September 2017 Volume 24 Number 4
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Do you need help with Caregiving? * Visit our website at to view our 2017 Allegheny County Senior Resource Guide
Community HealthChoices: What you need to know now This is the first in a two-part series about Community HealthChoices. Big changes are coming for people who receive long-term care services through Medicaid—either in their home or in a nursing home—and for people who have both Medicare and Medicaid. A new program called Community HealthChoices starts in 14 counties in southwestern Pennsylvania on January 1, 2018.
When Community HealthChoices starts, the following people will get their Medicaid coverage and long-term care coverage through managed care plans: 1) Those who are in a nursing home paid for by Medicaid. 2) Those in the Aging Waiver or any of the following Waivers: Attendant Care, CommCare and Independence. People in the OBRA Waiver may be impacted
depending on their level of care. 3) Those with both Medicare and Medicaid, unless they are eligible for services through the Office of Developmental Programs because they have an Intellectual Disability or Autism. Community HealthChoices will not impact people in the LIFE Program. LIFE will Continued on page 8
* Turn to the Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging for assistance. Download a copy of their caregiver guide at
Do you have an event to share? If you would like us to publicize an event in Allegheny County, send information by the 10th day of the month prior. All submissions will be reviewed and every effort will be made to run qualified submissions if page space is available. All submissions should be emailed to