2 minute read
Pet Care
from Glos North
with Oliver Wilkinson of Dragon Vet Centre Farewell to Tassie
We recently had to say goodbye to our beloved elderly dog Tassie. She was remarkably well right up until the very end and, mercifully, the decision to let her go was a straightforward one.
A few weeks earlier I had written an email to the owner of one of Tassie’s offspring who had just passed away at the age of 10 (Tassie had a litter of puppies in 2012). The words I wrote to him seemed particularly poignant in hindsight:
“Our dogs are such a huge part of our lives, sharing our journey and in doing so becoming an integral part of our stories. It’s no wonder then that when we lose them, our lives and stories lose a little colour, a little joy and a little piece of our heart.”
As a vet, I am acutely aware that at some point in our experience as pet owners we must face the reality of the finiteness of their lives and our time together. Over the years, I have had more than a few bereaved pet owners tell me that they won’t get another pet, as the trauma of losing them is too much to bear.
As much as the pain of losing Tassie is particularly raw, I can also remember the joy of owning her, of taking her on so many adventures; travelling to Australia and back together, walking, running and exploring all around the country. Cuddling on the sofa in the evenings, snuggling under the duvet on lazy Sunday mornings. Doggie kisses and overexcited greetings. Stealing cake and raiding bins. It is only because they bring us so much joy that their passing seems so hard. It is a great privilege to own a pet and I wouldn’t trade one memory to lessen the pain.
If you or a loved one have struggled with the loss of a pet, The Blue Cross offer a Pet Bereavement Support Service, the details of which can be found on their website at www.bluecross.org.uk.

Dragon Vets Tewkesbury is fully equipped with a sterile operating theatre, digital radiography, ultrasonography and laboratory equipment. Drop in and have a look around. You will see many of the same friendly faces from our main surgery at Dragon Vets Cheltenham. You can book your visits and pick up pet supplies, food or medications at either surgery if it’ s more convenient.
MONDAY-FRIDAY 9am-6.30pm & SATURDAY 9am-10.30am 31 Church Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PD www.dragonvet.co.uk 01684 217 708
in affiliation with
Prestbury Park, New Barn Lane, Cheltenham GL50 4SH T: 01242 580324 www.dragonvet.co.uk 24 HOUR EMERGENCY ~ 01242 522022