Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association
Neighborhood News
Summer 2017
Working Together for a GREAT Neighborhood
President’s Message – Guy Karm of the lake. While I am thanking people, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people involved in the Fishing Derby year after year, including: George and Cathy Reichl, Larry and Dawn Amos, Beth Prezembl, Steve and Jill Sperling, and everyone else that I may have forgoOen to mention who also volunteer every year. ! By the time you are reading this message, another Fishing Derby will have taken place. You may recall that we were unable to have the Fishing Derby last year due to the extensive reconstruction work on the north shoreline of the lake. The grass areas are still roped off so that there is limited access to the lake frontage. Fortunately, Jim and MaryAnne Stipak, who live on the west side of the pond, have agreed to let the kids fish off of their property this year so that the Derby will be on the other side -1 ! -
With the coming of summer, everyone seems to be out and about in the neighborhood. It appears to me that neighborhood violations are at a low compared to prior springs. Thank you to all of our neighbors who are working hard to follow the rules with respect to their boats, RVs and commercial vehicles. Your neighbors appreciate your efforts. Also, a special thanks to Rich Olsen, who has been in charge of Area Control and has put forth great effort with respect to the neighbors who do not follow the rules. It was with great regret that I accepted
Rich’s resignation as of June 1, as Rich and his wife, Joanne, anticipate moving in the near f u t u r e f r o m Pl u m G r o v e Estates. They are long-time neighbors and we all wish them t h e ve r y b e s t w i t h t h e i r relocation. Dave Knowling, another active neighbor, has volunteered to t a k e o ve r R i c h ’ s va c a t e d position. The Board Members have approved this change, so Dave will fill that position until the next Annual Meeting in October. Thank you, Dave, and welcome aboard. How about those entranceways. They look outstanding with the new lights and the spring planting. Hopefully you have goOen
your RSVP in for the Kick Off to Summer Party. This is by far my favorite event of the year. -
Guy Karm
Newsletter Contents Community News…………..….……2 Fishing Derby 2017………….……….4 Board Member Reports..………….…6 General Meeting Minutes.…………. 9
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
Community News Walking in Blooming Beauty
Most gardens participating in the walks are open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more details, go to
Area garden walks offer an exhilarating opportunity to enjoy our fleeting summer weather amid the blooming beauty nurtured by dedicated homeowners and worthy organizations. These events also can plant a hotbed of ideas for your own yard. Sunday, June 25: Arlington Heights Garden Club Garden Walk and Boutique. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tickets, $10 advance; $15 day of walk. Five residential gardens will be showcased. In addition, a garden boutique will sell a variety of arts, crafts, products and plants; there is no admission fee for the boutique, to be held at the Arlington Heights Historical Society, 110 W. Fremont St. For details, go to Sunday, July 23: Rolling Meadows Garden Club Garden Walk. This annual garden walk typically features a great mix of gardens in Rolling Meadows and Palatine. Last year, tickets were $10 in advance; $15 day of event. For details when they become available, go to Saturday, July 15:Chicagoland Garden & Pond Showcase Two homes in Plum Grove Estates will be included in this free tour. See Lauri Mitchell’s Beautification Committee report on page 5 of this newsletter. Saturdays, June 25 and July 23: The Garden Conservancy is a national organization that promotes and preserves noteworthy gardens in the U.S. Every summer, it hosts Open Days events where spectacular private gardens are open to visitors for a one-day-only rare peek. These are farther afield on the North Shore, but well worth a visit. Admission is typically $7 per person, cash or check, at each garden. -2 ! -
All summer long: Plum Grove Estates! Even the shortest walk or bike ride through Plum Grove Estates delivers vistas of beautiful gardens and yards. Thanks, PGE gardeners -your hard work is duly noted!
2017 PGEPOA Officers and Directors President Vice President and Architectural Control Secretary Treasurer Area Control Civic Affairs Membership Communications Social and Landscaping Audit Past President
Guy Karm Dave Freeman Susan McDonald Amy Pritchard Dave Knowling Steve Sperling Lauri Mitchell Rich Coha Lynn Meinzer George Reichl Gary Dindia
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Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
Coyotes in Cook County Coyotes in Illinois are protected under the Illinois Wildlife Code. In urban or suburban areas, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources recommends hiring a Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator, who is licensed by the State of Illinois to remove the coyote from the area. By Illinois law, the animal can only be removed if it is causing property damage or is a risk to human health or safety. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has recommended the following: Contact the District Wildlife Biologist at if you intend to remove the coyote yourself because you must first qualify for a Nuisance Animal Removal Permit. Contact local police for sick, threatening or injured animals only.
A coyote reminds one of a small German shepherd dog. Coyotes weigh between 20 and 45 pounds, have a bushy tail with a black tip, are typically yellowish gray with a whitish throat and belly, their ears are prominent, and their tail is held below their back while running. Coyotes are opportunistic hunters, feeding primarily on what is most available. They rarely kill prey larger than themselves, but will scavenge on a fresh carcass. Coyotes are capable of taking a small to medium sized dog (usually less than 15 pounds) or a cat, but they rarely take supervised pets. They are mostly active at night, but may be seen during the day, especially in the summer when young are more active. They sometimes hunt in family units, but are more often alone or in a male/female pair. If a coyote encounter occurs, do the following: ▪ ▪
Make loud noises, shout, clap your hands ▪ Stand your ground, have a bold front, and don’t run. Blow a whistle or air horn ▪ Wave your arms ▪ Carry a walking stick ▪ Spray it with a garden hose.
Preventing Problems with Coyotes: What should you do? -
Do not leave food out for coyotes or other wildlife People who feed wild animals are creating a potentially dangerous situation. Wild animals are smart to recognize that people are the source of their food. They will become less fearful of humans and will tend to approach more often, potentially becoming a hazard for people and pets.
Parents should educate their children on how to identify and stay away from coyotes and other wildlife.
Keep your garbage cans in the garage. When letting your dog out, check the yard for any type of wild animal. Dogs should never be let off the leash when there is a presence of coyote in the area. If you know there are coyote in the area remain in the yard with your dog.
Additional Information: -3 ! -
Source: City of Des Plaines
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
2017 Fishing Derby Thanks to Jim and Mary Ann Stipak who so kindly allowed us to use their beautiful yard for this year’s Fishing Derby, ten young residents of Plum Grove Estates and their families enjoyed a lovely Saturday morning at the pond! For some of the younger kids, this was their first time fishing. The weather was perfect and a great time was had by all!
Winners of Culver’s gift cards were: (left to right) Emily - 14 yrs - Most fish caught (29!) and First Fish Caught (tied with Melody) Melody - 14 yrs - First fish caught (tied with Emily) Nate - 12 yrs - Biggest fish caught (14”!)
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Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
2017 Fishing Derby
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Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
Board Member Reports Landscape Report – Lynn Meinzer After a rainy early spring, June is rewarding us with many flowering plants this year. The West Frontage Road hedge of 100 Viburnum ‘Autumn Jazz’ is very full now and blooming right on time! The Briarwood and Longacres entrances have some hearty, red roses, also trying to steal the show! The ‘Annabelle’ hydrangea are getting ready to take over soon. The red and yellow barberry are planted for the leaf color, the flowers being inconspicuous. The hosta, planted long ago, are looking spectacular.
Social Report – Lynn Meinzer The Plum Grove Estates Kick-Off to Summer Party ‘Flip Over’ is coming up this month on the 21st, which my calendar says is the first day of Summer – another says the 20th is the Summer Solstice! The Terrace at Plum Grove Park from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm will be a fun place to be to meet and greet PGE neighbors, enjoy a beverage, dinner, desserts brought by those attending - along with some music for all and games for the children!. Please Thank you for emailing your reservation to me at: or calling: 847/397-5832. Hope to see you then and as ever - help is always appreciated with the setup and the cleanup times of the event.
All the plants are complemented by the annual impatiens planted by the new M&B Landscape Co. of Palatine. They also are decorating the open edges of the Westwood raised planting beds. The ‘Glow Girl’ spirea has matured over the past two years and fills the east and west sides of the Westwood entrance. The weigela ‘Spilled Wine’, planted last year, is blooming a hot pink color and the groundcover Juniper is spreading its dark green foliage. Take a look at the colors and blooms as you pass through entrances. Established shrubs and colorful annuals are there to make your day a good one, whether you’re going somewhere or coming back home to PGE!
Membership – Lauri Mitchell Welcome to new neighbors: Mark and Debra Hammersmith, 291 Briarwood Matt and Nicole MacDougall, 339 S. Circle Terri & Sam Manno, 2283 N. Circle Don Olson & Venus Whiting, 327 N. Elmwood -6 ! -
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
Civic Affairs – Steve Sperling
Chicagoland Garden and Pond Showcase:
A newer tradition continues this year in Rolling Meadows, the Farmers and Food Trucks City Market combine fresh produce, favorite food truck tastes, handmade jewelry, arts, crafts, clothing, home goods, health, beauty and pet products.
Two homes in our neighborhood are featured for this suburban garden showcase and pond tour sponsored by Aquascape Inc. on Saturday, July 15th.
Live music, free raffle drawings and kids’ activities make these markets a treat for the whole family. Food Trucks City Markets are scheduled for:
Please stop by Steve and Terri Manfreda's home at 230 Park Drive to visit their Koi pond and garden. Also featured are Randy and Lauri Mitchell’s pond at 306 Park Drive. Free lunch is provided at the Mitchell's !
Master gardeners will be at each location to answer any questions you may have. Feel welcome to visit these neighborhood gardens and ponds in July!
June 24 , July 22 , August 26 , September 23rd Also, the 3rd Annual Rolling Meadows Down Town Block Party is Friday June 3rd 4:30-8:30
The Beautification Committee – Lauri Mitchell If you have any ideas for our committee to work on, please send them to Lauri Mitchell. After last year's work on the entrances, the electrical updates, the new post lights and the tuck pointing of the pillars., we would like some suggestions for new projects from our neighbors! All the flowers have been planted at the entrances and the islands are mulched. We hope you are enjoying our landscaper's work. We look forward to your input.
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Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
David Hammer of the Palatine Historical Society presented a fascinating slide show and lecture, "Castles in the Air: Suburban Projects That Never Got Off the Ground," at the May 17 PGE Property Owners Association General Meeting.
Join us on Facebook! Go to the Friends of Plum Grove Estates and ask to join the
Historical Perspective: Plum Grove Estates As membership director, I am researching the history of Plum Grove Estates. This research is a work-in-progress and it is exciting to learn about the development of Plum Grove Estates since 1956! I have received some very valuable history from George Manthey, Jeff June and Darrell Muehler, Andrea Brennen, Marge and Roy Paleta, and Madeleine Madsen. If anyone has any photos, stories, or people I can contact, please e-mail me at or call (847) 925-0262. Appreciatively, Lauri -8 ! -
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
PGE POA General Meeting Minutes (pending approval) Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Call to Order – The general meeting of the Plum
Grove Homeowners Association was called to order by President Guy Karm at 7:33 PM on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at the Plum Grove Park Banquet Room.
Board Attendees
Guy Karm, Dave Freeman, Rich Olsen, Rich Coha, Steve Sperling, Lauri Mitchell, George Reichl and Lynn Meinzer. Absent Board Members - Gary Dindia, Amy Pritchard, and Susan McDonald
Resident Attendees
Matt MacDougall, Don Olson, Venus Whiting, Randy Mitchell, Jeff Berg, Jan Engelen,Terri, Manno, Sam Manno, Sue Dindia, Dawn Amos, JoAnn Fallon, Beth Prezembel, Mark Hammersmith, Debbie Hammersmith, Madeleine Madsen, Pam Adelizzi, Mary Joan Hoadley, Jane Riley, Joannne Olsen, Kenneth A. Flobeck, George Manthey, Bill Christenson, Bernie Rupe, Andrea Brennan.
Palatine Historical Society presentation: Lauri Mitchell introduced Speaker, David Hammer of the Palatine Historical Society, who presented a talk entitled “Castles in the Air: Suburban Projects that Never Got Off the Ground”. Mr. Hammer’s interesting talk covered plans from 1929 to 1994 that would have changed the northwest suburban area in some way. However world events, finances and other factors stood in the way of the plans.
New Neighbor Introduction
Lauri Mitchell, Membership Director, introduced : Terri & Sam Manno of 2283 N. Circle Dr. Matt & (Nicole, not present) MacDougall of 339 S. Circle Dr. Don Olson & Venus Whiting of 327 N. Elmwood Ln. Each new neighbor spoke about their various paths to living in Plum Grove Estates
Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of the February 15, 2017 General Meeting were Approved as Corrected. Andrea Brennan noted an incorrect date of the report and requested the elimination of the last sentence from -9 ! -
the Cook County Sheriff’s presentation which was redundant. It was voted removed.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was continued to the next meeting, in Amy Pritchard’s absence.
President’s Remarks
President Guy Karm spoke about the Fishing Derby coming up on June 10th at Brookdale Lake, the present condition of the shoreline and space for those fishing. He also reminded those present of the Kick-Off to Summer Party at Plum Grove Park Terrace coming up June 21st.
George Reichl, Auditing Director reported that the Audit Report of the PGE Finances were reconciled and are in good order.
Preservation and Beautification Committee Lauri Mitchell had no report at this time
Architectural Control
Dave Freeman reported that the home at 333 N. Elmwood Lane that was foreclosed, was sold, will be torn down and rebuilt correcting issues with the driveway; which has been inspected by Cook County and Palatine Township Representatives. Dave spoke to the matter of needing a state licensed contractor and the permits that are necessary for construction. He mentioned how the Palatine Township Road District has been helpful at times by replacing the pipe in drainage ditches.
Ciivic Affairs
Steve Sperling reported that : (1)the Algonquin Road Project to add a third lane has had no changes since his last report. It requires purchasing the land on the south side of the road. This project is planned for 2019 at the earliest. (2) The Palatine Township office on Smith Street has free compost at this time. (3) There will be an opportunity to get two boxes of paper material shredded on June 24th at the Palatine Township Office on Quentin Road. (4) That on June 9th, downtown Rolling Meadows will be holding an event with old-time cars, a fire
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
…Meeting Minutes continued
phone, as noted on the invitation.
truck on display, food and festivities for surrounding residents.
The Kick-Off Committee Co-Chairmen are: Susan McDonald, Lauri Mitchell, Amy Pritchard. The party starts at 5:30 PM and ends at 8:30 PM. Refreshments, dinner, desserts to share, music and games for the children will happen while PGE Residents have an opportunity to visit with their neighbors at that time.
Area Control Rich Olsen spoke about: (1) The status of the home at 397 Knollwood Court where the large tree trunks were cut down and then dumped in the backyard. The owner had been informed that permits need to be paid before construction. Rich calls the Cook County Inspector, Mario, whenever there is work being done. If someone sees work being done, it can be reported to Mario at 847/470-5011. The Sheriff will be sent to check out the situation. (2)The status of 275 Briarwood Lane with the truck parked in the driveway overnight and (3) 372 Briarwood Lane was mentioned. (4) Rich also reported He noticed that boats are starting to be parked on driveways which is alright but only for a couple of days. George Reichl interjected to state that a gas leak in his front yard was caused by a slit in the old steel pipe since the 1960’s. He said the gas company should be called right away if gas is smelled. His experience with company was good.
Landscaping Lynn Meinzer reported that the newly hired M&B Landscape Company had completed the spring cleanup and the spreading of mulch on April 10th and 11th and the work looked very good, well maintained. Notes from previous experience with certain plants per location were provided to Mike Zyer, owner of M&B of Palatine, during an inspection of all areas of Plum Grove Estates, prior to the spring work. Lynn is confident that M&B will do an excellent job of maintaining the PGE landscape.
Rich Coha had no report at this time.
Old Business None reported.
New Business (1) George Manthey of Circle Court reported a potential scam by a man who approached him,he suspected a scam, but George didn’t call police, now thinks he should have. (2) There was a discussion about some solicitors for a gas company in competition with Nicor Gas Co. The information that solicitors are not allowed in Plum Grove Estates. (3) Donna Mullen of Westwood Drive asked those present if anyone would recommend WOW. There were several present who had good service from them.
Mary Joan Hoadley motioned and Steve Sperling seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned with a unanimous vote at 8:43 pm. Submitted by Lynn Meinzer in the absences of Susan McDonald, Secretary
Social Committee Lynn Meinzer, Chairman, spoke about the ‘Kick-Off to Summer’ PGEPOA Party planned for June 21st, the first day of Summer – by coincidence! The invitations will be mailed out within a week and reservations will be taken by email (preferred) and - ! 10 -
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
HELP WANTED Do you enjoy the Kick Off to Summer and Holiday Parties sponsored by the PGEPOA each year? Now is your chance to contribute to their continued success. The PGEPOA board is looking a new Social Chairperson to lead the organizing efforts for these parties. You can count on help from board and association members as you coordinate the refreshments, decorations, activities, and other functions for these events. Anyone interested in contributing their time twice a year in this role should please contact George Reichl at
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Tell your family, friends, neighbors, visitors, mailman, and contractors not to park on the grass.
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
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Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association ! P.O. Box 2568 ! Palatine, IL 60078-2568 !
PGE POA Board Meeting PGEPOA Board Meeting PGE POA Board Meeting PGE POA General Meeting Plum Grove Park 7:30 PM (Pizza & dessert at 7:00PM) PGE POA Board Meeting PGEPOA Holiday Party
7/11 8/8 9/12 10/20
11/15 12/3
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