5 SIMPLE STEPS TO FITNESS MARKETING SUCCESS Smart personal trainers who command six and seven figure incomes have one thing in common. They all have their own fitness marketing and business plan. Trainers who are always looking for new clients and higher income fail because they fail to plan. Start planning, and do what six and seven figure pros’ do. The fact is most fitness pros are confused when it comes to the marketing, and sales of their personal trainer services. Most professionals are never taught about marketing, let alone the importance of creating a well thought out fitness marketing plan. The lack of knowledge leads many personal trainers to a lot of failure and unhappiness, and well below average incomes. It doesn’t have to be this way! It shouldn’t be this way. There are endless methods and strategies for marketing your fitness business and boot camps. In fact I am providing you with a free download to our 5 ways to Fitness Profits on this blog.
To ensure that your marketing efforts pay dividends, I know it sounds obvious but it is essential to provide excellent service to your customers. Be friendly to your clients and motivate them to achieve their fitness goals with quick follow up texts or emails. It’s so important to be punctual and organized in order to run your fitness training business efficiently. Having an up to date knowledge about nutrition, the latest training methods and your client’s lifestyle outside of training is also important to stay ahead. You should spend some time and money regularly to hone your skills.
In addition to doing all of the above there are 5 key areas all successful fitness entrepreneurs focus on… 1. The number of leads they generate per day, week month and year 2. How many of those leads convert into customer 3. The average dollar value of each transaction from each customer. 4. The number of times that customer purchases from their business which is known as the number of transactions. 5. The Margins in your business reap more profit. Most fitness entrepreneurs who I speak with ask if I can get them more clients or more turnover and profit. I have been working with businesses for over 10 years and every time I reply with the same response. You can’t create more customers, what you can create is more leads and convert more of those leads into customers. You see what I have given you above is the formula for guaranteed success in your fitness business. If you focus on these 5 areas your business will explode. In our Fitness 5 Ways Profit Cheat sheet we reveal 376 Fitness profit Strategies that you can instantly download and begin building a successful Fitness marketing and business plan with. I want you to succeed which is why I am giving you 10 years or research and in the field testing and measuring. This is a powerful document and will change the way you view your business. So download it and start planning now. Remember… If it is written down on paper, and you can see it, then it is real. You are prepared for success, not just wishing, or hoping. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail! Source: http://c4onlinepharmacy.com/5-simple-steps-fitness-marketing-success/
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