Picture Framing Magazine - March 2020

Page 1

$ 5.95



PFM is a member of:

Volume 31, Number 3

PPFA, The Professional Picture Framers Association ACC, Art Copyright Coalition SOG, Society of Gilders

On the Cover Thousands of framing professionals flocked to Las Vegas for the 21st annual West Coast Art & Frame Expo and The National Conference, held Jan. 26-29. For the full story, including photos, show highlights, and what attendees are saying, see page 20.

Features 20 2020 WCAF Expo in Review 34 Mother's Day and Graduation Frame Designs


Columns 12 Retailing Success 28 Marketing Methods 46 Design of the Month

Departments 8 10 37 41 42 43 44

Editor’s Note Industry News Crossword Puzzle Crossword Solution Product Showcase Distributor Spotlight Index of Advertisers




Picture Framing Magazine® (ISSN 10529977) is published monthly, plus one issue by PFM Publishing, LLC, 83 South Street, Unit 307, Freehold New Jersey 07728; phone 732-536-5160; fax 732-252-2270. Subscription Office: Picture Framing Magazine, PO Box 612, Northbrook, IL 60065-0612; phone 888-238-0049. Subscription: $20 per year U.S., $40 U.S. Dollars per year in Canada and Mexico, $60 U.S. Dollars per year for all international. Single copies, $5.95. If a paid subscription magazine is returned by the U.S. Postal Service as non-deliverable, Picture Framing Magazine will maintain the subscription for one year. If after one year a new address is not provided, Picture Framing Magazine will cancel the order. No refund will be available for that account. Periodicals class postage paid at Freehold, New Jersey, and at an additional mailing office. Entire contents © 2020 by PFM Publishing, LLC. Printed in U.S.A. Picture Framing Magazine registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Postmaster: Send address changes to Picture Framing Magazine, PO Box 612, Northbrook, IL 60065-0612 Agreement Number 1691910 Disclaimer The opinions and information in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher and are therefore not to be viewed as such. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher. PFM does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial, nor does the publisher assume any responsibility for the consequences that occur should any such material appear. PFM and PFM Publishing assume no responsibility for content, text, or artwork of advertisements appearing in PFM except those promoting PFM. The Publisher reserves the right to review all advertising materials submitted for publication and to not accept any such material deemed inappropriate for any reason.

PFM Publishing

83 South St., Unit 307, Freehold, NJ 07728 • Phone 732-536-5160 • Fax 732-252-2270

PICTURE FRAMING MAGAZINE www.pictureframingmagazine.com Bruce Gherman • bgherman@pfm-group.com • 848-444-5202 Kimberly Biesiada • kbiesiada@pfm-group.com • 848-231-3510 A RT D I RE C TO R Jin Dong • jin@wcafexpo.com • 848-231-4082



Jay Goltz • PRE S E RVATI O N E D I TO R Hugh Phibbs • M O U N TI N G E D I TO R Chris A. Paschke, CPF, GCF M AT D O C TO RS Tim Franer, CPF • John E. Ranes II, CPF, GCF • Brian Wolf, CPF William B. Adair • Ken Baur • Jared Davis, MCPF, GCF Paul MacFarland, MCPF, GCF • James Miller, MCPF, GCF



sales@pfm-group.com • 848-444-3058 Bruce Gherman • bgherman@pfm-group.com Rob Gherman • robgherman77@gmail.com Sean Kliemisch • sean@wcafexpo.com CIRCULATION D I RE C TO R O F A U D I E N C E D E V E LO PM E N T

Maureen Robertson • maureen@wcafexpo.com PRODUCTION


Jin Dong • ads@pfm-group.com

SUBSCRIPTIONS TOLL FREE: 888-238-0049 pictureframing@omeda.com

WEST COAST ART & FRAME EXPO • NATIONAL CONFERENCE A division of Hobby Pubco • www.wcafshow.com

Deborah Salmon • dsalmon@wcafexpo.com Mindy Gruenbaum • mindy@wcafexpo.com E X HI BI TO R S E RV I C E S Maureen Robertson • maureen@wcafexpo.com TRA D E S HO W C O O RD I N ATO R Gary Coughlin • gary@wcafexpo.com C O N F E RE N C E C O O RD I N ATO R Alan Pegler • alan@wcafexpo.com TRA D E S HO W D I RE C TO R BU S I N E S S M A N A G E R








6 PFM March 2020

Bruce Gherman



An array of busness- and framing-focused articles await you in this issue — plus, a closer look at the 2020 WCAF Expo


have always been a fan of spring cleaning. I know that truthfully, spring is no better a time for de-cluttering, reorganizing, and refreshing as any other, but I’ve found it helpful to build on the cultural momentum that comes with “spring cleaning season” and apply that energy to my own to-do list. In the spirit of spring cleaning, it’s a worthy time to take a look at how things are running in your business and identify areas in need of improvement. Whether you’re looking to implement fresh management tips, marketing strategies, or frame design ideas, we’ve got you covered. With Mother’s Day and graduation season fast approaching, we’ve put together an array of creative framing ideas from some of our expert contributors (page 34). Use them to spark your own ideas for designs you can sell to your customers when they find themselves in need of frames for school diplomas and heartfelt gifts for Mom. Want to market your business on Instagram like a pro? Ginger Hartford outlines the user-friendly apps and features you can use to capture new customers in her latest Marketing column (page 28). How to create a cohesive look on your feed that en-

tices people to buy, the best hashtags to use for an art and framing business, and much more are revealed here, demystifying digital marketing for busy retailers. In his latest Retailing column (page 12), Ken Baur takes a deep dive into the concept of team building. His proven management strategies will take your business from “staffed by several employees” to “staffed by several productive, collaborative team members who are invested and take pride in their work.” Remember, a team atmosphere must start at the top! We’re also excited to present you with an inside look at the 2020 West Coast Art and Frame Expo in review (page 20). The 21st annual show, which was held for the first time at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, was the most exciting yet, with more great things to come for exhibitors and attendees in 2021. We hope to see you there!

Kimberly Biesiada Editor



TH HE PREEMIER EVENT FO OR THE ART AND CU USTOM PIC CTURE FR RAM MING G IND DUSTRY • Trade Show Featuring Your Favorite Suppliers • New Product Launches and Equipment Demonstrations • Buyers from All Aspects of Retailing, Manufacturing, and Wholesaling • Home of The National Conference–With Over100 World-Class Seminars Exclusively for the Art and Framing Industry




www.wcafexpo.com SHOW HOTEL RIO ALL-SUITE HOTEL & CASINO 3700 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas, NV 89103


INDUSTRY NEWS PFM Anniversary Party a Smashing Success Guests noshed, mingled, and enjoyed live music at

Nelson; a caricature artist; a social media photo spot;

Picture Framing Magazine’s 30th anniversary party,

and complimentary food and beverages.

held during the 2020 West Coast Art and Frame Expo

“The anniversary party was a huge hit among at-

at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

tendees and staff alike,” says Bruce Gherman, PFM

The sold-out party, which took place Monday,

publisher. “It was a wonderful opportunity to cele-

Jan. 27, invited friends and readers to celebrate three

brate PFM’s journey to becoming the go-to source of

decades of framing-focused editorial content with the

information for the picture framing industry.”

magazine staff. Highlights included a live performer, whose musical repertoire ranged from Elvis and Frank Sinatra to Willie

For photos of this event and other WCAF Expo highlights, see our show review article beginning on page 20.

Int’l Framing Competition Winners Announced Winners of the 2019-20 Professional Picture Framers Association’s International OPEN and PRINT Framing Competition were celebrated at the organization’s annual convention, held at the West Coast Art and Frame Expo Jan. 26-29 in Las Vegas. The competition, which challenges framers to use their imagination, creativity, and skill to build a spectacular framing



sponsored by Frank’s Fabrics,


by Adatasol, Vermont Hardwoods, Framerica, PFM, Frameware LLC, and The Great Frame Up/Franchise


cepts, Inc. The 2019-20 PRINT was “Making Art Renate Eschmann and Christopher Soltis’ first-place PRINT piece

is my Guilty Pleasure” by Richard Cryer.

PRINT Winners First Place, Judges Award by FrameReady, and


Popular Choice Award by PFM: Renate Eschmann and Christopher Soltis, Colorwheel Inc., McLean, VA Second Place: Christine Hasenhundl, Hako-Oja Studio, Alberta, Canada


Third Place: Janine Buechner, MCPF, Sturgeon Bay, WI Honorable Mention: Deborah Hill, MCPF, and Dean Cardenas, Art Incorporated, San Antonio, TX Judges Award High Point First Time Entry: Mark 10 PFM March 2020

Christine Hasenhundl’s first-place OPEN piece

Kubo, FireLight Gallery & Framing, Petersburg, AR OPEN Winners First Place: Christine Hasenhundl, Hako-Oja Studio, Alberta, Canada Second Place, Judges Award by Vermont Hardwoods, and Popular Choice Award by PFM: Jasminas Q. Braticius, London, UK Third Place and Judges Award by Frank’s Fabrics: Kathy Cryer, The Great Frame Up, Northridge, CA Judges Award High Point First Time Entry: Manisha and Sajjan Bhatcar, Picturesque Art & Frames, Panaji, India First-place winners took home a monetary prize as well as a Platinum Pass to the 2021 WCAF Expo; second-place winners took home a monetary prize as well as a VIP Pass to the 2021 WCAF Expo; and third-place winners took home a monetary prize as well as a $150 educational certificate to the 2021 WCAF Expo. All winners also received a complimentary PRINT piece for the 2020-21 Competition: “Devoted Thoughts About Dogs” by Plee (Penny Tucker), sponsored by FrameTek.

Sepp Leaf to Offer Restoration Workshop Sepp Leaf will offer a multi-day workshop in New York next month that will teach framers essential restoration techniques. The workshop, “Introduction to Gold Leaf Restoration,” is set for April 15-17. Students will learn the methods involved in restoring gold leaf, including the preparation and use of gesso putty for infilling, mold casting for the repair of broken or missing decorative elements, and the basics of traditional water gilding, oil gilding, and toning. Materials, gold leaf, and use of studio tools are included in tuition costs. For details on the workshop and other classes being held around the country, visit www.gildingstudio.com or email

changed the game for Framerica and its customers.” For more information, call 800-372-6422 or visit www.framerica.com.

Certifications Awarded at PPFA Annual Convention Several framing certifications were presented at the Professional Picture Framers Association’s Annual Convention, held in conjunction with the West Coast Art & Frame Expo and The National Conference Jan. 26-29 at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Robert Hancock, of The Art Cellar Gallery & Framemakers in Banner Elk, NC, passed the Master Certified Picture Framer


(MCPF) exam during the convention. The Certified Picture Framer

Framerica’s DiMattei Surpasses 20-Year Mark

of Frame of Mind in Ormond Beach, Fla., and Christine Hasen-

Donna DiMattei, Framerica’s longtime freight

hundl, of Hako-Oja Studio in Alberta, Canada, both passed the

coordinator, recently celebrated two decades

exam. Additionally, Gayle Bennett, of Innerwood Gallery in Ball-

with the New York-based moulding manufac-

ston Lake, NY, passed the online CPF exam on Jan. 13. Bennett


took the CPF exam online at her local library, with a library staff

“Donna’s knowledge of logistics and her attention to detail are unprecedented at her Donna DiMattei

(CPF) exam also took place during the convention; Patti Singer,

position,” says VP Josh Eichner. “She has truly

member serving as proctor. To find out more about the exams, visit www.ppfa.com or email certification@ppfa.com. PFM

PFM March 2020 11


by Ken Baur

Building a Team: How to Do It and Why It Matters Recruit top candidates and retain star workers with these management tools.


ome companies hire employees; other companies hire team members. It may seem like semantics, but there

is a huge difference. Employees are individuals working independently to perform a job. Teams are formed by groups of workers who are inter-dependent on each other to attain a shared goal. Employees are productive enough to keep their jobs, motivated by the fear of losing their income. Team members are motivated by productivity and fear of letting down the other team members. Employees require constant direction, while teams receive the proper investment needed to make them successful. While it is much more difficult to create and maintain a team culture, the benefits of doing so can transform your company. Finding the right people is a key part of building a team. Team-oriented individuals have “coachable� traits, a service mentality, and value opportunity and challenge as much as or more than a paycheck. Structuring in-


terview questions to gain insight into what job candidates really value in a workplace is key. Applicants who focus their attention and

questions on pay, time off, and personal benefits probably will be focused on themselves at work. Team-oriented individuals focus their questions on how the company performs and what role they will play in future success. Building a team environment requires that the company leader create the type of workplace where team members have everything they need to be successful. This begins with providing a clear vision of the company direction or mission. To work as a team, individuals need to understand exactly what the company needs to do to be successful. Preparing a mission statement or defining the one or two things the company must do to be successful gives everyone insight into what


Ken Baur is president of KB Consulting, a business helping framers with pricing, profitability,

website development, e-mail marketing, gallery display, statistical analysis, team growth, and sales programs. In addition, he is a featured writer for PFM and conducts numerous seminars for The National Conference, industry open houses, and national conventions.

12 PFM March 2020

What are your company goals and values? Have they been clearly communicated to each member of your staff?

is most important for the compa-

ty over profit? Will the company

mance. Many companies create

ny to be successful. Good mission

have a social component that

goals where outcomes are beyond

statements are vital to any compa-

creates a higher value for those

the control of those trying to

ny, large or small. A written decla-

that work there? The team needs

achieve them. This can be demoti-

ration of exactly what key benefits

to know how the company will

vating for your team. Every aspect

the company will excel in provid-

treat their clients, the communi-

of the goals you select must rein-

ing to its clients is the first step in

ty, and each other.

force the company mission and

creating a competitive advantage

Finally, a team environment

be in direct control of those trying

in your market. It is necessary that

requires goals that reinforce the

to achieve them. If you create the

everyone in the company know

company direction—goals which

correct goals, you will create ongo-

exactly what the company is try-

can be measured every day, so

ing motivation by tying incentive

ing to achieve and how it will bring

that every member of the team

pay to goal results. Post the goal


knows if they had a successful

results where all team members

In addition to creating a state-

shift. Workers want to know if

can see them. Make goal achieve-

ment of company direction, lead-

they are doing a good job. They

ment a celebration for the entire

ership must also define the values

want to know if the company is

team, and always remember to tie

which govern the way the com-

doing well. By creating simple,

individual and team goal achieve-

pany conducts business. Compa-

easily scored goals, team mem-

ment back to the overall achieve-

ny values dictate behavior when

bers will receive consistent and

ment of the company mission.

tough decisions need to be made.

timely feedback on their individ-

Will your company choose hones-

ual and overall company perfor-





direction, values, and goals gives

your team a vision of where you

ness’s leadership role is destined

and values. Your company manu-

are going and how success will be

to a future of being the only mem-

al explains everything from where

achieved. But how do you create a

ber of the company with the an-

team members park to the proper

team that is self-directed, reliable,

swers. This is why so many lead-

way to answer the phone. Creat-

and consistent? How do you as the

ers find it impossible to dedicate

ing a company manual allows you

company leader make it highly like-

time to growing their company;

to respond to redundant questions

ly that every member of your team

they instead spend their careers

from your team with one answer:

will be successful in performing

monitoring employees’ behavior

“What does your manual say?”

their job? The answer is documen-

and answering the same ques-

Next, your team needs detailed

tation. Team members must have

tions over and over. If you want

job descriptions so that they are

access to everything they need to be

to grow your company, you must

completely aware of what is expect-

successful, and that requires writ-

provide your team with the ability

ed from them. Nothing is more de-

ten content. This is the step that can

to perform their jobs successfully.

moralizing than finding out you are

often discourage business owners,

Do you have a company man-

expected to perform tasks that were

because it requires time to create.

ual? It is the first step in docu-

not explained when hired. And it is

However, documenting everything

menting a successful path for

unfair to expect team members to

your team needs is the only way to

your team. This document out-

perform tasks they are not formal-

stop answering the same questions

lines all the basic policies and

ly assigned to do. Consider your

while providing consistent answers.

procedures your team needs to

company job descriptions to be like

Without properly documented

know. It also contains a copy of

contracts with your team members.

instruction, the person in your busi-

your company mission statement

In fact, they should sign their job


descriptions (after they have been

without formalized training pro-

trained to perform them), indicat-

grams wait too long to stop invest-

ing that they accept accountability

ing in new hires that cannot per-

for the performance of their specif-

form the job. A structured training

ic job.

program makes it obvious when

This brings us to the next vi-

someone is unable to perform at

tal area of team building—a docu-

the level required for the team’s

mented training program for every

success. Remember, in a team en-

job in your company. Successful

vironment, every team member

teams must be trained properly.

must be competent in their abili-

Training needs to be created for

ties, or the team will suffer. A team

properly sequenced content start-

is only as strong as its weakest

ing with the first day on the job.

link; and weak team members can

Weekly reviews with the trainer

have a dramatically negative effect

should be performed before mov-

on the rest of the team.

ing on in the training. One of the

Finally, a great team requires

best ways to ensure that trainees

ongoing growth for team members

are ready to move on is to use a

and new challenges. This is the

three-step certification on all the

most difficult part of creating on-

major areas of job training. This

going job satisfaction, but without

type of system defines the level of

it, many great team members will

expertise a trainee has during each

become disillusioned over time.

topic of training.

As the company leader, you must

Level one: the trainee can only

promote team members to areas

watch as the trainer performs the

such as management or additional

task. Level two: the trainee per-

jobs with increased responsibility

forms the task, but only under the

to keep morale high and to expose

supervision of the trainer. Finally,

the company to new opportunities

the trainee becomes “certified” in a

of growth. Many long-time team

particular task when they achieve

members have ideas or passions

level three.

which can be added to the services

Now the trainee can perform


the task without supervision and

Allowing team members to

accepts accountability for the re-

volunteer for community causes

sults. Using a certification process

on company time is also a great

and posting the trainees’ progress

way to create a higher value to your

where the entire team can see it

workplace. You can motivate team

ensures that trainees will not be

members by investing in outside

asked to perform tasks until they

training programs and increasing

are certified to do so. This process

their skill level. Ongoing training

ensures confidence for the trainee

for your team is a great way to im-

and consistency for the company.

prove company performance, open

Another valuable aspect of a documented training program is

18 PFM March 2020

offered by the company.

new service possibilities, and keep team members motivated.

the exposure it brings to trainees

Building a team capable of

who are not progressing at a satis-

providing everything your compa-

factory pace. Too often, companies

ny needs to be successful is a big

HOW TO BUILD A TEAM • Communicate your company goals and values to all workers via a mission statement—and make sure those goals can be measured daily • Include your mission statement in a company handbook, along with all company policies and procedures • Create a documented training program for every job in your shop • Promote longtime team members to managerial positions or increase the responsibilities of their positions

task. Documenting a company di-

past reviewing day-to-day tasks and

rection, values, goals, job descrip-

answering redundant questions for

tions, and a training program takes

the rest of your business life.

work but is absolutely necessary if

By following these steps, you

you want to build a company capa-

will create a proper, productive sys-

ble of consistently satisfying your

tem that allows your team to be

clients without constant monitor-

successful and opens your business

ing. As the company leader, you can-

world to limitless opportunities.

not properly focus on growing sales

With thorough policy and training

without a team that performs at a

documentation in place, you will be

high level. Creating the necessary

able to focus more of your time on

documentation allows you to move

growing your business. PFM

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http://www.pfmsub.com/Renew PFM March 2020 19



By Kimberly Biesiada here is only one place where a framing retailer can

“There is only one show that is a must if you want to

take classes led by renowned industry experts, visit

saturate yourself in the fine art reproduction, decor, and

over 100 vendors to shop for the full gamut of ma-

framing markets: The WCAF Expo,” said Gary Barker, nation-

terials and equipment, and foster connections with fellow

al sales manager at Digital Technology Group. “We contin-

framing professionals from around the world: The West

ue to exhibit every year because the quality of the show is

Coast Art and Frame Expo and The National Conference.

unmatched. We find the buyers are eager to learn through

Thousands of attendees gathered in Las Vegas from

the education opportunities offered here, and they come to

Jan. 26-29 for the 21st annual Expo. For the first time, the

invest in their business with new products and technology.

Expo was held at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino, which

For our business, the WCAF Expo sets the standard for ex-

boasts a state-of-the-art convention facility that includes a

cellence in what a trade show should offer exhibitors and

95,000-square-foot exhibit space, registration rotunda, open-

attendees alike.”

air patio, and 40,000 square feet of dedicated educational space. The layout made it easy for attendees to walk the



show floor, where they could find every product needed in

Truly an international show, the Expo welcomed attendees

the framing business—from moulding, matboard, and art-

from 47 countries across five continents. Those attendees

work to cutters, joiners, printers, software, and much more.

could meet with and buy from over 130 exhibitors, most

The excitement was palpable on the floor, in the class-

of whom have exhibited at the WCAF Expo for 10 or more

rooms, and throughout the halls during this four-day event,

years. There were plenty of new faces on the floor, too; the

the largest and most comprehensive in the industry. The

Expo welcomed 22 first-time exhibiting companies this

success of the show is evident in the high number of ven-

year, further expanding its offerings.

dors and buyers who make the WCAF Expo a can’t-miss event year after year.

20 PFM March 2020

“The WCAF Expo was tremendous—easily the best show in years,” said Josh Eichner, executive VP of Framerica.

“We saw quality attendees ready to buy as well as designers

sold out of just about everything we brought with us,” she

and specifiers in search of our new and exciting profiles and

said. “What made it even better was getting to lead a sold-

finishes. We wrote a lot of orders on the upgraded show floor

out class—it was a lot of fun.”

and enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with our industry

Meeting with vendors, seeing new products, and order-

friends. Framerica believes in the show and understands its

ing samples were among the top reasons attendees gave for

benefit. We can’t wait to go back next year.”

coming to the show. For many reatilers, the industry event

Craft Inc. kicked off its 70th year in business at the WCAF Expo. There, the company showcased its new SpringLOCK line of security hangers along with its best-selling

is the one time of year when they can foster valuable new business connections face-to-face. “The WCAF Expo gives us the opportunity to see new

product lines. Sales Manager Adam

products and talk to vendors,” said Mara-

Ruthowski said the move from the

lee Johnson, owner of Johnson’s Custom

Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino to

Photography in Flora, IL. “Although many

the Rio was “exactly what this show needed.” “The closer proximity of classes to the trade show floor allowed for more foot traffic from the attendees,” he added. “From the first day to the

“The WCAF Expo sets the standard for excellence in what a trade show should offer.”

of the items can be purchased online, it is so helpful to actually see things in person. We have also found many products we didn’t know existed.” Johnson, who has been coming to the show for over a decade, said she dis-

last day, we were very busy with edu-

covered products like Pro Tapes’ UGlu Re-

cated buyers.”

movable Adhesive Tape. “It has worked

Exhibiting companies were able

Gary Barker, DTG

perfectly in a number of situations al-

to connect with current and poten-

ready,” she added. She also learned new

tial customers, hear feedback on

uses for her Attach-EZ equipment.

their products, and convert leads into

“It’s a great way to keep on top of

sales—all in one place. Studio Moulding’s products were met

things in the industry and to get new ideas and products to

with high praise from buyers, said Jeff Hebblewhite, director

implement in your business,” Johnson said.

of sales for the company.

David Leingang, of Carden Custom Framing in Bismarck,

“This year’s WCAF Expo went extraordinarily well for

ND, attended the show as a newcomer to the industry. Hav-

Studio Moulding,” he said. “We were pleased to see so many

ing recently bought a 30-year-old framing business, he was

old and new friends during three very consistent days in

eager to learn from vendors and peers. Leingang went home

our booth. The Expo provided an invaluable opportunity to

with industry connections, design ideas, and a new Epson

showcase our entire line in an environment connected with

SureColor SC-P5000 printer.

engaged customers.”

The biggest lesson he learned? “To look outside the box

Attach-EZ enjoyed similar success. President and CEO Pat Kotnour said buyers were plentiful and motivated. “We

and start to update the way we do things and the products we supply our customers,” he said.

ATTENDANCE BY THE NUMBERS Gilding 2% Special Events 22%

Sales & Marketing 24%



Commercial Framing 2%

Digital Imaging & Printing 7%

Framing Techniques 18% Master Class 12%

Profit & Shop Management 13%

4,588 NC SEATS SOLD PFM March 2020 21

WCAF EXPO HIGHLIGHTS MAMMOTH MOULDING SAMPLE ✩ Framerica ✩ Framerica’s new booth design featured a larger-than-life frame sample that made a big statement on the show floor. This 104'' x 187'' behemoth was impossible to miss, and was bold, exciting, and fun—everything we’ve come to expect from Framerica.

✶ JAY GOLTZ UNPLUGGED ✩ 5 Real Secrets to Making More Money in the Framing Business ✩ Goltz, an industry luminary and perennially popular instructor, isn’t known for holding back, and his new keynote session was no different. Goltz was honest, frank, and insightful as he revealed his path to boosted profits. Attendees came away with an action plan to get their businesses on the right track to lasting success.

✶ LIVELY IN҃BOOTH EVENT ✩ Crescent ✩ To celebrate the Crescent Rewards program, retailers mingled with peers and enjoyed food and drinks during a special show event hosted by the company. Attendees said it was a great way to cap off a busy Tuesday and share their successes with the free app, which helps retailers earn rewards with every Crescent matboard.




Set on the 50th floor of the Rio,this hotspot is beloved by locals and visitors alike and quickly became a favorite of WCAF attendees. From the breathtaking rooftop views to the prime steaks, this restaurant is one we’ll be returning to in 2021. 22 PFM March 2020

AWARD҃WINNING DESIGN ✩ PPFA Competition ✩ Framers flexed their creative muscles by competing in the 2019-20 International Framing Competition. Renate Eschmann and Christopher Soltis’s PRINT piece and Christine Hasenhundl’s OPEN piece blew the judges away, earning first place in each category.

BUZZWORTHY SESSION ✩ 60 Minutes to a More Profitable Website ✩ This new breakfast session, sponsored by Crescent and led by Matt Weber, national trainer in the Grow with Google program, was met with rave reviews. It was clear why Weber is sought-after by businesses around the globe as he covered specific website enhancements retailers could make immediately to multiply their sites’ value and effectiveness.

ROCKIN’ NIGHT OUT ✩ PFM 30th Anniversary Party ✩ We may be biased, but the PFM staff weren’t the only ones having a blast at the magazine’s anniversary party, which celebrated three decades of serving the picture framing industry. From a sumptuous spread of food and beverages to a caricature artist, social media photo wall, and a live entertainer who performed hits by Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Willie Nelson and more, this sold-out event was one for the books.

OPEN҃CONCEPT DESIGN ✩ Fletcher Business Group ✩ Visitors to the FBG booth got up close and personal with the equipment on display. The frame joining and cutting experts created a wellthought-out open booth concept and an interactive kiosk area that allowed customers to see and feel their latest products before buying.

TEAM SPIRIT ✩ Wizard ✩ From bright-green, Astroturf-like flooring to overhead pennants, everyone who stepped into Wizard’s booth caught the team spirit. The creative design was a favorite among attendees.

PFM March 2020 23

WCAF EXPO HIGHLIGHTS BIG ANNOUNCEMENT ✩ Omega Moulding ✩ During the show, the Omega Moulding team announced that the company has purchased the assets of Max Moulding of Los Angeles and Atlanta. The happy news meant new product lines and amazing show-only deals for customers.

✶ NEW PANEL FORMAT ✩ Successful Retailing Panel ✩ PFM’s annual Successful Retailing Panel, a longtime conference favorite, introduced a fresh format this year. After an in-depth interview between Jay Goltz and Loren Feldman—CCO of 21 Hats, former editor at the New York Times, Inc., and Forbes—business owners were chosen from the audience to take center stage and share stories of their successes and pitfalls.


PINK IS THE NEW BLACK ✩ World Art Group ✩


As a global leader in art publishing, World Art Group always brings plenty of swoon-worthy artwork to showcase in their booth, from traditional to contemporary pieces. We’ve fallen for their signature magenta hue, too, which adds energy and sparks of creative inspiration to the shopping experience.

✶ FABULOUS FIELD TRIPS ✩ Photo Walks ✩ Ever dreamed of shooting frame-worthy landscape or low-light photos? Attendees did just that on a series of exclusive offsite tours to top destinations like Valley of Fire and The Museum at Count’s Kustoms. Experienced photographers and beginners alike captured stunning images while learning from professionals in the field.

24 PFM March 2020

Another hot pick among attendees was “Great Frame Shops with Great Ideas,” led by Jared Davis, MCPF, GCF. “His use of visuals and his experience with just getting to tour so many different shops is invaluable,” said Maria White, manager of Scanlon Gallery in Ketchikan, AK. “Seeing cool things that other shops are doing sparked a lot of ideas.” Among the ideas White plans to use in her own business is the use of magnets when framing artwork. Beyond staying up-to-date on technical and design advancements, Session topics ranged from framing techniques, design trends, and retailing strategies to marketing, social media, and more.

THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE Running in conjunction with the Expo is The National Conference, the industry’s leading educational program, which offers innovative seminars and hands-on workshops from experts in their field. The conference featured over 30 new offerings this year, most of which were sold to capacity. With so many sessions to choose from, retailers are guaranteed to walk away with profit- and efficiency-boosting ideas they can implement in their business immediately.

White said attending the industry’s most comprehensive educational event is also a useful trust-building tool she uses with customers. Claudine Bogart, owner of Frame Depot in Grand Junction, CO, was similarly inspired by the innovations framing retailers are making that set them apart from the competition. Bogart, who has been attending the show since its inception 21 years ago, said that “Seeing all the cool things we can do is energizing.” “I brought two new employees that are new to the industry; they both learned a lot and are still excited about what they learned,” she added. “I am loving the ideas they are presenting now that we are back home.”

Sara Payne, owner of Artisan Custom Framing in Mill Creek, WA and first-time conference attendee, took sessions that focused on business and technology, including “Jay Goltz

SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! The WCAF Expo and The National Conference will return

Unplugged: 5 Real Secrets to Making More Money in the

to the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas Jan. 24-

Framing Business.” Goltz’s session was Payne’s favorite at

27, 2021, with The National Conference starting Jan. 25.

the conference; she plans to align her pricing strategy with what she learned there.

“The creativity, desire for excellence, and passion for the industry from both attendees and exhibitors alike nev-

“The knowledge I gained was powerful, and I want to

er ceases to amaze me,” said Deborah Salmon, trade show

continue to grow in my business,” Payne said. “I never want

director. “It is so rewarding to be part of an event that as-

to be stuck only knowing one solution to a problem. The Na-

sists and inspires attendees to take their businesses to the

tional Conference gave me so many new ideas.”

next level. Even in this highly connected world, nothing

With all the technological and marketplace changes

beats the growth and networking opportunities only avail-

in recent years, business veterans have as much to gain as

able at an industry event. Our team is already working on

newcomers by attending the conference. After more than a

new ideas and topics for WCAF Expo 2021.” PFM

decade of experiences at The National Conference, Melissa


Nielsen, owner of Imperial Frame Gallery, Inc. in North Palm Beach, FL, considers her annual trip to Las Vegas an essential investment in the continued health of her business. Her standout session of the year? “Improving the Profitability of your Business,” led by Wayne Baker, MCPF.


“If you care about your business, invest in yourself, your employees, and your business! Attend!” Nielsen said. Attendees could also choose from a lineup of special offsite sessions. Among the most popular offerings were guided tours of Las Vegas Market, led by Ginger Hartford, CPF, and John Ranes II, CPF, GCF. 26 PFM March 2020

Attendees chose from over 20 hands-on workshops that covered everything from fabric wrapping to gilding.


By Ginger Hartford, CPF

Instagram: Your Path to Social Media Success Market like a pro using these easy-to-learn apps and features.


ecause the art and design industries are so highly visual, Instagram is a natural source of inspiration.

This influencer platform can drive inspiration and impact your customers’ path to purchase and your very business. Over one-third of Instagram users have used mobile media to research and purchase a product online, making them 70 percent more likely to do so are discovering new products, services, and


brands like yours, it pays to build your pres-

It is easier than you might imagine to upgrade

ence on Instagram! Artists, framers, creatives,

your marketing program on visual platform

and designers have found Instagram to be an

tools like Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and

incredible channel for ecommerce marketing,

Facebook. You can visually plan, schedule, and

showcasing products and services!

analyze posts for all platforms with incredible

than non-users. If 75 percent of consumers

In my previous article, “Content Creation

social media marketing tools readily available.

for Master Marketing,” I highlighted sever-

Not only do they have great resources to help

al design tools and tips for creative content

educate marketing teams and streamline your

development, and we dug into why branding

efforts, but you can also spend less time post-

and content creation matters as well as con-

ing to Instagram and more time building and

tent strategy, curation, and creation. Now let’s

scaling your business.


dive specifically into Instagram, how to build

Instagram Partner programs offer robust

brand awareness and optimize this mas-

yet easy-to-use tools for business growth to

sive marketing platform for your business!

help you simplify your Instagram marketing. Ideally, a visual content calendar can


Ginger Hartford is a highly accomplished art and design industry veteran recognized for her executive leadership and expertise in strategic marketing and global business development. Formerly with Larson-Juhl, Ginger founded EurDesign Studio as a sought-after consultant about high-level marketplace trends and design technology. She leads seminars on marketing at The National Conference.

28 PFM March 2020

Use eye-catching visual content to drive sales with Instagram’s “link in bio” feature, which takes users to your products.

help you manage and schedule your Instagram posts and

help you plan, schedule, and manage your social media

batch your efforts. Because Instagram is such a visual tool

marketing for Instagram and other platforms. Import

that can capture your audience’s attention, it’s important

your media from anywhere so you can synchronize your

to plan your feed before you post to create a beautiful

photos and videos whether they’re on your phone, in the

Instagram aesthetic instead of a random mishmash. Im-

Cloud, or on your desktop. Content is king, so stay orga-

agery is the key to capture, engage, and influence your

nized with search functionality and the ability to build

prospective buyers. Creative marketers today are setting

different content libraries for individual Instagram ac-

high standards with agency-level marketing campaigns

counts, themes, and more.

featuring imagery and graphic design that is sophisticatnot only has to effectively promote your brand, but it also


must compete—even visually. Today’s buyers are highly

“If you post it, they will come” doesn’t really work unless

perceptive to brand equity as creative content can best

you get strategic about building your creative communi-

convey quality and value. Your identity also sets the tone

ty and visibility with hashtags. Hashtags, represented by

for your business in your marketplace and on Instagram.

the # character, help represent your posts in a gallery or

It’s incredibly helpful to keep all your Instagram vi-

location where your photo will appear, attracting new fol-

sual content, drafts, stories, and videos all in one place

lowers. Each post has a maximum limit of 30 hashtags, so

and accessible on any device. Tailwind, Later, Planoly,

use them to your advantage! The best practice to achieve

and Plann are four popular social services with apps that

a clean look within your feed is to start each comment

ed, authentic, and highly styled. Your content marketing

PFM March 2020 29

ple that you admire that typify your ideal customer or complementary businesses. Comment on their posts and ask questions within your own to build engagement and conversation. Collaborations are popular ways to partner with other businesses, tap into massive communities, and cross-promote your services with each other’s followings. It takes time to build relationships and brand equity to attract, retain, and grow with customers for new business! Linktree optimizes your Instagram traffic by housing all your content under one link for you to include in the bio section of your page.


with five vertical dots before entering your hashtags. This

A popular growth driver for driving traffic from Insta-

forces Instagram to collapse the comment, so the entire

gram is to add your “link in bio” or tag products within

feed is uncluttered. Instagram tools also allow you to put

your posts to turn your feed into a shoppable opportunity

hashtags in your first comment, which builds post activity.

for click-to-cart service or click to a specific landing page.

Aim to mix your hashtags with popular and more specific

Shoppable content could include your gallery or frame

tags to balance opportunities for your brand to stand out.

shop gifts, accessories, wall art, prints, or any derivative

Tailwind even has intelligent hashtag recommendations

and decorative art products available for sale. Consumers

and analytics to help you increase engagement. Drop pre-

are in “discovery mode” on Instagram, so make the most of

saved lists of hashtags into posts with a single click for

the sales opportunity by simplifying the path to purchase

hassle-free post management.

for them in the moment!

Hashtag generators in apps like Hashme, Focal Mark,

Instagram business tools have great analytics that

and For Display Purposes Only use artificial intelligence

help you understand clicks, page views, and sales from

to best describe your photo and generate relevant tags.

each post as well. Your store can get more traffic from

Simply upload your photo and identify authentic and re-

Instagram with the ability to offer more than one link in

gional-specific hashtags that can copy to Instagram. For-

your Instagram bio! Strategically linking an individual In-

tunately, top Instagram tools such as Tailwind have the

stagram post to very specific blog articles, list building, or

most robust hashtag support already embedded to fur-

landing pages on your website ensures that your follow-

ther simplify your life!

ers can find what they’re looking for when they’re scroll-

A good business practice is to always include a custom hashtag for your business name to build your own

ing through your feed and inspired to buy. Marketing tool Later offers a “link in bio” for a stream-

brand, as well as your city, project type, design style, and/ or materials used in your hashtag group. A framing example: #[your business name] #artofframing #creativebiz #choosecustompictureframing #walldecor #ppfa #wcaf #custompictureframing #pictureframer #customframer #art #matboards #moulding #pic-


tureframes #interiordesign #homedecor #homedesign #homeinspo #gallerywall #interiorlovers #decoinspo #interiorstyling #wallmirror #fineartframing #designtrends #walldecorations #shoplocal


Also add these: #[your city], #[your state], #[project type; for example, gallery canvas], #[design style; for example, modern, transitional, rustic], #[materials used’ for example, wood, metal] Otherwise, engagement is truly the best form of building relationships. Follow along with brands or peo30 PFM March 2020

Tag multiple products in your Instagram posts and link them to your online product pages for a seamless in-app shopping experience.

ness owner. You’ll get one bio link to house all the content you’re driving followers to, and it lets your content live longer than the feed.

SHOP SOCIAL In today’s world, the camera is the new keyboard; it’s all about visual searching and the ability to “shop a look.” Let shoppers discover, shop, and buy your products directly from your Instagram posts and stories. It’s critical to be where your shoppers and customers already are. Around six hundred thousand businesses are powered by Shopify, with 1 million active users and over $82 billion in products sold. It cannot be overstated how popular and easy it is to sell products with a shoppable Instagram feed. Shopify is the leading e-commerce platform for entrepreneurial reOver one-third of Instagram users have researched and purchased a product online. It pays to get your business out in front of them!

lined, all-in-one marketing service. Another marketing

tailers, helping businesses turn Instagram followers into customers with a shoppable, mobile-optimized landing page.

tool you can brand as your own is Linktree, which also

No Shopify? No problem! You can still tag multi-

helps users cross-navigate to Pinterest from Instagram,

ple products in beautiful lifestyle posts and link Insta-

which is a massively important search engine optimiza-

gram-shoppable posts to your online product pages. This

tion tool. Linktree is helpful for optimizing your Insta-

seamless, in-app experience allows your customers to

gram traffic, whether you’re a blogger, an artist, or a busi-

“shop the look” and buy directly from Instagram, trans-

PFM March 2020 31

the time to understand how best to get strategic and creative with video to tell your story! Planoly has a complete IGTV guide available to help you navigate this new territory. Video is enormously appealing and has the highest engagement. First, you must understand video requirements to know the length, resolution, formatting, and file sizes for best viewing within Instagram. Second, your IGTV cover photo matters! There are many templates to up-level your presentation so it looks very professional and attractive. You can select a framework for your video that can be branded to complement your business. Next, post your IGTV video to your grid as a great way to drive traffic to view your video. Simply edit your profile Your visual marketing content should reflect the look, feel, and voice of your brand. A consistent color palette adds to your feed’s style.

lating to sales orders and sessions.


cover so that the image is best presented. Lastly, schedule your IGTV content and ensure your caption title and description are set so your audience can easily reference the content. Tag other account users and add hashtags and any relevant links for greater visibility.

Remember when “Video Killed the Radio Star” on MTV?

Remember, when creating or sourcing your imag-

According to EMarketer, by 2021, mobile video will account

ery, your content must capture attention. Storytelling is

for 78 percent of total mobile data traffic. This means big

most compelling when featuring your own business by

things are ahead for Instagram Stories and IGTV, so now is

designs, projects, artists, or gallery events. Content helps


build organic engagement, which leads to growth. Your captions should convert browsers into buyers. Share captions that always have a goal or a story to intrigue and grow your following. Focus on storytelling to create connections and build relationships with clients. Feature behind-the-scenes stories to build interest and help customers get to know you, like you, and trust you. Your stories should convey your core values and give voice to your brand identity. Have fun, be authentic, and focus on tone, language, and business persona in all your creative endeavors. Instagram Stories have accelerated social engagement. A host of Stories apps are now available to help you master this media to your advantage. Unfold is an app toolkit for storytellers with beautiful Instagram story templates. The Stories Edit app is powered by Planoly, a favored visual content planner and social media marketing tool. Categories include cover designs, fashion, food, quotes, photography, and product and marketing guides, all preformatted for Instagram.

The social service Later offers linkin.bio for a streamlined, all-in-one marketing service.

and the multitude of apps and tools available to help you

Developing a strategic framework for your brand to

master them quickly. Think of your Instagram account as

showcase your vision, value, voice, and views has never

just another art form with which to grow your business.

been easier with social media platforms like Instagram

And remember: be creative! PFM

PFM March 2020 33



other’s Day and graduation season are two prime times to sell custom framing to new and returning customers alike. Everything from a simple,

elegant design for a diploma to a shadowbox for gowns, caps, tassels, awards, photographs, and more can help a

A daughter had this personalized shadowbox created to celebrate her mother’s retirement. By James Miller

recent graduate and their family celebrate their special occasion. Mother’s Day also offers endless possibilities for great framing; children’s artwork, baby clothes and toys, school projects, cards or letters, quilts, photos, and much more can make a perfect gift to the moms in your customers’ lives. Here, PFM has compiled some examples of frame designs to inspire your own work. Get creative and happy selling!

A plush purple mat and silver frame add elegance to this vintage love story.


By Meg Glasgow


This collection of hot pads made by Mom were gifted back years later by her daughter. By James Miller 34 PFM March 2020

This piece boasts a 22-karat finished corner frame, handwrapped fabric mat, and fillet. By Daniel Beauchemin

A baby girl’s birth announcement is enhanced with a pink patterned mat. By Meg Glasgow

All three of these projects were for the same graduate, commissioned by his proud father. The customer wanted them to be similar in size and shape, but unique presentations. By James Miller

A child’s clay bear is attached to premium plexi and framed with a mirror for a 3-D effect. By Daniel Beauchemin PFM March 2020 35

This dress is stitch-mounted so that it can be removed for future use with another baby. By James Miller

The cover of this decorative fragrance cabinet lifts off for access to the bottles within. By James Miller

A quilt is a classic choice for a framed gift to a beloved mother. By James Miller




1 Framing feature that should enhance the art, not overshadow it 5 Very stylish 8 Carry out 9 Became popular on Instagram, e.g. 12 More elegant 13 Large expanse of water 14 ___ conscious materials (sustainable) 16 Reuse materials in a new project, say 17 Persuade to buy 18 ___ leaf: thin shiny foil, 2 words 19 Summer month, abbr. 21 Edge 22 Including 24 One method of attaching the piece to the backing 27 Relating to materials that will last a long time 30 Pixel density 33 Renaissance, for one 34 Popular 35 High quality print 36 Well-built and sturdy

1 2 3 4 6 7 10 11 12 15 16 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 31 32

May 10, 2 words Utilize Flash of inspiration Affirm silently Custom-made, not mechanical Sculpt or fashion Canadian province, for short Art ___ Looked toward Painter’s medium Space Band’s booking Fitting a frame with glass Nurse, for short Ancient Greek column style Brilliant achievement It often crosses a street, abbr. Color shade Paintings, e.g., in Latin Small fastener Kilogram, for short


PFM March 2020 37

This framed OSU diploma shows off the capabilities of a computerized mat cutter. By James Miller

This lighthearted design was actually gifted from mother to daughter after several arm injuries. By James Miller

The diploma jacket is included in this framing, with its logo showing below the diploma. By James Miller

These baby shoes were attached with formed-rod mounts painted to match the shoes. By James Miller



Crossword Challenge Puzzle Solution

Sneak Peeks • Featured Articles @pictureframingmagazine

PFM March 2020 39

Framed photos within the main frame add a personal touch to this shadowbox. By Meg Glasgow

This antique sampler, created by a mother’s ancestor, made for a perfect framed gift to her. By James Miller

An example of a tassel mounted in its natural state with its strings, which tend to snag in a frame. By James Miller

A mother who’d sewn this outfit for her toddler son was gifted this frame design years later. By James Miller

This diploma also has an in-tact tassel beside it. The school logo finishes the frame design. By James Miller


Vintage baking tools and a recipe card are the stars of this shadowbox gift to Mom. By Meg Glasgow

James Miller, MCPF, GCF, Meg Glasgow, and Daniel Beauchemin submitted photos for this article. Miller, who founded ARTFRAME, Inc. in 1988, is a longtime educator and writer for PFM. He has also authored two books for framers: Mounting Objects with Clear Film and The Complete Guide to Shadowboxes and Framing Objects. Meg Glasgow, owner of Finer Frames in Eagle, ID, is a nationally recognized consultant in the art and framing field. She travels widely in the U.S. presenting sales and marketing seminars for small businesses, and has published her second book, Recharge Your Business. Daniel Beauchemin is the owner of Chelsea Frames in New York City— one of the most renowned studios in the U.S. with a global client base. He is a popular speaker who has decades of professional experience in furniture design, art history, and interiors in addition to framing. All three are educators for The National Conference PFM

Have a question or comment? Tell PFM what you think. Mail letters to PFM: 83 South Street, Unit 307, Freehold, NJ 07728 Call 732-536-5160, Fax to 732-252-2270 Attn: PFM Editor or E-mail to editor@pfm-group.com PFM March 2020 41

Product Showcase 888 Manufacturing Corporation

Hayaku by Lineco is a Japanese mulberry paper coated with acid-free, water-activated adhesive. This extremely strong hinging material saves both time and money. It is used for hinging work of art on paper, repair of paper, and structural applications in art and conservation. Call: 888-338-3318 www.888mfgcorp.com

Decor Moulding

Introducing Soho, a new line featuring six large black and white gloss mouldings in very contemporary profiles. Widths range from 1 1/2'' up to 3'', and rabbet heights from 7/8'' up to 1 3/4''. Soho = classic beauty combined with contemporary profiles and glistening finishes. Order corner kit #CS-SOHO to get these high demand styles on your walls today. Call: 800-937-1055 www.decormoulding.com

Delta Picture Frame Co.


Delta Picture Frame Company has your stretching needs covered with its wide variety of stretcher bar profiles, some of which can be seen here. Four of the profiles are dual-use, allowing you many options without taking up more space. Delta stocks large quantities of all profiles and offers competitive volume pricing. Call the office for more details.

Framerica’s Illusions profile—an innovative design that allows one moulding to appear stacked—is now available in Swirled gold and silver. “Illusion’s has been a hit from day one,” notes VP Josh Eichner. “Adding Swirled to it was a natural progression.” Call: 800-372-6422 www.framerica.com

Call: 800-327-5482 www.deltapictureframe.com

ITMS Group Filmoplast P90 Plus: for fixing pictures, photographs, and prints to passe-partouts or rear mounts. For dust-free sealing of rear mounts. Photographic Activity Test according to ISO 18916 passed. 50 g/m2 wood-free, tear-resistant special paper; white solvent-, acid-, and phthalate-free; age-resistant; non-yellowing; permanently elastic acrylic adhesive silicone-paper release liner.

Penny Lane Fine Art & Licensing New artwork by Annie LaPoint! Contact a sales representative by phone or emailing info@pennylanepublishing.com for more information. All the artwork you see on our website is also available on canvas and wood products. Select images are also available as large-format giclée prints.


Call: 877-231-8060 www.thelibrarysupply.com

Call: 800-273-5263 www.pennylanepublishing.com

Sepp Leaf

Universal Arquati

This special Liming Brush is made from long-lasting bronze bristles, which are ideal for opening the grain of hardwoods. This is an important step before applying stain and the Liberon White Liming Wax. It’s comfortable to hold and suitable to clean heavy carvings, moldings, and even stone. Imported from England by Sepp Leaf Products. Available through Talas.

Presenting the additions of Edge II by Universal. This collection incorporates mid-century designs with silver, gold, and champagne tones in high-quality finishes with the recent addition of the Oak Black Veneer! Edge II comes in three profiles for floating, stacking, and glass framing designs. Samples of this collection are available now!

Call: 212-219-0770 www.talasonline.com

42 PFM March 2020

Call: 800-668-3627 www.universalarquati.com

Index Advertiser




Active Sales ..............................................................................44

ITMS GROUP.............................................................................32




Alpina Manufacturing, LLC ........................................................44 800-915-2828

www.fastchangeframes.com /www.bannergrip.com

Capax-Frame It ........................................................................45 800-942-2729


CMI Moulding ...........................................................................44 301-476-7440



Jack Richeson & Co. ..................................................................44 800-233-2404


Michelangelo Moulding .............................................................27 877-422-8812


Omega Moulding Company .......................................5, 32, 36, 40

Craft Inc. ..................................................................................41



Picture Woods Ltd. ....................................................................41


Crescent Cardboard Co. ...........................................11, 29, 31, 33 800-323-1055


Decor Moulding & Supply ..................................14, 17, 32, 39, 40 800-937-1055





Pro Tapes & Specialties..............................................................25 800-345-0234


Engelsen Frame & Moulding ......................................................44

Rhonda Feinman Custom Frames .................................................6





Fixons ......................................................................................44

Superior Moulding Corp. ...........................................................44




Foster Planing Mill ..............................................................37, 44 323-759-9156


Framerica............................................ 2, 3, 4, 32, 36, 39, 45, 48 800-372-6422


FrameTek .................................................................................18 800-227-9934



Tru Vue ....................................................................................13 800-621-8339


Universal Arquati ........................................................................7 800-668-3627


West Coast Art & Frame Expo ......................................................9

Frameware, Inc. .......................................................................16



Wire & Cable Specialties ............................................................38


Frank’s Fabrics for Framers .......................................................19 888-332-2749


Gluefast Company ....................................................................44 800-242-7318


Hoffmann Machine Company ....................................................44 866-248-0100





Wizard International .................................................................15 888-855-3335


Z Hardware ..............................................................................44 800-880-9315


House of Troy ...........................................................................16

Ziabicki Import Co. ...................................................................36




www.ziabicki.com PFM March 2020 43

Distributor Spotlight




A complete innovative marketing section designed especially for distributors. For more information,

sales@pfm-group.com 44 PFM March 2020

(Continued from page 46)

First, the measurements of the diploma were entered

Once the mat had cured, we added an additional layer

into FrameReady, our point-of-sale program. The mat and

of Crescent C1150 2-ply hidden behind the French mat. This

frame materials, mat margins, and glazing were also en-

extra layer prevented the painted bevel from touching the

tered to give us the precise measurements for cutting the

diploma. The diploma was mounted using Lineco Archival

mat, backing board, and glazing. Mat measurements were

Polypropylene Mounting Corners. We then backed the piece

then transferred into the Valiani software. The mat was cut


on our CMC, resulting in a perfect bevel!

frame sealing tape to encapsulate the framing package while

Once we prepared the mat, we checked it against the


Coroplast for strength and protection. We used a

we waited for the closed-corner frame.

diploma for fit. This double-check is necessary for all our

Once the frame arrived, we finished the piece using

projects because we always want to make certain we have a

framers’ points to hold the artwork in place. Lineco archi-

perfect fit before doing all the hand-crafted mat work.

val frame backer paper was used with 3M 924 ATG Adhesive

Using the French mat corner sample we presented to the

Transfer Tape to seal the piece. A pocket made from Lineco

customer as a reference, three gold lines were drawn using

archival frame backer paper was added to the back of the

a ruling pen. After the gold lines dried, removable tape was

frame for the documentation that accompanied the diploma.

applied to the mat to mask off the area for the gold bevel. A

Upon presenting the piece to the customer, his reaction

base layer of red acrylic paint was applied, followed by a layer

was priceless. We know we have done a great job when we

of Wunda Size. Gold leaf was then placed on the prepared

see happy tears! We showcase several diploma designs like

bevel. The leafing was carefully hand-burnished and then

this one in our shop’s inspiration gallery. Each example has

gently rubbed with superfine #0000 steel wool to allow a little

a unique feature and spans many different price points.

red to show through. A final layer of varnish completed the

Showing these unique designs sets us apart from the com-

finish on the bevel. Now for the most satisfying part: pulling

petition. The designs are easy to replicate, and they give our

off the tape. Voilà—a beautiful gold bevel revealed!

customers their own ideas! PFM

PFM March 2020 45

DESIGN OF THE MONTH By Jill and Paul Choma

Frame Design Fêtes Grad’s Golden Future


s a small custom framing business, we are constantly challenging ourselves to provide exceptional design

bevel and three gold lines.

options that customers can’t get online or at

With that in mind, we presented the cus-

big box retailers. These designs are the reason

tomer with a Dutch, closed-corner, 1'' black

our customers choose to do business with us.

frame from Rhonda Feinman with a 22K gold

Not only do they add to our profitability, but

lip to add brightness. We showed our custom-

they also define the reason our customers keep

er the mat corner sample for the French mat

coming back. Sometimes going above and be-

design that he liked in our Inspiration Gallery.

yond the ordinary is just what is needed.

A hand-painted gold bevel acted as a segue be-

We recently had a customer tell us he was

tween the diploma paper color and the brighter

looking to frame a work on paper that was “the

color of the white rag mat. The gold bevel on

most expensive piece of paper my son has ever

the mat closely matches the gold lip on the

spent money on.” Carefully opening what he’d

frame, and the French lines complement the

brought us, we realized it was his son’s diplo-

entire design. We also suggested premium

ma, certifying his newly earned master’s de-

glazing to finish this elegant piece, explaining

gree in computer science. Our customer want-

that the UV protection, abrasion resistance,

ed to reward his son’s efforts with a top-notch

and shatter resistance of the acrylic would give

frame design.

his investment long-term protection.


We brought that customer into our shop’s

The frame design incorporates a combina-

Inspiration Gallery, where we have several di-

tion of hand-crafted skills and modern tech-

plomas elegantly framed in different styles and

nology using our Valiani computerized mat

at different price points. He pointed out his fa-

cutter. This combination is both very precise

vorite, which had a painted mat with a gold

and artistic at the same time. A true classic!


Jill Choma began custom framing in 1999 and brings a background of architectural and interior design. She has continuously studied techniques specializing in archival framing to best protect clients’ artwork. She specializes in designing and framing three-dimensional works of art. When not framing, you can find Jill traveling in search of the perfect cannoli and chai tea. Paul Choma joined Gilded Moon Framing in 2004 and has helped steer the business to the success it enjoys today. His design style is to complement art with a perfect, timeless frame. Paul has always loved woodworking and has amassed a collection of tools to build the perfect frame. When not building the perfect frame, you can find him teaching snow skiing in winter and water skiing in summer. 46 PFM March 2020

(Continued on page 45)

An elegant frame design featuring a hand-painted gold bevel commemorates a customer completing his graduate school program.

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