Prince George
The Prince George Citizen
Acupuncturists ���������������������������������������������������������������3 Addiction Information & Treatment ����������������������������������3 AIDS Information ������������������������������������������������������������3 Alcohol Addiction Information & Treatment ����������������������3 Alternative Health �����������������������������������������������������������3 Audiologists ��������������������������������������������������������������������4 Birthing Alternatives ��������������������������������������������������������4 Blood Services ���������������������������������������������������������������4 Cancer Information & Support Services ��������������������������4 Chiropractors �����������������������������������������������������������������4 Clinics ����������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Counsellors ��������������������������������������������������������������������4 Crisis Centres �����������������������������������������������������������������4 Dental Laboratories ��������������������������������������������������������6 Dentists - General Practice ���������������������������������������������6 Dentists - Specialists ������������������������������������������������������7 Disabled Services & Organizations ����������������������������������7 Drug Addiction Info & Treatment �������������������������������������7 Employee Assistance Services ���������������������������������������8 Employee Benefit Plans ��������������������������������������������������8 First Aid Services ������������������������������������������������������������8 First Aid Training �������������������������������������������������������������8 Fitness Centres & Providers ��������������������������������������������8 Fitness Equipment & Supplies ����������������������������������������8 Foot Care �����������������������������������������������������������������������8 Grief Support Programs ��������������������������������������������������8 Health Food/Herbal Products �����������������������������������������8 Health & Dental Benefits �������������������������������������������������8 Health & Information Services �����������������������������������������8
Health Resorts & Spas ��������������������������������������������������10 Health & Welfare Organizations �������������������������������������10 Hearing Aids �����������������������������������������������������������������10 Holistic Health Services ������������������������������������������������10 Hospice ������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Hospital ������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Hypnotherapy ���������������������������������������������������������������10 Laser Treatment ������������������������������������������������������������10 Lupus Information and Support Group �������������������������10 Massage Services ��������������������������������������������������������10 Massage Therapists �����������������������������������������������������12 Mastectomy Prostheses Forms & Apparel ��������������������12 Medical Alarms �������������������������������������������������������������12 Medical Equipment & Supplies �������������������������������������12 Medical Laboratories ����������������������������������������������������12 Naturopathic Physicians �����������������������������������������������12 Nurses & Nurses Registries ������������������������������������������12 Nursing Homes ������������������������������������������������������������12 Opticians – Dispensing �������������������������������������������������12 Optometrists ����������������������������������������������������������������13 Orthopedic & Orthotic Supports �����������������������������������13 Oxygen Therapy Equipment �����������������������������������������13 Pharmacies ������������������������������������������������������������������13 Physicians & Surgeons �������������������������������������������������14 Physiotherapists �����������������������������������������������������������17 Podiatrists ��������������������������������������������������������������������17 Prosthetics �������������������������������������������������������������������17 Psychologists ���������������������������������������������������������������17 Reflexology �������������������������������������������������������������������17 Rehabilitation Services ��������������������������������������������������17 Respiratory Equipment �������������������������������������������������17 Rest Homes �����������������������������������������������������������������17 Senior Citizens’ Services & Centres ������������������������������17 Skin Care & Treatment ��������������������������������������������������18 Social Service Organizations �����������������������������������������18 Stress Management & Counselling �������������������������������19 Support Groups ������������������������������������������������������������19 Travel Insurance ������������������������������������������������������������19 Weight Control Services �����������������������������������������������19 Wheelchair & Disabled Transportation ���������������������������19 Wheelchairs ������������������������������������������������������������������19 X-Ray Laboratories �������������������������������������������������������19
Prince George
Publisher: Colleen Sparrow Advertising Manager: Dave Smith If you were missed in our directory and would like to be included in the next edition, please call Classifieds at 250.562.6666 2
The Prince George Citizen
Accupuncture Dr. Michael J O’Malley 408-2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-7522
Oriental Therapy Clinic
Northern Light Accupuncture & Traditional Therapy Clinic PH: 250-614-6583
Oriental Traditional Healing
825 Vancouver St., Prince George BC V2L 2P4 PH: 250-563-5551
313-1669 Victoria St., Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-8365
Dragonfly Accupuncture & TCM Clinic
Oriental Wellness Center
17085 Upper Mud River Rd, Prince George, BC V2N 6K6 PH: 250-614-3527
Phoenix Physiotherapy & Rehab Works,Fernando Nalin,Terry Fedorkiw
2155 10th Ave Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-562-8248
5100 North Nechako Rd, Prince George BC V2K 4Y5 PH: 250-564-9263
Addiction Information & Treatment Interior Workplace Compliance Testing
203-1837 Ogilvie St S., Prince George BC V2N 1X2 PH: 250-561-7277
We Care Home Health Services 102-1811 Victoria St., Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-563-3501
AIDS Information Positive Living North No Kheyoh t’sih’en t’sehena Society
1563 2nd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3B8 PH: 250-562-1172
Prince George AIDS Prevention Program
1114 3rd Ave, Prince George BC, V2L 3E5 PH: 250-564-1727
Alcohol Addiction Information & Treatment Alcoholics Anonymous
Bellwood Health Services PH: 1-866-273-6076
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing
203-1837 Ogilvie St S., Prince George BC V2N 1X2 PH: 250-561-7277
We Care Home Health Services 102-1811 Victoria St., Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-563-3501
Alternative Health AKM Alternative Health
204-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-561-7160
Northern Centre for Integrative Medicine
206-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-649-0886
PH: 250-564-7550
The Prince George Citizen
The Silver Brooch Reiki Healing Energy
1610 Birch St, Prince George BC V2L 1B2 PH: 250-561-1297
Medpure Natural Pharmacy
1531 Victoria St, Prince George, BC V2L 2L4 Ph: 250-562-2266
Audiologists Canadian Hearing Care
131-1600 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3X3 PH: 250-564-2593
Birthing Alternatives Northern Midwifery Care
206-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-562-0834
Blood Services Canadian Blood Services
2277 Westwood Dr, Prince George BC V2N 4V6 PH: 250-563-2560
Cancer Information & Support Services
Interior “Mobile” Hearing
Canadian Cancer Society
3105 Vista Rise Rd, Prince George BC PH: 250-564-1299
Island Hearing
302-2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-4327
300-500 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2J9 PH: 1-800-811-5666
Chiropractors Dr. Elisa Braccia
385 Winnipeg St, Prince George BC V2L 2T8 PH: 250-561-2707
Clinics Native Health Centre
Dr. Brad Kreitz
Nechako Medical Clinic
1543 8th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R3 PH: 250-564-4202 385 Winnipeg St, Prince George BC V2L 2T8 PH: 250-561-2707
Chiropractors Dr. Ken Ezaki Chiropractic
311-1705 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-562-8855
Krell Chiropractic
112-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-596-3236
1110 4th Ave , Prince George BC V2L 3J3 PH: 250-564-4422
761 Central St W., Prince George, BC PH: 250-563-3399
Northern Centre for Integrative Medicine
206-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-649-0886
Northern Travel & Vaccinaton Centre
109-1811 Victoria St. Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-596-9190
Merritt Chiropractic Corp,Dr. Danielle M. Trombley
Brazzoni & Associates
Dr. Randy Mills
Canadian Certified Counsellor
443 Carney St, Prince George BC V2M 2K4 PH: 250-563-4563
Chiropractors Dr. Scott Norgren
103-1635 8th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R4 PH: 250-563-8887
Chiropractors Prince George Family Chiropractic
103-3320 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2N 4C1 PH: 250-561-8908
Dr. Dean R. Rigler
301-1705 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-614-2261
206-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-649-0886
Janice Butler MSW RSW
214-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-563-1156
Walmsley & Associates
1512 Queensway, Prince George BC V2L 1L7 PH: 250-564-1000
Crisis Centres Crisis Pregnancy Centre
1543 9th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R8 PH: 250-562-2225
206-2289 Westwood Dr, Prince George BC V2N 4V6 PH: 250-562-4464
Dr. T. C. Warawa
Crisis & Information Centre
1525 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L4 PH: 250-562-5318 The Prince George Citizen
544 E. Central St., Prince George, BC V2M 3B7 PH: 250-561-1916
Dr. Danielle M Trombley
1543 8th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R3 PH: 250-564-4202
Dr. David Wheatcroft
5F1-1600 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G6 PH: 250-564-5736
The Prince George Citizen
Dental Laboratories Fine Arts Prince George Dental Lab
1589 9th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R8 PH: 250-562-7334
North Central Dental Arts Inc
Upr-498 Ospika Blvd S, Prince George BC V2M 3R3 PH: 250-562-4227
PG Dental Lab
1210 5th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3L2 PH: 250-561-1196
Prodent Dental Lab 2000
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-562-6638
Sharp Dental Laboratory Ltd
202-1531 8th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R3 PH: 250-564-2520
Smileworks Dental Ceramic Lab
Hart Dental Centre,Dr. Lydia T. Naccarato
Skyline Dental Clinic, Dr. Terah Albertson
Dentists - General Practice
Keystone Dental Centre,Dr. Quinten G. M. Gordan
Skyline Dental Clinic, Dr. Mira Perkovic
1210 5th Ave, Prince George BC V2N 0B1 PH: 250-596-3031
Dental Solution Inc
102-2150 Ferry Ave Prince George BC V2N 0B1 PH: 250-596-3020
Dr. John Cochrane
1576 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P4 PH: 250-563-7223
Dr. David A Waller 101-1566 7th Ave, Prince George, BC PH: 250-564-5733
Dr. E. J. Edwards
1580 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3S3 PH: 250-563-9397
3644 Austin Rd W, Prince George BC V2K 2H6 PH: 250-962-5351
114-1600 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3X3 PH: 250-614-4444
Westwood Dental Centre,Dr. Erin K. Harvey
102-3320 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2N 4C1 PH: 250-564-4646
Westwood Dental Centre,Dr. Roderick Low 102-3320 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2N 4C1 PH: 250-564-4646
Dr. Diane Kjorven Inc
201-1531 8th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R3 PH: 250-564-7337
Lakewood Dental Services Ltd
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-562-5551
Lakewood Dental Services Ltd ,Dr. L. Anderson
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-960-3805
Lakewood Dental Services Ltd ,Dr. Lise Dahlstrom
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-960-3811
Lakewood Dental Services Ltd ,Dr. J. Hong
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-960-3807
Foothills Plaza Dental Clinic , Dr. Anne Muirhead
4174 - 15th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2M 1V8 PH: 250-960-3818
The Prince George Citizen
301-760 Kinsmen Place, Prince George, BC V2M 0A8 PH: 250-960-2231
301-760 Kinsmen Place, Prince George, BC V2M 0A8 PH: 250-960-2231
Skyline Dental Clinic, Dr. Jose Lopez
301-760 Kinsmen Place, Prince George, BC V2M 0A8 PH: 250-960-2231
Skyline Dental Clinic, Dr. William Vansickle
301-760 Kinsmen Place, Prince George, BC V2M 0A8 PH: 250-960-2231
Lakewood Dental Services Ltd ,Dr. Tessa von den Steinen
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-960-3810
Lakewood Dental Services Ltd ,Dr. K. Wong
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-960-3817
Lakewood Dental Services Ltd ,Dr. Kris Pastro
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-960-3809
Dr. Lonny Legault Inc
102-915 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2K9 PH: 250-563-4939
Dr. Nav Mann
210-1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-8988
Dr. Lydia Naccarato
3644 Austin Rd W, Prince George BC V2K 2H6 PH: 250-962-5351
Rapha Dental Centre,Dr. Allen K. Wu
03-892 Central St. E, Prince George BC V2M 3B8 PH: 250-564-3848
Dr. Christopher J. Rickards
130-177 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5R8 PH: 250-564-5051
Rozon Family Dental
3652 Austin Rd W, Prince George BC V2K 2H6 PH: 250-962-8212
Southridge Dental Centre,Dr. Avie PerelPanar,Dr. Andew Tkachuk,Dr. Gregory Ames
5911 O’Grady Rd, Prince George BC V2N 6Z5 PH: 250-964-3799
Dr. Joanne Walin
1580 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3S3 PH: 250-561-2008
Dr. Richard Wilczek
209-1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-4233
Dr. Donald B. Young
103-892 Central St. E, Prince George BC V2M 3B8 PH: 250-564-3848
Dentists – Specialists
Northern Lights Denture Clinic
701 Victoria St, Prince George, BC V2L 2K5 PH: 250-562-2620
Lo Elliot Orthodontics Inc
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-562-2113 PH: 1-800-665-4054
Dr. K. Ozcan
4122 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 1V9 PH: 250-614-1828
Dentists Specialists Dr. Wallace K. Pon
Neudorf Denture Clinic
2419 Nicholson St S, Prince George BC V2N 2M3 PH: 250-564-0288
Disabled Services & Organizations AiMHi- Prince George Association for Community Living
207-100 Tabor Blvd S, Prince George BC V2M 5T4 PH: 250-563-1001
950 Kerry St., Prince George BC V2M 5A3 PH: 250-564-6408
Brain Injured Group Society
Bob Becott Denture Clinic
1230 5th Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 3L2 Ph: 250-562-9814
1237 4th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3J5 PH: 250-564-2447
Handy Circle Resource Society
Spinal Cord Injury BC
777 Kinsmen Pl, Prince George, BC V2M 6Y7 PH: 250-563-6942
People In Motion PH: 1-877-414-4241
Multisensory Learning Systems Inc 129 Riley Dr, Prince George BC V2M 3N9 PH: 250-561-9199
Northern Interior Easter Seal House
1685 Carney St, Prince George, BC V2M 2L6 PH: 250-564-7200
Drug Addiction Info & Treatment British Columbia Council on Substance Abuse
4020 5th Ave, Prince George, BC V2M 7E7 PH: 250-649-4000
101-490 Quebec St, Prince George BC V2L 5N5 PH: 250-563-1852
The Prince George Citizen
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing 203-1837 Ogilvie St S., Prince George BC V2N 1X2 PH: 250-561-7277
Drug Awareness Recovery Team Society
1122 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 5G6 PH: 250-563-6311
Employee Assistance Services Walmsley & Associates
1512 Queensway, Prince George BC V2L 1L7 PH: 250-564-1000
Employee Benefit Plans Affinity Benefit Consultants
1088 Nelson Cres, Prince George BC V2M 5A2 PH: 250-564-9311
Benefits North Group Consultants Ltd
Koala-T First Aid Service
2933 McGill Cres, Prince George BC V2N 2M7 PH: 250-613-5613
First Aid Training Lifesavers First Aid Training Ltd
439 Cassiar St, Prince George BC V2M 1X7 PH: 250-562-1238
ABC Safety and First Aid Training Services
220-1900 Ogilvie St S, Prince George, BC V2N 1X1 PH: 250-596-9098
priMed Emergency Training Centres
3861 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2N 1A4 PH: 250-277-4440
First Aid Training St. John Ambulance
470 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3B9 PH: 250-561-1696
114-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-563-8223
Fitness Centres & Providers
Beyond Benefits
Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre
415-1488 4th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 4Y2 PH: 250-614-7720
GroupHealth North
492 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2J7 PH: 250-563-8877
Peak Benefit Systems 505-1488 4th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 4Y2 PH: 250-563-5977
First Aid Services Northland First Aid PH: 1-877-567-4719
Phoenix First Aid Service
190 Victoria St, Prince George, BC V2L 2J2 PH: 250-562-6269 8
The Prince George Citizen
3333 University Way, Prince George BC V2N 4Z9 PH: 250-960-6366
College Heights Fitness
3041 McGill Cres, Prince George BC V2N 2T4 PH: 250-964-4348
220-100 Tabor Blvd S,Prince George BC V2M 5T4 PH: 250-564-1233
6499 Hart Hwy,Prince George BC V2K 3A4 PH: 250-962-9161
Body Elements Spa & Wellness Centre 105-5911 O’Grady, Prince George, BC PH: 250-964-7337
Fitness Studios Inc
1533 2nd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3B8 PH: 250-561-0557
Fitness Studios Inc
3955 Hart Hwy, Prince George BC V2K 2Z5 PH: 778-415-2771
Grief Support Programs Prince George Hospice Society
1506 Ferry Ave, Prince George BC V2L 5H2 PH: 250-563-2551
Health Food/ Herbal Products
Gold’s Gym
Ave Maria Gifts & Health Foods
On The Move Personal Fitness
General Nutrition Centres Co
Women Zone Fitness & Aerobics
Medpure Natural Pharmacy
YMCA of Prince George
Homesteader Health Foods Ltd
Fitness Equipment & Supplies
Mother Maria’s Market
760 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2K6 PH: 250-614-1515
12C-1839 1st Ave, Prince George BC V2L 2Y8 PH: 250-564-3441
1790 S Quinn St, Prince George BC V2N 1X3 PH: 250-562-6365
2020 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2L 3V9 PH: 250-562-9341
Flaman Fitness
1701 Central St W, Prince George, BC V2N 1P6 PH: 250-563-3488
Rocky Mountain Fitness
101-5935 O’Grady Rd, Prince George BC V2N 6Z5 PH: 250-964-3100
Foot Care Dr. Daniel Bell
875 Vancouver St, Prince George BC V2L 2P4 PH: 250-564-2992
Fitness Connection
5025 York Pl, Prince George BC V2N 2A4 PH: 250-961-7522
1638 20th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 4B6 PH: 250-563-6388
116-3055 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2N 2S9 PH: 250-562-5604
1531 Victoria St, Prince George, BC V2L 2L4 Ph: 250-562-2266
6561 Hart Hwy, Prince George BC V2K 3A4 PH: 250-962-7280
115-4488 Highway 16 W, Prince George BC V2N 6X6 PH: 250-964-6686
Health & Dental Benefits BCAA
100-2324 Ferry Ave, Prince George BC V2N 0B1 PH: 250-649-2399
Health & Information Services BC Schizophrenia Society
319-1600 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G6 PH: 250-561-8033
Autism Society of British Columbia 13950 Athabasca, Prince George, BC PH: 250-963-0803
The Prince George Citizen
Canadian Mental Health Association
555 George St, Prince George BC V2L 1R8 PH: 250-564-8644
Central Interior Native Health Centre 1110 4th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3J3 PH: 250-564-4422
Brain Injured Group Society
1237 4th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3J5 PH: 250-5642447
1310 5th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 5N5 PH: 250-563-1702
Northern Brain Injury Association
1237 4th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3J5 PH: 250-562-4673
We Care Home Health Services 102-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-563-3501
Health Resorts & Spas Vanishings Laser Esthetics
1611 15th Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 3X2 PH: 250-564-5255
Nu Spa at Treasure Cove
2005 Hwy 97 S, Prince George BC V2N 7A3 PH: 250-563-6868
Synergy Health & Wellness
112-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-596-9355
Health & Welfare Organizations Northern Family Health Society
2666 Queensway, Prince George BC V2L 1N2 PH: 250-561-2689
Health & Welfare Organizations. Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation
1475 Edmonton St, Prince George BC V2M 1S2 PH: 250-565-2515
PH: 250-561-2259
Laser Treatment Nova Laser & Medical Aesthetics 407-1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-6682
Canadian Hearing Care
Dr. Christne J. Kurz
131-1600 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3X3 PH: 250-564-2593
Island Hearing
PH: 250-561-7224
TrendSetters Hair Studio & Day Spa
302-2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-4327
6557 Hart Hwy, Prince George BC V2K 3A4 PH: 250-962-9262
Holisitc Health Services
Vanishings Laser Esthetics
AKM Alternative Health
204-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-561-7160
1409 9th Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 5N6 PH: 250-649-0009
Dr. Deborah Phair
1556 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3S3 PH: 250-614-0112
The Silver Brooch Reiki Healing Energy
1611 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3X2 PH: 250-564-5255
Vitality Laser & Skin Care
904-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-563-8568
Lupus Information and Support Group BC Lupus Society 2665 Upland St, Prince George BC PH: 250-564-9426
1610 Birch St, Prince George BC V2L 1B2 PH: 250-561-1297
Massage Services
Active Balance Massage Therapy
Rotary Hospice House 3089 Clapperton St, Prince George BC V2L 5N4 PH: 250-563-2551
Hospitals University Hospital of Northern BC
1475 Edmonton St, Prince George, BC V2M 1S2 PH: 250-565-2000
The Prince George Citizen
Serenity Hypnosis
Hearing Aids
Injoy Studio & Boutique
309-1705 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-562-9801
Borealis Massage Therapy Clinic
201-1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-614-9070
Coral’s Reef Massage Therapy 304-1705 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-563-8338
The Prince George Citizen
The Art of Tanning
Karen Andersen RMT
1455 10th Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 2L2 PH: 250-563-9970
Synergy Health & Wellness
112-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-596-9355
Therapeutic Massage Centre 412-1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-561-1958
Vital Motion Massage Therapy
1722 8th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R5 PH: 250-614-1645
YMCA of Prince George
2020 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2L 3V9 PH: 250-562-9341
815 Harper St, Prince George BC V2M 2W8 PH: 250-961-9018
Jim Cryderman RMT
435 Quebec St, Prince George BC V2L 1W5 PH: 250-562-7800
Keystone Massage Therapy PH: 250-562-9341
Michelle Gaudet RMT 435 Quebec St, Prince George V2L 1W5 PH: 250-301-7752
Wendi McKay RMT
435 Quebec St, Prince George BC V2L 1W5 PH: 250-564-6639
Barbara Wells-Klein RMT
825 Vancouver St, Prince George BC V2L 2P4 PH: 250-562-0448
Mastectomy Prostheses Forms & Apparel PG Surg-Med Ltd
206-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-649-0886
Medical Alarms
Dr. Lawrence Brkich Naturopathic Physician Inc
Curtis-Elite Security Ltd
751 Brunswick St, Prince George BC V2L 5J1 PH: 250-614-8000
Medical Equipment & Supplies Canadian Red Cross Society
1399 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 5L6 PH: 250-564-6566
Medichair Northern BC
849 2nd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3A6 PH: 250-562-8280 2271 Queensway, Prince George BC V2L 1M4 PH: 250-564-5578
IRS Independent Respiratory Services Inc
106-1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-4449
PG Surg-Med
1749 Lyon St, Prince George BC V2N 1T3 PH: 250-564-2240
Universal Pain Technology Canada Inc
1-1722 Ogilvie St, Prince George BC V2N 1W9 PH: 250-564-5424
Medical Laboratories LifeLabs
1669 Victoria S, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-4191
The Prince George Citizen
Northern Centre for Integrative Medicine
1749 Lyon St S, Prince George BC V2N 1T3 PH: 250-564-2240
Naturopathic Physicians
1635 8th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R4 PH: 250-564-1700
Nurses & Nurses Registries Solutions Staffing Inc
301-1777 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-614-1174
We Care Home Health Services 206-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-563-3501
Nursing Homes Emmaus House
6373 Hillcrest Pl, Prince George BC V2N 5R1 PH: 250-964-1175
Opticians – Dispensing Gurney House of Vision Ltd
680 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2K4 PH: 250-564-5089
Parker Optometry
1523 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3N4 PH: 250-563-2020
FYI Doctors
101-841 Central W, Prince George, BC V2M 3C8 PH: 250-564-5150
Nechako Optometry
955 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2K9 PH: 250-562-1305
Envision Eye Health Clinic 2344 Westwood Dr, Prince George, BC PH: 250-649-2020
Savers Optical Ltd
1537 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G3 PH: 250-563-5811
Dr. Robert N. Reid
101-841 Central W, Prince George, BC V2M 3C8 PH: 250-564-5150
Shoppers Drug Mart
Sears Optical
Orthopedic & Orthotic Supports
Phoenix Dispensary Ltd
Save-On-Foods College Heights
Reid’s Prescriptions
Save-on-Foods Parkwood
3199 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2N 3M7 PH: 250-564-8111
Visions One Hour Optical
715 Central St W, Prince George BC V2M 3C6 PH: 250-564-0095
Visions One Hour Optical
173-3055 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2N 2S9 PH: 250-564-0047
Optometrists Accent Optometry Clinic
103-2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-562-3383
Dr. Daniel Bell
875 Vancouver St, Prince George BC V2L 2P4 PH: 250-564-2992
Northern BC Orthopedic Services
514-1669 Victoria St, Prince George, BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-614-4441
Caribou Orthopedic Services Ltd
100-1437 Commercial Cres, Prince George BC V2M 0A2 PH: 250-561-8799
5063 Domano Blvd, Prince George BC V2N 5E1 PH: 250-964-3010
Oxygen Therapy Equipment
Dr. John D. Bosdet
IRS Independent Respiratory Services Inc
101-841 Central W, Prince George, BC V2M 3C8 PH: 250-564-5150
Dr. Michael A. Dennis
101-841 Central W, Prince George, BC V2M 3C8 PH: 250-564-4142
Hatchard Optometry Group
2555 Range Rd, Prince George BC V2N 4G8 PH: 250-563-7776
Dr. B. Loose
136-1600 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3X3 PH: 250-649-2020
Dr. Julie Louie
101-841 Central W, Prince George, BC V2M 3C8 PH: 250-564-5782
Nechako Optometry
955 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2K9 PH: 250-562-1305
Parker Optometry
1523 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3N4 PH: 250-563-2020
101-1302 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P1 PH: 250-562-5309
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-6666
2155 Ferry Ave, Prince George, BC V2N 5E8 PH: 250-960-1327
Shoppers Drug Mart
185-3055 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2N 2S9 PH: 250-562-8169 737 Central St. W, Prince George BC V2M 3C6 PH: 250-562-2311
106-1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-4449
5232 Domano Blvd, Prince George, BC V2N 4A1 PH: 250-964-3839
1600 15th Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 3X3 PH: 250-561-0240
Real Canadian Superstore
Shoppers Drug Mart
5240 Domano Blvd, Prince George BC V2N 4A1 PH: 250-964-1888
Save-On-Foods Hart Highway
3885 W. Austin Rd, Prince George, BC V2K 2H7 PH: 250-962-2662
Save-On-Foods Spruceland 555 Central St W., Prince George, BC V2M 3C6 PH: 250-564-2168
Tabor Pharmacy 224-100 Tabor Blvd S,Prince George BC V2M 5T4 PH: 250-563-0042
Pharmacies Third Avenue Evergreen Medicine Centre & Pharmacy
1467 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G1 PH: 250-564-7147
Costco Wholesale
2555 Range Rd, Prince George BC V2N 4G8 PH: 250-561-0784
Hart Drugs Medicine Centre & Pharmacy
6707 Dagg Rd, Prince George BC V2K 2R6 PH: 250-962-9666
London Drugs
196-1600 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3X3 PH: 250-561-0011
227-100 Tabor Blvd, Prince George, BC PH: 250-562-3784
The Prince George Citizen
Physicians & Surgeons Dr. James P. Appleby
1624 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P6 PH: 250-561-2700
Aster Ent Clinic Ltd
1020-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-562-3733
Aster Ent Clinic Ltd,Dr. Christine J. Kurz
1020-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-561-7224
Aster Ent Clinic Ltd,Dr. William Kingston
1020-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-564-8869
Aster Ent Clinic Ltd,Dr. M. Buchanan
1020-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-563-7373
Aster Ent Clinic Ltd,Dr. Auton St. Rose 1020-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-563-6334
Aster Ent Clinic Ltd,Dr. C. Textor
1020-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-563-4706
Aster Ent Clinic Ltd,Vitality Plastic Surgery
1020-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-563-8568
Dr. Rachel Boulding
214-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-563-1156
Dr. J. B. Burg
1569 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3N4 PH: 250-562-1674
Dr. K. Closson
3-1230 Alward St, Prince George BC V2M 7B1 PH: 250-562-1231
Dr. Ron Dabbs
Dr. D. B. Konrad
Dr. D. Reddy
Dr. Ramesh Lokanathan
109-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-562-8236 202-1302 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P1 PH: 250-563-9877
Dr. B Dubois
1569 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3N4 PH: 250-563-0680
Dr. Lawrence Fredeen
5-1230 Alward St, Prince George BC V2M 7B1 PH: 250-562-2644
Dr. J. Frye
312-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-564-4747
Dr. Barend Grobbelaar 202-1302 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P1 PH: 250-563-2622
Dr. M. C. Groot
410-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-564-8869
Dr. R. K. Hampole
502-550 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2K1 PH: 250-561-3007
Dr. M. Hay
1668 Tamarack St, Prince George BC V2L 2T3 PH: 250-564-8999
Dr. K. Joss
3-1230 Alward St, Prince George BC V2M 7B1 PH: 250-562-1231
Dr. B. Kelly
1-1624 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P6 PH: 250-564-6000
Dr. Siobhan Key
908-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-563-4706
Dr. Garry Knoll
1230 Alward St, Prince George BC V2M 7B1 PH: 250-563-3024
Dr. Susan Knoll
1-1230 Alward St, Prince George BC V2M 7B1 PH: 250-563-8151 14
The Prince George Citizen
680 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2K4 PH: 250-563-3363
1624 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P6 PH: 250-561-2700
Dr. Tim G. Olstead
1475 Edmonton St, Prince George BC V2M 1S2 PH: 250-564-9233
Dr. G. S. Paterson
1569 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3N4 PH: 250-561-1503
Phoenix Medical Building
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. Steven Chang
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-5111
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. L. F. Daly
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-562-2989
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. H. Dreyer 2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-9227
Pheonix Medical Building, Dr. Pierre Ducharne
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-564-8018
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. Garnet Fraser
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-562-1910
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. B. A. Hagen
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-8013
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. A. A. Hamour
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. Firas Mansour
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. Liam Higgins
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. Edward Marquis
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-8284
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-8878
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. C. B. Jamieson
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-564-2633
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. M. Janzen 2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-5111
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. Arshad Javed
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-564-5656
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr, Khalid Javed
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-1502
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. P. J. Konkal
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-562-9518
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. P. Lakhoo 2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-562-6569
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. Robin Lowry
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-564-4225
Phoenix Medical Building, Dr. Satish Mann
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-564-6211
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-562-7014
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-564-7360
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. Paul Murray
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-5111
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. Ruth G. Nowlan
Prince George Surgery Centre Inc
W. Simpson- Surgeon Inc,Dr. B Dubois
Dr. Richard J. Raymond
Dr. John T. Smith
2F1-500 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2J9 PH: 250-563-4407
1596 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3N4 PH: 250-563-0680
1230 Alward St, Prince George BC V2M 7B1 PH: 250-563-0414
Dr. Reddy
202-1302 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P1 PH: 250-563-1306
Dr. Cecilia Siegling
Dr. Donald Stark
202-1302 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P1 PH: 250-564-4481
Dr. Edgar Turski
1-1230 Alward St, Prince George BC V2M 7B1 PH: 250-563-8151
1668 Tamarack St, Prince George BC V2L 2T3 PH: 250-564-5474
W. Simpson- Surgeon Inc
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-5111
1596 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3N4 PH: 250-564-1946
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. Kathleen O’Malley
W. Simpson- Surgeon Inc,Dr. J. B. Burg
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-5111
1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-564-1876
1596 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3N4 PH: 250-562-1674
Victoria Medical Building
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Saadeddin Abdulrahman
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-565-1212
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. Michael J. O’Malley 2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-7522
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. Daniel T. Plouffe
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-562-1961
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. A. Veselinovic
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-2363
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. Bruce Wilson
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-564-8219
Phoenix Medical Building,Dr. Dan York
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-564-8018 2013 MEDICAL DIRECTORY
The Prince George Citizen
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. William H. Abelson
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Simon Earl
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Meredith Hunter
Victoria Medical Building, Dr. Ann Neary
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Phillip Asquith
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Stephen Ferreira
Victoria Medical Building,Dr. Amir Ilyas
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. L. P. Palerme
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Khalid Bashir
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Brian W. Galliford
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-4550
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-9311
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-3451
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Nadine R. Caron 1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-5324
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. T. Chaudhry
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-7378
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-2257
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-6417
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-3151
Victoria Medical Building,Dr. Haidar Hadi
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-561-0666
Victoria Medical Building.Dr. C. Hennessy
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-9995
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-614-2330
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-612-0221
Victoria Medical Building, Dr. Z. Iqbal
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-3451
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Iftkhar Khan
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-5535
Victoria Medical Building, Dr. Ash Ahmed
1669 Victoria St, Prince George, BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-4356
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. John Mah 1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-2776
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Lea Manraj
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-7416
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. M. E. Martindale
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-8318
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Denise McLeod
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-5166
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. M. Nadeem
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-3133
The Prince George Citizen
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-9388
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-3396
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. R. M. Powell
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-614-2330
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. A. J. Preston
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-9388
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. M. Shahnawaz
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-1160
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Michelle Sutter
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-562-2634
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. E. A. Tam 1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-6117
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Paul Van Zyl
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-2272
Victoria Medical Building ,Dr. Kim Weisgerber
1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-6899
Dr. Gilbert J. Wankling 1624 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-561-2700
Dr. Paul Winwood
1569 6th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3N4 PH: 250-562-8002
Dr. Nicole Zutz
825 Vancouver St, Prince George BC V2L 2P4 PH: 250-562-3813
Physiotherapists Accelerated Sport & Spine Physiotherapy
3333 University Way, Prince George BC V2N 4Z9 PH: 250-960-5323
CBI Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre
1310 5th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3L4 PH: 250-562-3537
Healing Rivers Physiotherapy
206-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-649-0886
Phoenix Physiotherapy & Rehab Works,Fernando Nalin,Terry Fedorkiw
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-562-8248
Physionorth Sports & Wellness Centre
104-1302 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-563-0050
SpineMED Therapy
1-1722 Ogilvie St S, Prince George BC V2N 1W9 PH: 250-614-2060
Victoria Sports Physiotherapy Clinic,Robin Dustin
108-1669 Victoria St,Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-564-3820
Dr. David Wheatcroft
1663 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L4 PH: 250-561-1916
YMCA of Prince George
Rehabilitation Services
Dr. Daniel Bell
875 Vancouver St, Prince George BC V2L 2P4 PH: 250-564-2992
Rest Homes Emmaus House
CBI Health Centre
1310 5th Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 3L4 PH: 250-562-3537
Vital Motion Massage Therapy
Caribou Orthopedic Services Ltd
100-1437 Commercial Cres, Prince George BC V2M 0A2 PH: 250-561-8799
Pentland’s Prosthetics Inc 2245 Westwood Dr, Prince George BC V2N 4V6 PH: 250-561-0849
Psychologists Dr. G. D. England
193 Quebec St, Prince George BC V2L 1W1 PH: 250-961-2715
Queenswood Professional Resource Group Inc 103-1268 5th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3L2 PH: 250-561-2272
1722 8th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3R5 PH: 250-614-1645
We Care Home Health Services 102-1811 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L6 PH: 250-563-3501
6373 Hillcrest Pl, Prince George BC V2N 5R1 PH: 250-964-1175
Prince George Chateau
4377 Hill Ave, Prince George BC V2M 7G1 PH: 250-564-0202
Senior Citizens’ Services & Centres Country Seniors Community
Respiratory Equipment
7364 Hart Hwy, Prince George BC V2K 3B2 PH: 250-962-5570
IRS Independent Respiratory Services Inc
Elder Citizens Recreation Association
106-1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5
OxyLife Respiratory Services Ltd
1692 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3S4 PH: 250-561-9381
809 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2K7 PH: 250-563-1887
Cariboo Home & Health Services PH: 250-649-8783
Worth Counselling & Assessment Services, Dr. Robert M. Cochrane 217-1717 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G7 PH: 250-563-7331
Reflexology All Points Reflexology PH: 250-562-2763
Energy Points massage and Reflexology
4267 Merton Cres, Prince George, BC V2M 5B7 PH: 250-562-8323
Sole Therapies Reflexology
4874 Meadowbrook Rd, Prince George BC V2K 4E9 PH: 250-640-0030
2020 Massey Dr, Prince George BC V2L 3V9 PH: 250-613-4890 2013 MEDICAL DIRECTORY
The Prince George Citizen
Prince George Council of Seniors
Skin Care & Treatment
104-1270 2nd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3B3 PH: 250-564-9100
Vitality Laser & Skin Care
Seniors Information Line
904-299 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 5B8 PH: 250-563-8563
1055 5th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 5K7 PH: 250-564-9100
Spruce Capital Senior’s Recreation Centre 3701 Rainbow Dr, Prince George BC V2M 3V9 PH: 250-563-6450
Prince George & District Senior Citizens Activity Centre Society 425 Brunswick St, Prince George BC V2L 2B7 PH: 250-564-3287
TLC Electrolysis 2822 Oakridge Cres, Prince George BC V2K 3X6 PH: 250-970-0222
Social Service Organizations
Nova Laser & Medical Aesthetics
Carney Hill Neighbourhood Centre
407-1669 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-6682
2579 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L 2M3 PH: 250-563-0858
Vanishings Laser Esthetics
Child Development Centre
1611 15th Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 3X2 PH: 250-564-5255
1687 Strathcona Ave, Prince George BC V2L 4E7 PH: 250-563-7168
Spa of the North Skin Care Centre
Handy Circle Resource Society
770 Brunswick St, Prince George, BC, V2L 2C2 PH: 250-563-0067
101-490 Quebec St, Prince George BC V2L 5N5 PH: 250-563-1852
The Prince George Citizen
Heart & Stroke Foundations of BC & Yukon 1480 7th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3P2 PH: 250-562-8611
Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society 1633 Victoria St, Prince George BC V2L2L4 PH: 250-562-2900
Interesct Youth Family Services Society 1294 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3E7 PH: 250-562-6639
Northern Family Health Society 2666 Queensway, Prince George BC V2L 1N2 PH: 250-561-2689
Prince George Native Friendship Centre Society 1600 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G6 PH: 250-564-3568
Prince George Native Friendship Centre Society,Sources Behavioural Support Services 1600 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G6 PH: 250-561-1194
United Way of Northern BC 1600 3rd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3G6 PH: 250-561-1040
Stress Management & Counselling
Weight Control Services
Walmsley & Associates 1512 Queensway, Prince George BC V2L 1L7 PH: 250-564-1000
Support Groups Prince George COPD Support Groups
Medichair Northern BC
LA Weight Loss Centre
849 2nd Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3A6 PH: 250-562-8280
149-1600 15th Ave, Prince George BC V2L 3X3 PH: 250-562-4300
X-Ray Laboratories
Weight Watchers of BC Ltd
Screening Mammography Program of BC
PH: 1-800-427-2470
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-565-6816
950 Kerry St., Prince George BC V2M 5A3 PH: 250-561-1393
Wheelchair & Disabled Transportation
Travel Insurance
Prince George Transit System
PH: 250-562-1394
100-2324 Ferry Ave, Prince George BC V2N 0B1 PH: 250-649-2399
X-Ray Northern Health
Phoenix Medical Imaging
PG Surg-Med Ltd 1749 Lyon St S, Prince George BC V2N 1T3 PH: 250-564-2240
1669 Victoria St, Prince George, BC V2L 2L5 PH: 250-563-1600
2155 10th Ave, Prince George BC V2M 5J6 PH: 250-563-0635
The Prince George Citizen
The Prince George Citizen