Pets in the City Magazine May 2014 Issue

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May 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

PICM readers, this is your call to action! It’s time to (like) us on Facebook. While there, list your favorite animal non-profit group and why it warms your heart. The non-profit with the most votes will be awarded a $100.00 donation from Pets in the City Magazine.

May 2014

Do you have a special cat room in your home? How about an exceptional dog area in your yard? Does your bird have its own amazing habitat? What about your lucky reptile? We are on a mission to find the best pet habitat in Utah! The winners will be published and prizes will be awarded. Send your habitat photos to

Pets In The City Magazine

Letter From The Staff

Be sure to check out the caption contest in our Family Fun Section this month. The winner will be published in the June issue and awarded a $20 voucher to THE DODO restaurant in Sugar House.


• • • May Calendar of Events • • • The Grand Opening of “The Wait is Over, Rover” - Dog Adoption Center at the Humane Society of Utah - Ribbon Cutting & Festivities Saturday, May 10th from 10am-7pm

Animal Care Center 15th Annual Open House on May 31st from 11am-3pm at 698 West 500 South, West Bountiful

Ching Farm Sanctuary Pancake Breakfast / Bingo Fundraiser - Sunday, May 25th from 10am-1pm at Frisch Eatery 145 East 1300 South, Ste. 201 (just off State St.)

Therapy Animals of Utah Wags & Kisses Picnic and Fundraiser - BBQ, Pet Portraits, Celebrity Dogs, Kids Activities & Silent Auction - Saturday, May 31st from 5pm-8pm at Wheeler Farm, SLC

Healthy Pets Car Show by Hot Rod Productions - The Humane Society will be there with adoptions - Saturday, May 31st from 10am-4pm at 2352 East Fort Union Blvd.

Humane Society of Utah Wags to Wishes 2nd Annual Gala - Saturday, June 7th at The Garden Place - Tickets on sale now at

Send in your events for next month now! Please email PUBLISHER PICM Publishing, LLC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Genevieve Campbell MANAGING EDITOR Deborah Myers COPY EDITORS Chanté McCoy Mona Mistric

Pets In The City Magazine

WEBMASTER / SOCIAL MEDIA Jennafer Martin STAFF WRITERS Chanté McCoy Jennafer Martin Megan Waller Mona Mistric CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Douglas W. Folland, DVM Lynn McCarron, DVM Melissa Vetter, VMD Tonya Landon GUEST WRITERS Karen Stagnaro Kim Justen Sarah Tyler Theresa Foster


May 2014


CIRCULATION Shane Myers City Weekly Smith’s Grocery Store Racks BOOKSMARTS ACCOUNTING Jenny Groberg Lindsay Kirby GRAPHIC DESIGNER Michelle Bellinger All illustrations created by Mashiara Graphics. Copyrighted 2014.

SALES & ADVERTISING DIRECTORS Beverly Egleston 801.661.7142 Deborah Myers 801.702.1171 debbiepetsinthecitymagazine@ PICM Disclaimer: All reader submissions and photos are voluntarily submitted without expectation of compensation. All opinions of the authors in this Magazine are those of the writer or contributor and are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. The publisher has not confirmed the accuracy of information contained in the articles. PICM reserves the right to edit, alter, or modify the submitted article to the extent in which we deem necessary.


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LETTER FROM THE STAFF CALENDAR OF EVENTS EXPERT ADVICE Is Your Pet Itching? - Lynn A. McCarron, DVM, Diplomate ABVP ASK STETSON Q & A - Tonya Landon EXPERT ADVICE Preventative Care in Cats - Melissa Vetter VMD BREED ALL ABOUT IT The Siamese Personality - Kim Justen MAN’S BEST FRIEND: THE ESCAPE ARTIST - Mona Mistric CARE OF BABY CHICKS & BUNNIES - Douglas W. Folland, DVM, DABVP (Avian) ANIMALS IN THE NEWS - Chanté McCoy MISTAKEN IDENTITY - Sarah Tyler RESCUE ME RESPECT FERAL CATS: TRAP - NEUTER - RETURN - Deborah Myers DOG PARKS / LOCAL SHELTERS TRAINED TO SERVE - Karen Stagnaro MADAME TABU’S PET HOROSCOPE SAVING LIVES IN THE CITY Herky’s Story - Theresa Foster SAYING GOODBYE FAMILY FUN - Pet Photography Contest Winners - Caption Contest - Kids Love Animals - Caught in the Act of Doing Good YOUR PETS IN THE CITY PHOTOS

A RESCUE PLEA Pets In The City Magazine is dedicated to and encourages rescuing companion animals of all types. There are thousands of animals in Utah and across our nation needing a forever home. If you are interested in rescuing a companion animal, there are over 100 animal rescues in Utah. A good resource is, a nationwide database for companion animals of all types. A rescued animal can be rewarding and lead to a forever grateful love.

Cover photo by Chris Dickinson

Last Month’s Issue

Pets In The City Magazine © 2012 is an independent, free monthly magazine published by PICM Publishing. For information regarding Pets in the City Magazine, visit Any and all articles in Pets in the City Magazine are submitted for reading enjoyment only. Please consult a professional and make wise personal decisions regarding health and safety issues of pets and family.

Pets In The City Magazine

May 2014



Is Your Pet


Lynn A. McCarron, DVM, Diplomate ABVP

Most pets itch occasionally, but some seem to scratch more than others. Itching is not a life threatening problem; but, if it’s ongoing, it can significantly affect your pet’s quality of life (and yours)! Chronic itchiness that may wax and wane, but does not seem to go away, is usually caused by one or more of three reasons: infection, infestation or allergy.

INFECTIONS are caused by bacteria or yeast. INFESTATIONS are caused by skin parasites. ALLERGIES are reactions to foods, the environment, or fleas. Conditions that are itchy (known as pruritic) can worsen as the skin becomes inflamed and traumatized, creating a vicious cycle of itching, scratching, and breaking the skin barrier. Once the skin barrier is compromised, secondary infections with bacteria and yeast can occur, which further contribute to itching.


Pets In The City Magazine

It is important to identify the specific cause of itchiness in order to institute effective therapy and arrive at an accurate prognosis. Diagnosis of itching typically begins with evaluating a sample from your pet’s skin (from a gentle scraping) under a microscope, allowing your veterinarian to tell whether bacteria, yeast or parasites are present. Skin scrapings do not always provide an answer; therefore, diagnosing the underlying cause of itchiness can also involve closely monitoring how much the itchiness resolves with differing treatments. Because skin infections often occur along with allergies, and can cause significant itching on their own, it is difficult to diagnose an allergy until the infection is cleared and the itching still remains. Therefore, it is very important to have your pet evaluated regularly throughout the treatment to help your veterinarian determine the underlying cause(s) of the itching. In addition to skin evaluation under a microscope, testing may include skin cultures for bacteria or fungal infections, allergic skin or blood testing, and skin biopsies.

May 2014



The first step is to treat any associated infection. Antibiotics, anti-fungals, medicated shampoos, and topical medications are often used. Treatment for skin parasites is often recommended, as they may be present, but undetected (as detection can be difficult). A short course of anti-inflammatory medications like corticosteroids (e.g. prednisone) or anti-histamines may be beneficial to make your pet more comfortable and reduce skin inflammation while other medications are taking effect.

If itching remains after infection has been resolved, the next step is to check for an underlying allergy. Unfortunately, there is no easy and accurate test for food allergies. The best way to see if your pet has a food allergy is to feed a protein your pet has never been fed and see if the allergic symptoms subside. Many people believe that feeding an organic grain-free food will avoid a food allergy; but, in reality, any protein can trigger an allergic reaction in your pet. Be careful of trusting pet store foods described as hypoallergenic, as many have additional proteins, which may also cause your pet to react. Ask your veterinarian for a recommendation of food based on your pet’s history. He will most likely recommend a prescription hypoallergenic diet, or help you create a home-cooked recipe. Most allergic pets will show significant improvement within 4-6 weeks of a hypoallergenic food trial; though, some pets may not respond for several months. If returning to a previously fed food causes itchiness to return, a food allergy can then be confidently diagnosed. If itchiness persists after an infection has been resolved and after completing a food trial, the next step is to check for an environmental allergy (known as atopy). Skin or blood testing can help determine what your pet is allergic to (common allergens include pollens, grasses, or house mites) and allergy injections can be formulated for your pet, which will decrease their allergic responses and itchiness. Allergy injections are very well tolerated and often quite effective. They are the only treatment with the potential of curing your pet’s atopic symptoms.

WHAT MEDICATIONS CAN BE USED TO TREAT ITCHING? Corticosteroids (e.g. prednisone, triamcinolone, Medrol) are very effective medications to control itching over a short period of time. However, side effects, such as excessive thirst and urinating or agitation, can be annoying. In the long term, corticosteroids are not a healthy option for your pet, as they reduce the ability to fight infections and significantly affect metabolism. Ideally, steroids should only be used for short term control. Recently, a new medication called Apoquel has shown promise for itching management without worrisome side effects. Many pets also benefit from anti-histamines, fish oil supplements, and medicated shampoos. Removing allergens from the skin is often quite helpful as well. Pets may benefit from frequent warm water rinses or even daily wiping with baby wipes. It is always important to use shampoos specifically formulated for pets. Human shampoos are a different pH than pet shampoos and can greatly contribute to dry skin, becoming the initial cause of itching or an aggravating factor. Even when using a petspecific shampoo, always be sure to thoroughly rinse all the shampoo from your pet to avoid dry skin.

WILL MY PET’S ITCHING EVER GO AWAY? In many cases, yes! However, if an underlying allergy is diagnosed in your pet, management and control will keep your pet much more comfortable; but, itching and secondary skin infections may recur. These can be very frustrating to treat because they are chronic conditions with periodic relapses. However, knowing the cause and having the diagnosis treated allows your pet’s pruritic condition to be managed, resulting in a better quality of life. Dr. Lynn McCarron is the owner of University Veterinary Hospital and Diagnostic Center in Salt Lake City. She is Board certified in the veterinary care of canines and felines, and a member of the American Asssociation of Feline Practitioners. Originally from Ohio, Dr. McCarron has been practicing in Utah for more than twenty years.


Tonya Landon

What is the big deal of having to clean up dog poop out in public, especially on the trails? - Ralph

It is estimated that around 60% of dog owners do NOT pick up their dogs’ poop when out in public. There are approximately 74 million owned dogs in the United States. Sixty percent of that number is approximately 44 million dogs where the owners are NOT picking up their dogs’ poop. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average dog creates 273 pounds of feces a year. Combine that number with all the dogs in the United States and that is enough feces to cover 1,100 football fields, including the end zone, to the depth of 5 feet every year. NUMBER 1 REASON The number one reason why dogs are not allowed on trails, parks, schools and in other public places is because owners don’t clean up their dogs’ poop. It takes about12 months for the average dog feces to decompose. It’s important to know that dog feces do not make good fertilizer. It has the wrong nutrient content and is high in nitrogen. SPREAD OF DISEASE Dog feces can also cause dangers to humans. It has been estimated that a single gram of dog waste can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria that can cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal illness, and serious kidney disorders in humans and pets. Dog waste also carries dangerous worms, bacteria, and parasites that can infect people and other animals. The dogs’ feces will eventually decompose; however, the parasite eggs can linger for years. Leaving dog feces on the ground increases public health risks by allowing harmful parasites, bacteria, and nutrients to wash into storm drains, streams, rivers, and ground water. This is a serious problem for animals and humans that drink from these contaminated sources. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “the most effective way for pet owners to limit their pets’ contribution to waste water contamination is to simply clean up and dispose of pet waste.” RESPONSIBILITY

Please be a responsible pet owner and caring person­—clean up after your dog. If you have questions for Stetson, please send them to

May 2014

Being a responsible dog owner includes cleaning up after your dog at home and in public. Most people carry a plastic bag with them when out in public to clean up their dogs feces. The bag is then thrown in the nearest garbage can.

Pets In The City Magazine




Preventative Care in Cats Melissa Vetter, VMD

or most cat owners, their feline is not just a convenient mouse-catcher, but a bona fide, four-legged family member. However, visits to the veterinarian are fewer and farther between for cats than those for dogs, even though there are more pet felines than canines in the United States. This infrequency of medical check-ups stems from many sources: the misconception that cats are “self-sufficient” and do not require routine medical care, or that the cat is “healthy” or “fine” because he or she does not appear to be sick. Sometimes owners are concerned that the trip to the veterinarian’s office is too stressful for the cat; and often, it is very difficult or even downright impossible to even get the cat into the carrier. While it is true that a trip to the veterinarian can induce a little (or even a lot!) of anxiety for both owners and cats, the benefits of routine medical attention far outweigh the stress.

Pets In The City Magazine

Regular veterinary care is highly recommended for all cats, regardless of age or apparent health. Cats are extremely adept at hiding illness, which is a defense mechanism. In the wild, any animal showing signs of illness or weakness will be someone else’s evening meal; naturally, animals have evolved to hide these signs very well. By the time a cat is showing signs of illness, the cat is usually very sick. Some signs of illness are obvious, such as vomiting, diarrhea, rapid weight loss, or refusal to eat. However, some signs can be much more subtle. Sometimes something as seemingly innocent as a cat hiding more, not playing, not eating as much, or suddenly preferring canned food over dry food can be signs of an underlying illness, such as dental disease.


May 2014

All cats should be checked for and protected from parasites including fleas, ear mites, heartworms, and intestinal parasites. Outdoor-venturing cats are at an even higher risk of exposure. Many of the intestinal parasites can also be a serious

health problem for people, especially for children. Your veterinarian can advise you as to the risk of parasite infection that your cat may face, and can help you decide which preventative care is appropriate for your cat. As the golden years approach, which is about ten years and older for cats, many body systems can start to wear out. Common problems affecting older cats include diabetes, kidney problems, overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), arthritis, and even cancer. Sometimes the signs of these diseases can be subtle and insidious, and catching them early can improve the length and quality of your cat’s life. So, you may be asking yourself, how do I make the visit to the vet more enjoyable (or at least less stressful!) for my cat? Try to familiarize your cat with the carrier by leaving the carrier out, even when you are not planning to use it. Make it a fun, comfortable “safe haven” by adding towels or blankets, treats, toys, or catnip. Take the cat on car rides that do not end at the vet clinic, and use positive rewards. If your cat gets carsick and vomits in his/her carrier during travel, try withholding food a few hours prior to the trip. You can also use pheromones, such as Feliway spray, to reduce anxiety. Covering the carrier with a towel or blanket while in the car can also make the journey less stressful. Everyone wants to do what is best for the ones they love. Routine medical care for your feline friend can catch and address problems early, and prevent illness. After all, we as veterinarians and fellow animal lovers, and you, the pet parent, have been entrusted with a life. It is our responsibility and privilege to be their voice and advocate for their health and well-being. Dr. Vetter graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 2010. She practiced small animal medicine for two years in Baltimore, MD before journeying to Salt Lake City to join Sugar House Veterinary Hospital. Before becoming a veterinarian, Dr. Vetter worked in quality control in the pharmaceutical industry. During this time, she also volunteered at an aquarium working with penguins. She realized that caring for the health and well-being of these incredible animals was her true passion, and she decided to pursue a career in veterinary medicine.


0-6 months

Equivalent to 0-10 human years

Vaccines, fecal test, deforming, spay/neuter, microchip, Felt/FIV testing, parasite preventative.


6 months - 1 year

Equivalent to 12-24 human years

Annual exam, vaccines and fecal test, parasite preventative.


3-6 years

Equivalent to 28-40 human years

Annual exam, vaccines and fecal test, parasite preventative.


7-10 years

Equivalent to 44-56 human years

Exam every 6-12 months, vaccines, annual fecal test, parasite preventative. Consider annual blood work and urine test.


11-14 years

Equivalent to 60-72 human years

Exams every 6 months, vaccines, annual fecal test, blood work and urine test yearly or more often if needed, arthritis and other disease management if applicable.


15+ years

Equivalent to 76+ human years

Exams every 6 months, vaccines, annual fecal test, blood work and urine test yearly or more often if needed, arthritis and other disease management if applicable, address quality of life issues.

Pets In The City Magazine

May 2014


B R E E D A L L A B O U T IT The Siamese Personality Kim Justen

It was a four-hour round trip to meet a volunteer from a rescue organization at a truck stop to pick up Bang, a talkative one-year-old Siamese kitten, whom I had not met before hanging out in the car for the two-hour drive home. I sang. He yowled. I talked. He yowled. I stopped for ice cream. He… you get the idea. This was an unusual adoption. Although someone had come and viewed the house and met with me, I was adopting a cat from a rescue organization that was in a different state and six hours away from my home. The Siamese breed is fantastic; but, it is one of those breeds that people bring home because of their beauty, without really understanding their personality, which leads to a lot of rescue situations. In fact, the only reason I was able to rescue Bang, without meeting him first, was because I had grown up with a Siamese companion and assured the rescue organization that I knew what I was doing.

Pets In The City Magazine

When I brought Bang into the house, everything was relatively quiet. The children were in the bathtub and the dogs were fed and relaxed. I opened the carrier door and figured, if I waited a few minutes, Bang would slink out. Well, I had forgotten the Siamese attitude. Think of the “you are here to serve me” cat attitude, multiply it by ten, and you have the Siamese. Bang immediately walked out of the carrier and over to our 85-pound Pit Bull mix and brushed his head on the dog’s chin. He followed that up with a visit to our German Shepard mix, doing the same thing. In twenty seconds, Bang made it clear that he was “king of the castle”.

May 2014

Siamese form strong bonds with their family, including the family dog (as seen above); but, tend to favor one person in the family. Since I wanted Bang to bond the most with my daughter, I should have taken her in the car with me. However, getting two preschoolers in the car to go meet a cat was not feasible. By the time Bang and I got home, after that two-hour drive, it was too late; Bang was mine. He loved the children, the other cat, the dogs, but at the end of the day, he had a favorite—me.


Siamese are highly intelligent and curious. If you are willing to take the time, they are willing to learn. They tend to be climbers, even more than other cats. It is not unusual to find Bang on top of the kitchen cabinets, supervising dinner preparation. He loves to play, hates to be ignored, and expects – and demands – regular attention. There is nothing quite like the wakeup call of a

Siamese on the other side of the bedroom door at 4:00 a.m. The crying sound they make is unforgettable, and it is not a tame “meow.” Things to consider before rescuing a Siamese: • Do you travel a lot? Siamese do not like their companions to be gone from home for very long. Bang made his feelings clear upon our return home by marking a specific spot. We quickly learned to drop the bags and give him plenty of love to make up for our travel transgressions. • How long do you want this relationship to last? Siamese often live fifteen to twenty years. • Are you looking for an active and playful companion, or a lap cat? Siamese are persistent in demanding attention and playful, right into adulthood. While it is important with any adoption to meet the animal first, with Siamese, it is crucial. They are extremely social and very outgoing. It is necessary to visit with some Siamese to get to know the basic breed personality, before making a commitment. To find Siamese in your area, check out Siamese Rescue ( The website brings together Siamese rescue organizations from across the country, making it the best starting place to find your new friend.

Pets In The City Magazine

May 2014


Man’s Best Friend:

The Escape Artist Mona Mistric

Does your canine best friend have some Houdini genes in his pedigree? Does he roam the neighborhood without you? If your best friend is having trouble understanding the property boundaries, it’s time to invest in a fence. Let’s look at some of the different types of fencing. Wood fencing comes in a variety of styles: treated, pressure-treated, pine, cedar, dog-eared, boxed, panels, lattice, picket, lattice-panel combination, and even lattice with faux glass. Vinyl fencing can be purchased as a picket fence or in panels and comes in a variety of colors, such as white, sand, and chestnut. Chain-link fencing is made from galvanized steel wire, some with weather-resistant vinyl coating, usually green or black. It comes in 50 foot length rolls 3 to 12 feet in height. When choosing one of these fences pick one that is aesthetically pleasing to you, and high enough that your best friend cannot jump over it.

Pets In The City Magazine

Before discussing electric fences, which many people find scary, it’s important that you are aware that they are highly recommended by veterinarians, professional dog trainers and behavioral experts as being safe and humane. The correction is similar to the sensation you feel when you run your hand across a TV screen, which momentarily surprises you and gets your attention. Wireless fencing comes with a receiver collar and transmitters that allows you to create a fence boundary that contours to your property without digging. When the collar crosses the boundary a low-level static correction will occur. Keep in mind that obstructions such as aluminum siding, dense trees, heavy landscaping and outbuildings will interfere with the signal.

May 2014

Underground fencing comes with a receiver collar and a wire that you bury around the perimeter of your containment area, creating a closed loop. When the collar crosses the boundary, an audible warning tone sounds. If your dog walks back into the containment area, the tone shuts off. If your dog continues to move toward the boundary, he will hear the warning sound again and receive a static correction (five different levels), determined by you.

can step over it. Your best friend is unsure how high the sensation reaches and will not jump over it. This is relatively easy to install and remove. People often put up a fence and then let their best friend out into the yard to figure out for himself what he is supposed to do. Instead, try the following


1) Introduce your friend to the yard and supervise him, at least until you are confident he will not decide to visit the neighbors unannounced.

2) Walk the perimeter a few times with him to let him know where the

boundaries are. Make sure he understands what is permissible and what is not.

3) Find yourself a comfortable spot and let your friend wander around.

When he approaches the fence, call him back to you. When he comes to you, give effusive praise. Repeat this over and over. Gradually, he will tire of being called back and learn not to go near the boundaries of the yard. Fenced-in yards are often boring; causing your friend to escape in search of adventure, believing something beyond is more interesting. If you make the yard a fun place, he will be less likely to explore elsewhere.

4) Play games he enjoys. 5) Work on obedience skills and give tasty rewards. 6) When you’re not actively playing with him, provide chew toys for him to entertain himself.

Your friend might be stressed because of a lack of exercise, especially if your yard is small.

7) Take him for a walk every day, rain or shine. On weekends, take him

to a dog park and let him stretch out his muscles or drive to an open field and let him explore on a long 50’ leash.


Horse wire fencing consists of up to 2 strands of electrified rope stretched Fencing can be expensive, but safe and effective is the desired outcome. If hand-tight between small-diameter wood, steel, or large fiberglass posts and you’re handy, you can install it yourself. Make sure you keep it is used mostly in large yards. The fence is usually low (about 2 feet) so people in good repair.

Pets In The City Magazine

May 2014



Baby Chicks & Bunnies

Douglas W. Folland, DVM, DABVP (Avian)

Pets In The City Magazine

Spring is a wonderful time of renewal, as the trees begin to blossom and flowers are everywhere. Cute little chicks and bunnies are part of that tradition, and perhaps remind us of the newness of life. They are sold in farm supply stores and garden centers. They are a magnet to children, and sometimes adults. The impulse to acquire these babies is strong, and often occurs without much forethought. Once they are in your care, whether planned or not, there are some important things to consider in order for your babies to thrive. Also, Chicks rapidly become chickens and bunnies grow into adult rabbits. How will you care for them, and what will you do with them after the cuteness wears off?



May 2014

The care of young chicks is relatively easy. They initially need an enclosed area with 12 inch side walls; but, within a week or two, the chicks will be able to escape, so higher walls are better. Two square feet, with another square foot for each additional chick, will be suitable for up to four weeks. Wood shavings are a good substrate for the bottom. The feeder should

be placed on a piece of plywood or cardboard to reduce the chance of the chicks ingesting shavings for the first week. An overhead heat lamp should be provided, starting at 100⁰F and decreasing by 5⁰F each week. A commercial chick starter formula should be fed for the first ten to twelve weeks, then convert to an adult ration. Fresh water is necessary at all times.


Bunnies should be fully weaned when purchased, which occurs at about six to seven weeks of age. Rabbits can be house pets, and there is excellent information available on this subject at If kept outdoors, they need an enclosure that is protected from rain, snow, and especially from the heat. Rabbits are much more tolerant of cold than By the time the chicks are four to heat. If the temperatures are above six weeks old, they will need to be 90⁰F they will need to be moved to a moved to an outdoor enclosure. The cooler area. The hutch should have coop needs to provide protection a combination of wire and a solid from the elements and predators. surface floor. In the summer they Raccoons, skunks, weasels, foxes, cats are highly susceptible to fly strike and dogs are the biggest risk. Most (maggots), if their fur gets soiled, so are nocturnal, so having the ability to keeping them clean is a must. lock the roosting area will protect the chicks. Dogs are most active during Bunnies and adult rabbits eat pretty the day, so providing a coop strong much the same type of food. Their enough to keep dogs out is important digestive systems require high fiber too. diets to function properly. The diet should consist of a small amount As the chickens get older, they of commercial rabbit pellets (1/4 can be allowed to free range in the - 1/3 cup) and unlimited amounts yard. They can be very effective in of Timothy hay. We recommend reducing insect pests and snails; Oxbow products because of their but be aware, they are attracted to high quality source of pellets newly disturbed soil, so recently and hay. A small amount of fresh planted seeds and plants will often be vegetables can also be offered. These uprooted and destroyed. should be gradually introduced

to avoid diarrhea. Occasionally, fruit can be offered in very limited amounts, as the high sugar content of fruits and other sources of simple carbohydrates can adversely affect the digestive system. We recommend annual health examinations and spaying/neutering rabbits as a way to reduce the risk of serious disease; such as cervical cancer, which is quite common in older females. Please consider the consequences of acquiring baby chicks or bunnies this spring. They can make fine pets; however, like any pet, it takes some effort to provide them with the proper care. Good luck with your new spring pets.

Dr. Doug Folland is the owner of Parrish Creek Veterinary Clinic in Centerville. He has been practicing avian medicine for 31 years and is board certified by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in avian practice. He has served as staff veterinarian of Tracy Aviary for 21 years.

Pets In The City Magazine

May 2014


Animals In The News Chanté McCoy

AMERICANS SUPPORT CRIMINALIZING ANIMAL FIGHTS The Agricultural Act of 2014 (or “The Farm Bill”) signed into law on February 7 contains a provision called the “Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act.” This provision makes attendance of an animal fight, namely a dog or cock fight, a federal misdemeanor. While is it already a federal felony to organize dog fights, addressing attendance for all types of animal fights will also address the underlying financing via admission fees and gambling wagers. A Huffington Post/YouGov poll published in February indicates that 74 percent of Americans support this criminalization, with 52 percent “strongly supporting” it. Federal protections address the gaps in the patchwork system of state laws. All 50 states are on board with classifying dog fighting as a felony. Laws criminalizing cock fighting, on the other hand, are found in 37 states.

Pets In The City Magazine

While the national poll focuses on attendance, this finding aligns with a Utah poll from February 2013, where 70 percent of Utahns supported making cock fighting a felony. However, the Utah House of Representatives failed to pass S.B. 52, “Game Fowl Fighting Amendment” (sponsored by Sen. Gene Davis) in the 2013 session. Sen. Davis is back, again sponsoring the bill (now dubbed S.B. 112) to make cock fighting a felony. Utah is the only western state that treats this so-called “entertainment” as a misdemeanor and thus draws event organizers to the state, where the profits outweigh the misdemeanor fines.

May 2014



After a PETA exposé revealed that the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) maims animals in “medical

training exercises,” officials of the military branch announced in February that they will reduce the number of live animals by 50 percent and use more simulators in their exercises. In disturbing video footage released by PETA in 2012, USCG instructors were shown loping off semi-conscious goats’ leg with tree trimmers, removing organs while animals moaned and kicked, and stabbing animals with scalpels. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and members of Congress intervened as a result of the footage, with the USDA citing violations of the Animal Welfare Act and congressmen revisiting a military contract worth almost $1.8 million with Tier 1 Group, LLC, which provided the “training.” As of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013, the military is now required to “transition to using human-based training methods for the purpose of training members of the Armed Forces in the treatment of combat trauma injuries.” DOGS AND CATS SEE IN ULTRAVIOLET Many animals are known to see in the ultraviolet (UV) range. Insects, birds, fish, and some reptiles and amphibians can see light that falls in the “invisible” light spectrum beyond the reds and violets that humans discern. Now, it appears that cats and dogs are included in the list of

animals capable of this ability.

4 a “ m p c

A British study published in February shows that cats and dogs (as well as some other mammals) A have UV-transparent lens that allow UV light R to reach the retinas which convert the light into K nerve signals that reach the brain where the t visual system interprets the information.

S Seeing in this light range has many benefits, such o as allowing animals to see better in the dark, M to discern patterns (such as those on flowers t that direct bees to the nectar), to follow urine a trails, and to see animals (such as predators) e that might blend in with the environment via b camouflage.

R Human eyes block out UV light. According to C some theories, this may improve visual acuity. Animals with the highest resolution vision, such I as raptors, have lenses filtering out UV light. r a The ability to see in this range might explain some behaviors, such as cats’ fascination with certain objects. The study also found that rodents, hedgehogs, bats, ferrets and okapis have UV vision. 42,000 ENDANGERED SEA TURTLES LEGALLY KILLED IN 2013 A study published in February reports that over

42,000 sea turtles are being killed each year, and that number only reflects those reported as “legal kills.” The turtles are purposely killed for meat or income from the illegal trade of “turtle products,” or slain inadvertently as a result of commercial fishing for other species.

All seven species of sea turtles—Flatback, O. Ridley, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Leatherback, and K. Ridley—are considered endangered. Green turtle kills were the highest reported at 37,000.

Sea turtles may be legally killed in 42 countries or territories, including Japan, Australia, and Mexico. Ten countries account for 90 percent of the kills, with Papua New Guinea at 36 percent and Nicaragua at 22 percent. Since 1980, the estimate is that over two million have been killed by these countries.


In early March, a Novato, CA rescued dog returned the favor of rescuing his human. Max, a German Shepherd, pulled his unconscious

80-year-old owner out of bed and dragged him by the arm into the hallway. Jack Farrell, knocked out by carbon monoxide poisoning, gained consciousness at that point and was able to call 911. While the man was initially more concerned with his bleeding arm, the fire fighters who arrived on the scene smelled natural gas and soon realized that the carbon monoxide accumulation had reached a deadly level at 75 parts per million (fire fighters will don their breathing gear at 25 parts/million). A clogged gas-powered wall heater caused the CO2 leak. “I’d be dead,” said Farrell. “He saved my life.” NO-KILL UTAH CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED On March 30, Best Friends Animal Society and a coalition of 36 animal welfare organizations announced the No-Kill Utah campaign. With a generous $1 million grant from Maddie’s Fund, these organizations strive to save 90 percent of Utah’s shelter animals by 2019.

The coalition of shelters and rescue organizations is now setting its sights on the final stretch for the 90-percent goal. Innovative approaches to improve the survival rate include pet super adoptions, Furburbia pet adoption centers in malls, the Big Fix statewide mobile clinic for neutering and spaying, trap/neuter/ return (TNR) programs for feral cats, and corporate partnerships, such as Squatters Chasing Tail Ale and Hooters for Neuter.

May 2014

The campaign is modeled on the No-Kill Los Angeles initiative that is on target to meet the same goal in 2017. If Utah reaches this goal, it will be the second state in the country, after New Hampshire, to do so.

Pets In The City Magazine

The goal is manageable as Utah is already on track with the 1999 No More Homeless Pets initiative put forward by Best Friends. Now, 23 of the state’s 56 shelters have already reached this goal, allowing for a 10-percent kill of animals euthanized on account of health or behavioral problems. In 2013, Utah cities and counties reported a 70-percent survival rate as a result.


Mistaken Identity Sarah Tyler I wasn’t worried the first night Sparky didn’t come home. Maybe a little concerned, but not worried. Living in rural Virginia, there were plenty of times when our cat would run off into the woods and explore, taking days to return. It wasn’t until the end of the week that I got worried. Where had Sparky gone?


May 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

Sparky was every bit the embodiment of his name. He was a ball of energy and a very playful kitty. He just loved the excitement of the outdoors. He climbed trees, chased birds, and enjoyed visiting our neighbors. They enjoyed him too. A new family moved in down the street. I had not guessed that Sparky was in such danger. I hadn’t met them and didn’t know anything about them either. I figured I’d say hello eventually; but, it wasn’t one of my top priorities. If I had known their love for guns, and their feelings on feral animals, maybe I would have handled things differently. I would have insisted that my cat be an indoor cat, instead of having the option to choose. Each night I went outside, calling his name, searching the woods for him. The neighbors hadn’t seen him in a few days, and the new neighbors weren’t very forthcoming with information. It hadn’t occurred to me at the time that they were hiding something. As the days passed, I knew the chance of his return was slim. I spread out my search, checking with animal control and visiting shelters. This turned up nothing. Where had Sparky gone? His return was as surprising as his disappearance. He showed up at the back door, crying for attention. He was skin and bones. It was clear he hadn’t eaten in days. His matted fur

was clumped with dried, red dirt and he struggled to walk. I scooped him up and ran into the house. First, I put him in front of his water bowl; and then, I let him eat his fill of cat food. When he finished, I proceeded to clean him with a damp paper towel. To my horror, I discovered that the red dirt in his fur was not mud, or clay, but dried blood. The more I worked the scabby flecks from his coat, the more his injury was revealed. He had a bullet wound on the saggy pouch of skin, just in front of his legs. The hole was small. It couldn’t have been from anything bigger than a .20 caliber. Thank God it didn’t go all the way through. It was just a flesh wound and had already started to heal. A few weeks later, I discovered what had happened to Sparky the night he disappeared. My new neighbors saw him crossing through the woods near the edge of their yard. They figured no one would miss a fleabitten stray cat. Plus, they didn’t want him coming around their kids or rummaging through their trash, as they assumed the cat would do. In their eyes, they were doing everyone a favor, purging the neighborhood of a disease ridden feline with no owner. So, they loaded a small rifle and proceeded to shoot at Sparky in an attempt to scare him off, or even kill him–whichever happened was fine by them. Sparky and I are just lucky they didn’t get in a clean shot. That is the only reason he didn’t sustain a more serious injury. With some time to rest and recoup, Sparky was back to being himself in no time at all. The danger of ignorance and misconceptions about feral animals caused a very real risk to my pet. Consequently, Sparky has lost his freedom to choose and is now an indoor cat.

Rescue Me Kip is a 2 year old Australian Cattle Dog mix.

He is current on all vaccinations, is neutered, micro chipped and crate trained. He is an active, intelligent boy that is looking for an active home and someone to bond with. He loves to chew on rawhides. Second Chance for Homeless Pets 801-590-8999

louie (the great)

4 year old neutered male black cat. He is super friendly and gets along with other cats, dogs and kids. He loves to snuggle and be with people. Second Chance for Homeless Pets 801-590-8999

Ryu - Neutered Male - 6 years old - Red

Tabby/White - Domestic Short hair Don’t I just have the cutest little freckles on my nose? Well I also have a really cute personality! I’m a little bit shy at first but, I really love affection and you can win my heart with a few treats. I would love to find a home where I will have a comfortable place to relax and feel loved. Please email or call 801-574-2440.

Mia - Spayed Female - 6 years old - Gray -

Domestic Medium Hair I am an absolute princess and want everyone to notice my radiant green eyes and long flowing gray hair! At 6 years old, I love to be pet and brushed behind my ears and I will always greet you at the door. I don’t mind the presence of other animals but, I prefer the company of people to furry friends. Don’t worry about me being too needy as I also love to lounge in the sun! Please email or call 801-574-2440.

Pets In The City Magazine

May 2014


Respect Feral Cats: Trap-Neuter-Return Deborah Myers

FERAL CAT TERMINOLOGY Feral Cat – A feral cat is typically the wild offspring of a domestic cat or a domestic housecat who was abandoned, and over time, has become extremely fearful of humans. It is distinguished from a stray cat, which is a pet cat that has been lost or abandoned, but still thinks of humans as possible caretakers. The offspring of a stray cat can be considered feral if born and raised in the wild.

In every city you will find volunteers and caretakers that assume the responsibility of Trap, Neuter and Return, (TNR). Altering feral cats prevents tremendous suffering and shields the cats from the hostility they might otherwise draw from human neighbors. Returning them to their own territory and providing them with adequate food, shelter, and of course, population control; gives them the opportunity to live among their own, to be free, and to answer to their own unique natures. If you want to help community cats, contact the following feral cat resource groups:

Feral Cat Colony – This term is used when wild or stray communities of cats live together in a specific location. A colony can range from three to twenty-five cats and can be found anywhere there is food. Feral Kittens – This term refers to the offspring or descendants of feral cats. Research shows that early socialization with humans will help feral kittens obtain the possibility of adoption. The socialization stage is three to eight weeks of age; after that, it is harder to tame these kittens.

BEST FRIENDS ANIMAL SOCIETY: Provides a voucher program that allows Utah’s community cats to be spayed or neutered for free. The cats must be truly feral or “un-owned and free roaming”. Email or call 1-866-PETS-FIX (1-866-738-7349).

Feral Cat Caretaker – This is a person who takes on the responsibility for the health and well-being of a colony. The individual provides long term care, food, water, and shelter. The caretaker continues to monitor the colony making sure that no kittens are born.

HUMANE SOCIETY OF UTAH: Provides a 16 minute video and FAQs to help you with the best care possible for your feral cats.

Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR) – This is a non-lethal and humane cat population control plan. Volunteers work together to sterilize and release feral cats back to their colony area. Vouchers are available from local rescues to be used at participating veterinarians. The cats receive vaccinations and long lasting flea treatments for free or at a reduced rate. This varies with each participating spay/neuter clinic.


May 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

PAWS: Provides information on their website www. before you begin to trap feral cats. They also encourage you to consider becoming a caretaker for the cat or colony.

Feral Trap Cats Eating

Cats Eating

Fold newspaper & line bottom of trap

Ear-Tipped Feral Cat

Set trap with blanket covering all sides

Add tuna in oil or other smelly bait of choice Leave enough fabric over the trap door so that it will fall over the door completely. NEVER set an uncovered trap unless you are nearby to cover it immediately after the cat is trapped. This will prevent many injuries.

Ear-tipped feral cat and instructional feral trap photos: Courtesy of Best Friends Animal Society.

Cat Shelter

Pets In The City Magazine

May 2014



May 2014

Pets In The City Magazine


d e n i a r T

to Serve

Karen Stagnaro

Sophie and I started with a basic initial training called a runaway. The actions of your human subject are critical in this early stage. The dog must know that this game is the most exciting and wonderful event that has ever happened in its life. Your subject must have the dog’s ball and be excited and over the top in enthusiasm. (If your subject is not embarrassed by their actions, they aren’t wildly excited enough.) Once the subject is hidden, the dog is given its search command, and then the dog is released. The highdrive dog will have all her attention focused on finding this person. As soon as the person is found, the dog receives her prized ball and the subject and dog have an exciting celebratory party. Once a dog has mastered certain basic skills, training is continued, adding one change at a time, thus increasing the difficulty level in order to progress. In September of 2012 Sophie passed her first wilderness test, consisting of locating a hidden subject in a wilderness area of about 160 acres. She demonstrated her ability to locate scent; and even more importantly, she demonstrated her ability to relay that valuable information to her handler. In the spring of 2013 she passed her second wilderness test of locating two hidden subjects in a 250 acre area. Finally, last month she passed her cadaver certification test. Sophie has been on several searches, and while she has not officially made a “find” by herself, she, in addition to the rest of the team, has been instrumental in clearing sections of a search area to narrow down the likely location in which the victim may be found. We, as a team, receive incredible appreciation for our work from family members of the lost and missing. During one of our searches, the father of a missing boy came up to us and expressed his gratitude for the work we were doing to help him and his family get some answers, and ultimately closure. Karen Stagnaro is a member of Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs, a non-profit, all volunteer organization, which is on call 24 hours a day.

Pets In The City Magazine

Sophie is a three year-old black and white spotted Border Collie and Labrador mixed breed. As a puppy she was found roaming the streets of Manti. She was taken in by a rescue organization and placed up for adoption. Looking for a hiking companion, as well as a possible search dog candidate, I drove down to Manti from Salt Lake City to meet her. Even at 16 weeks of age distinctive personality traits clearly showed through: curiosity with attempts to solve a problem, loyalty to her foster home mom, ability and desire to learn quickly, and a very strong playful drive. I was excited to learn she possessed some of these critical traits, as I was interested in teaching her the “game” of search and rescue. She would first and foremost be part of the family, which included an older disabled (and rescued) Border Collie mix and two cats—one friendly, the other, not so much. By avoiding the not so friendly cat, she meshed into our family easily and quickly. We feel lucky to have found her.

As Sophie grew, I started playing games of hide and seek with her. She loved the attention and excitement of the game, and was always ready to play. Very shortly thereafter, her obsession with balls appeared, and I knew she would make a good search dog candidate.

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Madame Tabu’s


FOR YOU AND YOUR PETS Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

May 2014

Your commitment to current projects increases when Venus enters your sign this month, but make time to play with your companion animal to stay balanced.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) Throw logic out the window this month; pack up the car and take your pet on a road trip for the long Memorial Day weekend.

Cancer (Jun 22 – July 22) If you feel yourself getting down this month, pet your companion animal to lift your mood.

Leo (July 23 – Aug 22) You take pride in your personal appearance. Try a new hair color or style this month—and be sure to keep your pet groomed for optimum comfort too.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22) Take advantage of the sentimental streak that the influence of Mercury in Cancer brings this month and be sure to tell your pet how much you love her.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22) Ball-playing doesn’t need to stay in stadiums this month: make sure to curb spring fever by getting outdoors and playing ball with your pet.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)


May 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

With Venus in Aries this month, your flirty nature flourishes. Make your pet your dating wing man to win favor with other animal lovers.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) As you’re enjoying the great outdoors this month, don’t forget the sunscreen—and don’t forget to protect your pet from fleas and ticks too.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19) Your home improvement projects can use some color, so pick out new throw pillows for a room. And, while you’re at it, get a colorful treat for your pet.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Trying to teach your pet a new trick? Be careful not to get doggone stubborn about it around the full moon on May 14.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Celebrations are your forte, so give Mother’s Day a unique twist—shower the pet mom in your life with a small token of appreciation from her companion animal.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Let your leadership skills take center stage this month and organize a pet-friendly neighborhood potluck to get to know your human neighbors and their companion animals.

Madam Tabu’s horoscopes are translated through the human pet psychic Jennafer Martin,

Pets In The City Magazine

May 2014


Saving Lives



Herky’s Story

Theresa Foster Herky, a male black Lab, was born at the Red Desert Humane Society Shelter in Rock Springs, WY, where he lived the first six months of his life, until we rescued him. This was my husband’s very first experience with canine companionship and it was truly love at first sight. When we moved to Salt Lake City, we started taking Herky for walks in Tanner Park, where we discovered he loved leaping off the rocks and jumping into the water. When he was four years old we took him to his very first dock-jumping event. He was a natural, reaching over 14 feet his very first time. The next year we took him to the Splash Dog Nationals in Las Vegas, NV, where he placed sixth in the event. His personal best is now over 23 feet! Herky is a very high energy boy. We usually attend three or four events with him each year and he is always a crowd favorite, because he jumps so high!


May 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

Through the dock-jumping events, Herky has introduced us to a whole new world of friends

and their canine companions. Conversations flowed easily and we learned about dog sports, rescue, foster care and the dreaded Black Dog Syndrome. Since we always thought black dogs were the best, we were surprised to learn people usually pass them up for lighter colored companions. Most people are not aware how doomed black dogs are when they leave them at a pound or shelter. They are often the last to be adopted out, if at all. Black dogs, particularly black Labs or Lab mixes, are euthanized at a horrifying rate. Herky is now eight years old and still strikingly handsome with his shiny black coat, and just as much fun as the day we met him. He inspired us to rescue more black dogs. We now have six more rescue dogs—three black Labs, a Weimaraner, a Min Pin and a Min Pin Mix. We have also fostered many dogs from several different rescue organizations. Herky is also an ambassador for Labs, black dogs and shelter dogs. He has been a celebrity judge for a costume contest, been on the news several

times, and been in two newspaper articles about his dock-jumping skills. He even has his own Facebook page. Thanks to Herky stealing our hearts, we are involved with rescuing, fostering and promoting awareness to the community about the Black Dog Syndrome. If you are thinking about adopting a dog, please don’t overlook black dogs. They are just as loving and wonderful as lighter colored dogs. Last year, to help raise awareness about the Black Dog Syndrome, I decided to do a 30 day “Black Dog Photo Challenge” on Facebook. Every day for a month I took my canine companions to different areas around the valley and photographed them to show the world how fun and beautiful they really are. Their album has been shared over and over; plus, other people are sharing their own black dog photos! I just started my “Black Dog Photo Challenge” on Facebook again this year. I hope you will join me in posting your black dog photos too. My husband and I have so much fun with our “rescue” companions that we want to share some of those special moments with everyone.

Saying Goodbye Zorro

November 2013 - April 3, 2014 He was a funny little guy with big floppy pink ears and a bigger personality. All he wanted to do was play with his friends: Jubilee, Pumpa and Zhu Zhu and his 3 sisters. He never stopped moving and whenever he thought he wasn’t getting enough attention he would stand on 2 back legs and chirp until someone would notice. His favorite treats were carrots and fresh spinach and he didn’t think he should ever be without them.

We thought he would be a joy in our lives for many years. But he crossed the Rainbow Bridge much too early. We are very sorry to have to say goodbye so soon but Zorro we want you to know that you are loved and won’t be forgotten. Good Bye Little One!!

Pets In The City Magazine May 2014 27

y l m i Fu n Fa Winners of the Pet category for the Holladay Arts Council annual Photography Contest! The Holladay Arts Council hosted a free photography workshop on Saturday, April 5th, 2014. Professional photographer and teacher Kerry Jones instructed the class for amateur to intermediate photographers. Awards were presented to the following winners at a reception April 18th, for the category “Best Pet Photograph”. Congratulations to you all from Pets in the City Magazine!


May 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

1st place is Madeline Margetts

2nd place is Sage Nelsen

Caption Contest! Fill in your caption here:

Scan and email it to: Or mail your finished picture to: PICM • 470 E. Mill Street • Bountiful, Utah 84010 We must receive all submissions by 05/20/14.

3rd place is Doug Mottonen

y l m i Fu n Fa

Kids Love Animals!

It’s a fun day at the Children’s Cottage when the Celebration begins!

Jayme’s 6th Birthday Party fun provided by, “ The Farm Petting Zoo and Pony Rides.”

Happy Birthday Jayme from Pets in the City Magazine!

Caught in the Act of Doing Good Pets In The City Magazine

On Earth Day, at RONIE’S FOR THE LOVE OF BIRDS store in Sandy, a birthday girl invited her friends to help raise money for rescue birds. (Instead of buying her presents), The group contributed $60 and made a donation of bird toys. Thanks for helping the rescue birds!

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! e l i Sm

Ellie & Jeep

Zoey Noodle


Olivia & Gabriel


Plato, Bento & Ollie

Trigger Dash Princess

Pets In The City Magazine

Charlie & Luna

Buddy Love

Want to share a photo of your pet?

May 2014 30

Rudy Foo




Please include a high resolution photo of your pet and your pet’s name.






Thor Olympia

Pets In The City Magazine



May 2014





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