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DON’T WASTE TIME! 3 FACTS UNTIL YOU REACH YOUR MARKETING FOR FITNESS BUSINESSES New digital marketing tactics are emerging every day, and then there are the tried and tested favorites as well. If you’re feeling stuck in your digital marketing campaign, or if you feel like your reach has hit a wall, it might be time to try one of these strategies.
LOCAL SEARCH MARKETING When it comes to gaining attention from the public, it pays off if you’re generally easy to find. You can’t rely on Google to do all the work anymore as it may take months for “spiders” to crawl through your site and log the info into Google’s massive index. To start local search marketing, you will need to begin with Google My Business, a tool that tells Google that you’re a business and you want customers to find you. At first, it might only seem that it’s helping people with directions or if they already know your business. But this tool is how your bakery shop will pop up in a search such as “donuts near me.” Additionally, it will significantly impact your inbound marketing for fitness businesses by attracting new customers as it allows you to increase engagement with your customers directly. It’s not easy to select your Digital Marketing Fitness techniques with so many options available. By using remarketing, video, and local search marketing, you can boost conversions, grab attention from new customers, cash in on reviews, and build your brand.
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VIDEO Content still reigns as King and is personally my favorite strategy. Video has taken over as the primary medium for reaching your customers. Quality video marketing will be something that your customers want to watch and is packed with valuable information. These two factors lead to a high conversion rate. For example, doTERRA’s YouTube page doesn’t just talk about essential oils — they also branch into holistic health and other relevant topics that interest their target audience. Read more>> Video is the chance to go beyond the front of an ad. You’re not making a 30-minute sales pitch or creating an infomercial. You’re trying to connect with your target audience in a memorable way. Chirp’s YouTube does this by empathizing with their customers’ back pain while also delivering information and signature cheesy humor.
REMARKETING What is remarketing? It’s pretty simple. You are giving prior first contacts a second chance. Whether it was someone that didn’t click on a banner ad or similar, you’re going to target that same person with new ads through tracking cookies and making new ads for various social networks. Remarketing helps to continue engagement early in the sales funnel, and it’s proof that you don’t have to give up on everyone who passes on the first chance to buy your product or service. As a bonus, remarketing helps boost brand awareness as you will appear more often for that user in different visual formats.