Issue 1 | June 2012

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Gov. I. Santiago St., Malinta, 1469 Valenzuela, Philippines

Special Issue June 2012

PGCAG Meets for Triennial Convention ’12 in Iloilo

   

Convention participants united in worship; Convention speakers Dr. Gary Denbow and Rev. Laurie Hennessey

In adherence to

the Constitution and By-Laws (CBL) of the Philippines General Council of the As-

semblies of God, 608 Ordained Ministers, 201 Church Delegates and 233 Conventioneers attended the PGCAG Triennial Convention in Jaro, Iloilo on April 24-27. The delegates convened in the historic Central Philippine University to participate in the triennial convention under the leadership of

Rev. Rey Calusay

Rev. Reynaldo Calusay. Dubbed as The New Awakening, the Triennial

the Philippines attended this regular gather-

Convention featured inspiring and timely Biblical


messages from Dr. Gary Denbow, president of

the AG Missionary Fellowship, with 14 mis-

John the Bap-

Central Bible College and Australian Evangelist

sionaries represented, the Korean AG Mis-

tist, trying to find the answer:

Laurrie Hennesy. Aside from the strong presence

sionaries and Australian AG Missionaries

of delegates comprising the 21 districts of the

poured out their support to the PGCAG Con-

PGCAG, a number of ministers residing outside

vention in Iloilo.

A REED SHAKEN BY THE WIND The PGCAG, Shaken by the Wind!


“Are you the One..or shall we look for another one? ”


Lord Jesus intimated that John the Baptist and his disciples

The missionary community including

PGCAG Constituents Affirm Calusay’s Leadership

were offended!

 We feel offended. Frustrated that





Frustrated that God is not answering?

 We then become silent, we cannot praise God- we have nothing good to say. When we open our mouth, something bad comes out, some-

Suico, Fuentes and Cagadas Elected as Gencil Execs; Official BOT’s Installed

PGCAG constituents cast their votes to signify overwhelming support to the leadership of Rev. Rey Calusay as he was once again elected to be the General Superintendent right on the nominating ballot. With a vote of 494 from 647 votes, Rev. Calusay got more than the 2/3 votes on the nominating stipulated in the CBL.

thing painful.

 We have more questions than answers.

 We





On the other hand, participants in the Iloilo Convention elected to office the official Board of Trustees.

The members of the new set of Gen-

eral Presbytery were also chosen in accordance to the CBL.

Continued on Page 3

Turn to Page 2 for complete list of officers

TOP: Newly elected Gencil Execs:- Rene Cagadas (GTreas), Alex Fuentes (GSec), Joseph Suico (AGS) and Rey Calusay (GS). LEFT: Missionary Community and District officers praying and installing Gen Execs and new BOT.

Departments: Foreign “World” Missions Department Home Missions Department Men’s Ministry Department Women’s Ministry Department Youth Department CE Department Education Department Publications Department Media Department Benevolence Department Department for the Deaf

General Executives Rev. Rey Calusay General Superintendent

Rev. Joseph Suico Assistant General Superintendent

Rev. Alex Fuentes General Secretary

Rev. Rene Cagadas General Treasurer

Board of Trustees Luzon: Rev. Walter Caput, Rev. Benito Lacaden Jr., Visayas: Rev. Jino Lumbo, Rev. Teodoro Largo

Rev. Laurence Nanglegan Sr., Rev. Gerry Cruz Sr

Rev. Edgar Germo

Mindanao: Rev. Esther Cebuala, Rev. Eduardo Roperos Jr,

Rev. Pat Sanchez, Rev. Herson Niog

The General Presbytery: Rev. Ricardo Alay Rev. Leonilo L. Garcia Rev. Eduardo A. Guerrero Rev. Hope L. Sodusta Rev. Johnny S. Lingco Rev. Ailyn A. Paranpan Rev. Achilles E. Hofilena

Rev. Dominador Lopez Rev. Bienvenido E. Gamboa Rev. Minaflor J. Somera Rev. Danny A. Bonilla Rev. Lemuel T. Engcoy Rev. Romeo N. Nanca Rev. Ruel L. Ibale

– Rev. Joseph Suico – Rev. Rey Calusay – Rev. Dan Jacinto – Rev. Leonora Verano – Rev. Sur del Rosario – Rev. Adeline Ladera – Rev. Walter Caput – Rev. Lawrence Romero – Rev. Alvin Tud – Rev. Tom Dulatas – Rev. Ellen Castillo

Commissions: Pentecostal Prayer and Renewal Commission Rev. Abraham Visca Trust Commission Rev. Tom Dulatas Theological Commission Rev. Daniel Espiritu Historical Commission Rev. Rosanny Engcoy Truth and Reconciliation Commission Rev. Joseph Suico Church Planting and Evangelism Commission Rev. Zeny Calusay Social Services Commission Rev. Josie Co

The Regional Presbytery: Rev. Mayo Catanes Rev. Eulogio I. Lopez Rev. Wilfredo G. Cimatu Rev. Jesus M. Echarri Rev. Teodoro L. Largo Rev. Manolito A. Labares Rev. Dolores G. Cahatian Rev. Dan Jacinto

Rev. Alejandro P. Ediza Rev. Nemesio R. Agcanas Rev. Vaden P. Matiga Sr. Rev. Jessie A. Villagracia Rev. Gunder Virgo Rev. Rey A. Batiancila Rev. Eduardo H. Roperos Jr

Dr. Gary Denbow leading the installation of the General Execs and the members of the Board of Trustees. (From Left to Right) Esther Cebuala (NEMDC), Teodoro Largo (CVLL), Jino Lumbo (NWVDC), GTreas Rene Cagadas, GSec Alex Fuentes, AGS Joseph Suico, GS Rey Calusay, Jun Lacaden (NIDC), Walter Caput (SCCDC), Laurence Nanglegan (NELDC), Gerry Cruz (STDC), Edgar Germo (WVDC), Edward Roperos (NCMDC), Herson Niog (LDC), Pat Sanchez (SMDC).

Deep and Powerful: Convention Speakers Bring Balanced Biblical Messages Participants of the Iloilo Triennial Convention affixed their signature to the historic Iloilo Declaration of Purpose in order to signify their intent of supporting one PGCAG. 1042 conventioneers, including Ordained Ministers, AGMF Missionaries, and other delegates, stood up and signed the historic document.

Rev. Gary Denbow President Central Bible College Springfield, Misouri, USA

Rev. Laurie Hennessey Evangelist Sydney, Australia

CPU, Jaro, Iloilo, April 26, 2012 Continued from Page 1

We, the duly constituted undersigned Ordained Ministers, Official church delegates, Missionaries, Conventioneers, and all other bona fide members of the Philippines General Council of the Assemblies of God, Inc., today, have come to this “New Awakening” Triennial Convention fully aware of the crisis besetting our organization, hereby declare and manifest through this document the following: 1. 2.




6. 7.

We fully support one PGCAG, Inc.; We shall continue to uphold the PGCAG Constitution and By-laws, support and respect its duly elected Executive Officers present in this convention and those who hereinafter shall be elected as GS, AGS, GENSEC, GTREAS, and BOT members; We disapprove any attempt, or any move that would make the properties of the PGCAG, properties of every local Assembly and the authority and/or privilege of ever Minster (NSO CRASM, etc.) granted by the government of the Philippines be subject of dispute or any conflict between leaders in the Sectional, District and National levels; We disapprove any attempt, or any move to sow confusion, division or factions in the PGCAG, and shall continue to resist all attempts to divide PGCAG, through every God mandated means that does not violate our PGCAG constitution and by-laws and the laws of the land; We shall continue to honor pastoral directives from the hereinafter duly elected officers of the PGCAG in this Triennial Convention, and other official ecclesiastical orders they shall send from and/or bearing our official headquarters and office address at Malinta, Valenzuela City; We fully support and approve resolving internal conflicts through the process provided for in the Constitution and By-laws of PGCAG; We shall support any move for reconciliation initiated and approved by our duly elected Executive Officers in this Triennial Convention.

We have read and completely understood the comments of this manifest, otherwise known as the ILOILO DECLARATION OF PURPOSE, which we have signed in our own volition and accord, this 26th day of April at the Central Philippines University, Rose Memorial Hall, Jaro, Iloilo City.

A REED SHAKEN BY THE WIND The PGCAG, Shaken by the Wind!  We try to explain and invent excuses in defense of God - and actually to explain to others why there seems to be no answer! - and to stop others from saying that maybe it is our fault. That God found fault with us.

 We are building a case against God- and our evidences are accumulating... THIS IS CALLED OFFENSE. It is like failing, a falling away. That is why Jesus said, “And blessed is the one who is not offended by me."- LUK 7:23 (ESV) Looking for an answer - “Are you the Messiah or should we look for someone else. ” Where is the real answer? Our evidence against you (Jesus) is piling up.. Should we look somewhere else?


had to deal with their offended heart/faith. - LUK 7:22 (ESV)

Continued on Page 4

Continued from Page 3

Legal Insights on the PGCAG Crisis by Atty. Jose Michael P. Operario, Legal Counsel of PGCAG


Question: Was the action of the DASBOT valid in reversing the Executive Presbytery’s decision to Suspend DAS?

Now in talking to the crowd Jesus started to INTERPRET JOHN. John is too good to just throw away. John is

JMO: The Board of Trustees cannot act as an appellate body on administrative cases. BOT has no power to act on disciplinary actions against any member of the corporation nor to act as an appellate body. Its powers are clearly limited to “policy-making functions, the direction of programs and business of the entire work of the PGCAG, Inc. and the management of real properties…

too essential in the work of Jesus..His Role is too important to ignore. John ’ s Role must be understood. It must be interpreted well! What is the present role of PGCAG? Are we still God ’ s instrument to blanket the world with Pentecostal gospel? Are we still God’ s messengers to trumpet His power to save, to heal, to baptize in the Holy Spirit? Are we still the God ’ s voice to

Question: Was the DAS-BOT’s suspension and expulsion of RC and JS within the scope of authority of the BOT

announce His Second Coming – to say, “Prepare ye the

JMO: The BOT cannot remove elected Executive Officers under By-laws. DAS-BOT relied entirely on the Sec. 2 Article XII of the CBL for their power to remove all officers. They have usurped not only the Power of Officers of Corporation but the entire electorate as well

Or is God giving up on us? “WHAT DID YOU GO

way of the Lord ” ? OUT TO SEE?” A REED SHAKEN BY THE WIND? The reeds Jesus spoke of were of the sugar cane family and grew wild.

They were used often to make

Question: Are all the actions taken by the DAS-BOT Illegal?

flutes. They would generally grow 4 to 5 feet tall. Dur-

JMO: Yes. It is evident that the reversal of the decision of the Credentials Committee by the DAS-BOT was illegal and finds no basis in the CBL, thus DAS is not validly reinstated.

falling all the way to the ground. Beaten by scorching

Question: Were the resolutions and actions undertaken by DAS-BOT legal?

But when the cool evening wind comes, and its

JMO: All the resolutions and actions signed and undertaken by the DASBOT with the supposed authority of said officers are clearly ultra vires and illegal. Thus any and all documents that they signed are mere scrap of papers.

ing the heat of the day, they would droop, with the tops heat of the wilderness, it is indeed a pitiful picture of dispiritedness. breeze visits the field, the reed would all shake and rise back up again, straight and tall! The people thought this was a beautiful sight to see, and would often go out to watch them all rise again!

Jesus was saying, “Is this something entertaining? ”


This picture of death and then - awakening?

My Brothers, PGCAG may be bent over by this

1. Pentecostal Prayer and Revival

crisis, we may be beaten by the heat of conflicts.. BUT

2. Upgrading and Training of Leaders


3. Intentional All-Church Discipleship


4. Strategic and Creative Evangelism 5. Pro-Local Church Structure and Policies 6. Stewardship and Economic Uplift 7. Plant Another Church 8. World Missions Enterprise

God is not done with us yet. Awakening is here! Welcome to the Awakening Convention. Welcome to the Triennial General Council Convention, 2012.

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