Picture Framing Magazine - September 2021

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PFM is a member of:

Volume 32, Number 9

PPFA, The Professional Picture Framers Association ACC, Art Copyright Coalition SOG, Society of Gilders

On the Cover Picture frame mouldings and matboards are heavily influenced by the design trends that evolve season to season, as seen at High Point Market. Our cover shows the Chapman Entertainment Console from Hooker Furniture. Note the textures and black tones. Neutrals abound. For the full story, see page 18. Image courtesy of Hooker Furniture Corp

Features 18 22 26 34

Fall Design Trends Wholesale Efficiency for Retailers Gadgets and Gizmos Framing Jigsaw Puzzles


Columns 12 Sales Strategies 46 Design of the Month

Departments 8 10 38 42 43 44 45

Editor’s Note Industry News Product Showcase Distributor Spotlight Crossword Puzzle Index of Advertisers Crossword Solution




Picture Framing Magazine® (ISSN 10529977) is published monthly, plus one issue by PFM Publishing, LLC, 330 Mounts Corner Dr. #313, Freehold, NJ 07728; phone 732-5365160; fax 732-252-2270. Subscription Office: Picture Framing Magazine, PO Box 612, Northbrook, IL 60065-0612; phone 888-238-0049. Subscription: $20 per year U.S., $40 U.S. Dollars per year in Canada and Mexico, $60 U.S. Dollars per year for all international. Single copies, $5.95. If a paid subscription magazine is returned by the U.S. Postal Service as non-deliverable, Picture Framing Magazine will maintain the subscription for one year. If after one year a new address is not provided, Picture Framing Magazine will cancel the order. No refund will be available for that account. Periodicals class postage paid at Freehold, New Jersey, and at an additional mailing office. Entire contents © 2021 by PFM Publishing, LLC. Printed in U.S.A. Picture Framing Magazine registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Postmaster: Send address changes to Picture Framing Magazine, PO Box 612, Northbrook, IL 60065-0612 Agreement Number 1691910 Disclaimer The opinions and information in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher and are therefore not to be viewed as such. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher. PFM does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial, nor does the publisher assume any responsibility for the consequences that occur should any such material appear. PFM and PFM Publishing assume no responsibility for content, text, or artwork of advertisements appearing in PFM except those promoting PFM. The Publisher reserves the right to review all advertising materials submitted for publication and to not accept any such material deemed inappropriate for any reason.

PFM Publishing

330 Mounts Corner Dr. #313, Freehold, NJ 07728 • Phone 732-536-5160 • Fax 732-252-2270

PICTURE FRAMING MAGAZINE www.pictureframingmagazine.com Bruce Gherman • bgherman@pfm-group.com • 848-444-5202 Kimberly Biesiada • kbiesiada@pfm-group.com • 848-231-3510 I N TE RI M E D I TO R Chris A Paschke • cpaschke@pfm-group.com A RT D I RE C TO R Jin Dong • jin@wcafexpo.com • 848-231-4082



Jay Goltz • PRE S E RVATI O N E D I TO R Hugh Phibbs • M O U N TI N G E D I TO R Chris A. Paschke, CPF, GCF M AT D O C TO RS Brian Wolf, CPF • John E. Ranes II, CPF, GCF • Tim Franer, CPF William B. Adair • Ken Baur • Jared Davis, MCPF, GCF • Paul MacFarland, MCPF, GCF James Miller, MCPF, GCF • David Lantrip, MCPF, GCF



sales@pfm-group.com • 848-444-3058 Bruce Gherman • bgherman@pfm-group.com Rob Gherman • robgherman77@gmail.com CIRCULATION D I RE C TO R O F A U D I E N C E D E V E LO PM E N T

Maureen Robertson • maureen@wcafexpo.com PRODUCTION


Jin Dong • ads@pfm-group.com

SUBSCRIPTIONS 848-444-5164 maureen@wcafexpo.com

WEST COAST ART & FRAME EXPO • NATIONAL CONFERENCE A division of Hobby Pubco • www.wcafshow.com

Deborah Salmon • dsalmon@wcafexpo.com Maureen Robertson • maureen@wcafexpo.com TRA D E S HO W C O O RD I N ATO R Gary Coughlin • gary@wcafexpo.com C O N F E RE N C E C O O RD I N ATO R Alan Pegler • alan@wcafexpo.com









6 PFM September 2021

Bruce Gherman


Embracing fall trends and new products is just the beginning this month.

CONTENTS AD INDEX 8 PFM September 2021

wo months ago I received a call from the powers that be at PFM and was asked if I would consider taking the position of interim editor while Kimberly Biesiada was out on maternity leave. Attempting to ll Kim’s shoes is both an honor and humbling, and I will make every attempt to maintain her high standards and make her proud. Having been a writer for PFM since their rst issue and an educator in the industry since the mid-1980s I consider a great many of our regular writers my friends and peers. It is my esteemed privilege to be helping polish their words so Picture Framing Magazine may continue to offer the wondrous array of information and education that our industry so thrives on. No issue on fall trends would be complete without a report on High Point Market--the largest home decor market in the world. Steve McKenzie attended the show in June and offers us his views on furniture and colors we may very well be seeing as customer requests in our showrooms (p. 18). Our annual Fall Product Showcase features new product launches as well as moulding and matboard offerings to best enhance the newest decor trends (p. 38). Pricing is always a debatable issue and this month’s Sales Strategies column by Jared Davis discusses the el-

ements of knowledge and desire being two of the drivers behind price acceptance. Delve into the determining factors behind whether price really matters to our customers, or not so much after all (p. 12). Framing memorabilia is not only a basic for most framers. Our Design of the Month visits the pinewood derby cars of Cub Scout days showing how the cars, patches, pins and trophies can create memories for generations. And John Ranes gives us design advice and shows us how puzzles--a pastime that has new found popularity--are not the huge problem to frame that many think. Finally, in “Gadgets and Gizmos” Rob Markoff offers his top twelve tools every framer must have (p26). As always, there is something for everyone this month. I have always loved our industry and am thrilled to be a part of PFM, that in many ways, feels like the glue that holds us all together.

Chris A. Paschke Interim Editor

INDUSTRY NEWS Michelangelo Moulding Celebrates 25 Years

lege testing center as the location for his exam. All three participated

Michelangelo Moulding proudly announces that September, 2021,

in 12-week online CPF exam study groups, which are free to PPFA

marks their 25th anniversary in the moulding business. In 1996,


Denis and Charles Galazzo




Montreal, and have grown to become

PPFA’s Central Texas Chapter plans to offer the CPF exam in person on Saturday, Sept. 25, in conjunction with an educational event on Sunday, Sept. 26. Visit centraltexasppfa.com for more information.

a major factor in

Framerica®’s Chris Monaco Reaches 35 Years

the North Ameri-

September 1, 2021, Yaphank, NY – Chris Monaco, an important fix-

can market. Their

ture within Framerica’s shipping and receiving department, recently

vision of a distri-

surpassed 35 years with the company. “Suffice it to say that there



are few people in our industry as dedicated, fo-

focusing primarily

cused and integral to their team as Chris,” notes

on the OEM, hospi-

Jay Van Vechten. “We are proud to have him within

tality industry, major design firms and volume picture manufacturers,

our Framerica family and hope that he’s willing to

has been fully realized. With over 1,100 line items and two warehouse

stay for 3 more decades.”

Michelangelo has grown into one of North America’s leading distributors of affordable fashion picture frame mouldings.

locations, the company is poised to continue their extraordinary growth and success in the next twenty-five years.

For more information call 1-800-372-6422 or

Chris Monaco

visit www.framerica.com. PFM

Visit www.michelangelomoulding.com Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ michelangelo.moulding

Trio of Framers Earn CPF Status Three members of the Professional Picture Framers Association recently earned their Certified Picture Framer (CPF) designations, passing the online exam. Jana Anderson, CPF, of Piper Arts in Sioux Falls, SD, took the exam at a local library; Adam Martin, CPF, of Martin’s Gallery in Hanover, PA, sat the exam at a college testing center; and Jeff Crew, CPF, of Allegro Canvas & Frames in Concord, NC, also used a col-

Classified HELP WANTED Wanted: Custom picture frame designer, craftsman and shop manager Location: Jacksonville, Florida. Skills: Experience in design, fitting, cutting and joining of frames, sales and shop management. Knowledge of Wizard mat cutters and Lifesaver framing software is a plus. Salary: $37K-$50K plus bonus potential For more information, contact Sam Buie @ sam.buie@jerrysartarama.com


Wanted: Custom picture frame designer, craftsman and shop manager.


Location: Dallas, Texas Skills: Experience in design, fitting, sales and shop management. Knowledge of Wizard mat cutters and Lifesaver framing software is a plus. For more information, contact Sam Buie @ sam.buie@jerrysartarama.com 10 PFM September 2021


by Jared Davis, MCPF, GCF

Sales Strategies: Does Price Really Matter? Considering the Pricelessness of Custom Framing


ow often would a customer come into your store with a print or photo and start the process by saying, “Hi,

I just want something cheap to go around this?” And then after 30 minutes of design consultation with you, happily decide on something

both be for very different reasons.

which was definitely not your cheapest option?

For example, if I need to buy a new tele-

Which raises the question; if they asked for

vision for my work office, then I might be

something cheap, did price really matter?

price-sensitive about the cost for this--just

In this article, I’m going to explore some of

looking for something simple that will ‘do the

the psychology that influences consumer buy-

job.’ However, if I have to buy a new television

ing decisions around the common aspect of

for myself at home, then I might be more inter-

price. Too often, as business owners and sales

ested in something with more bells and whis-

people, we assume that price is the factor that

tles, so I can enjoy it – with less concern about

makes or breaks a sale. In fact, for some of us,


price can be an underlying fear and paranoia that we hold over ourselves, without really knowing whether it matters most? Countless studies in consumer buying behavior indicate that there are complex layers of influence that determine a customer’s buying decisions, and price is not always the most


important factor. It strongly depends on your customer’s motive and what they’re buying. For example, even though you may have two customers buying the same product, they could

Need vs. Want Whenever any product or service is sold to a buyer, in simplified terms it generally falls under one of two reasons; they either need it, or they want it. Every product is either a requirement (need) or a desire (want). As a consumer, when you think about products or services that you need to buy, how do you feel about these purchases? Consider those products that you have to buy, like gasoline, car


Jared Davis has 30 years of industry experience and is the business development manager

for Frames Now, Australia. Jared has previously worked in roles including business development, strategic marketing and product management for companies such as Larson-Juhl and Gunnar International. In addition to writing for PFM, Jared has traveled extensively as an educator and speaker, teaching framers at many industry shows and seminars around the globe, including The National Conference at the WCAF Expo.

12 PFM September 2021

There are three basic spheres of influence affecting a consumer’s decision making; Price, Knowledge and Desire.

there is likely a strong desire, making the purchase a want – which means it will be less influenced by price. The underlying factor here is the emotional connection; the stronger the emotional connection to the product, the stronger the want. Fortunately, custom framing is generally an emotional purchase. It’s less about ‘the cost’ and more about ‘the feeling.’ One thing I learned many years ago from an industry colleague was that if you always give a customer what they want, they may not want what they get. What people say, and what they mean, can actually be different things. I’ve generally found that whenever a customer makes a statement like “I just want something cheap…” it is generally just

Influences affecting a consumer’s buying decision. In the absence or lack of Knowledge or Desire, then the only thing left is Price.

a matter of confidence and doubt, not price. What they may really mean is, “Hey look, I actually don’t

repairs, insurance, everyday groceries and utility bills. When

know much about picture framing, so please help me under-

you have to buy something that you need, you can actually

stand a bit more” or “I’ve never had anything framed before,

resent it. If so, you’re probably inclined to be price sensitive

so please don’t take advantage of me.” The reason customers

about it and be motivated to shop around for a better price,

may use a statement around price, is simply because this

where possible.

is the strongest (or only) influence on them at this point in

Now think about the products and services that you want to buy. Things that bring you some form or joy and

time, but this influence can also be changed.

make you feel good. For example, fashion, accessories, holi-

Price Sensitivity?

days, homeware, and consumer electronics. When you think

If price doesn’t matter, then why do customers seem price

about these purchases, you’re probably less sensitive about

sensitive? In the psychology of consumer buying behaviour,

price and more focused on the pleasure or experience as-

there are three basic spheres of influence affecting a con-

sociated with the product and purchase. Ultimately, people

sumer’s decision-making; Price, Knowledge and Desire.

tend to be happier to pay more for things they want, than

When it comes to selling any product, Price is the universal

they will for things they need.

metric which all consumers are familiar with. In fact, in the

With this in mind, I’ve commonly found that the main

absence of Knowledge or Desire, the only focus remaining is

reason picture framing business owners tend to be more

Price and the only metric a consumer can use for justifying

price sensitive than they should be, is because the materials

their buying decision.

that they buy to make their customer’s frames, are need pur-

Although many of custom framing consumers possess a

chased. The cost of goods is important in business. However,

level of Desire and motivation for getting something framed,

there is a chance that one may fall into this need mindset

they may be uninformed and lack a detailed understanding

by default, without realising that their typical consumer ac-

and appreciation for the product (Knowledge) so their Desire

tually perceives your product as a want, rather than a need.

is being diminished by Price.


There can be a difference in perspective between what your customer is buying, and what you are selling.

The good news here is that there are two clear ways you can actually help your customer be less influenced by Price:

Take a moment to think about your customer and what


they are buying from you. Do they need it or want it? If you’re

• Knowledge is composed of two things. First is aware-

selling a picture frame to a struggling artist or a professional

ness. If they don’t know about it, they’re not going to buy

photographer who is trying to make a livelihood selling their

it. Your product needs to be on your customer’s radar

art, then OK, picture framing is a need. Thus, it is likely go-

before they can even consider buying it. This effectively

ing to be price sensitive. However, if you’re selling a picture

comes down to all forms of marketing. Second is educa-

frame to a domestic retail consumer who is looking to pre-

tion. Provide your customers with relevant and helpful

serve their precious memory or beautify their home, then

knowledge to help them understand your product. This

14 PFM September 2021

means taking the time to explain to your customer the different features of the aspects of framing such as design, quality, and materials. The basic premise of this is the use of corner samples during a design process. But it also covers a broader cross-section of business areas including your website. The key outcome here is that most customers don’t mind paying more, when they understand why. • Desire is simple; make them fall in love with your product. Explore ways to tap into the customer’s emotional connection behind their framing project and help come up with options and designs that they will love and cherish for years to come. It’s about feeling, more than function. When desire is in play, customers will pay. There are always going to be those customers that seem-

The more your can increase your customer’s Knowledge and/or Desire, the less important Price becomes. expectations. Knowledge and Desire will help in this regard.

ingly only care about Price and nothing else. However, that’s

But you know what? Eeverything’s expensive: bills, re-

not everyone. The more you can enhance the influence of

pairs, groceries, furniture. Yet people still pay for it, so why

these two spheres of influence for your buyer, the less im-

should picture framing be any different? A custom frame is a

portant Price becomes.

one-off, hand-made item. It’s never going to cost the same as

Show and Tell

a ready-made photo frame. But when you compare the cost of custom framing to costs of common, essential home decor

You don’t have to just rely on your verbal communication and

items such as bedspreads and sheets, cushions, curtains and

skills for conveying this information. In fact, you can actually

rugs, good custom framing is actually not that expensive. It

‘sell without speaking.’

can cost more to put curtains or blinds on a window, than it

For most of us, seeing is believing. When it comes to

can to put a beautiful custom frame on a wall. In fact, when

educating your customers, nothing works better than being

you consider that a custom frame is actually a unique, hand-

able to show them. Create and use visual tools, aids, exam-

made item, it’s probably the most affordable piece of hand-

ples and displays to help you demonstrate to your customers

made furniture anyone could buy.

the difference between product options. Given the influence Knowledge can have to overcome Price, it is worth dedicating


a significant portion of your display space towards this.

So, is custom framing expensive? To most people, a beauti-

Make sure you have beautifully framed, high-value fram-

fully custom framed memory is not expensive. It’s actually

ing on display in your store to help influence the difference a

worth more than that. It’s priceless. In the end, the price nev-

frame can make to an image. You want to display items that

er mattered. PFM

make people go, “Wow, I just love that!”. In fact, a ‘before and after’ frame display can be a powerful way to show the differ-


ence between a basic black ready-made frame, and a properly designed up-scaled custom frame.

But customers say it’s expensive? AD INDEX

Compared to what? Expensive is an ambiguous term. Is $200 or $2000 expensive? It depends on the buyer. It’s all about context. When a customer says something is expensive, it doesn’t mean they’re not going to buy. In fact, they can usually afford it. It just means they need to find a way to mentally justify it, because the price hasn’t matched their hopes or 16 PFM September 2021

Chapman Entertainment Console from Hook Furniture.



ith home sales reaching double digit growth

ating a looped or curly texture, made into fabric. The use

over last year, demand for home interior

of these fabrics is an indication of the optimism and confi-

design and growth are also reaching new

dence in the marketplace.

heights. This should lead to demand of art and framing at

There were many trends springing up, however 3 real-

nearly record levels as well. As gatherings for the holidays

ly stood out as having the potential to create an impact in

might be back, consumers may want to spruce up their

the custom framing market. It is always advisable to frame

homes for hosting, meaning it is time to look ahead and

the best you can for the art, as it creates timelessness for

get ready for the influx.

the piece. However, it is also important to be aware of the

Preparing for the busy upcoming selling season, it is

environment the final framed art will live in. These follow-

important to be aware of emerging trends in the home de-

ing trends were prevalent across many products and will

cor market. I completed a week in June as a Style Spot-

translate to framing at your design counter as well.

ter for High Point Market, the largest home show in the


world. I was granted access to all showrooms and could


really study the latest emerging trends in new furniture

The first and probably the biggest trend seen at market is

and accessories introduced. High Point Market offers a

black wood finishes. Many dark and moody rooms were

unique vantage point for designers with over 2000 vendors

featured in larger showrooms. Deep rich finishes in black

and nearly 10 million square feet of showrooms exhibiting

that let the woodgrain continue to be the hero. They took

their latest creations and best sellers.

on many different versions: beautiful ebonized wood, some

It is exciting to say that pretty is back in style, and the

with a very matte topcoat, just celebrating the beauty of

market was filled with new beautiful products. Luxurious

the wood. Black was also featured in many pieces as part of

fabrics were prevalent everywhere, especially the use of

a pattern mixed with other materials like brass hardware

bouclé--a yarn of three plies, one of which is less taut, cre-

or even inlaid brass in the wood.

18 PFM September 2021

One manufacturer, Hooker Furniture, actually introduced a sideboard in the Japanese finish treatment of Shou Sugi Ban. This technique was developed in the 18th century in Japan to treat cedar siding to make it waterproof. It is created by charring or burning the wood surface to a beautiful charcoal-black finish. Black is obviously a time-honored tradition in framing, but these black finishes that celebrate the natural beauty of wood are truly special. Sherwin-Williams 2021 color of the year Urbane Bronze illustrates the popularity of these dark charcoal colors. Pairing a dark, ebony frame

Natural Finish Claudette Credenza by Suzanne Kasler Collection for Hickory Chair

with botanical artwork was seen in several showrooms. As was the emergence of many more drawings especially ink and charcoal, framed in similar ebony wood finishes. This fall, embrace the black as a statement especially if it celebrates the beauty of the woodgrain.

results. Make sure you have many samples of these natural wood finishes to offer this season.

NATURAL BEAUTY The celebration of wood continued with this trend of beau-


tiful unstained materials. Wood of all types was finished

Many pieces in the home furnishing industry are reflecting

with only a clear coat, thus allowing the organic beauty to

their roots of inspiration from the fine arts. Brancusi, the

accent the piece. Walnut, oak, pine, maple all were shin-

Romanian sculptor, painter and photographer, who made

ing in all their natural glory. Another trend was rattan and

his career in France, inspired trends at market. Known for

bamboo, both presented in their natural state. Using these

his beautiful, lyrical plaster sculptures of curves and lines

naturally growing rattan vines give us furniture that is

there were table bases, console fronts and lighting which

lightweight, durable, flexible, and attractive. All this leads to honest looks that celebrate the form of the item that is not encumbered with fussy finishes. This look in framing would be especially beautiful on contemporary works of art as well as drawings. A float frame in a natural wood finish around a contemporary abstract is a timeless classic and really sets the stage for the artwork to truly shine. The patina that gathers over time on natural finishes only enhances the look as the pieces age, lending an air of polished natural sensibility. In the Antique District at High Point there was an abundance of vintage and antique bamboo pieces, a highly sought-after category in the world of design, the most popular draw being the natural materials. This trend of natural wood continues in the materials used in the home building industry. Kitchen cabinets are emerging everywhere in natural walnut, French oak, and maple. Hardwood floors in these same natural finishes are showing up in homes at all price points, including the evolving category of luxury vinyl flooring, with stunning

Indochine Chair in natural peeled rattan by Red Egg Furniture PFM September 2021 19

Vincenza Dining Table by Dome Deco in Ebonized wood

reflected inspiration from this artist.

With all three of these trends, the honesty of materi-

The textured figures of sculptor Giacometti, the Swiss-

als and the mark of a handmade look provided exciting de-

born artist who kept his studio in Paris, inspired the metal

tails to the furnishings. The same is true in framing. Give

work of étagère, cocktail tables, drink tables and lighting.

the consumer choices that offer a real beauty and honesty

This same textured work can be seen in the ironwork of

of materials. Let them delight in the finished piece.

home construction today. All of this a celebration of hand

Now is the time to make sure your sample wall has the

wrought metal work and lends a visual celebration of the

latest looks for this selling season and the ability for you to

material. This same texture would be beautiful in frames

capitalize on the larger home decor trends.

adding visual interest to the completed piece.

If you are interested in reading the entire Style Report of all 8 of the High Point Market Authority Style Spotters you can read it here https://www.highpointmarket.org/ products-and-trends/summer-fall-2021-style-report.


low along on my Instagram account when we return to High Point to Style Spot again during Market October 16 - 20th. PFM

Steve McKenzie

CONTENTS AD INDEX Sonoma Console by Selamat Design with Woven Natural Rattan front 20 PFM September 2021

Steve is an artist who has been working in creative industries throughout his career. It was most notably at Berkshire-Hathaway-owned LarsonJuhl, a custom frame manufacturer and distributor, where he took on the role of Senior Vice President of Marketing, leading the company’s national advertising and public relations campaigns. Steve was appointed the company’s President and CEO by Warren Buffet. After a 20+ year tenure with Larson-Juhl, in 2012 he launched the home decor business Steve Mckenzie’s which has become a destination for interior designers and design lovers alike. A practicing artist for more than 25 years, Steve has developed a unique technique, painting with walnut ink and an eye for organic composition. Along with the retail shop’s opening, McKenzie Design LLC was launched as a full service interior design business and has completed projects throughout the Southeast and Midwest, been published in Atlanta Homes and Lifestyle and Casual Living, and recognized by other national publications,including House Beautiful and Traditional Home for curation of their showrooms.



hey say efficiency is doing things right, and effectiveness is doing the right things. The combination of the two is what I’ve spent my whole life striving for in ev-

erything that I do. That might sound dramatic and intense, but if you’ve ever met me, you know I can be pretty intense. I started my framing career in a wholesale frame shop. We would easily build hundreds of framed pieces a day. We worked assembly line style and were constantly re-engineering our approach and critiquing every movement to create the smoothest and most productive protocol for every position. We would use a stopwatch and time each station and make slight adjustments to create optimized workflow. We had most of our tables, cutters and shelves on casters so we would be able to move them to

Vise joining every frame takes a little longer but guarantees a perfect corner every time. but there are still ways to utilize that type of efficient mentality.

each worker to not waste any time or movement walking from

There are the basics as far as setting up your shop. You

table to table. We were able to stay in place and pivot to reach

want to always keep your glass/mats/backing/cardboard near

each material for each process. Every time that we shaved 5-10

the cutter you will use to cut them to avoid walking all over

seconds off an action it would equal hours saved over the year

your shop or causing traffic jams between your framers. Setting

and hundreds more finished pieces.

up the flow of your shop with your equipment and materials

I know not all of these wholesale methods directly trans-

is one of the most important things because you will end up

late into a custom frame shop, but there are definitely lessons

wasting hours over the year just moving more than necessary

that can be learned and actions that can be taken to stream-

in your space if done wrong. But today I want to focus more

line a custom frame shop’s processes to create a more efficient

on this wholesale-style prepping process we’ve been using at

workflow. It’s helpful to routinely take a step back with a critical

my custom frame shops that has really been streamlining our

eye and dissect your process for each station and make sure



you aren’t falling into a lull with any step or taking any unnec-

This prepping process came about somewhat organically. I

essary steps. It’s easy to become stagnant if you aren’t frequent-

had a couple new hires that had years of experience but the way

ly examining and correcting.

we had the production set up did not work right with the new


I have spent 10 years in wholesale framing and have been

crew members. Rather than trying to force different skill sets

custom framing for 10 years now. I currently run the two lo-

and personality types into a predetermined role, I adapted each

cations of Underglass Custom Framing in San Francisco where

role to fit the person and their skill set. I think it’s important to

we produce hundreds of framed pieces a month. They range

continue to grow and adapt and I’m sure by the time this arti-

in size from 3” frames to 12’ frames, from complicated mount-

cle comes out we’ll be doing things a bit different. The moment

ing and sewing projects to straight fits, acrylic boxes, vitrines,

that you think that you have it all figured out is the moment you

hand carved frames, welded steel, you name it we do it all. This

stop getting better.

makes it more difficult to work directly in an assembly line style 22 PFM September 2021

Let me quickly walk you through our full production

to make it perfect. It doesn’t save you any time doing something wrong fast. Re-working frames always takes longer than doing it right the first time. From the join pile the work ticket gets taken to the prepping station. This is the newer process that we took from a page in the wholesale production book. It used to be that the ticket would go straight to the fit clipboard. I used to have each framer pull their own work ticket; grab their frame and locate the art and double check the measurements. We have a protocol that we follow during the design process that we double check every size before we put the art away and circle the size on the work ticket so it’s clear that the size has been double checked. We never write up

Fitters now don’t have to worry about anything but perfecting the fitting.

any order until there’s a circle around the size. We then remea-

process. We vise join every frame that we build in the shop. It

overkill, but that’s exactly how I like it. This is the final chance to

takes a little bit longer, but it guarantees a perfect corner every

make any last minute slight adjustments. They would then pull

single time. One of the cons from the wholesale framing side is

their mats and take them to the CMC and cut them. Then they’d

the quantity over quality mentality. I love that with custom fram-

cut backing and glass and start the fitting process. This is where

ing we are allowed the freedom to perfect each piece. It doesn’t

we realized there was a lot of wasted time and lost momentum

matter how good the rest of a projects looks, if the corners are

having to stop and start so many times.

sure the piece one last time before cutting any materials. It’s

bad the piece looks bad. We take a lot of pride in our joins and

We now have a prepper pull the tickets and get the art, pull

perfection can’t be rushed. I’m not saying, don’t build your

and cut the mats, backing, glass, shadowbox walls, etc. whatever

frames as quickly as possible, but always take as long as it takes

the project requires. We set them all in the frame and have it to-

CONTENTS AD INDEX 24 PFM September 2021

tally ready to go for our fitters with the client’s name on it. This

your customer. You want to make sure to impress your customer

eliminates the constant starting and stopping motion, and the

and not make them bring anything back to you, which allows for

fitters can just continue with a solid workload. We always have

some much needed pressure to stay consistent.

the next projects lined up and ready to go so they can just grab

We as framers must be pickier than our clients and as long

the next ticket from the fit clipboard. Once you have the equip-

as each step gets the approval of the next framing station you

ment and materials set up you immediately start saving time.

should end up with a beautiful finished product. Every frame

It is way faster to cut ten mats back-to-back than to cut each

shop has a different setup and different crew of framers with

mat for each project individually. Fitters now don’t have to

different skill sets so your process might differ from ours. Don’t

worry about anything but perfecting the fitting.

be afraid of trial and error. Come up with a plan with a willing-

Post pandemic, we have more backordered and discontin-

ness to adapt and tweak it until you find what works for you

ued materials than ever. As soon as one of my fitters is chasing

and more importantly what doesn’t work. Every time you find

a mat that didn’t show up or trying to find a replacement, the

a better way to do something you can’t believe how long you’d

workflow stops and we’re wasting the most important table in

been doing it the same old way. That doesn’t mean you were do-

the house. If the prepper is too far ahead, they will even start

ing it wrong, you grew. Remember failure is not the opposite of

the hinging or mounting process and if the fitter is getting

success; it is part of success. PFM

ahead, we might leave the glass or other materials for them to cut. Communication is key. Rather than thinking of that day’s workload as a bunch of individual projects think of all the pieces as one large project for the day. You can then have your team interweave between pieces to accomplish them all. This also creates another set of hands and another set of eyes touching each project. I was always taught to treat the next person in the production line as

Micah Ruiz Micah has been picture framing for 20 years. He began his career in a wholesale frame shop and quickly fell in love with the precision and pursuit of efficiency. After mastering high-volume framing, he worked his way into high-end conservation framing, and that’s where his passion really ignited. Since 2014, he has been managing the two locations of Underglass Custom Framing in San Francisco, CA. When not in the shop, you can find him in his East Oakland home spending time with his wife, Alexis, his son, Asher, and his daughter, Arrow.

JOIN THE CONVERSATION Are you looking for problem solving solutions, seeking certification, or do you want to network with other framers worldwide? The PPFA is your source for framing practices you can trust.



Professional Picture Framers Association

Professional Picture Framers Association

WWW.PPFA.COM PFM September 2021 25



t the 2020 National conference I taught a sold out

ability for the miter fences to also be adjusted inwards.

class called Gizmos and Gadgets. We reviewed

This is the perfect clamp for tall shadowbox and stem

over 150 innovative tools and techniques that I

mouldings because it also applies pressure at the top of

found to be worthy and helpful. When PFM asked me to

the moulding and not just at the bottom. The clamp is

write an article and choose 3–5 items to share it was a bit

intended to be used to glue the joint first and allowing

like asking me who is the favorite of my children! Here

the miter to completely dry before adding v-nails or other

are a few of the items that I think are very useful. All of

fasteners to reinforce the miter.

them will help you to make better frames and can help you to get out of some sticky situations like getting nail-


hole filler out of your customer’s couch or your clothing. I have provided links so that you can read more about

Brush Flush


Sometimes nail hole filler is not completely wiped off a

MasterClamp V-5 Pro

frame corner. This usually isn’t a problem until while seeing how the piece looks in the room, your client sits the

After several versions and revisions, I think MasterClamp

black framed piece on top of their white sofa and some of

V-5 Pro may be the best miter clamp ever made. It is beau-

the filler rubs off. We had this situation and had to rem-

tifully machined, made in America and is a lifetime tool.

edy it quickly. Rather than speculate and use anecdotal

In the event that your miters are not perfect 45 degrees,

suggestions, we contacted Amaco who makes the nail

the jaws may be fine-tuned to achieve perfect surface

hole filler and asked them what they recommended. They

contact for a strong joint. However, the best feature is the

suggested a product called, Brush Flush. This non-toxic, biodegradable product completely removed the black putty and left no tide lines. It is also outstanding for washing and restoring paint brushes.



Micro Glue Brushes AD INDEX

Rockler Woodworking has a range of silicone glue tools and these are two of my favorites. The Micro Glue Brushes are sold in a set of three. They are perfect for getting into tight spaces and they wash up beautifully even if you accidentally allow the glue to dry before cleanup.

The V5 Pro from MasterClamp is the ultimate vise for gluing up tall moulding. 26 PFM September 2021


Silicone Mixing Cups and Glue Tools

figure out what size a nut or bolt is.

I first learned about these mixing

parts with a threaded stem on one

cups from Paul MacFarland in one

side and a recessed threaded hole

of his hinging classes. They are per-

on the other. Each is clearly marked

fect for mixing up small batches

with the corresponding size. All of

of adhesive and nothing sticks to

the gauges are threaded on a stain-

them so they are easy to wash. They

less steel cable with a looped end so

are 2¾” tall and 2” in diameter with

that it easily hangs on a wall.

The checker consists of machined

graduations molded into the sides. They hold 100 ml (about 3.5 ounces).


Best of all, they are well made yet


really inexpensive. www.amzn.com/B07WT2X4PL

888 Manufacturing Super Corners Available in two sizes, large 4.25” x

Silicone Glue Keeper

4.25” x 6” and medium 2.75” x 2.75”

The Silicone Glue Keeper is the per-

x 4”. These steel zinc plated corners

fect accessory to use with the Glue

are perfect for reinforcing the cor-

Brushes. It holds about 2 ounces

ners of large or heavy pieces. They

and has a tight fitting lid that dou-

are pre-drilled to accept #6 screws

bles as a brush holder. The molded

and sit flat to the frame and are

interior surfaces are all curved so

much better and stronger than “L”

when cleaning up, the glue is easy


to remove, even when dried. www.888mfgcorp.com/ www.rockler.com/ rockler-silicone-glue-keeper

Thread Checker When working on machinery or sorting threaded nuts and bolts, this well-made tool is indispensable. I have the dual Imperial and Metric versions and it has come in so handy, especially when trying to

CONTENTS AD INDEX The thread checker quickly helps identify both imperial and metric threads. 28 PFM September 2021

888 Super Corners add strength to frame corners without the bulk of traditional L brackets.

AccuMount Keyhole Companion Marking Tool

attaches to the keyholes and even

It is lightweight, easy to grip, and

includes a small level. You place the

the perfect tool for easing the sharp

AccuMount makes great tools that

item you want to hang in position,

edges of glass when using slip-over

are really well priced. The accura-

press against the wall and the tool

spacers like FrameSpace or essen-

cy and timesaving realized during

accurately marks the exact location

tial when making clip frames. The

the first use will easily pay for this

to install the screws. If you are an

tool is best used in a circular motion

less than $20 marking device. In the

installer, your clients will be im-

when held at an angle to-the edge

past, accurately determining the lo-

pressed that you have the right tool

of the glass or mirror. Available from

cation of the screws to hang items

for the job.

Tech-Mark Inc. in the USA and from Lion UK in Europe.

with keyhole slots is a hit and miss process. This simple to use device

www.amzn.com/B07X5BQ8PX www.lionpic.co.uk/p/7717

TELUM Hand Pad For smoothing the sharp edges of glass and mirrors, the go to standard for many years has been a stone glass seamer. The problem with that tool is that it is heavy and it requires adjustment and rotation of the stones after wear. The TELUM Hand Pad has industrial diamond

Silicone mixing cups and glue tools clean up easily.

CONTENTS AD INDEX 30 PFM September 2021

dust plated onto the patented interlocking arrowhead surface pattern.

The TELUM diamond impregnated pad works perfectly to smooth the cut edges of glass.

Tuff Stuff Weight This is by far my favorite weight for so many uses including holding down curly art at the design counter. These heavy-duty weight bags are constructed with a water repellent, polyester denier fabric commonly used to make luggage, sport and duffel bags. The fabric is wrapped around a 1.5 mil polybag containing 1.5 pounds of micrograin steel pellets, rather than lead. Offered in either black or white, these weight bags are beautifully constructed and economically priced. www.lineco.com/ tuff-stuff-weight-bags.html

Tuff Stuff weights from Lineco are covered in ballistic nylon and are a weighty 1.5 pounds.

Hinge Bits These versatile drill bits center themselves in a countersunk hole so your pilot hole is dead center and when you insert your screw the top seats flush and flat. I like the Snappy brand because they are well crafted and American made. Another use is PFM September 2021 31

with acrylic jigs for repeated tasks. If you use a drill bit in an acrylic jig, after repeated use the drill bit will enlarge the hole making it less accurate. The outside of these hinge bits is exactly ¾”. If you make ¾” holes in your jig, the bits will center themselves and position the drill bit exactly in the center of the jig. We use them with a house-made jig

A fractional inch caliper is indispensable in the shop for a multitude of tasks.

for installing security hardware. By using a jig, we can place all of the hardware exactly the same distance in from the sides and down from the top of a frame. This really speeds up installations. The bits are available in several sets but the three piece set of 5/64”, 7/64”, 9/64” work for #410 screws that are most widely used in picture framing. www.amzn.com/B0032U9MAO

CONTENTS AD INDEX 32 PFM September 2021

iGaging 6” Fractional & Decimal Inch Combination Dial Caliper

also available) makes determining

I think this well made and easy to

mal inches will make inputting siz-

use caliper is an essential tool with

es much quicker.

sizes fast and efficient. If you have a CMC, being able to also read deci-

a multitude of uses in a frame shop and even at the design counter. I


prefer a non-digital caliper because its battery won’t die when you need

Finding new gizmos and gad-

to use the tool. Having a fraction-

gets takes a little research and an

al inch caliper (metric versions are

open mind. Sometimes the most

useful tool, that has been overlooked forever, remains out in your garage. Searching through distributor catalogs, looking at PFM’s new product section, going to the hardware, craft and art supply store will

Have a question or comment? Tell PFM what you think. Mail letters to PFM 330 Mounts Corner Drive # 313, Freehold NJ 07728 Call 732-536-5160 or E-mail to editor@pfm-group.com

all help you find new products that could make the framing process easier and more efficient. Happy framing. PFM

Rob Markoff Rob has been framing for over 40 years. He specializes in volume framing with an emphasis on oversized and challenging pieces as well as art installation. He has written extensively for industry publications and is a longtime educator at The National Conference as well as other framing venues worldwide. He received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Professional Picture Framers Association in 2015.

PFM September 2021 33



e have always framed puzzles, and real-

more than a year!

ize that like anything from fine original

The framed Wallace & Gromit puzzle was treated

art to sports jerseys, a puzzle well framed

in such a way with a black cap moulding that adds

is another way of personalizing your home décor

a bright green accent line along its crown. It works

with something you created yourself. This means like

nicely with black edging that already exists around

many inexpensive art forms it can be framed very ba-

the puzzle’s perimeter and as suggested the mode is

sically with simple mouldings to get it on the wall…or

fun…and that is part of the presentation. Yes, fun is a

it can be treated with the maximum with WOW pre-

word that the pandemic taught me truly exists, and

sentation, incorporating multiple mats, liners, float-

puzzlers have fun doing puzzles and so the presenta-

ing components, etc. It all depends on how open the

tion should reflect that same mood.

customer is in spending a bit more for a nicer presen-


tation. Not really all that different than other projects

Mounting Puzzles – Options

we engage at the design table.

So this might be a good place to discuss the mount-


When the customer states “That it is JUST a puz-

ing of puzzles. Because they are so different, custom-

zle,” you might be selling a frame and glass only, but

ers are sometime concerned that THEY need to do

this shouldn’t restrict you from reaching for a mould-

something special prior to bringing in the puzzle to

ing that offers a bit more pizzazz and fun to the de-

their framer. In truth, a simple understanding of what

sign. And of course suggesting Conservation Clear or

a puzzle is makes the answer easy and straight for-

Museum glass or other UV filtering glazing still makes

ward. Puzzles are printed posters mounted to a thick-

sense in reducing the potential fading of their puzzle.

er substrate, chipboard, blue or gray stock that is cut

After all, when being framed for a family room or rec

into many pieces–but the key is that it is still a deco-

room, the customer still would like it to look good for

rator grade poster. When we frame inexpensive décor

34 PFM September 2021

Although many like to use Modge Podge (Mod Podge) or Puzzle Saver brushed on the surface, this framer and author would prefer to see the puzzle clean and as clear as when originally assembled. These craft store products will work to adhere but they sometimes will produce a slight haze over the surface of the printed surface. And once this adhesive coating is applied to the surface it makes the task of putting it into a dry mount press a little tricky, with potential sticking to the release papers. So my recommendation it to dry mount a puzzle as you would any other decorative poster.

Back to Design Ideas Below is another example of framing a puzzle straight into

Wallace and Gromit Puzzle

a frame. This is “Missing Migrants” by Charley Harper of Cincinnati, Ohio. This renowned artist has had many of his

art like posters, prints and photos we want them to lay flat

pieces made into 300-1000 piece puzzles and published by

without undulation to a sturdy substrate. So it seems logical

Pomegranate Communications. The Nielsen Metal moulding

that these puzzles could be mounted in a similar manner.

was a perfect match to the black and white within the art.

We ask our clients to bring the puzzle in laying on a sturdy piece of board. Some puzzlers will use the commer-

The sharp reverse profile plays on the angular structure to the artist’s minimalistic style.

cially made rolls or folding boards for transport, but getting the puzzle to the shop in one piece is the key. Once in the

Adding a Little More Presentation

shop, the puzzle can be flipped with foamboards in a sand-

Perhaps it is because puzzles were a bunch of pieces sitting

wich fashion where dry mount adhesive can be positioned,

on a table, but the idea of floating them, mounted on foam-

tacked and trimmed. Flip again to orient the board on the

board with additional matting around the base background-

mounting substrate which might be a sheet of foamboard,

-as in “Missing Migrants”--has always been a great design

or one already mounted with a sheet of colored matboard

concept showcasing the puzzle’s character. We chose a red

or fabric. This latter idea would be when you design the

core black mat to mimic the red line in our black capped

puzzle to float above a colored background. For those that

moulding. Of course the “Flags of the World” use many var-

are squeamish about flipping the puzzle over, an extra set

ied colors, but red appears in a large majority so the design

of hands is helpful and/or the use of office binder clips will

works well. Of course the neutral but dramatic black mat/

keep the components from shifting.

black frame allows the colors of the flags to pop. In addition to framing puzzles, our business, The Frame Workshop also sells gift and home décor products including puzzles from five different publishers. Framing them well gives customers new potential ideas of ways to decorate their home as well as showcasing the puzzle itself. Happy


Puzzling! PFM

John Ranes, CPF, GCF

AD INDEX The Nielsen Metal moulding was a perfect match to the black and white within the art. The sharp reverse profile plays on the angular structure to the artist’s minimalistic style. 36 PFM September 2021

John is a highly respected instructor of workshops and seminars worldwide. John teaches for The National Conference and the PPFA and consults for The Fletcher-Terry Company and Tru Vue. John has served as a PPFA Chapter officer on two Midwest chapters as well as a director on the National PPFA Board. John was awarded the PPFA Lifetime Achievement Award in January 2015. John and his wife Sarah own The Frame Workshop of Appleton, a frame shop and gallery in Appleton, WI. Established in 1978, their shop has won more than 100 framing awards, including two successive awards from the Fine Art Trade Guild in the UK as well as a National Australian Framing Competition award.

New for Fall Product Showcase 3A Composites USA


Gatorfoam is comprised of a unique combination of polystyrene foam core and wood-fiber veneer facers, creating an extremely rigid and durable yet lightweight foamboard. Its rigidity and high-performance facers provide a sturdy, high-quality solution ideal for heavy object mounting and other framing applications.

Attach-EZ introduces the Super Fine Micro 3-in-1 package. This package contains the Super Fine Micro tool, five needles, and three sizes of clear fasteners. Note: the needles will not fit other Micro tools, but the fasteners will fit all other brands of Micro tools. $75 package.

Call: 800-626-3365 www.3acompositesusa.com

Call: 800-527-1521 www.attach-ez.com



Design your next framed piece with these unique Metallic Rice Paper mats from Bainbridge. The elegant look of these Metallic Rice Papers comes in a palette of nine colors ranging from classic neutrals to glistening golds and blue tones. Featuring surfaces handmade by Japanese artisans, the shimmering brushstrokes of rice fibers is sure to provide a one-of-a-kind piece!

Style your next framed piece with the sophistication of Etched Metals by Crescent. Featuring metallic surfaces with a subtle etched texture, perfect for photography, original artwork and shadow boxes. Available in three on-trend colors, this collection is made of 100% alpha cellulose construction, acid-free, lignin-free, fade and bleed resistant. Available in 32”x 40” size.

Call: 888-293-3956 www.crescentbrands.com/bainbridge

Call: 888-293-3956 www.crescentbrands.com/ crescent-cardboard

Delta Picture Frame Co.


Here are two must have moulding options to offer your customers, featuring a bright gold or silver leaf finish on a slim profile. Call our office today to request samples and pricing. Visit our website to view other new and exciting moulding options.

The new 44” SureColor P8570D dual roll printer leverages a 2.64” PrecisionCore MicroTFP printhead and six-color UltraChrome PRO6 pigment inks to deliver high-volume, production-level print speeds designed for photo fulfillment, retail photo labs, poster, and graphic art production. Its compact, space-saving design includes new workflow features ideal for production environments.

Call: 800-327-5482 www.DeltaPictureFrame.com

Call: 800-463-7766 www.epson.com


Frame Specialties

Framerica’s Organic Maple is now available on its popular Illusions profile. The profile is specially designed to appear “stacked,” at a fraction of the cost of multiple mouldings.

ATG Turbo Adhesive is specially formulated to duplicate ATG tape without the high cost and with many more unique advantages. Dries in seconds. Stronger than ATG tape. Water soluble while liquid. As fast to apply as tape. Reposition matboard without damage. Visit our website for a complete instruction video.

Call 1-800-372-6422 www.framerica.com.


Call: 888-610-5663 www.kooltack.com


Framing Fabrics

Gainsborough Products

Fabrimount Fabric Adhesive is a white, hot/ cold water-based, clear-drying adhesive that is excellent for use in mounting fabric to matboard and liners. It is clean, highly effective, easy to use, and economical. Made in USA, the new formula allows for mounting fabric on all substrates by hand.

Gainsborough Products’ oil painting restoration supplies include a wide range of oil painting varnishes: natural damar gloss varnish and conservation synthetic varnishes in gloss, semi-gloss, and matte. Apply with our 2” wide fine ox hair artist’s varnish brush. Watch our restoration videos on our website.

Call: 800-832-2742 www.framingfabrics.com

38 PFM September 2021

Call: 800-227-2186 www.gainsboroughproducts.com

Giò Designs


This fall, Giò Designs is introducing a new size into their collection of premade photo & wall frames. The new size, 8 ½ x 11”, will be available in the N091 profile in the Matte Black and Brushed Silver finishes. They are the perfect addition for framing documents and certificates.

For volume print mounting, Gluefast gluers are the answer! For smaller prints (up to 13” wide), our 14” Captain B gluer with lay-flat glue for mounting prints onto foam core, chipboard, or MDF is a great solution. Larger machines up to 42” roller widths are available.

Call: 800-674-3344 www.giodesigns.com

Call: 800-242-7318 www.gluefast.com

Hoffmann Machine Company

House of Troy

Hoffmann’s PP2-NCF dovetail routing machine features two router motors mounted on a servo-driven NC-axis. The fully programmable machine routs one, two, or three keyways for Hoffmann Dovetail Keys for effortless joining of picture frame moulding. Over 500 different moulding profiles can be stored for repeat accuracy in a high-production environment.

Our newest addition of American made direct wire picture lights is the Chelsea Collection. The preferred installation for the contract industry, with quality cast back plate and sturdy arm construction. Available in a 16” or 25” shade, in four beautiful finishes. Also available in custom finishes.

Call: 866-248-0100 www.hoffmann-usa.com

Call: 802-888-7984 www.americanlightingbrands.com

Lineco Lineco Frame PVA Adhesive is designed for adhering wood or medium-density fiberboard (MDF) frame molding. This high-density wood glue dries quickly. The permanent PVA Adhesive can be also used for other art and craft applications, and features excellent lay flat properties. Five popular sizes are offered. Call: 800-322-7775 www.lineco.com

Michelangelo Moulding A new series from Michelangelo, the 434, comes in three finishes: a husky black stem with an undulating gold lip, black with silver lip, and grey with burnished silver lip. This 1.25” x 1.5” moulding has both the strength for today’s larger-sized artworks, balanced with a delicate, rippled effect, leaf accent. Call: 877-422-8812 www.michelangelomoulding.com

Nielsen According to interior design experts, metals will dominate as décor accents in 2022. Be ready, with Nielsen Tiffany Profile 129—universally appealing, with the perfect assortment of distinctively metal finishes, and providing the minimalist design aesthetic that defines contemporary décor. Thinner than any wood profile, yet extra strong, Profile 129 answers all your modern framing needs. Call: 888-293-3956 www.crescentbrands.com/nielsen

PFM September 2021 39

New for Fall Product Showcase Nurre Caxton

Omega Moulding

Introducing the Héritage Collection from Nurre Caxton—a uniquely elegant homage to the worn beauty of timeless wood furniture. Featuring six profiles and two finishes, Héritage is handmade in Italy with generous rabbet depths, artisanal attention to detail, and unsurpassed quality. Perfect for traditional and canvas framing, and available now through your Nurre Caxton distributor.

The Alpine Collection features five floater mouldings with a unique, angular profile featuring a reverse slope that works well with clean, modern design schemes. Element introduces 12 floater choices, featuring six items with a thin profile face and elegant, curved back edge that works well with both classical and fine art applications as well as modern. See the complete collections online.

Call: 888-293-3956 www.crescentbrands.com/nurre-caxton

Call: 800-289-6634 (US) 877-452-3799 (Canada) www.omegamoulding.com

Penny Lane Publishing

Peterboro Matboards

New artwork from Lettered & Lined! Contact a sales representative by phone or emailing info@pennylanepublishing. com for more information. All the artwork you see on our website is also available on canvas and wood products. Select images are also available as large format giclée prints. Stock code: LET266 - “Autumn Floral I.” Size: 12” x 16”. Retail price: $15.

Made of the finest 100% cotton fiber and exceeding both the PPFA and FATG stringent Museum specifications, Peterboro Museum offers traditional ply construction that is buffered with calcium carbonate, naturally acid- and lignin-free, and available in the most popular colors, sizes, and plies. Request your samples on our website.

Call: 800-273-5263 www.pennylanepublishing.com

Call: 866-292-3021 www.peterboromatboards.com

Picture Woods


Made to sit above the glass, Lip Liners provide a contrasting border that pulls the eye toward the artwork, making a subtle and elegant accent. To create the look of a wider face, add a Lip Liner in the same wood and finish as the outer frame. Available in 1/8” and 1/4” widths in all woods and finishes.

“Buttercup” by Janie Howe (RL25923), published by Rosenstiels, is one of hundreds of new releases this fall. View more from this artist and all of our new releases on our website today. Call: +44 (0)20 7352 3551 www.rosenstiels.com

Call: 800-321-6522 www.picturewoods.com

Sepp Leaf

Specialty Matboard

Black Bison Paste Wax. Liberon’s signature product—a high-quality paste wax. Available in 15 wood tones. Finish, re-finish, touch up, or repair your frame/finish with this fine wax. Darken the finish, or antique your moulding. Apply with the super-fine 4/0 Steel Wool. Imported by Sepp Leaf Products from England.

Introducing 693 Corn Starch (shown here), 694 Light Buff, and 695 Putty. All three new colors are available in both cream and white cores and in both 32” x 40” and 40” x 60” sizes. Call: 800-280-6287 www.specialtymatboard.com


Call: 212-683-2840 www.seppleaf.com


Studio Moulding

Ten Plus

Studio Moulding broadens the Sierra Collection to include two of the most popular profiles in all five hand-stained finishes. The warmth of Sierra makes this collection an ideal resource for a wide variety of art. Please contact your sales representative or Studio Moulding to place a sample order today.

Introducing new 3” wide plein air frames, available in gold and dark walnut finishes. Sizes range from 8” x 10” to 20” x 24”.

Call: 800-262-4174 www.studiomoulding.com

40 PFM September 2021

Call: 562-404-0088 www.tenplusframes.com

Third & Wall Art Group

Tru Vue

“Forrest,” by Third & Wall artist Roberta Dyer, available for print-on-demand.

We called on your expertise to help us select our new Museum Glass® counter display and are happy to announce the versions selected! Be on the lookout for these TWO NEW counter displays coming available this FALL.

Call: 877-326-3925 www.thirdandwall.com

Call: 708-854-2731 www.tru-vue.com


Universal Arquati

Nexus: the perfect premium CMC for frame shops with a maximum cutting size of 40” x 60”, button clamps for edge-to-edge cutting, and a multi-position stand to save space. Cut, draw, and emboss custom designs with ease using the simple and user-friendly V-Studio software on the computer included with purchase!

We are excited to introduce the new Barnwood II Collection! This collection brings 2 new profiles in 3 rustic finishes; brown, grey, and white. Sample sets are now available & this collection is in stock now. Contact us or contact your local sales rep for samples. Call: 800-668-3627 www.universalarquati.com.

Call: 888-293-3956 www.crescentbrands.com/valiani

PFM September 2021 41

Distributor Spotlight

Quality Saw & Knife is now part of Connecticut Saw & Tool. Contact us for all your picture framing saw blade and sharpening needs. www.ctsaw.com info@ctsaw.com


CONTENTS AD INDEX 42 PFM September 2021

CROSSWORD CHALLENGE Across 1 Alternative to picture frame glass 5 Type of paper coated with baryta that brightens paper: it usually has a gelatin layer as well 8 Visual representation produced on a surface 9 Creating a color by mixing a solid color with white, thus making a lighter version of the color 11 Canvas _____ frames 14 Square or rectangular pieces

Down 1 Type of foamboard perfect for archival preservation, 2 words 2 Causes 3 Are stretched out 4 Snip 5 Perfect, 2 words 6 Type of wood joint similar to a mortise and tenon 7 ____ board: cotton material used to make mat boards 10 Optical-instrument part

16 Put ___ good word for, 2 words

12 Leans to one side

17 It's used for displaying framed art,

13 Proportion

2 words

15 Quality of being clearly defined

18 Peach state, abbr.

19 One of a kind

20 Chalk-based paint mixture

21 Abrasive for smoothing and polishing

23 Photo

rough edges

24 Existed

22 Pale

26 Portion of the image that goes

24 ____-line: line strung across a darkroom

beyond the cut lines

where prints can dry

28 Act of making something look old

25 Prevent

29 ____-brush: painting technique

26 ____-relief: type of carving or sculpting

30 Elegant 31 Use an iron on

resulting in a raised design 27 Brightened up

SEE PAGE 45 FOR THE SOLUTION PFM September 2021 43

Index Advertiser




3A Composites Encore Products ..................................................27

Gluefast Company .....................................................................42





888 Manufacturing Corporation .................................................30

Hoffmann Machine Company .....................................................42





Alpina Manufacturing, LLC .........................................................42

House of Troy ............................................................................41



www.fastchangeframes.com /www.bannergrip.com


Arlo Spacemaker Products, LLC ..................................................31

Jack Richeson & Co....................................................................42





Artist Supplies & Products ..........................................................42

LINC Systems (formerly Active Sales Co.) ...................................42





ASF - A Street Frames ................................................................42

Lineco, a Division of University Products ....................................39





Attach-EZ ..................................................................................42

Michelangelo Moulding..............................................................13





Bella Moulding ..........................................................................21

Omega Moulding Company ............................................11, 43, 45





CMI Moulding ............................................................................42

Picture Framing Magazine .........................................................35





Connecticut Saw & Tool..............................................................42

Picture Woods Ltd. .....................................................................31





Craft Inc. ...................................................................................33

Professional Picture Framers Association ....................................25





Crescent Cardboard Co. ................................................................9

Studio Moulding, Inc..................................................................23





Decor Moulding & Supply .................................. 10, 17, 33, 41, 43

Superior Moulding Corp. ............................................................42






Foster Planing Mill ....................................................................32

Ten Plus ....................................................................................29





Frame Specialties ......................................................................24

Tru Vue .......................................................................................7






Framerica .............................................2, 3, 4, 16, 41, 43, 45, 48

Universal Arquati...................................................................5, 37





FrameTek ....................................................................................6

Wall Moulding ...........................................................................47





Frank’s Fabrics for Framers .......................................................28

Wizard International..................................................................15



44 PFM September 2021



(Continued from page 46) also added some checkered flags to complement the design.

the go ahead to fabricate the frames with the Cub Scout blue

We called the customer and asked that he come in to review

finish to match the matboard. Custom wood spacers--with

our design. We presented our ideas to the customer and after

cutouts for the trophies to sit recessed into the bottom rail of

some tweaks with layout and a review of pricing we agreed

the frame--were finished in Cub Scout yellow matching the

on a final design.

Lemondrop mat. Once the frame arrived, we cut a piece of

To begin assembling the piece, our first step was to mat

Tru Vue Optium Museum Acrylic. We secured the spacers in

the photograph. For the top blue mat we used Crescent Lapis

the frame and positioned the trophies using a strong foam

1626 and for the bottom yellow mat we used Bainbridge

tape with double sided adhesive. To complete the project we

Lemondrop 8022. We surrounded the photo with the oval

fit the race cars which were previously mounted, the strainer

racetrack using Bainbridge Brushed Onyx 8321, cut with our

and added D-straps.

Valiani computerized mat cutter. We used Rising Polar White

In all, we considered the fun and spirit of the Pinewood

405902 for the white lines, also cut with our CMC. We then

Derby with this project. We felt that with such a special

attached the racetrack and white strips using Jade glue.

opportunity and the trust of our client we needed to go

The customer allowed us to put two screw holes in each

above simply lining the cars and trophies up in the frame.

of the underside of the Pinewood Derby cars. These holes

It would have achieved the same goal but would not have

would not be visible in any way. We included Gatorboard in

spoken to the heart and liveliness of the race. Now when

the design in order to give firm support and hold the weight

the client looks at this, they can have a vivid reminder of all

of the wooden cars. Using a fender washer and a wood screw

the good times and memories that were made; and the use

we drilled through the Gatorboard and matboards and into

of top-grade materials and techniques will be sure to have

the cars. We then placed the other patches on the matboard

those personal items and fond feelings preserved for years to

and sewed them in place.

come! PFM

Once the above steps were completed, we stood the board upright so we could get the exact placement of the trophies. The trophies were to be recessed and positioned into the bottom spacer of the shadowbox frame. This allowed us to calculate the template recess for the trophies and calculate the depth of both the spacers and the frame depth. We included a 3/8” strainer in our calculation which would be placed in the back of the framing package to allow for a recess for the fasteners of the cars. We also calculated an extra 1/8” recess so D-rings and hooks would be hidden from the side view of the frame. We designed the frame for this design with Jonah Frameworks. After careful review of our drawings, we gave

Crossword Challenge Puzzle Solution

PFM September 2021 45

DESIGN OF THE MONTH By Jill and Paul Choma

Pinewood Derby Memories for Generations


very good customer for whom we

table, discovering that each box contained three

have framed several pieces came in

cars and trophies. Having three cars per son

with a challenging and fun project.

made the design conducive for shadowboxes

Seeing some of the pieces we have framed in

that could be hung together as a pair. To get

our Inspiration Gallery inspired the custom-

an idea of how big the shadowbox should be,

er to bring us this project. He brought in two

we started with a piece of 32” x 40” Kraft paper.

shoeboxes, one for each of his two sons, filled

We cut the paper down until we decided on a

with Cub Scout Pinewood Derby memorabilia.

perfect size, 24½” x 34½” inches.

Included in the shoebox were trophies, Pine-

What do Pinewood Derby cars do? They

wood Derby cars, patches and pins. He had

race! We began by sketching an oval racetrack

photographs that he wanted to include as well.

on Kraft paper and then placed the Pinewood

We asked if we could take some time to think

Derby cars on the racetrack. Next, we placed

about the project and then present him with

the photo in the center of the racetrack. Seeing

some design options.

the photo on the racetrack gave us an idea, Cub

At first glance the project seemed challeng-

Scout colors. Now, what if we mat the photo us-

ing. Asking the customer if we could take some

ing the Cub Scout colors then use our comput-

time to think about it took the pressure off for

erized mat cutter to make a black racetrack with

coming up with a fabulous design on the spot

white stripes. Continuing with our theme we

and allowed us to get creative and have fun

fabricated a shadowbox frame to match the Cub

coming up with inspired and thematic ideas.

Scout blue color and the spacers to match the

Paul took the lead having firsthand experience

Cub Scout yellow color. Adding a recess into the

with Pinewood Derby both personally and as a

bottom spacer gave the trophies an integrated

parent den leader. Boy was this going to be fun!

look and high level of polish to the design.


We unpacked each shoebox and laid out the contents on each end of our huge work

To convey our ideas, we sketched where each car, trophy and patch would be placed. We


Jill Choma began custom framing in 1999 and brings a background of architectural and interior design. She has continuously studied techniques specializing in archival framing to best protect clients’ artwork. She specializes in designing and framing three-dimensional works of art. When not framing, you can find Jill traveling in search of the perfect cannoli and chai tea. Paul Choma joined Gilded Moon Framing in 2004 and has helped steer the business to the success it

enjoys today. His design style is to complement art with a perfect, timeless frame. Paul has always loved woodworking and has amassed a collection of tools to build the perfect frame. When not building the perfect frame, you can find him teaching snow skiing in winter and water skiing in summer.

46 PFM September 2021

(Continued on page 45)

Pinewood Derby memorabilia made for the perfect design challenge for cars, photos and trophies

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