Issue 2 | November 2013 - The 8-Point Agenda

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Collaborating Agencies Task Force on Training and Discipleship focuses uses on the implementation of the following agenda: 

Ugrading and Training of Leaders

Intentional All-Church Discipleship.

ICI Ministries Education Department Theological Commission Christian Education Youth / MM/WM

Strategy 1:

Strategy II

Systematic and Holistic Discipleship in all AG churches in the Philippines

Continuous training of all Credentialed Ministers

Task Force 1 seeks to advocate intentional and systematic all-church discipleship among our churches. The discipleship system promoted among churches should result to “chritslike members mobilized for ministry, church planting and missions”. In order to do this, the following initiatives will be undertaken in the national level and district level:

NATIONAL-LEVEL INITIATIVES  Conduct Intentional Moves seminars in every district  Establish Mentoring Network of Pastors.  Discipleship unto Mobilization. Mobilizing all children, youth, men and women for church planting and missions  Establish Family Strengthening Initiatives like Marriage Encounter Ministry (joint effort of Men’s and Women’s Ministry).

SUGGESTED DISTRICT INITIATIVES There is also a suggested District level participation to ensure maximum productivity of the following objectives:  Coordinate with ICI Ministries to facilitate Intentional Moves Seminars in their respective districts.  Tap personnel/ volunteer leaders who are capable and will organize Regional Marriage Encounter Ministry.  Establish Family Counselling Centers per district.  Family Convention (formed by joint National Men’s Ministry and Women’s Ministry Conventions).

It might sound as a real challenge but establishing a standard curriculum as a pre-requisite for licensing ensures the quality of ministers of PGCAG. Prospective licentiates must undergo ndergo Ministerial Licensing and Ordination (MLO) and ministerss onon-field should have continuing education through the Ministerial al Continuing Education Program (MCEP). For these two programs, the following steps are what needs to be taken:  Establish the Ministerial Licensing and Ordination (MLO). MLO will provide a set of curriculum that should be undertaken by anyone being credentialed by PGCAG. Several training/institutions will be endorsed by PGCAG to conduct trainings included in the curriculum.  Establish the Ministerial Continuing Education Program. This program will provide continuing education to help keep ministers adept especially in the areas of theology, ministerial ethics, ministry-family balance and ministry/life skills

Strategy III Relevant Curricula in Bible School and Training Centers There needs to be a thorough evaluation of the curricula in all Bible Schools to determine if they are relevant and meeting specific needs. Standards have to be established to help these institutions be more effective in training ministers. This initiative will include Regional Bible Schools, District Bible Schools and other ministerial training centers and programs.

We must start writing our own training materials,

since we need contextualized understanding of the training needed. We have need for Urban Ministries,

Tribal Missions, Campus ministries, Social-Action ministries, and other

holistic approaches of winning our world.



AGWM Affirms the Leadership of General Superintendent Rey Calusay “...At the recent Fil-Am Convention in California, Dr. Wood stated publicly that he supports the duly-elected officers of the PGCAG. During questions from the group, he specifically stated that the U.S. General Council supports the

PGCAG led by Rey Calusay.” (Greg Mundis, Exec. Director-AGWM)



Strategy 2:

Offices of the Gen Sec and Gen Treas Trust Commission Commission on Social Service Convoy of Hope ICI Ministries- ME Seminars Benevolence Department Historical Commission Truth and Reconciliation The Task Force on Stewardship and Church Structure focuses on addressing the following items in the agenda:

Facilitate Economic Uplifting Program and Holistic Ministry for Churches Initiatives under this strategy include creation of training materials to help churches in the areas of wealth production and generous stewardship. The creation of the Tither’s Club shall also be part of this strategy

Strategy 3: Establish sustainable funding schemes for securing church facilities This includes the following initiatives:

Pro-local Church Structures and Policies

a) creating church funding schemes;

Stewardship and Economic Uplift

b) creating a legal department for consultancy;

Strategy 1:

c) advocate initiatives on community development;

Campaign for Transparent and Effective Church Management

d) mobilize social service and consultancy with churches in fund raising;

The Offices of the General Secretary and Treasurer shall campaign for transparent and effective church management. Under this advocacy, manuals will be produced and trainings will be conducted to help pastors and church leaders in the area of church management. Creating models for initiatives like urban church planting and managing urban churches will be facilitated through Urbanidad.

e) revise the Balikatan program; and f) provide consultancy service for long-term fund raising for local church and the national organization.

Dr. Eli JavierA Life

Well Lived

him, came to know the Lord Jesus during one of the Evangelistic Crusades at Roxas Park (Luneta Park) in 1954 which was led by Rev. Lester Sumrall. He graduated at Bethel Bible Institute in 1957 under the class The Harvesters . He served as pastor to his then home church, Taytay Methodist Church, while taking up his undergraduate studies at the Philippine Christian University, during which he received an invitation to serve as an Assistant Pastor at Bethel Temple in Manila. His involvement with the Assemblies of God practically put the movement in the map of the evangelical landscape in the Philippines. In his own words, "I was an eye witness and right in the middle of the growing pains of the movement. Early on, I served as a bridge with the larger evangelical bodies and became an unofficial spokesman and apologist for the much ostracized Pentecostals." He served as General Superintendent of the Philippines General Council of the Assemblies of God from 1977 to 1997(except 1984-87 in which he resigned but was re-elected in 1988).

Adapted from

Dr. Rev. Eleazar E. Javier passed away on July 10, 2012 due to cardiac arrest while on his way for his scheduled dialysis. He has served the

PGCAG would like to express condolences to the families of :

Lord as a minister, leader, administrator and a champion of the Gospel for the past 55 years. He was survived by his wife Esther Javier and their son John Wesley Javier. The late Doc Eli, as the brethren fondly call

Rev. Johnny Yasa Iloilo Bethel Temple Former DS, WVDC

Rev. Carponio Barroga Pres. SEMTS Former Pres., MRBC



Collaborating Agencies Task Force on Missions and Church Planting focuses on the implementation of the following agenda:

Church Planting Commission Home/Foreign Missions Youth (Chi Alpha, Young Adults) CE (Children’s Outreach) MM/ WM Media Department / APMM Department of the Deaf

 Strategic and Creative Evangelism  Plant Another Church  World Missions Enterprise

Strategy III World Missions Enterprise There is a need to create a healthy missions culture in our churches. Also, there is a need to expand the participation in World missions among the constituents of the PGCAG.

Strategy 1: Strategic and Creative Evangelism Task Force 3 shall spearhead the strategizing of biblical and effective means to reach out to major demographics, especially the children and the youth, and the people in Urban centers. Strategic initiatives shall include Campus Ministries, Tribal Ministries, Children Ministries, Muslim Ministries, and the likes. There needs to be a widespread use of Mass Media: Print, Radio, TV, and Internet – to spread the gospel.

This expansion for world missions should be coupled with continuous training of new missionaries. Bible Schools should help in training and sending 200 missionaries by year 2020. Districts will be helped in conducting Missions Conventions which could be venues for raising support to pray and give for our missionaries. The Missions Department Office and Services should also be expanded to accommodate such growth. There is a need for libraries, missions housing, research and communication systems and training facilities.

Strategy II Plant Another Church PGCAG focuses on a new decadal goal stated as, “Saturation Challenge: 2020 Churches by 2020”. To make this happen, Church Planting Teams shall be established in all AoG Churches in the Philippines. These teams will be trained through SOS Church Planting Laboratory as church planting must happen all year round. The Bible Colleges and schools must facilitate Training of Church Planters. Lastly, funds shall be established for the support of church planting in the entire Philippines.

GS Calusay

AGS Suico

GSec Fuentes

GTreas Cagadas

The Executive officers enjoin our local churches to prioritize their activities according to the above agenda. It is important that we work together with a common vision and purpose. Synergizing our efforts bring much more results than when we work independently from each other.


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