June 1, 2012 - Free Press

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ARCHIVES: Looking for back issues of the Free Press? CLICK HERE Friday, June 1, 2012 STOP HIV/AIDS campaign unveiled in the North A3

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RCMP seal golden

De Ly nd a PILON/ Fre e Pre s s

Construction workers on the new RCMP detachment downtown get treated to a barbecue Wednesday in recognition of the project receiving its red seal certification. DeLynda Pilon newsroom@pgfreepress.com

The RCMP building under construction in Prince George is gold seal all the way, and the first to be designated as such in northern B.C. On Wednesday construction workers, municipal leaders and industry representatives gathered at the RCMP construction site for a barbecue and the presentation of several certificates, as well as to witness the signing of an memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the partners involved in the project. Terry Brown, the chairman of the National Gold Seal Committee, explained that a number of years ago the government along with labour and industry got

together because there was no certification for construction project managers, estimators, superintendents or owner’s project managers. In the ‘80s a program was established to define benchmarks and skill sets for these specialized trades. In 1993, the Canadian Construction Association took over management of the gold seal program. According to the gold seal website, gold seal certification is based on the candidate’s education, experience and their ability to satisfy the rigorous standards of the program. This may mean the successful completion of a Gold Seal exam. The Gold Seal Certificate was developed by the industry for the industry and is a voluntary certification program for the


individual. For the individual - the Gold Seal Certificate is a declaration of skill and competence that is recognized by the construction industry across the country. The certificate will enhance mobility and professional development of construction managers. For the contractor - employing Gold Seal Certified managers is a statement regarding the professionalism and commitment of the firm to construction management excellence. A Gold Seal Certificate assists employers in recruiting capable construction managers. “You can see on this project very highly skilled workers completed what has been done today,” Brown said. “It’s wonderful to be standing in this building in this location seeing the prog-

ress that’s been made,” added Prince George Mayor Shari Green. Phil Long, project manager at Maple Reinders, the company that won the bid for the project, said he strongly supports the gold seal program. “It promotes a strong code of ethics,” he said. He added they also believe in teamwork, and the project has a great team of partners to see it through to fruition. The MOU signed at the end of the event promises the project the partners have undertaken will promote gold seal certification in construction management, showcase professionalism and enhance the image of the construction industry and demonstrate excellence in construction management.

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Prince George Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012

Making dining out just a little bit easier Bm bl ghp ^Zlb^k maZg ^o^k mh fZd^ a^Zemar \ahb\^l pa^g ]bgbg` hnm pbma ma^ k^\^gm eZng\a h_ ma^ Ikhobg\^ h_ ;kbmbla <henf[bZÌl Bg_hkf^] =bgbg` ikh`kZf' ?^Zmnkbg` fhk^ maZg ,)) k^lmZnkZgm hnme^ml bg ;kbmbla <henf[bZ% ma^ ikh`kZf in[ebla^l gnmkbmbhgZe bg_hkfZmbhg Zg] Zeehpl ]bg^kl mh ob^p ma^ bg_hkfZmbhg bg Z _hkfZm lbfbeZk mh maZm h_ Z gnmkbmbhgZe `nb]^ hg ikh]n\ml Zm ma^ `kh\^kr lmhk^' :ee rhn aZo^ mh ]h bl ehhd _hk ma^ Bg_hkf^] =bgbg` eh`h Zm iZkmb\biZmbg` k^lmZnkZgml' É;kbmbla <henf[bZgl aZo^ fZ]^ bm \e^Zk ma^r pZgm bg_hkfZmbhg mh a^ei ma^f fZd^ bg_hkf^] \ahb\^l Z[hnm paZm ma^r Zg] ma^bk _Zfbeb^l Zk^ ^Zmbg`%Ê lZrl ;'<' Fbgblm^k h_ A^Zema Fbd^ ]^ Chg`' ÉPbma Bg_hkf^] =bgbg`% p^ Zk^ iZkmg^kbg` pbma ;'<' k^lmZnkZgml mh a^ei fZd^ ma^ a^Zemar \ahb\^ ma^ ^Zlr \ahb\^'Ê Lhf^ h_ ma^ iZkmb\biZmbg` k^lmZnkZgml bg\en]^ \aZbgl ln\a Zl Ma^ ;hZmahnl^% =^ =nm\a% : P Zg] Ebmme^ <Z^lZkÌl% Zg] lmZg]& Zehg^ k^lmZnkZgml ln\a Zl A':'O'>' <Z_^ bg OZg\hno^k% FhngmZbg >Z`e^ ;hhdl bg Lfbma^kl Zg] Chl^iaÌl <h__^^ Ahnl^ bg Ob\mhkbZ' Pbma i^hie^ bg ;kbmbla <henf[bZ ^Zmbg` Z f^Ze bg Z k^lmZnkZgm ZiikhqbfZm^er *) i^k \^gm h_ ma^ mbf^% bmÌl g^o^k [^^g fhk^ bfihkmZgm mh [^ Z[e^ mh lhnk\^ hnm a^Zemar himbhgl' Pbma ma^ g^p ikh`kZf% \Zehkb^ Zg] lh]bnf bg_hkfZmbhg bl ikhfbg^gmer ab`aeb`am^] _hk Zee k^`neZk f^gn bm^fl% pabe^ hma^k gnmkb^gml% bg\en]bg` \Zk[har]kZm^l Zg] _Zm% Zk^ Zelh ghm^]' Ma^ ikh`kZf Zelh `bo^l Z]ob\^ hg ]Zber \Zehkb^ Zg] lh]bnf k^jnbk^f^gml' >q\^ll p^b`am \Zg bg\k^Zl^ ma^ kbld _hk mri^ + ]bZ[^m^l% \Zk]bhoZl\neZk ]bl^Zl^l Zg] oZkbhnl \Zg\^kl% lh \Zehkb^&

British Columbians have made it clear they want information to help them make informed choices about what they and their families are eating,” says B.C. Minister of Health Michael de Jong. “With Informed Dining, we are partnering with B.C. restaurants to help make the healthy choice the easy choice.” \hngmbg` bl Zg bfihkmZgm iZkm h_ Z a^Zemar ]b^m' >Zmbg` mhh fn\a lh]bnf \hgmkb[nm^l mh ab`a [ehh] ik^llnk^% lmkhd^% a^Zkm ]bl^Zl^ Zg] db]g^r ]bl^Zl^% fZdbg` lh]bnf Zghma^k bfihkmZgm ib^\^ h_ ma^ a^Zemar ^Zmbg` insse^' ÉA^Zemar ^Zmbg` bl Z \kbmb\Ze ^e^f^gm bg ebobg` Z ehg` Zg] a^Zemar eb_^ Zg] Zohb]bg` \Zk]bhoZl\neZk ]bl^Zl^%Ê lZrl @Zobg :kmank% ob\^&ik^lb]^gm h_ k^l^Zk\a Zg] a^Zema ikhfhmbhg _hk ma^ A^Zkm Zg] Lmkhd^ ?hng]Zmbhg h_ <ZgZ]Z' ÉMa^ Bg_hkf^] =bgbg` ikh`kZf mZd^l Z ihlbmbo^ lm^i _hkpZk] bg ikhob]bg` i^hie^ pbma bg_hkfZmbhg ma^r \Zg nl^ bg fZdbg` bg_hkf^] \ahb\^l pabe^ ]bgbg` hnm'Ê Ma^ ikh`kZf bl ohengmZkr% [nm ma^ ikhobg\bZe `ho^kgf^gm bl ^g\hnkZ`bg` ^o^kr k^lmZnkZgm mh chbg ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ Zg] fZd^ ln\a bg_hkfZmbhg ZoZbeZ[e^' ÉP^ pZgm mh [^ iZkm h_ ma^ lhenmbhg bg fZdbg` a^Zemar

\ahb\^l% ^Zlr \ahb\^l bg ;'<'%Ê lZrl Ob\^&Ik^lb]^gm h_ ma^ <ZgZ]bZg K^lmZnkZgm Zg] ?hh]l^kob\^l :llh\bZmbhg FZkd ohg L\a^eepbms' ÉMabl ikh`kZf aZl ma^ ihm^gmbZe mh a^ei k^lmZnkZgm iZmkhgl [^\hf^ fhk^ \hgl\bhnl Z[hnm paZm ma^r Zk^ ^Zmbg` Ç bm Zelh labg^l Z eb`am hg mahl^ ^lmZ[eblaf^gml Zek^Z]r ikhob]bg` f^gn gnmkbmbhg \hgm^gm pabe^ ^g\hnkZ`bg` hma^k k^lmZnkZgml mh _heehp lnbm'Ê Ma^ ikhobg\bZe `ho^kgf^gm aZl [^^g phkdbg` hg mabl ikh`kZf lbg\^ +)*)% Zg] aZl `bo^g k^lmZnkZgml l^o^kZe himbhgl _hk ]bl\ehlbg` gnmkbmbhg bg_hkfZmbhg% bg\en]bg` Z f^gn bgl^km% Z ihlm^k hk Z [kh\ank^' ÉB Zf ikhn] maZm p^ aZo^ Z[hnm ,)) hnme^ml Z\khll ma^ ikhobg\^ lb`g^] ni mh iZkmb\biZm^ bg mabl bfihkmZgm ikh`kZf%Ê lZrl BZg Mhlm^glhg% <>H Zg] ik^lb]^gm h_ ma^ ;'<' K^lmZnkZgm Zg] ?hh]l^kob\^l :llh\bZmbhg' ÉB dghp maZm hma^k [nlbg^ll pbee \hgmbgn^ mh e^Zkg fhk^ Z[hnm Bg_hkf^] =bgbg` Zg] lb`g ni Ç mabl bg_hkfZmbhg bl paZm hnk \nlmhf^kl aZo^ [^^g m^eebg` nl ma^r pZgm% Zg] bm bl hnk k^lihglb[bebmr mh ikhob]^ bm'Ê Ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ bl iZkm h_ ma^ A^Zemar ?Zfbeb^l ;< \ZfiZb`g% \k^Zm^] [r ma^ Ikhobg\^ mh ikhfhm^ a^Zemar eb_^lmre^l Zg] ik^o^gm \akhgb\ ]bl^Zl^' ?hk fhk^ bg_hkfZmbhg% oblbm ppp' a^Zemar_Zfbeb^l[\'\Z(ahf^(bg_hkf^]&]bgbg`' Ma^ p^[lbm^ Zelh _^Zmnk^l Z \hgm^lm pbma p^^der ]kZpl Zg] Z `kZg] ikbs^ mh \hhd ebd^ Z \a^_ Zg] e^Zkg _khf Z ]b^mbmbZg'


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Friday, June 1, 2012

AIRPORT: Work continues on upgrades, but challenges remain A4

Up Front


Corey Hardeman digs through Undergrowth for her art A12

BILL PHILLIPS 250-564-0005 newsroom@pgfreepress.com


New program aims at HIV/AIDS prevention DELYNDA PILON


The video flashes through scenes of people, some of whose faces are well-known in the city, discussing some quick facts and fallacies about HIV AIDS. It’s interesting, but when the scene changes and one young lady starts speaking, it becomes riveting, raw and honest. Brave enough to let out the pain she lives with because of the stigma attached to her disease, she tells everyone that just because she has the disease she is not garbage. The roomful of people gathered to celebrate the launch of the STOP HIV/ AIDS education and awareness campaign in Prince George are quiet. The presenter admits to biting the inside of her cheek when she watches the frames slip by. Though she’s seen it a number of times, it can still bring tears. STOP in this campaign stands for Seek and Treat for Optimal Prevention

and is running from 2010 through to 2013 in B.C. It will focus on increasing HIV testing and early treatment for all ages groups. It is estimated that about 25 per cent of those with AIDS don’t know it, and are responsible for 75 per cent of new infections. Dr. Ronald Chapman, chief medical health officer for Northern Health, said earlier the early detection of AIDS will improve patient care. “Times have changed. Treatments have changed,” he said, adding there are many effective new treatments. “If you are treated early you are less likely to pass the virus on and there is a greater potential for your own life.” Removing the stigma and normalizing those with HIV is also a goal, he said. “You will see our messages stretching across the north,” he said. This will be done in an effort to reach people living from major centres to those living in the smallest,

De Ly nd a PILON/ Fre e Pre s s

Vanessa West, executive director of Positive Living North, was one of the community partners who spoke during the launch of the STOP HIV/AIDS campaign on Wednesday. most remote town. “We know that HIV/ AIDS is a difficult subject for many people to

talk about. We know that stigma still surrounds this disease,” said Dr. Abu Hamour, an infectious dis-

ease specialist in Prince George. “But we’d like to break down barriers and talk openly about HIV and

AIDS.” Testing and treatment for the disease will be available throughout the north.

No major changes in school fees for next year ALLAN WISHART

same as last year, with two additions for new specialty academies. “We are adding the Mackenzie Secondary Hockey Academy and the Canadian Sport School at UNBC this year, so each of them had to have its fees set.” It appears, however, the Mackenzie Hockey Academy will not be going ahead this fall. “There was interest from parents when it was first proposed,” Hooker says, “but not enough people put down their deposits to make it viable for this


There shouldn’t be any surprises for parents with the fees and deposits required for school next year. At the May 29 board of trustees meeting, the schedule of fees and deposits for the 2012-13 school year was passed with little trouble. Education programs and planning committee chair Brenda Hooker said many of the fees and deposits were the

fall.” What was disappointing about that, to her, was that apparently nobody thought to ask about other possibilities for paying. “We ask a lot of questions of administration when they bring the fees proposals forward. One thing we always ask about is equity possibilities, for people who can’t afford the full fee. “In the case of the Mackenzie Hockey Academy, apparently nobody approached us about equity.”

In some cases, such as for Netbooks as part of a pilot project in the district, there is a deposit required at the beginning of the school year. The deposit is refunded when the item is returned. Some other items may be required by specific schools, such as a student planner. Hooker says in cases like this, the items are priced as low as possible. “We by as a district, so we can get a very good rate, and we operate on a cost-recovery basis to keep the cost to students as low as possible.”

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Prince George - News - Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012

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A lis ta ir M cINNIS/ Fre e Pre s s

Dutch Canadian Tulip Commemoration committee member Jerry Wessel gives a speech during this year’s event on Saturday at the Veterans’ Plaza in front of City Hall.

Airport service up over 2011 DELYNDA PILON Several

port, some of which have recently been met while others are a work in progress.

stand in the way of growing the cargo/ tech stop business at the Prince George air-



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However, one of the biggest challenges is the Nav Canada fees. “We have the most excessive fees in the world,” Blake said. Discussions are underway in Ottawa, he said, in an effort to convince them to institute a lower fee. Coun. Garth Frizzell suggested that council might be able to help with lobbying for lower fees. Overall, passenger flight service at the airport improved by 3.1 per cent in 2011 over 2010. Thus far, Blake said, there has been a seven per cent increase this year over the same period last year.

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Jim Blake with the Prince George Airport Authority, along with chief financial officer Diane Bertram, updated council on several aspects of the airport during Monday’s meeting. Blake said one of the first hurdles, a common fuel storage facility, will be completed by July of this year. The crossdock facility is on-track and will be finished by December. Currently, they have all the ground support equipment needed. The CBSA expanded days of coverage and the airport has expanded cargo rights into Japan, Korea and India.


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Prince George - News - Free Press


Friday, June 1, 2012

Keep it on ground, not crown Q WILDFIRE MANAGEMENT



The climate isn’t just changing, it’s also “weirding”. That was one of the messages community forest manager Dan Adamson brought to the School District 57 board of trustees meeting on May 29. “When we look at the data going back 20 years, say, we find more weird weather taking place,” he said. “We’re seeing more hot, dry summers now than we used to.

Before, we might get what we would call a hot, dry summer every 10 years, for example. Now, we might see one every three or four years.” That leads to drier conditions in the forests around Prince George, and is especially concerning in what is referred to as the interface forest, the forest in or near residential areas. “Through the time we were dealing with the visible effects of the mountain pine beetle,” Adamson

said, “there was a fair bit of media interest in wildfire management in the interface. “Now, there are a lot fewer dead pine trees and a lot of green forests, so people think there’s no real fire risk.” There is, he says. “You can never eliminate the hazards. Any potential area can supply fuel.” While it is unrealistic to get rid of all the trees in Prince George, Adamson said people have to remember a few things about for-


Kyla Thurston helps out with all the plants at the annual REAPS plant sale on Saturday. B ill PHILLIPS/ F ree Press

ests and fires. “One new technique we have for fighting fires is to keep them low. We want to keep them on the ground, not in the crown (of the trees).” Crowning, which occurs when the fire gets into the tops of trees, tends to mean a faster spread for two reasons: first, the fire is harder to fight, and second, wind can take burning material quite a distance. “We saw that in the Slave Lake fire last year,” Adamson said. “The fire itself never actually got to the town, but material landed on trees and houses in the town and started more fires. “That overtaxed the fire department quite quickly.” One initiative community forests across the country are looking at is a Community FireSmart Initiative, which has proven successful in the United States. “It’s sort of a CrimeWatch for fires,” Adamson said. “You get someone to organize it in the neighbourhood, and we work with them to assess the threats posed for fire. “The only requirement is the community

has to invest a certain amount of time into it, usually in terms of doing a clean-up of hazardous materials, cutting trees and brush back from houses.” He said a number of local groups, including the school district, are looking at improving outdoor and environmental education for the city.


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First phase of review finished newsroom@pgfreepress.com

Phase one of the core service review has been completed and a milestone report covering what has been accomplished so far is available on the city’s website. Coun. Brian Skakun wondered if the fact the CUPE negotiations are set to take place this year might affect how staff answers questions put to them by KPMG, the company contracted to complete the review,

about how the city runs. “There’s a sense the core review could be hung over them prior to negotiations,” he said. Mayor Shari Green, who chairs the select committee on the core review, said the matter has not been discussed by the committee. Derek Bates, city manager, said collective bargaining begins with information gathered then passed to the finance and audit committee. In turn the committee peruses it then

Whatever the excuse... Accidents Happen.

prepares a report for council to prepare them for the bargaining process. “I think it adds an extra challenge,” Skakun said. Coun. Frank Everitt pointed out the areas the core review will look at have been identified, and that the review is not a precursor to the bargaining process. Green’s report stated that phase two of the review has commenced and will be completed along with a milestone report on June 27.

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Friday, June 1, 2012


Just get tested


The Prince George Free Press, founded in 1994, is published every Wednesday and Friday in Prince George by Prince George Publication Limited Partnership. Contents copyright of Prince George Publication Limited Partnership.


wenty-five per cent of people who are HIV-positive are unaware of it. Those 25 per cent account for 75 per cent of new infections, according to estimates from the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. In an effort to promote the benefits of early testing, Northern Health, Positive Living North, the Northern BC First Nations HIV/AIDS Coalition, the Central Interior Native Health Society, as well as physicians and health care providers throughout the North launched a campaign that aims to educate northerners on the benefits of early HIV testing and treatment in an effort to prevent the spread of HIV throughout northern B.C. You will see the ads here in the Free Press and in newspapers throughout the North. A video posted on the website HIV101.ca is moving and informative – well worth watching. The campaign is called STOP HIV/AIDS. The STOP acronym stands for Seek and Treat for Optimal Prevention. The message is simple – get tested for HIV. It’s quick and it could make the difference in yours, and a lot of other people’s lives. While medical advances have improved the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS, the stigma still remains, largely because it is a sexually transmitted disease as well as one that is transmitted by the sharing of needles. While medical advances are helping those affected, the issue has moved out of the mainstream. The problem with that is we tend to forget that this disease is still with us. It has not been eradicated. It is still affecting people of both genders, of all ages, all races, and all sexual orientations. Like most diseases, it is non-discriminatory. Kudos to Northern Health and its partner agencies for getting the word out there that HIV/AIDS is still out there and that, once again like most diseases, early detection is crucial. Current screening guidelines in B.C. have been expanded to include testing for anyone who is sexually active from the age of 13 to 65 and beyond. Northern Health and its partners will be visiting schools, community centres, community groups, prisons and other northern venues to educate and inform northerners about the benefits of early HIV testing. The campaign is scheduled to roll out from May 2012 to March 2013. If you are sexually active, use injection drugs, or are in a highrisk group, we encourage you to take an HIV test.


Are we importing U.S. politics?

Bell answers the premiers’ bell


egardless of why Premier Christy Clark opted out of attending the western premiers’ conference this week, it’s good news for Prince George-Mackenzie MLA and minister of everything, Pat Bell. The local MLA can undoubtedly represent British Columbia well at the gathering and it’s proof, once again, that he is a valuable part of the Liberal government. Whether you agree with Liberal polices or not, you have to like the fact that our MLAs ... remember Prince George-Valemount MLA Shirley Bond is the Attorney General and Solicitor General ... are on the frontlines in Victoria.

There are exceptions, and that is great, but our jourIs Canada trending towards becoming a smaller ney through life is likely to be much more successful version of the United States political process? if we have a good start. In the United States there appears to be a steady If we are a caring community, then we must movement towards the right wing politically. Even acknowledge there are others perhaps less fortunate though there is a Democratic president sitting in the than ourselves. We do have an obligation to ensure White House, the Congress appears to be firmly in that they have access to education, health care and a the hands of the Republicans. decent standard of living. We do little for ourselves, Once we filter out the rhetoric, the political direcand them, when we pursue a direction tion is trending further back to the where the outcome will be the greater conservative right. The Republican impoverishment of a significant portion congressional agenda, supported by the of our citizens. fundamentalist Christian right, is gradRespect must be given to those milually trying to turn the clock back. Onside lions of Canadians who get up in the The basic philosophy of the political morning and go to work. They are right is that those who prosper deserve VICTORBOWMAN VictorBowman the economic backbone of any society. the rewards because of hard work. They are the ones who carry the financial burden Those who are poor deserve to be so because they of supporting our country and our communities. just didn’t get in there and pull themselves up by They may grumble, but they also realize that there their own bootstraps. are some things that would not be possible without The vast majority of Canadians have lived by a coming together in a community. much kinder society. Not all of us, but most of us Where we appear to be going wrong is the tenbelieve we do have an obligation to share with othdency to make life more difficult for that solid ers when we prosper. group of people commonly defined as the middle There is a group who firmly believe that their class. The complexity of starting a new business accomplishments and the accompanying wealth are continues to increase. The individual who works the results of their own labour and sacrifice of time. for others more frequently find themselves working To some degree they are right. Diligence and for large companies where they are a number, not effort should be rewarded. They have climbed the ladder of success, but there are others who never get an individual, as more businesses consolidate and grow larger. a chance to even touch the ladder, let alone climb it. The present political philosophy appears more Much of who we are and what we have is also and more to remove control over large companies governed by dumb luck. and accede to their wishes regardless of the opinIf you are fortunate enough to be born into a famions and rights of the ordinary citizens. ily with solid values who support your education If we have governments who represent the peoand point out opportunities, you have a much better ple, why the heck are they not doing a better job of chance of leading a richer life than the child who is it? born into an uneducated and impoverished family.

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This Prince George Free Press is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org * Based on Stats Canada average of 2.2 person per household. ** CCAB Audit March 2009.



Friday, June 1, 2012


The Prince George Free Press

welcomes letters from our readers. Send submissions to 1773 South Lyon Street, Prince George, B.C. V2N 1T3. e-mail - editor@pgfreepress.com


Madison’s parents thank all for help

Editor: Re: Anniversary poker ride event for Madison Scott, missing since May 28, 2011. We are overwhelmed with the success of the poker ride for our daughter, Maddy, held May 26 at the Hogsback Lake campsite near Vanderhoof where she mysteriously went missing over a year

ago. The poker ride was held to keep the awareness going that she is still missing. Our thanks go out to the participants; over 300 ATVs, 90 horses and riders and 130 walkers. We are so thankful for the generosity of the Mapes Hall Association and the Mapes community for helping to host this

event. And we couldn’t have started this event without our Team Maddy, comprised of family and friends, who planned, organized and held this event to continue with hope that Maddy will be found. We also thank the businesses and individuals who donated generously toward this event with

Watch your step when you’re out for a walk

I often walk with my dear friend, Jill. Our favorite route is the uni hill. We walk in the summer, fall and spring But not in winter: that’s not our thing. It’s much too cold and it’s not so nice, We’re not so keen on the snow and ice. And quite often then there is no sun, The overcast days are not much fun. That’s when we go to the local gym. This very much helps to keep us trim And when spring comes we’re eager to go, Quite glad to see the end of the snow. But there’s one big problem we both find. It’s the dog poop piles; you know the kind. We must not dare be blissful dreamers In case we tread in big brown steamers Simply because we do like to talk; That is the highlight of the walk. Those careless dog owners are to blame. Because of them it is such a shame That the nice wide sidewalks are so soiled And people’s walks are constantly spoiled When they’re forced to dodge the

prizes, resources and support. Thank you many times over to all of the participants, businesses and volunteers who made this event successful. Our appreciation also goes out to the RCMP who have worked intensively

on Maddy’s case this past year. After a difficult and heartbreaking year our biggest request remains that whoever knows the truth lets it be known so we can have our daughter home. We are confident that, living in an area of

kind, generous and compassionate people, Maddy will be home soon. Thank you to everyone, this past year, who has helped us continue our search for her. Dawn and Eldon Scott Vanderhoof

Timber supply inventory?

messy piles On pavement smeared like checkerboard tiles. Sometimes they have to walk on the road If several dogs have had to unload. Traffic can be heavy as can be, Dangerous for the walkers, you’d agree. And when it’s raining it’s even worse, Soggy dog poop really is a curse. The City has tried to do its best, They’ve passed a by-law, I can attest. Dog owners must pick up all the way, Even when it’s dark, not just by day. They’ve also supplied big garbage bins But owners are still guilty of sins. Perhaps they should issue hefty fines, Display penalties on warning signs, Make each dog owner carry a scoop When he so chooses to walk the loop. I’m tired of this being something to “Shush,” I’m so sick of beating around the bush. And so today I’m having my say: Let’s hope this problem will go away. Gail Runschke Prince George

Self-employment a solid option for older workers

watch, capped with a slap on the back For years the labour market pundits before you’re put out to pasture. For a have been predicting the current skilled labour shortage; now we’re in it and a lot variety of reasons, I never fit into the 40-40-40 mold. of people are scrambling I didn’t intentionally shun the for ways to solve the idea of having an organized career; problem. Boudreau in retrospect I careened along the The northern B.C. job Biz path of least resistance until I fell market landscape has heated up in the past DANBOUDREAU into one. In my late 20’s I started my first business. Since then, my year – it’s already crazy, career has been a string of interconnected and it’s going to get crazier for a while projects, each one more challenging and – a good thing for skilled workers who building on what came before it. My are willing to travel or relocate to where work history would spook anyone who the jobs are. Mines are opening up, the prefers their work to be arranged into a beetlewood harvesting heyday is rapidly “job.” Work, for me, has always arrived dwindling, timber supply as we know it is drying up, and a number of generously in a variety of shapes and sizes, almost never in tidy full-time 9-to-5 pieces. funded projects are churning out job Oddly, I’ve never experienced a shortage opportunities across northern B.C. of work, even at times when jobs were My worklife has never conformed to scarce. the popular configuration of “job.” You I think self-employment is part of the know, working 40 hours a week for 40 solution to the skilled labour shortage, years to retire with the 40-dollar gold

and that involves rethinking the common view of what a job is, and defining it instead as “work.” Not all workers are suited or able to fill full-time job positions. By carving jobs into smaller chunks, perhaps a greater number of part-time workers can participate in filling the skilled labour gap. This might include older or semi-retired workers, single moms and dads, and employable men and women who already have part-time commitments or who can only handle small parcels of work. Judging by the increasing number of older workers in local businesses, not all 50 and 60-something’s are kicking back to enjoy the fruits of astute career planning and a lifetime of bullet-proof investing. For many older workers, full retirement is simply not an option or even desirable. Not everybody wants to be ejected from the workplace at the usual retirement age. Many people want to scale back

their hours and enjoy more leisure time, while keeping one foot in the workplace and a bit of money coming in. The self-employed have always viewed work in bite-sized pieces. Employees can also apply the project-based approach by looking for work instead of jobs, and by taking on part-time commitments that fit their lifestyle instead of scrapping their lifestyle to fit into a job. Self-employment and small business development are important parts of narrowing the skilled labour gap. More importantly, when the dust has settled on the worksites driving the current northern B.C. job boom, small businesses will still be the heart and soul of every community, and they’ll still generate a significant percentage of the ongoing jobs and taxes that keep local economies thriving and vibrant. Dan Boudreau owns RiskBuster Business Plan Oasis and Blog at www.riskbuster.com.

Free Press reserves the right to reject unsigned letters. Letters are edited for brevity, legality and taste. Contact Editor Bill Phillips, 250-564-0005


Prince George - News - Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012



HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box. Answer can be found in classifieds.


A lla n W ISHA RT/ Fre e Pre s s

Emergency personnel tend to a woman injured when she fell down the stone steps at UNBC late Friday morning. The woman was transported to hospital for examination, but was not believed to be seriosuly injured.

Omnibus protest Saturday This Saturday, Canadians from across the country are gathering at Conservative MP offices, and support locations, to protest the omnibus budget bill, Bill C-38. There will be a rally at Dick Harris and Bob Zimmer’s offices in Prince George at noon. The nation-wide rallies are

“Get the facts about HIV.

Get tested!”

being organized by Leadnow while local events are being organized by volunteers who have signed up online to participate. Organizers are calling it a Blackmark Day of Action. Participants believe that if the bill passes unchanged, it will put a black mark on Canadian democracy. They are looking

for 13 “hero” Conservative MPs who will work together to stop the budget, split it apart, and start over by inviting Canadians to help them craft laws that will work better for all of us. Harris’ office is located at 206-575 Quebec Street and Zimmer’s office is at 101-1584 Seventh Avenue.

HIV is a real concern within our communities. You can contract HIV primarily through unprotected sex and by sharing needles. HIV can live in your body for years without you knowing and all the while you can be passing it to others. At least 25 per cent of people who are HIV+ do not know and these 25 per cent are estimated to be responsible for 75 per cent of new infections. Northern Health, in collaboration with its community partners, is working with the Province of BC to prevent the spread of HIV by expanding HIV testing, treatment, and support services to British Columbians.

– DR. SUSAN MACDONALD Medical Lead, Northern Health STOP HIV/AIDS Project


Educate yourself, your family and your friends about HIV. Visit HIV101.ca today.


The only way to know you are not positive is by getting tested. Request an HIV test today.


Please share your new knowledge about HIV with others, and please encourage everyone to get an HIV test.

RCMP blitz results in charges Prince George - News - Free Press


On Friday May 25, members of the Prince George RCMP’s Municipal Traffic Services Section partnered with officers from the BC Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) Unit in an effort to improve road safety. Teams of one RCMP officer and one CVSE inspector hit the streets of Prince George in five police vehicles. After a 10-hour shift the results were as follows: One impaired driver charged - 18 year old female driver of a vehicle was traveling 97 km/hour in a 50 km/ hour zone while racing an ATV down Highland Boulevard. The driver provided two breath samples above the legal limit 1 - Attended the scene of a pedestrian MVI; 3 - Excessive speed with seven-day vehicle impound; 5 - Other Speeding violations; 1 - Unlicensed driver/

Vehicle Impounded; 2 - Driving prohibitions issued; 6 - Electronic device violations; 12 - Driver’s license violations; 10 - No Insurance violations (vehicles towed); 7 - Seatbelt violations; 3 - Other violations - Drive without consideration, U-turn in business district, Fail to yield to pedestrian; 8 - Notice and Order violations - Box 1 (plates seized and vehicles towed) 10 - Notice and Order violations - Box 2 notice and order (30 days) 12 - Notice and Order violations - Box 3 notice and order / warnings 27 - Vehicle defects charges (ranging from mechanical defects, lighting, damaged or tinted windows, studded tires etc.) 30 - Warnings mechanical defects requiring repairs Total 138 - warnings and charges issued.

Lightning strikes start forest fires

The Prince George Fire Centre responded to 16 new fire starts on May 28 after lightning moved through the northern portion of the fire centre. All 16 fires are believed to be have been caused by lightning, with the largest covering 20 hectares. Air patrols hasve continued, and crews will move into areas of concern. None of the fires are threatening any structures at this time. The fire danger rating throughout the Prince George Fire Centre’s jurisdiction currently ranges from “moderate” to “high”. The areas of high fire danger rating are in the Peace Region and around Prince George. Quick Facts: • Category 2 fires are currently restricted throughout most of the Prince George Fire Centre, with the exception of the Fort Nelson Fire Zone. The public is urged to be extremely cautious when using fire outdoors. Continue to check http://bcwildfire.ca/hprScripts/WildfireNews/Bans.asp for the latest on burning restrictions. • Since April 1, fire crews have responded to 87 wildfires in the Prince George Fire Centre, with a provincial total of 234 wildfires. • To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, call *5555 on your cell phone or 1-800-663-5555 toll-free. LEARN MORE: You can follow the latest B.C. wildfire news: On Twitter: twitter.com/#!/BCGovFireInfo On Facebook: facebook.com/BCForestFireInfo

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Friday, June 1, 2012

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Officials were out in force recently and issued 138 warnings and charges.

50 years June 2, 2012



BROADCASTING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS: To follow live Council meetings, visit the City’s website at www.princegeorge.ca as webcasting services and video archiving of agenda items are available for the public.

Select Committee on Prince George’s 100th Anniversary Celebration Monday, June 4th – 12:00 p.m.

JOB POSTING Event Coordinator, Civic Centre (1 year term) 12/039 - closing June 15th Accounts Payable Coordinator 12/027 - closing June 1st Aquatic Maintenance Worker (Part time) 12/040 - closing June 13th Fire Administration Clerk 12/041 - closing June 15th

PROCLAMATIONS June 2, 2012 “Access Awareness Day” Regular Council Meeting Monday, June 4th - 6:00 p.m.


Advisory Committee on Development Design Wednesday, June 6th - 12:00 p.m.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: Pursuant to section 99 of the Community Charter, the annual report of the City of Prince

George, and submissions and questions from the public regarding the annual report, will be considered at the Committee of the Whole Meeting to be held on Monday June 18, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, B.C. DATED the 1st day of June, 2012. Wendy Nordin Deputy Corporate Officer

WEAR A LIFE VEST Drowning is often silent, occurs within minutes and often when an adult is nearby. Have your child practice wearing a life vest in the water. Be a role model and be ready for an emergency. Wear your life vest even if you know how to swim. Weather and water conditions change quickly. Wearing your life vest is key to being prepared. Remember, life vests only work when they are worn.

SPRING SWIMMING LESSON DATES: Monday – Friday July 2 – July 13 Tuesday/Thursday - July 10 – Aug 2 Register online at www.princegeorge.ca

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1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC V2L 3V9 Tel. (250) 561-7600 • Fax (250) 612-5605 www.princegeorge.ca • ServiceCentre@city.pg.bc.ca

FOLLOW US @cityofpg ®


Friday, June 1, 2012

Prince George Free Press



Prince George Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012




Friday, June 1, 2012

SKIPPING: Blackburn Elementary ropes in more than $10,000 A13


Laura Chandler remembers her father with paintings at Simon Fraser Lodge A15

TERESA MALLAM 250-564-0005 arts@pgfreepress.com


Free Press


June 1 is Doughnut Day at Cafe Voltaire. During the First World War, Salvation Army “lassies” provided comfort, aid and doughnuts to soldiers in the trenches and in 1938, the SA in Chicago thought it a great way to raise money while honouring those brave volunteers. Cafe Voltaire is going to make fresh doughnuts (baked, not fried) with all proceeds going to Prince George’s Salvation Army.


On Thursday, June 7 at 7 p.m. at Artspace is the world premiere of the Prince George produced movie My Unwanted Guest. It is the story of one man’s quest to reconnect a final time with his soul mate is fraught with peril. On the way to his soul mate’s funeral, Daniel finds himself at the bottom of a cliff where his very survival is not assured. Tickets are $8 (includes pop and popcorn) at Books and Company


On Sunday, June 17 from 8 to 11:30 a.m. there is a Father’s Day Breakfast at the Elder Citizens Recreation Centre, 1692 10th Ave. Tickets are $6 per person. Everyone is welcome.

Get caught in the Undergrowth Q GROOP GALLERY

TERESA MALLAM arts@pgfreepress.com

For Corey Hardeman, art most definitely imitates life. Her first solo exhibit, Undergrowth, which opens tonight at Groop Gallery, is all about living in the Boreal forest region of Canada. She paints nature as she sees it, the animals, the birds, the trees and scenery all around her. The artist’s husband works as a blacksmith in Barkerville much of the year and Hardeman is used to long walks in the woods far away from city life. With four children aged 14 months to nine years old, she still finds time to pursue her love of art. Indeed, they can become ‘subjects’ of their mother’s keen sense of observation and artist’s creativity. “I can’t look at anything and not want to paint it on canvas,” she says, laughing. “Even when my kids are upset – I’m concerned as a mother, of course – but the artist in me notices things like the redness of their faces, the look in their eyes or a facial expression. That’s what I see.” She tells the story of how her Moths painting came about. “We stopped at a gas station one night and I saw in the light all these moths going all the way up the wall. So I went home and painted it.” Her attention to detail

comes in part from her formal education. The artist has a degree in biology and a diploma in architectural drawing. Friends also know they can drop off dead or injured animals on her doorstep. First, she will tend to animals she can help but most often dead critters become ‘models.’ “The animals I paint are often dead [road kill or natural death] brought to me by people who know that I have an interest in biology and life cycles. I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember. “I draw things I like (preferably living animals.) In some sense, I feel with dead animals I can give life to them – I paint them on canvas where they can live forever.” She points to a chick in her painting, Brood. “This one was alive when I painted it,” she said. “It has a broken wing. For me, painting it is like fixing the wing with my brush. I’m trying to make it better. Like me as a mother with my kids, it’s the same loving and creative act.” Although it may seem to some an odd way to capture nature, gallery owner Melanie Desjardines says Te re s a M A LLA M / Fre e Pre s s Hardeman’s perspective is unique and her art reflects Artist Corey Hardeman with Brood, one of the paintings in her first solo exhibit which opens tonight at Groop Gallery. that. “I think her subject mat- mals, it’s almost like she’s growth opens tonight until June 30. ter is a good premise for breathing life into them. (Friday, June 1) at 7 p.m. For more information this body of work. We’ve She even breathes life into There will be an artist’s about Groop Gallery arttalked about this and I the trees.” talk starting at 7:30 p.m. ists and exhibitions visit agree that when Corey Corey Hardeman’s first followed by light refresh- their website at www. paints these [dead] ani- solo art exhibition Under- ments. The exhibit runs groopgallery.com.






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Prince George - Community - Free Press



Friday, June 1, 2012

Blackburn tops $10,000 mark School raises money for Heart and Stroke Foundation Blackburn Elementary, with just 200 students, raised $10,238.96 for Jump Rope for Heart. Six students raised over $350. Julie Berginc was top fundraiser with a total of $1,058.79. It all started with longtime Jump Rope coordinator Rhonda George, who retired last year. This time around, the school managed to beat the 2007 fundraising record of $10,080. “Jump Rope for Heart started here at Blackburn well before I arrived,” said Rob Larson, the school’s principal and Jump coordinator. “Mrs. George was the catalyst who encouraged students to support this worthwhile event and she worked tirelessly to keep it going over the years. [She] taught most of the students physical education and saw the benefits of skipping to improve fitness.” Blackburn Elementary has participated in Jump Rope for Heart for 17 years and they have raised a total of $107,782. “The enthusiasm of staff and students for this event keeps growing every year,” said Debbie Leyen, Heart and Stroke Foundation schools programs coordinator for Prince George. “They are what we at Heart and Stroke Foundation like to call Heart Heroes.” Jump Rope for Heart delivers fun and fitness to more than 4,000 schools and 600,000 students

Photo submitted

each year while raising millions of dollars for heart disease and

stroke research, health education and social change, provided by

the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Since its inception 30 years

Learning Difficulties Centre of BC Presents

ORTON-GILLINGHAM MULTISENSORY 8 DAY LEVEL 1 COURSE JULY 5-7, 9-13 $750.00 includes course and materials

ago, fundraising from Jump Rope for Heart has enabled the Foundation to give hope to families with infants awaiting heart transplants, fund research to improve the lives of children, and provide important health information to children.

Blackburn Elementary student Julie Berginc skips her way to the top fundraising spot in Jump Rope for Heart.


This course is open to anyone interested in working with children or adults with reading and writing difficulties. Excellent professional development opportunity. Become a tutor and join us at the Learning Difficulties Centre; where Level 2 and mentoring will continue throughout the 2012-2013 school year. Registration deadline – June 21, 2012. For Registration info call Lynne (250)564-8011 or by email: manager@theldc.com

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Staying in the Game… Compassion Fatigue (CF) “Staying in the Game” is for front-line service providers who wish to maintain a long and healthy career. Compassion Fatigue (CF) and burnout pose serious physical and mental health risks to the care-provider and can create decreased morale, decreased productivity, and increased sick leave for the employer. This course provides students with the skills and attitudes to manage their risks for compassion fatigue and burnout. At the end of this course, students will have evaluated their personal risk factors and developed a clear strategy for managing them. Please note: This course is intended for individuals who have worked as a Front-Line Care Giver (social worker, counselor, paramedic, crisis worker, outreach worker, health care worker). Other participants may be accepted with permission from the Instructor.

Date: June 18 - July 30, 2012 Mon. & Wed. 6:30-9:30pm Cost: $430.20

REGISTRATION recommended by June 4th Register today. Continuing Education 250-561-5801 www.cnc.bc.ca/ce


Prince George - Community - Free Press


Wigmore digs below the surface in Dirt of Ages Friday, June 1, 2012

TERESA MALLAM arts@pgfreepress.com

Write about what you know. Gillian Wigmore took that sage advice to heart in selections found in her second book of poetry, Dirt of Ages. Its pages are rich with imagery and

memories from northern B.C. Nightwood Editions, the book’s publisher, describes the book as “a brilliant book of poetry, steeped in potent imagery that is joyful yet fearful of the earthly and constructed landscapes of British Columbia.” Having grown up





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in Vanderhoof and now living and working in Prince George, Wigmore knows the northern terrain and its energy very well. Her first book, soft geography (2007), won the ReLit Prize for Poetry and also got her shortlisted for the Dorothy Livesay BlC. Book Prize. “She remembers Highway 16 when she was 16, the train tracks and transport trailers, dust and sunshine. She describes red-tails and kestrels on the powerlines, hawks hunting mice in ‘grass past gold’ and the aspen leaves and ‘blackened wood’ of downtown Prince George,” reads her artist’s bio. Wigmore is first to admit that readers may find her render-

ings point out not just the beauty of the landscape, but things they’d rather not see. “I don’t sit down to write with that (response) in mind. I just write,” she said. “But the response has been very positive. At the book launch (May 17 at Twisted Cork Restaurant), a lot of people turned out and showed their support. That means a lot to me. I put a little more pressure on myself, I think, with the second book.” For more information on Wigmore’s book Dirt of Ages, visit www.nightwoodeditions.com. Nightwood Editions is an independent publisher, distributed and marketed by Harbour Publishing.

Community gardening isn’t for everyone,

but eating is. “Everyone should know how to feed themselves and understand that agriculture is very possible in the north,” says Jovanka Djordjevich of Community Gardens Prince George. “Community gardens are great places to begin gardening, they offer supportive environments to learn about

Author Gillian Wigmore with her book of poetry, Dirt of Ages. The book was launched at a special event May 17 at Twisted Cork Restaurant. Te re s a M A LLA M / Fre e Pre s s

Milburn Garden is a teaching tool


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and experience growing. The open concept of the Milburn Community Garden, their public talks, school programs and events offers everyone the opportunity to experience local foods – sometimes the experience is very tasty.” In June of 1997, the seeds of Prince George’s first community garden were being

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sown and a vacant piece of parkland in the VLA was coming to life. Fifteen years later, the garden at 1540 Milburn Ave. still provides people with the opportunity to come together in an accessible public space. “It provides nourishment and still remains true to its original intent of minimally impacting the environment. From this garden, many others have seeded and flourished, community gardens, school gardens – and most importantly – more home gardens

HELP WANTED Mailroom Collators The Prince George Free Press has an immediate opening for a mailroom collator This is a part time position approximately 20-24 hours per week (Tuesday and Thursday evenings). The successful candidate will be a well-organized self-starter with problem solving skills. A mechanical aptitude is a desired asset. Duties include the insertion of flyers into the Prince George Free Press. This involves the operation of our Kansa machine and hand-sorting, inserting, and distributing flyers to our drivers. Make a difference by joining the Free Press, Prince George’s independent community newspaper. The benefits and opportunities of working for the leading newspaper in Prince George are why we attract and employ the best. If a rewarding challenge resonates with you, contact us today. Please submit your resume and cover letter to the attention of:

1790 Quinn Street, Prince George

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Bill Phillips Managing Editor Prince George Free Press 1773 South Lyon Street Prince George, BC V2N 1T3 editor@pgfreepress.com

dot the Prince George landscape and other communities in the North.” Ensuring that everyone has a plot to put down roots and nourish their physical and spiritual wellness should be a priority for all communities, says Djordjevich, noting it wasn’t long ago that our hands and brains did all of the daily work, and food served as the community’s energy system. “Projects took longer and needed more hands to complete, but at the same time there was less dependency on imported resources, foods and fuels. We ate more real food, exercised more and were healthier for it. If we want a healthier community, we need to put more focus on sustainable, local food systems and ensure than land is protected for food production within the city.” The Milburn Garden’s annual plant sale fundraiser runs June 2 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 1540 Milburn Ave. A demonstration of planting a seed saving garden is scheduled for noon with Wendy McRae of the PG Community Seed Collective. The garden’s free Get Growing Talks take place outdoors at the garden at 7:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. For more information phone Community Gardens Prince George at 250-564-3859.

Chandler work brightens lodge entrance Prince George - Community - Free Press


Friday, June 1, 2012



Simon Fraser Lodge residents have a few more windows on the outside world, thanks to Laura Chandler. The Prince George artist has three landscape paintings in the lodge, one large one in the entry foyer and two smaller ones in one of the dining areas. “I’m happy with it,” Chandler says as she looks at On Eagle’s Wings, the large work. “It was my first work on such a large scale.” Photo s ub mitte d The painting is four feet by 10 feet, and had Artist Laura Chandler stands with her brother Jim and mother Joan in front of On Eagle’s to be done in three sec- Wings, a painting Laura did for Simon Fraser Lodge in memory of her father, James. tions. thought that the staff were was decided the work which good idea.” “They were starting the Chandler was approached quite wonderful and caring would become On Eagle’s renovations at the lodge by the lodge about the murals people, showing such initia- Wings, a view of the Nechako while I was working on the in 2009, just a few months tive to create a more cheer- River from Wilson Park, big painting, so my hus- after her dad, James, passed ful atmosphere for the resi- would be the main piece. band, Dwight Kitchen, and away. He had been a resident dents.” “I wanted to pick spots that I decided to make it three at the lodge, and Chandler She did up three or four a lot of the residents would pieces to make it easier to saw it as a chance to honour sketches for possible murals have visited, and hoped my move it around. and brought them in for con- works would give them a him and say goodbye. “That turned out to be a “At the time,” she said, “I sideration. At a meeting, it chance to remember those

Recycle a clunker for kidneys Recycling your old vehicle by donating it to the Kidney Car Program is the perfect way to participate in Canadian Environment Week running from June 3-9. The Kidney Car Program is part of a unique series of “recycle for life” programs developed by The Kidney Foundation of Canada that benefit the environment, vehicle owners and people affected by kidney disease. How does the Kidney Car program work? The program accepts trucks, motorcycles, trailers, ATVs or even farm equipment. Donors receive a free vehicle tow and a tax receipt. “Removing unsafe vehicles from our roads through the Kidney Car Program is an environmentally sound way to make our roads safer,” said Allan Lamb, president and COO of the BCAA Road Safety Foundation, in a press release. With BCAA Road Safety Foundation’s involvement and BCAA’s network of towing contractors, the Kidney Car Program is being extended province wide. The BCAA Road Safety Foundation receives 50 per cent of the proceeds from each vehicle donated by BCAA members. “Kidney disease is a major cause of death

in Canada and an estimated 240,000 British Columbians either suffer from or are at risk for this devastating disease,” commented Lorraine Gerard, executive director of The Kidney Foundation, BC Branch. Since 1995, the Kidney Car Program has recycled almost 25,000 vehicles. For each car donated, tires and car parts are recycled and 40 litres of fluids per average car are saved from leaking into our backyards. To donate your vehicle call 1-888-5381057 or donate on-line

at www.kidney.bc.ca. BCAA members should

mention their membership at time of booking. FAMOUS PLAYERS 6

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visits.” The two smaller pieces show Tea Pot Mountain and a sunset by Bobtail Lake. “I like the way they’re set up in the dining room. They’re smaller pieces, and the colours and the size go really well in the space.” A dedication at the top of On Eagle’s Wings reads, “In memory of James Kent (Jim) Chandler (July 06, 1927-December 30,2008) A wonderful father and husband who loved the city of Prince George and all it has to offer.” A careful look at the work will find a butterfly, representing the spirit of the elder Chandler, resting and waiting to be taken to his heavenly rewards – on eagle’s wings.


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Prince George - Community - Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012


Inge welcomes visitors with a smile After more than 60 years in Prince George, she still loves to keep busy Q HOSPITAL VOLUNTEER

TERESA MALLAM arts@pgfreepress.com

Inge Andrade’s smiling face is often the first thing people see when they walk through the doors of UHNBC. The 77-year-old is a longtime hospital auxiliary volunteer who is quick to tell visitors where to go – so to speak. Andrade has at her fingertips, a wealth of information about hospital services, she knows the building and the people who work there very well. Fastened on her pink smock is a 10-year volunteer service pin and she’s soon to receive her 15-year pin. She’s retired, but not tired. The job keeps her busy. “I have a ball doing this,” she said. “I’m a real people person, I love talking to people and I make friends easily, so this is perfect for me. You have to have a purpose in life and I love doing what I do.” Andrade immigrated to Prince George from Berlin, Germany in 1960. She worked in a Pepsi bottling plant and for The Bay. She and her husband owned a taxi cab company and both worked in the business. “I drove cab for 20 years. I just loved it,” she said. “When I first came here from the big city of Berlin, I thought Prince George would be too small. But it grows on you. I’ve lived here for 62 years and met lots of wonderful people and now I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in the world.” These days, Andrade is happy to volunteer her time. “I am retired now but I just didn’t want to sit Te re s a M A LLA M / Fre e Pre s s at home. I believe you have to make the best of UHNBC auxiliary longtime volunteer Inge Andrade is often the first face people see when they come through the life and keep positive.”

hospital’s front doors. The 77-year-old moved to Prince George from Germany 62 years ago.

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Up - Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012

Adventure Seekers Program

Continued Learning for Individuals with Disabilities Adventure Seekers is a part-time program designed for young adults aged 18----30 who have a severe to moderate developmental disability, have completed their secondary education and have a strong interest in learning. Students meet as a group two days a week for four hours with an instructor. The program covers topics of relevance and interest to participants, from current events and arts to computer technology. It is expected that students will require a support worker; the provision of the support worker is the participant’s responsibility.

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Prince George Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012





THANK YOU PRINCE GEORGE Our 20th anniversary Relay for Life had 1628 participants, 142 teams and raised $465,000 to help us fight cancer. Prince George – you are OUTSTANDING!!

Thank you to our sponsors Luminary Sponsor Fightback Sponsor Silver Sponsors

Community Sponsors

Chinook Scaffold Systems Ltd. Just Goode Food Save on Foods – Prince George Stores Westjet

Beekman Printing Ltd. Entertainment Group Inc. Mr. Mike’s Northern Lights Fireworks Up the Creek Garment and Sign RONA – Prince George Sinclar Group Forest Products Ltd. Sound Factory

Bronze Sponsors The Cat Rental Store Norgate Auto Body Ltd. Wood Wheaton Supercentre Van Houtte Coffee Services Via Rail Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd.

Relay Supporters BK Two Way Radio Ltd. Canadian Springs Water Co. Central Display and Tent

City of Prince George Aquatic Centre Concept Design Ltd. Earl’s Place Easy Home Furniture Rentals Group 4 Securicor Homesteader Meats Inland GIS Solutions IRL Signs Graphic Designs It’s Party Time Mountain Air Kettle Corn Nancy O’s Northland Auto Group NR Motors Ltd. Panago Pizza

PG Roll-A-Dome Phoenix First Aid Services Prince George Community Foundation PG Rental Centre Razors Edge Hair Studio & Day Spa Shogun Japanese Steakhouse Shoppers Wholesale Food Company Speedee Printing Division Subway Superior Propane The Keg Restaurant The Inn of the North Flower Place UNBC

Thank you to our volunteers We are so grateful for the many volunteers who generously gave of their time to make our 20th Anniversary Relay a success - from those who helped organize, set up, entertain, provide food, clean up and manage the event to the team captains and their team members. Thank you all!

ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. bcgmcdealers.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */x/†Offers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Terrain FWD (R7A), 2012 Acadia FWD (R7B) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer available to retail customers in Canada. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit or TD Financing Services may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See GMC dealer for details. x$5,100 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on 2012 Acadia FWD (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. See your GM dealer for details. †0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Credit for 72/60 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Terrain FWD/Acadia FWD. 1.99% purchase financing offer on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Acadia FWD. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $138.89/$166.67 for 72/60 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000.00. Example: $10,000 at 1.99% APR, the monthly payment is $127.63 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $720.94, total obligation is $10,720.94. WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ∆2012 GMC Terrain FWD, equipped with standard 2.4L ECOTECÂŽ I-4 engine. Fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Competitive segment based on WardsAuto.com’s 2012 Middle Cross Utility Vehicles Segment, excludes other GM models. ‥ Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Large/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM brands. â—ŠOnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit onstar.ca for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide. ,ŠThe Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license.

www.pgfreepress.com Prince George Free Press



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Prince George Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012





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Friday, June 1, 2012

COLUMN: Sorry, there’s nothing exciting about Kings-Devils B6



Gender is no barrier for these lacrosse players B3

ALISTAIR MCINNIS 250-564-0005 sports@pgfreepress.com

www.pgfreepress.com Q JUNE 10 EVENT

Runners celebrate with Voneugen






This 2012 YMCA Canadian Tire Road Race is taking place on Sunday at Masich Place Stadium. This is the 26th annual event of its kind. Races are slated to get underway at 8 a.m. The event features 5 km, 10 km and 21 km distances. Participants are being asked to show up at 7:40 a.m. After the races end, the fifth annual Healthy Kids Day will kick-off, with the Healthy Kids Marathon scheduled for 11 a.m. Registration forms are available through the Family YMCA website at www.pgymca.com.

There’s nothing like a milestone to bring back an old tradition. Prince George running legend Dick Voneugen turns 80 this year. To mark the occasion, runners in the community will complete a multi-distance, trail fun run in Prince George. The course will cover 80 kilometres, not exactly a new concept to Voneugen, who used to run the kilometres of his age with a group of friends on his birthday. But when the Dick Voneugen Birthday Fun Run takes place on June 10, it’ll be the rebirth of an event that was held annually until 2004. The circumstances are different, since Voneugen isn’t preparing to jog, instead opting to follow the course in a mobile aid station to help runners. But supporting Voneugen and his passion for running by tying in the course distance with his age is the purpose, the reason his friends were drawn to the birthday run in the first place. Voneugen, inducted into the Prince George Sports Hall of Fame in 2003 as a builder and adminstrator, began running the kilometres of his age on his birthday in his late 40s. He began alternating between Mount Robson and the Cranbrook Hill Greenway, a trail system he played a leading role in developing.


The Prince George Senior Baseball League features a doubleheader this evening at Citizen Field. The Barry Yip RE/MAX Shooters Gladiators meet the District Clothing/ TQ Titans at 6:30 p.m., followed by a game between the Queensway Auto World Red Sox and Inland Control Services Tigers at 9 p.m.



ram – helping P


But Voneugen, who will celebrate his 80th birthday on July 24, is only human. His age got the best of him in the 1990s. “When I turned 60 in ‘92, I got a little scared. I thought, this is getting out of hand, 60 K,” he said. “So from then on,

we counted down in kilometres while my age went up, so we’d always still add up the distance and my years to 120.” Voneugen also began tying in mountain biking with the course, down to 48 kilometres when he turned 72 in 2004.

A proud Prince George resident who supports athletes at running events, Voneugen still carries a competitive edge. He’s been a regular participant at the BC Seniors Games as a coordinator and athlete. While the event is tak-

ing place in Voneugen’s honour, it wouldn’t have come to fruition if not for the efforts of a group of organizers led by extreme marathoner Jeff Hunter, who specializes in multiterrain mountain runs. turn to PAGE B5




as they raise money for community youth programs. a Pledges are for how many goals UNBC men’s and women’s soccer teams score this season.

yo ity uth programs!


dge ple



The Prince George Motorsports Park has cancelled its drag races originally scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.

A lis ta ir M cINNIS/ Fre e Pre s s

Dick Voneugen looks over the Cranbrook Hill Greenway map while long-distance runner Jeff Hunter stands by on Tuesday afternoon at the Otway Nordic Centre. In honour of Voneugen’s 80th birthday this year, the two Prince George residents are organizing a multi-distance, trail fun run scheduled for June 10. Hunter plans to cover the full 80 kilometres of the course as a soloist.

50% OF YOUR PLEDGE WILL GO TO COMMUNITY YOUTH PROGRAMS AND 50% WILL GO TO YOUTH SOCCER. You can make a minimum pledge of 50 cents per goal scored OR you can make a flat donation of your desired amount ie. $10, $15, $20….

Last season UNBC soccer teams scored a total of 19 goals; your pledge of 50 cents would be equal to $9.50. PGYSA/CLUB11 will contact donors to confirm their pledge and will collect all donations once the UNBC soccer season has ended (October). PG NOTE: PGYSA PLAYERS WILL NOT COLLECT ANY MONEY, but will just sign-up donors from May 26th – June 8th

PG Youth Soccer Players THANK YOU for your donation and support.


Prince George - Sports - Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012


Help wanted on the water

MINIS MOTORING Cars in the Admiral Roofing mini stock class race along the oval track at PGARA Speedway on Saturday evening, the second race date of the 2012 season.



Heather Fisher would like to see more interest in canoeing and kayaking in the north-central region. Coming from a family with a passion for paddling, she hopes to spread her

Al i s t a i r M c I N N I S / F re e P re s s



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knowledge to newcomers. She’s inviting anybody interested in trying the activities to try them out for free. “We are very interested in having them come out to practice and to go to our zone trials with us in Kamloops,” she said. The group recently started training for the season. They had a training session on Sunday at Ness Lake, and plan on meeting at the same place again this Sunday at noon. “It’s kind of a quieter area, not so windy so you can really focus on developing technique and rhythym,” Fisher said. Fisher also hopes more athletes join the regional team in time for Zone 8 (Cariboo Northeast) trials in Kamloops on June 9 and 10. “If the kids can come, it is a regatta and they’re sending up a professional coach from the Lower Mainland to coach us, and really help us with our technique and just help us get used to the whole race thing.” Once the regional team is formed, it will represent the zone in the canoe/kayak events at the BC Summer Games from July 19 to 22 in Surrey. The kayaking features categories for one-, two- and four-person teams. There are also one-, two-, four- and six-person canoes. Fisher’s 17-year-old daughter Jessica and 15-year-old son Josiah are past Games participants. She called participating in the events an enjoyable experience for both siblings, who are too old now to enter. Competing in the canoe/kayak events at the Games comes with a $200 price tag. The cost covers a T-shirt, accommodation and other expenses. Fisher hopes to have a full team of eight members. She’s had as many as 13, but has gone down to about six interested individuals. Anybody interested in training to compete can contact Fisher at home at 250-564-4655 or via e-mail at heatherf@cedars.bc.ca.


Prince George - Sports - Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012

Female players stick up for themselves Trio in league having fun and setting example for younger players Q SENIOR LACROSSE

the league standings with an 8-1 record. She also enjoyed an individual highlight this week, finding the back of the net on Monday evening for her first PGSLA goal. “I notice with the Bandits especially, their team morale is really good,” she says. “They’re always joking around and there’s always good times.” From a statistical standpoint, Letoria’s season has been less memorable. She’s still seeking her first PGSLA goal while suiting up for a

ALISTAIR MCINNIS sports@pgfreepress.com

experience for everyone.” Gender differences can result in awkward or embarrassing encounters. But the women have enjoyed playing alongside men. “I was a little worried playing this year with older guys. When I was younger, there would be the odd sexist remark, guys not used to playing with girls,” Letoria says. “The guys now are, I guess they’re grown up so they’re more mature. But they’ve been a lot of fun.”

GET READY TO RIDE A listair McINNIS/Free Press

Quesnel Crossfire player Mayghan Letoria, left, and Caralynn Nault of the BX Pub Bandits are enjoying the challenge of playing against men in the Prince George Senior Lacrosse Association this season. Nault of the BX Pub Bandits and Ashley Sidhu of the Shooters Pub Devils. What may make Letoria’s situation unique is that she’s engaged to one of her teammates, Aaron Yager. They’re getting married in August. “I’m kind of hoping that lacrosse is going to settle down just before the wedding so I’m not all bruised,” she says. Letoria claims to have got Yager hooked on lacrosse. He’s into his first year playing the sport, and the influence she has on him can be seen on the floor. “When there’s some big guys out

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there, he likes to try and be on the floor with me, just in case anything happens,” Letoria says. Nault, 21, has been acting as a fill-in for the Bandits, having suited up in four PGSLA games. Monday night’s 21-5 triumph over Quesnel marked just her second game with the team this year. She grew up in Mackenzie, and also saw action in a doubleheader against her hometown LumberJax last year.

Nault, who stands just shy of 5-foot-4, also played minor lacrosse. She says she grew up loving “every part of it.” She even enjoys the trash talking. “I have a tendency to beak people. Once in a while, not so much,” Nault says. “I used to be bad when I was younger, but I also used to be bigger than everybody so it was a lot easier to do that.” Nault has enjoyed playing for a Bandits squad battling atop

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She may not be the type of person to draw attention in most real life situations. But on the lacrosse floor, 23-year-old Quesnel product Mayghan Letoria gets noticed, if for no other reason than for being a woman in a men’s league. While the 5-foot-2 athlete is used to standing shorter than others in a game in which size helps, other female lacrosse players in Quesnel may look up to Letoria. She’s gained support in the Gold Pan City as the only female member of the Crossfire, an expansion team in the Prince George Senior Lacrosse Association. Letoria might be a newcomer to men’s lacrosse, but she isn’t new to the sport. She was brought up through the minor lacrosse system in Quesnel with influence from her father Don, a coach and former player. She knew the men’s game would be more challenging, but that didn’t stop her from joining the Crossfire. In fact, she may have been one of the first to sign up for the squad. “I got a couple of my friends interested just to make sure we would have enough people to play,” Letoria says. One thing Letoria has discovered this season is that she isn’t alone, since the six-team league has two other female players: Caralynn

Crossfire team that’s winless at 0-7. They’ll take another shot at notching their first win on Saturday, when they meet the College Heights Pub Assault at 8 p.m. The contest is the second half of a Coliseum doubleheader that begins with a 6 p.m. battle between the Twisted Cork/ Regional Security Stylers and Shooters Pub Devils. “It’s more of kind of a fun year to figure out what’s going on and how everyone feels about it,” Letoria says. “It’s just a big learning

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Prince George Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012

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Prince George - Sports - Free Press


Friday, June 1, 2012




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Sydney Kupferschmid, 8, takes the ball up the pitch during a girls’ soccer game on Saturday afternoon at the Rotary Soccer Complex.

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Al i s t a i r M c I N N I S / F re e P re s s

Different courses for different runners from PAGE B1

Hunter said discussions on bringing the birthday run back heated up late last year and they decided to pursue it. Hunter is planning to run the full 80 kilometres as a soloist, an undertaking that would feel torturous to most people. But intimidation likely won’t be a factor for an athlete who competes regularly in marathons, a fitness fanatic who has successfully completed the 125 km Canadian Death Race in Grade Cache, Alta., the past few years. Hunter even mapped out the course for the June 10 event. “Without talking to Dick, I put together this course and I wanted to make it a loop and no, not rerunning the same piece of trail and trying to make it mostly trail,” he said. “I came up with this course and then when Dick and I went for lunch a little while ago, he brought out the 60 K course, and it was almost identical.” The 80 km course will start and finish at the Otway Nordic Centre parking lot. It follows Otway back to the Foothills bridge, then goes northwest through the Pidherney area, by the Foothills landfill before heading southeast past North Nechako to the Hart Highway weigh scales. From there, the path crosses the Cameron Street Bridge, goes through a river trail and the Cottonwood Island trails before crossing the Highway 16 east bridge. After going through LC Gunn trails, the route crosses the bridge, going down Ferry Avenue through the graveyard, along Cowart Road, and up through the College Heights area. From Domano in College Heights, runners will connect to the Blue Spruce/Cranbrook Hill Greenway which leads to the UNBC Forests for the World/Cranbrook Hill Greenway trail. After


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passing through the Takla Road crossing, the path will lead participants back to the finish line at the Otway parking lot. The run has six different starting points and times for 80 km, 50 km, 42.2 km, 25 km, 19 km and 7.5 km distances. “It’s good, some good climbing at the beginning,” Hunter said. “Those trails up Pidherny and through the Hart and stuff, they’re pretty good climbing so they added a little bit of extra time in the beginning.” Later this year, Hunter will try and complete the ultimate course. He’s planning to enter the Ultra Trail Du Mont Blanc, a 168 km mountain race in Europe which passes through three countries (France, Switzerland and Italy) and includes 9,600 metres of positive elevation gain. The race is scheduled to start Aug. 31, with each runner allowed a maximum of 46 hours to complete the course. “It’s probably the toughest 100-mile race. There are 2,300 runners, you’ve got to qualify,” Hunter said. “I had to do two top-10 finishes in the Death Race to qualify, to get in, to be allowed to run it, and then it still has a 50 to 60 per cent drop-out rate, in the end of that race.” As for the Voneugen run, Hunter said there’s been a lot of discussions through Facebook, Twitter and e-mails. Anybody interested in participating in the Dick Voneugen Birthday Fun Run can get more information through Hunter’s website at runningthenorth.com. The website includes a list of each different starting point and time, and a map of the course.


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Knights sweep doubleheader

The Prince George Lomak AA Knights baseball team swept a doubleheader against Quesnel on Sunday at Volunteer Park. The Knights are a peewee team composed of 11- and 12-yearold players. The Prince George Youth Baseball Association allstar squad delivered 32 hits in Allan WISHART/Free Press total in defeating Quesnel 15-2 Jeremy Gervais heads home with the Peewee Knights first run against Quesnel on Sunday. and 35-2. Nigel Thompson had a pair of The two teams faced off for an exhibition douhome runs, while Devin Sutton bleheader at Volunteer Park. to meet up with us when they have their added one of his own. Winning pitchers were Cole Schwing, in the first full roster.” Other members of the Knights are: game, and Devin Sutton. Schwing, Thompson and Jeremy Ger- Michael Schwab, Michael Taylor, Ryan vais handled pitching duties in the first Hampe, Dustin Aldana, Cole Beacom, Zach game. Devin Sutton, Jarin Sutton and Jor- Swanson, Scott Walters, Ryan Bachand, dan Arnett were on the mound in Game 2. Quinten Astorino, Seth Lapre and Jordan “The first game on Sunday was a lot Arnett. Hampe and Taylor were unable to closer than the score indicated, their start- play on the weekend. The team is coached by Swanson, ing pitcher kept us at bay and we only had a 4-2 lead going to the bottom of the fifth Jason Schwing, Mike Sutton, James Sininning,” Knights head coach Jim Swanson clair, Darrell Gervais, Connor Flynn, Laine Thomsen and Jack Hinsche. stated in a press release. The Knight are now 3-3 on the year (1-3 “We pulled away from there, but Quesnel pushed us and played very well. at an exhibition weekend in Chilliwack in That’s a team that hasn’t had much time April), and are preparing for a tournament together yet, and they were missing some this weekend. They’re travelling to North of their top players due either to injury or Delta for the prestigious John Main Memorial Classic tournament from Friday to family reasons on the long weekend. In the second game, we really broke Sunday. They’re also planning to compete out on offence early and that can happen in Kamloops (Canada Day long weekend) with youth sports. That Quesnel team is and Kelowna (mid July) before representwell-coached and we hope to meet up ing the north region at B.C. Minor Baseball Association peewee AA provincials with them again for more exhibition Aug. 2 to 6 in Chilliwack. games in June or July, they want

Tough to be enthusiastic about Cup final


Prince George - Sports - Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012

NHL has been irrelevant since the Love, Hate, Indifferent. Gretzky days. Although they lack I place the LA Kings and New high-profile players, the Kings Jersey Devils in the indifferent deserve being in this position as category, which raises a concern Western Conference with the Stanley Cup champions; nonethefinalists. less, they are not the I venture to sugHart kind of team one roots gest most hockey fans Beat for or against. do not have a rooting Does one cheer interest in this series, HARTLEYMILLER against L.A. because unless they have captain Dustin Brown is an agitamoney involved or are diehard tor with talent, a player any team fans of either of those teams, and would love to have; or, hope those hardcore supporters are few against them because coach Darryl and far between. Sutter is not exactly as friendly or Let’s start with the Kings: They “excited” as Tim Tebow? have never won a championship Conversely, does one cheer for and their status in and around the



A lis ta ir M cINNIS/ Fre e Pre s s

Motocross performer Kris Garwasiuk gets some hangtime on Sunday at CN Centre. Motocross stunts took place during the Monster Spectacular, which featured monster trucks and freestyle motocross during separate events on Saturday and Sunday.



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them to show the Canucks made a mistake in letting Willie Mitchell go or the Flyers made a bigger “boo-boo” in trading both Mike Richards and Jeff Carter? These are not reasons of enthusiasm either way. The Kings have 13 Canadians, six Americans and three Europeans but collectively don’t have the polarizing figure of a Roberto Luongo, a tandem that brings you out of your seats like the Sedins, a whiner/diver like an Alex Burrows or a sound bite like a Kevin Bieksa. Yes, most despise the Canucks outside of B.C., which is good for the game. In the East: The Devils were not even in the playoffs last season and, like the Kings, have

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seemingly come out of nowhere to reach this point. New Jersey lacks identity with players from everywhere. The Mixed Nations roster consists of seven Americans, five Canadians, three players each from the Czech Republic and Sweden, two from Russia and one each from Lithuania and the Ukraine. Certainly, at the age of 40, seeing Martin Brodeur win his fourth Cup would be a nice touch, but don’t tell me your mood will be altered in any way if he doesn’t get it. The NBA is fortunate to have the Miami Heat as a premier team. Now that sparks emotion, intrigue and even outrage. L.A. and New Jersey don’t bring out that kind of passion in the NHL. They may be worthy hockey teams this year, but they are also bland, insipid, and prosy and that’s an issue that hurts the game. FROM THE QUOTE RACK: Donovan McNabb is reportedly trying to get into shape by throwing balls in the ocean. Just like Tim Tebow, only on purpose. Comedy writer RJ Currie (www.Sportsdeke.com) Dario Franchitti drove into the winner’s circle Sunday for his third Indianapolis 500 victory. Hey, if you were married to Ashley Judd, you’d hurry home, too. Comedy writer Jerry Perisho (monologuewriter.blogspot.com/) The Miami Marlins’ Juan Carlos Oviedo, caught playing under the fake name of Leo Nunez, has been suspended by MLB for eight weeks for age and identity fraud. The pitcher will be eligible to return July 23. Guess he’ll be known around the clubhouse as the “player to be named later.” Contributor Janice Hough of Palo Alto, California (www.leftcoastsportsbabe.com) Hartley Miller is the sports director for radio stations 94X and the Wolf@97fm. He also writes for the Opinion 250. Send along a quote, note, or anecdote to hmiller@94xfm.com.



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a Re

Friday, June 1, 2012

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JUNE 11, 2012 10PM

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Friday, June 1, 2012


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Career Opportunities

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Prince George - Classifieds - Free Press


Friday, June 1, 2012






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Career Opportunities

Caretakers/ Residential Managers

Training Available

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Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities Prince George Association for Community Living

Residential Care Workers (Regular and Relief positions) RCWs create a positive home life, assist with planning and implementation of skill building programs and support people to participate in community events. You will assist people with daily living skills which may include personal care.

Requirements: Ability to enroll in Community and School Support (CASS) Courses (equivalencies may be considered). Experience with disabilities: knowledge of conÀict resolution; resolution! crisis crisis intervention; ability to organize activities, establish rapport with clients, observe and recognize changes, and work as a member of a multidisciplinary team. Valid B.C. Class 5 Driver’s License and Driving Abstract; work may require the use of a personal vehicle. Basic computer skills and physical ability to carry out the duties are also required, Excellent bene¿ts and Municipal Pension Plan provided. Please provide references.

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Help Wanted Fully Certified Spa & Salon

Production Supervisor - Burns Lake, BC Pinnacle Renewable Energy requires a Production Supervisor at its Burns Lake plant location. He or she will focus on leading the production teams of approximately 10 people to achieve and exceed targets in safety, quality, and cost. The ideal candidate will have management experience and expertise in a manufacturing environment. Preference will be given to those with a background in Lean Manufacturing and Maintenance. Pinnacle Pellet offers competitive salary packages, a positive work environment, and career advancement opportunities. For more information on this position see www.pinnaclepellet.com To apply please send your resume to: E-mail: hr@pinnaclepellet.com No Phone Inquiries Accepted – Closing date June 5, 2012.

We’re on the net at www.bcclassified.com Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Looking for a student to mow lawn in 5th & Carney area. (250)564-4937

Caretakers/ Residential Managers

Help Wanted


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Eloquence Spa in Williams Lake is looking fo r an experienced stylist, esthetician and nail tech. Email resumes to jc@eloquencespa.ca or drop off at 180 Yorston Street. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

ACCOUNTANT - TEMPORARY Houston, B.C. Pinnacle Renewable Energy is currently seeking an experienced Accountant to provide full-time accounting support for a period of up to 12 months. Reporting to the Operations Controller, the candidate must be able to effectively prepare, process and maintain accounting records. Responsibilities include: •Full cycle accounting including payables, payroll coordination and inventory control •Prepare budget vs. actual reports •Maintain bank records and prepare cashflow forecasts •Involved in budgeting process and monthly analysis of budget variances Skills and Qualifications: •Preference given to candidate enrolled in accounting designation program •Background in a manufacturing environment an asset •Proficiency with Microsoft Office •High level of accuracy and attention to detail •Excellent Written and Verbal Communication Submit your resume to: E-mail: hr@pinnaclepellet.com. No Phone Inquiries Accepted Closing date June 15, 2012

Lake Babine Nation JOB POSTING

SENIOR ACCOUNTANT The Senior Accountant responsibilities include, but are not limited to, general ledger accountability, and financial reporting, as well as financial profitability analysis and other special projects as assigned. The Senior Accountant must comply with Canadian public sector accounting standards, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, financial by-laws and, policies and procedures of the Lake Babine Nation. The Senior Accountant reports directly to the Finance Controller. Job Duties are as follows, but not limited to: Liaising with finance clerks in maintaining the Lake Babine Nation accounting system. Prepare periodic financial statements, reports and records by collecting, analyzing and summarizing account information. Responsible for general ledger. Assists with budget activity, proper expenditure coding, document preparation, and other accounting-related activities. Participate in annual audit of financial statements and review of the accounting system Maintains Tangible Capital Inventory list of all LBN assets Perform other related duties as required. REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance or related field or education plus experience. Accounting designation preferred. 5+ years of experience in financial management. Experience with computerized accounting system required. Highly efficient Computer Skills Salary: Commensurate with education and experience Closing Date: June 15, 2012 Submit Resume and cover letter to: Beatrice MacDonald, Human Resources 225 Sus Avenue, P.O. Box 879 Burns Lake, B.C., V0J 1E0 Fax: 250-692-4790 Email: beatrice.macdonald@lakebabine.com Only those short listed will be contacted.

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Prince George - Classifieds - Free Press

Friday, June 1, 2012






Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Financial Services

Home Improvements

STRUCTURLAM PRODUCTS Ltd., located in beautiful Penticton, B.C. is seeking experienced Timber Framers. For more information and to apply, please visit our website @ www.sales@structurlam.com

T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive benefit package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. Contact Tyson Lambert. Mail: 5791 Duncan Bay Road, Campbell River BC V9H 1N6 Fax: 250286-9502. Email:tysonlambert@t-mar.com

Reduce Debt

G Gilbert Renovation Year round reno needs. Int/ext, nothing too small. 30 yrs exp. Free estimates! Call Gaetan (250) 560-5845 or 552-7184


Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical

Purchaser/ Stores Coordinator

International Forest Products Limited (Interfor) is a leading global supplier, with one of the most diverse lines of lumber products in the world. The Company has operations in British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, including two sawmills in the Coastal region of British Columbia, three in the B.C. Interior, two in Washington and two in Oregon. For more information about Interfor, visit our website at www. interfor.com. Interfor is currently recruiting for a Purchaser/Stores Coordinator for our lumber manufacturing facility in Castlegar, BC. The successful candidate will be responsible for purchasing, organizing parts/supplies, and interaction with operations/maintenance crews while providing professional service and ensuring a safe working environment. The ideal candidate will possess excellent interpersonal, communication, time management, computer and organizational skills, be detailed and results oriented, and possess strong analytical capabilities. Must have the ability to work effectively in a highly interactive and energetic team environment. We offer a competitive salary and bene¿t package. If you believe that you have the skills and quali¿cations that we are looking for, your resume can be emailed in con¿dence by June 11th, 2012 to: Taumi.mccreight@interfor.com As only short list candidates will be contacted, we thank you in advance for your interest.

Discover A Sustainable Career Path. Millar Western is an Alberta-based forest products company, committed to the sustainability of our business, resources and communities. We offer a competitive wage and benefits program and exciting career development opportunities within a collaborative and respectful work environment. Our Corporate Services Group is now recruiting:

WOOD PRODUCTS CONTROLLER Reporting to the Corporate Controller and working out of our Whitecourt office, the successful candidate will be an integral part of the senior leadership team overseeing our wood products operations. The incumbent will be responsible for preparing annual budgets and operating plans, financial analysis and forecasting in support of our lumber and woodlands operations throughout the company.

P & D LOGGING Operations in Grand Forks BC is looking an experienced Feller Buncherman, as well as Experienced Lim-mit Processor Operator plus Logging Truck Mechanic/Welder all positions are F/T with Benefits. call Gerry 250-469-1695 or Dan 250-469-1694 after 6 pm. Or email Resume to: management@pdlogging.ca.

Medical/Dental Dental Assistant Required. Reply to Dr. Harvey Thompson, #22-665 Front St., Quesnel BC V2J 5J5 (250)9923771 email: diharv@shaw.ca

Professional/ Management DL Baker Construction Canada is looking for Project Engineer in Kitimat, BC, Canada. The Project Engineer will possess competency in the followign areas in order to perform his/her role in a safe, productive, and effective manner Oversees the Administration of Contract (Accepted Bid Package) and Information Management - Assists with Project Administration and Cash Flow Ensures a safe work environement - Bachelor’s degree from four-year college or university; or 2 to 4 years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience - Ability to work in a team environment -Ability to define problems, gather data, establish facts, and draw

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Personal Care

Trades, Technical NOW HIRING MCSWEEN CUSTOM FAB. Millwrights, “B” Pressure Welders, Pipefitters & all other trades required ASAP for upcoming shutdowns in Edm. area. L.O.A. is Available $130/day Fax 780-992-0600 or email: hr@mcsweenfab.com

Millar Western is an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants in advance; only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. MILLAR WESTERN FOREST PRODUCTS LTD.


SPRING YARD CLEAN-UP Garbage Removal & Gutter Cleaning Power Raking ~ Aerating (250)961-3612 or (250)964-4758 res

Misc Services R & R Sewing Centre

#7-423 Elliot St., Quesnel 1-250-992-9777

*Residential roofing & re-roofing*

WCB & Liability Insured Free Estimates (250)961-4500

Pets & Livestock ONE HOUR OPTICAL



Contractors McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd. 250-561-2229

Electrical Doug’s Electric Licensed and Bonded . 20 yrs exp. (250)963-6737 (250)981-5210

Garden & Lawn GARDEN ROTO-TILLING $35 AND UP 250-964-6386

PUREBRED MAREMMA PUPPIES FOR SALE! asking $350 Great Guardian Dogs Perfect for protecting livestock and yard against predators (especially wolves & coyotes). Very friendly towards people and they DO NOT WANDER

250-706-7202 250-395-0832


2500 Grant Rd across from Race Track Gas on the Hart. Northridge Mobile Home Park. Sat June 2nd 9-3 Multi family yard sale, flea market, craft fair Everything & anything goes!!

Garage Sale 3220 Eden Drive Sat June 2nd 9am to 4pm Multi family garage sale, sports equip, household items, toys, books & lots more! Sunday Jun 3rd 9am - 3 pm NO EARLY BIRDS. 4543 Law Ave

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

Misc. for Sale FOR THE HOME BREWER Wine making equipment. Incl. 2 primary buckets, 4 carboy’s, hoses, syphon’s, thermometers, floor corker (some corks) electric bottle filler plus lots more. Must be sold as a complete set $375 250-562-3747

COIN Collector looking to buy Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins. Bulk Silver coins, bills etc. Call Chad 250-863-3082 (Local)

Real Estate Lakeshore Summit Lake: 1 acre sub lake lot A-frame w/trailer & hydro. $35,000 Ph 778-415-2150 after 5

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent


Home Improvements Bath & Kitchen Specialist

Garage Sales

Misc. Wanted

Handyman from Newfoundland All jobs big & small, I’se the b’ye to do it all. Carpentry & plumbing etc. W.E.T.T. Certified. Call Jim 250.562.8203 / 250.613.5478

We bring creative design ideas to the table, as we work closely with you to achieve the perfect remodel. No job too big and none certainly, too small. Call Tom today for free estimate. 250-961-0439

$300 & Under Pro Form LX 660 Treadmill $250 Phone (250)962-9009

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?

Spruceland Mall 250.564.0095 Pine Centre Mall 250.564.0047

Merchandise for Sale

$100 & Under OLDER CHROME SET TABLE & 4 CHAIRS $70 (250)964-9141 Spa @ Home. Poor circulation inflammation, skin conditions. Natural/Herbal. All ages. Sat & Sun 1156 4th Ave

Homes for Rent

• 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available • Close to hospital & downtown • Rent includes heat, hot water • Elevator to undercover parking • Fridge, stove, quality carpets, drapes • Laundry on each floor • No pets

To Rent Call:


Thinking of moving to Vancouver?

This position is located in the town of Whitecourt, a vibrant community 170 kilometres northwest of Edmonton, offering excellent housing, educational and recreational opportunities.


Spring Cleanup and/or seasonal Lawn maintenance by Viking Landscape Gravel / Leaf removal, dethatch, aerate, fertilize, prune, mow / trim 552.9294 / 564.1733

Norm’s Roofing

Qualified applicants will have a formal accounting designation, coupled with several years of progressively more senior, forestry-related experience. A proven track record in continuous improvement and performance management is essential. Applicants also should have strong leadership, interpersonal and communication skills. Experience with SAP or a similar ERP system would be an asset.

Qualified and interested candidates should e-mail a current resume and cover letter to careers@millarwestern.com or fax their credentials, in confidence, to (780) 486-8282, attention Human Resources.


Roofing & Skylights

valid conclusions. Send Resume to: patton@bakerconcrete.com

DL Baker Construction Canada is looking for QAQC Manager in Kitimat, BC, Canada. The QA QC Manager will have knowledge in the following: Responsible for all inspection activities - Assign qualified inspection and test personnel to perform their applicable quality related activities - Responsible for review and approval of test controls and test results, inspection records and welding inspections. - Document nonconformances - Bachelor’s degree in an engineering, scientific, or construction-related discipline from four-year college or university; or 2 to 4 years related experience and/ or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience in the civil discipline Knowledge of construction practices (i.e., formwork, rebar, concrete placing, etc) is preferred -Demonstrated skill and knowledge with applicable Quality codes. - Must have knowledge of the general structure of quality assurance programs, especially of inspection and testing procedures under those programs. Please send resume to patton@bakerconcrete.com


Merchandise for Sale

Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation (the Regional Government) has affordable

Another Trip To The Dump

$50 Antique at


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Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent GATEWAY MANOR 2080 20th Ave. Clean, quiet bldg with security entrance. No pets, spacious 1 & 2 bdrm suites . Resident mgr 250-5619397. 1 1/2 - 2 bdrm apts. Safe, clean & quiet. Receive your 12th month rent free (conditions apply) 250-613-7483 Darby Apts. Bach $500, 1 bdr. $570, 2 bdr. $650; heat, h/w incl., 1601 Queensway; 250-596-4275 250-301-0664 Briarwood Apts. 1330/80 Foothills Blvd. 1 & 2 Bdrm suites 250-561-1571 HARDWOOD MANOR APTS Under New Management! 1 & 2 bdrm suites Heat & Hot water included.

1575 Queesway 250-596-9484

HILLSBOROUGH Apts 3820 - 15th Ave

Under New Management Spacious 3 bdrm apts Clean, quiet, secure entrance. Students Welcome. Rental Incentives. No Dogs

Phone 250-596-4555

JUBILEE Apt’s 1 bedroom Adult orientated, close to downtown & bus route. N/S, N/P. Parking.

Call: (250) 562-7172

Pine Glen Apartments 255 N. Ospika (Rental Office) Spacious clean 2 & 3 bdrm 1 1/2 bath Heat, Hot water & Parking incl. Laundry & Play ground on Site. Ask about our new rates Bus route to all amenities 250-561-1823

Pine Grove Apts Clean bach, 1 & 2 bdrm apts Student & other incentives No Dogs

Phone 250-563-2221


2666 Upland Street 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Rent includes: hydro, heat, hot water, appliances, drapes and parking. Quiet, no pets


VENICE PLACE APTS 1438 Queensway Bachelor, 1 & 2 bdrm Suites Balcony, Elevator, Underground parking. Heat included Call (250)561-1446

Commercial/ Industrial

Majestic Management (1981) Ltd. CE • OFFI ERCIAL M • COM IL A T • RE Space available for rent For all your rental needs Call 562-8343 or 562-RENT

Homes for Rent Need Cash Today? Cash Factory Loans offers payday loans up to $1000 using employment, CTB, EI or Pension, or Collateral Loans up to $10,000 using almost any vehicle! 1261B 3rd Ave, next to Nancy O’s or 250-649-0808


for large apartment building in Prince George. Ideal position for responsible couple. Bookkeeping, sales and maintenance skills an asset. Send resumes with references to: Majestic Management (1981) Ltd., #800-299 Victoria St., Prince George, BC, V2L 5B8

Prince George - Classifieds - Free Press


Friday, June 1, 2012





Rooms for Rent

Auto Services

Wrecker/Used Parts


Cars - Sports & Imports

Scrap Car Removal

Motel suite for rent.Clean,bach or 1 bed furnished with Kitchenettes, includes utli., cab, internet. Monthly rent, Seniors welcome. N/P (250)962-0441


USED TIRES Cars & Trucks $25 & up

Shared Accommodation Are you a female student coming to Prince George for school? Quiet, friendly home to share with single woman. On bus route, Internet included, own bedroom, share rest of house, $550. Can be room and board, cost negotiable. Availability starting July or August. References required. Contact Lorraine at lorraines@citywest.ca Professional male seeks roommate. Sep. suite,semi furnished, shared kitchen, $385 plus 1/2 utilities 250-564-1550

Suites, Lower 1 bdrm furn/unfurn NS Utilities & laundry incl. References required. Incentive for seniors. Avail immed. 250-562-2444 FURNISHED Basement Suite For Rent, Utilities Included, Shared Laundry, NP, NS. Call: 250-563-9844



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Cars - Domestic 1981 Trans Am. Does not run. Great hobby car. Will take best cash offer or trade for a used truck. 250-964-2491 ‘92 Honda Accord EX-R, 187,000 km’s. tilt steering, PW,PL, new all season tires, Sirius radio, security system avail., plus much more, $2000 OBO 250-562-8057


Sport Utility Vehicle

2008 VOLKSWAGEN GTI Manual, I-4 Turbo, Keyless Entry, PW, PL, PM Sunroof, Heated Seats and much more! Only 59,000 km Sale $21,500

12’ Aluminum boat with 7.5 php mercury outboard in exec cond. 20 gallon gas tank w/hose. $1400 (250)961-4779

2005 Jimmy, 99,900 km, one owner. Good condition, 4 wheel drive, complete with winter tires & rims. $9800 Phone 250-963-3427

Hub City Motors 1822 Queensway 250.564.7228 www.hubcitymotors.com


Most Sizes Available

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Recreational/Sale 2011 18’ Creekside Trailer. A/C, elec awning, Loaded. $16,000 OBO 250-596-4145 22 foot 2006 Salem LE travel trailer. Sleeps 4, like brand new. Can be viewed at 1310 Kellogg Ave. 250-564-8267 FOR SALE (Reduced), 2005 27ft travel trailer, great condition inside and out, asking $10,500 obo, (778)415-0335

The Classifieds Attract Buyers.

Looking to sell your used car, television, sofa, baseball card collection or anything else under the sun? Place an ad in the Free Press Classifieds and reach over 63,000 readers! It’s a fast, easy and profitable way to get rid of unwanted merchandise.


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Your 20 word or less private party (for sale items only) classified ad will be delivered to over 28,000 homes and businesses in three consecutive issues of the Prince George Free Press.





















DEADLINES: For Wedesday’s paper - 9:00 am on Mondays. For Friday’s paper - 9:00 am on Wednesdays.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Prince George Free Press


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