Clipboard Notes-Feb. 2013

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Vol. 2 Issue 4

FEB. 2013

Clipboard NOTES Keeping students and alumni informed and engaged with Pfeiffer health programs

What a busy Fme it’s been for Pfeiffer’s Marriage and Family Therapy Program. ExciFng things are happening in RTP and CharloWe. Pfeiffer InsFtute Reach, the new Marriage and Family Therapy training clinic at RTP, opened January MARRIAGE 14 with 6 student interns. Thus far, AND FAMILY three (3) clients have met in session, THERAPY OPENS with four (4) more to start soon. Also, informaFon about the NEW RTP CLINIC clinic picked up by the media this month, with a commercial on NBC-­‐17, a segment on My Carolina Today, and an arFcle, co-­‐wriWen by three MFT students, in Health and Healing in the Triangle hWp:// MFT INTERNS CHERRELLE DAVIS /reach-­‐for-­‐balance/). All Pfeiffer RTP AND CLAIRE BELL faculty, staff, and students received an email with informaFon about the clinic, informing them that those with Pfeiffer connecFons can receive services for just $10 a session. MFT students are helping spread the word about the clinic by posFng flyers and brochures at local businesses. Please contact the Clinic Director, Dr. Laura Bryan, if you have ideas or suggesFons for good referral locaFons. Due to the hard work of Sharon Bard, Director of FaciliFes, and Bill Seward, Director of Pfeiffer IT, Pfeiffer InsFtute Reach will soon be fully furnished and “wired,” ready to provide clients and students with a professional level of care and training. Keep an eye out this semester for announcements about the Open House, an opportunity for potenFal clients, supporters, and referral sources to visit the clinic and have the opportunity to ask quesFons.


Marriage and Family Therapy Opens New RTP Clinic ....................................1 From The Dean’s Desk....................................2 Governor Choses Pfeiffer Graduate for TransiFon Team......................3 Pfeiffer Students on Track for Success ......4

Dugan Receives Army Commission....................5 Announcements ................................................6 Faculty News ....................................................7 Servant Leadership at Work ..............................8 Upcoming InformaFon Sessions........................8 Faculty ............................................................10

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FROM T HE D EAN’S D ESK Last May, I shared in Clipboard Notes the Department of Health AdministraFon’s plan for addressing the quesFon of program-­‐specific accreditaFon through the Commission on AccreditaFon Healthcare Management EducaFon (CAHME). The Department has conFnued to posiFon itself to pursue this goal. Changes to both undergraduate and graduate curriculums were approved by the Faculty Assembly at its February meeFng. The undergraduate program in Health AdministraFon, offered through the Center for Professional Advancement, was updated by omiing the Senior Seminar and replacing it with the more rigorous HA 505 Healthcare Strategy, which will become the new capstone course. The graduate MHA curriculum will, as a result of the proposed CAHME accreditaFon increase from 36 to 45 semester hours. The Department is aggressively recruiFng faculty to service the enhanced curriculum. We hope to implement the new program no later than spring 2014 dependent upon faculty recruitment efforts, and approval by the University’s administraFon. Likewise, the Nursing Department was visited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing EducaFon (CCNE) for its accreditaFon review this month. We are proud of Dr. Daniels, and the Nursing Department’s stellar preparaFon; and confident of a posiFve accreditaFon recommendaFon. I agree with Paulo Coelho, who said in his book, The Alchemist, “You are what you believe yourself to be”. I want you to know that, as the Interim Dean I believe our Health-­‐Related Division to be: • Programs of disFncFon; • PosiFoned for full accreditaFon in each department; and • Producers of skilled and competent graduates who will lead and shape the future of healthcare wherever they are called to serve. This issue of Clipboard Notes highlights new developments in the Marriage and Family Therapy program, student and faculty achievements, and alumni who are experiencing excellent job success. If you have news to share, please send it to This is our way of helping students and alumni network, and to be encouraged about your value-­‐added Pfeiffer educaFon. The last Clipboard Notes for the 2012-­‐2013 academic year will be published in April. Finally, as we approach the mid-­‐term of spring 2013, please be aWenFve to noFces regarding important due dates and graduaFon informaFon. Remember, “ The race is not given to the swim nor to the strong, but to those who endure unFl the end”. Sincerely,

Vernease H. Miller, M.H.A, JD Interim Dean

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Hard work pays off. In December 2008, Pearl Burris-Floyd was preparing to graduate from the MHA program at Pfeiffer University. It was an exciting time because, in addition to graduation, she had recently won a seat in the North Carolina House as a Representative. Then tragedy struck. Her father died one week before the end of final exams, leaving her to care for an ailing mother who was a double amputee. In the midst of this dark period, Pearl drew strength from her courage from her strong faith in God and support from her family friends and classmates. She finished her exams and made three “A’s”! A recognized community leader, then Rep Burris-Floyd served her constituents as a member of the North Carolina General Assembly representing Gaston and Cleveland Counties District 110. Previously, she served as a Gaston County Commissioner from 2001-2008 and Commission Vice-Chair 2006-2008.


As a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives, she served on the following committees: Aging, Health, Appropriations, Mental Health Reform, Education, Campaign Finance Reform, Joint Health Oversight Committee and the North Carolina Institute of Medicine (NCIOM) Task Force on Short- and Long-Term Solutions for Co-Location in Adult and Family Care Homes. Pearl is the 2009 recipient of the Healthcare Hero Award from the Mecklenburg Times, a 2011 Honoree of the Novant Circle of Excellence, and a Fellow of the Institute of Political Leadership for fall 2012. On November 15, 2012, then Governor-Elect Pat McCrory called former Representative Pearl for a special request. He had selected her to serve as the Co-Chair of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Transition Team. She would lead a team of health care professionals, physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, psychiatrists, attorneys, social workers, and hospital administrators through every aspect of this department review that covers 18,000 employees in a five week time span. The scope of the project seemed daunting. Each member of this team was charged with identifying the strengths and weaknesses within the department, which included the hot topic areas of Mental Health and Medicaid. The findings would be used to help the Governor and Department Secretary to more efficiently meet the health and human services needs of the citizens of North Carolina. Burris-Floyd said, “This is a golden opportunity that occurs only once in a lifetime.” She further stated, “I never imagined such a position! To lead a transition team, is a living testimony to those struggling students who may experience trials while pursuing higher education. I encourage you to never give up. One day your opportunity will come.” Pfeiffer University salutes Pearl Burris-Floyd for her outstanding service to the citizens of North Carolina.

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PFEIFFER STUDENTS ON TRACK FOR SUCCESS Prior to completing her MHA degree, Laura Bertinetti was the HIM Manager at Advanced Home Care in High Point, NC. In this position, she created and managed the HIM Department, including HIPAA Privacy-related matters. After completing her MHA, Laura accepted a position at Cone Health as the Application Coordinator/Lead-IT. In this new role, Laura is responsible for leading the ADT/prelude application team, and continues to build her individual skills and knowledge working with Epic, the EMR system for Cone Health. In addition to her new position, Laura continues to engage in lifelong learning. She is currently enrolled in Pfeiffer’s MBAMHA program.


Paige Gesing will be a student assistant at the upcoming ACHE Congress in March. She was chosen from many applicants from across the country. The meeting will take place in Chicago. Paige is “excited about the opportunity” and thanks Dr. Carol Vogt for encouraging her to apply.

PAIGE GESING Randy Perry, MCSE, OCP, MHA accepted a new position at UNC Health Care System as Assistant to the Director of Information Services. In this role, his primary responsibilities include assisting other managers to establish change, and implement strategic plans and objectives. Randy regularly interacts with senior executives on matters concerning functional areas, such as clinics, physician practices and/or business partners. Randy is called upon to participate in corporate development of methods, techniques and evaluation criteria for projects, programs, and people. “I review and integrate business processes to achieve business results and appropriate solutions for customers. I attribute my success to Pfeiffer University’s faculty in preparing me to become a leader who will RANDY PERRY, make a difference in shaping the future of healthcare in the 21st century.” MCSE, OCP, MHA

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DUGAN RECEIVES ARMY COMMISSION On January 10, 2013, Kasie L. Dugan was commissioned in the United States Army Reserve as a Second Lieutenant in the Medical Service Corps as a 70B Health Care Administrative Assistant. She is assigned to 3297 USA Hospital in Charlotte, NC. The application process began in March of 2012, and is highly selective. The review board evaluated her undergraduate and graduate transcripts, work and volunteer experience during the selection process. Lieutenant Dugan reports that her degree from Pfeiffer helped her to stand out from the other applicants. As an active member of the Reserves for four years, Dugan will participate in drill exercises one weekend per month with her unit in Charlotte, and then two weeks per year at various locations. During her first year of service, she will attend BOLC (Basic Officer Leadership Course) at the Army Medical Department at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. Dugan, a December 2012 MHA graduate, lives in Charleston, SC where she holds a full time position at Boeing.


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Triangle Healthcare Executives’ Forum, in conjunction with Pfeiffer University presents Leading Information Security: Planning for Data Privacy and Security, Thursday, February 28, 2013, Durham Regional Hospital, 3643 Roxboro Road, Durham, NC. Cost: $25 for ACHE Members; $35 Nonmembers; and $10 for students. Registration deadline: February 22, 2013. For more information email ACHE at: CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE FOR NONTRADITIONAL STUDENTS


Applications for the Andersen Nontraditional Scholarship for Women’s Education and Retraining (ANSWER), Foundation for the Carolinas are now available. ANSWER was established to provide financial support and encouragement to adult women age 25 and older who are raising school-age children (K-12), and seeking to earn a four-year undergraduate degree. Specific scholarship guidelines are available at The 2013 application deadline is March 1. The amount and number of scholarships available for the 2013-14 academic year will be determined by the Scholarship Committee. Healthcare Administration students enrolled in the Center for Professional Advancement are encouraged to apply. Pfeiffer Center for Professional Advancement seeks a select group of students who value service to the school, university and community as well as scholastic achievement. These students will represent and promote the University at New Student Orientation.

Ambassadors are current students selected on the basis of leadership, scholarship and desire to promote Pfeiffer University. EXPECTATIONS • Maintain 3.0 GPA or above at Pfeiffer University. • Commit to participating in New Student Orientations. RESPONSIBILITIES • Respond to inquiries from prospective adult undergraduate students. • Communicate student concerns to administration.

If you are interested in being a Student Ambassador for the CPA, please fill out the attached Student Ambassador form and return it to Sheila Mull in room B134 or Linda Dailey in the Admissions office by Friday, March 1, 2013. You can also mail to the attention of Sheila Mull, 4701 Park Rd. Charlotte, NC 28209. CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION

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Dr. Jenny Haines is the new Clinic Director at the Dr. Laura Bryan, Clinic Director for Pfeiffer Institute Pfeiffer Institute for Marriage and Family Reach on the Raleigh campus, received a $200 Therapy in Charlotte. She is a Licensed grant from the Francis Center for Servant Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and a Leadership to support an eight-week group therapy Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). Dr. project with the City of Raleigh Police Department. Haines completed her Ph.D. in Marriage and The "Proactive Patrol" program is designed to help DR. BRYAN Family Therapy at Saint Louis University with officers cope with the challenges they face in the field, a dissertation on the attachment experience and mitigate the impact of those difficulties on their home lives. of marital infidelity. She received an Ed.S. degree in Educational Psychology and Guidance from the University of Dr. Caroline Hohensee’s manuscript “School-based physical Tennessee, Knoxville, and a B.A. activity and Body Mass Index” has been accepted by the degree in Psychology from Colorado peer-reviewed Journal of Child Health Care. Dr. Bernie Carter, Christian University. Dr. Haines Editor in Chief, commended Dr. Hohensee for a “well-written worked in private practice prior to and organized article focusing on an important preventative issue coming to Pfeiffer. She has a in child health”. desire to use her life experience DR. HOHENSEE and training to help others develop healthy and thriving Assistant Professor Sanggon Nam’s research on “Diabetes and relationships, marriages, and Disability in Older Mexican Americans, 1993-2011 “ and “The Effects families. Dr. Haines of Obesity on the Disability in Older Korean” has been accepted for welcomes students to the inclusion at the 20th International Association of Gerontology and clinic located across campus Geriatrics to be held in Seoul, Korea in late June. The International next to McAllister’s Deli. Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics is the world’s largest Feel free to visit the clinic or international congress. set up a time to stop by and SANGGON NAM meet Dr. Haines. Pfeiffer students are offered a reduced rate of $10 a session Dr. Vernease Miller was named Chair of the Ethics Committee for for individuals, couples, or Agape Seniors, the largest provider of long term care in South families. The address is: 4805 Carolina. The committee will address ethical dilemmas and Park Road, Suite 250, care issues relating to patients and employees, and will serve Charlotte, NC 28209. as a resource to the community at-large. Call 704-945-7324 to set up an appointment. DR. MILLER

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SERVANT LEADERSHIP AT WORK In January 2013, MHA students on the Comparative International Health trip to London gave a gift of $325 to the Britain-Nepal Otology Service (BRINOS) Ear Hospital Project in Nepalgunj, Nepal through Susan Weir, RN, their British tour guide. Susan and her husband, Dr. Neil Weir, a practicing surgeon, have worked in Nepal since 1988 offering medical services to the poor. The Weirs were very grateful to the class for their generosity. The donation will be used to replace needed equipment.


UPCOMING INFORMATION SESSIONS Misenheimer Campus: Falcon Day, March 23 (all day) Charlotte Campus: Feb. 20th and March 20th at 5:30 pm RTP Campus: February 19th at 5:45 p.m.; February 27th at 12 noon (lunch and learn); and March 20th at 5:45 p.m.

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Vernease H. Miller, Interim Dean

Agir Kurmanj Caroline Hohensee Harold Griffin Edward Fuller Nur Onvural Nicole Childs Victoria Winstead

Vinson H. Sutlive, Professor and Department Chair

Bankole Olatosi Jimmy Atkins Fred Ingle Clayton Griffing Karen Doolittle Dan Marlowe



Blake Justice, Assistant Professor


Barnett R. Parker, Professor and Department Chair Joel Vickers, Professor

Administrative Assistant for Nursing Leslie Tucker: Direct: (704) 463-1363

Carol Vogt, Professor

Graduate Assistant for Health Administration Ankshika Punj 704 945 7310

Jamal Nahavandi, Associate Professor

Graduate Assistant for Marriage and Family Therapy Mary Beth Utsman 704 945 7310 Institute for Marriage and Family Therapy 704 945 7324 Pfeiffer University at Charlotte 4701 Park Road Charlotte, NC 28209 Phone 704 521 9116 Fax 704 945 7330 Pfeiffer University at the Triangle 2880 Slater Road, Suite 100 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone 919 941 2920 Fax 919 941 2920 Pfeiffer University at Misenheimer 48380 U.S. Hwy 52 N Misenheimer, NC 28109 Phone 704 463-1360 Fax 704 463 1363

Clipboard Notes is the communication tool through which students and alumni can be informed about, and engaged with, Pfeiffer health related programs.

Gwyndolan L. Swain, Assistant Professor

James C. Leist, Professor Katrina Graham King, Assistant Professor Sanggon Nam, Assistant Professor

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY Susan Wilkie, Professor and Program Director George W. Bitar, Assistant Professor Laura Bryan, Assistant Professor and Clinic Director Pearl Wong, Assistant Professor Jenny Haines, Clinic Director Jeffrey Krepps, Assistant Professor and Site Director

NURSING Dianne Yow Daniels, Associate Professor of Nursing and Chair of Nursing Program, Rachel Cozort, Assistant Professor, Martha Bramlett, Assistant Professor, Dana Martin, Assistant Professor, Susan Furr, Assistant Professor,

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