Hi, I am Rinchen DÊ. I am 20 something living and working in Chicago. Originally from India, I’ve been a wanderer for the last few years and have lived in London and NYC, among other places. I love all things creative. I prefer tea over coffee, nigh t over morning and pictures over words. Welcome to my DIY fashion blog! Here you will find fun and easy DIYs to recreate
fashion’s latest trends, so you can reveal your unique personal style when you wear those creations. My DIY inspirations are drawn from street style, runway, editorials, and personal style blogs. Travelling, shopping and watching movies are few of my other favorite ways to find inspiration. I love fashion and I love creating. Being HIGH on DIY lets me have fun with both. Along with the satisfaction you get from creating something yourself, with DIY fashion, you stay on trend without overspending and you also renew and recycle old items. So follow along and learn unique DIYs every week here on HIGH on DIY.
Table of Contents: Pages 1-2: About Page 3: Table of Contents Pages 4-29: DIY Necklaces o o o o o
Pages 4-10: Neon necklace Pages 11-15: Geometric necklace Pages 16-20: Colorblock necklace Pages 21-25: Clear Ombre necklace Pages 26-29: Rope & Crystal necklace
Pages 30-46: DIY Bracelets o o o
Pages 30-37: Chain-Bead bracelet Pages 38-42: Safety-Pin bracelet Pages 43-46: Handware bracelet
Page 47: Acknowledgments & Bibliography
Here’s what you will need: o This design template o Any kind of jewelry clasp o Tweezers or toothpick o Two link chains (10 inch & 6 inch) o Two small jump rings o X-acto knife and cutting board o E6000 or any clear strong glue o Leather hole puncher or a sharp needle Spray paint or nail polish in the color you like o Black-eyed beans o Gold 5 mm pearl beads o 8 x 6 inch clear sheet 5
Step 1: Start with the large flower in the center. Using tweezers or a toothpick, add glue to a pearl bead and use your template to place it at the center of the large flower. The center falls at the intersection of 4 inches ( A to B) and 2.5 inches (B to C). Step 2: Glue four beans around the pearl bead to create the first circle and make sure that the ‘blackeyed’ part of all the beans face the pearl bead. Step 3: Create the second circle around the four beans making sure that the ‘black-eyed’ part of one bean does not face the ‘black-eyed’ part of another bean. Then create the third circle by adding pearl beads between the second circle beans. 6
Step 4/5: Following at the template underneath your clear sheet, complete the right side of the large flower in the center and then move to the left side. For each flower, always begin in the middle and add the outer circles.
Step 6/7/8: Once the left and right sides are complete, continue following the template to create the part below the main large flower in the center. After gluing the complete design according to the template, let it dry for 2-3 hours.
Step 9: Once dry, place the clear sheet with the beans and pearl beads on a cutting board and trim the extra sheet around the design. Get as close to the beans and pearl beads as possible so when you wear the necklace, you don’t see the sheet. At the left and right end of the necklace, leave out the dashed area shown in the template. This will used to attach the design to the chain. Using the hole puncher, create a hole on the dot marks in the dashed area at the left and right ends of the design.
Step 10: Attach a jump ring to each of the holes. Add the 10 inch chain to the jump ring on the left and 6 inch chain to the jump ring on the right. Attach a clasp at the other end of the 6 inch chain. If you had opted for the nail polish option instead of spray paint, carefully apply 2-3 coats of a bright nail polish to the beans. You can add a coat of clear nail polish to both spray paint and nail polish version if you want them to be shiny. Let it dry and then you have your own neon statement necklace made of black-eyed beans!
Here’s what you will need: o Gold Metal Sheet/Roll [15 x 15 cm] o Gold Chain [23 cm piece (2), 19 cm piece (1), 15 cm (1) & 12 cm piece (1)] o Template divided into sections A, B, C & D. o 4 Small Jump-Rings & a Clasp o X-acto Knife/Scissors o Jewelry Plier
Step 1: Get a printout of the template I created and cutout 6 of those shapes from the 15 x 15 cm gold sheet using the x-acto knife or scissors. Start in top left corner of the sheet so you can cutout 3 in one row and 3 in a second row. Step 2: With one of the cutout shapes facing wrong side up, place one end of the 23 cm chain on the middle dotted line on the cutout between sections A & B. Step 3: Fold section A on top of B along the middle dotted line so the chain is wrapped by the two triangles. Step 4: Using the side dotted lines as guidelines, fold section C and D over on top so the sides of the triangles wrapping the chain are sealed. This is the back side of each triangle. These folded flaps, C & D, will not be visible on the front side of the triangle. Step 5: Add two more triangles on the same 23 cm chain. Repeat steps 1-5 on the second 23 cm chain. If you started placing triangles on the left end of the first 23 cm chain, on the second chain — start on the right end. You should end up with 3 triangles on each 23 cm chain. Step 6: Using the pliers, add the 4 jump-rings at each end of the two 23 cm chains. 14
Step 7: As you see in the image for step 5, each 23 cm chain has an end that’s closer to the triangles. Use the pliers to add the remaining 3 chains to the jump-rings on these two ends. Start with the longest 19cm piece and then move to the 15 cm and the 12cm pieces. Step 8: To finish off, add the clasp to one of two remaining jump-rings at the other end of 23 cm chains. Then you have your geometric necklace!
Here’s what you will need: o Oven-Bake Clay in Two Colors (I used Sculpey — Premo! Fuchsia and Premo! Accents Peacock Pearl) o Chain in Gold (Two 20cm pieces) o 11 Small Jump Rings in Gold & a Clasp o Necklace Template o Mod-Podge in Gloss & Brush/Sponge o E-6000 Glue o Toothpick o X-Acto Knife o Jewelry Plier o Rolling Pin (optional)
Step 1: Tale 1/4th of the Peacock Pearl clay and condition it between your hands until it’s soft. Then flatten the clay using your hands or a rolling pin. Step 2: Print out the necklace template on a A4 sheet to get the correct sizes of the shapes. Using the X-Acto knife, trace out shape A from the flattened clay according to the template. Step 3: Use the toothpick to make two holes on the corner edges of shape A to attach jumprings later. Step 4: Condition the leftover clay from step 2 and trace out two shape Bs and two shape Cs. Take 1/4th of the Fuchsia clay and repeat steps 1 & 2 to trace out one shape D and two shape Es. Create the jumpring holes in shapes A, B and C. Step 5: Place all the shapes on a baking tray and bake them according to the instructions on the packet. I baked mine for 30 minutes at 275 degree F. Step 6: After the baked clay has cooled down for 10 – 15 minutes, add E-6000 at the back of shapes D and Es. Step 7: Glue shape D on top of A and the two Es on top of the two Bs. Make sure not to glue over the jumpring holes on A & Bs. Then, let it sit for 10 – 15 minutes. Step 8: Once the shapes are glued together, use the brush or sponge to apply a layer of Mod-Podge 19
over all the shapes including the two Cs. Let it dry for 5 – 10 minutes. Step 9: Looking at the necklace arrangement on the template, link the shapes accordingly with jumprings. Add one piece of 20cm chain on each outer end of the C shapes. Step 10: To create the closure for the necklace, add a jumpring to one 20cm piece of chain and add a clasp to the other 20cm piece. Then you are ready to add a pop of color to any of your winter outfits with this DIY colorblock necklace!
Here’s what you’ll need: o Tear-drop Beads (9 Pieces) o Round Beads (20 Pieces) o Jewelry Wire o 2 Chain Pieces (4 inches each) o 3 Jump Rings & 1 Closure o Jewelry Plier o Wire Cutter o Acrylic Paint & Brush
Step 1: Cut a 15 inch piece of jewelry wire. Step 2: Alternate and string the round and teardrop beads on the wire piece. Step 3: Once you have beaded 9 tear-drop ones, add the rest of the round ones at each end of the wire. Step 4: Create a loop at each end of the wire piece and twist the extra wire around the loop. When making the second loop, make sure you push the beads back to the first loop and leave as little space as possible between the second loop and the beads. Step 5: Using a jump-ring, attach the first piece of chain to one of the wire loops. Repeat with the second loop and chain piece. Step 6: Add a closure to one of the chain ends and a jump ring to the end of second chain. You are done if you just want a clear necklace!
Optional Steps
Step 7: Paint one-third of the tear-drop bead on the necklace with acrylic color of your choice. Repeat it on rest of the tear-drop beads. Step 8: Paint the second coat only at the tips of the same beads to get the ombrĂŠ effect. Hang the necklace somewhere so that the paint dries off completely.
Here you have your clear or ombrÊ necklace! I used acrylic color since it’s easy to wash off and switch to a different color. I had no issues of the paint getting on my clothes so far. I am sure there are better choices...
Here’s what you’ll need: o Colored Rope (30 Inches) Sew-on Jewels (1 main & 9 others) o 10 Jump Rings o Jewelry Pliers
Step 1: Using the pliers and a jump ring, attach one crystal jewel to the main jewel. Step 2: Fold the rope in half to find its center. Add another jump ring to the second hole on the main jewel and attach it to the center of the rope. Do not put the whole rope through the jump ring – attach it only to one of the thinner cords the rope is made of. Step 3 & 4: Use the pliers and jump rings to continue adding the remaining crystal jewels on both sides of the main jewel. I added four on each side. Make sure to leave enough space between the jewels so they don’t cover each other when you wear the necklace.
Here’s what you’ll need: o 30cm Gold Chain (Chains with medium size links work better) o 31cm Gold/Brass Jewelry Wire (I used 0.44mm size wire) 25 Gold Pearl Beads (I used 5mm size beads by Jewelry Essentials from Michael’s) o Jump-ring & Clasp o Jewelry Wire Cutter or Scissors o Pair of Jewelry Pliers
Step 1: Begin by cutting the wire into three 4cm, two 3.5cm, and four 3cm pieces using the wire cutter or scissors. Then split the chain into one 24cm piece and two 3cm pieces. My 24cm piece had 48 individual links and each of the 3cm pieces had 6 individual links. Use the pliers to open one link at the end of the 24cm chain and join the two ends of your 24 cm chain together so it is a complete circle. Step 2: Open a link at one end of the 3cm chain and attach it to any link on the 24cm chain. Attach the second 3cm chain exactly on the other end of the 24cm chain. It will be approximately 12cm from where you attached the first one since our chain is 24cm long. Step 3: Pick a link that’s right in the middle of the top half of the 24cm chain. It will be approx. 6cm from the links where you attached the 3cm chains in step 2. Then take one of the 4cm wires and pass a small part of it through the link you picked and twist the shorter wire end around the longer part so that the wire is securely attached to the link. Step 4: Now that the wire is attached to the chain, add 5 pearls beads on the wire.
Step 5: Pick a link right in the middle of the bottom half of the 24cm chain and secure the wire with 5 beads by passing the wire through the link you picked and twisting the shorter wire end around the longer part. Step 6: We will be attaching the rest of the wires on alternating chain links on the top half of the 24cm chain. Start with the two 4cm wire pieces and secure them on links that are one link away from where we attached the first wire. Then add four beads on each of the wires. Step 7: Secure the beaded wires on the bottom half the 24cm chain. Secure them on alternating links from the link where we attached the first beaded wire. Step 8: Repeat attaching wires on alternating links on the top half of the 24cm chain, beading the wires and then securing them on alternating links on the bottom half of the 24 cm chain. You will be adding one less bead as you move away from the center wire with 5 beads. Use the 3.5cm wires for adding 3 beads on each side of the center and use the 3cm wires for 2 and 1 bead on each side of the center.
Step 9: Once all the beading is finished, use the pliers to attach the jump-ring and clasp at each end of the bracelet. Then you have your own gold chain and pearl bead bracelet! You can use a different color chain or beads and make a completely different bracelet. Here we attached beaded wires on alternating links on the 24cm chain but you can add beads on every link and get a very different looking arm candy.
Here’s what you will need: Gold Chain (2 equal pieces long enough to wrap around your wrist) o Gold Safety-Pins (I used 9) Gold Sequins ( I used approx 12 pieces) o 2 Small Jump-Rings & a Clasp o Pair of Jewelry Pliers o E-6000 Glue & toothpicks
Step 1: Using the pliers, join the two gold chains together at each end with a jump-ring. Step 2: Take the first safety-pin and using a toothpick, add glue on the safety-pin (only on the two straight wire parts that are parallel to each other when the safety-pin is closed). Step 3: Place the chain in the shape shown in step 3 — with the jump-rings at the two ends. Add the safety pin with the glue in the center of the chain. Make sure the safety-pin is getting glued to both the chains. Let the glue dry for 5-10 minutes. Step 4: Repeat step 2 and continue gluing the safety-pins to the chain. Make sure to leave at least 40
one chain link gap between the safety-pins when gluing them on the chain so that the bracelet wraps around your wrist nicely when you wear it. Step 5: Once all the safety-pins are placed on the chain and the glue is dry, add glue to the back of the sequins and stick them on different safety-pins in any pattern you like. Let it dry for 5-10 minutes. Step 6: Using the pliers, add the clasp to one of the jump-rings at the end of the bracelet. Then you have your own safety-pin & sequin bracelet!
Here’s what you will need: o Hardware Pieces (Only $2) 6mm Gold Jump Rings & a Clasp o Jewelry Plier
Step 1: Arrange the hardware pieces in the pattern you prefer. Pattern in option (a) is joining a front of one hardware piece with a back of another. Option (b) is joining a front of one piece with a front of another piece and a back with another back. I went with (a). Step 2: Using the jewelry pliers and jump rings, join the hardware pieces according to the pattern you selected. I used 8 pieces to make it long enough to go around my wrist. Step 3: Once you finish linking the number of pieces you needed, add jump rings at both ends. Step 4: Attach a closure to one of the jump rings at the end of the bracelet. Then you have your gold hardware bracelet ready! Stack with other bracelets like the DIY chain & bead bracelet shown in the first picture.
THANKS U FOR ALL! LOVE YA Bibliography: 47