1 minute read
Pet Care
from North Glos
with Oliver Wilkinson of Dragon Vet Centre

Why you shouldn’t throw sticks for dogs
Most vets cringe when they see someone throwing a stick for their dog. What is the harm, you might ask?
It seems like such a benign activity –the dogs certainly love the chase, it gives them a bit more of a run around than just trotting along, and many people will say they have thrown sticks for years with never a problem. Those pet owners have clearly never worked in a vet clinic!
Dogs can impale themselves on sticks that they chase
Every year we see a significant number of dogs who have impaled themselves on sticks they were chasing. The stick will have been thrown, but instead of landing flat on the ground, one end lands point down embedded in the earth, the other end pointed backwards towards the onrushing dog.
The most common unpleasant scenario is that the dog ends up with the stick end disappearing into its mouth and causing a nasty injury to its tongue or throat.
A few weeks ago we had a dog that very nearly died from one of these stick injuries. The stick had missed its mouth but instead had gone in at the base of its neck and into its chest. It was a truly horrific injury and it was lucky to survive.
The moral of the story is if you want to throw something for your dog, throw a ball or a frisbee, but never ever a stick!

Dragon Vets Tewkesbury is fully equipped with a sterile operating theatre, digital radiography, ultrasonography and laboratory equipment. Drop in and have a look around. You will see many of the same friendly faces from our main surgery at Dragon Vets Cheltenham. You can book your visits and pick up pet supplies, food or medications at either surgery if it’s more convenient.
MONDAY-FRIDAY 9am-6.30pm & SATURDAY 9am-10.30am 31 Church Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PD www.dragonvet.co.uk 01684 217 708
in affiliation with
Prestbury Park, New Barn Lane, Cheltenham GL50 4SH T: 01242 580324 www.dragonvet.co.uk 24 HOUR EMERGENCY ~ 01242 522022