Pets Magazine August/September 2022

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August-September 2022, FREE




Do you sleep with your

Top product reviews

BARKING BAD? How to curb

cat or dog?

CBD FOR PETS The risks and bene ts

problem barking


Leading pet author on a tale of a black cat & much more inside!



Photo: Becca Mongeau, Pexels


Cavaliers’ Choices Premium pet products, destinations & activities for you & your pet chosen by Nell and Rufus, assisted by Marie.

Tasty treats Our canine reviewers really enjoyed these very tasty ‘Mr Bug’ treats with a difference. They come in a variety of flavours and, wait for it, are made from responsiblyfostered mealworm! These buggy bites contain more calcium than milk, more B12 than salmon, more iron than spinach and all 9 essential amino acids. More importantly bugs emit only 20% of the methane generated by traditional farmyard stock, whilst needing only a fraction of the feed. New and proudly made in Devon on a family run farm, these treats are sure to be enjoyed by all canines out there. They sell out quickly though, so grab your packet now!

Super Fresh If you’ve ever wondered how to get your dog’s blankets smelling fresh again, or even your own upholstery, look no further than the Bosch FreshUp. The science backed device harnesses the power of plasma to dissolve the bonds between odour molecules, breaking them down and permanently removing them, unlike sprays that merely mask smells. The plasma technology also kills up to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses** by destroying the cell structure, deactivating it and rendering them harmless. Without the need for any harsh chemicals or detergents, the FreshUp is safe to use around animals, removing any unsavoury smells from clothes and upholstery whilst also killing any bacteria our furry friends may bring in and leave behind on furniture after an afternoon rolling about in the garden. The FreshUp is available directly from Bosch and Amazon for £199.99.

It Takes Two to Tango! The Double Dog Extension Lead by Mountain Paws is constructed from durable nylon and designed to stand up to the daily exertion of walking even the most energetic of dogs. Easy to clip on to your normal lead, the double dog extension lead features two separate elasticated sections that offer increased freedom for your dogs and a reduced risk of shock from dogs pulling. Robust clips at each end of the lead can be securely attached to your pet’s collar. The lead also features a camlock that allows you to adjust the length between the two dogs, ideal when walking two breeds of different sizes. Each of the individual lead sections has an integrated grab handle, ideal for keeping dogs close when required.

PS/ We’re always looking for premium products & services to review for both pets and people! Please get in touch with the boss at

Let Sleeping Dogs & Cats Lie!

Let's be honest, do you let your pet sleep on, or even in, your bed with you? On average 25% of people in the UK have allowed their pet to share their bed at one time or another, while one-in-six said they would always allow it, gures from an ICM poll suggest.



Photo by Kote Puerto on Unsplash

Photo by Conner Baker on Unsplash

By MARIE CARTER-ROBB Dogs seem to inhabit a similar dreamscape to us Let's be honest, do you let your pet sleep as they are sometimes active and emit a mellow bark in their sleeping state.

on, or even in, your bed with you? On average 25% of people in the UK have allowed their pet to share their bed at one time or another, while one-in-six said they would always allow it, gures from an ICM poll suggest.


I’ve always slept with my dogs on the bed. Their little snores are comforting, unlike the bellowing snores of most people. Their cuddles are as fluffy and comforting as down, and they are also good security. If there is a nocturnal disturbance in the home, they will hear it first and alert you.

Chasing a shadowy rabbit across a darkening landscape or finding themselves staring into the jet eyes of a cat, their dreams must vary like ours between pleasant and nightmarish. Even celebrities have been known to sleep with their pets. BBC broadcaster Andrew Neil confesses that he and his girlfriend, Swedish IT engineer Susan Nilsson, share their bed with their two-year-old white retriever, Molly. The late Brian Sewell even wrote a book called 'Sleeping With Dogs' about the 17 canines who'd kept him company in his slumber over 80 years.

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

We conducted a Twitter poll asking firstly whether they slept with their pets. It found that 56% of people sleep with their pets on the bed. I also conducted a straw poll of ten people. Seven of the pet owners happily slept with their pet(s). The final three were adamant that a pet's place was not on their bed. They cited nocturnal disturbance as the main reason followed by 'germs'. While it's certainly true that there have been cases of pets causing infections in people, the chances are minimal for animal lovers in the UK.

pets are 'chagas disease', which is endemic in South and Central America and which can cause life- threatening heart and digestive system disorders. Cat-scratch disease is another problem. It can come from being licked by infected cats, and can cause lethal damage to the liver, kidney or spleen. A nine-year-old boy from Arizona even caught the plague due to sleeping with his flea-infested cat, according to one report.

However, most of us can sleep soundly in the knowledge that we're highly unlikely to catch disease from our pets. We're A m o n g t h e m o r e s e r i o u s more likely to get woken up in medical problems animal lovers t h e w e e s m a l l h o u r s o r risk by snuggling up to their scratched, either accidentally or

purposefully, if we choose to share our bed with a feline. Dogs, on the other hand, are usually well behaved and will love to snuggle up to their human pack member, even if they do get a little animated while chasing a shadowy rabbit or fox through their dreamscapes.

We’ve all heard about what CBD can do for us, but what are the risks and bene


Photo by Resilience CBD on Unsplash


uite rightly, our companion animals are seen as members of our families. It is the main reason why CBD has gained popularity among pet owners on the pet care scene in the past decade. However, the issue is that not everyone completely understands CBD and its bene ts for pets. It is due to a lack of research and certain stigmas that the industry is working challenging to eliminate.


In this article, we'll talk about how CBD products affect our furry companions, their

advantages, and the general CBD pet industry. It will offer you a better idea of how CBD may help you care for your furry friend.

Can CBD Cause My Pet To Get High?

humans and animals in many ways, you should always consult with your vet before giving any medication or supplement to your pet.

The safety of CBD for pets has not been extensively tested because it is a relatively new product on the market. In short, no. The cannabis plant However, studies have shown contains many compounds, that CBD can be safe and including THC and CBD. While effective at recommended THC is the psychoactive doses. compound that gets humans high, it does not affect pets or CBD has shown benefits for humans who consume CBD animals in a range of products as they contain no conditions including, but not traces of THC extract. limited to, inflammatory problems, seizures, pain relief, Nevertheless, even though and anxiety. cannabis is beneficial for

find these products online or at your local pet store. The most popular form of CBD is oil tinctures. They are made using highquality hemp oil extracts with a high percentage of CBD. They are available in different concentrations ranging from 10 to 100mg per ml. The higher attention means more potent effects will be felt by your pet when using this product.

How Can I Tell If Photo by Lindzi Vagary on Unsplash

Using CBD for pet health

What Are The Main Forms

CBD Is Helping My Pet?

problems is based on the body's Of CBD Available For endocannabinoid system

CBD oil might take some time


to accumulate in the body and

The goal of the ECS is to achieve and maintain balance of all processes in the body.


There are several ways to provide your dog or cat with CBD. The most common methods include oil tinctures, capsules, gummies, edibles, and topical creams. You can

begin performing its wonders. The key is a regular dosage over a consistent length of time, with careful observation to see if CBD is causing good improvements in your

Photo by R+R Medicinals on Unsplash

pet’s everyday wellness.

Final Thoughts

research show that CBD may be effective in treating some

Here are four common ways to

Overall, it is critical to

understand your cat or dog’s

remember that research on

behaviour after giving them

CBD in pets is limited. Neither

If you choose to give your pet


The Medicines and Healthcare

CBD, consult your veterinarian

Products Regulatory Agency

first. Then, begin with a modest

(MHRA) in the UK or the

dose and closely observe your


Improved mobility,

agility, and eagerness to Federal Drugs Administration stand; (FDA) in the US, for example, currently regulate CBD.


Improvements in

Therefore, there may be safety


concerns if goods are


Symptom relief;


Enhanced appetite.

mislabeled. On the other hand, anecdotal evidence and preliminary

illnesses in animals.

pet for any good or bad effects.

Is Your Dog BARKING Mad?

Hannah Inskip BVetMed MRCVS GPCertSAM is a vet working in a companion animal practice in the West Midlands. She explains how to tackle problem barking.


Wolves howl, domesticated dogs bark.

Hannah Inskip BVetMed

bark to tell you he wants to be

a worldwide increase in a

MRCVS GPCertSAM is a vet

let out.

procedure called

working in a companion

When dogs were rst

animal practice in the West

domesticated barking was

Midlands. She explains how to tackle problem barking.

seen as a positive feature of canine behaviour. Being working companions, whether used for guarding, hunting or

The ability to bark is vital for dogs to be able to communicate, both with each other, and with us as their owners. Anyone who owns a dog will recognise that each dog has several different sounding barks , all meaning different things. There's the warning bark, to tell you there are "intruders" on the property,


the play bark, and the "I want"

devocalisation or debarking. This is a procedure that involves removing tissue from the vocal cords of dogs, so that their bark is greatly reduced in volume. It is illegal in the UK

but still happens elsewhere in herding, the ability to bark was the world. Dogs that have had very useful. In recent times our the surgery wake up from the reasons for keeping dogs have changed from keeping them primarily as working dogs to being kept mainly as companion animals. With many of us living in close proximity to our neighbours, barking can be a nuisance. Excessive barking from our canine companions has led to

anaesthetic with a very sore throat and unable to communicate properly, leading to frustration. By stripping the dogs of their ability to warn us if we're doing something they don't like by vocalising, they are likely to turn to biting much sooner than they usually would.

sharp stimulus that gets his attention - a loud, high pitched whistle for example. If your dog doesn't respond to sound a spray of water can be used as long as the dog doesn't show any fear of the water. Remember this is just to interrupt the behaviour, not to scare the dog. Collars that emit a spray under the chin of the dog can also be used in this circumstance. Careful use is required to make sure the dog doesn't become scared of having the collar put on. As soon as you have the dogs Distraction techniques can work e ectively

So it's clear that debarking isn't If an owner is vigilant when the answer. But this doesn't

they rst take ownership of a

mean that we have to accept

dog then as soon as that dog

Dogs can be taught that it is

the behaviour can be

not acceptable to bark to

interrupted and the dog asked

excess, or in certain situations,

to perform a more appropriate

in order to enjoy a harmonious

behaviour. For example a

partnership with their owners.

puppy that barks at people

As with all behavioural issues,

approaching the house should

prevention is better than cure.

be interrupted as soon as his

The aim is to ensure the dog

ears prick, ideally before he

knows that barking isn't the

even starts barking. The

way to get what he wants.

interruption should be a short,



nuisance barking as part of life. starts to bark inappropriately

attention, ask him to perform a different behaviour. This could be picking up a toy to play with, or going to his bed for a particularly tasty treat, reserved for use in this circumstance only. If repeated with consistency then your dog will soon be running to his bed or to get his toy as soon as he hears someone approaching the door.

Barking can be symptomatic of conditions such as separation anxiety

Which behaviour you ask him

behaviour. Consistency is the

some dogs to ensure that

to perform will depend on


barking doesn’t become

your dog and what motivates

excessive, but surgery is not

him. The immediate nature of

Barking can be symptomatic

the reward is very important

of a more complex behaviour

and it needs to be more

problem such as separation-

Hannah Inskip BVetMed

rewarding to the dog than

related anxiety, noise phobias

MRCVS GPCertSAM is a vet

barking itself. Barking is fun in or generalised anxiety. it's own right to dogs, so if left

Guidance from a vet or an

unchecked reinforces the

accredited behaviourist may

behaviour just because of the

be required.

fact the dog is having fun whilst doing it. Additionally,

Whilst barking is irritating to us

often what the dog wants will

humans who have to listen to

happen if he barks long

it, it is important to remember

enough just by circumstance -

that our dogs are trying to

the postman will walk past the communicate with us, and house for example. This

anything that opens up the

happening just a few times will lines of communication undo all the progress you've

between canines and humans

made by interrupting the

has to be a good thing. Careful management is required in

the answer.

working in a companion animal practice in the West Midlands. She has a strong interest in canine behaviour and enjoys walking her shih tzu, Noodle.


Banish Pesky Fleas Forever!


e are really excited to introduce the FleasGone tag! A chemical free tag exclusive to dog and cat owners across the UK helping them to protect their beloved pets from fleas and ticks. After continued global success, we think it’s

amazing that FleasGone UK are reaching out to additional pet owners who are looking for a safe, long lasting chemical-free alternative to current flea and tick treatments. The safe and simple solution has been scientifically proven to provide chemical-free, non -toxic protection against fleas and ticks without experiencing any unwanted side-effects. In the market, other available flea and tick treatments are not recommended for use on new-born puppies and kittens, this completely chemical-free, lightweight tag can be used sooner than other proven alternatives making it a completely safe option for all the family including your children and pets. Protecting your pets for up to 5 years makes this the ideal cost-effective solution. Relying on the laws of physics, the tag enables pet owners around the world to provide their loved ones with the safest and the longest-lasting holistic pet protection against flea and tick infestation. The FleasGone Tag is made with electromagnetically charged that forms a protective shield around your pet, interacting with the natural waves from the heart and is a key element in generating scalar waves that repel parasites. Scalar waves create a bio resonant field that is effective in treating a variety of medical conditions. ‘Scalar medicine’ is now widely recognised in the profession as a form of holistic, non-invasive therapy.



‘Singeing in the Rain...’

Retired vet and author of Pets Aplenty MALCOLM D. WELSHMAN on a lucky cat saved by a downpour of rain... Mrs Hassett had been insistent Cradle Cottage’s on the left in a on the phone. No way could she dip in the road.’ bring the cat in. It would That dip have to be a visit. And seemed to be as soon as possible the reservoir please. Her tone of for the whole voice suggested of the South someone you’d not wish Downs. It was to argue with; and if you awash with did try it would cut no water from ice with her. So I didn’t. the early Her directions had been summer Malcolm and Dora clear enough. deluge we’d been having ‘Drive straight down since daybreak. Arrows of rain Chawcombe’s high street,’ she’d lanced a murky, foamy said. ‘Turn left by the Queen’s whirlpool in which twigs and Head into Mouse Lane. Cat’s leaves swirled: and in which,

moments later, my boots churned and slipped as I waded across from my car and climbed the steps to Mrs Hassett’s front door. She opened it to give me a tight-lipped look as she took in my rain-drenched figure. She was in her sixties, unattractively thin, all bumps and points like she’d swallowed a shelf’s worth of hardware. Her hair snow-white, her eyes cold as blue-green water flowing under ice. ‘You made it then,’ she said, her voice frosty.

‘Just about,’ I muttered, through clenched teeth, fighting to remain civil.

I curbed my rising irritation. It seemed Wellington had given himself the boot.

Ah, how prophetic on today of all days. Friday 13th. A black cat. In folk lore traditions, contrary to the widely held ‘So where’s the patient?’ I said Mrs Hassett snapped her bony belief that a black cat crossing as calmly as I could. knuckles together and eased your path bestows you with her angular frame round the good fortune, the sighting of ‘Wellington’s through here,’ she side of the settee. ‘He may have such a creature can mean replied as we entered a lowslipped under the sideboard.’ impending death. A bad omen. beamed living-room with an inglenook fireplace, its dark Especially if the cat’s seen aperture filled by a large pot from behind. Which is what of white peace lilies. I saw of Wellington as Mrs Hassett dragged him out. There was nothing in Mrs Great. Just what I needed to Hassett’s demeanour to lift my spirits. Had I a dying suggest similar moggy on my hands? peacefulness. She was like a stalactite about to crack. I was aware of her glacial look as I gazed round at the shabby furniture. A twoseater settee with an antimacassar. But no cat on it. A small fireside In folk lore traditions, seeing a black cat can mean impending death... chair, a stool. Both cat-less. With great difficulty, she sank ‘He came in wet through and down like a melting iceberg and collapsed on the hearth,’ she ‘Well he was here a moment peered under. ‘Ah, there you explained and sat down on the ago,’ said Mrs Hassett, her are, you naughty puss. Let’s be settee to cradle the soggy cat in white cheeks quivering. having you.’ Her spindly arm her arms. swung under the sideboard and ‘He was lying in front of the emerged with a large, limp cat ‘Thought maybe he’d been hit fireplace, unable to move.’ attached to it, his black fur in by a car.’ black strands, slicked against black flanks.

‘Had I a dying moggy on my hands?’

The same thought had struck me. Wellington was clearly shocked, his breathing rapid, his pupils dilated. But when I unsheathed his claws there was no evidence of shredding of the

At which point, her icy manner began to thaw. Clearly she’d been worried about Wellington.

***************************** Malcolm Welshman’s memoir, An Armful of Animals, is ‘I do appreciate you coming out available from in such foul weather,’ she said, at £7.99. showing me to Kindle price £1.99. the door, Bel Mooney of the Daily Mail ‘But just think, if says of the memoir, ‘A witty it hadn’t been for take on a young vet’s life that all this torrential pet lovers will find endearing.’ rain, Wellington Malcolm’s website is might have fared far worse.’ *****************************

I noticed my ngertips were slightly blackened... nails as so often happens when cats scrabble on the road after being hit by a car. As I straightened up I noticed my fingertips were slightly blackened. There was similar smearing on Mrs Hassett’s skirt where it was in contact with Wellington’s fur. I ran my hand down the cat’s back. More blackness. Soot. When we began to gently dry Wellington with a towel it soon became obvious that his coat was singed. Somehow he’d been too near a fire for his own good. Someone’s bonfire perhaps?


Having checked to make sure there were no actual burns, I gave Wellington an injection to counteract any shock and assured Mrs Hassett that he would make an uneventful recovery.

‘Indeed yes,’ I said to myself as I negotiated the puddled pavement back to my car. Some good had come of this downpour after all. The thought lifted my spirits somewhat. But not to the extent that I wanted to start dancing in the gutter like Gene Kelly. Besides which, what would I sing? Singeing in the rain?


Jandaz Cockapoos Named Cockapoo Breeders of the Year Jandaz Cockapoos has been named as the UK Enterprise Awards Cockapoo Breeders of the Year 2022 by SME News. The Welsh cockapoo breeder, based in Llandysul in Ceredigion, specialises in matching cockapoos with loving family homes in the UK, and abroad, and breeds all colours of puppies. All Jandaz Cockapoos are micro-chipped, fully vaccinated, health-checked, wormed and treated for ear mites. The breeder also ensures all cockapoo parents are eye-tested and Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) cleared and Phosphofructokinase (PFK) tested. In addition, the breeder includes a puppy pack, brush, lead, bowl, shampoo, food, toys, chews, training pads, bed blanket, and after-care information sheet. The UK Enterprise Awards, now in its sixth year, was set up to encompass a multitude of exciting and vibrant businesses and industries from all over the UK. “Jandaz Cockapoos has been rewarded for its dedication and innovation.” SME News, which has a magazine circulation of 78,000, look to honour the leading SME’s, whatever their size, across the country, especially in the face of unprecedented hardship and uncertainty. Jandaz Cockapoos has been rewarded for its dedication and innovation in the ways that they have not only adapted but weathered the COVID-19 storm to ensure the survival of their business. An in-house research team carefully analysed the breeder’s company background that is available both online and in the public domain as well as other materials supplied by them. Jandaz Cockapoos is a family business and was founded in 1979 by Janice Griffiths. The breeder is now owned by Janice’s daughter, Sarah (both pictured right), who remains as dedicated as her mother in the running of Jandaz Cockapoos for years to come. For more information on Jandaz Cockapoos visit or contact 01545 560641.

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