regarding the local rules and regulations

Guardian had limited knowledge of local rules and regulations





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 3 Assessment Rules

Exercise 9 – Being alone Assessment steps

Dog must remain on the leash Dog must remain calm but may look in the direction of the Guardian’s departure and return Guardian must stay out of sight for 30 seconds

Guardian gives the leash to a known person Guardian leaves the dog with the known person and disappears out of the dog’s sight for 30 seconds The known person may talk to the dog in the absence of the Guardian. Treats may also be used if agreed by the Guardian The dog may show interest in where the Guardian has gone If the dog shows signs of anxiety, the assessor will call the Guardian to return to the dog and the exercise will cease On the Guardian’s return, the dog may show pleasure but must not jump up on the Guardian or impede the Guardian’s return


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog remained calm while the Guardian was out of sight

Dog showed intense interest in where the Guardian had gone

Dog showed anxiety in the absence of the Guardian

Guardian was able to remain out of sight for thirty seconds

Guardian had to return before elapse of thirty seconds

Dog pulled towards Guardian as the Guardian departed

On the Guardian’s return, the dog did not jump up or impede return

On Guardian’s return, the dog pulled towards the Guardian but did not jump up or impede the return

Dog jumped up on and/or impeded the Guardian’s return





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 4Assessment Markers


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 4 Assessment

Level 4 – Any dog over the age of 12 months



Check that the Guardian has:

To produce a Guardian and dog team who demonstrate their ability to undertake increasingly more complex real life skills in real life situations

successfully completed Level 3 paid the assessment fee provided a completed Veterinary Form and copies of current vaccination status or titre levels Please note: • • •

A dog that growls, snaps or bites will not qualify A dog demonstrating signs of stress e.g. displacement behaviours will not qualify A Guardian who uses any aversive techniques in working their dog during the assessment will not qualify At no time must a dog be lured to perform a behaviour

  

Assessment requirements Undertake assessments in a safe environment for the dog and Guardian Dog takes any reinforcer offered gently. Guardian should not use the leash to encourage or discourage a dog at any time Assessor may change the sequence of the exercises if necessary to suit the situation. However, all exercises must be undertaken • Suggestion: Level 4 can, if necessary, be assessed over two sessions i.e. session one is the street walk and the other exercises on another day

Optional – get ready The assessor may allow 5 minutes for the Guardian and dog to familiarise themselves with the assessment area.


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 4 Assessment

Feedback – General Rules Observed

1. The dog did not growl, snap or bite at any time.


2. The dog demonstrated . . . . . . . . . .

No stress

  

Minor stress Major stress 3. The Guardian maintained force-free handling techniques and appropriate reinforcement at all times.


4. If the puppy toileted during the assessment, the Guardian responded appropriately by having a suitable bag for collection of feces.


If minor or major stress, please comment about how it happened:


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 4 Assessment Rules

Exercise 1 – Back up at entrance Assessment steps

One cue only to back up Cue can be visual or spoken Guardian may walk non-threateningly towards dog a maximum of three steps as a cue Dog can be in front or at the side of the Guardian

At the entrance the dog is cued to back up (to move away) from the entrance Distance for back up is 1 one metre (three feet)


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog backed up with 1 cue

Dog required 2 cues to back up

Dog required 3 or more cues to back up

Dog backed up the required distance

Dog did not back up required distance

Dog failed to back up





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 4 Assessment

Exercise 2 – Street walk


Assessment steps

Commence street walk by walking a minimum of 100 meters (330 feet) along a main street that has outdoor café areas and/or a sports ground while there are people around or along a populated beach, at a community event/festival or at a sporting event. Wherever possible a genuine testing place should be used. However, if circumstances require it, a set up scenario may replace the genuine scenario but every effort must be taken by the Assessor to achieve reality. During the street walk the following behaviors should be requested by the Guardian and graded by the assessor: • Ask the dog to leave any food on the ground – once only • Ask the dog to sit once and to drop once while on the walk • Guardian and dog will meet another Guardian and dog coming in the other direction down the street • The Guardians will stop to chat for one minute • Dog must demonstrate calm dog/person and dog/dog skills during the approach of the oncoming Guardian and dog • Dog must demonstrate calm dog/person and dog/dog skills during the one-minute chat in the street • Dog must demonstrate calm dog/person and dog/dog skills on departure

• • • • •

The street walk will be at an unfamiliar populated venue, e.g. street cafe area, football ground during a game, etc. The dog must leave anything found on the ground as requested The dog must sit once and drop once as requested during the walk Cues may only be given once for each behavior Dog must demonstrate polite dog/person and dog/dog manners at all times Leash must remain loose at all times


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Leash was loose all the time

Leash became tight once

Leash tightened on more than one occasion

Dog left food on first cue

Dog required 2 cues to leave food

Dog did not leave food or took more than two cues to leave food

Dog greeted or ignored the other person/ dog appropriately

Dog broke towards other person/dog but could be called back to position with one cue

Dog broke towards other person/dog and could not be called back to position

Dog complied with sit/drop cues

Dog missed one of the cues to sit or drop

Dog missed more than 1 cue to sit or drop

Dog remained in place for one minute

Dog broke once from position during one minute

Dog broke position on more than 1 occasion during the one-minute conversation





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PDA Level 4 Assessment Rules

Exercise 3 – Recall Assessment steps

The recall should be performed off-leash Guardian may use treats, toys or welcoming body language to encourage the dog’s return Dog must return directly to the Guardian Guardian must be able to attach the leash The group of people/dogs should consist of 2 people and 1 dog (off-leash) See exercise Set-Ups at the back of the Guide

The dog will be permitted to play and mingle with a group of known people and a dog The Guardian will move away in any direction from the group to a distance of 20 metres (65 feet). The Guardian will call the dog The dog should return within two calls and allow the Guardian to attach the leash


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog responded on first or second cue to return to Guardian

Dog responded within 3 cues to return to Guardian

Dog took 4 or more cues to return to Guardian

Dog returned directly to the Guardian

Dog deviated slightly on recall but came to Guardian on a third cue

Dog deviated from recall or did not return

Dog allowed leash to be attached

Dog slightly resisted the leash attachment

Dog did not accept the leash attachment





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 4 Assessment Rules

Exercise 4 – Emergency stop Assessment steps

Dog must stop within 3 seconds Dog must remain in position until recalled or the Guardian returns to the dog and takes the collar under the chin or to the side of the head NOT over the top of the head Leash must remain loose

Dog is allowed to wander on a 10 metre (32 feet) leash Guardian will cue the dog to stop at their own discretion Guardian recalls the dog from the stop position or returns to the dog and takes the dog’s collar under the chin or to the side of the dog’s head


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog stopped on 1st cue

Dog took 2 cues to stop

Dog took 3 or more cues to stop or did not stop

Dog stopped within 3 seconds

Dog stopped within 5 seconds

Dog took more than 5 seconds to stop

Leash remained loose at all times

Leash tightened once

Leash tightened more than once and/or Guardian used the leash to stop dog from moving

Dog remained in place until recalled or Guardian returned

Dog required 2 cues to recall or stay while Guardian returned

Dog required 3 or more cues to recall or did not wait for Guardian’s return

Guardian was able to take the dog’s collar

Guardian required a second attempt to take the dog’s collar

Dog showed anxiety or avoidance of collar take





Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 4 Assessment

Exercise 5 – End of walk pack up

Rules •

Assessment steps Acceptable walking position is 1/2m (2 feet) • Walk the dog off leash 1/2 a metre (2 feet) either side of the guardian's body for a distance of 20 metres either side of Guardian’s body (65 feet) from a marker to another marker placed 5 metres (16 feet) from the Guardian’s car (or car provided for the exercise) • Ensure the exercise is conducted in a safe, secure area with no other cars nearby • Request dog to stay/wait • Equipment to pack into the car will be pre• Call dog to the car and ask the dog to get into the car from a distance of 5 metres (16 feet) and settle on arranged in the set up the seat or in the back of a wagon. • It is permitted for the Guardian to lift a dog into • If the dog is on the seat then the door will be closed and the pack up will be in the car trunk or back the car or to use a ramp if necessary hatch • Dog to remain in the car until completion of • If the dog is in the hatch then the pack up may be on the back seat pack up • Guardian will collect goods that are to be placed in the car • If at any stage during the exercise the dog is • Two trips will be necessary showing clear distress signs, then the exercise • Goods will be placed 5 metres (16 feet) away from the car should be terminated • Dog to remain calm in the car during this procedure See exercise Set-Ups at the back of the Guide Achieved Almost There Not Yet Able Dog moved from acceptable walking position on Dog successfully walked off leash for 20 metres Dog was unsuccessful at completing the 20 one occasion during the walk and/or required (65 feet) metre (65 feet) walk one cue back to position Dog stayed while Guardian walked to vehicle

Dog had to be re-set once while Guardian walked to vehicle

Dog had to be re-set on more than one occasion during walk to vehicle

Dog came on first call to the vehicle

Dog required 2 calls to the vehicle

Dog required three+ calls to the vehicle

Dog entered the vehicle without resistance (this includes no struggling if lifted and no refusal if using a ramp)

Dog showed minimal resistance or 1 refusal to get into the vehicle

Dog showed solid resistance or refused to get into the vehicle

Dog remained calm when the door was closed

Dog showed minimal discomfort when the door was closed

Dog reacted fearfully when door was closed


Dog remained calm while vehicle was packed

Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only Dog was pacing or unsettled during vehicle Dog showed clear distress signs during packing. packing Exercise terminated





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PDA Level 4 Assessment Rules

Exercise 6 – Being alone Assessment steps

Dog must remain on the leash Dog must remain calm but may look in the direction of the Guardian as they leave and return The assessor shall ensure that the dog is visible to the assessor at all times. Any sign of stress in the dog will result in the exercise being terminated Guardian must stay out of sight for 30 seconds

Guardian gives the leash to a known person Known person walks dog away from Guardian a distance of no more than 15 metres (32 feet) to a place where the dog cannot see the Guardian If agreed by the Guardian, treats may be used as known person walks the dog away The dog and known person will be out of sight of the Guardian for 30 seconds If the dog shows signs of anxiety, the assessor will call the person with the dog to return the dog to the Guardian and the exercise will cease On the dog's return to the Guardian at the conclusion of the exercise, the dog may show pleasure but must not pull towards or jump up on the Guardian


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog remained calm while walking away from the Guardian

Dog showed intense interest in his departure from the Guardian

Dog showed anxiety on departure from the Guardian

Dog successfully remained out of sight of the Guardian for 30 seconds

Dog successfully remained out of sight of the Guardian for 20 t0 25 seconds

Dog was unsuccessful with Guardian out of sight

On the dog's return to the Guardian, the dog did not pull towards or jump up on the Guardian

On dog's return to the Guardian, the dog pulled towards the Guardian but did not jump up

On the dog’s return to the Guardian, the dog pulled towards the Guardian and jumped up





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PDA Level 5 Championship Assessment Markers


Copyright Pet Professional Guild 2018. For Licensed Instructors & Assessors use only

PDA Level 5 Assessment

Level 5 Championship – Any dog aged 12 months or more



Check that the Guardian has:

To enable Guardians to demonstrate their ability to work with their dog as a team in “real life” circumstances with typical distractions

successfully completed Level 4 paid the assessment fee provided a completed Veterinary Form and copies of current vaccination status or titre levels Please note: • A dog that growls, snaps or bites will not qualify • A dog demonstrating signs of stress (e.g. displacement behaviours) will not qualify • A Guardian who uses any aversive techniques in working their dog during the assessment will not qualify • At no time must a dog be lured to perform a behaviour

 

Championship level is an extension of Level 4. Dogs at this level aim to work easily off leash, with many of the foundation core and essential skills now automatic behaviours.

Assessment requirements •

The dog’s behaviour in a real life scenario should be exemplary

The Guardian will demonstrate to the assessor that they are aware of local rules, regulations and laws in a setting such as a café, beach or public event

Optional – get ready Not applicable in this assessment


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Level 5 Assessment

Feedback – general rules observed

1. The dog did not growl, snap or bite at any time.


2. The dog demonstrated . . . . . . . . . .

No stress

  

Minor stress Major stress 3. The Guardian maintained force-free handling techniques and appropriate reinforcement at all times.


4. If the dog toileted during the assessment, the Guardian responded appropriately by having a suitable bag for collection of feces.


If minor or major stress, please comment about how it happened:


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PDA Level 5 Assessment Rules

Exercise 1 – Street walk Assessment steps

The following exercises are compulsory: The 5 compulsory exercises and 2 optional exercises must be carried out during real life scenarios Car manners The safety of dog, Guardian, Assessor and any assistants Entrance manners is paramount Loose leash walking (minimum 100 metres) 330 feet It is also necessary to be socially aware of those in the Leave it – must be human food vicinity not involved in the assessment Settle The Guardian must be aware that there are local laws Recall from distraction relevant to the environment in which the assessment is Being alone (one minute) taking place, e.g. faeces must be picked up whilst at the Social interaction (dog with people, dog with dog) beach, etc. The assessor will not prompt this but should the Guardian fail to demonstrate such knowledge the Two of the following optional exercises must also be undertaken: team cannot qualify Wait to be fed Sit for polite greeting/four on the floor Handling Back up Give/take Emergency stop At all times, the Guardian and dog must stay within the local rules, regulations and laws of the assessment area


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Almost There

Not Yet Able

Car manners were appropriate

Dog moved towards the door of the car before leash was attached.

Dog refused car entry

Guardian demonstrates that they understand the local rules and regulations of the setting in which the assessment is made

Guardian was unsure about one local law regarding the assessment setting

The Guardian was unsure or did not know about more than one law regarding the assessment setting

Entrance manners were appropriate

Dog had to be re-cued once to stay at entrance

Dog had to be re-cued on 2 or more occasions at entrance

Loose leash walking 100% of the time

Leash tightened on 1 occasion

Leash tightened on more than 1 occasion

Dog leaves human food on first request

Dog takes 2 requests to leave the food

Dog takes 3 or more requests to leave the food or does not leave the food

Dog settles on first request

Dog takes 2 requests to settle

Dog takes 3 or more requests to settle or does not settle

Dog recalls from distraction on 1 or 2 calls

Dog takes 2 or 3 requests to come away from distraction

Dog takes more than 3 requests to come away from distractions or does not come away from distractions

Dog was calm and relaxed when Guardian leaves the dog

Dog appeared unsettled at Guardian’s departure

Dog barked, whined or was very unsettled at Guardian’s departure

Dog’s interaction with at least 1 other dog was appropriate

Dog was slightly nervous or slightly pushy with the other dog

Dog was unable to interact with the other dog or acted totally inappropriately


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Optional exercises – select any two of the following: The dog waited appropriately to be fed (at least ten seconds before eating proffered food)

Dog waited less than 10 seconds but more than 8 seconds before eating food

Dog did not wait to eat the food

The dog sat on cue or remained with 4 paws on the ground when greeted by a stranger

Dog got up from sit or “air jumped” (i.e. jumped but did not put paws on stranger)

Dog jumped on stranger

The dog was comfortable being handled by a stranger on the chest and back

The dog showed minor signs of being uncomfortable with the handling

Dog did not allow handling

The dog was able to back up from the entrance a minimum distance of 1metres (3 feet) on a single cue

The dog backed up but less than 1 metres (3 feet)

The dog did not back up

The dog was able to take an item and give it up again with no hesitation.

Dog showed minor reluctance to exchange object.

Dog would not exchange object

The dog was able to successfully perform the emergency stop as previously described in Level 4

The dog missed one element of the emergency stop

The dog missed more than one element of the emergency stop or did not stop





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PDA Level 5 Assessment Rules • • •

Exercise 2 – Veterinary examination Assessment steps

A veterinarian, vet technician or vet nurse will examine the following body parts of the dog: Dog must be fully compliant with a veterinary • eyes examination by a veterinary technician/nurse or vet Guardian must successfully demonstrate appropriate • ears medication delivery and/or skin check as requested • teeth by the assessor • feet Dog must allow grooming of the nominated body • tail parts by the Guardian The assessor will then ask the Guardian to demonstrate two of the following (assessor’s choice) • Administering a tablet to the dog • How to deliver oral medication to the dog with a syringe • How to administer ear medication • How to administer eye medication • How to check the dog’s skin Dog then allows Guardian to groom the following body parts: • back • tail • feet • under the lower jaw


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog allows veterinary examination of all body parts

Dog allows veterinary examination of all but 1 body part Guardian demonstrates only 1 of the required husbandry activities Dog allows grooming of all but 1 body part

Dog does not allow 2 or more body parts to be examined Guardian is unable to demonstrate any of the required husbandry activities Dog does not allow 2 or more body parts to be groomed or did not allow grooming

Guardian correctly demonstrates 2 of the required husbandry activities Dog allows grooming of all nominated body parts





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PDA Level 5 Assessment Rules

Exercise 3 – Visual/Spoken cue discrimination Assessment steps

Dog must be under stimulus control at all times Dog must demonstrate the ability to sit, drop and stand on both visual and spoken cues This must be commenced with Guardian 1 metre (3 feet) away from the dog If whilst changing position the 1 metre (3 feet) distance decreases, this is acceptable

At the Guardians discretion the dog will be asked to sit, drop and stand firstly on spoken cue The Guardian will then ask the dog to sit, drop and stand on visual cue The order of these behaviours can be left to the Guardian


Almost There

Not Yet Able

Dog sat, dropped and stood on 1 spoken cue for each behaviour

The dog missed 1 spoken cue

The dog missed more than 1 spoken cue

Dog sat, dropped and stood on 1 visual cue for each behaviour

The dog missed 1 visual cue

The dog missed more than 1 visual cue





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Exercise setups


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Level 2 Exercise Setups


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Level 3 Exercise Setups


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Level 4 Exercise Setups


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Example curricula for group classes With thanks to the Training Team at Canine Behavioural School Inc. (CBS), Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Each of these suggested programs are examples only. These examples contain primarily PDA exercises; in reality other exercises can also be included to compliment this basic outline.

PDA Program Level 1 Puppy Date

Week 1

Teaching description Beginners talk – Dog free lesson. Use this session for introduction to force-free training, your training facility’s rules and regulations and any other information you feel relevant to training with you. Introduce the concept of the PDA Program. CBS also teaches the following basics using candy as reinforcers and having people practice with each other. Homework is always assigned. Homework: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Give/take/ exchange Loose leash walking (LLW)

Revision: what job was your dog bred to do? Also condition bridge and dog’s name, look/watch (aim for two seconds), sit 1. 2. 3. 4.

Fade the lure and reward from other hand – five repetitions but only 2/5 lured Teach sit hand signal – convert luring hand to sit hand signal Target – simple hand target that will later be used for loose leash walking (LLW), go to place, recall Sit at side – move dog into side position using target and use sit hand signal – need to try to avoid default sit in front. Also have Guardian take the collar and hold for 3 seconds 5. Pay the check in – bridge and reinforce every time the dog looks at Guardian in a 30 second timed exercise 6. Education: Environmental enrichment

Sit side & front, take collar


Find out about breed – what job was dog bred to do? Condition the bridge Condition the name Gain attention – ‘Fido, look’ or ‘Fido, watch’ (then bridge-reward) Lure to sit (then bridge-reward)


Revision: target to move dog to side. Also “Fido, look, sit, bridge, reward” – not lured 1. Go to place – target to mat then bridge and reward. Aim for auto sit/drop (once taught) & dog remains in place for 10 seconds until released. “Place” = mat, bed, crate, etc. 2. Drop 3. LLW – Method 1 and 2 (food on nose, pay as you go along, bringing hand up and away as dog improves and/or ‘Be a Tree’) – 10m of good 65



Go to place


LLW 4. Give/take exchange – use chew/bully stick or toy, reinforce release with same or higher value treat 5. Education: Discuss bite inhibition and ‘soft mouths’. Also, how to prevent resource guarding (identify dogs already showing signs of resource guarding – discuss how to manage and the possibility of a private consultation if required) 4

Begin recall Handling

LLW towards known person

Revision: LLW, sit front and side, give/take/exchange, go to place, drop (combine go to place and drop) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Leave it


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Stay – aiming for 10-30 seconds – sit and drop stay (Methods: Pay the Stay, Bungy Stay) Sit for polite greeting LLW with recall and collar touch – to cone and back Leave It – inanimate object from hand only Stand at side and/or front Handling/massage – Guardian should be able to handle ears, tail, feet, mouth, along the dog’s back (minimum two seconds on each part). Handling is for veterinary/husbandry purposes and also massage for relaxation (add how to check skin) Consolidation week – consolidate and test out the already taught behaviours. If suitable play some consolidation games. Consolidate handling and dwell on those things that your class requires Can combine some exercises: 1. ‘Fido, look/watch’ then LLW to cone and recall back 2. Go to place (with sit or drop) then stay for 10-30 seconds 3. Puppy push-ups (sit, drop and stand – front or side) Also: 4. LLW 15 metres (50 feet) towards a known person then sit, drop or stand 5. Education: Body language – calming signals, hugging, play bows, greeting a dog 6. Discuss fading the food, getting good hand signals and timing of bridge. Also, fading the bridge for exercises that the dog is doing well and remind about random reinforcement (if using)


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Wait to be fed


1. 2. 3. 4.


Settle in place (aiming for one minute – not a stay, just settle i.e. dropped in place with chew) Recall on long line with collar touch (between Guardians/instructor & Guardian) Vet exam – loose headlock hold and under tummy Wait to be fed – wait three seconds with bowl one meter (three feet) away, whilst dog is eating Guardian drops higher quality food into bowl 5. Trick training – aim to present trick/s or trick/s ‘in progress’ in final week 6. Education: Building a bond using tricks and having fun, being consistent, alternative reinforcers i.e. toys, life rewards Revision - as necessary, based on needs of the class 1. LLW with turns (non-military) and sit at side 2. Recall on long line 3. Social interaction – instructor to pair up dogs and Guardians for polite, two second greeting then move on with cue ‘let’s go’ **instructor to identify if any dogs not suitable for greeting, and their Guardians can reinforce stay and look instead

Social interaction Discuss PDA registration & online quiz

4. Education: Social maturity and the effects of ongoing socialisation 5. Direct clients to PDA website for online registration and quiz. Remind about vet check forms also

Vet check forms PDA

Revision: anything not covered in last week’s consolidation week


Practice assessment

Consolidation week – This is an opportunity to have a practice assessment run. If class is already competent – run the assessment this week, allowing those who aren’t quite ready, or have not completed registration, an opportunity next week Dwell on those things that your class requires 1. If instructor is not an assessor, assessment should have been organised for Week 9 2. Discuss ongoing training and registration for your next group class and the next PDA level

PDA Assessment


Assessment week If the group instructor is an assessor, then some exercises can be assessed during group sessions If an assessor is brought in to assess the group, ensure enough time is allowed for the entire group to be appropriately assessed.


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PDA Program Level 2 Level 2 is an entry level into the PDA Program. If Level 1 not undertaken then the basic exercises of Sit Side & Front/Take Collar and Go to Place must be undertaken and competent before being assessed for Level 2


Week 1

Recall Wait to be fed Handling

Revision: LLW – aiming for 20m, sit at side, go to place 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

PDA Entrance manners Stay/settle PDA

Teaching description


Targeting –teach “Say Hi” as a target exercise Discuss PPG PDA Level 2 Assessment – give handout Stand side & front revision for those who did Level 1 but new exercise if this is entry level Stay with one metre (three feet) distance in sit or drop – Guardian can be sitting or standing (not settle) Wait at the entrance – as per Assessment Marker PDA Level 2 Exercise 2 Entrance Manners

Revision: wait at the entrance, system of fives (still do five repetitions but only 2/5 lured for new learning) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Recall – ask dog to sit in front and take dog’s collar under the chin – 10 metre (32 feet) recall Give/take/exchange Drop at side Wait to be fed (five seconds) – food bowl placed one metre (three feet) from dog. Dog is released from wait after five seconds, and then a higher value treat is placed by hand into bowl when dog is eating. Instructor to watch for signs of resource guarding. The food is not dropped but purposefully placed into bowl 5. Handling as per PPG PDA Level 2 Exercise 8 Assessment Marker add how to give oral medication via syringe and tablet


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Date PDA

Week 3

LLW with social interaction

Revision: wait to be fed, drop at side, stand at side and front 1. 2. 3. 4.

LLW with attention – aim for two seconds of attention LLW with social interaction – as per the PPG Level 2 Exercise 4 Assessment Marker Settle - aiming for 30 seconds on the mat with chew or toy if necessary (not a ‘stay’) Leave it – two parts - from ground two metres away (e.g. keys, pen, sunglasses) and food from closed hand. Practice at home should be with everyday objects and food 5. Tricks – targeted trick for end of term

Leave it Settle/Stay PDA

Teaching description


Being alone Car manners Emergency stop Recall 5

Revision: say hi/sit for greeting, stay with distance, settle, LLW with social interaction 1. Being alone – instructor/assistant holds dog while Guardian goes out of sight for 15 seconds. Treats can be offered to the dog (watch dog’s body language) 2. Car manners – discuss applying the same principle as door manners for car manners 3. Emergency stop as per PPG PDA Level 2 Exercise 7 Assessment Marker 4. Recall 10m recall. On long leash. Assistant can hold dog collar. Guardian calls and requests sit when dog approaches. When sitting, take collar under chin Consolidation week – consolidate and test out the already taught behaviours. If suitable play some consolidation games. Practice car manners if cars not yet used Dwell on those things that your class requires Can combine some exercises: 1. LLW with attention around cones leaving items/food bowls on the ground 2. LLW with social interaction 3. Stay/settle with distance Also: 4. Discuss fading the food, getting good hand signals, timing of bridge. Also, fading the bridge for exercises that the dog is doing well and remind about random reinforcement if using


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Teaching description


1. Systematically work through the exercises as listed in the assessment markers for Level 2 – ensure Guardians understand what is required in detail 2. Car manners 3. Door manners 4. Leave it


1. Systematically work through the exercises as listed in the assessment markers for Level 2 – ensure Guardians understand what is required in detail 2. LLW with social interaction 3. Wait to be fed 4. Recall 5. Ensure registration is complete for this level on PPG website. For Level 2 entry ensure vet certificate and open book quiz have been completed


1. Systematically work through the exercises as listed in the assessment markers for Level 2 – ensure Guardians understand what is required in detail 2. Emergency stop 3. Handling 4. Stay/settle 5. Being alone 6. If Instructor is not an assessor, assessment should have been organised for Week 9 7. Discuss ongoing training and registration for your next group class and the next PDA level


Assessment week If the group instructor is an assessor, then some exercises can be assessed during group sessions If an assessor is brought in to assess the group, ensure enough time is allowed for the entire group to be appropriately assessed.


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PDA Program Level 3 Date

Week 1

Teaching description Revision: LLW with attention, Give, Level 2 Emergency stop (two metres/six feet) 1. 2. 3. 4.


Extended target – target stick to gain distance and movement Discuss PPG PDA Level 3 Assessment – give handout Leave it objects (toy and food) + elevated on upturned bucket (or similar) Emergency stop – dogs to wander approximately 5m from Guardian (on long leash) then asked to ‘stop’. Guardian then goes to dog or recalls dog and takes dog’s collar

Leave it Emergency Stop PDA


Wait at entrance

1. Wait at the entrance - with distractions at entrance such as: o a person walking by within three metres (10 feet) of the dog and Guardian o something being dropped o someone opening an umbrella - slowly o any additional distraction at the instructor’s discretion 2. Passing other dogs – LLW with attention and also two-second meet and greet by dogs and move on 3. Wait to be fed (10 seconds) – food bowl placed 1m from dog. Dog is released from wait after 10 seconds. Guardian then picks up bowl and adds higher quality food and replaces bowl. Instructor to watch for signs of resource guarding. 4. Settle - aiming for 1 minute on the mat with chew/toy if necessary with Guardian two metres away and known person walking past at three metres (10 feet) as distraction

Pass another dog Wait to be fed Settle

PDA Handling Recall Local dog laws Being alone

Revision: puppy push ups, sit, stand or drop for polite greeting


Revision: settle, wait to be fed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Handling: Unknown person to handle as per PPG PDA Level 3 Exercise 7 – add how to give ear and eye drops Recall from a crowd – as per description PPG PDA Level 3 Exercise 5 (set up diagram available) Close and no leash walking – use long leashes (drop and pick up) and targeting short distances Being alone - build to one minute with Guardian out of sight as per PPG Level 3 Exercise 9 Education: Local dog laws – Instructor responsible for list of local jurisdiction dog laws


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Date PDA

Week 4

Street Walk

Teaching description Revision: close and no leash walking 1. Have some fun with shaping, tricks, targeting or anything that takes your fancy 2. Street walk – LLW with cues, look sit, drop and the following scenarios: • After 30m a person approaches from opposite direction and talks to the Guardian for one minute (dog to sit, stand or drop)


After the above, person asks if can pet the dog. Yes or no and person moves on

After another 30m a person with dog approaches from opposite direction, on the same side of the street and passes by (dogs can have two second greeting)

Consolidation week – consolidate and test out the already taught behaviours Dwell on those things that your class requires. Advance already taught exercises 1. Wait at the gate/door – with distraction (e.g. person walking within 3m, toy on ground, item dropped on ground) LLW and leave it – objects/food on the ground including upturned bucket with toy/treat on top 2. Recall with more distance and distraction 3. Handling – unknown person to perform handling as per exercise attached – incorporate also holds for eye drops and ear drops 4. Education: discuss stimulus control and the need to carry out work under that control

PDA Concentrate on street walk


Revision: anything not covered in last week’s consolidation week 1. Having fun with tricks – more complicated tricks e.g. ‘bang’ 2. Street walk 3. Settle


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Teaching description


Systematically work through the exercises as listed in the assessment markers for Level 3 – ensure Guardians understand what is required in detail 1. Wait at entrance 2. Leave it 3. Street walk 4. Wait to be fed 5. Ensure registration is complete for this level on PPG website. For Level 3 entry ensure vet certificate is current


1. Systematically work through the exercises as listed in the assessment markers for Level 3 – ensure Guardians understand what is required in detail 2. Recall 3. Handling 4. Emergency stop 5. Handling 6. Being alone 7. If Instructor is not an assessor, assessment should have been organised for Week 9 8. Discuss ongoing training and registration for your next group class and the next PDA level


Assessment week If the group instructor is an assessor, then some exercises can be assessed during the group sessions If an assessor is brought in to assess the group, ensure enough time is allowed for the entire group to be appropriately assessed


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PDA Program Level 4 Date


Teaching description


Revision: selection of Level 3 exercises to assess current standards 1. Discuss PDA Program Level Four requirements – emphasis on street work – give information handout 2. Back up at entrance – suggest different ways this can be taught 3. Handling – ensure handling skills are solid, including skin check, oral medication via syringe or tablet, ear and eye drop holds 4. Leave it – practice all levels of leave it that have been taught so far


100m street walk before undertaking the following exercises. This street should be busy (i.e. cafe etc.). See Level 4 Exercise 2 for full details

PDA Back up at entrance PDA Street walk

During the street walk the following behaviors should be requested by the Guardian: • Ask the dog to leave any food on the ground – once only • Ask the dog to sit three times and to drop three times while on the walk • Guardian and dog will meet another dog and Guardian coming in the other direction down the street • The Guardians will stop to chat for one minute • Dog must demonstrate calm dog/person and dog/dog skills during the approach of the oncoming dog and Guardian • Dog must demonstrate calm dog/person and dog/dog skills during the one-minute chat in the street • Dog must demonstrate calm dog/person and dog/dog skills on departure Practice can be in and around training venue but arrangements to meet in other appropriate areas should be made with the students on another week Ask students to bring their dog’s grooming gear for next week’s class

PDA Recall Emergency Stop Being alone


Revision: back up at entrance, handling, settle/stay 1. Emergency stop – increased criteria 2. Recall – from a group as per Level 4 Exercise 3 3. Being alone – as per Level 4 Exercise 6 – dog removed from Guardian – short distance and build duration 4. Grooming – discuss appropriate grooming for various coat lengths and types. Students should be able to groom their own dogs and the dogs should accept grooming in readiness for Championship


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Date PDA

Week 4

End of walk pack up

Teaching description Revision: car manners, entrance manners, handling 1. End of walk pack up as per Level 4 Exercise 5. Ensure safety in car park 2. Street walk exercises without the street walk 3. Being alone


Consolidation week At this level the students should know what exercises they need to work on. Work through their exercises and then have some fun with the students. Do some shaping, play some games that incorporate the exercises both past and present


Street walk, including all required elements – arrange this in an appropriate place, not necessarily at the training facility


Systematically work through the exercises as listed in the assessment markers for Level 4 – ensure Guardians understand what is required in detail 1. Back up at entrance 2. Street walk 3. Recall Ensure registration is complete for this level on PPG website. For Level 4 entry ensure vet certificate is current


Systematically work through the exercises as listed in the assessment markers for Level 4 – ensure Guardians understand what is required in detail 1. Emergency stop 2. End of walk pack up 3. Being alone If Instructor is not an assessor, assessment should have been organised for Week 9


Assessment week If the group instructor is an assessor, then some exercises can be assessed during the group sessions If an assessor is brought in to assess the group, ensure enough time is allowed for the entire group to be appropriately assessed


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PDA Program Level 5 Championship Championship is a level where most of the vast array of exercises have been undertaken and may only need polishing. It is suggested that Championship level be taught as required and that the group (or single individual) works with the instructor to polish the exercises that might have been neglected for a while as well as working on the visual and spoken cue discrimination. As the example curricula are just that, examples, other exercises may be included to pad out the class. This is very personal to the group level and if you have been working with someone for some time then there should be guidance from you as to how to improve current behaviours in order to ensure that the Championship level is achieved in a worthwhile manner. This level is not just about getting the Championship but about demonstrating that the dog and Guardian who have attained this level are responsible community members and that they are true Pet Dog Ambassadors in every sense of the word.


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