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April 2013

Volume 13, Number 2

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Elder abuse can take many forms: How to see it, stop it and prevent it By Gina Mazza For Beaver County Senior News Every other Friday morning, Mary, 85, ran errands with her caregiver, Sandra. Even though Mary’s osteoporosis and Parkinson’s disease prevent her from driving, she has a sharp mind and was grateful for Sandra’s help with her daily affairs. Mary would have never imagined that Sandra would take advantage of her. As the two women did their shopping and banking

together, even the bank teller didn’t suspect a problem when Sandra started writing out two checks to “cash”— one for Mary and one for herself—both from Mary’s account. After all, Mary was right there in the car, and the teller knew that Sandra was caring for her. Mary didn’t suspect any wrongdoing either, as Sandra had simply told her that she was doing her own banking at the same time. Eventually, Sandra’s daughter caught onto what was happening when she

looked at her mother’s bank statements. Sandra was arrested and confessed to stealing $2,800 from Mary.

Keen-Age welcomes back former editor Angela Gentile, read more on page 11.

As disheartening as it is to think that these things happen, they do. As older adults continue to age and become more vulnerable physically and cognitively, they can become more susceptible to abuse, neglect and exploitation. And as Mary’s story demonstrates, the signs

Continued on page 3

Read about Theresa FerrisDukovich, Esq. on page 18.

Publisher’s Corner

Owner/Publisher Lynn Webster Editor: Gina Mazza Art Director: Shantessa Hogan

This month, please join us in welcoming back Angela Gentile of the Beaver County Office on Aging as the editor of Beaver County Senior News’ Keen-Age News section, replacing our dear friend Ruthanne Bentley, who is now officially retired. Angela was the Keen-Age News section editor many years ago, and now she returns to this role. Flip to page 11 to meet Angela. Spring is here . . . finally! Enjoy!

Lynn Webster

Sales Executive: Wallace Webster Photographer: Chuck LeClaire

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April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News


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Contributing Writers: Angela Gentile Gina Mazza Intern: Kara Boyle Printing Company: Knepper Press

Visit our website at www.pittsburghseniornews.com

Volume 13, Number 2 Published monthly by Pittsburgh Senior News, Inc. for Beaver County Senior News P. O. Box 11126 Pittsburgh, PA 15237 (412) 367-2522 pghseniornews@comcast.net Beaver County Senior News is distributed monthly in the Beaver County area. Copy­right 2013 by Beaver County Senior News. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this publication without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. All advertisement in Beaver County Senior News is subject to the approval of the publisher. Publication of advertising herein does not necessarily constitute endorsement.

In Memory of John A. Hogan, Sr. Carmella M. Hogan

A program of Lutheran SeniorLife and the VNA, A program of Western Pennsylvania TM

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Elder abuse can take many forms: How to see it, stop it and prevent it Continued from page 1 of abuse aren’t always obvious. Some instances—such as physical abuse—can be overt and easy to spot, while others cases—such as psychological and financial exploitation—are more subtle and difficult to detect. Older Adults Protective Services can help The Older Adults Protective Services Act was passed in Pennsylvania in 1987, and since then local Agencies on Aging have initiated Protective Services programs. In Beaver County, The Arc of Beaver/ACHIEVA has a contract with the Beaver County Office on Aging to perform older adult protective services. “We believe it’s important to ensure that vulnerable older adults do not fall victim to abuse, neglect, exploitation or abandonment at the hands of immoral or untrustworthy people,” comments Danielle Parson, director of communications at ACHIEVA. “That is why our staff is dedicated to providing the proper supports and services needed to protect this particular group.” Help is available to adults ages 60 and older who either live in the community or in licensed facilities. “In Beaver County, we get an average of about 400 reports each year, which may sound high but we do have a large percentage of elderly people in the county,” notes Older Adults Protective Services (OAPS) supervisor Judy Hamilton, who works with four full-time case workers to investigate and intervene in cases of abuse, neglect, abandonment and exploitation in the county. “In addition, we do a lot of outreach to nursing homes, personal care facilities, hospices, in-home healthcare and adult day care workers. These individuals are ‘mandated reporters’, which means that they are required to report any signs of abuse or neglect.” What constitutes elder abuse?

In certain cases, abuse comes in the form of neglect that is less intentional—for example, when a caregiver isn’t aware of the older adult’s changing needs or health condition, or has a lack

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

Elder abuse cases generally fall into one of the following categories, each of which can have devastating effects on a senior’s safety, health and well being.

Continued on page 4


Caregiver neglect or self-neglect: “The majority of reports in Beaver County are for self-neglect,” Judy comments. “Selfneglect typically occurs when an older adult is living alone and is no longer able to perform daily tasks, such as feeding, hygiene and taking prescribed medications. OAPS can intervene and get seniors in this situation the help they need.”

Elder abuse can take many forms: How to see it, stop it and prevent it Psychological or emotional abuse, or financial exploitation: Judy and her staff have seen an increase in the number of financial exploitation cases, which reflects a trend nationwide. “We handled a case where a female was removed from a nursing home and put in the care of her son,” Judy recalls. “The son managed all of her Social Security, pension income and lifelong savings. The son did not contribute toward any home expenses or even his personal expenses. Instead he used his mother’s funds for his personal use. OAPS intervened and eventually had his rights to her finances removed.”

Continued from page 3 of knowledge about what care could be given. Sometime the caregiver’s inaction leads to the person being at risk. “An example would be something like this: A female residing in her private home has her daughter move in to provide care,” Judy explains. “The daughter wants to honor a promise to not send her mother to a nursing home; however, the mother’s medical needs become increasingly intense and she requires a skilled nursing level of care. OAPS can step in to educate the daughter and family of the higher level of needs. Third party, in-home services can then be secured to meet the older adult and family needs.”

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News


How to recognize signs of abuse

Physical or sexual abuse: OAPS investigates calls for resident-to-resident abuse cases in nursing homes, adult day care or personal care homes. Due to behaviors of one resident, on occasion, another can become a victim of abuse. OAPS would then investigate to ensure proper supervision, staffing and treatment to secure the needs of both residents. Recently, OAPS handled a case in Beaver County in which a resident in a personal care home alleged to have been raped in the bathroom area of the facility. OAPS made it a priority to first make sure that the individual’s safety was established. The proper channels were then taken to bring in law enforcement and family members. OAPS continues to collaborate with family, physicians and the police to ensure the safety of the other residents, as well.

Physical, psychological, emotional and sexual abuse is defined as the infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement or punishment with resulting physical harm, pain or mental anguish; the willful deprivation by a caregiver of goods or services that are necessary to maintain physical or mental health; sexual harassment or rape. Signs of physical abuse can include: * unexplained broken bones, untreated wounds, welts, signs of being tied up (wrists and ankle. * bruises or burns, often in shapes or patterns, in various stages of healing. * difficulty walking due to unexplained injuries or medical condition. * sunken eyes or pain.

* withdrawal, passivity, fear, guilt, hesitation to speak openly. * denial of problems. * depression. Self-neglect and caregiver neglect is defined as the failure to provide for oneself or the failure of a caregiver to provide goods and/or services essential to avoid a clear and serious threat to physical or mental health. An older adult who does not consent to the provision of protective services will not be found to be negligent solely on the grounds of environmental factors that are beyond the control of the older adult or the caretaker, such as inadequate housing, furnishings, income, clothing or medical care. Signs of neglect can include: 4 lack of adequate food, clothing or shelter. 4 hoarding. 4 lack of necessary medical care. 4 malnourishment, dehydration or weight loss. 4 lack of supervision resulting in imminent risk or danger to self. 4 poor hygiene or housekeeping. 4 failure to take medications. 4 Financial exploitation is an act or course of conduct by a caregiver or other person against an older adult

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or an older adult’s resources, with the informed consent obtained through misrepresentation, coercion or threats of force that results in monetary, personal or other benefit, gain or profit for the perpetrator or monetary or personal loss to the older adult. The abuse can occur when a family member or someone who has continual access to the senior applies “undue influence” on him or her. Exploitation can take many forms: Being forced to sign documents without proper counsel, not knowing what they’re signing, changing beneficiaries on their bank accounts or adding names to their accounts as a joint owner. Other signs of exploitation can include: • unpaid bills and lack of necessities where there is adequate income. • unusual withdrawals from accounts, bounced checks or forged signatures.

• utilities or the phone being shut off. • missing mail or unexplained charges on the senior’s debit/credit card. • the senior seems isolated or talks in a guarded manner to people with whom he or she used to talk openly. Every case handled by OAPS is managed carefully, always respecting the individual’s personal rights. Legal assistance is also provided when necessary. All information on victims or alleged victims of abuse is kept confidential. “Regardless of the type of abuse involved, every case that is handed to us is sensitive in nature; after all, this is someone’s life we’re talking about,” Danielle says. “However, we take a very stern approach to ensure the safety of any victim or alleged victim is met. Their safety is our first priority.”

The Older Adult Protective Services Act uses the following criteria for elder abuse to help those filing a report of need on behalf of an older adult in Pennsylvania. The suspected victim of elder abuse: 2 must be age 60 or older. 2 cannot perform or obtain, without help, services necessary to maintain physical or mental health. 2 has no responsible caretaker at the time of the report. 2 is at imminent risk of danger. To learn more about protective services or to file a report, call (800) 272-0567 or (724) 775-1786 (available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year), email Judy Hamilton at Jhamilton@achieva.info or visit The Arc of Beaver, Suite 105 in Beaver Valley Mall.

The Beaver County Office on Aging, ACHIEVA and The Arc • Wednesday, April 3, 10 a.m.: “I am Not a Nosy Neighbor.” of Beaver are hosting two presentations on protective services • Wednesday, April 17, 10 a.m.: “What’s Mine is Mine While this month at Center at the Mall in Beaver Valley Mall: I’m Alive.”

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April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

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Entertainment and Events 2 The Center at the Mall, Beaver Valley Mall, Monaca, will present a murder mystery dinner at 5:30 p.m. April 6. The cast of the “Musical Mysteries and More” will perform one of their hilarious “who dunnit” shows. Cost is $20 per person. Dinner will be served at 6:15 p.m. Call (724) 728-1422. 2 The 36th annual Maple Syrup Festival will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 6 and 7 at The Lodge at Bradys Run Park, Brighton Township. Enjoy all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast served with 100 percent pure maple syrup. Festival events feature Civil War re-enactments, crafts, pony-rides, antiques tractors, entertainment on two stages and more. Cost for breakfast is adults $8, children 12 and under $4. There are no parking or admission fees. Call (724) 378-1701. 2 Enjoy a coffee house cabaret at 7 p.m. April 7 at Chippewa United Methodist

Church, 2545 Darlington R., Chippewa. Enjoy a night with Elvis impersonator Don Obusek. All ages. Cost is $10 in advance; $15 at the door, includes dessert and beverage. Call (724) 843-4828 or visit www.chippewaumc.org. 2 The River City Brass Band will perform a Big Band and Doo Wop Brass concert at 7:30 p.m. April 10 at Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center, Mainstage Theater, One Lincoln Park, Midland. Enjoy this trip down memory lane, celebrating the music of America’s finest and most famous bands, with special guests Johnny Angel and the Halos. Tickets are $21 and $19, discounts are available for seniors and students. Call (724) 643-9004 or visit www.lppac.org. 2 The South Side Historical Village will host an open house from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 13 at Hookstown

BEAVER FALLS PLAZA 1008 Seventh Ave., Beaver Falls (724) 843-4822

Fair Grounds, 1198 State Route 168, Hookstown. The Village consists of a restored 1874 one-room school house, a working blacksmith shop, an 1800’s log house and a corn crib that was converted into a covered bridge, a quaint two room doctor’s office and a classic bank barn built in 1858. Tours by appointment. Donations accepted. Call (724) 899-4165. 2 Come out for a Soap Box Derby day of racing from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 16, 14th St., Ambridge. Cars will be provided for potential drivers ages 7 to 17 to give it a try. Watch as they race down the street. This event is sponsored by the Western Pennsylvania Soap Box Derby and is free. Call (724) 869-7297. 2 The Rochester Chamber Of Commerce Chili Cook-off at 5 p.m. April 24 at The Lodge at Bradys Run Park, Brighton Township. A variety of

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April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News


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Entertainment and Events

2 Hopewell community day parade and festival will take place from noon to 4 p.m. April 27 at the Hopewell Township Municipal Building, 1700 Clark Blvd., Hopewell. Features food, games and entertainment. Parade begins at Hopewell High School at noon and ends at Hopewell Township Municipal Building where the fun continues. Call (724) 462-6236. 2 The 2013 Tree Seedling and Plant Sale will be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 27 at Beaver County Conservation District, Environmental Center, 156 Cowpath Rd., Independence. You may order in advance in late March. Open stock will be available for sale to the public. Call (724) 378-1701.

e Fre ance ed id m Gu Infor ons i for ecis D

2 A town yard sale will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 11 at the Beaver Area Chamber of Commerce, 469 Third St., Beaver. The neighborhood streets of Beaver hosts one of the largest yard sales in the County. Call (724) 773-6504. 2 The 48th annual Ambridge Nationality Days Festival takes place from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. May 17 and 18 and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 19 on Merchant Street, Fourth to Eighth Streets, Ambridge. Enjoy a traditional festival celebrating the ethnic pride of our melting pot community. There will be numerous ethnic performances of song and dance. The streets are filled with great ethnic food, a parade, crafts of all kinds and games for children of all ages. Call (724) 266-3040. 2 River City Brass Band will perform a concert titled American Heroes at 7:30 p.m. May 18 at Lincoln Park

Performing Arts Center, Mainstage Theater, One Lincoln Park, Midland. Enjoy the sounds of the great 1960s hits including, “Let’s Twist Again,” “Under the Boardwalk” and “In the Good Old Summertime.” Featuring dance students from Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School. Tickets are $21 to $19; discounts are available for senior citizens and students. Call (724) 6439004 or visit www.lppac.org. 2 Mark your calendar for a free, one-day bus trip to see the WWII and Korean Memorials in Washington, DC on May 21. A box lunch and dinner are provided, as well as snacks and drinks. Call (724) 709-3614 for more information or to make a reservation. Donations from the public are gratefully accepted so the trip can be free to the veterans. Donations can be sent to ESB Bank, 701 Corporation St., Beaver. 15009 (Attn: Paula). BCSN

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April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

local restaurants compete for the title of best chili in Beaver County. You be the judge. Cost is $15 per person and includes chili, fries, chicken wings, beer and beverages. Call (724) 728-4998.



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St. Joseph Spirituality Center offers a variety of programs this month St. Joseph Spirituality Center, a ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden, located on the same campus as Villa St. Joseph, will sponsor several programs this month. Beginning Experience Weekend Retreat will be held at Gilmary Retreat Center, Coraopolis, beginning April 5, at 7 p.m. and concluding April 7, at 4 p.m. This program is for adults grieving the loss of a spouse through death, divorce or separation, and who are ready to come to terms with their loss and move forward with their lives. Trained team members who are themselves widowed, separated, or divorced will conduct this retreat. To register, call Steve Smith at (412) 367-4948. A Morning with God will be offered from 9:30 a.m. to noon April 17. Sister Melania Polensky invites participants into a time of communal prayer and reflection. Participants may pray in the convent chapel, outdoors, at the labyrinth, and in quiet

spaces. Fee is $10. To register, call Sister Ann Francis Hanley at (724) 869-6587. Weekend Directed Retreat begins at 7 p.m. April 26 and ends at noon April 28. This directed retreat, offered by Sister Catherine Higgins and a team of spiritual directors, is based on the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola. It is an opportunity for Scriptural-based prayer in an atmosphere of silence and prayer. The retreat includes daily individual direction. A fee of $120 includes meals and lodging. To register, call Sister Ann Francis Hanley at (724) 869-6587. Pets with Heart is for anyone experiencing the loss of a beloved pet. Sister Mary Ann Thimons, will facilitate an afternoon of input, sharing and mutual support to help pet lovers cope with loss in a journey from grief to healing. The event takes place from 1:30 to 3 p.m. April 8. To register, call Sr. Thimons at (412) 600-3247 or to learn more, call Sister Sharon Costello at (724) 869-6545. BCSN

Seniors for Safe Driving If you are age 55 or older and have successfully completed a senior education program in the past, you only have to attend a one-day refresher course to renew your insurance discount. If you have never participated in a Senior Driver Improvement Program, you must attend a two-day seminar to earn your automobile insurance discount. The insurance discount is five percent of the total premium for a period of three years. Cost for the course is $15 per person. Here is the upcoming schedule: • April 19; 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Beaver Area Memorial Library, 100 College Ave., Beaver. • April 30; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Circle of Friends, St. Johns School, 371 Linmore Ave., Baden. For a complete list of classes, go to www.sfsd-pa.com. Online courses are now available. To register, call (724) 283-0245 or (800) 559-4880. Space is limited so register early. BCSN

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April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

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Surprises for Shut-ins “wraps up” 2012 its Christmas Tree Wonderland to the program. Generous monetary donations made to the program enable the Office on Aging to continue expanding the program to shut-ins of area churches who are not using BCOA services.

By Angela Gentile, Surprises for Shut-ins Coordinator For Beaver County Senior News


t was another awesome year for the Beaver County Office on Aging Surprises for Shut-ins program. The program celebrated its 26th anniversary in 2012. The goal of the program has been the same since the beginning: to provide a bag of practical gifts and friendly visits to isolated older adults during the Christmas season. A total of 662 gift bags were delivered throughout the county. This included 478 Beaver County Office on Aging consumers, three community referrals, 50 shut-ins of five churches and 131 low-income personal care home residents. Since the inception of the program in 1987, a grand total of 8331 gift deliveries have been made. All of this continues to happen due to the overwhelming support and gen-

This year we tried something different for wrapping. We had three wrapping open houses at Center at the Mall, which were very well attended, and we gained a lot of new volunteers to help. It took 274 hours for volunteers to wrap the gifts. BCOA staff delivered some gifts during their regularly scheduled home visits, and 30 volunteers helped us get the rest of the gifts delivered. erosity of individuals, church groups, civic groups, senior centers and other social service agencies. Many individuals and groups donate new, practical gifts, and many handmade quilts and crocheted blankets, which can be used by older adults living at home. Elmcroft of Chippewa earmarked the proceeds of

SENIOR LIVING, WITH AN EMPHASIS ON “LIVING.” April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News


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As the BCOA employee who has overseen this project since the beginning, I continue to be amazed by the support of so many Beaver County residents. We receive many thank-you notes from the older adults expressing their gratitude for being remembered and for the usefulness of the gifts. BCSN

Keen-Age News . . . For Beaver County’s Active Seniors Beaver County Office on Aging

Keen-Age News welcomes back former editor When I started at BCOA almost 26 years ago (everybody asks me if I was 12 when I started, and I say no but I was a young pup then), I was the editor of Keen-Age News. Back then, it was a six-page newsletter that was mailed to 9,000 homes throughout the county. Times have changed and, as you know, our Keen-Age News is now part of Beaver County Senior News, which you pick up at a variety of locations throughout the county.

By Angela Gentile, Planning Unit Program Monitor Beaver County Office on Aging For Beaver County Senior News As some Hollywood celebrities would say, “I’m back!” Starting with this issue, I will be handling the writing for the Keen-Age News section of the Beaver County Senior News, as our friend and coworker Ruthanne Bentley has retired.

I will be providing a lot of “news you can use” to keep you up-to-date on senior programs and events. In a future issue, we will have a survey so you can tell us what you like about Keen-Age News and what types of stories you would like to see in the future. I majored in journalism in college, so I enjoy being able to dabble in writing again. If you have any stories or ideas, contact me at (724) 847-2262 or agentile@bcoa.us.

“Ricky Nelson Remembered” concert set for Monday, April 15 The Beaver Valley Community Concert Association will present its third in a series of four 2012-2013 concerts at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 15 when Ricky Nelson’s sons, Mathew and Gunnar, star in “Ricky Nelson Remembered” at Beaver Falls Middle School auditorium. Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the only family in entertainment history with three generations of number one hitmakers, the Nelson family is an American entertainment dynasty. Adult season tickets for the remaining two concerts can be purchased in advance for $35. At the door, tickets are $20 for adults and $5 for students. To obtain tickets, mail a check or money order to Membership Chair Peg Denhart, 604 Sixth Ave., Beaver Falls, PA 15010.

Retirees may qualify for reduced motor vehicle registration fee

Reportable income includes Social Security, pensions, annuities, interest, dividends, capital gains and other income such

as wages, and business/rental income. Part-time work is permitted if you are retired from your principal occupation. If only a husband or wife qualify, the vehicle must be titled and registered in that individual’s name, or in both names jointly. If both husband and wife qualify, each may register one vehicle for the $10 processing fee; one or both vehicles may be titled and registered in both names jointly. The applicant must be the principal driver of the vehicle unless physically or mentally incapable of driving. Only one vehicle per person may be registered for the $10 fee. BCSN

We love our volunteers National Volunteer Week is April 21 to27. BCOA would like to thank the multitude of volunteers who assist us in bringing services and programs to older adults. Volunteers help us in the following ways: office assistance at the Beaver Falls location, Advisory Council members, Senior Day at the Mall, Farmers Market Nutrition Program voucher distribution, Prime Time Health Healthy Steps Program, APPRISE health insurance counseling, Surprises for Shut-ins Christmas program and the PEER program through the Ombudsman program. Three cheers to all of our volunteers!

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

Pennsylvania offers a reduced motor vehicle registration fee for retired persons. Retired state residents who receive Social Security or other pensions and annuities, regardless of age, and who do not exceed $19,200 annually, can register their automobile for $10 instead of the usual $36 fee. If you qualify, fill out Form MV-371, which is available from the Beaver County Office on Aging at (724) 847-2262 (Local) or (888) 5482262 (Long Distance). The form can also be obtained online at www.dmv.state.pa.us/pdotforms/mv_forms/mv-371.pdf.


Keen-Age News . . . For Beaver County’s Active Seniors Beaver County Office on Aging

News You Can Use Shop for bargains in April

BCOA announces retirement

Who doesn’t love a bargain? In the month of April, many businesses and retailers are offering the following items at the best prices of the year: athletic footwear, computers, vacuum cleaners, spring cruises, European vacations, spring clothing, yard and garden supplies, furniture, snow blowers and furnaces.

A long-time member of the Options Care Management Unit has retired at the Beaver County Office on Aging. Nancy Thompson retired March 28 after serving as a care manager and community health nurse for 15 years. Nancy graduated from St. Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing and Youngstown State University. During her time at BCOA, Nancy said her older consumers were very important to her, and it was a pleasure to serve them. She also enjoyed working with and meeting the staff from our providers and other community agencies. She appreciated the care that they provided to our mutual consumers. Congratulations, Nancy!

Economy Village gives free admission to Beaver County residents this month Be sure to check out Beaver County Tourist Days at Old Economy Village in Ambridge, as Beaver County residents are being given the opportunity to visit the historic site for free based on your zip code. Bring identification such as a driver’s license or utility bill for verification of your residency.

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News


What is an ombudsman? An ombudsman is a trained individual who can help if you have a complaint or problem with any long-term care service. An ombudsman also is:

The village is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. The site was the home of the 19th Century Christian communal group known as the Harmony Society. Established in 1824, Economy was known worldwide for its piety and industrial prosperity.

2 a source to provide information about your rights as a consumer and assistance in exercising those rights.

During April, residents with the following zip codes may visit for free: 15005-Baden, 15052-Industry and 15059-Midland through April 6; 15009-Beaver, April 7-13; 15010-Beaver Falls, April 14-27; 15027-Conway, 15042-Freedom, 15043-Georgetown and 15050-Hookstown, April 28-May 4.

2 a person who assists long-term care consumers in pursuing remedies to their problems.

Tax time reminder The deadline for filing a 2012 income tax return to the Pennsylvania state government or to the federal government is Monday, April 15, 2013.

2 an advocate for high standards of quality care who promotes strict enforcement of those standards. 2 a promoter of the highest quality of life for care-dependent Pennsylvanians. 2 a consumer representative who works within the legislative process to improve long-term care services throughout the state.

Who uses the Ombudsman program? The program is used by residents of nursing and personal care homes, individuals receiving long-term care services in their home and community, families and friends of individuals who live in nursing or personal care homes, staff of long-term care facilities and government agencies. The kinds of issues handled by an ombudsman include questions about billing and charges; concerns about the quality of care or treatment from a long-term care service or provider; and appeals regarding transfers, discharges, discontinuance or changes in service. Ombudsman services, which are free and confidential, are provided by the Beaver County Office on Aging. To inquire, call (724) 847-2262 (Local) or (888) 548-2262 (Long-Distance).

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

Keen-Age News . . . For Beaver County’s Active Seniors Beaver County Office on Aging Happy retirement! We wish Ruthanne Bentley well in retirement and thank her for her many contributions to the Beaver County Office on Aging. Ruthanne enjoys cooking and she often made delicious treats for BCOA staff. Featured this month is her recipe for a Sun-Dried Tomato-Pesto-Cheese Torte. Sun-Dried Tomato-Pesto-Cheese Torte

“Spring into Action”

to prevent osteoporosis. Visit all of the Day at the Mall vendors and you’ll be eligible to win a spring manicure from New York Nails at Beaver Valley Mall. Enjoy the warmth of the season and sample a cherry smoothie blast.

“Spring into Action: Let’s Build Beaver County by Volunteering” is the theme for this month’s Senior Day at the Mall, to be held on Wednesday, April 10 at the Beaver Valley Mall. Join us from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Sears corridor and learn about volunteer opportunities at the Beaver County Office on Aging and various other social service agencies. Spring is here, and it’s time to plant your garden. Get your questions ready to ask the Penn State Extension master gardeners who will be on hand to share gardening advice and volunteer opportunities through the organization. Nurse “Boo Boo” Bonnie from Concordia Visiting Nurses will discuss how

Upon registration, guests ages 60 and older will receive a flower or vegetable garden seed packet while supplies last. All attendees can register for a gift card drawing, door prizes and a chance to enter the 50/50 drawing. Coffee, doughnuts and cookies will be served. Day at the Mall is the number one resource in Beaver County for personal, on-the-spot consultation and information for older adults, all in one convenient location. To learn more, visit www. seniordayatthemall.com. The event is proudly brought to you by the Beaver County Office on Aging, Columbia Gas and premier sponsors Medic Rescue, Concordia Visiting Nurses and Highmark. Donations are accepted and used to support the program.

4 1 cup oil packed sun-dried tomatoes, finely chopped, or reconstitute your own in hot water 4 12 oz. tub cream cheese 4 1 stick butter In a bowl, mix cream cheese and butter until smooth. Line a quiche pan or shallow round cake pan with plastic wrap or wax paper to assure easy removal from the pan to serve. Layer ingredients beginning with the pesto, then sundried tomatoes and cheese. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve, several hours or overnight. Turn the torte onto a flat serving plate. Serve with crackers.

The Beaver County Office on Aging will offer the Healthy Steps for Older Adults program at four locations in April for adults ages 60 and older. The goal of the program is for seniors to remain independent for as long as possible by preventing falls and injuries. Trained volunteers of the Beaver County Office on Aging will lead the sessions and provide information about healthcare, exercise programs, home safety resources and other programs. The four-hour course will teach participants how to stay active, how to make their home safer, how to manage medications and how to talk with their doctor. There is no cost to participate. Registration is being accepted at the following locations: April 18, Center at the Mall, Beaver Valley Mall, Center Township, (724) 728-1422 April 23, Baden Circle of Friends, St. John the Baptist Church, 371 Linmore Ave., Baden, (724) 869-4224 April 25, Aliquippa Circle of Friends, St. Titus Church School Hall, 107 Sycamore St., Aliquippa, (724) 857-9989 April 30, College Hill Circle of Friends, St. Philomena Community Hall, 3908 Sixth Ave., Beaver Falls, (724) 846-1959

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

Take “Healthy Steps” for continued independence 4 Small jar of Classico Pesto or homemade pesto


Keen-Age News . . . For Beaver County’s Active Seniors Beaver County Office on Aging

Senior center menus Call the following senior centers for menu information and reservations: Aliquippa: (724) 857-9989 Baden: (724) 869-4224: Beaver Falls: (724) 846-1959: Center at the Mall: (724) 728-1422: Midland (724) 869-4224.

Please Consider Supporting Aging Services It is challenging times for social services agencies with flat or reduced budgets. It is no different for the Beaver County Office on Aging. The calls keep coming in steadily for assistance, guidance and programs. Will you help us? Your financial gift will allow BCOA to continue its mission of providing services to older adults. Donation Form Name:____________________________ Address:__________________________ City/State/Zip:______________________ Amount ___$10 ___$15 ___$25 ___$50 ______any other amount You may make a donation in honor or memory of someone Dedication ___In honor of

___In memory of

List name:__________________________

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

May we print your name as a donor?


April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News



Make your donation payable to: Beaver County Office on Aging Mail to: Beaver County Office on Aging Attn: Planning Department 1020 8th Ave. Beaver Falls, PA 15010

The Beaver County Office on Aging

Serving you: • “Surprises for Shut-ins” • Information and Referral • Ombudsman Service • PDA Waiver Program • Domiciliary Care • Care Management • Benefits Counseling • Day at the Mall • Pre-admission Assessment • Family Caregiver Support Program • APPRISE Program • PrimeTime Health Program Beaver County Commissioners Tony Amadio, Chairman Joe Spanik Dennis Nichols Beverly K. Sullivan, Administrator Beaver County Office on Aging

Services provided through subcontractors: • Adult Day Care • Attendant Care • Chore Service • Home Companion • Home Delivered Meals • Homemaker • Home Safe Home

• Legal Services • Personal Care • Protective Services • Respite Care • Senior Centers • Telephone Reassurance • Transportation

For more information, call or visit our office at 1020 Eighth Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010. Office Hours: Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: (724) 847-2262 (Local) 1 (888) 548-2262 (Long Distance) TDD (724) 728-5700 Website: www.co.beaver.pa.us

Senior Day at the Mall The #1 Resource in Beaver County for personal, “on the spot” consultation and service for older adults all at one convenient location!

Proudly brought to you by ~ The Beaver County Office on Aging and

and Premier Sponsors: Medic Rescue ~ Concordia Visiting Nurses ~ HIGHMARK in cooperation with The Beaver Valley Mall

Next event is April 10, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. www.seniordayatthemall.com

BCOA offers assistance to pay for Medicare Part B premiums The Beaver County Assistance Office offers several programs for qualified individuals to pay for rising out-ofpocket Medicare expenses. If you qualify, the $104.90 Medicare Part B premium (the money that is deducted from your monthly Social Security check) could be added back into your monthly Social Security income. This means that you could have an additional $1,258.80 of annual income to help pay for other expenses, such as prescriptions. Some programs can Monthly Income Limits 1 Person

pay for Part B deductibles and other coinsurances.

of the gross amount of income before any deductions are taken.

To apply, no office visit is required. The forms are short and easy to complete. There is no estate recovery.

The asset limits for 2013 have been increased to $7,080 for individuals and $10,620 for couples.

The 2013 income limits are listed below. DPW will disregard some portion of the applicant’s monthly income depending on whether it is unearned or earned income. For example, if you have Social Security or a pension, DPW will not count $20

If you feel that you meet one of the below qualifications or need assistance, call the Beaver County Assistance Office at (724) 773-7300 or the Beaver County Office on Aging at (724) 8472262 (Local) or (888) 548-2262 (LongDistance). BCSN

Monthly Income Limits 2 Persons

Asset Limits 1 Person

Asset Limits 2 Persons


$1,293 or less



Medical Assistance Medicare B Premium $104.90 and Deductibles Coinsurance

$1,551 or less



Return of Part B Premium $104.90 Monthly

$1,745 or less



Return of Part B Premium $104.90 Monthly

(QMB) Qualified Medicare Beneficiary $958 or less (SLMB) Specified LowIncome Medicare Beneficiary $1,149 or less (Q-I)

$1,293 or less

Beaver Elder Care and

Rehabilitation Center A GUARDIAN ELDER CARE FACILITY 616 Golf Course Road Aliquippa, PA 15001 Phone: (724) 375-0345 Now offering Outpatient Therapy along with Short-Term Rehabilitation.


Friendship Ridge Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 246 Friendship Circle, Beaver (724) 775-7100 • Admissions: (724) 773-5209


April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

Qualified Individual I



Located at 3908 6 Avenue, College Hill Managed by Circle of Friends, Inc. Call 724-­‐846-­‐1959 for information!


The B eaver C ounty O ffice o n A ging i s s eeking i nformation & f eedback a bout y our experience(s) a t C ircle o f F riends, B eaver F alls. ( COF, B eaver F alls) Scale

For e ach i tem b elow, c ircle t he n umber t o t he r ight t hat best f its y our j udgment o f w hether y ou DISAGREE O R A GREE.



Staff a nd v olunteers a re f riendly, c ourteous a nd m ake me f eel w elcome.







I b elieve t he s taff a nd v olunteers l isten t o m y c oncerns and v alue m y o pinion.







The s taff a nd v olunteers a re k nowledgeable, a nd i f t hey don’t k now t he a nswer, t hey t ake t he t ime t o f ind someone w ho c an h elp. Staff a nd v olunteers a re a lways a vailable a nd i nteract with m embers.












April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News




The r oom t emperatures a re c omfortable.







The c enter i s c lean.







The f urniture i n t he c enter i s c omfortable.







The c enter i s n icely d ecorated a nd i s v isually a ppealing.







The d ays o f t he w eek a nd t he h ours t he c enter i s o pen are c onvenient f or m e.







I a m s atisfied w ith t he v ariety o f a ctivities a nd p rograms offered.







I b elieve t he o fferings a t t he C OF, B eaver F alls C enter have h elped m e t o f eel b etter p hysically a nd m entally.







T he C OF, B eaver F alls C enter d oes a g ood j ob w ith letting m e k now a bout c urrent h appenings, s pecial events, c lasses, p rograms, e tc. a t t he c enter.












I e njoy t ime s pent a t C OF, B eaver F alls a nd w ould recommend t he C OF, B eaver F alls C enter t o a f riend. For e ach i tem b elow, c ircle t he n umber t o t he r ight t o


Please return completed surveys to the Circle of Friends, Beaver Falls or mail to the BEAVER COUNTY OFFICE ON AGING AT 1020 8 T H Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 ( Questions about this survey can be directed to Susan Pollack, BCOA,

Planning/ Contracts-­‐ 724-­‐847-­‐2262 or email S pollack@bcoa.us)


Located at 3908 6 Avenue, College Hill Managed by Circle of Friends, Inc. Call 724-­‐846-­‐1959 for information!

Rate t he f ollowing f eatures a t C ircle o f F riends, B aden. POOR t o E XCELLENT




Exercise a nd d ance c lasses







The f itness c enter







Computer l ab a nd c omputer c lasses







Information a nd e ducation p rograms














Special e ntertainment







Lunch m eal






ABOUT YOU! (0ptional) Age: Gender: Place of residency: How did you know about COF, Beaver Falls? What are your skills? How can you help COF, Beaver Falls?

Thank you for your participation in this survey!

Please return completed surveys to the Circle of Friends, Beaver Falls or mail to the BEAVER COUNTY OFFICE ON AGING AT 1020 8 T H Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 ( Questions about this survey can be directed to Susan Pollack, BCOA,

Planning/ Contracts-­‐ 724-­‐847-­‐2262 or email S pollack@bcoa.us)

Provide phone# or email

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

WHAT ARE YOUR IDEAS?? List your comments and suggestions here:


Theresa Ferris-Dukovich, Esq.: Beaver County’s “First Female DA in 60 Years” Beginning with Women’s History Month in March, we launched our first-ever series of profiles on notable women in Beaver County. We hope you enjoy reading about and getting to know each of the women in this series. By Gina Mazza For Beaver County Senior News


rowing up in Aliquippa, Theresa Ferris-Dukovich didn’t exactly aspire to become the second female district attorney in Pennsylvania history, and the first in nearly 60 years. Yet that’s where her professional path from high school English teacher to family law attorney led her by age 38. “It was 1987, and to be the first woman in the state in 60 years to be elected DA was an interesting and rewarding experience, especially considering that I was elected in a small county that is mostly blue collar and highly unionized. It was a grass roots effort.” The very first woman in state history elected as DA, the late Dorothy Stroh Tisdale of Pike County, won against her male incumbent but didn’t complete her term. “I believe she was in office for six months or less, so I am the first to serve a full term.” Reflecting back on her decision to practice law, Theresa notes that “nothing earth shattering happened to steer me in that direction. It was more of a practical decision.” By then she had graduated summa cum laude from Carlow College in 1971 with a bachelor of arts degree in English then cum laude from Carnegie Mellon University in 1975 with master’s degree in English. While pursuing her advanced degree, she taught English composition at the Community College of Beaver County then English at Hopewell High School. “I determined that I’d have to quit my job to get a PhD so I decided to look at all of my options. One option was to go to night school.”

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News


So in 1975, Theresa began working towards a juris doctorate at Duquesne University. “Eventually, I started doing some pro bono work for the Beaver County Women’s Center. Through that, I kind of bumped into the then district attorney. That led to my applying for and getting the job of assistant DA.” From 1981 to 1987, Theresa served as assistant district attorney, with her primary assignments being child abuse, rape, domestic abuse and juvenile cases. She continued to work pro bono as the solicitor for the Women’s Center of Beaver County—11 years in total. “Among other things, I helped the center to incorporate and relocate to Beaver, where it remains today.” Then in 1987, she ran for and was elected district attorney for a four-year term. During her tenure, Theresa tried all firstdegree homicide cases and capital cases in the county, and

Chuck LeClaire/Beaver County Senior News

Beaver County former District Attorney Theresa FerrisDukovich. sat on various state committees to help streamline of criminal justice system. Her other achievements include creating and implementing a state-of-the-art detective bureau, writing and securing a one-million-dollar grant for intermediate punishment, and creating and implementing victim services—all while managing an office of 10 full-time and four part-time attorneys, and maintaining a large support staff. Theresa also served as a member of numerous nonprofit boards and the Pennsylvania sentencing commission, and taught Pennsylvania Bar Institute courses on sentencing guidelines. The role of DA, Theresa says, is not glamorous like Law & Order, The Practice or Boston Legal. “It’s not what you see on TV and it may not be the type of job one bargains for when in law school,” she says. “As much as I love it, it’s very emotionally draining yet ultimately very rewarding because you’re helping people with very profound problems. The position doesn’t come with a big paycheck; it comes day by day, hour by hour. Some lawyers look down on it. This kind of work really intersects with very serious problems that can affect a person’s entire life. Without solving those problems, nothing else gets done.” While serving as DA, Theresa maintained a family law practice in Aliquippa. “The DA position in Beaver County was recently made full time. Previously, most district attorneys didn’t give up their law practice while serving part time as DA. Most of us kept a private practice.” From 2000 forward, her full-time private practice has handled family law, custody, divorce, equitable distribution, pension division and juvenile matters. She also maintains a minor criminal defense practice. Serving as a family law and criminal defense attorney can be high stress, Theresa shares. For anyone entering the profession, she offers this: “You have to ask yourself why you’re doing it. Is it interesting intellectually? Are you passionate about changing laws or the culture of how law is practiced?

When speaking of potential gender differences in the role of a lawyer, Theresa concludes that, “As a rule, women are peacemakers. We want to reconcile and find a solution. We don’t want to be in a boxing ring; but the position of DA, in particular, is a masculine persona. You’re really a super cop, and you have to have some skin in the game to be effective. But again, women are peacemakers who are more interested in bringing people together. So for any female out there who might be considering this career, if this doesn’t suit your temperament, you might want to find something else.” Teaching high school and practicing law are “two different milieus altogether,” she comments. “When I taught high school, the students were bright and funny and full of life and hope. I could go to school in a bad mood and come home in good mood. Now, I might come to work now in a good mood and go home in a bad mood.” To mitigate the stress, Theresa pursues hobbies that balance out her life and provide relaxation and respite. “I was fortunate to have had other interests and another career before I started practicing law.” As a teacher at Hopewell High School, one of her favorite projects was creating and developing advanced placement courses in comedy, tragedy, writing and poetry. “To this day, I read voraciously. Last year

I read 18 books and countless poems, and I meet regularly with a poetry group.” Theresa also currently serves as a board member of Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School in Midland. “In addition to the arts, I also feel very healed by traveling. I’ve been able to visit Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and places across the United States, with the focus being on visiting art museums. I do these things to get myself through the bumpy road.” BCSN To reach Theresa Ferris-Dukovich, call her law office at (724) 378-9200. Theresa’s awards over the years: Partnership award from Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit for sensitivity to mentally challenged victims Children and Youth services award recognizing an individual who has done the most for children in the county of Beaver Beaver Falls Police recognition award for outstanding work in prosecution Carlow College Women of Achievement Award AAUW recognition award for contributions to pay equity for women Teacher of the Year at Hopewell High School in 1975

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April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

What do you think it means to be a lawyer? If you think it’s driving a BMW and wearing a suit, you’re not doing it for the right reasons and you’re probably going to be disappointed.”


Baden Circle of Friends

Center at the Mall

Circle of Friends, 371 Linmore Ave., Baden, will offer the following events:

Center at the Mall, Beaver Valley Mall, Monaca, will offer the following activities for April:

H Welcome spring dinner party from 5 to 8 p.m. April 5. Cost is $6 per person.

H Birthday party at 2:30 p.m. April 11. H Eye screening at 10:30 a.m. April 18. Appointments necessary.

H Ladies tea from noon to 2:30 p.m. April 20. H Healthy steps seminar from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 23. Call (724) 869-4224 or visit www.circleoffriendsbeaver.com for details. BCSN

• Safe Driving class from 9 a.m. to noon April 2. • Protective service outreach series titled I am Not a Nosey Neighbor from 10 to 11 a.m. April 3. • Protective service outreach series titled What’s Mine is Mine While I’m Alive from 10 to 11 a.m. April 17. • Karaoke and talent show from 1 to 3 p.m. April 20. • Card party from 2 to 6 p.m. April 22. Cost is $6 per person and includes dinner. Sign up in advance.

Beaver Falls Circle of Friends

• Alzheimer’s Association presentation Recognizing the signs of Alzheimer’s from 10 to 11 a.m. April 23.

Circle of Friends Beaver Falls, 3908 Sixth Ave., Beaver Falls, will offer the following events:

• Ice cream social and veteran’s aid and attendance benefit presentation from noon to 12:30 p.m. April 25.

H Card party from 3 to 7 p.m. April 8. Cost is $5 and includes dinner.

H Bus trip to Meadows Casino April 15. Cost is $25. H Spring party from 6 to 9 p.m. April 26. Call (724) 846-1959 or visit www.circleoffriendsbeaver.com for details. BCSN

• Plant and swap sale April 26 and 27. • Mountaineer Casino day trip April 29. Cost is $40 per person and includes a $35 bonus. Call (724) 774-5654 to sign up for any of these events or for general center information. BCSN



April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News



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Crossword Puzzle answer on page 5

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ACROSS 1 Departed 5 Id counterpart 8 Unclear view 12 Hebrew month 13 High-arc shot 14 Leak slowly 15 Wrinkly fruit 16 Biden, Cheney, etc. 17 Earth 18 Flood 20 Diner employee 22 Brains of the operation 26 Missteps 29 Individual 30 Neither mate 31 Apiece 32 Tin Man’s prop 33 Old portico 34 Rd. 35 Nintendo console 36 Lost in reverie 37 Visa rival 40 Retain 41 Handy 45 Rivers or Collins 47 Make a choice 49 Oxen’s onus 50 Doing 51 Pi follower 52 English river 53 Antelope’s playmate 54 “— the season ...” 55 Equal

DOWN 1 Praise highly 2 Lip 3 Autumn 4 Win 5 Pole staff? 6 Republicans 7 X-rated 8 — buddy (close pal) 9 Investigate 10 Submachine gun 11 Kin (Abbr.) 19 Petrol 21 Raw rock 23 Poisonous 24 Midday 25 Small wagon 26 Line of fashion? 27 Volcanic outflow 28 Emulate Johnny Weir 32 Logan or LAX 33 Fizzy drink 35 Teensy 36 “— Doubtfire” 38 Barbershop quartet member 39 Cars 42 Sad 43 Misplace 44 Basin accessory 45 “Oklahoma!” baddie 46 Unclose, in verse 48 — Beta Kappa


elcome to the Katera’s Kove Family. We are dedicated to providing personal care for individuals who are no longer able to live alone. We treat every resident as a member of our family in our beautiful 79 bed community filled with all the comforts of home!

Activities • Crafts / Bingo / Card Games • Family Picnics & Special Dinners • Resident Council Meetings • Resident Education • Day Trips & More!


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Secured Dementia Community With our recent expansion, Katera’s Kove now has the largest secured dementia unit in Beaver County for assisted living residents. We specialize in continuous staff training on dementia care and are a member of the Alzheimer’s Association. Our beautiful new addition with 29 secure beds will give your loved one a sense of calmness and the best quality of life possible while in our care.

. . . all in a cozy home-like atmosphere!

Katera’s Kove is family owned and operated is family owned operated by sisters,of byKatera’s Lynn Kove Katekovich, RN. and Many employees Lynn Katekovich, andLynn’s Betty Butera. Lynnwhich and Katera’s Kove areR.N. from family, promotes a special bond between Betty encourage family involvement for all their staff resia nd e s idreside e nt sat. Katera’s T h e y Kove. inc l Many u d e employees h e r c h iof ldentsrwho dren, brother, daughter-in-law and sisKatera’s Kove are from Lynn and Betty’s families ter-in-law. Her brother Jim Maccaglia, is which promotes a special bond between staff and resiAssistant Administrator and is personally dents. Because Kove is family and op-to involved with Katera’s each resident from owned admission erated, theBecause residentsKatera’s are treatedKove like Lynn and Betty’s discharge. is family owned andfamily. operated, are treated like at family. Lynnthe andresidents Betty’s parents also reside the Lynn encourages family under involvement for allcare. who Katera’s Kove community their daughters’ reside at Katera’s Kove.

If you would like more information or to arrange a tour, please call us. 599 Norwood Drive Big Beaver Boro, Wampum, PA


Katera’s Kove Assisted Living and Dementia Care Community Lighthouse Motto As Sailors have depended on the lighthouse for safety and guidance, so can you depend on Katera’s Kove for the safety and guidance of your loved ones in need. Here at Katera’s Kove, our staff is considered the beacon of light that shines love, compassion, and safety to all who reside here. So, from your safe harbor to ours, you can rest assured and know that your loved one will be treated with the utmost respect, love and dignity for as long as they reside here at our Kove.

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

Professional Care


Baseball trivia

Answer the following questions correctly for a chance to win $30 cash. 1. What is the major league record for most runs scored in a game by both teams?___________________________

6. Who was the first player with 3,000 hits as a Yankee? __________________________________________________

2. How many career homeruns did Babe Ruth have? _________________________________________________

7. What pitcher won every NL Gold Glove in the 1990s at his position? ___________________________________

3. How many hits did Joe DiMaggio have during his famous 56-game hitting streak? ____________________________

8. Who was the first player to hit 500 home runs and steal 500 bases in his career? _____________________________

4. Which stadium was the last to install lights for night games? __________________________________________

9. Who was the only Pirate to be selected to play in the 2001 All-Star game? ________________________________

5. In 1972, who was the all time leader in home runs? _________________________________________________

10. Baseball is thought to be a descendant of what English game? ____________________________________________

To enter, mail your answers to Beaver County Senior News Contest, P.O. Box 11126, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. One entry per person. Correct entries will be eligible for our drawing. One winner will be drawn. Entries must be received by the 15th of this month. Answers will be published in the next edition of Beaver County Senior News.

Name_______________________________________________ Age__________ Address___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Phone________________________ Neighborhood_______________________

Congratulations to Thomas Hunt who won last month’s contest. The answers were: 1. New Jersey; 2. Ohio; 3. Mississippi; 4. Iowa; 5. Idaho; 6. Delaware; 7. Pennsylvania; 8. South Dakota; 9. Minnesota; 10. Oregon.

West Hills Health and Rehabilitation Center 951 Brodhead Road

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News


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Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy Wound care and Diabetic Management Stroke and Cardiac Care

FNL Beaver Senior News ad 10/22/08 9:12 AM Page 1


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LIVE to Love. Comprehensive, Coordinated Services at No Cost for Qualified Older Adults… A Partnership with Families Caring for their Older Loved Ones. CenterPlace 131 Pleasant Drive, Suite 1 Aliquippa, PA 15001


www.lutheranseniorlife.org A partnership of Lutheran SeniorLife and Heritage Valley Health System

While sports fishing off the Florida coast, a tourist capsized his boat. He could swim, but his fear of alligators kept him clinging to the overturned craft. Spotting an old beachcomber standing on the shore, the tourist shouted,”Are there any gators around here?!” “Naw,” the man hollered back, “they ain’t been around for years!” “Feeling safe, the tourist started swimming leisurely toward the shore. About halfway there he asked the guy,”How’d you get rid of the gators?” “We didn’t do nothin’,” the beachcomber said. “The sharks got ‘em.”

Leetsdale Manor

27 Spencer Street, Leetsdale, PA 15056 Rent-Assisted Housing for Persons Ages 62 and Older 1 bedroom apartments w/ equipped kitchens, wall-wall carpet, A/C, balconies, community room, laundry facility, off-street parking and Secure intercom system. HUD has mandated that an admission priority be implemented for households whose incomes are 30% of the area median income or less. Income limits apply (gross annual income) • 1 Person hh...$13,700 • 2 Persons hh...$15,650 Maximum • 1 Person hh...$36,500 • 2 Persons hh...$41,700


Pinney Street Apartments 420 Pinney Street, Rochester, PA 15074

PRV Manor Apartments 1626 Seventh Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010

A stolen credit card A man said his credit card was stolen but he decided not to report it because the thief was spending less than his wife did.

Taken from www.justcleanjokes.com.

Rent-Assisted Housing for Persons Ages 62 and Older Or Disabled or Handicapped There is an admission priority for very low income persons whose incomes are

• 1 Person hh...$13,700 • 2 Persons hh...$15,650 Maximum income for eligibility is: 1 Person $36,500; 2 Persons $41,700 For an application or assistance call (724) 770-5000 Pinney and PRV Associates PO Box 1567, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

April 2013 • Beaver County Senior News

Safe to swim here?


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