Major League Baseball Players Trust 2017 Report

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There is strength in numbers. As is the case with the Major League Baseball Players Association and all unions, the Players Trust’s strength is in its solidarity. We are the players on all thirty major league rosters and this is OUR collective charity. For more than 20 years, we’ve used our collective voice, our collective resources and our collective passion to make a positive impact in the lives of millions of people around the world.

MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYERS 2017 ANNUAL REPORT A Message from the Trustees and Director........................................................ 1 What is the Players Trust?................................... 2 Strength In Numbers Major Leaguers Care Deeply.............................. 4

Teaming Up for Greater Impact Program & Partnership Highlights........................10 Working Locally, Nationally & Around the Globe....12 2017 Beneficiaries............................................13 What We Do for Players......................................14 Players Choice Awards.......................................15

Major Leaguers Act Responsively....................... 6

Financial Report...................................................16

Major Leaguers Inspire by Example.................... 8

Get Involved with the Players Trust.......................17


A Message from the Trustees and Director

Responding to Crises: During 2017, the world witnessed an unprecedented string of natural disasters that impacted many of the communities players call home. We were eager to help, announcing our fourth $1 million commitment to assist those impacted, bringing our total to more than $5 million in disaster relief and rebuilding efforts.

Major Leaguers understand the importance of teamwork. We know that by working together to leverage our strength, the impact of our actions can be multiplied. Through the Trust, we pool our resources to support efforts that provide hope, sustainability and create lasting change. We use our collective platform and celebrity to inspire others to get involved in their communities, as well. Together, we helped build homes, communities, character and futures. We rolled up our sleeves to invest in causes in which we believe, and to provide critical help where it was needed most.

Tony Clark, Trustee

Andrew Miller, Trustee

Introducing Youth to New Experiences: Through our popular Buses for Baseball program, we treated hundreds of disadvantaged youth to an unforgettable trip to a Major League ballpark. In Kansas City and Minnesota the groups also enjoyed educational visits to the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum and the Minnesota History Center as part of their Buses outings. Encouraging Volunteerism: Players inspired hundreds of teens across the country to volunteer in support of causes important in their communities and to build their leadership skills while serving as Action Team Captains. In the pages that follow, you will learn more about our diverse programs and dedicated partners. We are also excited to be on the brink of launching a new era for the Trust — a focus on something dear to our hearts — youth baseball and the life lessons this great game provides its participants. We encourage you to visit and follow us on social media @MLBPlayersTrust to keep up to date with all of our charitable endeavors. We look forward to the future as we continue to care, act, and inspire in the years to come.

Daniel Murphy, Trustee

Melissa Persaud, Director

Pictured above: It’s all about teamwork! On the field and off, Major Leaguers Mallex Smith, Brett Hayes and Bruce Maxwell know there’s strength in numbers.

What is the Players Trust? The Trust is the charitable arm of the Major League Baseball Players Association. Major Leaguers care deeply about the places where we live and work. The Players Trust was the first 501 (c) 3 charitable foundation in professional sports run by the players themselves. We are committed to making a difference in our communities by contributing time, money, and celebrity to call attention to important issues affecting the needy and encouraging others to get involved as well.

• As players, we recognize our unique position; we understand and appreciate that our status as Major Leaguers provides a platform to make a positive impact. We take that responsibility to heart. • The Trust does not replace players’ individual charitable efforts in their communities, but rather provides a collective voice for players; it amplifies our ability to impact the world around us through our actions and words. • Players lead by example; we know that through the Trust we can inspire others to get involved with causes about which they are passionate. • The Trust makes a real difference on a daily basis. As a result of our programming, teens are volunteering in their communities, underserved populations are being treated to incredible baseball experiences, and lives around the world are being changed through medical and financial assistance.

We’ve distributed more than $24 million to 1,120 charities.

We’ve provided more than $5 million to support disaster relief and recovery worldwide.

We’ve inspired more than 100,000 high school students to volunteer.




There is strength in numbers, and we embrace the power that working together affords us as we channel our efforts to care, act, and inspire on a daily basis.

Lorenzo Cain and all Major Leaguers are dedicated and passionate about working together to provide unforgettable memories and opportunities for youth from underserved communities.




Children in Opa-Locka, Florida celebrate their new playground — courtesy of the Players Trust.

Providing a brand new safe play space for youth in South Florida We embrace the communities where we live and work. As South Florida welcomed the baseball family for the All-Star festivities in July, we wanted to express our gratitude by leaving a lasting legacy. To that end, we partnered with KaBOOM! to build a playground in Opa-Locka, Florida and provided free vision screenings for youth in partnership with Our Children’s Vision. Trust volunteers, including MLBPA staff and former

Major Leaguers, spent the day working alongside community members to build a brand new playground based on the designs of several neighborhood kids. And, understanding that even one additional hour of outdoor play each day can prevent certain eye problems, we offered free visual assessments and corrective lenses for all who needed them (approximately 35–40% of those screened).

Players Trust programs and partnerships reflect our diverse backgrounds and interests. We care deeply about the places where we live and work and are dedicated to directly serving these communities and 4 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYERS TRUST


We took 500 kids out to watch a game and meet players.


We gave a community of 1,880 children a place to play.

World Series champion Alex Bregman cheers on a New York city youngster during the Trust’s annual Harlem clinic for autistic youth.

Taking a new generation out to the ballgame We are passionate about the game of baseball and sharing it with others. For reasons including limited economic resources, physical disability, and intellectual challenges, many children do not have a chance to play the game in their own communities let alone attend a Major League game. Through our popular Buses for Baseball program, each year we transport hundreds of disadvantaged youth to a Major League game where we get the chance to interact with them and treat them to a

memory-filled day at the ballpark. For the fifth consecutive year, we partnered with the NY Center for Autism Charter School and DREAM in Harlem, New York for a baseball extravaganza. Parents were able to watch their children in a “traditional” little league setting, something that most parents take for granted. We also shared the game internationally by partnering with the U.S. State Department’s Sports Envoy program in Ecuador, Romania, and Nigeria.

leaving a lasting, sustainable impact. We give funds, but as importantly, we give our time to causes dear to us. 2017 Report 5




Christian Yelich and José Altuve trade in their bats for hammers to help frame homes for victims of Hurricane Harvey.

Using resources for short and long-term impact When disasters strike, Major Leaguers strike back. Through the Players Trust, we help by providing financial and in-person support to aid in relief and recovery efforts; since 2005 the Trust has contributed more than $5 million to that end. We took a long-term approach following Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, the tsunami in Japan, and other disasters worldwide, committing to help for periods of up to a decade. In 2017 following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, the California wildfires, and the earthquake

in Mexico, the Trust made a $1 million commitment to the long-term rebuilding efforts. Players gathered and distributed supplies on their own and in partnership with the Trust, and their contributions were magnified by the Trust’s disaster relief matching grant program. The players’ actions were on full display when more than 40 current and former Major Leaguers joined forces to frame houses for victims displaced by the flooding in Houston, and to compile holiday care packages for families returning home.

Whether it be in response to a natural disaster or existing conditions in a place Major Leaguers call home, players are eager to heed the call to action. And it is not enough to simply act — we want to 6 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYERS TRUST


We funded 310 low-interest loans to help Dominican families create businesses.


We committed $1 million to assist with disaster relief and recovery.

Happy graduates of Esperanza International’s vocational training course, which is funded by a grant from the Players Trust.

Supporting long-term international partners We remain committed to improving the living conditions and health of people around the globe. We didn’t let our response to the disasters distract from our efforts to support our long-time international charitable partners. Through long-term relationships with Medicines for Humanity and Esperanza International, the Trust continued to train health care promoters and provide life-saving vitamins and medicines, improved water and sanitation conditions, and access to microfinance capital for women to start

their own businesses in the Dominican Republic — a place so many of us call home. Since 2002, the Trust has provided close to $970,000 to support Medicines for Humanity initiatives. These funds have been used to purchase medicines that would have cost more than $7 million if purchased at U.S. average wholesale prices, as well as to fund the operation of mobile clinics and training for community health workers.

leave these areas in a better state than we found them. We seek to empower the local citizens to continue the efforts we’ve begun. 2017 Report 7




Zach Britton and Action Team Captains from West Ranch High School in CA represent the thousands of teens and Players dedicated to inspiring the next generation of volunteers.

Creating a movement of change Through the Players Trust, we have been dedicated to spreading the spirit of volunteerism. We support causes important to us as a group, and we encourage others to do the same. A great example of this is the Action Team national youth volunteer program, which we operate with human services partner, Volunteers of America. This unique program recruits and trains high school students to serve as Action Team Captains, who in turn deliver an important message to their peers: volunteering is cool, fun, and personally rewarding.

Action Team Captains Rachel, from Cleveland, Ohio, and Hishaam, from Tampa, Florida stood out as shining examples of what today’s youth can do. We followed these two amazing high school students as they juggled school-work and extracurricular activities to make time to volunteer in support of causes important in their lives and communities. You can view their extraordinary volunteer efforts on the Action Team website and YouTube channel.

The Players Trust believes in recognizing and encouraging the next generation of leaders and volunteers. We honor Action Team Captains by providing college scholarships each year to 20 outstanding Captains. 8 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYERS TRUST



We recruited 1,000 high school students to volunteer in their communities.

We gave $132,000 in scholarships to deserving students chasing their dreams.

Michael Weiner Scholarship for Labor Studies recipients are pursuing careers in support of workers’ rights. 2017 recipients include: Samantha Groark, University of Missouri School of Law ; Susannah Maltz, CUNY School of Law; Tyler Somes, University of Texas School of Law ; Melissa Britton, CUNY School of Law ; Colleen Fewer, Berkeley School of Law.

Funding scholarships to empower young people The Trust has created college scholarship programs to support socially-aware students seeking to make a difference in the world. We assist Action Team Captains by providing college scholarships each year to 20 outstanding Captains. To date, the Trust has awarded $358,500 in college scholarships to more than 210 students. We are also proud of the Michael Weiner Scholarship

for Labor Studies, which we created to honor the memory of former MLBPA Executive Director and Players Trust Trustee, Michael Weiner. Through this scholarship program, we are helping law and graduate students in their pursuit of careers dedicated to preserving and growing the labor movement in the U.S. And we are developing a community of these like-minded individuals who will advance workers’ rights in the years to come.

To date, the Trust has awarded $592,500 in scholarships to more than 225 students.

2017 Report 9


PROGRAMS AND PARTNERSHIP HIGHLIGHTS For 15 years, in collaboration with Volunteers of America, we have worked with high school students serving as Action Team Captains to recruit, train, and organize other students to deliver a simple message: volunteering is fun and personally rewarding.

For 17 years, we’ve hosted disadvantaged young people at our home ballparks around the country through our popular Buses for Baseball program. Groups receive free roundtrip transpor tation, t-shirts, tickets, food vouchers, and we personally greet and sign autographs and pose for pictures.

For two years the Trust has partnered with the Australia-based global nonprofit, Our Children’s Vision (OCV), to provide free vision screenings for underserved youth. OCV provides vision support and awareness to millions of children around the world each year.

KaBOOM! is a national nonprofit dedicated to ensuring that all kids get the childhood they deserve filled with balanced and active play, so they can thrive. This year the Trust teamed with KABOOM! in order to build a new playground in a South Florida community near the 2017 All-Star festivities.


ACTION TEAM HIGHLIGHTS • Since the program’s inception, it has inspired more than 100,000 students at 175 high schools nationwide to get involved, serving more than 305,000 people in their communities. • Awarded $358,500 in college scholarships to date.

BUSES FOR BASEBALL HIGHLIGHTS • Since 2000, we’ve treated 17,625 youth from 352 organizations to what has often been their first Major League game. • 50 players greeted kids from organizations including Tia’s Hope, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada, and Operation Breakthrough during the 2017 season.

OUR CHILDREN’S VISION HIGHLIGHTS • Gave comprehensive eye exams to dozens of youth in Opa-Locka, Florida, as part of an All-Star event at the Room2Bloom Day Care Center facilities. • Provided free glasses to those children who were examined and required corrective lenses.

KABOOM! HIGHLIGHTS • We built a new playground on the grounds of the Opa-Locka, Florida, daycare center, Room2Bloom. The center serves 125 children daily and provides the entire community (including 1,880 kids) with important programming from summer camps to community workforce development. • More than 200 Trust and community volunteers joined forces to erect the playground which was based on children’s drawings and designs. Players lent a hand on build day including former Marlins Andre Dawson, Cliff Floyd, Charles Johnson, and Bobby Bonilla.

SUPPORTING OUR CAUSES TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Since 2002, the Players Trust has teamed with Medicines for Humanity (MFH), a nonprofit dedicated to providing effective and transformative healthcare to children and pregnant women to prevent and reduce needless child deaths in the Dominican Republic and around the world.

For the second year in a row, the Players Trust aided the Jackie Robinson Foundation in its mission to help advance higher education through multi-year college scholarships and attendant support services.

The Trust entered into a partnership with the U.S. State Department Sports Envoy program to spread the game of baseball internationally. Sports Envoys are athletes and coaches who travel overseas to lead programs that were developed by U.S. embassies and consulates.

Habitat for Humanity (HFH) brings people together to build homes, communities and hope in order to fulfill its vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. In 2017 the Players Trust partnered with HFH to respond to housing crises caused by natural disasters across the Americas.

The Trust partnered with Pacific Prowler’s Operation Airdrop (OAD) to distribute supplies to those suffering in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. OAD is a recently formed and rapidly growing group of general aviation pilots who deliver relief supplies to areas hit hardest by natural disasters.

MEDICINES FOR HUMANITY HIGHLIGHTS • Over the course of the 15-year partnership with MFH, Players Trust donations have purchased medicines with a value of more than $7 million. • In 2017, the Trust continued its commitment to expand the capacity of the health staff at Hospital Rosa Duarte in Elias Piña, as well as in Las Matas de Farfan, Dominican Republic.

THE JACKIE ROBINSON FOUNDATION HIGHLIGHTS • The Players Trust awarded a $42,000 grant to the foundation to assist a Jackie Robinson Scholar with a four-year college scholarship. • The Trust hosted a luncheon for several Jackie Robinson Scholars at the MLBPA offices, where they interacted with Major Leaguer Chris B. Young, MLBPA Executive Director, Tony Clark, and Judy Pace Flood (widow of Curt Flood).

U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT SPORTS ENVOY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • Former Players Luis Alicea, Marlon Anderson, Scott Erickson, Jeremy Guthrie, LaTroy Hawkins and José Veras shared their skills and knowledge with hundreds of children at baseball clinics in Ecuador, Nigeria, and Romania.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY HIGHLIGHTS • The Trust helped raise awareness for Habitat’s efforts and the ongoing need for relief and rebuilding in the wake of natural disasters in California, the Caribbean, Florida, Mexico, and Texas. • Current and former Major Leaguers joined together in Dallas to frame houses for victims of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas as well as to stuff holiday gift bags for displaced families. More than 40 players worked with community members to support this unique event, which was co-hosted by José Altuve, Christian Yelich, and Hall of Famer Pudge Rodriguez.

OPERATION AIRDROP HIGHLIGHTS • Made a $250,000 grant to provide more than 1.5M lbs of food, water, and supplies to Puerto Rico following the hurricane. • Former Major Leaguers Pudge Rodriguez and Luis Alicea assisted with the packing, shipping, and delivery of the goods to their native land.

2017 Report 11




Montreal Oshawa Toronto Westmount


UNITED STATES & TERRITORIES Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana

Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming



NIGERIA ECUADOR PANAMA CUBA VENEZUELA HAITI Cap-Haïtien Deschapelles Gonaïves Les Cayes Mirebalais Port-au-Prince

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Barahona Consuelo El Seibo Elias Piña Guaricanos Haina Hato Mayor La Romana La Loma Las Matas de Farfán Paraiso Quisqueya San Cristóbal San Pedro de Macorís Santiago Santo Domingo


JAPAN Chofu Fukushima Ishinomaki Iwate Miyagi Ogatsu Osawa Shinchi Tohoku Tokyo Yamamoto

2017 BENEFICIARIES A Better Chance A Kid’s Place of Tampa Bay Adam Wilk Foundation The Advocacy Network on Disabilities All in All the Time American Civil Liberties Union Foundation American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation The Archway Foundation Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation Astros Foundation Athens Ministries Athletes & Causes Atlanta Baseball Foundation Austin Peay University Foundation Band of Parents Baseball Assistance Team Baseball Chapel Beat NB Cancer Foundation Best Friends Animal Society Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County Bill & Vicki Miller Foundation Bowdoin College Boys & Girls Club of Chicago Brewers Community Foundation Brien Holden Vision Institute Bruin Community Parents Cal Poly State University Foundation Cal Ripken Sr., Foundation Canine Estates, Inc. Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation Children’s Tumor Foundation Christian Service Centers Clemson University Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Indians Charities Cool Kids Campaign Course of Action Foundation Cubs Charities Cumberland University CUNY School of Law David Ortiz Children’s Fund David Peralta Fund for Venezuela Defending the Blueline DePaul University Detroit P.A.L. Double Nickel Foundation Earthjustice Edward Hopper House Enviornmental Defense Fund Estrella Youth Sports Ethan Lindberg Foundation Faith Academy of Mobile Florida A&M University Foundation Feeding Cleburne Fellowship of Christian Athletes Food for the Hungry Fundacion Carlos Beltran Inc. Georgia Southern Athletic Foundation Georgia Tech Foundation

Giants Community Fund Girard Youth Activities Givewell Community Fund Gonzaga Preparatory School Grand Kids Foundation Greater Cleveland Food Bank Habitat for Humanity International Hamels Foundation Hanahan Athletic Booster Club Harrison’s for Hope Foundation The Henley Foundation High Socks for Hope Holy Trinity Church Hope & Heroes Children’s Cancer Fund Houston Children’s Charity Houston Food Bank Huntsville Flight Irish Repertory Theatre Company Inc. Jackie Robinson Foundation Jake Peavy Foundation Jobs With Justice Junior Achievement - Rocky Mountain Justin Turner Foundation KaBOOM! Kendall County Junior Livestock Association Kershaw’s Challenge Las Vegas High School Baseball L.E.A.D. Inc. League 42 Foundation Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Lone Star College Lyn Treece Boys & Girls Club Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association March of Dimes Maui Humane Society Maumee Valley Save-A-Pet Meals on Wheels Senior Services Medicines for Humanity Mentoring Viable Prospects The Miami Foundation Michael Young Family Foundation Midway University Millard School District Foundation Milville Thunderbolt Club Milton Braves Baseball Club Miracle League of Arkansas Miracle Temple Church Mission K9 Rescue More Than A Game Muscular Dystrophy Association National Christian Charitable Foundation NDG Minor Baseball League Negro Leagues Baseball Museum Network for Good New York University North Way Baptist Church Notre Dame High School NRDC Pacific Prowler Pan-Mass Challenge

The Parish School Pastime for Patriots The Path Project The Pedro Martinez & Brothers Foundation Pennsylvania SPCA Petfinder Foundation Petsmart Charities Pitch In Foundation Pittsburgh Kids Foundation Players Philanthropy Fund Pro Athletes Outreach Project C.U.R.E. The Puppy Rescue Mission RBI Austin RBI Cudas Baseball Red Sox Foundation Renovation in Music Education Ride to Give Robinson Chirinos Foundation Ronald McDonald House Eastern Wisconsin Sacred Heart Catholic Church SasserNation Foundation School District of West De Pere Schwab Charitable Score International Supporting Education, Learning & Fitness Shockers Youth Sports Development Social Tees Animal Rescue Foundation South End Community Center Southern Arkansas University Foundation Southwest Boys Club Special Olympics Springfield College St. Lawrence University St Peter the Rock Media Stacy and Bo Porter SELF Foundation Stevens Swan Humane Society Strength for Life Summit High School Summit School of Ahwatukee Team Joseph ThreeSquare Tidewater Youth Services Foundation Training Leaders International Triple Crown Sports Academy U Deserve a Chance Foundation United Sound University of Maryland Medical System Foundation University of Kentucky University of Maine University of Maryland University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Missouri School of Law University of Portland University of Texas School of Law University of Virginia University of Washington Unlimited Potential

Volunteers of America Wakway Foundation Washington & Lee University Washington Humane Society West Akron Baseball League Westgate Community Bible Church Why Me, Inc. Wild Horse Foundation Inc. Wings, Special Needs Adult Community YMCA of the Suncoast Inc zIMS Foundation

2017 Report 13

WHAT WE DO FOR PLAYERS Providing Financial, Administrative, and Tax-Related Benefits for Players Matching Grants Players’ individual charitable donations to valid 501(c)3 organizations of up to $2,500 per year are matched by the Trust. Since the program’s inception, the Players Trust has provided more than $2.7 million in matching funds to 986 organizations on behalf of 1,083 individuals.

Equipment Matching

The Players Trust provides support to Players that helps them amplify their giving and charitable contributions.

The Players Trust can function as a player’s personal foundation, relieving the player of the administrative burden and expense of setting one up himself. Alternatively, the Trust offers players assistance in identifying established charitable partners.

Donor Advised Funds These funds allow players to make individual contributions to the Players Trust and recommend the charitable purpose their dollars should serve. Additionally, players who wish to contribute to non-US charities are able to do so without losing the ability to deduct their contribution on their U.S. income tax filings.


Through the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation, the Trust is able to offer players a 50–65% discount on baseball and softball equipment. The Trust then matches up to $2,500 of a current player’s equipment donation. and Social Media Support provides us with an online platform to communicate to the public the various ways Major Leaguers give back to the places where we work and live. In addition to coverage of the Trust programs and events, the website hosts individual player charity pages that highlight players’ charitable efforts and fund-raising activities. From sharing live video from Trust events to Tweeting our charitable messages, the Players Trust is using its social media feeds to shine a spotlight on the causes that are important to players.

PLAYERS CHOICE AWARDS Since 1992, Major Leaguers have been recognizing the on and off-field achievements of their peers through the Players Choice Awards, with the Players Trust contributing a total of $260,000 annually to charitable organizations personally selected by award winners. The players honor the outstanding player, rookie, pitcher, and comeback player in each league. Two additional awards that bestow top honors without regard to league are overall Player of the Year and Marvin Miller Man of the Year, named for the founding executive director of the MLBPA and given to the player whose excellence on and off the field most inspires others to higher levels of achievement. In addition, each team’s Marvin Miller Man of the Year nominee, as selected by his teammates, designates a charitable organization to receive a $2,500 Trust grant in his honor.

2017 WINNERS José Altuve Player of the Year

Anthony Rizzo Marvin Miller Man of the Year

José Altuve Outstanding Player (AL)

Giancarlo Stanton Outstanding Player (NL)

Corey Kluber Outstanding Pitcher (AL)

Max Scherzer Outstanding Pitcher (NL)

Aaron Judge Outstanding Rookie (AL)

Cody Bellinger Outstanding Rookie (NL)

Mike Moustakas Comeback Player (AL)

Ryan Zimmerman Comeback Player (NL)

2016 AL Outstanding Pitcher Michael Fulmer (r) of the Tigers received his award from three-time winner Justin Verlander.

Since 1992, the Trust has contributed $4.7 million to 290 charities selected by PCA winners.

13TH ANNUAL PLAYERS TRUST GOLF TOURNAMENT In 2017, the Players Trust held its thirteenth annual fund-raising golf tournament at Bear’s Best Golf Course in Las Vegas, Nevada co-hosted by All Stars and Las Vegas residents Kris Bryant and Dexter Fowler. In addition, MGM Grand Hotel and Casino hosted a poker tournament for the benefit of the Players Trust. Some of the game’s biggest stars — past and present — competed with sponsors, MLBPA licensees, and friends of the Players Trust, and raised awareness for the Trust and $80,000 for charities in Las Vegas and across the U.S. To date, Trust golf events have raised $1.8 million in charitable proceeds. Players Trust golf tournaments and other events provide fans unique and memorable opportunities to rub shoulders with Major League stars — past and present!

2017 Report 15



$ 8,043,903

RECEIPTS Player Donations 2016 Player Contributions



MLB Donation Contribution for Pace of Game Measures


Special Events Golf/Poker Tournament Receipts


Disaster Relief Fundraising Dinner


Designated Funds Miscellaneous Fundraising/Designated Funds


Interest Player Donations................82%

Checking and Investments

Special Events....................10%


MLB Donation.......................5%


Interest................................2% Designated Funds.................1%







Programs, Grants & Scholarships Action Team Scholarships All Star Weekend Grants

Buses for Baseball



Disaster Relief Grants


Executive Director Discretionary Fund


International Grants


Matching - Grants/Equipment


Michael Weiner Scholarship


Miscellaneous Grants


Players Choice Awards


Player Donor Advised Grants


Volunteers of America


Special Events

Programs, Grants & Scholarships......................68% Administration....................26% Special Events......................6%

Golf/Poker Tournament


Disaster Relief Fundraising Dinner


Administration Annual Trust Meeting


Consultant Fees


Employee Salary and Benefits


General Administration


Investment and Bank Service Fees


Miscellaneous Program Expenses


Professional Fees


Public Relations




TOTAL A complete copy of our financial statement is available upon request.


CLOSING BALANCE as of 12/31/2017



$ 7,521,553




The Players Trust is OUR charity,

the charity of all Major Leaguers.

Through the Players Trust, Major Leaguers create special bonds by connecting with each other and their communities by supporting causes close to their hearts.

As we look to the year ahead, we are excited to embark on a new era of the Players Trust. While volunteerism will remain a crucial part of our existence, our mission has undergone a makeover.

A Revitalized Mission Going forward, the Trust will look to engage, equip, and empower the next generation of kids and aspiring baseball and softball players with programming that focuses on education, mentorship, and skill development on and off the diamond; and support charitable causes and philanthropic endeavors of personal importance to individual players and the membership as a whole; and help communities players call home that suffer unforeseen difficulties and challenges. For more information on ways to get involved, please contact Melissa Persaud:






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