the best present

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Teacher: J.J Baile

THE BEST PRESENT I HAVE EVER GIVEN THE BEST PRESENT I HAVE EVER GIVEN The best present I have ever given was two years ago. It was at Christmas, a very special time in my family. I love drawing pictures, especially oil paintings. I started to this when I was eight years old. So, two years ago I decided to do an oil painting and give it to my grandmother. I chose a photo where there was a little square with a fountain in the middle and some houses around it. There were lots of flowers too. I started to do it in October and I finished in December. On the 5th of January I went with my parents and my brother to visit my grandparents. They live in San Martín de Unx, a small village in the southeast of Navarre. We had dinner with my uncles, aunts and cousins too. After that, I gave the picture to my grandmother. She was very happy and excited. She asked me why I had done it and I answered that she deserved it. Now this picture is in my grandparents' living room on a wall and my grandmother is really happy with it. Laura Valencia. THE BEST PRESENT I HAVE EVER GIVEN I'm going to tell you the time when I gave a present to a very important person for me. It was recently, on January 5 of 2010. It was Christmas Eve and my mother's family came to my home. When we had finished dinner, I went with my grandmother to my bedroom to show it to

her. She had never seen my bedroom, so I showed her all my furniture and my things, and she liked it a lot. Suddenly, when she saw my new wall mirror, she was amazed. She said it was really gorgeous and she could look at herself very well in it. When everyone went home, I thought in what my grandmother had told me that night. Then, I got the idea to buy her a mirror like mine as a gift for the Three Wise Men’s day. My parents and me went to the store where I had bought mine and and we bought the same mirror. On the sixth of January, Epiphany day we went to my grandparents’ house to eat the King's Cake (Roscón de Reyes in Spanish) and my father put in their bedroom my grandmother's new mirror. She was very happy and surprised and she liked it very much. I think this is the best present I have ever given. Leyre Salvador THE BEST PRESENT I HAVE EVER GIVEN I’m going to tell you the presents that I gave at Christmas this year. First my friends and I made the invisible friend and we made a raffle. I had to give some present to Marina, one of my friends. I gave Marina a beautiful plant, it’s not very big and with red petals, I also gave Marina a red bracelet and a pair of earrings with the shape of a turtle. Then on Christmas Eve, I gave to my smallest cousin some clothes and a beautiful toy. They both liked them a lot. Amaia Garacochea


all of the friends and was great fun because we were al the afternoon together, and we had a great time. Edurne Urricelqui THE PRESENTS THAT I GAVE AT CHRISTMAS I'm going to talk about the presents that I gave to a friend this Christmas for the invisible friend.

Hello! Christmas time is usually a time when we give a lot of presents to the people that we love so I’m going to write about one present that I gave to one friend. I was in the house of one of my friends, she’s called Irene. We were all of the girls that normally meet at weekends and on holiday... We were celebrating the invisible friend. It consists in, one day we give each one a paper with the name of one of the girls that participate in it and you have to give one present to the person who is written on the paper, but the other person must not know that you’ll give the present to her, that is public on the day that we five the presents, that day we know the person that gives you the present. All of my friends were in the house and after eating something and playing one game it was the time for the presents. We were all very nervous and wanted to know the person that was going to give us the present. My presents were for Nerea and it was a tshirt of Lisa Simpsons, The Simpsons is a series on TV. Also I gave her gloss paint and a black eye’s pencil to make up. She liked the presents so I was very happy because at first I didn’t know what kind of presents she liked. That afternoon was one of my best moments at Christmas because not all the days we join

One day we were in the schoolyard all the girls in my group and we decided to make the invisible friend. Each of us took in turns a piece of paper with the name of one of the girls and I mine was Edurne. She is very nice and always cheerful. I thought it was an easy girl to choose a nice present for. One day in the afternoon I went with my friends Claudia and Nerea to Itaroa, a mall which is in Huarte, and they helped me to choose the presents for Edurne. I looked through all the shops and saw what I liked, and then I went and bought it. I bought a grey shirt with very nice blue drawings on and a blue neck scarf to match. I was scared that she may not like them. On 27 of December all the girls went to the home of Irene, a girl in the group, to celebrate the invisible friend. First we brought refreshments and some food to have a snack and then we played some games before opening the presents. We had a great time. Then we opened the presents. Edurne loved the shirt and the scarf. I felt proud and happy. Josune Ciriza

THE BEST PRESENT I HAVE EVER GIVEN THE BEST PRESENT THAT I GAVE (…) It was 24th of December, Christmas Eve, and my little brother and I went to have lunch at my Granny’s home. We like to go to her home, because my granny is a nice woman and also is the best cook in the world. So, we arrived at her home and there wasn’t anybody yet because they were going to have dinner at night with her. At lunchtime in her house we were only my aunt, my brother and I, but my granny, Brigida, was really happy, because the only thing that makes her smile are us, mi brother Adi and I. Brigida is an old woman, she can’t walk very well and she spends her most of her time at home, but when we visit her, she turns into a really funny and happy grandmother. She loves us and we love her very much, because we spent a lot of our childhood with her. Well, so we arrived that day at her home and our family kissed us and then gave us our Christmas presents, but we didn’t give a lot of importance to them, because we had to help to set the table. Then we ate together the food that was fantastic: we ate soup, turkey with chips, and some nice cream, and after lunch we were talking for a long time. But I went to tell something to my granny, and I discovered she wasn’t in the kitchen. Suddenly she came into the kitchen with a spot and with a spoon, and she started to sing carols and made "music" with the spoon and the spot. In less than five minutes we all were singing with her. It was very funny and my granny was really happy. At that moment, while I was singing, I thought that the best and the single present that Brigida wanted for Christmas was to be

with her grandchildren, and we were making true her Christmas wish. Then I felt really well, because I knew that my brother and I had made her smile. I really love my granny. Irati Segura

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