Tourism: Past, Present and Future Tourism is one form of recreation including sports activities and hobbies. It is the temporary short - term movement of people outside the places where they normally live and work, and activities during their stay at their destinations. It plays a major role in creating growth, employment and also promotes regional development. It is one of the biggest and expanding economic sector in the world. History of Tourism Thousands years ago, recreational and educational travel already existed in Egypt under the pharaohs. Their writings tell us that they visited famous monuments and relics of ancient Egyptians culture. Herodotus (485-424), the welltravelled writer also visited a lot of places where Egypt, North Africa, the Black Sea, Mesopotamia and Italy. And the Romans, rich urban citizens passed time on the beaches of Egypt and Greece. 1800s During those years a few people travelled in the past: Soldiers, administrators, the wealthy, teachers, painters, singers, pilgrims and sometimes good and famous chef cooks. But those years, “travelling” is often considered as the ancestor of tourism. The “Larousse dictionary”, 1876 indicates that “in the time of the stagecoaches, the tourist was almost nonexistent, there were only travelers”. If tourism nowadays is a pleasure, travelling has not always been so. Travelling in the 18th century depended on the coaching inns in the towns and the posting houses along the route. The inn also acted as a travel agency providing tickets for travelers plus food and accommodation. By the way, Steam navigation began in Scotland in 1812 and the railway’s use of touristic routes and destinations began towards the end of the 19 th century. Modern tourism is said to have started on the 19 th June, 1841. On that day Thomas Cook walked 15 miles to a meeting in Leicester. On this journey he conceived the idea of hiring a train and organizing a trip for his fellow members. The experiment was unique because here, for the first time, tickets had been bought by an agent from the railways for re-sale to the public and packaged with other services provided by the organizer. 1900s The First World War gave first hand experience of countries and aroused a sense of curiosity about international travel among less well off sector for the first time. The large scale of migration to the US meant a lot of travel across the Atlantic. After the end of the Second World War (1939-1945), more job positions were created and people had more money to spend on new experiences. New forms of travel marketing, such as posters, guide books and radio stimulated the public to travel. Fashion, music and the youth culture influenced leisure of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. 2000s Today, tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. With fast and convenient transport and all-inclusive packages, the age of mass tourism had truly arrived. The 20th century development in travel and tourism was: increasing car ownership, the development of the passenger jet aircraft, and the introduction of the “package tour”. People expect high quality service on all levels. Focus on the family, health and security will greatly influence the choice of leisure activities. Clients want to be more independent. The increasing demand for shorter holidays and breaks is also expected. Visitors of working age prolong their main holiday periods; they prefer weekend packages, short breaks and other short vacations instead. Late bookings reflect changes in life styles and work patterns. Other forms of tourism have been becoming more popular, particularly: Agro tourism, City tourism, Cultural tourism, Dark tourism (or grief tourism), Disaster tourism, Drug tourism, Ecotourism, Gambling tourism, Heritage tourism, Health tourism, Incentive tourism, Medical tourism, Perpetual tourism, Sex tourism, Sports tourism and Sustainable tourism. Travelling people always needed to find food and accommodation. The word hotel, describing a place providing food and accommodation appeared very late in our vocabulary. Even early 20 th century, English language encyclopedias did not list the word hotel but used the word inn. Late 2000s Tourism takes place as the largest generator of wealth and employment in the world. Despite the importance of tourism in economic and social terms and its undeniable perspectives of growth, it has registered great difficulties in obtaining its legal political recognition. Tourism ought to be a political recognition as one of the activities of the future, with a tremendous capacity to provide new opportunities to meet important political objectives such as the economic growth and wellbeing of populations, employment, regional development, and patrimonial value. On the other hand, Ian Yeoman, a tourism future scientist, implied that there will be robot bartenders and rooms with color-changing wallpaper according to the clients’ demands that it has been applied at the Hill Side Hotel in Antalya, Turkey. By the way, the future of the tourism will concentrate on ecotourism because people focus on organic agriculture. And some people started to make moon holiday reservations. No-one knows how the tourism will be in the future. Çetin Emeç Bulvarı 1290.Sokak No:1 Öveçler-Çankaya-ANKARA E-posta Tel :90 312 472 09 68/69/70 Fax :90 312 472 09 67