fancy dress

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Teacher: J.J Baile

wearing costumes, some are very good, there are costumes about a lot of things, like dogs, penguins, cats and one fish!! also of Neng, a character on TV, very famous now. I saw a very "cold" costume when I was walking near the Taconera park, three people wearing googles flippers and swimming trucks, we think that they're very crazy and they are very drunk because the cold.95

THE BEST FANCY DRESS I SAW I love going out al festivals for watch people that I know with their fancy dresses, because when the people put on their fancy dresses they always are happy and when they go out to the street the do lot of crazy things and its very funny. I remember a beautifull and funny fancy dress that my cousins and their friends weared. It was a fancy dress of contesters of “Pasapalabra”, a quiz show of the TV. They weared very short trousers doubled upwards and put above the waist, holding with braces. A gusset shirt, in the shirt they put a little paper with invented names like Faustino, Anselmo, Rodolfo, Germinia… it was too funny. They wears it to seem contesters of a program. Some of them weared a tie or a dickie bow. They weared black shoes and long white socks, they weared too very big glasses and on the hair they put lot of hair dressing.

We saw witches, Frankenstein, vampires, fairies, werewolves, dead people and ghosts, people wearing clothes like Gandalf, Legolas, Frodo, (of the Lord of the Rings) etc. After a concert of about two hours we saw a man wearing an armour with a sword in the belt and a shield on the back.50 At three o'clock I was only with one of my friends and the others are lost in some place, wow! how much people! that's so fun! but we're only and we go back home, there in Villava was the other par of the group the go back at the one o'clock! after the meet we stay out, in the street two hours more, well that's all.

They were like a foolish person. And to seem a pasapalabra’s program they made a circle of wire and in it they put lot of balls with all the letters of the alphabet and these were painted with blue, green and red colours. The red balls was for seen the worst words, the green balls was for the correct answers and the blues was for seen the questions they don’t did still.

This New Year's Eve night we enjoyed it a lot I wait to repeat it this new year!

It was the best fancy dress I saw. JON ANDER BALLESTA




During Christmas’ holidays, people usually go out at nights and enjoy themselves dancing and wearing fancy dresses. At New Year’s Eve, after dinner, people wear their fancy dresses and go out with their friends or with their family. Last year, I started to go out with my friends on New Year’s Eve and from my

Last year three days after New Year's Eve my friends and me were looking for a fancy dress we're a lot nervous because we don't know how to get dressed and there aren't to many ideas but finally we saw some of the ghost-hunters and we bought them.48 We met in the bus stop to go to Pamplona when we arrived there we saw some people 1

point of view, it is a fantastic way to enjoy this night.

to the people in a proud way, like the real Victoria sometimes do.

My friends and I decided to wear like primitive humans, like people who lived during the prehistory. Our fancy dress was incredibly beautiful, it was formed by a dress made in a material which looked like leopard skin (but it wasn’t, of course). It also had a necklace with lots of bones and a pair of earrings with bone’s form too. We also bought a pair of boots made in a material which looked like woollen cloth. It was great!

The boy who was wearing like Ronaldinho had all his face black and he had a wig, so he had long dark wavy hair. He also had big false teeth and he was all night long doing a gesture with his thumbs like Ronaldinho always do. And it was the same with lots of footballers, but I think the best were Beckham and Ronaldinho. I had never seen those fancy dresses before, in my opinion they were really original. Next year, I’m sure that my friends and I are going to find a better fancy dress and we are going to be the best! I think wearing fancy dresses is a nice way to enjoy New Year’s Eve with people we love, you have a good time laughing with them and seeing another people’s fancy dresses.

After dinner and eating the twelve grapes, we went out and we talked with our friends in Burlada for a long time. Then, we decided to go to Pamplona because all our friends were going there. We had to go to Pamplona on foot, because the buses were really crowded and they didn’t stop in Burlada. So, my friends and I walked to Pamplona. We had never thought that people were as careful as we saw with their fancy dresses. It was really surprising! We could see some fancy dresses which were extremely great. My friends liked a lot one girl’s fancy dress. She was wearing like a champagne’s bubble. Her dress was short and it was all in a golden colour. She was wearing a pair of golden stockings and golden shoes. She also had a golden hat and she has made-up herself in golden colours with golden lips, golden eyes,… I thought she was beautiful too but in my opinion, there was a better fancy dress.

LEIRE SEGURA GARRALDA FANCY DRESSES Here, in Pamplona and the surroundings, we have a beautiful tradition. On New Year’s Eve, after the twelve strokes of the bells, the people put on their fancy dresses and go out disguised. You can see a lot of different and originals fancy dresses in the streets. I always put on a fancy dress in New Year’s Eve, and, normally, my mother makes the fancy dresses for me and for my sister, because she knows how to sew and she likes it. Since she was very young she has done her own fancy dresses, and also for her brothers, for my father, for her friends, etc. Now, we have at home a lot of different fancy dresses of different sizes.

I saw a group of boys and girls who were wearing like professional footballers. One boy was David Beckham, another one was Ronaldinho, another one was Eto’o, another one was Fernando Torres… They were really well disguised, they look exactly like the footballers. The boy who was wearing like David Beckham had fair hair, with a ribbon on his head, and he was wearing extremely upper-classed twit clothes. He was with a girl next to him who was disguised like Victoria Beckham. She was wearing a short dress made in the same material as his husband’s suit. She also had an expensive handbag and she was looking

My mother has done very original fancy dresses in her life. For example, once she made for my father a funcy dress of a bottle of “Pacharán Zoco”. It’s an original and simple fancy dress: It’s a very long red dress, and, in the middle, he has a white piece of material (the bottle’s label) with the same letters and pictures that the original 2

bottle. Then, she designed a round hat for the head, like a cork. Also she once made a fancy dress of a bottle of “Frangelico”, but this fancy dress was more complicated because the bottle of this drink has a lot of letters. She has created a lot of original fancy dresses for me and for my sister, fancy dresses of local policepeople, of “Antonia” and “Omaita” (Los “Morancos”), of fiancé and fiancée, of the European giants of Pamplona, etc. ALEXIA ZABALZA THE BEST FANCY DRESS This old night I went to Pamplona, it was raining but there were a lot of people. I disguise as a nurse. I saw a lot of fancy dresses: ladybird, pirate, cow, police… but the best for me was the group of nurse, doctor and patient. They were the operating theatre. They were wearing a dressing gown except the patient, he was wearing a normal clothes, he went in a table with a heater underneath. In the night I saw a lot of fancy dresses but I didn’t stayed in the street, I stayed in a bar with my friends. We celebrated the New Year in this celebration and the year was finished. We danced and stayed there. I don’t say what tell you more. That is the old night, is one night and it was very short. I like very much it and I want come the New Year to celebrate it again. MARIA ARAGON


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