Perfect Fitness Marketing Campaigns
How painful fitness marketing campaigns can be is evident from the Basic Fit commercial. Tatjana is nominated for the most annoying celebrity in a commercial. Now you will think: ‘what does that have to do with fitness marketing? ‘ My answer is all because Tatjana plays a role in the national fitness marketing campaigns of Basic Fit. Oops .. I think! Tatjana is thus in the race for a Loden Leeuw , a ‘prize’ that has been declared by the consumer program Radar. Basic Fit makes Tatjana one of the most annoying bn’ers, so you can also conclude that it is annoying advertising. And whether that was the intention of this fitness marketing campaign I doubt. Moreover, I wonder what the purpose of this chain has been with Tatjana … which target group thinks it can identify with this diva?
Shall we go for a bet with the two of us?
not aunt Truus with buddy 56 + not trucker Henk with his painful back
Well, I make it a joke, but this is how it goes! In my previous blogs and articles, I have already discussed this in this article , for example .
How do you position your fitness club or yourself as a personal trainer? And which target group and type of customer do you want to reach? At Basic Fit they will have thought about these fitness marketing campaigns. Because there will be a decent budget for it and an advertising agency or marketing department within the chain will be responsible for it.
Perfect fitness marketing campaigns Do you want to discover all the secrets about HOW to set up perfect fitness marketing campaigns that do score? Then I also recommend you to read my next blogs and articles on this site. You can also use my coaching and advice services, I would like to help you! Of course, as a loyal reader of my e-mails, you get even more free valuable information. In any case, I am very enthusiastic about the following article, because I will explain in more detail the fitness marketing campaigns of Basic Fit. “Come on now!” Is their slogan … mmm that she always used to shoot my mother when I did not. Watch out for the lead lion … rest assured because I’m going to tell you how to set up perfect fitness marketing campaigns.
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