this edition is dedicated in memory of:
this edition is dedicated in memory of:
Congratulations on all your hard work to get to this moment!
It feels like just yesterday we were moving into the first-year residence halls and entering our firstyear seminar classes. I remember the anxiety and excitement I felt; the hopes held for the future.
Since then, about 1,356 more sunrises and sunsets have marked our time here at Pepperdine.
As we considered the theme of this Senior Edition, I was looking at my photo album and noticed the array of photos I had of the sun rising and setting in Malibu. They were mostly photos of sunsets, as I am not much of an early bird, but throughout my time here, I never got tired of these everyday occurrences.
Even during the pandemic, though we weren’t all on the Malibu campus, we observed the same sun passing through our different time zones. When I could not stand the blue light shining from my devices, it was this natural light and darkness that kept me going. Since returning to campus, admiring
the sunsets and breathing in the early morning air to see the sun rise with friends has made me smile like no other.
So much living, changing and learning have happened since our first sunrise at Pepperdine. We have had our shares of joy, love, loss, anger and healing, exploring some of the most important questions about ourselves, others and the world at large. During times of chaos, injustice and heartbreak, I questioned how the sun could keep going about its normal route. But I have seen so many of us follow the sun’s same suit, laying our heads to rest and getting up again, day after day –together.
And I know, even though we will be separated once more, this is not the end of our journey together, but rather a continuation of our collective discoveries of meaning and belonging. The next time you look at the sun, may you look back on this moment of celebration fondly and soak in the warm rays once more to give you strength for the path ahead.
Emily Shaw (Seaver ’23) Senior Edition EditorSince stepping foot on the Malibu campus my senior year of high school, I quickly learned of Pepperdine’s physical beauty. However, the past four years as a digitization assistant in Pepperdine’s Special Collections granted me access to understand our university as a living, breathing institution.
The initial exposure I had to this history was in my first semester when I digitized a great deal of President Emeritus M. Norvel Young’s collection. Then-Chancellor Young is pictured in the 1972 to 2022 collage giving a speech next to comedian Bob Hope and President Emeritus William Banowsky during one of the first commencements at the Malibu Campus on April 12, 1973, which honored nine students.
The Class of 2023’s ceremony is a celebration of 50 years of Malibu commencements. We may feel our time here was a drop in the half-century bucket to make an impact on Pepperdine, yet I look upon this statistic as encouragement knowing that we, as the Class of 2023, made an impact too.
We did what our beloved mascot, Willie, called us to do: Make waves. Through a shortened first year, fully online second year, a restricted third year and a farewell fourth year, I am certain we exemplified our time spent remotely and in Malibu. As our class was the first to be welcomed at Tiner Court by President Jim Gash and First Lady Jolene Gash, we will be the first class to walk across the stage after being under Gash’s leadership for all four years of his presidency. But Pepperdine’s legacy extends beyond a president or a campus — its legacy is its students, and I am proud to say we contributed to that.
Fifty years ago, newly awarded Pepperdine alumni walked across the graduation stage under the same sun on the same campus. As you bask in the sun on our graduation day, I hope you think of the legacy our class will leave for the next 50 years to come.
Ali Levens (Seaver ’23) Senior Edition DesignerFRIDAY, APRIL 28
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. | GRAD FEST AND REGALIA PICK-UP lower mullin town square
1 p.m. | LOQUI smothers theatre
3:30 p.m. | ACADEMIC RECEPTIONS locations tba
5:30 p.m. | BACCALAUREATE firestone fieldhouse
9 a.m. | HONOR STUDENTS CHECK-IN alumni park
9:30 a.m. | REMAINING STUDENTS CHECK-IN alumni park
10:30 a.m. | CLASS OF 2023 COMMENCEMENT alumni park
General parking is in Lots A, B, E, F, I, J, N, O and at the Drescher Graduate Campus
General parking in Lots A, B, E, F, I, J, N, O and at the Drescher Graduate Campus.
Lot P is for handicapped/reserved parking only.
Lot P is for handicapped/reserved parking only. Shuttle stops are located near all parking lots.
Shuttle stops are located near all parking lots.
Sites related to graduation events are noted in bold below.
Bold = Graduation-related site
Pepperdine recommends that you bring sunscreen and a hat, as sunsensitive seating areas will be extremely limited.
Due to the current county guidelines, there will not be concessions available at the ceremony, but the University will have water bottles available for all graduates. Guests are welcome to bring their own water to the graduation ceremony.
The President, Provost and Dean will present and confer degrees at this ceremony. Remarks will be given by the commencement speaker. Graduates will have the opportunity to process across the stage, hear their name announced, receive their diploma covers, and have photos taken by a professional photography service. Guests are encouraged to stay in their seats for the duration of the ceremony.
On-campus parking is available and Public Safety Officers will be direct traffic on the day of commencement. Shuttles will be in service, available at any marked campus shuttle stop. Special parking arrangements have been made for guests with special accessibility needs at convenient locations, and guests with accessibility needs can be directed to these locations by Public Safety Officers. Carpooling is recommended due to possible traffic delays. For more information, contact the Department of Public Safety at the information booths or call 310.506.4700.
The Seaver College commencement ceremony will be broadcast online, live, and on-demand for future viewing. The livestream will begin 15 minutes prior to the start of the commencement ceremony and can be viewed on the commencement website.
1. The Dean of Seaver College will ask the respective candidates for master’s and, later in the ceremony, bachelor’s degrees to rise.
2. Remain standing until your particular degree has been formally conferred by the president.
3. When instructed by the faculty ushers, your row will stand and you will march forward to receive your diploma.
4. Enter the stage on the right, shake hands with the president, exit to the left and return to your seat. Be aware of the photographers who will take your picture upon receipt of your diploma and when you exit the stage.
Diplomas will be mailed to your permanent address approximately 8 to 12 weeks after degrees are conferred on April 29. Make sure you have a valid mailing address recorded with OneStop to ensure you receive your diploma.
Pepperdine Diploma Policy: Pepperdine University awards one diploma for each level of academic degree earned (e.g. bachelor, master). This diploma reflects all majors/program completed for that level of degree.
Following the benediction, the platform party will exit, followed by the graduates and then the faculty.
Before you leave campus, please deposit your rental gown at the Herff Jones table in Alumni Park. The cap and tassel are yours to keep, as well as the sash you received if you purchased one in advance.
Graduates will be photographed as they receive their diplomas during the commencement ceremony by GradImages (gradimages.com). In the past, GradImages has been able to deliver proofs by email within 24 hours to graduates who indicate an email address on cards available at regalia pick up on the day before graduation. Please use this photography service and remain seated during the ceremony.
NO. 1 SONG billboard
“The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” by Roberta Flack
“The Godfather”
TOP NEWS EVENT onthisday.com
Richard Nixon becomes first US President to visit China
MOST POPULAR TV SHOW classic-tv.com
“All in the Family”
‘Desertification,’ ‘floppy disk,’ ‘playlist’ and ‘speed bump’
Vol. I, No. 1 | Oct. 6, 1972
Front page stories:
‘Dream’ campus opens its doors
Fieldhouse construction underway
The first Graphic
ASB chairman Lowry seeks positive action
Saturday class smokes out fire dangers
$1 million goes to scholarship fund
NO. 1 SONG billboard
“Heat Waves” by Glass Animals
“Top Gun: Maverick”
Russia invades Ukraine
“House of the Dragon”
NEW DICTIONARY WORDS merriam-webster
‘Greenwash,’ ‘metaverse,’ ‘side hustle’ and ‘sus’
Vol. LII, No. 1 | Aug. 29, 2022
Front page story:
Pepperdine parking plates: Who is the new sheriff in town?
Pepperdine Graphic, Oasis Magazine and Imprints Yearbook file photos from pepperdine-graphic.com and library.pepperdine.edu/collections/digital-collections/.C o m m e n c e m e n t d a y i s t h e c u l m i n a t i o n o f y o u r
e n d u r i n g e f f o r t , i m m e n s e r e s o l v e , a n d c r e a t i v e
i n g e n u i t y o v e r t h e l a s t s e v e r a l y e a r s . A s y o u l o o k
f o r w a r d t o t h i s m i l e s t o n e , r e c o g n i z e a n d r e f l e c t
o n t h e u n p r e c e d e n t e d o b s t a c l e s y o u r c l a s s w a s
f o r c e d t o o v e r c o m e a n d t h e g r a c e w i t h w h i c h y o u
n a v i g a t e d t h e m .
A p p r e c i a t e t h i s c h a n c e t o c e l e b r a t e y o u r
a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s . W e k n o w t h a t y o u a r e e q u i p p e d t o m a k e a u n i q u e a n d i m p o r t a n t i m p a c t w h e r e v e r y o u r f u t u r e e n d e a v o r s c a r r y y o u N o w , g o m a k e u s p r o u d !
- DEAN MICHAEL FELTNER AND THE SEAVER COLLEGE DEAN'S OFFICE STAFFHRL congratulates you on your great achievement! We hope you feel proud of all you have accomplished here at Pepperdine. May the Lord bless you and keep you as your next journey begins.
We especially want to thank you and honor you. May you always abide in and find strength in Christ Jesus and may you continue to live lives of purpose, service, and leadership that transform the community around you
Annie Blankenship, Macy Carlsson, Sophia Caseta, Lauren Chivers, Reina George, Julianna Guerrero, Quinn Heithcock, Lucian Himes, Alyssa Hornback, Vivian Hsia, Michael Kadlick, Allison Levens, Abigail Morrow, Annabella Nordlund, Cherin Oh, Rhys Pascual, Jonathan Samson, Adam Schmidt, Domenic Scozzafava, Noelle Seekamp-Hicks, Emily Shaw, Gabrielle Underwood, Addison Whiten, Chelsey Yang, Madeleine Zilligen
The Pepperdine School of Public Policy offers a distinctive 20-month master of public policy (MPP) that combines Great Books coursework in civic virtue with rigorous classes in quantitative policy analysis. Our MPP is a cross-sector degree, preparing graduates for careers in nonprofits, the Foreign Service, politics, and the policy-related private sector. With more than one thousand alumni serving around the world and experienced career-services staff, we’re committed to providing graduates with life-changing and community-building professional opportunities.
As a Seaver graduate, you may automatically qualify for up to $30,000 IN TUITION SCHOLARSHIP ANNUALLY.*
LEARN MORE about earning your MPP here.
Application Deadline: July 15, 2023
*Based on GPA
Be part of a community that puts you first with an emphasis on applied learning, small class sizes, and industry-leading faculty mentors. Pepperdine Graziadio’s full-time graduate programs provide a unparalleled experience designed to advance your career goals with a degree specifically tailored to your interests.
We are incredibly proud of our COM Division majors, minors, and dedicated co-curricular students! You have persisted through challenges to achieve so much. We can't wait to see what you do next!
Congratulations to all our graduat g degrees in Computer Science-Philosophy, Philosophy, Religion, and M.S. in Ministry. We know you will go on to do great things and make a difference in the lives of others.
May God guide you in this new chapter. The Seaver College Religion & Philosophy Division
Class of 2023, It’s time to celebrate!
Through ups and downs, trials and challenges, you persisted! We have been inspired by your faith, intellect, talent, and spirit. Thanks for all you contributed to the Pepperdine community!
May God bless you as you go share your gifts with the world, Student Affairs
In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:13–16), Jesus calls upon his followers to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. As you leave Pepperdine and move forward in your lives, we offer you the same blessing and pray that you will be the salt that amplifies God’s goodness and the light that shines on the truth of God’s word for those around you.
To the Seaver College Class of 2023: Your Pepperdine community will forever remain a place where you belong. We pray God’s blessings over you as you pursue a life of purpose, service and leadership.
Thank you for all that you have done to give back to the Pepperdine community during your time here.
We hope that you continue to make waves of change as you enter into your next phase of life. Always remember that you have a home and family here in Malibu.
To the Class of 2023, thank you for trusting the Student Government Association to represent you throughout these past 4 years.
Numbers 6:24-26
Erwin Barillas
Briana Rodriguez
Estefania Johnson
Grace Kim
Yihan Wan
Aristotle Zeng
John Jadovitz
Ronald Wicks
Joseph Sadler
Thea Reagan
Aaliyah Pitts
Ethan Lee
Kaitlin Gartrell
Andrew Shin
Kayla Kahrl
Rhys Pascual
Luke Moody
Isabella Lincoln
Gabriel Kong
Skylar Yan
Keeyana Martinelli
Erika Henderson
Isabella Poblete
Thomas Cleaveland
Nehemiah Sterling
Sabrina Musharbash
Autumn Hardwick
Hope Lockwood
Heejoo Roh
Danica Christy
Amy Buffaloe
Yuezhang Yao
Chenyu Hu
Yunchao Liu
Xiao Li
Howard Liang
Qifeng Yan
Qize Yu
Yuchen Liu
Shitong Fan
Julianna Guerrero
Lisette Isiordia
Brianna Cannon
Stephanie Abad
Emily Castillo
Kevin Liu (Weihao)
Tracy Zhu
Samantha Ortega
Mirielle Cox
Heuichan Kim
Kristina Chavez
Chun Tung Jackie Chan
Chloe Courser
Daja Robinson
Arthur Akopyan
Harout Darzian
Narek Longuryan
Tsolak Manukyan
Grant Khrayan
Tanya Yarian
Hope Lockwood
Nathaniel Alpern
Kathryn Horvath
Avery Schoop
Lauren Watson
Siheng Chen
Stella Engel
Katherine Go
Samantha Proctor
Abigail Morrow
Jacksen Gerard
Kaya Richardson
Phoebe Hines
Jordyn Everett
Heleanor Jaya
Kenneth Kurniawan
Aaliyah Pitts
Abigail Akrofi
Amira Fann
Anitiz Muonagolu
Anna Earle
Caleb Reaves
Chisom Nwosu
Jada Okhiria
Jazmine Gray
Jordyn Everett
Lutanda Mutale
Kaya Richardson
Madison Smith
Manuelda Koumba Dike
Myles Dennis
Naya Edwards
Phoebe Hines
Reina George
Sakeenah Godfrey
Talia Holmes
Tamia Ellison
Rebekah Obinma
Majok Deng
Jungoh Han
Juhee Seo
Leah Bae
Josh Lim
Minkyu Song
Kyle Osornia
Cindy Choi
Heuichan Kim
Tyler Kim
Jessica Kim
Sahej Bhasin
Sophia Mozhui
Aryan Sonar
Shivom Munjal
Samantha Wuensche
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace
To say that we are proud advisers is an understatement. We are in awe of your talent, creativity and fortitude. You have served your community and each other well in times of great need. Each of you leaves PGM and Pepperdine better than you found it.
We will always love you, and we will always miss you, Your advisers
Emma, We are so happy for and proud of you!! We thank God that he blessed us with you, and are very excited to see where He leads you in the future. Thank you for trusting Him to do so. We are here for you and love you very much!!! Congratulations on this amazing milestone!!
Tanya, we are so proud of all your achievements through your time at Pepperdine! Your determination, hard work and commitment has always inspired us. It was incredible to see the opportunities you had such as studying abroad with the D.C.+London program, working at the Career Center and writing and editing for Pepperdine Graphic Media! We know you have an incredible future ahead of you in your next chapter, and we cannot wait to see all of your accomplishments!
Congratulations, we love you and we are so proud of you!
Love Mom, Dad & Tiffany
Congratulations Jordan Williams, Jadyn Gaertner, Emily Audras, John Palmer, & Michael Gullo! Your faith and hearts for service have left a lasting impact on our community!Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! You have worked hard to achieve this goal and we are so incredibly proud of you! We are extremely happy that you thoroughly enjoyed your time at Pepperdine. We are proud of the young woman you have become and you have been such a blessing to your family. We know you will have tremendous success in all of your future endeavors and we look forward to seeing all that you will accomplish! We love you so much!
Alec, it’s graduation and who will be there? Everyone! Whether in person or in spirit, your entire family joins together to celebrate not only your hard work over the last 4 years, but even more so the amazing person you are. Continue to share your voice with the world. Love from all who make up your Matulka and DeYoung clans
Our dearest Leah, congratulations on your graduation! All of the hard work and perseverance have paid off. It must be a very proud moment for you, and we are mighty proud that you’ve reached this milestone. As you cherish this amazing moment, we pray that success keeps following you in your life’s next chapter.
Love always, Mom, Dad, and Noah
We love you very very much & are so proud of all that you have accomplished during your time at Pepperdine! Your determination, strength & kind heart is an inspiration to us all, & we can't wait to see what God has in store for you.
As a baby, you filled your days with Baby Mozart. As a girl, your fingers danced along the piano keys. As a young lady, you filled your moments with Madrigals. At Pepperdine, you lifted your voice and sang beautiful arias.
We are so proud of you! May God keep you and bless you as you venture forth!
We love you!
Mom, Dad, Stephen, AshleighDear Noah, you’ve done it! All of the hard work you have put in has paid off. You’ve accomplished one of the most important things in your lifetime. This is a very special and proud moment for you, and us, too. We pray that you’ll be successful in everything that you do. Congratulations and Happy Graduation!
Love always, Mom, Dad, and Leah
Congratulations on all of your accomplishments. We love you, and we can’t wait to see what your future holds. Love, Mom, Dad, Noah, and Stella
Congratulations, Kelli on your graduation from ‘Pepperdeeen’, as Pop would say! We love you and are so proud of you. (It’s hard to fit all of Team Kelli on 1 page, tbh!) On to your next adventures! May they be filled with EPIC sunrises and sunsets. And coffee. Definitely, coffee. And tiny horses. (Hold the cheese curds.)
“Stand up like a mountain; have faith like a rock; love like an avalanche.” —Bob Goff
Law, congratulations on your accomplishments. We are so proud of you. Keep learning, keep singing, keep being you. We love you!
Mom, Dad & Hudson
Congrats baby girl! We are so very proud of all that you’ve accomplished, but even more so of the person you’re becoming. You have a devoted faith, a creative mind and a loving heart — can’t wait to see what’s next for you! Love you the most!
“Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can.” —Louisa May Alcott
Abraham, you are so special to us. From a very young age you have always shown us that you have many aspirations and you are extremely ambitious. Your determination to succeed is very admirable. You have grown to be an amazing young man and you make us proud to be your parents. We wish you all the best in life. God bless you and protect you.
Love, Mom and Dad
Bryce! We are so happy to celebrate your graduation and the man of integrity you’ve become. We are very grateful for your determination to find the depth of God’s peace, purpose, and grace that has truly been transformational for you these last four years.
You have an amazing future wherever God leads you in your next adventures.
Love Mom, Dad, and Jaret
Dani, congratulations on graduating! You’ve grown up and succeeded way faster and way more than I ever could’ve. You are impressive. The gold standard. I’m so proud of you.
Love, Eric
LIAM COLLINSFate whispers to the warrior, “You cannot withstand the storm.” The warrior whispers back, “I am the storm.” Dani, you are a warrior, our warrior. You have come through more than your share of storms and we are so PROUD of you. We couldn’t ask for a better daughter and sister. You are an incredibly kind, generous and family-oriented person. Your future is yours to create and we will be here to support you, ALWAYS. Congratulations. Love, Mom & Dad
My boy’s wicked smaht!
You’re a Hall of Famer in my book!
Great moments are born from great opportunity. Strap, God wants you on the floor. Don’t get caught watching the paint dry. I saw that going differently in my mind. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid…for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
We love you!
It seems like only yesterday that we were loading up the car for Malibu. It has been our pleasure to watch you mature into the young adult you have become. We are filled with pride over all you have accomplished. And, we are already proud of all that we know you will accomplish in the years ahead. The prayer in our heart is that we have done our part to prepare you for the next chapter of your life at graduate school. “May your eyes shine with the light of Torah, and your face be radiant as the brightness of the sky. May your lips speak words of wisdom and may the world you live in be the world of your dreams.”
Sahej, we hope your dreams take you... to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to all the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.
You have worked so hard these past 4 years. Initially, like all your peers, navigating your education remotely through the pandemic whilst continuing to work off campus for the faculty with the greatest sense of responsibility and pride. And finally when you were back on campus, not a second was lost to involve yourself on campus in every manner possible.
Your graduation is a culmination of all your endeavours. During these past 4 years, you also had the opportunity of having many unforgettable experiences while developing some great relationships and hopefully lifelong friendships with both your peers and faculty members. We are all witness to the efforts you put in achieving what you rightfully deserve.
You are moving on to a new and exciting chapter in your life. Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey!!
We wish you the best for the future that lies ahead. Congratulations on your graduation day!!
Love, Mom, Dad, Sahib & Grandma Lalita
Marisa, congratulations! We are so blessed and excited to celebrate your graduation from Pepperdine University. In these four years we have seen amazing growth and maturity in you. You amaze us with your academic performance, organizational skills, presentation skills, study habits, and laser-like focus on what’s in front of you.
Also amazed at how you’ve juggled the responsibilities of academic life, work life, and sorority life and kept all the balls in the air. It seems like whatever you strive to do, you push yourself to be the best you can be. There is no quit in you.
Finally, we are excited that in this season of your life at Pepperdine you met someone very special to you. Life is full of endless possibilities now, Marisa. We are so proud of you, we love you, and we can’t wait to see what God has in store for you!
Congratulations Hunter! What an achievement! We are beyond proud. Your strong work ethic, constant drive, perseverance, determination towards school and work has amazed us. The last 22 years have been pure joy watching you grow and evolve into your own person. We can’t wait to see what exciting opportunities will happen for you in the future.
Love, Dad & Mom
Congratulations Edward! We are so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. We are grateful to have been a part of this journey and can’t wait to see where your future takes you!
Love, Mom, Dad and Flora
Congratulations Hunter! From the very beginning of your life through your college years, I have been so very proud of you! Not only because of your excellent grades, but because of your other wonderful qualities! You are friendly, caring and helpful to your family and your friends, old and new. I know your future will be bright! I love you!
Alan we are so proud of you and what you have accomplished. You worked so hard these last four years. The road has not been easy, you have shown tremendous strenght, resiliency and determination. We are grateful and happy for all that you have done and pray that God gives you all that you need to continue success. We love you! Congratulations.
“There is no force more powerful than a woman who has God by her side and is determined to rise.”
To my amazing daughter Jaz, there is nothing in life you can not do. Your dreams are yours and do not let anything stand in your way. We are so proud of not only the woman you are but of your hard work ethic, your drive, your beautiful loving spirit and your passion for life. Don’t ever lose that light that shines from within you. Now go run this world baby girl!
-Phillippians 4:13-
Love you always and forever.
Congratulations Cat! We are beyond proud of you sweetheart!! All your dreams lie ahead. We will be with you for every step of your beautiful journey.
With so much love, Mom, Dad, Jack, Landers and Madi
Congratulations Haley. Your kind spirit, deep love of God, and radiant outlook on life shines on all you encounter. Your Pepperdine years have included wonderful friendships, memorable adventures, and incredible personal growth. We are beyond proud!
Excited for your amazing journey ahead.
Love you so much!
Mom, Dad and Katelyn
Congratulations, Carter! We are incredibly proud of you for the amazing man you have become and all you have accomplished during the last four years at Pepperdine! We have loved watching you grow into a strong man of faith, compassion, and integrity, and we are continually in awe of your determination and ability to use the gifts and talents God has given you to achieve your goals. We are so excited to see the next chapter of your life unfold, and we wish you God’s greatest blessings as you embark on your next adventure!
We love you so much!
Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always!”
Love, Dad, Mom, Scott, Maddie, Emily, and Sarah Beth
Congrats Jeremy! We are so proud of you! We know you will be successful and look forward to what lies ahead for your future! We all love and support you every step of the way! Love you to Infinity and Beyond, Mom, Dad, Kyle, Emma, Grandma Webb, Grandma Ide, Karah, Dixie, and Daisy
Tara, we’re so proud of the amazing young woman you are. You’ve distinguished yourself time and again with your achievements. You are characterized by diligence, creativity, talent, a tenacious spirit, and a genuinely beautiful heart that loves God and loves others. May you always follow Him as you use your talents for His glory. May His hand of favor shine on you, and His light shine through you. It’s a privilege being your parents, and you’ve blessed our life incredibly. We love you immensely. —Mom & Dad
Chris we are proud that you completed your college journey. The sky is the limit!
Congratulations Andrew! We are so proud of you. Can’t wait to see what comes next on your journey.
Love, Jul, Bern and Kat!
Well, that whole thing wasn’t what we expected, but Destin, you made it! We are so incredibly proud of you in every single way. You have overcome so many things along the way, always with grace and resilience, now it’s your time to shine! We love you to the mostest, and YOU WIN!
Love, Mom and Dad.
HARPER! Be proud of this moment. You worked hard, are kind and generous, and make life fun. We can’t wait to see all your adventures ahead. Go Waves!
Love, Mom & Dad, Harrison & Hattie, Grandan, Honey, & Birdie
Ryan, to think you will be starting the next chapter of your life after all the triumphs and accomplishments brings me great pride and joy! You have grown up to be an impressive young man in so many ways and I cannot wait to see how successful you will become. I am honored to have you as my son and could not be more proud of everything you have done at Pepperdine and before. Please always stay the same loving, dedicated, passionate, hardworking, loyal, goofy, fun loving person! Love you, Dad
Dear Ryan, congratulations on your graduation! You have worked incredibly hard to achieve this milestone, and we are all so proud of you. Your dedication, perseverance, and commitment to your studies have paid off and you are ready to take on new challenges and opportunities. As your brother I have seen your growth and progress throughout your academic journey and have no doubt you will continue to accomplish great things. Your achievements inspire and motivate me and I look forward to witnessing your future successes. Love, Derek
To My Ryan, the day has come: your graduation day. I cannot believe how quickly the years have passed. Life will be what you make of it. It is not about living a life that is easy without trials and tribulations, it’s about living life fully, completely, and compassionately. I know you are capable and now have the foundation that will enable you to push forward and succeed. You just need to use your courage and trust your instincts. I will always be here for you wherever I may be. As the poet Ann Saxon said, “talk to your heart, I am in it.” I’ve watched you grow into this amazing human being who has the ability to change the world. Your gift of writing will truly inspire others. Use those talents and you will be blessed to do what you are truly passionate about. Not doing what you like but in liking what you do is true happiness. I look forward to your life’s adventures and where they may lead you. Just remember life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all, the rest is up to you. Love Always, Mom
You have exceeded all expectations we have ever had and done so with grace and a loving heart. Our hope is that you will continue to seek happiness and fulfillment in your life. You will always have our full support and all our love in everything you do.
We love you so much!! Mom, Dad, Andrew & Rupert xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Sydney, we closed our eyes for just a second and you are now a grown, beautiful woman. It’s not often someone can have as honest and genuine a heart as they do a smile, but you once again have defied the odds. The path of medical school you have set upon is one that will touch so many lives after you leave Pepperdine. It won’t be an easy one, but you have never shied away from a fight. Your siblings all know that your example is one they strive for. The time spent at Pepp was filled with huge growth...from your time as a Theta, navigating Covid, being a SAMI, peer tutoring, studying in Italy, learning to be your own advocate, making lifelong friends, growing in Christ, and even doing your own laundry. We couldn’t be prouder!
Love Forever & Always, Dad, Mom, Owen, Carter, Avery & Henry Pop & Grandma, Grandpa & Nonna
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding, In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Asher- Despite losing a year on campus to Covid, you managed to squeeze decades of fun into your four years at Pepperdine! Friends, Riptide, Switzerland, NSO... we enjoyed watching you thrive. We can’t wait to see what’s next! Love, The Fam XOXO
You are a gift from God and we have been truly blessed to watch you grow into such a responsible, handsome man with a million dollar smile. We admire your endless strength, determination, resilience, loyalty and compassion. May your journey continue to bring you much happiness and success in everything you do. We are extremely proud of you, your accomplishments and your life’s direction. Mostly we are especially proud to call you our son. We love you! Dad, Mom & Grace
Congratulations, Kelly! What a 4 years this has been! We are proud of how you not only persevered but flourished. “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed...nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matt. 17:20-21)
We love you!!! Dad, Mom, Erin & Kevin
Congratulations Ryan! We are so proud of the incredible man you have become and the bright future you have in front of you. We love you! Mom, Dad and Callan
Congratulations, Anna! We are so proud of the person you are and what you’ve accomplished over the last four years. Your grit, courage, hard work, resilience, caring attitude, and sense of adventure helped you make it through college, particularly during the pandemic years. As you move on to the next chapter of your life, know that there’ll be challenges ahead, but always look at the glass as half full and know that you are loved by many. Cheers to you and to life ahead!
Love, Dad, Mom, Jack, Luke, Mary, Suki, Meatball and our extended families
Congratulations, Caroline! We couldn’t be prouder of how hard you have worked and the degree to which you have persevered. We can’t wait to see the lives you touch and the impact you make in the world. There is only one you, and the world needs you! Love and congrats, Dad, Sam, Mom, and Lee.
Congratulations Caroline! I am so proud of all you have done, but even more proud of the amazing person you have become. I love you!
Congratulations Caroline! I am so incredibly proud of you and your kind, hardworking, perseverant spirit. You amaze me every day! I can’t wait to see all the great places God takes you. Love you always! —#1
Dearest Caroline, your enthusiasm for life and quest to be a high achiever in all you do has made you the outstanding young lady you are. Dede and Popo are very proud of you and all your accomplishments. Hugs from us and Mitzi...(from your birth to now, she’s still keeping up with you).
Sweet Caroline, we are so proud of you. From stubborn little girl to accomplished young woman, you have been a joy to watch. We love you dearly. —Momo Congrats to my star manicurist; the only person I will ever allow to paint my nails! —Freepa
—GraceHe is fluent in Spanish, Adam also loves writing, has a Philosophy Club, and motivating people. He loves animals and he will be returning back to Palm Springs after graduation. Adam has always had a love for Jesus and is excited to start the next journey of his Life. Pepperdine has been an amazing school and experience for him to grow and create new friendships.
Congratulations Ethan!
We are so proud of all your hard work and accomplishments. Here’s to your next adventure, never stop pursuing your dreams!
Love, Mom and Mackenzie
Congratulations, Katy! We are so proud of you. You rocked college with outstanding grades, days on the beach, and great lifelong friends. Cherish every day and every experience as you launch into another adventure. We can’t wait to see where you’ll go.
Congratulations Nicky! We are so proud of all your accomplishments! We know it wasn’t easy with the pandemic and finding your way, but you did it with grace and flying colors. We look forward to your next stage in life and all you’re going to accomplish. Be true to yourself and anything is possible!
Love Mom, Dad, and Justin.
Congratulations and much love from the Palmer clan!
Congratulations, Alexandra! We’re so incredibly proud of who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and how you’ve achieved your dreams with determination, courage, resilience, grace and kindness. We couldn’t be more excited to witness what you’ll do next. We’re your greatest supporters! Love, Mom, Kent, George, Mitchell, Micaela, Nanny, Janet & Chuck
Congratulations Sheldon!
Welcome home to Texas!
The past 4 years have gone by quickly with challenges like COVID but you persevered and were extremely successful at Pepperdine. We’re proud of your academic achievements as well as accomplishments such as:
• Pepperdine University Global Fellow
• Editor-and-Chief, Publisher, Co-Founder and Contributor of Pepperdine Beacon
• Vice President of Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity
• Dean’s List
We know God has great plans for you and we look forward to seeing what the future holds.
Your entire extended family loves you!
Philippians 4:3 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Of a l l o f l i f e ’ s wo n de rfu l g i fts, f e w a r e m o r e p r e cious t h an
o h av ing a d a u ghter l i k e y o u t o l o ve. Y o u h a ve a l wa ys m a de
u s s o p r o ud. L o ve M o m , D a d, a n d a l wa ys S ir r i
W h a t l i e s b e h i nd u s a n d wh a t l i e s b e fo re u s a r e t i n y m a t ters
c o m pare d t o wh a t l i e s wi t h in u s .
- R al ph W a l do E me rson
This journey started with a drive across the country from Toronto to LA, not without trepidation, leaving family and friends behind.
Four years later, a confident young man emerges: Chapter President SigEp; VP Finance Alpha Kappa Psi; member of the Pepperdine Rugby team; and Bachelor of Science in Accounting graduate.
Will, your family and friends are so proud of your accomplishments and the manner in which you accomplished them. You never followed the path of least resistance. Instead you recognized the merits and rewards of learning from a challenge.
This chapter may be coming to an end, but the friends you’ve made and the memories you take with you set the stage for the next chapter and its endless possibilities. Congratulations Will!
Love Dad, Lauren, Mack, Keegan and Jax
Sal, Congratulazioni on your graduation from Pepperdine! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments and thank God every day to have you as a blessing in our family. Remember nothing is impossible, and the best is yet to come!
Love, Mom, Dad, Davey & Gina
Congratulations, Paula! We are so proud of you and love you so much! Thank you for being an amazing daughter and sister. You are such a brilliant, talented, and caring person. We are looking forward to seeing what comes next in your bright future. Wherever life takes you, we know you will meet it with excitement and grace. Love Mom, Anna and Julia.
From Boulder to Malibu, then abroad in London and Argentina, your college experience has launched you to excel in adaption and perseverance. You have stayed true to yourself throughout these 4 years, successfully navigating hardships and thriving in language, leadership and exploration. We love you unconditionally forever and always!
Kristi, to say I am proud of you is an understatement. There are not enough words to express how impressed I am with you. It has been such an adventure and pleasure to watch you grow into the caring, kind hearted woman you have become. You had to overcome so many obstacles to get where you are today and you did it!! I am excited to see what your future holds because girl, your future is bright!! You are an inspiration. Always turn to God for everything. I love you always and forever no matter what. Congratulations on this huge accomplishment!! Love you baby girl! Mom
To our wonderful daughter and new college graduate, Grace, we are incredibly proud of you. Your hard work has paid off as you graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and double minor in Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Management. We love your hardworking spirit and generous heart. We have always believed in you and we are so excited to see where life takes you next. You will have a great impact on the world and be a blessing to those around you. Being able to witness this moment and share in your success is a dream come true for us. We are so thankful we were chosen to be your parents. Enjoy this moment—you deserve all the happiness in the world. Love, Cristina, Mom and Dad
When we reflect on your accomplishments at Pepperdine, we are overwhelmed with pride and admiration for your outstanding academic excellence. You took that intrinsic quality of yours, one which has been your trademark both academically and artistically and you took it to yet another new level. Your honours from one semester to the other is something we hope you derive great satisfaction from. Above all, you have earned the respect of your fellow classmates and professors, not to mention, the respect of each and everyone of us at home. What was once a dream is now a dream come true! You invested your heart and soul into this challenge, and only through hard work, dedication and sacrifice did you reach your goals.
Today is truly a day for celebration; a day to celebrate you! A day for you to acknowledge the past years with pride and humility; characteristics that have been your essence from day one. We hope and pray you embrace the future with hope and promise and know that we will all be alongside you with love and support, sharing all of your dreams with the fullest heart.
We, your Mom and Dad, Warren, Ashley, Max, Dylan, Michelle, Josh, Benji, Frankie, Izzy, and David, and all your aunts, uncles and cousins at home commend you for all that you are all and for being such an exemplary role model in what commitment and determination look like as you strive to reach your greatest potential.You have held on to your beliefs. You found your voice and chose the path that honours who you are today and that perhaps is one of the greatest lessons learned. Spread your wings and continue to fly and may G-d watch over you keeping your path smooth and filled with endless possibilities.
Congratulations Maddy!
Congratulations on your graduation!
Love, Mom, Dad, and Rachael
We wish all the best to the Pepperdine Class of 2023!
Despite the challenges (moving across the country, the pandemic, recurring sore throat and coughs) you’ve persevered and thrived! You are kind and generous, humble, hardworking, and resilient and your joy and enthusiasm for life help you be a wonderful daughter, sister, friend, and performer. It’s been inspiring and moving, watching you in “Mama Mia” and “Into the Woods,” embodying the characters of Donna and The Witch, and singing at concerts and community events, using your talents to uplift and encourage others. We are so proud of you! Thank you for learning, growing, and making the most of the wonderful resources and opportunities at Pepperdine. Wishing you all the best as you continue to pursue your dreams!
With All Our Love, Dad, Mom, Emily & Daniel
Congratulations Darby! We are extremely proud of you and all you have achieved during your time at Pepperdine. We are filled with joy and pride as we celebrate you, graduating with honors, knowing you have such an incredible future ahead of you. We pray you live your life with purpose and passion that God has given you. May your light always shine brightly!
Love, Mom & Dad
Maddy SpragueCongratulations Tanner! It has been such a joy to see you grow and celebrate all your achievements over the last four years at Pepperdine! We are incredibly proud of you, for the amazing man you are and all of your accomplishments. You have a bright future ahead of you. Praying God’s blessings over you, to live your life with purpose and passion. May God continue to guide you on the next chapter of your incredible journey!
Love, Mom & Dad
CONGRATULATIONS! Always remember — “Fate lies within us… you only have to be brave enough to see it.” —Merida from Brave. “Work hard. Play hard. Be kind.” —Harry Styles. “It’s all about the climb!”
Emme, we are so proud of you and the way you live your purposeful life! You’ve worked hard and accomplished great things. You have a free spirit, are dedicated and have so much compassion for others. Your many wonderful qualities will take you anywhere you decide to go. Enjoy the journey and fly high little butterfly.
We love you dearly, Mom Dad & Hannah
With innocence and love, you have brought people together. You have brought worlds together. Your ability to overcome challenges has been such an inspiration to us all and we pray that God will continue to bless you. We love you!
Love, Dad, Mom, Savannah, Grandma Kay, Grandpa Jim and Grandma Carol
Happy Graduation - class of 2023!! You did it! Today is a great celebration! Congratulations Joseph on getting through your college years as a regent scholar at Pepperdine! We could not be more proud to see you graduate and continue to achieve your goals. May God bless you always. Cheers to a bright future.
Love, all your family, especially Mom and Dad xoxoxo
Kieren, we are so incredibly proud of your accomplishment and your perseverance and dedication you have shown over your life. You are such a clever, sweet, caring, talented and adventurous man who sets his mind on something and always sees it through, never letting doubts or obstacles stand in your way. You are the pride of our family and of Scotland. You have achieved so much in your life and I know God has such immense plans for you in the future. So reach for the stars, follow your dreams and remember your motto: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. We love you beyond words, Grandma
& GrandpaDear Caitlyn,
Congratulations on this very special day!! We are proud beyond words and can’t believe that our little girl is graduating from college. It seems like your first day of preschool wasn’t that long ago. We can still picture you in your first day of school outfit with your new backpack on your back. How did the years go so very fast?! We have been blessed with the privilege of watching you grow over the years into the person you are today. Our memories of this and of all the special times we’ve shared together are some of our most prized possessions. The changes we’ve seen in you while at Pepperdine have been nothing short of amazing. You have become a beautiful young woman who blossomed from the girl we dropped off (with tears in our eyes) freshman year. Over these incredible four years you have worked hard, sought out opportunities and adventures, survived a pandemic, traveled the world, deepened your faith, and learned what and who are truly important to you in life. You’ve made such wonderful lifelong friends and have amazing memories to last a lifetime. What a blessing these four years have been! While we are sad to see this chapter at Pepperdine come to an end, we couldn’t be more excited to see the amazing things to come in your next chapter. We know that God has great and special plans for you so continue to let Him be your guide and use the incredible gifts He’s given you. Wherever life takes you, always remember how very much your family loves you and that we are here for you always and forever wherever you are!!
With so much love always, Mom, Dad, Matt, Brendan, and Callie
Your affinity for water led you to a beautiful place to experience college life, learn and grow. All your life you have shown genuine care for others. Your warmth, humor, generosity, and deep thoughtfulness make the world a better place.
We cherish and celebrate you and are excited to see what comes next. Follow your dreams as you continue to spread your wings and fly!
We love you! Dad, Mom, Cat, Biscuit, Lucy, and Cashew
Congratulations Garrett! Your graduation day is a celebration of your growth and how much you have accomplished. Remember you are a sword carrier for God, trust Him and His perfect purpose he has for you!
We are so proud of you and love you so much!
Dad, Mom and Chopper
Sarah, Congratulations on your graduation, it is a wonderful milestone, one of many that you will achieve and we couldn’t be prouder of you. With the perseverance and passion you put into your journey at Pepperdine we can’t wait to see what lies ahead for you.
Remember to always keep true to your beliefs, dreams and above all yourself.
We love you so very much, Mom, Dad, Alex and Will
Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You are a warrior and have overcome so much to get to here. Your thoughtfulness, creativity, and courage will enable you to pursue your dreams. Life’s adventures await you and we are confident that you will succeed in all that you do. Your family are your biggest supporters! Love, Mom, Dad, Cole, Grace and Marlene
I still miss those I loved who are no longer with me, but I find I am grateful having loved them.
– RITA MAE BROWN, authorA poem by Conner Budge …
My heart was tied to the past. Unable to move on Unable to forget.
“Your heart will break, But you must let go” He said. “Won’t it hurt?” I asked.
“Yes, my child.”
“Then why, why must I let go. My heart is already breaking, I can’t handle the pain.”
“Let it break.
For when it breaks I can fix it. Mold it.
Make it better than it ever was before. I can take out the pieces that caused you pain And make it whole once more.
For when a heart breaks, you learn to grow. So my child, Simply, let go.”
Conner was the definition of a great person and an even greater friend. His creativity and kindness were sources of positivity for everyone in his circle. He had the best sense of humor, always knowing how to make people smile and laugh. The brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon are grateful to have known him and will forever cherish our friendship and brotherly bond with him. Conner was a light in the lives of everyone who knew him, and his memory and spirit will live on forever in our hearts.
— Brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon
You were so excited when you were accepted into Pepperdine. As a Creative Writing major, you had hopes, dreams and ideas for your future. Though it is bittersweet, you have the honor of being awarded the first Pepperdine Posthumous degree, as a recognition of your academic accomplishments. As your classmates look on to their next chapter in their lives, you have completed your book. Your story had a beautiful beginning. You were so happy. Even then, you loved butterflies. You loved bugs and turtles, Harry Potter and mermaids. You were full of spunk and spirit, you were fierce and fearless! The middle chapters of your life brought introspection, the building of character, and fighting for those in need. You experienced tragedies and triumphs with the true strength of a heroine. In the final chapters, you developed your own style and sense of fashion. You shared your quiet grace, kindness and compassion. You touched and inspired so many lives. Your story will not be forgotten.
It is time to let go of my dreams for you and accept the dream you have for me, to believe in your favorite verse that you gifted me. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Daughters are a gift from God. But they are not for us to keep. They are there for us to love, guide and teach and then let go. I know that He had His own plans for her. My precious Butterfly, I love you! Spread your wings and be free. — Mom
everyone says “happiness is a butterfly” but that’s not true a butterfly is much more than happiness a butterfly is a friend a butterfly is laughter a butterfly is love a butterfly is an angel’s kiss everyone that knew you would agree that a butterfly is much more
— Sara MummertAutumn there is so much I wish I could say in this tribute, I love you and think about you everyday of my life. You were the greatest friend I could have ever asked for. You made me understand so much about myself and made me grow. I learned so much from you in just the short amount of time and your face and memory I will carry with me forever. I love you my butterfly, see you in my dreams.
— Justin Selva