high school nonprofits & citizenship
Contents 3. 4. 6. 7. 8.
Introduction Lesson Plan Sandwich Makings Handout Souvenir Recommendations Volunteer Form
Hey there! I’m Forrest the fox. I’m the new Kentucky State Park Foundation mascot. Not only are foxes a trendy animal, but I will also give children, teens and adults a face to go along with the Kentucky State Park Foundation Education Sector.
I care a lot about education. Learning as much as possible about the environment is vital in order to become a resonsible citizen of planet Earth. I’m here to help. This booklet offers ideas. To spark a curriculum, if you willl. Curriculum requires organization, and that is why I compiled a list of ideas for you in this booklet! (You’re welcome.) There are several different ways you can run with this, but I only have one objective here. I want teenagers to leave here excited about Kentucky State Parks. I want them to want to volunteer here, and give their parents a voucher, hopefully With their paren’ts help, Kentucky’s youth will always have a safe haven with its State Parks— a place they will grow to love, and have memories for years to come. So please. Become aquainted with this book. I live in these parks. I don’t want to lose my home!
Non-profit Workshop Objectives: The student will be able to: • differentiate between profit and non-profit businesses • understand the significance of a non-profit and its importance to the community • compare and contrast cooperatives and foundations • learn how to volunteer! Materials: • Sandwich Makings (handout available for copy in booklet) • Construction Paper/tape • Old Magazines • Poster boards • Sticky notes 1. Students will be welcomed in a conference room or awning (at non-resort parks) at the park they will be visiting. A student will read the Little Red Hen to the class (PDF available at: en/story5.pdf ) The class should then discuss the importance of the common good. 2. Begin discussing different types of businesses. Have a student list a bunch of businesses on sticky notes while the class suggests businesses to write down. Instructors should suggest nonprofits if students aren’t coming up with any. Another student tapes six pieces of paper of the different kind of businesses on the wall: individual proprietorship, partnership, government, cooperative and foundation. 3. Have the class try to figure out which businesses go where. 4. Delve into foundation. What does it mean? What are kinds of foundations?
5. Hand out the Sandwich Makings activity. Have the class try and create a sandwich, but they cannot combine pieces. Although this is a cooperative and not a foundation, it’s essential to learn the different kinds of nonprofits. 6. Let the students have a break for half an hour or so (lunch, outside, hike, etc.) 7. Have the students research the Kentucky State Park Foundation on their own. (There will be brochures, pamphlets, printouts of the website for them to use.) Have them explain: • What the primary focus is of KSPF?
• Who do they serve? • Where are the funds generated? • Where are the funds allocated?
8. There, the instructor explains the answers if the class has a hard time finding specifics. 9. THEY CAN VOLUNTEER! Review the idea of the importance of volunteering as a teenager. Reiterate the necessity for service hours to graduate, looks good on a college application, etc. 10. Have the class ponder what they can do for the foundatoin. 11. Distribute construction paper and old magazines. Have the students build a visual presentation of how they are planning to volunteer in high school, whether at a nonprofit or not. 12. Hang the posters around the room and have the students share what they’re thinking. 13. The volunteer will then pitch the positivities of volunteering at the Kentucky State Park Foundation
Sandwich Makings Handout
Souvenir Recommendations
This includes a reusable shopping bag with the fox mascot, a pen with the Kentucky State Park Foundation logo, a Fox Ranger pin (the perforated one is a Junior pin, but still considered a “decoy�, but boy scout badges would be availalbe), and voucher.
Volunteer Form First Name__________ M.I.__________ Last Name__________________ Address:_______________________________ City:____________ State:__________ ZipCode:______________ Cell Phone:______________________ Other: ___________________________ High school_________________________________ Graduated? Y/N Year______________ College_____________________________________ Graduated? Y/N Year_______________ Major_________________ Minor___________________ Please explain your availability:______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Why are you interested in volunteering for Kentucky State Park foundation? You may continue your answer on a separate piece of paper if needed:________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Please include any previous experience that may be useful: ____________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (A resume is very acceptable) Mail to: address on back
Kentucky State Park Foundation 4101 Tates Creek Centre Suite 150 c- PMB 139 Lexington, KY 40517 Molly Caldwell | 859.351.8430