Pets in the City Magazine April 2014 Issue

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April 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

Pets In The City Magazine

April 2014


• • • April Calendar of Events • • • Free Photography Workshop and Contest! By the Holladay Arts Council for all ages Sat, April 5th from 10am-1pm - Holladay City Hall 4880 S. 2300 E. See ad on page 28.

Healthy Pets Toy Making Party with Kids 4 Pets! Kids 4 Pets will be teaching kids how to make pet toys to give to shelters. April 26th from 12pm-3pm. See ad on page 11.

Fundraising Event Featuring Utah Animal Adoption Center and Park Lane Jewelry 1955 N. Redwood Rd. - Tuesday, April 8th at 7pm RSVP to Christy at

NKUT Adoption Weekend More than 800 adorable animals! May 2nd-4th Utah State Fair Park Fri: 12pm-7pm. Sat: 10am7pm. Sun: 10am-4pm. See ad on page 2.

Barley’s Canine Recreation Center Grand Opening Celebration! Saturday, April 19th from 10am-2pm 2827 S. 2300 E. SLC. See ad on pg 15.

The Grand Opening of “The Wait is Over, Rover” Dog Adoption Center at the Humane Society of Utah - Saturday, May 10th from 10am-7pm See ad on page 14.

Send in your events for April & May now! Please email PUBLISHER PICM Publishing, LLC




CIRCULATION Shane Myers City Weekly Smith’s Grocery Store Racks

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS PHOTOGRAPHER BIO - Juli-Anne Warll LETTER FROM THE STAFF INTERVIEW WITH MISS UTAH INTERNATIONAL LAURA SWANSON - Mona Mistric BREED ALL ABOUT IT! Bernese Mountain Dog: Big Bundle of Hairy Love - Chanté McCoy EXPERT ADVICE Poisonous Plants: How to Protect Your Pets - Jessica Zelnik, DVM RAISING BACK YARD CHICKENS - Mona Mistric EXPERT ADVICE Chiropractic for Young Adults - Alissa Grover, DC, CAC RESCUE ME HOW ELITE CANINE ATHLETES HELP THE UTAH WEEKEND WARRIOR - Kimberly Henneman, DVM KILLING OFF AN AMERICAN LEGACY - Chanté McCoy ANIMALS IN THE NEWS - Chanté McCoy HOW BEING A PET-FRIENDLY LANDLORD WILL INCREASE YOUR PROFITABILITY - Ledy VanKavage, Esq. FOSTERING: REWARDING TO THE PET AND YOU - Pattie Rushton ASK STETSON Q & A - Tonya Landon SECONDHAND SMOKE & PETS - Carl Arky SAVING LIVES IN THE CITY Anya: The Cat Who Walked into the Yard and into Hearts - Will Hodges FAMILY FUN - Matching Game - Word Search - 2014 Holladay Photography Workshop and Contest! HOW TO RECOVER A LOST PET - Christina Owens YOUR PETS IN THE CITY PHOTOS

MANAGING EDITOR Deborah Myers COPY EDITORS Chanté McCoy Jennafer Martin Mona Mistric Tina Brunetti Mumford

Pets In The City Magazine

WEBMASTER / SOCIAL MEDIA Jennafer Martin STAFF WRITERS Chanté McCoy Jennafer Martin Megan Waller Mona Mistric CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Alissa Grover, DC, CAC Tonya Landon Carl Arky GUEST WRITERS Kimberly Henneman, DVM Ledy Vankavage, Esq. Jessica Zelnik, DVM


April 2014


BOOKSMARTS ACCOUNTING Jenny Groberg Lindsay Kirby GRAPHIC DESIGNER Michelle Bellinger All illustrations created by Michelle Bellinger. Copyrighted 2014.

SALES & ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Beverly Egleston 801.661.7142 Deborah Myers 801.702.1171 debbiepetsinthecitymagazine@ PICM Disclaimer: All reader submissions and photos are voluntarily submitted without expectation of compensation. All opinions of the authors in this Magazine are those of the writer or contributor and are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. The publisher has not confirmed the accuracy of information contained in the articles. PICM reserves the right to edit, alter, or modify the submitted article to the extent in which we deem necessary.

A RESCUE PLEA Pets In The City Magazine is dedicated to and encourages rescuing companion animals of all types. There are thousands of animals in Utah and across our nation needing a forever home. If you are interested in rescuing a companion animal, there are over 100 animal rescues in Utah. A good resource is, a nationwide database for companion animals of all types. A rescued animal can be rewarding and lead to a forever grateful love.

Cover photo by Juli-Anne Warll

SnowPaw Photography

Last Month’s Issue

Pets In The City Magazine © 2012 is an independent, free monthly magazine published by PICM Publishing. For information regarding Pets in the City Magazine, visit Any and all articles in Pets in the City Magazine are submitted for reading enjoyment only. Please consult a professional and make wise personal decisions regarding health and safety issues of pets and family.

Cover Photo By: Juli-Anne Warll After years of flying through life as a commercial pilot, JuliAnne Warll traded in her wings to raise her young daughter and rediscover her creative side. She self published her photography book, Park City-DogTown USA based in her ski resort town Park City, Utah. Realizing how much fun it was to capture dogs and their crazy personalities, she now pilots her own business SnowPaw Photography. Juli-Anne is a member of HeARTs Speak and volunteers photographing adoptable animals at local Friends of Animals Utah rescue.

- Letter From The Staff -


This time of year, thousands of little animals are abandoned after their caregivers become bored because their fuzzy baby stage is quickly over after a couple of weeks. Each year, many helpless animals are let go in the parks or in the wild where they do not stand a chance to survive after they have become dependent on their human. Unless you are willing to assume caregiver responsibilities for a lifetime, we recommend sticking with stuffed animals or chocolate.

April 2014

Do you know that ducks live 10-15 years, chickens live 8-10 years, and rabbits live 7-13 years (sometimes even longer)? Think twice before you decide to purchase these fragile animals at Easter time. These animals need daily care, fresh water, clean cages, and bedding. They can be more work than cats or dogs. Cute as they are, they do not make good pets for small children.

Pets In The City Magazine

Juli-Anne’s images have been published in Dog Fancy Magazine, Salt Lake Magazine, Sports Guide and more. The former mayor of Park City presented First Lady, Michelle Obama, with a copy of Juli-Anne’s book when she visited town in 2011. To find her book, look in gift shops in Park City or visit To discover more about her photography business, check out

Interview with Miss Utah International Laura Swanson Mona Mistric Miss Utah International Laura Swanson’s platform is “Giving Animals A Second Chance”. Here is what she says on her Facebook page: “There are around 8 million animals put down each year. In 2012 Utah alone put down 22,000 animals. There are so many great amazing animals that are being put down just because the shelters do not have room. People need to be made aware of this and help put a stop to this. We need to be the voice for the animals! The community can help by making sure their animals are spayed and neutered. Humans are the only ones that can make a difference and put a stop to this.” PICM: Did you grow up with any furry or feathered friends? Laura: Yes. We had a dog, birds, a fish, and a hamster that I was personally responsible for its care. PICM: Do you have a special animal you would care to share with Pets in the City Magazine readers? Laura: I have a rescue dog, Rex, through “Second Chance”. He is a loveable mixed breed, part Havanese and part Poodle, called a Havapoo. Yeah, it sounds funny. I took him to obedience school and he quickly learned all the basic commands: sit, down, and so on. He is so smart. One thing I didn’t teach him was to roll down the car windows. He figured that one out for himself. Sometimes, I have to put the child-lock on to prevent him from rolling it down. PICM: I understand your platform as Miss Utah International is “Giving Animals A Second Chance”. Would you care to tell us what you mean by that?


April 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

Laura: There are so many amazing animals in the shelters and pounds that need a caring loving person or family to adopt them and give them a “second chance” with a permanent place to call home. PICM: Do you support any particular organization? Laura: I support so many organizations, including Second Chance, the Humane Society, Rescue Rovers, and Best Friends Animal Society. PICM: How do you influence the community to take an active role in caring for their furry or feathered friends? Laura: I make personal appearances at events and draw attention to the need for adopting, spaying and neutering. I also promote their causes on my Facebook page and post pictures of animals that need to be adopted. PICM: If you could wave a magic wand, what would you do to improve the lives of our companion friends?

Laura: I would STOP ANIMAL ABUSE! We believe that Utah is changing and we hope to (one day) be one of the most aggressive States for the protection of animals. Utah ranks in the bottom 6 right now in the whole USA but we are changing thanks to People like you and your efforts. PICM: How do you feel about Utah’s Governor Herbert’s signing of the gag order in 2011? Laura: I am strongly against House Bill 187. Animals should not be mistreated, even if they are being used for meat. Without the ability to take pictures or videos of the brutal way they slaughter animals we cannot prove the animals are being abused. I don’t agree with this bill at all. PICM: After your reign will you continue to push for new legislation in Utah for the protection of all animals? Laura: Definitely! I will always continue to give a voice to the animals, until I die. PICM: There are so many issues, where will you begin? Laura: Education. There is so much abuse right here in our neighborhoods. Kids are torturing animals. People are putting live animals into bags wrapped with duct tape and throwing them away like garbage. We must educate our neighbors to keep an eye out for animal cruelty in order to put an end to it. PICM: Is there any special message you would like to share with the Pets in the City Magazine readers? Laura: People have the perception that if an animal is in a shelter, it must be bad. This is just NOT TRUE! Besides being lovable and fun, my rescue dog and I have shared some special moments. I went through a deep, dark depression when my best friend committed suicide. At first, I felt like I had no reason to live. I didn’t even want to get out of bed. But, I had to get out of bed and take care of Rex. He could tell I was not my usual perky self. I would sit on the couch and cry and he would put his head in my lap and look at me with compassionate eyes. I knew he felt my pain. He comforted me when I was in that deep dark place. It was at the hardest, the darkest, and the lowest place ever. He brought me out of that depression and rescued me. Because of his love and companionship, I have gone from the lowest to the highest– Miss Utah International. The rescue dog rescued me! Laura Swanson won the Miss Utah International title last year, which ends on April 12th this year. She will always be Miss Utah International 2013 and she will always rescue animals. To learn more about Laura Swanson’s upcoming rescue, adoption, spay and neuter events, visit her on Facebook: or after April 12th. Thank you, Laura Swanson. We believe that Utah is changing and we hope to (one day) be one of the most aggressive States for the protection of animals. Utah ranks in the bottom 6 right now in the whole USA but we are changing thanks to People like you and your efforts.

BREED ALL ABOUT IT! BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG: BIG BUNDLE OF HAIRY LOVE Chanté McCoy The Bernese Mountain Dog is the iconic Swiss dog, complete with a “Swiss cross” on its chest. Affectionately called “Berner,” the breed hails from the canton of Bern. Its original name in German is Berner Sennenhund, with senne meaning “alpine pasture” and hund meaning “dog.” The large canine was originally a working dog used to herd dairy cows from the farm to the high mountain meadows. It famously used to draft too, pulling carts of milk bottles and cheese. The large muscular Berner weighs in at between 80 and 110 lbs when fully grown. It has a distinct tri-color coat with a black head and back; white on the chest, paws, forehead and muzzle; and, rust markings above the eyes, sides of the mouth, sides of the white chest, and along the legs. It carries its bushy tail low. Its long, silk coat sheds year-round, notably during seasonal changes and, for intact females, in conjunction with heat cycles. The coat requires frequent brushing and periodic baths. The floppy ears also require additional attention to clean out bacteria and dirt. The Berner is an easygoing, tolerant dog that tends to be shy. Its general temperament makes it a gentle family dog. It is a loyal companion and seeks the company and regular attention of its human family.

Its heavy coat is ideal for cold weather and snow. However, that same coat makes the dog prone to heat strokes. In hotter weather, it needs to be indoors with air conditioning.

This versatile breed competes in confirmation, carting, agility, tracking, and herding. It is also popular as a therapy dog.

April 2014

As with any breed, it is prone to certain health issues. The Berner is subject to high cancer rates, with nearly half dying of cancer (compared to 27 percent of other dogs). It also tends to have debilitating musculoskeletal problems and eye diseases that are common among large dogs. Unfortunately, this good-natured dog has a relatively short life span, averaging 7 years, thus making its time with its human family that much more precious.

Pets In The City Magazine

However, as a large breed, it needs to be well socialized and trained from an early age. The Berner needs regular activity and exercise (at least 30 minutes a day) to stay a fit and pleasant companion.



Poisonous Plants: How to Protect Your Pets

Jessica Zelnik, DVM

A number of plants are toxic to pets. Some toxic plants are commonly found outdoors in gardens, but others can be found indoors or in flower bouquets. The level of toxicity in poisonous plants varies with the type of plant and the amount ingested. Most toxic plants will cause mild to moderate gastrointestinal side effects including hyper-salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, ingestion of other types may result in serious side effects, including death, and emergency treatment should be immediately sought. Treatment involves “decontamination:” inducing the pet to vomit to rid its stomach of the poison. After decontamination, activated charcoal is administered to bind any remaining toxins in the stomach or small intestine and to prevent toxins from being absorbed into the blood stream. Intravenous fluids are used to quickly deliver fluids and medications throughout the body to protect major organ function and eliminate the toxins rapidly. Additional medical treatment may be warranted, depending on specific symptoms, such as seizures and heart arrhythmias. If you suspect your pet has ingested a poisonous plant, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian or animal poison control.

Pets In The City Magazine

Let’s look at the some of the more common toxic plants and their symptoms:



April 2014

Common in bouquets, lilies are highly toxic to cats. The most dangerous, potentially fatal lilies are true lilies, which include Tiger, Day, Asiatic, Easter and Japanese Show lilies. All parts of the lily plant are toxic to cats. Ingestion of even very small amounts of this plant can result in severe kidney damage and death. If you have a cat, avoid keeping lilies in your house. Seek emergency medical treatment, if you notice any part of the flower or stem missing from a lily. Common lilies do not appear to be toxic to dogs

ALOE VERA Aloe vera may be a great plant to have in your household, due to its soothing effects on burns and other skin irritations. However, to dogs and cats, it’s highly toxic. Symptoms include vomiting, depression, diarrhea, anorexia, and tremors.

KALANCHOE Kalanchoe is a common house plant sold in many stores in the spring and summer. Ingestion can result in vomiting, diarrhea, lack of muscle coordination, trembling, and even sudden death caused by cardiac failure. Kalanchoe is poisonous to both dogs and cats.


The bulbs of tulip and narcissus plants have the highest concentration of toxins. If you are storing bulbs in the house or have a dog that likes to dig—be cautious! In addition to drooling and anorexia, ingestion of tulip bulbs may lead to depression of the central nervous system, convulsions, and heart abnormalities.

AZALEA/RHODODENDRON Toxins of this species can be found in the flowers, leaves, nectar, or honey. They are not only toxic to dogs and cats but to horses, goats, and sheep as well. Symptoms of ingestion may be delayed up to one hour. Symptoms can include salivation, excitation, low heart rate, low blood pressure, paralysis, coma, and possibly seizures. Prompt treatment is essential. Untreated animals may become comatose and die.

CHRISTMASTIME PLANTS: POINSETTIA, MISTLETOE & ENGLISH HOLLY These plants are commonly displayed in households around the holiday season. Ingestion can cause mild to moderate gastrointestinal upset (vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia). If the milky sap of poinsettias touches the skin, mild skin irritaton may develop. ***** Be aware of plants which are harmful to pets and avoid your pet’s exposure to them. If you do suspect that your pet has ingested a toxic plant or is exhibiting any unusual symptoms, contact your veterinarian or one of the pet poison hotlines as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment can mean life or death when it comes to toxins. Dr. Jessica Zelnik was born in the US Virgin Islands and grew up in Anchorage, Alaska. Dr. Zelnik has been a practicing veterinarian in the Salt Lake valley since 2009. She practices at the University Veterinary Hospital. She has received advanced training in dentistry, soft tissue surgery, and pain management. Dr. Zelnik enjoys running and hiking with her dogs: Kami, a Boxer, and Jake, a Schnauzer mix.

Pets In The City Magazine

April 2014


Raising Back Yard Chickens

Mona Mistric

The most important time in a chicken’s life is the first few weeks. Chickens are so beautiful, majestic, and a pleasure to watch. However, you must know how to care for them.

A day or two before putting them into the coop spray it with a good lice and mite spray, or powder the chickens with Seven Dust under their neck, wings, and vent feathers. Whichever method you choose, do this about once a month.

If you buy baby chicks from a commercially grown farm or a feed store, they will already be vaccinated for infectious bronchitis, Newcastle, fowl pox, and Marek’s disease. If you purchase chicks from an individual, make sure they are vaccinated. Head straight to the veterinarian. (Fowl pox is the same virus as chicken pox.)

A chicken in the wilderness would sleep, or roost, in a tree with its claws wrapped around a branch. So, put roost poles that mimic tree branches in the chicken coop. For the first few nights, check on the chicks shortly after dusk. You will most likely find them huddled together on the ground in a corner. This might look cute, but you don’t want them to get sick. Put them on the roost poles, as they do not have a mother hen to lead them up there. Keep checking on them at dusk until they have gone to the roost poles on their own at least three nights in a row.

Before purchasing your baby chicks, make a brooder box 2 ½ feet high and 1 squarefoot wide per chick. Put three inches of wood chips in the bottom of the box and change it out at least every other day. Do not put the baby chicks on a slick floor, as they will not be able to stand up and will develop leg problems. Next you will need to keep the baby chicks warm. Set a thermometer near the floor to keep track of the temperature. Hang a red or yellow light bulb about six inches above their heads – any closer and it might singe their feathers, causing the other chicks to peck at them. The temperature should be 95⁰ the first week, 90⁰ the second week, 85⁰ the third week, and so on until a temperature of 70⁰ is reached. Clean the water vessel every day the first four weeks and never let it get empty. Add vitamins to the water every three days and a vitamin/electrolyte combination in the hot summer months. Add worm medicine when they are eight weeks old and once a month thereafter. “She eats like a bird” does not refer to chickens. Chickens have a high metabolism that converts food into energy at a rapid pace in order to maintain their 300 heartbeats per minute (compared to 72 for humans). Chickens eat bugs and worms, but they cannot live on those alone. They need grains and grasses too. Give them a commercial feed following the manufacturer’s recommendations or use the following guide:

Pets In The City Magazine

Layer Chickens 0-8 weeks 9-20 weeks Over 20 weeks

Chick Starter Chick Grower Chick Layer

20% 16% 15%

Add cracked corn to their diet on cold winter days for extra body heat, but not too much or too often, as the chicks will become overweight. Around eight weeks old, add some oyster shell to their diets, which provides calcium for the egg shells. Ever heard the old saying, “rare as hens’ teeth”? Well, chickens do not have any teeth. Instead, they have a gizzard that grinds up the feed, and the gizzard needs grit to do its job. So, if the chickens are caged or cooped, it’s a good idea to throw them a handful of grit every couple of weeks. Free range chickens don’t need to be offered grit – they find it on their own.


April 2014

Around 4-6 weeks old, the chicks are scrambling all over the brooder, jumping up, and ready to explore their world. It’s time to move them into the chicken coop. Sam’s Club ( sells a coop that will house two standard size chickens or four bantams for around $200.00. If you want to build a coop that will hold up to eight chickens, Purina ( has a good design on their website. Your local agriculture center is a good source for larger coop designs.

What is the first thing you should do before letting your chickens out of the coop and into the backyard? Build a fence to protect them from the neighbors’ dogs and other critters. If your dog listens to your commands or is a breed that likes to help, he may become a protector of the chickens. Around 16-20 weeks, roosters begin to crow and hens start laying eggs. The roosters’ crow is short and raspy at first, until he gets his full throttle. Most chickens are not aggressive, although you may find some roosters are protective of their space and their girls. There is no hard and fast rule as to when an egg is fertile. Some say it takes 15 days of being with a rooster before there is a fertile egg. The first couple of eggs may have a soft shell and will be small, but edible. A typical hen will lay 1,000 to 1,200 eggs. Egg production is at its best the first year, then it decreases after that. Within another year or two, depending upon the breed, the hens run out of eggs. The only way to always have eggs is to have a few spring-hatched chicks every year. Most free-range backyard chickens have an average life span of five to seven years, but, on rare occasions, can live up to 10 years. Now that you know how to care for your chickens, have fun watching them scramble proudly around the yard. And who doesn’t love fresh eggs?

Pets In The City Magazine

April 2014



Chiropractic for Young Animals Alissa Grover, DC, CAC Often I will get the question, “What is a good age for me to start having my animal adjusted?” As a natural and holistic healthcare approach, chiropractic can be gentle and effective for animals of all ages. However, the best time to start chiropractic for a young animal is when it is still in the womb! Chiropractic During Pregnancy The overall health of any creature begins with its development in the womb. By improving the health and quality of life of the mother, chiropractic will also improve the health and quality of life of her offspring. A pregnant female goes through a lot of physiological changes to support the development of the fetus(es). This can put a lot of stress on the mother’s body, particularly her musculoskeletal system. The additional weight and bulk can lead to back pain, muscle tension, and sore joints, among other things.

Not only can chiropractic adjustments help to relieve these ailments, it can help provide a more hospitable environment for the developing fetus(es). Chiropractic misalignments in the mother can stretch and pull on the ligaments and other supporting structures of the uterus. This can lead to uterine constraint, which reduces the amount of space available within the uterus for the growing offspring. Keeping the mother’s body in alignment can prevent this from occurring and also help to ensure proper nerve flow to the area. Ultimately, the mother will be more likely to have a successful labor with healthy young. Chiropractic for Newborns Animals can safely be adjusted soon after birth. The most significant experience they have had at this point is the trip through the birth canal. This can be quite traumatic to their body, particularly to the upper neck and pelvis. The head often has to assume an unnatural position when exiting the birth canal, which can tweak the atlas (first cervical) vertebra. The pelvis of the animal is a prominent feature that can catch on the mother’s pelvis during labor. This can misalign both the baby and the mother’s pelvis. If a young animal does acquire a misalignment during its birth, it can make basic actions such as suckling, sleeping comfortably, and learning how to walk uncomfortable. It can also interrupt nerve flow from the brain to the still developing limbs and organs. Although it would be nearly impossible to trace a future issue back to that specific cause, it is known that chronic nerve interference can lead to major biomechanical dysfunctions and body diseases. Having newborns checked and adjusted, if needed, can set them off on the right path for health.


April 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

Chiropractic for Growing Animals Puppies, kittens, foals, and other young animals are full of youthful energy and curiosity, exploring the world, playing with others, and learning how to use their new bodies. This can lead to blunders, accidents, and falls. Although young bodies are more flexible and resilient than adult bodies, they can still acquire chiropractic misalignments. Over time, those misalignments cause unequal wear and tear on their joints that may lead to more serious issues, such as disc protrusions and torn ligaments. Routine chiropractic adjustment through the growing stages will keep their body balanced and healthy, helping to prevent those problems from happening. It is important to note that chiropractic care does not replace veterinary care at any age. However, it can be a wonderful complementary treatment. In the state of Utah, animal chiropractors are required to be certified in animal chiropractic and obtain a veterinary referral. Make sure that you only take your animals to a trained and certified animal chiropractor who is following the laws of their field. Dr. Alissa Grover is a chiropractic physician certified in animal chiropractic by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association. She practices at the Animal Care Center in West Bountiful, UT and travels throughout Utah to adjust animals. She can be reached at (801) 294-5960 or Learn more about animal chiropractic at her personal website,

Pets In The City Magazine

April 2014


Rescue Me blacky ID# A073610

Rat Terrier/Chihuahua I am an exceptionally pretty dog. I am delicate and lovely and extremely devoted to my people. I am nervous around people I doesn’t know but will follow my chosen person to the ends of the earth. I’m a wonderful lap dog and loyal companion who would be thrilled to hang out and watch t.v. with you! I am housetrained, good with other dogs, don’t mind cats, but am not comfortable around kids. If you’d like to meet me, contact the Foster Department at bconrad@ or call 801-261-2919 x 215.


April 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

Manny ID# A073226

I am a housetrained Terrier/Poodle mix, young adult who is good with cats, other dogs and children over 12 years old. I can be nervous around young kids and may nip if they do something unpredictable. I enjoy walks and car rides. I am a champion barrier jumper and will need a fence over four feet tall to keep me safe. If you’re interested in meeting me, contact the Foster Department at or call 801-261-2919 x 215.


I am a spayed, smooth coated Chihuahua mix female who is chipped and vaccinated. I am about 1 year and 9 months old. I still like to play like a puppy but I am growing up fast. I am looking for my forever home and someone to love and cuddle me. I am currently being fostered. To meet me, contact the Foster Department at or call 801-261-2919 x 215.

ZENA ID #A074156

Blue & white Pit Bull Terrier mix I am a 1 year old spayed female. In my previous home I lived with other large dogs who I enjoyed. I am crate trained & housebroken. A kitty free home would be best for me. I would make a great running or jogging partner. If you’re interested in meeting me, contact the Foster Department at or call 801-261-2919 x 215.

Eve ID #A074576

I’m am a female, black Guinea pig. I am 5 years old. I’m a sweet old lady that needs a home to live out my golden years. Chew toys and healthy vegetable treats are very good for me. To meet me, contact the Foster Department at bconrad@ or call 801-261-2919 x 215.

BUDDY ID #A003543

SKIP ID# AO72849

April 2014

I am a neutered male, brown and black Chihuahua, Smooth coated mix. The shelter staff thinks I am about 1 year and 8 months old. I have been at the shelter since January 07, 2014. If you want to meet me, contact the Foster Department at or call 801-2612919 x 215.

Pets In The City Magazine

I am a neutered male, black and white Border Collie mix and I’m 8 years old. I was originally found as a stray in 2007. I have learned some basic commands, enjoy going for walks & love the company of adults. I have lived with small dogs, large dogs, and cats in my previous home. I do best with teen age kids & adults. If you’d like to meet me, contact the Foster Department at or call 801-261-2919 x 215.


How Elite Canine Athletes Help the Utah Weekend Warrior Kimberly Henneman, DVM, CVA, CVC Utah dog lovers of all ages love to admire Border Collies guiding huge flocks of sheep into pens at Soldier Hollow. Or cheer on their favorite teams of Alaskan sled dogs as they overcome the wintery terrain challenges of the thousand-mile Iditarod race. Or gasp in amazement as agile rescues of all breeds fly through jumps and weave obstacles of a complex agility course. Those elite canine athletes that we watch from a distance, on YouTube, or on television seem like special animals far away and unconnected to your own canine companions. However, sports medicine veterinary care, developed to keep those athletic animals healthy and active, can touch your weekend warrior in many ways. Sports medicine veterinary care is now a recognized specialty in veterinary medicine. Just like in the human world, the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques developed to keep the world’s top canine athletes at their peak can benefit the active companion dog as well. Most dog caretakers are aware that rehabilitation is now becoming an accepted approach to post-operative recovery for dogs, but did you know that gait analysis, thermal imaging, diagnostic soft tissue ultrasound, support wraps and braces, and activityspecific conditioning are now available to the companion dog world too? And the research behind these developments continues to grow as canine athletes (and their human partners) demand it.

Pets In The City Magazine

No matter the breed (yes, even Pugs), dogs are natural athletes. They evolved to trot, jump, or swim after prey for miles over all kinds of terrain. These same traits that make wolves such persistent and efficient hunters have been modified by humans who would rather have their dogs stalk tennis balls rather than the neighbor’s cat. They are no more intense in the professional canine athlete than they are in the guy or gal at your feet. Sudden stops, turns and twists after Frisbees and balls, or running alongside you as you bike, hike, or horseback ride all day can lead to the same kind of muscle pulls, tendon strains, or ligament tears as in the elite canine athlete.

diagnostic uses of ultrasound and thermal imaging as well as clinical testing to localize and grade these injuries in the average ball chaser. Not only is early diagnosis improving, but so is the ability to treat recognized injuries effectively with focused laser, heat/cold, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, support wraps, and rehabilitation and conditioning exercises. STOMACH ULCERS Stomach upset in elite human and horse marathon athletes has long been recognized, although the cause is still not well understood. Just like their human and equine counterparts, canine athletes, especially those partaking in marathon events, also show problems with stomach ulcers. Research in the recognition and treatment of stomach problems in competing and active dogs is growing day-by-day. Your dog doesn’t have to be a marathon sled dog in order to start developing stomach problems. Ulcers are starting to be recognized in companion dogs that go on long, daily hikes and runs with their owners. Often, the first symptom noticed is diarrhea that comes and goes, or that periodically has blood in it. Unfortunately, these symptoms are often diagnosed and treated as food allergies, when exercise might be the culprit. Currently, there is research looking at the use of medications such as Pepcid® and Prilosec® during exercise that might also benefit the active companion dog. Dogs have been with us a long time as partners in the activities of life. As long as athletic humans take part in shared sports with energetic canine partners, then there will be need for a sports medicine approach to conditioning, training and injuries. Life is imperfect and injuries happen. With new advancements in veterinary sports medicine, even the everyday Utah weekend warrior can benefit and stay actively healthy.

So what is an active canine caretaker to do? Change how you look at your dog! Can you look at your dog with the eye and knowledge of an athletic trainer? Here are a couple of examples of how lessons learned with the elite canine athletes can benefit your dog too.


April 2014

SOFT TISSUE INJURIES Just as in the human world, veterinary medicine today is great at identifying injuries to bones with x-rays and fixing them with surgery. But when it comes to strains and sprains to tendons and ligaments (except for cruciate ligament injuries in the stifle/knee), diagnosis and treatment of these injuries in active dogs still lags. In the human world, many types of athletic soft tissue injuries are recognized. Identification is crucial because some injuries may need immediate intervention and rest, while others can be managed without stopping training or competition. This is no different in the canine athlete. The need to be able to identify the types of injuries and the tissues affected in active dog feet, shoulders, elbows, wrists, backs, knees, and hocks (ankles) is pushing recent developments in

A flyball dog wearing elastic “skid” boots developed to protect the wrists from hyperextension injuries or other repetitive stress injuries from playing, chasing or hiking.

Thermal image of the back of the front feet of an elite Iditarod sled dog, showing increased heat (inflammation) in the left wrist and foot due to tendon injury.

Kimberly Henneman is the owner of Animal Health Options in Park City. Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Fellow, American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture Diplomate, American Board of Thermology

Pets In The City Magazine

April 2014


Rocky “The Rockstar”

Killing Off An American Legacy Chanté McCoy ranching interests’ push-back on the BLM follows on the heels of more restrictions on grazing after a few years of drought and interest in selling water to fracking companies.


he Nevada Farm Bureau Federation and the Nevada Association of Counties—with strong ranching ties—have filed suit against the Department of Interior and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to destroy “excess” mustangs and wild burros.

Pets In The City Magazine

The issue is not unique to Nevada and, as a federal suit, the implications will be widespread, affecting the 11 western states with mustang and burro herds and holding facilities, including Utah. Utah has 22 freeroaming herds and two holding facilities at Delta and Gunnison.

According to AWHPC: Livestock grazing on federal lands is estimated to cost taxpayers from $500 million to over $1 billion annually for total direct and indirect costs…[with] the grazing rates at the lowest rate allowable under federal law, $1.35 per [animal unit month] AUM… That rate pales in comparison to the average monthly lease rate of $16.80 per head on private lands, according to the 2012 Congressional Research Service Report. Youths’ Equine Alliance (YEA!), led by 12-year-old Robin Warren of Las Vegas, Nevada, is also fighting back to protect this American legacy. The group has been rallying to educate


However, according to Anne Novak, executive director of the horse advocacy group Protect Mustangs, 1.75 million head of livestock grazing on public land outnumber wild horses by more than 50-to-1 and cause most of the range damage. The

72 percent of American support protecting wild horses. In a poll conducted by Hart Research Associates, only 29 percent supported public lands being available for livestock grazing.

However, the Burns Amendment to the same Act, directs the Bureau to sell excess horses or burros that have “been offered unsuccessfully for adoption at least 3 times” to any According to the BLM, almost 50,000 willing buyer, including slaughter wild horses now live in captivity, far houses. The wild horses are sold exceeding the 32,000 left on the range. to slaughterhouses in Mexico and The BLM has been tasked with their Canada for a little as $10 each. If the protection. According to the Wild lawsuit ultimately favors the plaintiffs, Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act the 50,000 already rounded up are of 1971: at risk of being deemed “excess” and subject to destruction, per that same Congress finds and declares that law. wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the To see some of the rounded-up historic and pioneer spirit of animals and learn more about them, the West; that they contribute the annual Utah Wild Horse & to the diversity of life forms Burro Festival will be held June 6-7 within the Nation and enrich the at Legacy Park in Farmington. Wild lives of the American people; and horses and burros will be available that these horses and burros are for adoption at this event. Some have fast disappearing from the been saddle started. American scene. It is the policy of Congress that wild free-roaming If interested in rescuing a wild horse horses and burros shall be from one of Utah’s herds, contact protected from capture, Tami Howell at 801-977-4359 for branding, harassment, or death; further information or visit www.blm. and to accomplish this they are gov. to be considered in the area where presently found, as an integral part To weigh in on this matter, contact of the natural system of the public your legislators (http://www. lands.; Secretary of Interior, Sally Jewell According to Public Policy Polling, (, 202-2083100); Director of BLM, Neil Kornze, (, 202-208-3801); and, even the President (http://www., 202-4561111).

April 2014

In the last decade alone, the BLM has removed 100,000 horses from the western range, but the agency is now struggling with budget constraints and capacity limitations at short- and long-term holding facilities. The plaintiffs claim that the still roaming horses are damaging public land and threatening private water rights, and they go so far as to say that wild horses that are “unadoptable” must be destroyed as opposed to kept at the crowded ranches.

Many mustang advocacy groups, including the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign (AWHPC), believe the “wild horse overpopulation” is a “myth propagated by the BLM and the livestock industry.” AWHPC studied how the government allocated forage in 50 herd management areas where roundups occurred in the past few years. The analysis found 82.5 percent was allocated to livestock; 17.5 percent to wild horses.

the public and save wild horses from helicopter round-ups, crowded holding sites where horses routinely die, and the threat of rendering plants. The group has successfully facilitated the pledged adoptions of 65 wild horses (as of mid-March), including Robin’s own mustang, Rocky. YEA! has inspired over 180,000 supporters to take action, including petition signing, on behalf of the animals.

The “Mustang Gals and Thundering Three”

Mikey & Emma, Gabby & Ikey, and Robin & Rocky

The horses and burros are part of our national landscape and heritage. Our tax dollars are used toward them via the BLM, for good or bad. We’re all invested on some level and should have a voice in this matter. For the sake of the herds, let your voice be heard.

Pets In The City Magazine

April 2014


Animals In The News Chanté McCoy BEST FRIENDS-UTAH OPENS A KITTEN NURSERY On March 22, Best Friends Animal Society-Utah opened a nursery in South Salt Lake to house over 1,000 nursing kittens (neonates). Best Friends is partnering with area shelters to take in these kittens which are at high risk of dying. These infants—under two pounds and less than two months old— require intensive care and special supplies.

little or no socialization, and no neutering (intact males are responsible for 70 to 76% of reported dog bites).

The American Veterinary Medical Association, Centers for Disease Control, American Bar Association, and the National Animal Control Association also do not support breed discriminatory or “breed specific” laws.

ANCIENT EGYPTIAN BONES INDICATE CATS WERE DOMESTICATED 5,700 YEARS AGO A skeleton of a cat found in a cemetery of Hierakonpolis, an ancient Egyptian city, indicates that cats were kept as pets as long ago as 3,700 BC. The organization expects to care for 100 kittens on any given day, including The remains show a healed bone fracture, suggesting it had “been tended orphaned neonates and those with nursing mothers. The kittens will be cared to for several weeks prior to its sacrifice,” according to the archaeologists. for until they are of adoptable age. Additional cats, whose DNA reveal they came from different litters, were also found in the cemetery. As noted on their website:

In 2013, approximately 13,900 cats were killed in Utah shelters, which constituted 78.1% of all shelter deaths in the state. If Utah is to achieve No Kill, efforts must be sharply focused on saving more cats, especially neonatal kittens.

Best Friends is soliciting the donation of supplies that can be ordered online by supporters. To learn more, go to BILL WILL RESTRICT BREED-BANNING LAWS IN UTAH During this year’s Utah legislative session, Rep. Brian King put forth a bill to restrict municipal laws (such as that in South Jordan) that ban certain breeds within respective city limits. The bill (H.B. 97) successfully passed both the House and Senate. Once signed by the governor, it will be effective January 1, 2015.

Pets In The City Magazine

The bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Ralph Okerlund, “prohibits a municipality from enacting or enforcing a breed-specific rule, regulation, policy, or ordinance about dogs” and voids any existing municipal restrictions. Meanwhile, yet another study (published in the Dec. 2013 issue of Applied Animal Behaviour Science) correlates dog bites and attacks with owners and training, not breed. According to the lead researcher, Rachel Casey, “[public policy] should instead focus on the factors that influence the risk of aggression in the first place.” She proposes that public safety would best be served by compelling owners to take classes, such as is done with driver’s education. As noted in the “Demon Dog Du Jour” article of April 2013 issue of Pets in the City Magazine:


April 2014

Individual dogs from a variety of breeds have bitten. The factors that contribute to a biting dog – whether Pit Bull or Poodle – are inappropriate training, inhumane confinement, lack of supervision,

Until these findings, cats were thought to have been domesticated in Egypt around 1,950 BC. In December 2013, reports of cat remains found in the Shaanxi province of China are also rewriting the history of human cohabitation with felines. The cats date back 5,300 years. The evidence suggests these cats were living alongside humans to address rodent problems. PET MEDICATIONS INCREASINGLY AVAILABLE AT RETAILERS Tapping into the $7.6 billion-a-year pet-med market, more groceries, chain pharmacies, online pharmacies, pet stores, and general retailers (such as Target, Costco, and Walmart) are now offering pet medications. In addition to brand medicines, more generics are also becoming available. This is welcome news to consumers who can now price shop as well as take advantage of retailer loyalty programs with their purchases. Inasmuch as some pet owners are compelled to give up their furry companions on account of medical costs, these choices may enable them to keep their animals.

According to Rep. Jim Matheson, pet owners who buy from prescribers pay mark-ups as high as 248 percent on some drugs. In February, he and Rep. Jason Chaffetz co-sponsored a bipartisan bill to require veterinarians nationwide to provide prescriptions that clients could fill wherever they wanted. The “Fairness to Pet Owners Act” (H.R. 4023) would give pet owners “a choice on when and where to fill and pay for their pet’s prescriptions, just like people do for human prescriptions.” The ASPCA, in a letter to the Federal Trade Commission, notes:

The most economically disadvantaged populations own the most at-risk animals and as a result, the affordability of pet care is linked to animal health outcomes.

Pets In The City Magazine

April 2014




April 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

Ledy VanKavage, Esq.

Reprint from PICM July 2013

Pets In The City Magazine

April 2014


FOSTERING: REWARDING TO THE PET AND YOU Pattie Rushton Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a foster parent of a cat, dog, bird, or some other breed of animal? I had no idea what to expect when I was preparing for my first time to foster a dog. I wondered what its life had been like. What will the dog look like? What habits and traits does my new furry friend have? Will he/she be healthy or in need of special care?

2) Am I willing to dedicate my love, trust, and affection to an animal that has been neglected, abused,or abandoned by preparing them for a new home? A safe home? A forever home? 3) Am I willing to follow the council of the Rescue which entrusted the animal to my care? 4) Do I have a fenced-in yard? (Most Rescues require this to foster a dog or cat.) 5) If I have fur kids of my own, how will I introduce them to each other? (They too will be affected by this new guest; consideration must be given to how they will react.)


April 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

My apprehensions quickly disappeared when I met my frightened, little, furry friend. I would not trade the cuddles, licks, and unconditional love that As Scotlund Haisley of ARC Rescue (one of my heros) posted: I have experienced for any amount of money. The rewards to me were more “That feeling of being lucky enough to offer the first gentle touch, the first than I ever could have imagined. Since then, I have fostered more animals trustworthy embrace to an animal who has endured years of abuse and and adopted three dogs. My dogs have changed my life for the better. neglect is indescribable.” Now I have a sign on my desk that reads “Foster Failure.” Many folks do not I want to say “thank you” to all my fellow foster volunteers out there; I hope know what a foster failure is, and that sign opens the door to discussions and gives me the opportunity to educate them on how fostering can help our that you have experienced what Scotlund so eloquently described. Thank you for volunteering your time, homes, and hearts to the Utah Rescues that furry friends. Foster Failure means “Proud Adoptee”! work every day saving animals. They need us; they need you! If you are considering becoming a foster parent, ask yourself the If you are a foster parent and would like to share your following questions: experiences with Pets in the City Magazine readers, send your stories to: 1) Do I want to be the person who changes an animal’s life forever?


Tonya Landon

I just bought a 5-week-old-puppy from a breeder. My veterinarian says that the puppy should still be with its mother and littermates. The breeder says that the pup is eating food, so it is fine to be taken away. Who is correct? – Janell

weaning process. This is why it is very important to allow the mother to stay with the puppies until they leave and allow her to correct the puppies Your veterinarian is correct. Breeders that will sell a puppy under when they try to nurse. eight weeks of age are either ignorant, breeding for money, or don’t Some behavior problems really care about the well-being of the puppies. If more breeders that can result from mom would breed and raise the litters properly, there would be a lot less behavioral problems in our dogs today. The correct age for a puppy to being taken away too early or puppies being be introduced to its new home is 8-10 weeks of age. sold too early include biting problems, impulse control issues, improper reaction to other dogs, From three to eight weeks, a puppy learns a great deal. It learns how to use body postures to communicate with other dogs, it learns what a excessive fear of new things, separation anxiety, high stress levels, excessive growl means, and it learns how to properly interact with its littermates barking, and not understanding how to take a correction from another dog or human. and mother. It learns bite inhibition (controlling its bite) and how to take and give a proper correction. It learns to play properly and about Stay clear of any breeder who will sell you a pup too young. Make sure that pack hierarchy and how to respect its elders. the pup stays with its mother and littermates to the appropriate age of at least eight weeks. Don’t even go and look at the pups, if the pups are being Breeders that sell the puppies before eight weeks of age or that take sold too young. People have a hard time leaving without a puppy once the mother away at four weeks are setting the puppies up to have they see them in person (which is what these types of breeders behavior issues. The puppies’ mom teaches them that they can’t get are counting on). everything they want by telling them “no” to nursing during the

Secondhand Smoke & Pets Carl Arky

The Humane Society of Utah was recently contacted by a concerned gentleman in Ferrin, Utah asking about the impact of secondhand smoke on pets. That got us thinking, and so we did a little research. Of course, it has been in the news for years about how secondhand smoke is a health threat to nonsmokers. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that secondhand smoke is attributed with killing thousands of adult nonsmokers annually. If smoking is that harmful to human beings, it stands to reason that secondhand smoke would have an adverse effect on pets that live in the homes of smokers.

“This grooming behavior exposes the mucous membrane of their mouth to the cancercausing carcinogens.” Malignant lymphoma is another type of cancer that cats that live with smokers have a higher risk of getting. This cancer occurs in the lymph nodes, and cats are twice as likely to have this type of cancer compared to cats living in a nonsmoking home. This form of cancer is fatal to three out of four cats within 12 months of developing the cancer. MacAllister also points out that secondhand smoke is greatly associated with the increased occurrence of cancer in the nose and sinus area among dogs. Research also indicates a slight association with lung cancer. “A recent study conducted at Colorado State University shows that there is a higher incidence of nasal tumors in dogs living in a home with secondhand smoke compared to dogs living in a smoke-free environment,” she said. “The increased incidence was specifically found among the long-nosed breed of dogs. Shorter or medium-nosed dogs showed higher rates for lung cancer.”

She said a study conducted recently at Tuft College of Veterinary Medicine found a strong correlation between secondhand smoke and certain forms of cancer in cats. The number of cats with mouth cancer, also known as squamous cell carcinoma, was higher for animals living in smoking environments versus felines living in a smoke-free home. In addition, cats that lived with smokers for five or more years had an even higher incidence of this type of oral cancer.

MacAllister says the longer nosed breeds of dogs have a great surface area in their noses that is exposed to the carcinogens. This also provides more area in which the carcinogens can accumulate. The carcinogens tend to build up on the mucous membranes of long-nosed dogs, so not as much reaches the lungs. Unfortunately, dogs affected with nasal cancer normally do not survive more than one year.

It is important, both for the health of pets and others living in the household, that the smoker has a designated area in which to smoke that is physically separated from the home. In addition, always keep cigarettes, cigarette butts, and other tobacco products put away. “A better choice that could enhance your chances of enjoying a healthier lifestyle with your family and pets would be to stop smoking altogether,” MacAllister says. Carl Arky is the Director of Communications at the Humane Society of Utah.

April 2014 25

“One reason cats are so susceptible to secondhand smoke is because of their grooming habits. Cats constantly lick themselves while grooming, therefore they lick up the cancer-causing carcinogens that accumulate on their fur,” MacAllister said.

“The reason short- and medium-nose dogs have a higher occurrence of lung cancer is because their shorter nasal passages aren’t as effective at accumulating the inhaled secondhand smoke carcinogens,” she said. “This results in more carcinogens reaching the lungs.”

Secondhand smoke is not the only danger faced by pets that live in smoke-filled environments. Poisoning is another risk they face. “Curious pets can eat cigarettes and other tobacco products, if the products aren’t stored properly,” MacAllister said. “When ingested, this can cause nicotine poisoning, which can be fatal.”

Pets In The City Magazine

“There have been a number of scientific papers recently that have reported the significant health threat secondhand smoke poses to pets,” says Dr. Carolynn MacAllister, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service Veterinarian. “Secondhand smoke has been associated with oral cancer and lymphoma in cats, lung and nasal cancer in dogs, as well as lung cancer in birds.”

Pet birds also are victims of secondhand smoke. A bird’s respiratory system is hypersensitive to any type of pollutant in the air. MacAllister says the most serious consequences of secondhand smoke exposure in birds are pneumonia or lung cancer. Other health risks include eye, skin, heart, and fertility problems.

Saving Lives

Anya: The Cat Who Walked into the Yard and into Hearts



the porch. She was still under the tree later in the day. After “meowing” to her to invite her onto the porch, she eventually came up and sunned herself in the warm spring afternoon while I went around the neighborhood to ask if she belonged to anyone.

her, including lessons about animal rescue, microchipping, and no-kill shelters. Since adopting her, I’ve spent quite a few hours at various shelters and rescue facilities visiting cats who often don’t get much quality attention.

I’m new to the world of cats. I was a dog person, having received my first dachshund when I was five. When I was young, none of my close friends owned a cat, and my first experience with one was when I was 20 years old and visiting a friend in Los Angeles. Their young kitty thought my suitcase was the litter box. That didn’t get me off to a good start when it came to having feline friends.

I had no luck finding her owner, so I borrowed a cat carrier from a neighbor and took the little girl to the county animal shelter to see if she was microchipped, and to have them hold her for a possible owner. She was not chipped or licensed, and spent ten days in the shelter without being claimed. Each day she was there, my desire to adopt her got stronger. However, my wife and I had discussed many times that we did NOT want any pets. I planned on deferring to my wife’s inclinations.

A few years ago, one of my best friends lost his kitty, Mr. Stickers, after having him for 12 years. He was devastated. And I couldn’t relate to his loss in the least. I had lost my parents, other relatives and friends, and gone through a divorce. But I couldn’t understand why losing a “silly cat” would cause him such deep, painful grief.

On the other hand, during the week, my wife also seemed to be getting the feeling that we should adopt this little girl. She told me that she had even picked a name for our little visitor. Immediately, and totally out of thin air, I said the name that she had chosen . . . a name we had never mentioned to each other in our 21 years of marriage: Anastasia.

Salt Lake County Animal Services told me that only about 2% of the cats they rescue are ever claimed by an owner. A visit to indicates that there are dozens of cats put up for adoption because of allergies, landlord issues, cost of care, family relocation, birth of a new baby, or just not having enough time for the animal. Even longtime family pets of 8, 12, or 15 years of age are being adopted out, taken to shelters, or just left behind. Most of the cats at local shelters have been loved and cared for. It’s an emotional challenge for me now to see these little creatures sad, lonely, and confused, sitting in a cage or a colony.

That was before Anya walked into our backyard.

A few days later, I was out the door early to make sure I was the first person in line at the county shelter, so that we could adopt this beautiful little girl. We learned that she was a “Snowshoe” cat. We brought her home, and, from the first day, she has been the perfect companion, in every way. We call her Anya, a shortened version of Anastasia.

Will Hodges

Pets In The City Magazine

On May 4th of 2013, my wife went out to start getting the yard in shape for spring. By the time I went out to help, there was a cat sitting with my wife. She had actually come up and sat in her lap while she was weeding. The little thing was quite dirty and had some kind of fecal material stuck on one of her paws. I borrowed a can of cat food from our neighbor, and the kitty spent the morning with us as we worked in the yard.


April 2014

When early afternoon came, we were in the process of going inside. The little cat sat under a tree in our yard, patiently watching us go up on

After living with Anya for a few weeks, I could finally understand the kind of affection and love that my friend had for his departed cat. I could finally understand his complete and total grief when he lost his friend. I’ve had a totally unexpected change of heart, and I owe Anya so much for the lessons I’m learning from

If you have time, even just a few minutes a month, consider visiting one or more of our local shelters and either volunteer or just spend time visiting with some of these wonderful animals. Better yet, bring one of them home and experience what we’ve learned from living with Anya. She has humbled me, and having her walk into our backyard and into our hearts has been a lifechanging experience. For more about Anya, please visit her at

Snowshoe Cat A Snowshoe cat is a variation of the Siamese, crossed with bi-color American Shorthairs. The result is a cat with Siamese color points contrasting with the body color (often white) and white stockings. According to the American Cat Fancier’s Association, the Snowshoe also “combines the heftiness of its domestic shorthair ancestors with the length of its oriental ancestors.” Like Siamese, they are notably intelligent and talkative. Snowshoes are also known for being affectionate, mellow, and fond of water. The ideal markings are based on a combination of recessive genes, so they are difficult to breed to standards. All major cat fancier associations recognize the Snowshoe breed as of 1993.


Memorialize your beloved companion for all time. Indoor memorials for a wall or shelf. Outdoor memorials for your yard, garden, or a cemetery. Memorials personalized and carved in stone, glass, or tile.

Memorials start at $20!

Pets In The City Magazine April 2014 27

y l m i Fa Fu n

Word Search

Matching Game

Find the animal terms. Look up, down, left, & right

Match the adult animals on the left with their corresponding baby names on the right.


April 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

1. Frog 2. Bird 3. Rabbit 4. Goat 5. Bear 6. Deer 7. Kangaroo 8. Platypus 9. Dog 10. Alligator

Fawn Chick Joey Bunny Tadpole Kid Hatchling Pup Cub Puggle


Frog Bird Rabbit Goat

The Holladay Arts Council will be hosting a free Photography Workshop and contest. The workshop will consist of a photography technique class for amateur to intermediate photographers, matting and framing demonstrations, and a photography competition with cash awards. Professional photographer and teacher, Kerry Jones, will be instructing. Please submit framed work to Holladay City Hall on Saturday, April 12, from 10am-2pm. There will be a cash award for best photograph for pet, Holladay City area, and in the amateur and professional adult

Bear Deer Kangaroo Platypus

Dog Alligator Fawn Chick

Joey Bunny Tadpole Kid

Hatchling Pup Cub Puggle

categories as well as for youth. Photographs will be hung in City Hall from April 14 through April 18. A reception with awards will be held Friday, April 18, from 6-8pm at City Hall. For official rules and application, please visit our Holladay Arts Facebook page, or web page at

How to Recover a Lost Pet Christina Owens When your pet runs away or gets lost, it’s always stressful—you want to get your furry friend home quickly, so you know she is safe. Knowing what to do during this stressful situation can help you keep a cool head and get your pet back quickly. Step 1: Look for your pet within a one-mile radius of the location she was lost. Spend the first 15 minutes going door to door to the two neighboring homes in either direction. Enlist help going door to door, if possible. After 15 minutes, move onto Step 2. Step 2: Call the animal control services closest to you. Give them your pet’s name, your contact information, and as much detail about your pet as you possibly can, including your pet’s name, age, physical markers—breed, color andcolor patterns, and identifying marks or scars—and your pet’s medical needs and temperament, so they know how to best handle her. Let them know if your pet is collared or microchipped (include the tag numbers, if you know them). If your pet’s tag information is not current, call the phone number on the tags and ask those people to send all calls your way. If you’re able, go to the address associated with the tag and give them your current address as well.

Step 7: Go to the shelter closest to where the pet went missing every day. You are the best judge if an animal matches your pet’s description, so checking in person works best. If time allows, expand your daily checks to shelters within a 15mile radius. Step 8: Follow up daily. Call the places where you shared/posted flyers and update your posts online once every day until your pet is home. Give them updates on your pet to help keep your pet fresh in their minds. Step 9: Don’t give up! Sometimes, it’s a waiting game. Keep following up and don’t lose hope! When you do find your pet, remove the flyers and online notices you’ve posted and contact all those that know about your missing pet to inform them that she has been located. They’ll share in your happiness and give them a chance to look for other pets who may be lost. Christina Owens is the founder of Utah Lost & Found Pets, an all-volunteer project dedicated to reuniting pet owners with their companion animals. Join her efforts at


Step 4: Put up a sign in your yard. It can say something as simple as “I lost my dog,” but it will let people know you have lost your pet.

• Put notices or your flyer up online—on KSL, Craigslist, Facebook, etc. Don’t spend more than 15 minutes posting during this step—you can come back and do more later. • Go to every animal shelter within a 15 -mile radius of your home, bringing a flyer to share or post. • Paint the town with your flyers, taking them to vet’s offices, local pet-related businesses (supply/ food stores, groomers, day cares, etc.) and parks within a 15-mile radius of where your pet went missing. Post them on community boards at libraries, community centers, city office buildings, and grocery stores. • Go door to door within a 3-mile radius of where the pet went missing and hand out or post flyers. • Resume any online posting you have missed.

April 2014

• Large, single photo (preferably a full-body shot taken from the side) that takes up at least half the flyer space. While it may seem like a good idea to feature lots of different pictures, doing so tends to make it difficult for viewers see the details on the animal and harder to see all the information. If you do not have a photo, describe yoiur pet in detail. • Pet’s name and all the information you gave to animal control services • Cross streets, city, state, and zip code of where your pet was lost • Date and time the pet was lost • All contact information for you with the phone number being most prominent

Step 6: Get the word out. Use all available outlets to get the word out, so more people are keeping an eye out for your pet.

Pets In The City Magazine

Step 3: Make flyers to distribute. Effective flyers include:

Step 5: Put familiar items out. Scents carry to help lost animals find their way home. Put a lost cat’s litter box and food, or a lost dog’s toys, bed, and food outside, so they can catch the scent.



! e l i Sm

Shelby Miss Roxy


Blaze Oakley

Autumn Sky

Squeaky & Snickers

Gusgus Champayne Cookie Reddy



Want to share a photo of your pet?

April 2014

Pets In The City Magazine




Please include a high resolution photo of your pet and your pet’s name.



Teneque & Nija



Miss Elle & Pumpkin


Eva Mae Alfie & Gil

Pets In The City Magazine


April 2014 31

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