Red Horse Coaching 2014

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Sharing Success stories “Spending time with Petra was well worth the investment in both myself and my horse. She helped lay the foundation for me to get back to something I love, riding my horse, after fear had taken that away. Her teaching style is one of challenge to help get over any obstacles that are in the way, but still non-judgmental or forceful. Each session was modified as needed to address the current concerns or questions, and she was always willing to answer questions I realize this is just the beginning, and I have a ways to go, but at least now I am moving forward thanks to her kindness and patience.�

Kim and Her Horse Vegas with Petra

WHAT are your dreams ? My philosophy is... anything is possible when you put the relationship first to create a WholeHearted Partnership with your horse! Originally from Europe, I have spent the last three decades finding better ways how to communicate with horses.

How to be safer, more confident and how to have MORE FUN... what I have realized is that—in the end it’s all about us humans! When we become more mentally, emotionally and physically balanced, we can help our horses to do the same! then, as a team, we are safer, more confident and have more fun! Hence my logo: ying and Yang, perfect balance makes perfect partnerships. The recipe for dreams to come true! Visit my website to find out more about “my story”.

Where I teach... Red Horse Farm, Pagosa Springs, CO

I spend my summer in the mountains... And welcome you to my home Red Horse Farm! My horses live on a track system, we have a 220’x120’ playground with obstacles, a dressage sized arena, safe guest pens and a 60’x60’ play pen. We are surrounded by green belt and You can trail ride right off my property! Red Horse farm is cozy and small and I teach in groups up to 6 students.

Where I teach... 4 Winds Equestrian Center, Estancia, NM

I teach at 4 winds year-round... A state of the art Equestrian facility, 4 winds boasts huge indoor & outdoor arenas, 40 acres eventing field, 7 miles of trails, 90 acres of pastures, 3 Barn master stables, Bunkhouse, B&B and RV hook-ups. Groups up to 10 students allow for a fun and interactive atmosphere. The perfect place to relax & have fun with horses!

Building a Partnership You’ve heard it before: Horses are prey animals, humans are predators. We have different needs, and we don’t speak the same language. It is up to us humans to learn how to talk “equus”. Horses are not just afraid, being a prey animal they are afraid for their life. Horses want to be safe first, then they are looking for comfort. Once safety and comfort is satisfied, they are looking for play and food. Some will be more food orientated, and some would rather play. Know what is important to your horse, know his personality. Change your strategies accordingly. By satisfying our horse’s needs we develop trust and confidence.

I promise my horse that      

I do not demand respect, I will earn it by being a good leader I try my best to communicate clearly I set my horse up for success and never make her do something she does not understand or is afraid to do I preserve my horse’s dignity I put the relationship first, even if it means that I have to adjust my goals… I take the time it takes, knowing that, in the end, it takes less time and I prove to my horse that

A Good leader is also a good partner

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