The Falcon's Eye-Feb. 2013

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Falcon’s Eye

Pfeiffer University Feb/March Issue

Pathway to a


By Shea McDonnell

Students should expect a new process for housing selection at the end of this semester. Housing selection will take place from March 8-12, and the order of students selecting housing for next year is altered because Pfeiffer is changing the arrangement of some of the dorms. “As a part of the University’s Strategic Plan, Residence Life was charged with creating new Living-Learning Communities on campus. Living-Learning Communities are residential communities based around a common theme or academic focus. They have been proven to positively influence student satisfaction and persistence,” Residence Life Director Rebecca McQueen said. The two buildings seeing the biggest changes are Cline and Merner. Both buildings will now be where the LivingLearning Communities exist. Cline is currently home to those who are a part of the Francis Center Servant Leadership Program, but come next year it will house a new program that is being called Quest. Quest is going to be a partnership between certain students and Residence Life,

the Francis Center for Servant Leadership, The Village Church, The Center for Outdoor Leadership, The First Year Experience, and Academics. The tagline for Quest is going to be “Challenge. Discover. Serve.”. “The Quest participants will live in Cline, take at least one academic class together, and have experiences and programming that enhance their first year at Pfeiffer,” McQueen explained. “There will be outdoor experiences, dialogues with faculty and alumni, visits to different places of worship such as a mosque, service opportunities, and other experiences to help students reach a greater understanding of their own values and beliefs and a global perspective.” The second LLC being formed on campus for next year is called PATHways and focuses specifically on all students who are interested in working in any sector of healthcare. PATHways will be housed in the first and second east wings of Merner Residence Hall – the first floor will be for female students and second will be for males. First-year students interested in nursing, medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, exercise science and other health

fields will be recruited for these floors. “Ideally the students will be in the same Pfeiffer Journey class, have many shared science classes, and their residence hall programming and service opportunities will be based around healthcare. I have met with several faculty in the sciences and we are all very excited to see how this community develops,” McQueen said. Although these programs are specifically for first year students, there will be opportunities for upperclassmen to apply for leadership positions among the new programs. The housing selection process usually goes in order of students squatting their rooms first, then students who want a new room based on their quality point (cumulative GPA, X earned hours). But this year there will be an extra phase put in, so students currently in Cline and Merner are sure to get into different rooms for next year. The order will be squatters, students who currently live in Cline, people in the first two east wings of Merner, and students in order of quality points.

continued on page 2

2 Feb/Mar

Out with the Old,

By Zach Dyer

in with the New

This month the faculty voted for the institution of a new General Education program. The approval of the new program was the culmination of several years of work by a faculty led committee, and marked the end of the current, 33 year old, General Education policy. This change originated out of a simple question. What do we want our students to get out of General Education? “We want our General Education program to be meaningful and transformative for students,” said Dr. Michael Thompson, co-chair of the committee. The prevailing opinion is that often under the current program students take courses within the general education requirement to “simply check off boxes,” Dr. Thompson said, satisfying the requirement but not taking away anything of substance. The goal of a Liberal Arts education is to provide a critical foundation of skills and knowledge that are transferable to not only a major course of study, but also beyond the college years. While the central focus is still on fundamental knowledge, the new program places a great deal of emphasis on four other components; collaboration, communication, information literacy, and critical thinking. “[We want to] provide a critical foundation, something to build upon, so that students can take these skills and transfer them either to a major course of study or wherever they may go afterwards,” Dr. Thompson explained. While there are a great deal of subtle changes, perhaps the most noteworthy

“Quest” continued “I think it is a good idea that students who are more focused on their academics will be housed somewhere just for them. It helps not only those who are going to be living together but it also helps the rest of us from always feeling like we are just

are the modifications to Journey and the reduction of the total semester hours. Currently it takes a student 53 semester hours to satisfy the General Education requirement. With the implementation of the new program incoming students will only have to take 37 hours worth of General Education. New required areas are also being introduced like Global Awareness, and faculty are being given a lot more wiggle room to make courses satisfy areas that were traditionally considered outside their discipline. The Journey Experience is being changed significantly. The freshman course will still place an emphasis on collaboration and communication, while encouraging students to answer “Who am I and where am I headed?”. Sophomore and junior level Journey courses are being

being distractions to them,” junior Alycia Caravousanos said. “I have already met with the residents of the affected wings of Merner and will be meeting with Cline in the next couple of weeks to explain the process,” McQueen said.

created with a unique purpose- to encourage the faculty to be creative. It will give professors the opportunity to team teach an interdisciplinary course, a class that may not fit into the traditional course of study of any given major field. Also, the junior level Journey course is intended to be a capstone course for General Education. The new program will apply to students entering Pfeiffer in the fall of 2013. While these recent changes will not affect current students all that much, the hope is that General Education will “no longer be hoops to jump through,” Dr. Thompson stated, but a meaningful experience. “That’s our goal, transform thinking and really elevate our students,” professor and committee member Deborah Burris said.

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Safe Zone

By Zach Thompson

Let’s face it; as a college student, we are already under an incredible amount of stress. It may be stress with grades, exams, athletics or the other million things we have to accomplish. For some students, that may just be the tip of the iceberg. College is not only for a time of discovering what one wants to do with their life, but who they want to spend it with. Identifying one’s sexuality can be a difficult and complicated process which involves looking into one’s self and the new influences that surround him or her. Before coming to college, students may not have been exposed to an environment that is friendly or accepting of relationship views that deviate from the “norm”. Safe Zone is a new program at Pfeiffer that provides a more accepting environment for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) community, and their allies at Pfeiffer University. A Safe Zone environment is created through identifying individuals who can provide a supportive community as well as information for LGBTQ students and their allies. “Safe Zone is a fantastic idea where students are able to freely and comfortably talk about their sexuality, and their issues with their sexuality to other people and not be judged,” sophomore John Borza said. On a campus with a religious affiliation and a large student-athlete population, the Safe Zone program is very important. While many find this campus accepting, the culture doesn’t always communicate that to students, faculty, and staff. Having visible Safe Zone allies and events will help to show members of our campus community that all are welcome here and have a place, regardless of their sexual orientation. “I feel having safe zone trained people on Pfeiffer’s campus is so important. A safe zone on such a small campus can be so hard to find, but now there are clear designated people and places that truly care. I am glad to be able to be a part of this

“Coming out was difficult for me. I didn’t know who I could trust or even talk to. When Becca told me about Safe Zone, I knew it was something that Pfeiffer needed, so I made it my goal to bring it here to Pfeiffer.” - Senior Rachel Harden

group. My peers need to know that there is always someone to talk to if they need it,” senior Christina Sadler said. For students, staff and faculty that wish to help make Pfeiffer a safe place for the members of the LGBTQ community, there will be a Safe Zone certification course coming up later in March. The Safe Zone program is not intended as a therapeutic support group for students. Safe Zones are not expected to provide counseling for students since there are very supportive and knowledgeable counselors on campus through the Counseling Center. Safe Zone certified members are responsible for offering support to those who seek it out. “The training piece of the program is very important. While I know there are allies on campus who just haven’t been able to attend training, we aren’t just going to hand them a magnet and sign and call it a day.

We want to make sure that everyone with a Safe Zone magnet on their office or residence hall room door knows correct terminology, issues facing the LGBTQ community, and the appropriate resources on campus for information and referrals,” Residence Life Director Becca McQueen said. “Coming out was difficult for me. I didn’t know who I could trust or even talk to. When Becca told me about Safe Zone, I knew it was something that Pfeiffer needed, so I made it my goal to bring it here to Pfeiffer,” senior Rachel Harden said. “The greatest thing someone can do for another person is just to listen and be there, especially in such a judgmental harsh world,” Sadler said.

4 Feb/March It’s all about the Money! By Kimberly Goodell Do I want to attend school out of state? Will I want to live on campus? How many meals do I actually eat a week? How many books will I need? Is this the college for me? Most importantly, how much will all of this cost? The list goes on and on, and tallies to a ghastly total that most cannot afford out of pocket. Since money is the biggest issue facing a good majority of college students, it is vital for students to know where and how their money is spent. Here at Pfeiffer University, Controller of Financial Operations Shivon Lee, and the VP of Finance/CFO Robin Leslie manage the financial affairs of each individual enrolled on Pfeiffer’s Misenheimer campus. “[Each] of the 732 undergraduate students enrolled part time and full time this past fall at Pfeiffer... pays a tuition total of $22,500. However, this is only for this past year [because] the price of tuition has not been set for next year. They [also] pay room rates, which varies depending on single or double rooms, as well as New Hall residence, [but for an estimated amount] we will go with the lowest rate, which is a double room. It costs $5,470 dollars [per year]. The cost of a meal plan, which can also vary, for 14 meals per week, costs $3,615 dollars. This all amounts to a total of $31,585 dollars [a year to attend Pfeiffer],” Leslie explained. With this in mind, the next big question is where is the money for tuition being spent? “There are four major institutions

where tuition dollars go to. The first being compensation to faculty, which is the budget that each professor has for lab equipment, conferences, copies, and so on. It also goes to pay for the people who work in student services, such as Becca McQueen, Sarah Denton, Russ Sharples, Paula Morris, and others. [The third institution] is academic support, which is mainly the library and the people who work there. The cost of tuition also pays for institutional support. That would be the advancement office, technology, the business office, and so on. [Lastly] for auxiliary, which are the people who are in charge of the maintenance on campus,” Lee said. “The University has overhead that everyone pitches in to pay. You have certain groups that participate in certain things that are offered for everybody, but not everybody participates in them; like some of the student development activities. Everybody’s money goes to pay for them, but not everybody participates. However, everyone is a part of funding that,” Lee added. “For college athletes, each athletic department has a set amount budget that each coach decides how to spend accordingly for every athlete on the team. I also know that athletics have a lot of fundraisers to help pay for the necessities of the athletes when they exceed the budget provided to them. This money goes towards training, uniforms, to travel, to pay referees, and whatever else is needed,” Leslie said.

With the enormous cost of a higher education, scholarships are considered a “saving grace”, and the main reason people are able to afford college. “We have, on average, a 51-53% discount rate, which means most students do not pay the full price to attend here. Last year [2012], the University awarded [a grand total of] 7,726,000 dollars for students to attend, [in which] 1,850,000 dollars went to athletes. The University has a variety of different scholarships, including academic, athletic, need-base, Methodist, and music scholarships,” Lee explained. “I had no idea that Pfeiffer gave seven million dollars for students to attend. I think that is awesome! The only suggestion I have is to focus funding a tad more on the dorm rooms. The athletic facilities are great, but the dorms could use some improvements as far as the maintenance is concerned,” freshman basketball player Bridget Rothert said. “Wow is all I can say. Seven million dollars is a lot of money! I would definitely like to see some improvements in the technology on campus, especially the computers. And if there is a way to get better café food, then please get some better café food,” freshman JaQuan Goldston added. If you have any concerns, comments, or questions, Robin Leslie and Shivon Lee are more than welcome to answer them. After all, you are paying for it.


PR Project Sparks Student Interest By Katherine Deeck This semester the Communication department is offering a new opportunity for Pfeiffer students. Professor Deborah Burris is teaching a public relations class that will be completing projects for organizations within Pfeiffer as well as outside the university. The students are helping each other learn different public relations skills and breaking up into groups to focus on the different projects that have been brought to the class. “I love when a topic like this comes up and I can make it a project-based class,” Professor Burris said. “A subject like public relations has so many applications that I couldn’t imagine doing a class like this without being hands on.” Many of Pfeiffer’s departments are receiving public relations assistance from the students of this class including Admissions, The Learning Center, and the Communication department. There have even been outside organizations speaking with the class and asking for ideas, the main one being Stanly County Schools. “It’s a great class! I like that we’re bringing in outside groups to learn public relations,” Jamie Alcala said. “The fun part is getting in small groups. It’s very engaging.” Some students will be playing the part of “Crisis Managers” and dealing with situations within a fifteen-minute time frame to encourage quick problem solving. The students will be using skills they developed before entering the class and skills that they learn in the class to creatively come up with a solution to the various problems that will be introduced. “I think the projects are very interesting,” sophomore Craig Bolton said. “I can’t wait to see some of the ideas our class comes up with to help these people with their

problems.” The students are excited to be a part of a class that is incorporating so many real-life scenarios. Whether they are hoping to pursue a career in public relations or not, they will be prepared to deal with situations in a timely and professional manner.

Photo By Jamie Alcala


6 Feb/Mar Spring Break in Charleston By Kelly Hoey With all the cold weather we have been having lately it’s hard to believe Spring Break is right around the corner. Some students will be spending the first half of the break practicing Pfeiffer’s motto of Servant Leadership in Charleston, South Carolina. The Francis Center and Peer Ministries are hosting a trip to the southeast’s oldest city and are coordinating with three separate organizations to positively impact the community. Pfeiffer students will be working with SCORE (South Carolina Oyster Shell Recycling), Lowcountry Foodbank, and various other organizations. Some of the activities participants will be involved with include delivering meals, tutoring kids, organizing food pantries and sorting clothing donations. Students will also get the chance to spend a day exploring the beautiful sights historic downtown Charleston has to offer. “It’s so surreal that this is the last

trip I will be taking with the Francis Center, but I’m excited we are working with such amazing organizations and that we get to spend somewhere warm,” Francis Center Alternative Break Trip Coordinator Beth Kauffman said. “Peer Ministries has the opportunity to team with the Francis Center and serve at nonprofit organizations. During this trip, I am hoping that peer ministries will be able to experience first hand what it means to be in humble service,” Peer Ministries Missions Coordinator Lauren Barnes said. Students will be leaving the first Friday of Spring Break after classes and returning to the Village sometime Tuesday, March 4th. The trip cost is $25 per student. Between 10-15 students are expected to attend. For more information on attending contact Beth Kauffman at Bakauffman@ or stop by the Francis Center.

Coffee Central



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Chinese Cultural Event By Tongtong Xue On January 18, the Chinese cultural event called “Art to poetry to music” was held in our campus chapel. This celebration commemorated the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival. Many famous Chinese artists participated in the program, including Dr. Hong Zhao, a Chinese calligrapher and philologist, and Ms. Xue’er Ding, a GuZheng musician. Two Chinese students played their instruments during the event as well. Sophomore Tongtong Xue played Pipa (a Chinese traditional instrument that originated 5000 years ago) and senior Yuxi Jing played double base. “It was awesome. I enjoyed listening to the music and watching the calligraphy demonstrations,” senior Jamie Alcala said.

Photos By Jamie Alcala


8 Feb/Mar Does Size Really Matter? By Jane Meyer Pfeiffer is widely known for its small class sizes due to the smaller population and teacher-to-student ratio. This may be beneficial to those who prefer one-on-one discussions or more in-depth conversations in class. Ashley Oliphant is an English professor at Pfeiffer who teaches a class of only two students this semester. “In my view, class size has a direct effect on learning outcomes for most students,” Oliphant commented. “I would estimate that at least a third of my students learn by talking about the material with others and with the professor. A 300-student lecture is probably not going to be an enriching learning experience for them. Pfeiffer is so unique because the small class sizes allow students and professors to get to know each other very early in the semester.” According to Pfeiffer’s website, the Student/Faculty ratio is 11:1. The Institution of Education Sciences has conducted studies to show that students who are assigned to smaller class sizes from kindergarten through third grade score higher on tests, come to class more often, and get better grades. Senior Christopher Cocherell is one of the two students in Professor Oliphant’s “Seminar in American Literature” class. “In a smaller class, there is a larger chance for a more intimate learning experience,” Cocherell said. “Large classes have the potential to be less intimate, but for those who don’t like to be singled out, hiding in the masses may prove to help their learning. It all comes down on the professor and the

Photos By Shawn Smith

news Local Park Offers Diversity By Katherine Deeck Located on almost 5,000 acres of land, Morrow Mountain State Park attracts visitors with a diverse selection of recreational activities. Featuring boating, camping, hiking, and even horse trails, Morrow Mountain typically attracts 450,000 visitors each year. Stanly County resident Heather Ferguson enjoys visiting the park, and does so frequently. “I strongly encourage visiting the park on a regular basis,” Ferguson said. Ferguson has led many group activities at Morrow Mountain, including camping, hiking and kayaking. “The opportunity to visit one of our state parks is something that should not be missed.” Park Ranger Ron Anundson sees the diversity of the park as part of its attraction. The park’s unique geological features and extensive history are also part of what draws visitors. “The wildflowers are unusual for the piedmont area,” Anundson said. “We have many people coming out to watch the wildlife and see the wildflowers.” The park also has an interesting cultural history. Humans were visiting the area and quarrying the rock over 14,000 years ago. “It made North Carolina the cradle of civilization,” Anundson said. “If you like history, we have a lot going on here.” Even if you aren’t a history buff, Morrow Mountain State Park offers breathtaking views and a large variety of outdoor activities. “All-in-all, we are very lucky to have such a facility in our backyard,” Ferguson said.


10 Feb/Mar ONLINE RELATIONSHIPS By Rodd Baxley “Catfished, or “Te’oed”, you’ve probably heard these terms thrown around recently on the news or online. The terms refer to online relationships and how in some cases people are fooled. In fact, MTV is now airing a show called “Catfish” that focuses on the lives of others who have been entangled in an online relationship with another person. “I only get online to keep in touch with family and friends,” senior Samantha Taylor said. “I don’t think I’d ever do online dating because you never really know who you’re talking to and you miss all the nonverbal communication.”

A big part of this phenomenon is that more and more these days, people are meeting online because of the rise in social networking. Recent studies show that nearly one in five relationships begin online. “I think online relationships can work to a certain extent. I mean I know someone who was recently engaged online,” junior Dustin Brannam said. “But nothing replaces interacting in person.” It seems like the theme of online interaction is to simply be careful. “Some people are seriously naïve,” Taylor said. “It’s way too easy for someone to lie when you aren’t face to face.”

College Football Player Monti Te’o: Online Love Gone Wrong



VALENTINE’S By Crystal Curlee The history of Valentine’s Day is linked to a bishop named St. Valentine. He held secret marriage ceremonies of soldiers in opposition to Claudius II, who had prohibited marriage for young men. Valentine was taken to prison and then met his jailor, Asterius. Some people say Valentine had the power to heal people. Asterius had a blind daughter and requested that Valentine heal her. The legend is that Valentine healed her through his strong faith. When Claudius II met Valentine, he was impressed with his dignity and conviction. Valentine, however, refused to agree with the emperor regarding the ban on marriage and to convert his faith to Roman gods. Claudius II was greatly angered by his refusal to convert. He then ordered for the execution of Valentine. Meanwhile, a strong bond grew between Valentine and Asterius’s daughter. It caused her great grief to hear of Valentine’s execution. It is said just before his execution that he asked for a pen and paper from Asterius and signed a farewell message to her “From Your Valentine”. He was martyred for refusing to renounce his religion. Valentine is believed to have been executed on February 14, 270 AD, thus the 14th of February became a day for all lovers and Valentine became its Patron

Saint. It began to be annually observed by young Romans who offered handwritten greetings of affection, known as Valentines, on this day to the women they admired. With the coming of Christianity, the day came to be known as St. Valentine’s Day. To this day, some people have mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day. Even though Pfeiffer students Apache Shuping and Brittany Loder are in relationships, they

both feel differently about the holiday. “I like Valentine’s day. This year I’m really happy because I get to spend it with my boyfriend,” Shuping said. “I think Valentine’s Day is a huge waste of money. And if you’re in a relationship, you should treat your partner special often, not just on a single commercialized day,” Loder said.


12 Mar/Feb


By Mariana’ Melvin

GAMING TOURNAMENT Think you’re good at video games? Come out and prove yourself. Hosted by: Campus Activities Board Date: March 15, 2013 Time: 8:00 pm – 12:00 am Location: Game Room, Stokes Student Center SENIOR RECITAL: RACHEL HARDEN, FLUTE Date: March 16th, 2013 Time: 4:00pm Location: Henry Pfeiffer Chapel

SUNDAY OF SERVICE Hosted by: Francis Center & Spectrum Date: March 17, 2013 Time: 1:30-5:30 p.m. Location: Faithful Friends Animal Sanctuary, Salisbury, N.C.

PAINTBALL Come out and play paintball hosted by your very own campus recreation and residence life. Hosted by: Campus Rec and Residence Life Date: March 22, 2013 Time: 6:00pm to 10:00 pm BLUEGRASS JAM Location: TBA Date: March 24th, 2013 Time: 3:00-5:00pm Location: Stokes Community Room CASINO NIGHT Come out and play casino games and redeem your winnings with bookstore merchandise. Date: March 23, 2013 Time: 8:00pm to 12:00 am Location: Stokes Lounge, Stokes Student Center

sports IN THE OUTFIELD By Ryan Goldsmith The opening pitch has been thrown and Pfeiffer Men’s Baseball is on its way. The team of 30, led by head coach Dusty Blake and assistant coaches Ross Steedley and Brett Underwood, has nothing but high hopes for the spring. The squad was preranked 7th, but players have their eyes set on the top spot. “If we play the way we know how to play, we’re going to be a real problem for the other teams,” sophomore catcher Wiley Jackson said. With new coaches directing the men, the team has a fresh start to do what they know how to best, win baseball games. The team is extremely excited to take fields by storm and rack up wins.

“We’re all excited about our new coaching staff and the excitement they have brought to the program,” sophomore pitcher Dylan Norris said. Pitcher Bryan Tuttle was named to the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Preseason Southeast Region Third-Team. Last year he went 7-3 in 13 starts with a 2.73 earned run average, while striking out a team-high 83 batters in just over 82 innings of work. Tuttle’s high intensity and skills are going to be a great weapon in the team’s arsenal. “The strides we have made in the off season are strides needed for a season with more success,” Tuttle said.

Pitcher Bryan Tuttle

Photos By Phil Howard




“We have a good team here and we have the opportunity to break the record for most wins in a season.” By Apache Shuping Men’s lacrosse has just started their 2013 season. This year they have a new coach as well as new players. Last year they finished the season with a 4-1 conference record overall at 12-6, but this year they want to win the conference and NCAA Tournament. “The team looks great. I have to give credit to the coaches from last year who built this great team,” first year head coach Lars Keil said. “I feel pretty good about it [starting the season]. I feel like I made the right choice coming to Pfeiffer. We have a good team here

Photos by Jamie Alcala

and we have the opportunity to break the record for most wins in a season,” freshman Terry McKinney commented. “We are working on our foundation, like when building a house. If you don’t have a good foundation the house will just collapse,” Keil said. “I’d like to see a great crowd for every home game,” McKinney added.




Staff List Pfeiffer Women’s Lacrosse begins the hunt for the Conference Carolinas Title

Photo By Jamie Alcala




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